Calculation of alcohol removal from the body. Determining the degree of intoxication using an alcohol calculator

There is a so-called norm of ppm alcohol in the blood, knowing which, a person will understand whether he can drive and at what stage of intoxication he is. The ppm unit measures the pure alcohol content in a person's blood after drinking alcohol. To determine its value, you can use special formulas and tables.

Degree of intoxication in ppm

The table by which you can determine the stage of intoxication in ppm should be used simultaneously with formulas that will help you independently calculate the content of pure alcohol in the blood after drinking alcoholic beverages. When using the table, you need to take into account that the indicators are influenced by factors such as the age of the subject, his gender, general condition health, presence or absence of chronic diseases.

Decoding the level of ppm in the blood according to the table:

Signs of alcohol intoxication

When alcohol enters the bloodstream, certain signs are observed that may warrant sending, for example, the driver for a medical examination. These signs of alcohol intoxication include:

  1. A strong odor of alcohol emanates from a person's mouth. Moreover, even the strongest modern means they can’t get rid of it, which is why it is categorically not recommended to drive with such aromas.
  2. After drinking alcohol, a person’s posture becomes unstable and their gait becomes uncertain. This symptom is classified as impaired motor coordination.
  3. There is trembling of the upper extremities or only the fingers.
  4. Neurological disorders are clearly visible - the person begins to talk too loudly, and his speech will be unintelligible. Drinking alcohol leads to an incorrect assessment of the environment, a person becomes aggressive, and may demonstrate unnatural behavior.

Calculation of ppm alcohol in blood

This value can be calculated using several formulas. It is important to remember that with such a study you can only determine the level of alcohol content, but not the time of drinking alcohol. Another important point: An equal volume of alcoholic drinks of different strengths will “produce” different pure alcohol content. For example, half a liter of vodka and the same amount of beer will be given different results: in the first case, the person will be very intoxicated and alcohol poisoning, and in the second - mild intoxication, which will pass in a couple of hours.

Widmark's formula

This formula is considered the most common and frequently used today:

C = A/m* r

C is the value of the total concentration of pure alcohol in the blood

A is the mass of alcohol, which is expressed in grams (it is necessary to convert the volume of alcohol consumed into mass)

M – total body mass of the patient (his weight)

r – Widmark coefficient: for women it is 0.6, and for men – 0.7.

Please note:if you need to calculate total quantity alcohol. which was drunk the day before, then you should use the formula A=s*m*r.

Dubrovsky formula

You can determine the amount of alcohol in the blood and based on exhaled air data using Dubrovsky’s special formula:

WITH air = C eau * K1* e ( K2 *T)

C eau - liquid, represents the level of alcohol concentration in the liquid

C air is the concentration of alcohol in exhaled vapor

K1 – constant value equal to 0.04145

K2 is the value of a constant equal to 0.06583

K2*T – special power of the number “e”

T – temperature value.

The formula is used only by specialists, but you can use it yourself. For example, if the temperature of exhaled vapor is 35 degrees, then the following value is obtained:

0.3*1/2100=0.15 mg/l.

This calculation formula is used when there is a breathalyzer of any type, from the simplest to complex devices that make it possible to obtain certain data.

Calculation without a calculator

C = A / (P * r) – b60 * T

C – alcohol concentration

A – the amount of alcohol consumed previously in grams (the volume must simply be multiplied by the density - 0.79384)

P – body weight

r is a reduction unit that shows the proportion of alcohol entering the blood. For men and women this value is different, for women it is 0.55, and for men – 0.68

b60 – the value of how much the concentration of alcohol decreases in 1 hour. It is at the level of 0.1-0.16 g/l

T – time that has passed since drinking alcohol.

To make it clearer, here is an example of a simple calculation based on the following available data:

A = 0.4*100 ml*0.7484= 31.936 g

N = 2 hours

r = 0.68

P = 80 kg

r = 0.68

b60 = 0.13.

The result will be the following answer: C = 31.936/(038*80) = 0.3270588 ‰ or 0.33 ‰. This ppm indicator means that the man is still intoxicated, his reaction is slightly inhibited, and it is better for him not to get behind the wheel.

The following tables for calculating ppm of alcohol in the blood can also be used at home, this will help determine in a controversial situation whether it is possible to drive a car. But you need to know the number of ppm that are allowed when driving a vehicle - this data will be individual for each country. In Russia since 2013 permissible norm alcohol while driving was 0.16 ppm in the breath and 0.35 in the blood.

Every year the penalties for this traffic violation are becoming more stringent. Everyone recognizes the social danger of such a violation, but not everyone agrees when deciding what dose of alcohol in the blood or exhaled air must be established for a driver to be found guilty of drinking alcohol while driving. And this is a very serious issue for all road users and especially for drivers. In addition to the fine and deprivation of rights mentioned above, for drinking alcohol while driving, you can receive an administrative arrest or be prosecuted. Read more about this.

There are countries that allow moderate drinking while driving.

Acceptable standards

Russian legislation (Article 12.8 of the Code of Administrative Offences, note) prohibits the driver from using any substances that lead to intoxication. These include alcohol, drugs, psychotropic and toxicological substances. Responsibility for violating the requirements of this article, as well as Article 12.27 Part 3, regarding the ban on taking intoxicants after an accident, occurs only when the fact of the presence of ethyl alcohol vapor in the driver’s exhaled air is established. The presence of psychotropic or narcotic substances in the driver’s body is determined by the results of a blood and urine test.

Alcoholic drinks that will give 0.3 ppm after a certain time

The units used to measure intoxication are “milligrams per liter” (mg/l) and “ppm” (‰). The law sets the permissible alcohol content while driving at 0.16 mg/liter in exhaled air or 0.35 ppm in the blood.

It is important to understand:

  1. During a medical examination, blood can be taken from a vein for analysis and then the alcohol content will be indicated in ppm.
  2. The examination is carried out with a breathalyzer. Alcohol vapor is found in exhaled breath and will be measured in milligrams per liter (mg/L).
  3. In the medical examination report, which is drawn up when a driver is intoxicated, the alcohol concentration is always indicated in mg/l, and not in ppm. These are, as they say in Odessa, two big differences.

The difference between measurements in ppm and milligrams per liter

Permille - this word means the thousandth part of some value, i.e. one tenth of a percent, represented by the symbol "‰". This unit of measurement is used to indicate the number of thousandths of any physical quantity. To understand the difference between “‰” and “mg/l”, you should understand the following points:

  1. mg/l is a unit of measurement for the concentration of alcohol in the air;
  2. ppm is a unit of measurement of the specific alcohol content in the blood.

It has been established that there is a strictly proportional relationship between the number of alcohol molecules contained in a unit volume of lung air and its content in the patient’s blood.
Thus, ppm and mg/l are units of measurement of different physical parameters, but they are related. Medical studies have shown that a person whose blood contains 1 ppm of alcohol exhales air with an alcohol concentration of 0.45 mg/l. Therefore, ppm is related to mg/l in a constant ratio of 1:0.45. Therefore, 1 ppm = 0.45 mg/l.

The legal breath alcohol content of 0.16 mg/l corresponds to the blood alcohol limit of 0.35 ppm.

There are devices whose readings can be taken both in milligrams/liter and in ppm. However, in any case, when drawing up a medical examination report, the device readings should be indicated in mg/l, as determined by the requirement of Article 12.8 of the Administrative Code, which may require in some cases carrying out recalculations.

The question arises, where did this figure come from - 0.16 mg/l or 0.3 ppm?

This value is defined in the law as the total measurement error obtained when using the measuring instruments available in operation. That is, the permissible limit of 0.16 mg/l should be understood not as an indicator of intoxication, but as an inaccuracy in the device readings. Thus, if the device shows 0.16 mg/l or more, then it is considered that the driver has been drinking alcohol. This means the permissible level of alcohol for a driver is 0.16 mg/l or 0.35 ppm; if more, this is already alcohol intoxication.

The law does not indicate that the readings of the device must be confirmed by other signs of intoxication, such as an unsteady gait, lack of coordination, etc. Consequently, execution using special instruments that produce the measurement result on paper media information does not require clinical confirmation of the results by conducting an additional examination in order to identify other indirect signs of intoxication and recording its results in the appropriate act of execution of this procedure.

The requirements of the law imply complete sobriety of the driver without discounts on various low-alcohol tonic drinks in the form of “energy drinks” or beer, which are allowed in a number of foreign countries. The threshold in the form of a permitted alcohol limit of 0.16 mg/liter was made in order to eliminate problems with errors in device readings, as well as with the existing natural dose of ethanol in the blood of a certain category of people.

The limits of measurement accuracy of instruments used to determine the concentration of alcohol in the air are established by Rosstandart based on research conducted various types breathalyzers approved for practical application. Moreover, the limits are defined with some reserve. Declared by the manufacturers measuring instruments The measurement accuracy for most devices is from 0.03-0.04 mg/l.

The remaining margin of permissible error values ​​is calculated for the influence of unfavorable climatic and other conditions during the measurement process, for example temperature and air humidity. It also levels out measurement results relative to instrument types. Whatever type of device is used for medical examination, the lower threshold is the same for all – 0.16 mg/l.

How much do you need to drink to have 0.3 ppm in your blood?

The maximum concentration of alcohol in the body is reached 0.5-2 hours after drinking. When drinking a shot of vodka, a person consumes 40 grams of alcohol, which will be absorbed into the blood in the form of 0.5-0.6‰. Alcohol oxidation in the body occurs at a rate of 7-10 g/hour. This corresponds to a decrease in its content by 0.1-0.16‰. This means that in order for the alcohol consumed to “dissipate” from the body to the permissible limit, at least 4-5 hours must pass after consumption.

Comparison table of permissible 0.3 ppm

There are times when there are moments when a drunk person needs to get behind the wheel while intoxicated, but how to calculate the dose of drinking at which you can afford this, without violating the rules.

In this case, there is a device that determines the concentration of alcohol in the blood. This is an alcohol calculator, it allows you to correctly calculate the dose alcohol taken in ppm.

But, even if you have such a tester, you need to remember that even the most innocent portion of alcohol can turn into big troubles for you, which are provided by the Code of Administrative Offenses. What kind of device is this, and how does it work, let’s take a closer look?

What is ppm?

Promille is a unit of measurement of alcohol in a person's blood. Not everyone understands what 1 ppm contains and how much alcohol-containing liquid is consumed per mille. This unit of measurement shows the exact amount of impurities in a liquid.

If to measure any substance we take a unit, a tenth, a hundredth and other parts of a unit, then one thousandth of the whole is considered to be taken as 1 ppm. Without knowing the full calculation, ppm can be confused with percentage, but this is not so.

The former is a tenth of 1 percent and is used in laboratory research for more precise definition ethanol in human blood.

How online calculators work

Each alcohol calculator has several parameters, when entered, you can determine the concentration of alcohol in the blood with an accuracy of 99%.

These options include:

  1. person's gender;
  2. age data;
  3. height;
  4. type of drink;
  5. percentage of alcohol in the drink;
  6. the amount of drink consumed.

In addition to the basic data, the alcohol calculator includes the fullness of the stomach, that is, whether there was a snack or whether the drink was taken on an empty stomach.

All these parameters are taken into account in a special way when determining the concentration of alcohol in the blood. There is one caveat: the online calculator does not calculate ppm for a person weighing less than 40 kg.

At the end of the calculation, the device will display the amount of alcohol in your blood, and will also show the rate of alcohol removal from your blood.

Calculation formulas

The amount of ppm alcohol in the blood is easy to calculate; there is a certain algorithm for this. The correctness of the result depends on the entered parameters.

The calculation formula is as follows:

  • The amount of alcoholic product consumed is multiplied by the percentage of alcohol content in it;
  • The resulting milliliters are converted into grams; for this you need to know the density of the alcohol. The density is multiplied by the results obtained;
  • Divide the amount of pure alcohol by the total mass of the liquid and get the amount per mille.

Here you need to know that the weight human body and the total mass of all fluid in the body do not coincide. For the male body, 70% is taken, for the female body - 60% of the weight.

Permissible blood alcohol limits for drivers

Due to the increased incidence of accidents on Russian highways, every year the government adjusts the data on the permissible limits for the permitted amount of alcohol consumed while driving.

Previously, the permissible standards were zero. Today, the situation is different, since the food market is saturated with food products that also contain alcohol. Today, the permissible alcohol standards in Russia are: content in the air during exhalation is 0.16, in the blood - 0.35 units ppm.

In other countries things are different:

In addition, in some countries it is even prohibited for passengers to be intoxicated, for which huge fines are imposed.

Forms of intoxication

The amount of alcohol in the blood, of course, varies, it depends on the degree of fun, by the way.

But still, there are several stages of intoxication:


With slight intoxication, and this is considered to be 0.2-0.5 ppm of alcohol in the blood, the lighting of oncoming traffic is not perceived.

In addition, a drunk person has poor control of the situation, and the distance between participants on the road is not maintained. The drinker gets a feeling of euphoria, he wants speed.


This should include 0.5-0.8 ppm. On the road, a drunk person loses control of himself, does not hear or see signals from other drivers. Often such accidents end in accidents.


The ppm in alcohol increases to 1.2 units. With such intoxication, a person loses his balance, he is completely relaxed.

Side traffic on the roads is simply not noticed. Such a person is a real threat to others and to himself.


Number of ppm up to 2.5 units. Here a person not only cannot drive a car, but also cannot control his own legs.

His brain is completely disconnected from reality; he cannot see beyond his nose.

Therefore, the first meter of driving a car can lead to very disastrous situations.


An online calculator for determining blood alcohol concentration is a great help for many people.

If, even with a small dose of alcohol consumed, it seems to you that this is the norm, then having received the results from the tester, you will be confident in yourself and determine your degree of intoxication and even find out how long it will take for the alcohol to leave the body in order to safely drive your car. car without harm to yourself and others.

Male female

Maximum concentration:

0 ‰

The indicated concentration corresponds to:

no influence of alcohol

Time to remove alcohol from the body:

0 hour 0 min

Our online calculator alcohol level calculates the ethanol content in the blood (ethyl alcohol) in ppm, classifies the degree of intoxication and reports the approximate time of elimination of alcohol from the human body. Alcohol calculator works based on the Widmark formula adjusted for human height.

The result of calculating how long it takes for alcohol to be removed from the body to the permissible limit will be useful to drivers. The resulting averaged answer meets the legal requirements for both the Russian Federation and Ukraine.

The calculator calculates the amount of alcohol in the blood based on the internationally recognized formula of the Swedish chemist Erik Widmark. For greater accuracy, an additional coefficient (k) is introduced into the formula, taking into account human height. It is worth noting that the resulting answer in ppm is the theoretical maximum possible concentration of ethanol in the blood.

  • C is the maximum possible concentration of ethyl alcohol in human blood, ‰ (ppm);
  • A is the volume of drink consumed, ml;
  • s - drink strength, %;
  • m - body weight, kg;
  • k - human height, cm;
  • r - Widmark distribution coefficient (0.70 - for men, 0.60 - for women).

The classic Widmark formula takes into account the amount of ethyl alcohol consumed. For ease of calculation, an additional coefficient (s) was introduced into the formula, taking into account the strength of the drink.

Dependence of coefficient k on growth:

Height, cm k value
120-140 1,0
140-160 0,9
160-180 0,8
180 and above 0,75

Note: do not confuse the amount of ethanol in the blood and in the exhaled air; these values ​​may differ. Our calculator calculates your blood alcohol content.

Degree of intoxication

The online calculator calculates the degree of intoxication based on the obtained ppm using the above-mentioned formula. In the table below you can see how the degree of intoxication depends on ppm:

Time to remove alcohol from the body

The calculator calculates the time it takes for alcohol to leave the human body using a special formula. To do this, the maximum permissible content of ethyl alcohol in the blood (C) is divided by 0.15 (the average rate of ethanol elimination per hour).

It is worth noting that the time obtained using the calculator does not mean that during this period the complete breakdown of alcohol in the blood will occur. It will only drop to the legal norm when the driver can get behind the wheel. Permitted standards for substance content in the body:

  • 0.32 ‰ - in Russia;
  • 0.3 ‰ - in the Republic of Belarus;
  • 0.2 ‰ - in Ukraine.

This does NOT mean that the driver is allowed to drink a little. In Russia and Ukraine, according to the law, it is forbidden to drive after taking any doses of alcohol. The norm is indicated rather formally, because The human body can contain small amounts of ethanol without drinking alcoholic beverages.

Table of alcohol removal from the body up to the 0 ‰ mark:

How does the body rid itself of alcohol?

Once in the body, alcohol begins to be absorbed into the mucous membrane already in the oral cavity, but the main part is absorbed in the stomach and intestines. Penetrating into the blood, ethanol causes rapid intoxication, the rate of which may slow down depending on the fullness of the gastrointestinal tract with food, the presence of gases and related substances in the drink.

Almost immediately, the breakdown of ethanol in the liver begins under the action of enzymes: the transition into acetaldehyde, then into acetic acid and, at the last stage, into water, carbon dioxide and energy. Happening here splitting up to 90% alcohol, the remaining 10% is utilized by the kidneys, excreted through breathing and sweat. The body is released from alcohol at a rate of 0.1 g of ethanol per kg of body weight per hour - this is a standard indicator that may vary.

How to speed up the removal of ethanol from the body

There are several common ways to speed up the removal of ethanol from the body:

  • Fluid intake. Drinking plenty of fluids helps remove toxins. It could be clean water or drinks with a diuretic effect: tea, coffee, juices, herbal infusions.
  • Bath or sauna. This method is not suitable for everyone, but in the old days the bathhouse was considered a cure for all diseases due to the strong effect of rapid detoxification.
  • Gastric lavage. If a little time has passed after drinking alcohol, you can cleanse the body by drinking up to 2 liters of clean boiled water and inducing vomiting.
  • Enema. Another way to remove the remains of undigested alcohol from the gastrointestinal tract.

Taking sorbents can also slightly reduce the amount of ethanol, but the main factors influencing the rate of breakdown still remain time and liver health.

How to understand that you are already sober

The main available method to understand that you are already sober is to use a special table with the predicted time of ethanol breakdown depending on body weight, strength and amount of alcohol consumed. Do not forget that in the female body alcohol breaks down more slowly, so the time will be different.

To determine the degree of intoxication by sensations, you can conduct several “home” tests:

  • touch the tip of your nose with your index finger;
  • walk along an imaginary line, maintaining balance;
  • do a one-legged stance for 30 seconds.

The amount of drink consumed per hour also plays a role. 1 glass of vodka, 1 glass of wine, 0.34 liters of beer - in most countries this is considered one measure, and if a person drinks more within an hour, then he is definitely drunk.

Devices for determining the presence of alcohol in the blood

To obtain reliable data, special devices are used to determine the presence of alcohol in the blood: breathalyzers and breathalyzers, tubes and test strips. Such devices are designed for industrial or home use and have a wide price range. The scope of their use: when allowing employees to work, determining the level of alcohol by traffic police officers, monitoring by parents of a teenager, self-testing after drinking alcohol.

Our alcohol calculator was created solely to clearly demonstrate the dependence of ethanol content in the blood on various factors. The value of ppm and the timing of alcohol removal from the blood depend on many other factors, including the physiological characteristics of the body, nutrition and much more. We do not recommend using it for scientific works or for educational purposes. Try to drink alcohol less often, be healthy and live long!

What did you drink (cm)


IN lately The problem of drunk drivers is being actively discussed. The state is introducing new penalties for driving while intoxicated. How to determine when you can drive? To answer this question it will help alcohol calculator (alcocalculator). He will calculate the time after which the alcohol in the blood will disappear and you can safely get behind the wheel. For the calculation, the world-famous formulas of Eric Mateo Prohet Widmark and Seidl, which are used by criminologists, are used. We can safely say that this is the most accurate alcohol calculator.

Online blood alcohol calculator

According to the results of statistical studies, 30% of road accidents occur due to the fault of drunk drivers. To avoid being one of them, to control your condition it is enough to use this alcohol intoxication calculator. It will quickly show online how many ppm in blood and when you can get behind the wheel. Especially now, when the blood alcohol level should be equal to zero and it is very easy to lose your rights. So our calculator can be used as alcohol calculator for drivers.

(or alcocalculator) can be useful to determine alcohol aging time. By entering your weight and height, as well as the amount of alcohol consumed and its strength and indicating whether the drinks were drunk on a full or empty stomach, you can find out how long it will take there will be no traces of alcohol in the blood. It is possible to specify up to 5 different drinks. Exact formulas allow you to determine How long does it take for alcohol to dissipate?. Moreover, the calculator will show ppm in the blood after drinking, as well as time it takes for alcohol to leave the blood(minimum - for people who are able to quickly process alcohol, average - for most people and maximum for people who have low alcohol withdrawal rate).

Permissible blood alcohol level for different countries has different sizes. .

Blood alcohol level

Blood alcohol level depends on the state the person was in when drinking alcohol - depends on the degree of filling of the stomach.

Alcohol calculator for a wedding

And this question will help answer alcohol calculator. It is enough to know to what state the guests want to get drunk and how many guests will celebrate. By calculating the required amount of alcohol in the blood for one guest, we can easily find out how much alcohol do you need for a wedding. At the same time, do not overdo it - for fun, the amount of alcohol in the blood should not be raised above 3 ppm. Well, car enthusiasts can easily identify blood alcohol level.

How many ppm are allowed in 2019

In 2019, the permissible level of alcohol in the blood is 0.35 ppm, and in exhaled air 0.16 ppm.

Addendum 2013

How many ppm are allowed?

In accordance with the Federal Law of July 23, 2013 N 196-FZ “On Amendments to the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses and Article 28 of the Federal Law “On Security” traffic» from September 1, 2013, the level of alcohol in the driver’s blood is allowed

0.16 ppm in exhaled air

0.35 ppm in blood

Our calculator also takes this change into account; now you will find out not only the time for complete elimination of alcohol from the body, but also the time for elimination before acceptable values. Thus, our online calculator will now easily answer the question how many ppm is allowed in 2013. In this regard, we are the first to offer a calculator that takes into account the new standards of 2013. Your rating

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