Antiviral drugs for chickenpox in children. Drugs for the treatment of chickenpox in children: nuances and precautions. Antihistamines and other drugs to relieve itching

Chickenpox is associated in children and adults with green spots on the body, home quarantine, and taking antipyretics when the temperature rises. This was the case only in Soviet countries.

Foreign and domestic experts in modern conditions They prescribe much more medications for chickenpox, comprehensively affecting the symptoms of the viral disease and striving to strengthen the immune system.

Choice of drugs against chickenpox

When choosing medications for chickenpox, it is important to consider which symptoms bother the patient:

  • Weakness.
  • skin itching.
  • Hyperthermia.
  • Soreness in the mouth.
  • Abundance of liquid rashes.
  • Another condition indicating deterioration of immunity.

To make the patient feel better, one or more medications may be prescribed. For example, doctors prescribe antihistamines to eliminate itching in the form of tablets and ointments, antimicrobials for external treatment of ulcers, antipyretics for high temperature and fever, immunoglobulins - to enhance the body’s natural defenses, etc.

Many medications are not prescribed to patients with chickenpox. For treatment, 1–2 medications are sufficient to eliminate the symptoms of a specific degree of chickenpox. In mild cases and in moderate cases of the disease, therapy is carried out at home; in severe cases with the threat of complications, the patient is hospitalized.

Treatment of children for chickenpox is reduced to the use of antipruritic, antiseptic and antipyretic drugs. Teenagers and adults suffering from chickenpox are additionally prescribed antiviral medications, because their pathology is more severe.

Treatment of chickenpox with antihistamines

The pharmacological effect of antihistamines for chickenpox is aimed at relieving itching and swelling of tissues. They promote rapid drying of papules and regeneration of virus-damaged skin. Antihistamine tablets, drops and ointments for chickenpox reduce allergic reactions and act as a sedative.

If a child is sick, the dosage of the drug should be calculated by the doctor, since childhood Every year of a patient's life is important. Until the baby recovers, parents need to monitor him and not allow him to scratch the affected skin and tear off scabs.

What medicine for chickenpox with an antipruritic effect can a doctor prescribe:

No less effective in treatment are such options as chickenpox spray Poksklin, D-Panthenol, Calamine, Floceta, Epigen. From folk remedies Manganese baths are a good remedy for itching.

The use of antihistamine tablets is safer, since it is not possible to maintain exact dosages when applying a gel or ointment. It is especially important to prevent overdose of drugs when treating children.

Antiseptics and anti-inflammatory drugs

To ensure that chickenpox rashes quickly dry out and harden into crusts, and to prevent bacterial infection of wounds, doctors prescribe lubricating the affected areas with brilliant green, Fukortsin, and preparations containing zinc (Tsindol suspension, zinc ointment).

It is more effective in treating chickenpox than brilliant green.

The raspberry-colored solution is a combined product that harmlessly dries the skin and exhibits disinfecting properties. Tsindol for chickenpox is prescribed to reduce exudation and protect the skin from inflammation, irritation and exposure to pathogenic flora. The suspension creates a protective barrier on the skin that protects against negative factors.

Miramistin is also prescribed as an antiseptic and antiviral ointment for the skin for chickenpox. Another form of drug release is an external solution with a substance concentration of 0.01%. Miramistin is used in the form of applications, applied to gauze bandages and applied to areas of profuse rashes.

Among the antibiotics for the prevention of secondary infection with chickenpox, Baneocin is indicated. The drug is released in the form of ointment and powder. Apply it externally.

Immunoglobulins and antiviral drugs for chickenpox

Immunostimulants as part of complex therapy for chickenpox are recommended for children in the first months of life with weakened immunity and adults with established immunodeficiency. The effectiveness of immunoglobulin is due to the ability of the substance to recognize harmful foreign structures and work to destroy them.

Today, the most popular and studied remedy for strengthening the immune system is Cycloferon.

It rebuilds the cells of the human body so that they lose susceptibility to the effects of the herpes simplex virus - the causative agent of chickenpox, prevent the spread of harmful strains and activate the immune system.

Cycloferon is a 5% liniment that easily penetrates the skin and stimulates the synthesis of interferons. The drug also acts as an antiseptic, protecting damaged skin from bacteria.

The immunostimulant Kipferon can be used to treat chickenpox in children over 2 years of age. It is prescribed in severe cases. The drug is expensive, but has no contraindications.

For chickenpox, it is prescribed in the form of suppositories and ointments. Suppositories are more effective due to rapid absorption by the intestine.

Antiviral skin ointments and tablets for internal use is usually prescribed to adult patients with obvious abnormalities in the functioning of the immune system. Such drugs are not prescribed to children, because their body copes with the virus on its own.

If chickenpox is severe, or there is a risk of complications, patients are prescribed tablets and powders for intravenous injection. The dosage and duration of treatment with acyclovir drugs is determined by the doctor.


Effective analogues of Acyclovir for chickenpox (they are also a cure for colds on the lips):

  • Virolex.
  • Zovirax.
  • Valtrex.
  • Famvir.
  • Gerpevir.
  • Arbidol.
  • Famciclovir.
  • Ganciclovir.
  • Valaciclovir.

Chickenpox (chickenpox, Varicella) is a contagious disease transmitted by airborne droplets. The causative agent is the Herpes zoster DNA virus, a volatile virus that quickly dies in the external environment. The source of infection is always a patient with chickenpox or herpes zoster (herpes zoster). The incubation period ranges from 11 to 21 days, active phase The illness lasts from 4 to 8 days.

After the illness, persistent lifelong immunity occurs, the frequency of re-infections is less than 3%. The course of chickenpox is usually mild, beginning with a high fever and the appearance of characteristic rashes. How older child, the more severe the disease progresses.

Chickenpox is an infectious disease that can be mild or severe, in which case a number of medications will be needed to relieve symptoms.

The best medicines

Chicken pox is dangerous due to its complications, including: viral encephalitis with ataxia, serous meningitis with general disorders of brain activity (we recommend reading:). When rash elements appear on the mucous membrane of the pharynx, larynx and vocal cords, swelling and stenosis of the larynx (varicella croup) may develop.

To prevent the development of complications, chickenpox must be treated even if it is mild. In the treatment of chickenpox, it is important to prescribe specific antiviral drugs, as well as relieve symptoms and local treatment of areas covered with a rash. Self-medication is unacceptable - consultation with a doctor - pediatrician or infectious disease specialist is required.

Antiviral drugs

In pediatric practice, when treating chickenpox with a normal course, antiviral drugs are practically not prescribed. However, sometimes there is still a need for specific antiviral therapy: during the neonatal period, if elements of the rash cover the entire surface of the baby’s body, the infection has a lightning-fast course.

  • The most effective drug with antiherpetic activity is Acyclovir (Zovirax). In tablet form it is prescribed orally.
  • When a rash appears on the mucous membrane of the eye, it is convenient to use Acyclovir ointment (we recommend reading:).
  • In case of reduced immunity, interferon-based drugs are recommended - Viferon, Kipferon suppositories, Infagel ointment (we recommend reading:).
  • Arbidol and Anaferon are approved for use in the treatment of chickenpox in children over 3 years of age. These drugs do not have a specific antiviral effect, but improve the general condition and well-being of the patient.
  • The drugs Miramistin and Epigen for external use have high antiviral activity. local application. The spray is prescribed to treat rashes on the mucous membrane of the nose, mouth, and pharynx, and the ointment is prescribed to treat the skin.

Antihistamines and other drugs to relieve itching

Constant annoying itching of the rash is one of the most unpleasant symptoms of chickenpox. A child, scratching the rash, violates the integrity of the skin, which leads to the penetration of bacterial flora into the wound.

An infected scratched wound takes a long time to heal. After healing, a deep, unsightly scar remains at the site of the sore. Antihistamines can help relieve severe itching. Antiallergic drugs have the effect of reducing itching, but only a doctor can choose them correctly.

In the treatment of chickenpox, drugs of various generations are used:

  • early generation products: tablets Suprastin, Tavegil, Diazolin;
  • medications of the following generations: tablets Cetirizine, Loratadine, Levocetirizine, Desloratadine, drops Fenistil, Zyrtec.

Ointments and gels, for example, Fenistil, Iricar, have the effect of reducing itching (more details in the article:). Gel Poksklin reduces swelling, inflammation, itching and has a bactericidal effect (we recommend reading:).


When body temperature rises above 38.5 degrees, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are prescribed as an antipyretic drug. The best drugs To reduce the temperature with chickenpox, use Paracetamol and Ibuprofen in rectal suppositories, syrup or tablets.

Aspirin and Analgin should not be used, since their use during viral fever can provoke the development of a dangerous complication - Reye's syndrome (acute liver failure and encephalopathy).

According to available data, the use of ibuprofen-based products for chickenpox is also contraindicated, because promotes the occurrence of bacterial fasciitis (inflammation of the muscle membrane).


A sick child should be given sedatives and mild sleeping pills. The choice of a sedative for chickenpox should be treated with great caution. The occurrence of a skin allergic reaction to a medication taken may simply not be noticed against the background of a specific chickenpox rash.

The most suitable are homeopathic preparations or infusions medicinal herbs. Herbal tea drinks “Babushkino Lukoshko” and “Evening Tale” will speed up the approach of sleep and make it deeper.

Homeopathic drops Bayu-Bai, Notta, Valerianahel, combined drugs Persen, Novopassit will help stop the crying and whims of a sick child. The calmer it will be nervous system baby, the faster he will recover.

Drugs to enhance immunity

Immunostimulating and immunomodulating drugs for chickenpox are prescribed for particularly severe cases. Specific anti-chickenpox immunoglobulin is used quite rarely - mainly to prevent the occurrence of the disease in contact pregnant women.

To activate and stimulate general immunity, Cycloferon is most often used. When taken orally, Cycloferon tablets stimulate the synthesis of their own interferons - specific antibodies to the virus. Timalin, Thymogen, Polyoxidonium also have a similar effect (we recommend reading:).

To strengthen local immunity, Cycloferon ointment containing an antiseptic is prescribed as part of complex therapy. It is advisable to use Miramistin spray, which also helps strengthen local immunity.

Non-drug treatment of chickenpox in children

Children with chickenpox are usually prescribed outpatient treatment and home mode. Patients with severe and generalized forms of the disease, in the presence of immunodeficiency conditions or the development of complications require hospitalization in a hospital.

In order to prevent the spread of infection, the patient is isolated. The patient's contact with others is limited as much as possible.

Hygiene and care

Strict adherence to the regime and careful personal hygiene have great importance to speed up recovery and prevent complications. Nails need to be cut short.

During the acute period of fever, children are prescribed bed rest and minimal physical and mental stress.

Elements of the rash and resulting wounds are treated several times a day. To prevent the addition of a secondary bacterial infection, 20 years ago it was customary to treat whole vials with an alcohol solution of aniline dyes - brilliant green, methylene blue, Fukortsin, and opened elements - with their aqueous solution.

Currently, more modern and safer products have appeared that dry the skin and have disinfecting properties. Tsindol suspension and Calamine lotion based on zinc reduce exudative inflammatory manifestations.

It is advisable to use Miramistin and Floceta solutions to treat foci of severe rashes. The spray is applied to the affected skin in the form of applications with gauze bandages.

A patient with chickenpox needs to change his underwear and bed sheets. Every day you need to take a hygienic shower or bath (after the fever disappears) without a washcloth, be sure to wash the genitals and natural folds of the skin.

Drinking regime

Children with chickenpox need to be given plenty of water. Diluted fruit juices and fruit drinks, boiled or still, will help remove viral waste products and toxins from the body. mineral water, weakly brewed tea.

Chamomile is very popular in folk medicine for the treatment of chickenpox.

High-carbohydrate foods are excluded from the children's menu during illness; all food should be soft, pureed, steamed. If there are rashes in the oral cavity after eating, you should rinse your mouth with a solution of furatsilin, a decoction of chamomile, and calendula.

Folk remedies

In folk medicine, to strengthen the immune system, it is often recommended to eat a teaspoon of honey with a drop lemon juice several times a day. Blueberries and celery juice help speed up recovery.

Warm herbal baths with a drying and disinfecting effect (oak bark, chamomile, calendula, nettle) will help relieve itching - at the baby’s normal body temperature. You can wipe your skin with a solution of baking soda.

Warm milk with honey before bed will help you calm down and fall asleep faster. Before using medicinal herbs and other remedies traditional medicine consultation with a doctor is required.

With timely care and treatment, recovery occurs in 10-14 days. Chickenpox in children is not dangerous and never occurs again.

What is the best medicine for chickenpox? This question is asked by many people faced with an unpleasant disease. Various medications are used to treat the disease. What to choose?

How to choose the right one

Chickenpox is a viral disease. During the incubation period it does not manifest itself in any way, then it develops quite quickly with pronounced symptoms.

How is therapy selected for chickenpox? Treatment is aimed at relieving symptoms and strengthening the immune system. Medicines are selected depending on the symptoms observed in a person.


  • Elevated temperature
  • Rash,
  • Painful sensations
  • Weakness, lethargy.

Based on the signs of chickenpox, the doctor will prescribe the most appropriate medications.


  • Antipyretic,
  • Painkillers,
  • External preparations for the treatment of rashes,
  • Antihistamines,
  • Immunomodulators,
  • Antiviral.

What medications to choose for chickenpox should be decided by the doctor after diagnosis.

Pain medications

Quite often, chickenpox can cause pain. In this case, it is necessary to take medications to relieve pain.

Most safe drug For children, paracetamol is considered. Unlike ibuprofen, it will not provoke a negative reaction on the skin. Tablets can be used for treatment.

Sick children with chickenpox should not be given aspirin as a pain reliever. This drug can cause the development of a fatal disease - Reye's syndrome (the brain and liver suffer).

Painkillers are used in the presence and on the genitals due to the fact that they cause discomfort.

Antipyretic drugs

With chickenpox, patients' temperature rises. Thermometer values ​​can reach forty degrees. In this case, medications are used that can lower the temperature to normal.


  • ibuklin
  • ibuprofen (less effective for chickenpox)

Nurofen is used in tablets for adults, and in the form of syrup for children. Cannot be used for diseases of the stomach or cardiac system. If used incorrectly, it causes side effects in the form of problems with blood formation, high blood pressure. With high overdoses, the development of Quincke's edema is possible.

Paracetamol is used according to the instructions for use. If used incorrectly, it delays the healing process.

The temperature during chickenpox must be lowered to avoid serious consequences.

Anti-rash medications

A rash with chickenpox always occurs. It gives the owner an unpleasant sensation, it itches, and can become inflamed and fester. To treat the rash, your healthcare professional will prescribe topical medications.


  • Zelenka. The most famous and most used remedy for chickenpox. It is an antiseptic solution and has an antibacterial and drying effect. Reduces itching. Apply to each pimple using a cotton swab. The medicine does not have an antiviral effect.
  • . Pink medicine is better suited for children instead of brilliant green. It is an antiseptic and antifungal agent. The product is applied to the skin using a cotton swab or disk. Used for chickenpox four times a day. Should not be used during pregnancy and lactation. Contraindication for use is intolerance to drug components, age under 12 years.
  • . An excellent remedy used for chickenpox instead of brilliant green. It is a lotion containing zinc oxide and calamine. Does not contain alcohol or hormonal ingredients. Available in lotion and cream form. Apply with a stick or disk up to seven times a day. It has no special contraindications, with the exception of intolerance to the components of the product.
  • Tsindol. Analogue of calamine. But at a lower cost. Works great on rashes and doesn't cause side effects.
  • . Colorless product in the form of a gel. It applies quite easily to rashes. Relieves inflammation, swelling, reduces itching, and has an antibacterial effect. It has practically no contraindications; a side effect appears in rare cases in the form of an allergic reaction on the skin. The downside of the medicine is its high cost and the need to use it completely after opening the bottle for thirty days.
  • Infagel. An ointment containing interferon has an antiviral effect. It is also used, the course of treatment is up to five days.
  • Baneocin. Antibiotic for topical use, used for suppuration of rashes. Prescribed only by a doctor.

There are various medications for external use in pharmacies; the patient can choose what suits him best.

This group of medications is used to relieve itching during chickenpox. Scratching the rash leads to infection getting inside. The result is suppuration and severe inflammation.

Antihistamines help relieve unpleasant symptoms. For chickenpox the following are prescribed:

  • suprastin,
  • tavegil,
  • fenistil,
  • zodak

Medicines must be selected by a specialist; there are contraindications for use. Antiallergic medications for children are selected with caution, the baby is always under control to avoid adverse effects from treatment.

In case of illness of a child, preference is given to tablets due to the fact that it is easier to avoid an overdose of medication than when using ointment or gel.

Data medicines contain substances that suppress the activity of the herpes virus.


  • . It is used mainly in adults; it is prescribed for children in severe cases of the disease. Prescribed in the form of tablets or injections. The duration of therapy is five to seven days. Prescribed by a medical professional.
  • Anaferon is allowed to be used for children. The medicine is homeopathic and has an antiviral effect. Release form: tablets.
  • Children can also use Viferon suppositories. The medicine contains interferon, which negatively affects the virus. Ineffective for teenagers and adults.
  • Isoprinosine. An antiviral medication, approved for use in children over three years of age. It has enough contraindications and side effects. The dosage is calculated based on the person’s weight.

All medications in this group cannot be prescribed independently.


Chickenpox immunoglobulin therapy is carried out only under the supervision of a specialist. The patient is given intravenous injections of a drug containing antibodies from a healthy donor. This remedy is used to reduce the risk of complications and death.

To boost immunity, you can take vitamin complexes.

Often people with chickenpox become restless and irritable. In this case, you should take sedatives - novopassit, valerian, motherwort. This will help relieve stress and improve sleep.

Folk remedies for chicken rash

Traditional medicine is often used for chickenpox. There are various recipes medicines to treat illness.


  • You can strengthen your immune system by drinking honey and lemon every day.
  • Rubbing with a soda solution (a spoonful of soda in a glass of water) will help cope with severe itching.
  • Blueberries will help you quickly cope with the disease. They are used in pure form or drink blueberry juice.
  • Drinking a tablespoon of celery juice three times a day will help you cope with the disease faster.
  • To reduce inflammation and relieve itching, take baths with herbal decoctions - chamomile, nettle, yarrow.

On the Internet you can find various traditional medicine recipes for the treatment of chickenpox. This treatment should be used with caution to avoid allergic reactions.

Chickenpox medicine: inexpensive pharmacy

Medicines are available at pharmacies at varying prices. The most inexpensive drugs are brilliant green and paracetamol. These medications will be quite sufficient for mild form diseases.

The drug cindol costs about 100 rubles, but it will help avoid the use of brilliant green and staining the skin. It is worth understanding that the more severe the form of the disease, the more expensive the drug for treatment will be. If a person does not have special financial resources, then he should ask the doctor to suggest similar medications that are appropriate in this case.

Only the doctor decides what medications to take for chickenpox. Self-prescription may provoke an exacerbation of the disease.

Medicines for chickenpox have different directions. It is worth understanding that this disease cannot be dealt with with one pill. Before using medications, you must read the instructions.

Questions about the treatment of chickenpox are always relevant and in demand. This is because everyone will experience chickenpox sooner or later. And let it viral disease Considered a childhood infection, for adults chickenpox can also cause a “headache” when children or grandchildren get sick.

Briefly about chickenpox

Chickenpox is caused by the Herpes zoster virus. The clinical picture of the disease develops during the initial meeting of an uninfected organism with the pathogen. Over the course of 11-21 days, the virus multiplies and accumulates in the host’s body without manifesting itself in any way. This period is called incubation.

IN classic version development of the disease at the end of the incubation period, the infected person may feel unwell and have a headache. Sometimes a small-spotted rash appears on the body, and the temperature rises to low-grade levels. This is the period of prodrome. The full clinical picture of chickenpox with characteristic staged rashes and fever develops after 1-2 days and lasts on average from 4 to 7 days. But the process of purification and full recovery skin lasts longer - up to 2-3 weeks.

General principles of chickenpox treatment

As with any other infectious disease, with chickenpox certain regimens are important for successful treatment.

  • The patient should be isolated. Walks, which are so useful during illness, are organized in such a way as to exclude any contact, especially with children.
  • If you have a fever, it is important to stay in bed and ensure you have enough fluids.
  • Feed the patient, especially a child, according to appetite, offering easily digestible high-calorie dishes.
  • During the period of rashes, it is not recommended to take a shared bath. Warm showers are allowed 1-2 times a day. This will help reduce itching and avoid purulent complications. Girls are required to wash themselves 2-3 times a day.
  • Chickenpox medications, such as antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs, should be taken only as prescribed by the attending physician, following the dosage regimen and timing of treatment.

Drug treatment

Medicines for the treatment of chickenpox patients are varied. These are local disinfectants, antipruritics, drugs to fight the virus, to prevent general and local complications. All therapeutic measures are also aimed at alleviating general condition patient, which is especially important in pediatric practice. For the treatment of children, medications for chickenpox are selected based on the principle of the optimal balance of safety and effectiveness.

Antiviral drugs

To treat chickenpox at home, tablet antiviral drugs are used. The prescription of such drugs must be justified, taking into account the severity of the disease and the premorbid (background) condition of the patient. For example, it is justified to take antiviral drugs for weakened children who have chickenpox after suffering another disease or who have a chronic pathology.

Isoprinosine (analogue – Groprinosin)

An effective drug for chickenpox, the mechanism of action of which is based on direct inhibition of virus replication by blocking the enzyme dihydropteroate synthetase. One tablet of Isoprinosine contains 500 mg of the active substance inosine pranobex.

The dosage for children is selected individually. For every 10 kg of weight, 1 tablet is prescribed. The daily dose is divided into 3-4 doses.

The medicine has a drawback - the tablets are quite bitter, which makes it difficult to use in children. If necessary, the tablet can be crushed into powder and mixed with juice, water, or porridge.

Adults are prescribed 2 tablets 3 or 4 times a day. The course of treatment is 5-7 days.

Acyclovir (Zovirax)

In the pharmacy you can see tablets of 200 and 400 mg of acyclovir. For chickenpox, the recommended dose for adults is 800 mg every 4 hours 5 times a day. For children from the age of three, the calculation is made as follows: 20 mg per 1 kg of body weight. The received daily dose is divided into 4 doses.

Acyclovir is also used in the form of cream and ointment. Apply external agents to the elements of the chickenpox rash several times a day. This promotes rapid healing of erosions without scarring.


In the treatment of chickenpox, drugs that have an antiviral effect indirectly - through stimulation protective forces body.

Remedies for itching

Oral antihistamines are used to combat itching. They not only effectively relieve itching and improve the patient’s well-being, but also accelerate the healing of rash elements by reducing swelling and exudation.

For chickenpox, the following medications are usually prescribed:

External remedies for the treatment of chickenpox

Means for treating elements of chickenpox rash are also important for alleviating the course of the disease, accelerating healing and preventing purulent complications. For the treatment of chickenpox, they try to choose the optimal external remedy to provide an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and antipruritic effect.

Ointments and creams

  • Zinc ointment is used as an adsorbent, anti-inflammatory and drying agent. Apply a thin layer of ointment to the area of ​​the rash, preferably after a shower.
  • Tsindol. Also contains zinc oxide, used similarly zinc ointment. Contraindicated in case of individual sensitivity to the drug.
  • Iricar is an external ointment based on natural plant ingredients. Can be used in complex therapy of chickenpox as a wound healing and anti-inflammatory agent.
  • Acyclovir cream, as mentioned above, is used as a local antiviral agent. Its use is very effective in the first hours of the disease before the formation of bubbles. For this purpose, the emerging rash is lubricated with cream 3-4 times a day.
  • Fenistil gel copes well with itching even when used externally. Can be combined with other medications antihistamines inside.

Alcohol solutions

Previously, alcohol solutions of aniline dyes were used as local remedies. They still find their use today. In addition, any other alcohol solutions (boric acid, salicylic acid, for example) can be used for disinfection and drying. They have a pronounced tanning, antiseptic, cauterizing effect. You must remember: the use of alcohol solutions is limited in childhood.

Popular remedies for chickenpox are:

  • Brilliant green solution 1%. Apply brilliant green to the rash elements once a day. In case of pronounced exudation of individual elements - twice a day. With the help of brilliant green it is convenient to control the volume and duration of new additions.
  • Fukartzin. A more gentle drug than brilliant green. Use in the same way. Treating with colored solutions is fun - most children enjoy the process.
  • Alcohol tincture of calendula. Can be used either alone or together with other products. It is recommended to lubricate exposed parts of the body (face, hands, scalp) with the tincture. It is also used for rinsing the mouth by dissolving a tablespoon of tincture in a glass of water.

Colorless products for external use

Lately they have become increasingly popular - they do not stain clothes, look more aesthetically pleasing, and successfully cope with the therapeutic task. Can be used in adults.

Scar treatment products

If scars remain on the skin after chickenpox, measures should be taken as early as possible. Fresh, still elastic scar tissue is easier to treat with external means than old, rough scars. The following tools have proven themselves well:

The wide range of drugs used to treat chickenpox is impressive. This allows you to approach treatment individually, alleviate the patient’s condition and well-being, prevent complications, so that chickenpox does not leave negative memories, but remains only a mention in the anamnesis.

The causative agent of chickenpox is the herpes virus, its development occurs intracellularly. That is why it is important to immediately begin treatment for this disease; the most effective are antiviral drugs (for example, “Viferon” for chickenpox), since they can stop the reproduction of viruses. When they are used, the disease progresses much easier and faster, without causing complications. Chickenpox infection is practically impossible to control and there is currently no specific treatment for the disease.

Effect of drugs

Comparison of antibacterial and antiviral drugs is simply unacceptable, since they have different properties. It is antiviral drugs for chickenpox that can overcome this disease, traditional treatment won't always be able to help. When a virus enters the human body, it further action- This is reproduction, which leads to the progression of the disease. Antiviral drugs can reduce the activity of microorganisms that enter the human body and stop the proliferation of already infected cells. With the help of these medications immune system humans can develop resistance to the disease.


Before choosing a remedy, it is worth determining what types of anti-virus medications exist. Antiviral drugs can be divided into two main types: direct-acting antivirals and immunostimulants. The first type is able to act directly on the virus, this is important in the treatment of chickenpox. But the second type stimulates the production of interferon. Interferon is a protein that reduces the activity of pathogens.

A person who has chickenpox should definitely pay attention to these two types of drugs, since with their help they can overcome the disease. It is worth paying attention to the fact that there is no cure for chickenpox; drugs are prescribed that can be used to overcome the herpes virus and this brings positive results.


What medications to choose for treatment? Below is a list of the most effective and efficient ones.


  • "Viferon" is the most common medicine for chickenpox, which is prescribed by doctors for adults and children. Available in both ointment and suppository form. Candles are used more often.
  • "Kipferon" is a children's drug that will help avoid the symptoms of chickenpox. The drug can be given to children aged 2 years and older. Often this remedy is prescribed when the disease is severe. "Kipferon" - has no contraindications, it acts positive characteristic drug, but its price is not affordable for everyone.
  • “Valtrex” will help slow down the growth and spread of the virus, with its help the body begins to fight the infection on its own. The drug Ergoferon has similar properties.
  • "Isoprinosine" - acts as an immunostimulant and antiviral drug. It helps both adults and children with illness.
  • "Cycloferon" is a medicine that increases the production of interferon. In addition, after taking this drug, the body's resistance to chickenpox increases. Most often, the drug is prescribed in tablet form, since it is quite convenient.
  • "Ophthalmoferon" is an eye drop used for severe chickenpox, when the process of complications in the eyes begins.
  • "Arbidol" belongs to a group of drugs that have a pronounced antiviral effect. The medicine can be given from the age of two. The drug is able to increase the level of endogenous interferons in the body.
  • "Amiksin" acts as an oral low-molecular synthetic inducer of endogenous interferon. Its action is to stimulate the levels of α-, β- and γ-interferons in the body, eliminate immunosuppression and have an active antiviral effect on the entire human body. Tablet release form. Prescribed for use by both adults and children (from 7 years of age).
  • "Anaferon" acts as a homeopathic drug. During the period of chickenpox, this remedy can be prescribed as an auxiliary drug against the background of general therapy for the disease. Release form: tablets.
  • "Kagocel" is prescribed for chickenpox, since these antiviral tablets have high degree severity and contribute to the production of late interferon. Children from 6 years of age can take the tablets.


  • "Fenistil" for chickenpox in children is prescribed if the itching is too pronounced. The product can be added to drinks or lubricated on the skin. Burning and itching when using Fenistil disappear within short time, the dosage is prescribed by the doctor.
  • Calamine baby gel is effective for soothing a baby's irritated skin due to chickenpox. The gel has a cooling and soothing effect, which has the ability to speed up the skin regeneration process, which prevents the occurrence of bacterial infections. The lotion contains only ingredients of natural origin.

Pregnancy and chickenpox

If a woman has not yet suffered a disease such as chicken pox, then it is easy to become infected with it during pregnancy, especially considering the fact that the woman’s body becomes much weaker, and therefore more vulnerable to viruses. In case of infection with this disease, treatment must be carried out after consultation with a doctor. Usually pregnant women need to be given a special specific immunoglobulin, with its help you can avoid the development of chickenpox in early dates infection. Acyclovir is prescribed as an antiviral drug, its dosage should be according to the instructions, you need to take additional drugs to relieve itching, you can use Calamine lotion, Fenistil, Fukortsin or folk medicine.

What else should I do?

It is easy to cure this disease in both adults and children, if the disease is mild and does not entail complications. In any case, treatment should be prescribed by a doctor. Treatment for chickenpox does not end with taking antiviral drugs, because there are many accompanying symptoms that this disease entails and they should also be gotten rid of.

A mild form of the disease consists of watery pimples all over the body and terrible itching; in this case, drugs are added to anti-viral drugs that can soothe itching and burning on the skin. An accompanying symptom may be elevated temperature body in humans, antipyretic drugs will help relieve it, you can use Paracetamol or Nurofen. Antihistamine tablets are effective, they have an anti-allergic effect on the body and will help avoid swelling, redness, and relieve itching.

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