I dreamed that I was picking strawberries. Why do you dream about big red strawberries? Why do you dream about strawberries according to Tsvetkov’s dream book?

The juicy, delicious berry is loved, if not by everyone, then by many. Her appearance in a dream causes a storm of positive emotions. A dream book will help you find out why you dream of a big red strawberry. To do this, all you need to do is remember all the details of the dream, the entire scenario you saw.

The juicy, delicious berry is loved, if not by everyone, then by many.

The unambiguous meaning of the dream, in which I dreamed of a juicy, large strawberry, on at the moment does not exist. Each of the interpreters interprets this vision in its own way:

  1. Interpreter Vanga. The dreamer will have good luck on the way to achieving his goals; he will easily achieve what he wants.
  2. Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus. Material well-being will soon be achieved. A favorable period is coming for business expansion.
  3. Interpreter Tsvetkova. You can expect new romantic relationships from which you will get a lot of pleasure.
  4. Dream Interpretation of Hasse. A quick romantic date, bright, unforgettable impressions from it.
  5. Esoteric dream book. New acquaintance romantic relationship and love.

Despite the fact that dream books ambiguously interpret such night dreams, they all claim that this auspicious sign. In any case, the changes will have a positive trend.

Strawberries in the dream book (video)

Seeing ripe red strawberries in the garden

Berries seen in a garden bed in a dream have a special meaning. Such a dream can be interpreted in different ways, depending on the details seen:

  • large, growing on a bush - everything will be fine in his personal life, the dreamer will find real happiness;
  • ripe, but not large - new romantic relationships, but short-term;
  • collect and eat immediately - you should expect a new acquaintance, from which you will receive a lot of positive emotions;
  • just one on a bush - you will be able to realize yourself;
  • hidden behind sheets - a stranger confesses his feelings;
  • step on a berry - excessive curiosity can be dangerous;
  • there is no way to disrupt it - a bright, unforgettable journey is expected.

Berries seen in a garden bed in a dream have a special meaning

Why do you dream of blooming strawberries?

Night dreams in which I dream beautiful flowers on strawberry bushes, have a special meaning.

flowering plant indicates that you will soon be lucky enough to experience new and bright feelings. Perhaps the dreamer will meet a new person for whom a romantic attachment will arise.

A flowering plant indicates that you will soon be lucky enough to experience new and bright feelings

For legally married people, such a dream may indicate that soon the relationship between the spouses will again become ardent and passionate, as it was at the very beginning, and unforgettable changes in life await them.

For unmarried girl such a vision promises a new acquaintance. It is possible that this young man will soon offer her his hand and heart. They will live happy life filled with passion and understanding of each other.

Picking big red strawberries in a dream

There is more than one interpretation of these night visions, but among the most popular of them are the following:

  • unrequited love, suffering because of this and mental anguish;
  • performing monotonous work from which the dreamer does not get any pleasure;
  • the dreamer thinks unconventionally, thoughts arise in his head creative ideas. He can easily bring his ideas to life. Dreams in which you have to care for these plants have the same meaning.

The sleeper will have the opportunity to avoid routine work

In the same case, if the harvest in night vision was carried out by someone else, then the meaning of the dream will be slightly different. The sleeper will have the opportunity to avoid routine work that causes absolutely no interest.

Strawberries in Miller's dream book

Miller's dream book is known all over the world and enjoys well-deserved popularity. It is in this interpreter that a special place is given to dreams about strawberries and a number of meanings of these dreams are highlighted:

  • sour, absolutely tasteless - many obstacles will arise on the way to achieving the goal;
  • wash - strong, passionate feelings will arise;
  • buy - misunderstandings will arise in the relationship between lovers, quarrels are possible;
  • ripe and very juicy - the dreamer pays insufficient attention to his own person, thinks more about others, gives up his desires, if only everything is fine with the people dear to him;
  • It looks appetizing, but in fact it is overly sweet - you shouldn’t give in to emotions and do rash things. Such actions may lead to conflict situations;
  • a basket filled with berries - the dreamer is not satisfied sexually. From how big this basket is, one can judge the scale of the existing problem;
  • pour out of the basket onto the floor - the most intimate and daring erotic fantasies will soon be brought to life;
  • feeds the beloved - passionate love relationship. Perhaps soon someone will dare and admit their bright feelings;
  • shares small child– you can expect good news in the near future;
  • presented by an elderly person - life will suddenly begin to change for the better.

Miller's Dream Book is known all over the world and enjoys well-deserved popularity

Seeing strawberries in the kitchen in a dream: eat it, cook dishes from it

Without a doubt, such night dreams have a special meaning. To interpret them correctly, all details must be taken into account:

  • just one berry on a plate means career growth and unprecedented success in the professional field;
  • enjoying the taste of strawberries with the addition of cream - the sleeper lacks bright and ardent sensations, it is quite possible that there is no love in his life at all. It’s worth going in search of your soulmate as quickly as possible;
  • making jam - during this period a lot of routine work and household chores are expected;
  • in the refrigerator - a meeting will take place that the sleeper has been dreaming about for a long time;
  • hold in your hands - you can soon expect pleasant, significant changes in life;
  • pie - a lot of pleasant events are expected in the very near future. They will certainly bring joy;
  • jelly - there will soon be pleasant changes in your personal life;
  • as part of drinks - you will be able to have fun and enjoy time with friends or with your family;
  • cake with chocolate - soon everything, even the most cherished wishes, will come true;

Semolina porridge with this berry - you can soon expect a declaration of love.

Why did you dream about berries (video)

Strawberries in dreams, especially if they are big, rich in color, symbolizes romantic relationships. Owners of such night dreams may soon find their soul mate, with whom a beautiful, comfortable woman awaits them. family life. It is also possible that a person is promised a promotion at work or an increase in wages. In this case, the value always remains positive. A healthy, aromatic and incredibly tasty berry, even in a dream, brings only positive emotions. Having seen such a dream, you don’t have to worry that someone or something will interfere with the implementation of your plans. No troubles or even small troubles are expected soon.

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Dream interpretation of picking strawberries

When deciphering what dreams of picking strawberries mean, sleeping people do not always manage to find the true reason for such a romantic activity. If bright and ripe berries appear before your eyes, then you can relax and not worry about your future, since it will definitely bring a lot of positive and exciting emotions.

Red fruits

Few things can destroy the idyll that has arisen in life, but one cannot rely only on positive interpretations. Only details will help shed light on the images that appear, so try to prepare for a little work.

Expert opinion

According to the popular dream book, picking strawberries is not just an interesting activity, but also a meaningful symbol that is better to heed. Try to restore the dream completely in your memory, and then feel free to start deciphering it.

Freud's Dream Book

Strawberries are one of the most delicious seasonal berries that are very popular. Freud is considered one of the recognized masters, and therefore it is difficult to imagine his works deprived of such a sensual symbol.

I dreamed about fragrant berries

Having seen a berry, the dreamer may associate it with incredible sexual pleasure. However, it is difficult to predict the time period when spicy events will occur in reality.

Large and scarlet fruits are a reflection of the passionate nature of a sleeping person. If he does not begin to take any action, then his sexual temperament will begin to negatively affect everyday life. Freud believes that lovers often dream of strawberries.

IN night dream pay attention to the freshness of the berries:

  • rotten and petty - to future problems on the love front;
  • fresh and large - to receive incredible pleasure that you could not even dream of.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Seeing a person picking large strawberries means a quick end to a pleasant leisure time. If you believe the dream book, then it is better for the sleeper to prepare in advance for possible difficulties.

Dreaming of strawberry fields, where you can not only pick, but also taste berries, means that temptations will arise that negatively affect your life. Try never to forget about your responsibilities, since your reputation often rests on them.

Seeing strawberry fields in a dream

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

According to the dream book, fragrant strawberries warn of possible mistakes in interpersonal relationships. In addition, some formulations are not advisable to use for everyone:

  • in marriage - to improve relationships within the family;
  • in relationships - to conclude a happy union;
  • in a divorce - to achieve a cherished goal.

A few short transcripts

Some dream books did not describe in detail the reason for the appearance delicious berries in a night dream and limited themselves to brief formulations:

  • Gypsy - to the opening profitable business and gaining wealth;
  • Felomena - for pleasant leisure time in the company of your significant other;
  • Miller - to receive wealth, and its size depends on the size of the strawberries.

Where were they collected?

Those who have ever picked strawberries or similar small berries understand how difficult this work can be. It’s so nice to enjoy the taste of collected delicacies, but for dream books, the place of collection is also important.


If in your dreams you went to personal plot and have begun to harvest the long-awaited harvest, then you should not expect rosy prospects. Cultivation, watering, weed control - these and other procedures promise difficult and low-paid work.

Dreaming about picking berries in a garden bed

I dream about how close person picking fruits in the garden - he will get a thankless job, which it is better not to agree to. You may not become good for someone, but you will save your time and nerves.

Moldy and rotten strawberries grow in the garden - a negative symbol that predicts receiving bad news from your family and friends. Overripe or unripe strawberries indicate that they have long ceased to appear in life. good people. Perhaps the dreamer unconsciously attracts dubious personalities into his life, from whom it is better to stay away.

Picking strawberries for sale is a sign of success in business. However, do not rush to take on complex projects, since they may not have enough experience and strength. Enjoying homemade berries is a sign of a romantic night that will pass in the arms of your other half. There is a bright streak in the relationship, but we must not forget about permanent job, which requires effort on the part of both partners.


A dreamer who decides to pick fragrant berries in the forest constantly remembers his love experience and wants to be sure to repeat the best emotions that happened to him. However, the problem is that constantly comparing partners leads to even bigger problems. Tasting strawberries in a dream means the dreamer’s plans are destined to come true, but one cannot rely on chance.

A young representative of the fair sex, picking strawberries in the forest, will be able to choose a worthy candidate for her hand and heart. In the dream book you can find recommendations regarding the development of your own intuition.

If the strawberry just doesn’t get on your tongue, it’s a sign of meeting an interesting gentleman. The Eastern Dream Interpreter says that lovers will be able to open up to each other and trust their deepest secrets.

Eating sweet berries in a dream

Pleasant tasting

If you dreamed of strawberries, do not try to rejoice ahead of time. Despite the pleasure that can be obtained from daydreaming, it hides a lot of interesting information. The main thing is to discard rotten berries.

Enjoying large strawberries with your boss is a reward big project. Dream interpreters advise thinking in advance about your team, which will help in realizing your plans.

Why do you dream about strawberry pie? Such a dream indicates an unforgettable experience. Dreaming of berry jam means a cheerful and noisy feast with loved ones. Making jam means the appearance of a strong rival who cannot be ignored. A young girl who drank strawberry yogurt in a dream can get ready for a love affair.

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Dreams can be different - from content to emotional state. Dreams about food, travel or when you are experiencing a state of flight are considered the most favorable. Each symbol has its own sacred and original meaning.

For example, strawberries have always been considered the fruit of love, voluptuousness and erotic pleasures. Therefore, if you dreamed of strawberries, be prepared for interesting changes in your life. But it’s still worth understanding in detail what strawberries mean in dreams.

The time of year plays a special role in understanding why strawberries are dreamed of.

  • If you saw berries in winter in a dream, it means that soon the ice in your relationship will crack and a spark of love will appear against the background of white snow.
  • If you had a sweet dream in the fall, during the harvest, then this indicates that your love will soon develop into a more mature feeling.
  • Eating a berry in a dream early spring portends that you will soon succumb to the feeling of tender love.
  • Picking strawberries in the summer means that your partner has very warm and real feelings for you. Also, such a dream speaks of a good harvest.

If you dream of red, bright strawberries, then this portends success in business, which will directly depend on your charm and charm.

If you dream of green berries, it means that all your plans have not ripened and your goals are not clear, so it is too early to start what you have planned. Let's look into gypsy dream book: unripe or green strawberries - a sign of thoughtless spending.

If the strawberries are overripe in a dream, this indicates that you are wasting time and delaying acceptance important decisions, it's time to grab the bull by the horns and start doing your business, otherwise you may miss a good opportunity.

Miller's dream book offers this option: why dream of strawberries that have been stale - it means that it’s time to renew your feelings, you are stagnant and you need active circulation of energy.

What did you do with the berries?

Collecting strawberries in a vision means that you will soon have a relationship that will lead to a serious continuation. Marriage and children are just around the corner.

Collecting in the forest means that you will soon plunge into an avalanche of passion. You will begin a new relationship in which the ground will disappear from under your feet. Remember that losing your head is sometimes good, but still keep your sanity.

If the berry in the vision is large, large, then the feelings you will experience will be strong, bright and passionate. Miller's dream book predicts, if the berries in the dream are large, an improvement in financial condition.

If you dream of small berries, then it means that memories of past relationships in which you experienced strong feelings. It is also possible that your ex-partner will make himself known in the near future. Collecting small strawberries in a bucket is a sign of small pleasant surprises that await you in the near future.

To understand why strawberries are dreamed of, it is important to analyze not only appearance berries, but also whether you eat them or not.

Eating a berry greedily in a vision portends that in reality you will plunge into a bright love whirlpool that awaits you fateful meeting with an attractive young man.

If you dream of strawberries that simply won’t fit into your mouth, then you will soon become bored with your relationship and want change. Most likely, the storm will give way to calm.

If you don’t want to eat a red berry in your dreams, then you are not yet ready for a passionate relationship. Apparently, now you are busy with more important issues for yourself.

Picking strawberries and then making jam in a vision means creating a family. Remember that a woman is a witch, and even in a dream this is a magical ritual.

Eating berry jam in a dream means that soon your most cherished desires will begin to come true. Or this foreshadows the appearance of an obsessive admirer who will bestow signs of attention on you even against your will.

  • If you dream of berry pies, then soon you will receive pleasant news from your loved one. And also the news that you will spend time in the company of a pleasant person.
  • Is on a night journey berry pie- To . Moreover, the matchmaker will be a person you have known for a long time.
  • Eating dumplings with strawberries in your dreams means successful changes in love affairs.

So, strawberries, as any dream book will tell you, dream of success in love affairs. It doesn’t matter whether the strawberry in a dream is juicy or not, this symbol is a harbinger of a bright feeling.

Strawberries are one of the many early summer berry crops, which everyone is happy about in reality. It is also customary to call “strawberry” any event that has an intimate, piquant love background. Without any doubt, strawberries are the fruit of love, but some interpretations are ready to challenge this statement.

What if you dream about picking strawberries?

Large, ripe, juicy strawberries in a dream can mean both love and passion, and success in career and business. After all, even in terminology gambling Strawberries are a symbol of easy money. Therefore, in any interpretation, a dream about strawberries can promise a lot. However, than more abundant harvest, the more you should be on guard.

But there are surprisingly different explanations for why one dreams of just a clearing with strawberries and why one dreams of picking strawberries. If you pick strawberries with a person of the same sex, this promises complete understanding and support on his or her part. Perhaps in the future it will even be possible to carry out joint grandiose plans. The dream book, based on the month of birth, gives an interpretation for those born from May to August that picking strawberries is a great and unexpected joy for them.

It is not so much the process of picking berries that deserves attention, but the appearance of the person with whom it is being done. If it seems that this is a familiar person of the opposite sex, then you should pay attention to him in real life. Perhaps there is a lot in common, and there is a secret sympathy that will develop into something more.

Picking dried or rotten berries is dangerous negative consequences V intimate relationships, family or financial. If some kind of financial adventure is planned, then you should be wary, and those who have disorderly love affairs, it is recommended to consult a venereologist. This may portend a break in family relationships.

For a lonely person, picking strawberries in a dream can mean memories of past, unrequited love that stir the soul. And collect and sell harvested has nothing to do with the theme of love. This means that trouble will happen, but you will be able to get out of it in an original way, no loss. This same dream could be like material benefits, just like that good harvest strawberries

What does it portend?

Picking ripe berries and eating them right away, without leaving the garden, means joyful events, a fun time in the company of a loved one. And picking and stepping on berries, even accidentally, means that there is no desire to take any reciprocal steps towards achieving your happiness.

The degree of ripeness of strawberries in a dream also matters. If the berry is picked green or, conversely, overripe, it means that there is no satisfaction in the relationship with your partner. If the berry is slightly rotten, illness is possible, but not for long.

When you dream of a huge field of strawberries and picking berries is accompanied by inner elation and enthusiasm, it is better not to be overly happy, but to analyze the situation. Perhaps this is a warning not to get too carried away sweet life with daily pleasant meetings and entertainment. This will have a detrimental effect on the state of important affairs.

Too many berries can be an indicator of both falling in love and disappointment. Some sources compare picking berries with changes in life or minor chores, and picking strawberries among dry grass means receiving unpleasant news about a loved one. Most likely, you will not be able to find a permanent relationship and peace with this person.

Therefore, the sweet berry of love in a dream has a dual meaning, and this is normal. After all, there is no love without tears. Otherwise, what kind of love is this? Everything is like in life: too good is also not good. Everything should be in moderation, love is love, and your head is on your shoulders.

An appetizing large strawberry in a dream usually looks tempting, and a person has no doubt why this stunningly aromatic berry is dreamed of - of course, for pleasure. However, if the premonition of happiness is clouded by anxiety, the need arises to look into dream books, and not in vain: some of their prophecies are quite unexpected.

Temptations and disappointments

The interpretation of a dream about a large strawberry depends, as often happens, on how you dreamed about it and remembered it:

  • Wild growing - to uncontrollable sensuality.
  • Sadovaya - to work.
  • Juicy - for a passionate date.
  • Very ripe - to worries about infatuation without reciprocity.
  • Rotten, overripe - to pay for immoderate sexual adventures.

Sweet plantations

A forest meadow strewn with large strawberries is a sign of sexual temptation, but seeing them in your own garden is a sign of upcoming spiritual or physical efforts. Vanga’s dream book tells why you dream of growing Victoria in the garden beds: this means the need to evaluate yourself critically - some of the dreamer’s views will shock others or, at least, seem unusual to them.

According to the prophecies of Nostradamus, carefully caring for it in the beds, watering, weeding, means dull, low-paid work. It’s a different matter if you dreamed that others were doing this work in a dream, diligently cultivating the soil and berry bushes in the garden - it is to these people that the dreamer will shift his worries.

Temptation by ripeness

In order to bring bodily pleasures in reality, large strawberries must be in the dream, as they say, in the very juice - red, ripe, fragrant. Then in reality the lovers will have to meet on a romantic date, burning with impatience and passion. Loft's dream book predicts harmony in the marital bedroom for a married dreamer if he dreams of a sweet red berry.

For a lonely person, seeing delicious ripe fruits is a reminder of unrequited feelings; he still yearns for unfulfilled happiness. For young people, a juicy, ripe delicacy promises a love adventure. Why do you dream that among the red fruits you come across rotten ones? Love pleasures will entail annoying troubles.

Taste of passion

Freud's dream book, which interprets large strawberries as a harbinger of deep sexual experiences, foretells unrequited passion for those who harvest a fragrant harvest in a dream. Collecting overripe fruits in a basket prophesies the loss of hope for reciprocity, the absolute indifference of the object of desire.

However, if the dreamer eats it more than collects it, then the dream foreshadows mutual attraction, a romantic date that quickly turns into a close relationship. If you happen to eat juicy fruits beyond measure, dream books predict enjoying erotic pleasures to the point of satiety.

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