The best cauliflower for the middle zone. The best varieties of cauliflower: a brief description and main characteristics. Hybrids and late-ripening varieties of cauliflower

Cauliflower on personal plot not uncommon today. For a long time it was considered exotic, causing controversial opinions, because the very word “cabbage” evokes the image of a tight head of cabbage, and not a tightly packed inflorescence.

For a long time cauliflower remained an unusual vegetable on our table - very tasty in some dishes and incomprehensible in others, although always extremely useful... . Perhaps that is why it has not become as widespread as its more famous relatives - the white and red cabbage. Only the most devoted fans and connoisseurs of pleasant taste constantly and persistently grew it in their summer cottages.

Cauliflower - garden decoration and healthy vegetable

Recently, cauliflower has served not only as a source of vitamins, but also as a real decoration for garden beds. Through the efforts of breeders, varieties were developed not only with heads as white as snow, but also with purple, yellow, green, orange, and purple! Possessing an elegant appearance, these varieties are in no way inferior to white ones in taste and nutrition.

Cauliflower contains a lot of ascorbic acid, second only to Brussels sprouts in its content. This vegetable is very useful for those suffering from diabetes, atherosclerosis, and liver problems, and due to the low amount of fiber, it is easily digestible. This property makes cauliflower indispensable in the nutrition of children and the elderly.

The best varieties of cauliflower for Central Russia

Cauliflower is grown in two ways: seedlings and non-seedlings. The result is influenced by several factors: soil composition, fertilizer application and climatic conditions. In the middle zone, the following have taken root well and are popular with gardeners:

  • White Castle. One of the most popular, unpretentious and undemanding varieties of cauliflower. It is distinguished by early ripening and abundant harvest. Sowing seeds for seedlings occurs at the beginning of March; seedlings can be planted in open areas in late May - early June. The fruits are snow-white, dense, large, up to 2 kg. It has excellent taste and stores well.
  • Alpha. Another early variety, the growing season is less than 2 months. The seedlings are quickly accepted, acclimatize well in open ground and produce a bountiful harvest of inflorescences average size. The fruits are used in dietary nutrition and for preparing preserves.
  • Express. The variety feels great both in open ground and in a greenhouse. The heads are small, up to 300 g. The texture is pleasant, uniform, and the taste is good.
  • Domestic. A popular mid-ripening variety of cauliflower. The fruits are smooth and even. The size of the heads reaches 500 g. The harvest is plentiful, the variety is unpretentious in care.
  • One of the best early varieties considered a "Snow Globe". Its snow-white round-flat heads are distinguished by high density and grow from 650 g to 1 kg 200 g. The variety is intended both for fresh consumption and for preparing a variety of dishes. It is recommended to grow as seedlings.
  • Another excellent variety is “Express”. Its small heads, from 350 to 500 g, are collected in dense inflorescences of a yellowish-white color. The variety is very early: planted in May, after 2 months it is ready for use.
  • Of the mid-season varieties, we can recommend “Flora Blanca”. Its dense pale yellow head is well covered with leaves. Heads of this variety grow up to 1 kg 200 g and ripen within 110 days after emergence, but it is better to cut them after final ripening. This variety is great for preparing various dishes, canning and freezing.
  • The “Sugar Loaf” and “Perfection” varieties, which have similar qualities, are also very good.
  • Late ripening cauliflowers are mainly hybrids. The most popular are “Amerigo F1” and “Cortes F1”.
    “Cortes F1” is a record holder for the size and weight of the head, ranging from 2 to 3 kg. Its excellent taste is combined with good resistance to frost, which allows it to be grown until late autumn. On fertile soils, this hybrid produces a record harvest.
  • “Amerigo F1” is slightly inferior to the previous hybrid only in the size of the head and requires more frequent fertilizing with mineral fertilizers.
  • Multi-colored varieties that have gained great popularity are “Emerald”, “Amphora”, “Miranda”, “Sicilian purple”.

Seedling cultivation of cauliflower at home

Plants grown from seedlings are considered the most productive. The soil mixture is prepared from equal parts of sand and peat, to which half a teaspoon of potassium nitrate and superphosphate is then added per 10 kg of the finished mixture. Fill peat pots with soil, level the surface and lay out the seeds, covering the top with a thin - up to 1 cm - layer of sand. Sand is necessary. This disease is especially dangerous for cauliflower seedlings. If signs of blackleg are detected on the seedlings, the diseased plants are destroyed.

As soon as the seedlings appear in the pots, they are transferred for a week to a cool, bright room with a temperature of +6 - +8 degrees during the daytime, and two to three degrees lower at night. This allows the seedlings to maintain a compact shape and contributes to a good harvest in the future.

3 weeks after germination, the seedlings need to be fed with mineral fertilizer.

When the seedlings have 5-6 true leaves, they can be planted in open ground.

Seedless method

Seeds of early varieties can be sown immediately in open ground; sand and humus are added to the soil. Low arcs are placed on top and covered with double plastic film.

Sowing time for middle zone Russia - second ten days of April. As soon as shoots appear in the greenhouse, the film is opened slightly on the south side during the day and closed again at night, since during this period there is still a high probability of night frosts.

But when the cabbage gets stronger and grows to 10-12 cm, the film is completely removed. After two weeks, the grown seedlings are transferred to the place designated for them, in pre-prepared, abundantly watered warm water trenches, planting at a distance of at least half a meter from each other.

Agrotechnical subtleties

In addition to abundant watering, cauliflower needs regular fertilization. To increase productivity, it needs microelements - boron and molybdenum.

When the plant has at least seven to eight leaves, the top ones begin to curl inward. This means that a flower shoot has formed underneath them.

Experienced gardeners slightly open the leaves growing inside and carefully pick off several small leaves around it. Thanks to this technique, space is freed up where a large head will grow.

To avoid yellowing of the snow-white head, it must be protected from the sun: large leaves are lifted up and tied with a rope. Alternatively, you can cover the head of cabbage with a couple of broken leaves.

Possible difficulties

During a prolonged drought accompanied by intense heat, cauliflower heads often fail to set. To solve this annoying problem, the plants are watered over the bush with cool water during the hottest hours. This technique is very effective and does not harm the cauliflower at all.

In the heat, some of the moisture quickly evaporates, and some is absorbed.
Many vegetable growers white cabbage cut off lower leaves. This cannot be done on cauliflower: they accumulate substances beneficial to the plant and their removal will inevitably affect the harvest.

In September, as the temperature drops below +20 and rainy weather sets in, it is time for flower shoots to develop. The head grows up to three and a half kilograms. In this case, water will not accumulate in the head and the lower leaves can be removed.

To please yourself and your loved ones with this for as long as possible delicious vegetable, you need to plant varieties of different ripening periods. By growing these original vegetables, you will diversify your table with new dishes and get great joy from communicating with nature.

Cauliflower is a healthy vegetable for the human body. It contains many valuable substances that have a positive effect in the treatment of various diseases. In order for a vegetable to always be on the table, you must first grow it. How to plant cauliflower, how to care for it, what varieties exist, read the article.

General information

Cauliflower is a common vegetable. Due to its appearance it is often called curly. Its cultivation took place in Syria; cabbage then bore the same name as the country. For a long time the place of growth was Arab countries, and only in the 12th century it was exported by merchants to Spain.

During the Middle Ages, vegetables from Syria came to Cyprus, from where they were supplied to European countries for sale. The cultivation of cauliflower in Western Europe began in the 14th century. Today, the vegetable is widespread and successfully grown in Europe, America, Japan and China.

Growing rules

In order to obtain a marketable head rich in vitamins and minerals, when growing the crop, it is important to take into account the characteristics of cabbage, and most importantly, to follow agrotechnical rules and techniques.

  • Varieties of this type of vegetable tend to accumulate a lot of nitrates in the heads. Cauliflower is no exception. Caring for and growing a healthy vegetable is carried out only under the condition proper feeding seedlings. Many gardeners use compost or fresh manure. This is strictly prohibited. It is the lack of potassium and fresh manure that create the ideal environment for the accumulation of nitrates. Such cabbage will not bring any benefit.

  • Nitrates in the heads accumulate in large quantities, if cauliflower is planted too often. Care and cultivation in this case cause difficulties: some agrotechnical measures are carried out at the wrong time. This is the reason for the accumulation of harmful substances.
  • Vegetables are grown in moderately moist soil, so you need to constantly ensure that it does not dry out or crack, otherwise you may not expect a good harvest.
  • Cauliflower is planted in beds where tomatoes, cucumbers or potatoes grew before it. It is impossible for its predecessors to be cruciferous crops.
  • Cauliflower is planted in one bed for three years. In the future, you need to change the place where the vegetable grows.

Landing dates

Cauliflower is grown in two ways, seed and seedling. For the Far Eastern region, the latter method is more suitable. To long time Harvest the inflorescences, planting cauliflower in open ground three times a season.

There are early, mid-late and late varieties of cauliflower:

  • Early varieties of the crop. They begin to be planted in open ground in mid-April and continue until mid-May. By this time, the seedlings will reach the age of 30-60 days. Seeds for its cultivation are sown throughout the month of March, from the first day to the last.

  • Mid-late varieties of this vegetable. Cauliflower is planted in open ground throughout May, and sometimes until the middle of the following month. The seedlings are 35-40 days old. Seeds begin to be sown in the first ten days of April and end in May at the same time.
  • Late varieties. When to plant cauliflower seedlings? Planting is carried out in the first ten days of July. The seedlings reach 30-35 days of age by this time. The entire first ten days of June are used for sowing seeds for seedlings. Late cabbage varieties do not have time to ripen in the garden. They are transferred to the basement, where the cabbage will be grown.

Soil for seedlings

Cauliflower seeds are planted in boxes or containers filled with soil, which you can buy at the store or prepare yourself. To do this, a soil mixture is made, for which soil is taken from the garden, peat and sand in equal proportions. Instead of peat and sand, you can use purchased soil and perlite. Cauliflower seedlings will feel comfortable growing in such soil.

Growing seedlings

First you need to prepare the seeds. They are pre-soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate for disinfection for 30 minutes. Then they dry it a little and start sowing. It is better to use disposable cups, placing several seeds in each in case of poor germination. Growing cauliflower seedlings is carried out in a room with different temperature conditions. First, the boxes with seedlings are kept in a room with an air temperature of 20 degrees Celsius.

The seeds will take approximately five days to germinate. After sprouting, the room temperature should be 7 degrees; cabbage is not afraid of cold weather. Under such conditions, the seedlings will not grow rapidly and stretch upward. The room needs to be maintained at this temperature for five days, then raised to 15 degrees. 10 days after this, you can start picking seedlings.

Seedling planting method

Growing cauliflower in open ground is most often done through seedlings. The beds are prepared in advance. Fertilizer is incorporated into the soil when it is dug. Per meter square area In the garden, wood ash, superphosphate, urea, humus or rotted manure are added in the amount of 500: 50: 40 grams and 2.5 kilograms. After which the lumps are broken up and the surface is harrowed. Then the holes are filled and filled with ash.

The planting pattern depends on the cabbage variety. Early vegetables planted taking into account 60x30 centimeters, mid-season and late - 70x35. For planting, you can also use a 50x50 centimeter pattern. Wood ash in the amount of 50-70 grams and a liter of water are added to each hole. Cauliflower seedlings intended for planting in the ground must be strong. Elongated plants with pale leaves will not produce full-fledged heads of cabbage.

It doesn't always work out single landing cauliflower. Neighboring plants such as lettuce, turnips, radishes, and herbs thicken it. They are planted in rows with one row spacing between them.

In order for the seedlings to take root faster, when planting it is deepened to the first leaves, the apical bud should remain on the surface. Then the soil around the plant is compacted, watered and mulched. Dry soil is used for this. The plantings are covered with film for some time, creating a greenhouse effect underneath. After two weeks, the cabbage needs to be hilled to a small height, 6-8 centimeters is enough.

Seedless growing method

Cauliflower is grown in different ways. Planting seeds in open ground is carried out in March. Cabbage from seeds grown outdoors with clean air very soon it will catch up and even outstrip greenhouse seedlings in growth.

Growing cauliflower in open ground from seeds is rarely used. Before sowing, they need to be sorted out and all unsuitable ones removed. The remaining planting material should be poured with hot water for 30 minutes, after which it should be drained, and the seeds should be quickly placed in cold water for cooling. The last soaking is done in a solution of potassium permanganate, for which the seeds are placed in it for half a day.

For sowing, furrows one and a half centimeters deep are made in the beds. The seeds are sprinkled with soil and watered well, for which a sprayer is used. If you water with a ladle, you may accidentally wash the crops.


Cauliflower is a moisture-loving vegetable. Does not tolerate drought well. How often to water cauliflower? During the entire growing season, this must be done repeatedly, up to 4-5 times. Watering should be plentiful: two buckets per square meter. They need to be alternated with slight soil moisture. It is enough to water each plant with two liters of water. Cabbage responds well to sprinkling. It increases air humidity and decreases temperature.

After each watering or rain, the soil must be loosened so that a crust does not form. To retain moisture, it is mulched. For this, peat, straw, and humus are used. Young seedlings planted in the ground especially need moisture. At first, it needs to be watered several times during the week. When it grows up, watering should be reduced, and then done as needed. It is important that water does not stay in the beds for a long time when watering.

Top dressing

The best growth of cauliflower is ensured organic fertilizers. Mullein or bird droppings are added to the soil once every 10 days throughout the entire growing season. Mullein is diluted with water 1:10, and litter - 1:15.

The first feeding of cauliflower is done for each plant. Its volume is half a liter, and subsequent ones - one liter. I don't mind cabbage foliar feeding, for which urea, superphosphate, and potassium fertilizers are diluted in a bucket of water in the amount of 20, 50, 20 grams. The prepared solution is sprayed on the green mass weekly.

Snow globe

This is the most common crop of the species, which can be found more often than others in the store. Its heads have an average weight of 700-900 grams, but can reach one kilogram. Cabbage is resistant to pests and changes in weather conditions, which increases its yield. Using the compact planting method, you can grow more plants in the garden bed, which, accordingly, yield a richer harvest.

This is an early cabbage, ripens in 65-110 days. In regions with a suitable climate, it is planted three times a year. It has a drawback - productivity indicators are low. But this cabbage has many advantages that overshadow them. Good harvests are obtained by repeatedly growing cabbage in one season.


This variety was developed experimentally by breeders based on Roman cabbage, a hybrid of cauliflower and broccoli. The vegetable looks fantastic. The inflorescence consists of small green pyramids that resemble seashells. This hybrid has a subtle, creamy, nutty flavor. Shelf life is short. To prolong it, the cabbage is frozen, while all beneficial properties. This vegetable very quickly became popular in all countries of the world.

Romanesco has other names: in Israel - Coral, in Poland and Germany - Pyramidal, in Russia - Emerald Cup, Pearl. Known hybrids of Dutch selection are Amphora, Veronica, Shannon.

Snowball 123

This variety was bred by French breeders. It can be grown in almost all regions of our country, even in the Urals. This cabbage ripens early. Has low resistance to cold. Seedlings may be subject to spring frosts, so they need to be protected from them. In order for the formation of heads to be successful, molybdenum or boron must be added to the soil. The snow-white, dense head has a rounded flat shape and an average weight reaching one kilogram. It is well covered by leaves. Cabbage has excellent taste.

Fargo F1

This is a hybrid of Dutch selection. Gives high yields, growing in the central regions of our country. The hard head is whitish-yellow in color and elliptical in shape. It is covered with leaves and weighs 1-1.6 kilograms. Tastes excellent. Cabbage is suitable for growing in summer and autumn.

Rainbow cabbage

This common name united cauliflower, the heads of which are yellow, green, orange, pink, violet, purple. The best varieties cauliflower, as well as its hybrids, have different names and head colors. These masterpieces have undoubted benefits. Growing in the garden, they give it an exotic look.

Cauliflower will decorate any dish. But you should always remember that this vegetable is more capricious than traditional crops of this type; stressful growing conditions are not suitable for it. The heads are not large in size and quickly fall apart.

  • Dutch hybrids F1 Yarik, Cheddar and Collage have yellow and orange heads. They are valued for their high carotene content.
  • Varieties of cabbage with green heads - Emerald, Universal, Light of the Moon; F1 hybrids - Travi, Green, Vitaverde. This cabbage is rich in oxidants that have the ability to slow down the aging of the body.
  • Purple and Magenta heads - Graffiti F1, Purple, Purple Ball, Purple Queen F1. These vegetables are rich in anthocides, which are beneficial for blood vessels and the heart.

Cabbage harvesting

Vegetables are harvested when they are fully ripe, but not allowed until the heads become loose and the inflorescences bloom. From healthy plants with cut heads and strong leaves, you can get a second harvest. To do this, one strong shoot is left on the stem. It needs to be looked after like the main crop. New heads can weigh up to 500 grams.

Cabbage heads with late planting dates do not always ripen at the time of harvest. This cabbage is sent to the basement where it ripens. To do this, leave a large lump of earth on the roots. The plants are placed at a close distance from one another, sprinkled with soil and watered.


Cauliflower is light product for digestion by the body due to the low fiber content, the gastric mucosa is less susceptible to irritation by its juice. This vegetable is recommended for consumption by people with stomach diseases, as well as for children's and especially dietary nutrition.

Cabbage is useful for diseases of blood vessels, heart, and liver. It is recommended for patients with diabetes mellitus. It normalizes cholesterol and glucose in the blood. The content of tartanic acid in cabbage allows it to be used to combat extra pounds.

Regular consumption of cauliflower relieves fatigue, helps the functioning of the endocrine system, and prevents the development of cancerous tumors and even slows down their growth. The healing substances of cabbage help remove toxins from the body.

This cabbage is especially useful for women. It gives elasticity to the skin, shine to the hair and hardness to the nails. By consuming the vegetable, women become more beautiful. It is not contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Helps with constipation. Relieves women of weight gained during pregnancy. Cauliflower-based masks prevent skin flaking and remove unnecessary fine wrinkles.


For consumption, the inflorescences, that is, the heads, are used. Leaves and flowers are rarely used for cooking. The heads are first boiled and then stewed or fried. They are used for salting, pickling, canning, and freezing. Broths and soups are prepared from them. Fresh vegetables They go to prepare salads and decorate dishes with them. Leaves and flowers are used as additives to meat and vegetable salads, side dishes, and soups. Experienced chefs prepare main courses from them.

Cauliflower: diseases and pests

Cauliflower has weak immunity. She is affected by powdery mildew. More often when it grows in greenhouse conditions. The disease develops due to poor ventilation of cabbage bushes, excessive watering and compaction of plantings. You can get rid of it with the help of antifungal drugs “Fitosporin”, “Topaz” and others.

Cabbage may develop vascular bacteriosis after planting it in the ground. It manifests itself in the form of pale leaves that have lost their elasticity. Pale yellow spots appear between the veins. The leaves gradually fade. Plant growth slows down. During the period of head formation, mucous bacteriosis develops on the plants. The heads become covered with black rot and it is impossible to get any harvest.

Cauliflower has pests that can destroy the entire crop. The vegetable is especially afraid of the cabbage fly, which lays its white eggs a short distance from the ground on the stem. The pest is controlled with insecticides. The solution is poured under the root; it should not get on the plant. If the heads have already formed, the plants cannot be treated with insecticides.

No less dangerous pest is the cabbage moth. She lays eggs on leaves. Caterpillars are very voracious. If you miss the time, they will eat everything. In case of severe moth spread, the entire plant is sprayed.

Used for pest control traditional methods. You need to pick burdock. Fill the third part of the bucket with it and add water. Let it steep for three days. After which the solution is filtered. Vegetables are sprayed with it 3-4 times in a row at weekly intervals.

After white cabbage, cauliflower is considered the second most popular. It is dietary and hypoallergenic. It is given to one-year-old children as their first complementary food. Appearance depends on the variety of cauliflower. Breeders have bred a lot of them, for different regions of the country. Multi-colored heads of cabbage will decorate any garden and will delight the eye until autumn.

Cauliflower differs from regular cabbage not only in appearance, but also in taste. Before growing, novice gardeners need to familiarize themselves with the characteristics of this crop.

Pros and cons of planting crops on the site

Gardeners who grew cauliflower in their dachas find only one disadvantage of this crop - it does not store for a long time. The rest of the reviews are all positive.

There are some nuances of care:

  1. Water regularly and moderately. Immediately after transplanting the seedlings to the site, moisten it 3 times a week. As the plant grows, watering is reduced to 2 times.
  2. Cauliflower does not like loosening the soil around the bush, since the roots are close to the surface. But she likes mulching. Use: peat, humus, sawdust.
  3. Fertilizer application - 3-4 times per season. The first application of mullein is made 2 weeks after transplanting the seedlings into the ground. The second - in 10-12 days. A complex of mineral fertilizers is added to mullein.
  4. To avoid diseases and prevent insect infestations, you must strictly follow the agricultural practices for growing this crop. For prevention, you can use wood ash or tobacco.

Pay attention! To reap a decent harvest, you need to put in a little more effort than when growing white cabbage.

The best varieties of cauliflower for open ground

The variety of varieties of this crop presented to the buyer is large. When purchasing seeds, you need to consider your place of residence. Varieties for the Moscow region differ from varieties for the southern region.

The name of this variety justifies its external description. The heads are snow-white, small, each about 850 grams. Due to dense planting, high yields are achieved. The plant is compact and does not require space for leaves to grow.

The variety is classified as an early ripening variety and is considered the best among them. Resistant to diseases. Ripening period is 65 days after planting in the soil. Thanks to this, you can get two harvests over the summer. The seedlings take root and develop well. It is distinguished by the simultaneous ripening of inflorescences.


An early-ripening hybrid, resistant to unexpected temperature drops and drought. With rapid maturation of heads. During the season they manage to grow two crops. The inflorescence is round, slightly flattened, white, weighing up to 1.2 kilograms. The pulp has a pleasant taste. It does not show any particular immunity to diseases and pests.

The variety is mid-season. Ripe white-cream fruits are harvested on the 112th day. The shape of the inflorescences is round, slightly flattened. Each weighs up to 1.2 kilograms. The leaves protect the fruit well from the sun.

Seeds sown for seedlings germinate simultaneously, as do ripened heads of cabbage. The variety is resistant to early frosts and diseases.

White beauty

A variety with round and large inflorescences, weighing up to 1.2 kilograms. Gives stable yields. Ripening period is from 55 to 65 days. Not resistant to pests. It is necessary to carry out processing on time. It is recommended to cover young seedlings with film at night. Tolerates transportation and short-term storage normally. The vegetable looks attractive even when frozen.


Full ripening occurs 80 days after planting the seedlings in the ground. The weight of one cabbage does not exceed 2.5 kilograms. This variety is immune to pests and some diseases.

Cabbage can grow until frost in the garden, as the variety is cold-resistant. It has large leaves that protect the head of cabbage from the sun. On permanent place seedlings are planted in mid-May, early June.

Early ripening varieties and hybrids

Varieties of early ripening hybrids and varieties differ in the shape of the heads, weight and taste. They are in demand among gardeners due to their rapid ripening period. The harvest is harvested long before the cold snap.


The variety gives good harvests. Characterized by early period maturation of the heads. Heads of cabbage are ready for harvesting within 62 days after planting the seedlings in the ground. The head is round, with clearly visible tubercles. Has a white color.

Alf's taste is excellent. Has a long fruiting period. Harvesting begins with the first frost.


Refers to early ripening hybrids. The size is medium, the head is round, with small tubercles. It is characterized by high commodity indicators. Has soft flesh and mild taste. Average weight is up to 2, sometimes 3 kilograms. Vinson is very competitive due to the pleasant taste of cabbage. Completely versatile – it can be added to salads or made into stand-alone dishes. Freeze and use for preservation.

Summer resident

Like Alpha, it has a long fruiting period. After the seeds appear, 108 days pass until cabbage matures. The inflorescences are round, small, up to 1 kilogram.

The heads of cabbage are white, sometimes slightly cream-colored, dense and fine-grained. It tolerates short-term storage well. Used in canning, cooking, fresh and frozen.


Ultra early variety. Forms large heads, with upper protective leaf plates. The heads of cabbage are fine-grained, white, spherical, and ripen together. The guarantee has a distinct taste. It is immune to bacteriosis and tolerates short-term storage.

Brought out by Russian breeders. The plant is compact, the trunk is straight. The leaves are pale green and have a gray coating. The heads weigh up to 1 kilogram and are spherical in shape. If the soil is fertile and the plant is given proper care, then the weight of each head of cabbage can reach up to two kilograms. The ripening time of inflorescences is 70 days. Widely used in cooking.

Express F1

The ultra-early variety has heads of cabbage weighing no more than 0.5 kilograms. The color of cabbage is white, sometimes cream. It has a leading position in taste among early varieties. The ripening period lasts 62 days. Vulnerable to pests, but does not suffer from bacteriosis.

Seedlings are planted in the ground in early May. At night, to protect from possible frosts, cover with film or special non-woven material.

Important! If the cabbage leaves begin to deform, you need to feed them with nitrogen and potassium fertilizers.

Mid-ripening and late-ripening varieties

These varieties, like the early ones, have a wide variety.


Gives a late harvest. The weight of one head of cabbage is from 2 to 3 kilograms, the ripening period is 75 days from planting the seedlings in a permanent place. Cortez has the following advantages: high yield, and it also covers the heads on its own. Needs systematic feeding. Loves fertile soil very much. Calmly tolerates drops in temperature and withstands short-term frosts.


The variety is mid-season, the ripening period of cabbage is 78-119 days. Harvest occurs in August-September. The heads of cabbage are round, slightly flattened, and lumpy. White inflorescences, which cover the leaves on top, fit tightly to each other. Weight can be from 500 grams to two kilograms.

Has good taste without bitterness and stable yield, with timely care and proper watering. This variety is good for freezing.


A fractal is a figure that consists of constantly repeating certain parts, changing in size. This is the principle of self-similarity. At all levels, fractals are identical to themselves, in any size. You can find many fractals in nature. A tree with trunk-like branches, only smaller in size.

A vegetable fractal is a representative of cauliflower - the Romanesco variety.


It got its name because of its place of origin - a suburb of Rome. Romanesco literally translates as “Roman”. Very interesting appearance: large and small cone-shaped inflorescences are arranged in a spiral. They have a bright light green color.

The taste is delicate, without bitterness, with a pleasant creamy nutty aftertaste. Very demanding when it comes to watering, especially during drought. Needs fertilizer from a mixture of manure (rotted) and mineral components.

purple ball

Medium ripening variety. It really needs systematic watering and fertile soil. It will not produce a harvest in acidified soil. The heads are round, purple in color. Each weighs up to 1.5 kilograms. The pulp contains a large amount of protein, minerals and vitamins.


A recently bred hybrid with an average ripening period. Fruit maturity occurs 80 days after planting in the ground. Can be stored for up to 2 months. Used fresh, sealed and frozen. It is very moisture-loving and does not tolerate soil with high acidity levels.


Has an average ripening period. 80 days after planting the young seedlings, the harvest can already be harvested. The heads are large - up to 2 kilograms, round, white. They have a medium-lumpy surface. Adapts well to unstable weather conditions.

Crops with unusual colors

Breeders do not stop at breeding species with good taste, resistance to diseases and pests, they are also interested in breeding varieties with unusual colors.

This late variety was recently developed by the Gavrish company. Purple cabbage has very small inflorescences, weighing up to 250 grams. There are light green leaves around the head. This variety is called an edible flower. Tastes great. In dry weather it needs daily watering.


The newest variety, bred at the N.I. Vavilov Institute. Recommended for cultivation in the southern latitudes of the country. It has a snow-white head with a slight tuberosity. The pulp is tender and tasty. One head of cabbage weighs about 1.5 kilograms. Versatile in use: cooking, freezing and canning.

The variety was released only in 2015 and is a late variety. Green heads of cabbage are covered with leaves. It has gained great popularity among gardeners and lovers of beautiful and exquisite vegetables. Possesses dietary properties and excellent taste. The downside is low yield.

Holland offers large selection varieties of cabbage with different terms maturation.

  1. Goodman is a mid-early variety bred in Holland and is also popular in Russia. The heads are white, slightly yellowish, weighing up to 900 grams. The leaf is wrapped around the head, protecting it from the sun. The variety is productive.
  2. Artost F1 is a medium-early large-fruited hybrid. The weight of one head is 4 kilograms. The period of full ripening, from planting in the soil, is 68 days.
  3. Cambria F1 is a white inflorescence, spherical in shape. Gives harvest in 64 days. Not susceptible to fusarium. The weight of one head of cabbage is 2.5 kilograms.
  4. Tiara F1 is an extremely early hybrid. The heads are spherical and white, weighing no more than 2 kilograms. They have excellent taste.
  5. Farao F1 – fruit ripening period – 63 days. The weight of one is up to 3 kilograms. The variety is not capricious and gives a quick harvest.

These varieties of Dutch selection are grown in Russia, in open areas. They take root well and produce a high-quality harvest.

What to choose depending on the region

In warm climates and good weather conditions, cauliflower adapts and grows easily. In regions with a cool or even harsh climate, it is necessary to carefully care for it and, most importantly, select the right varieties.

For the Middle Zone and Moscow region

Gardeners in the Middle Zone and the Moscow region who grow cauliflower in their dachas have long decided on the best varieties:

  1. White cloud is an early ripening hybrid, bred in Russia. The head of cabbage is white, flat-round in shape, weighing up to 2.5 kilograms. Tastes good. The leaves are raised up.
  2. Oil head is an early ripening variety, bred by Russian breeders. It has a spherical head, yellowish-green color. The cabbage is lumpy. The weight of one inflorescence is 1.5 kilograms. The leaves are waxy, gray-green, small.
  3. Flirt is a mid-early variety. The head of cabbage is oval, lumpy, white. Weight – up to 2.3 kilograms. The leaves are wavy along the edges and covered with wax.
  4. Socius is a mid-season variety. The heads are small, flattened, about 1 kilogram each. Globular, lumpy, white. The leaves are long, gray-green.
  5. Amandine is a late-ripening hybrid, with excellent taste, weighing 1.5 kilograms. The shape of the head is round, flattened, white. The leaves are wavy along the edges.
  6. Givont is a late-ripening hybrid with small white inflorescences, weighing up to 700 grams.

The presented varieties are universal. They are used in cooking, canning, and freezing.

For the Urals and Siberia

For the harsh climate of the Urals and Siberia, there are specially bred varieties that can easily withstand unstable weather.

  1. Lilac ball - early ripening period, 55 days from planting young plants in a permanent place. It is frost-resistant and resistant to unexpected weather changes. The heads of cabbage are bright purple in color, round and flattened in shape.
  2. Tsvetnoy Express - belongs to the varieties with an early ripening period - 2 months. The weight of one round head of cabbage is 600 grams. The color is white, with a slight yellowish tint. The variety is high-yielding and frost-resistant.
  3. Amphora F1, with an early ripening period, has a spherical head, weighing up to 0.5 kilograms. The shade is gray-green - both on the head and on the leaves. Used frozen.

Important! When purchasing seedlings, it is impossible to distinguish between varieties. Distinctive features begin to appear much later. To avoid mistakes, you need to buy plants from a trusted seller!

Thanks to the variety of varieties and wide selection of cauliflower seeds in gardening stores, gardeners can grow it throughout the summer. The color and appearance of the elite varieties Romanesco, Lilac Ball and Clara Corals deserve special attention.

Cauliflower is an excellent choice not only for lovers of delicious vegetable dishes, but also for adherents healthy eating, since this culture contains substances that help strengthen the immune system and normalize digestion. In addition, regular consumption of cauliflower reduces the likelihood of cancer.

Many gardeners enthusiastically grow this healthy vegetable in their areas. However, in order to have cabbage on your table all summer, you need to choose the right varieties. A combination of several varieties with different ripening periods is required.

Criteria for selecting varieties

If you are interested in obtaining a plentiful and full-fledged harvest, when selecting varieties you need to take into account several fundamental points.

  • Choose varieties that are most resistant to the vagaries of weather and unpretentious to the level of soil moisture, and also capable of bearing fruit abundantly regardless of the type of soil.
  • Focus on varieties that are resistant to various diseases and pests.
  • Decide what is more important for you: to get a high-yielding vegetable that is resistant to external factors, or to have the opportunity to selectively select the variety you like. In the first case, choose cauliflower hybrids for planting, in the second - varieties.
  • When selecting, pay attention to the speed of fruit ripening, taking into account specific climatic conditions your region. For areas with short, often cold and rainy summers, unpretentious early-ripening varieties are better suited, and residents of the southern regions can easily afford to plant capricious, but more productive and tasty mid- and late-ripening varieties.

Which of the early varieties should you prefer?

This category of varieties and hybrids forms ripe heads of cabbage after 80–90 days, and ultra-early ones even earlier. Distinctive Features early varieties, in addition to early ripening, low shelf life of fresh harvest and small sizes fruits

Goodman. The variety is known for its early ripening, high yield and fairly large head size (up to 1.5 kg). It is suitable for cultivation both in greenhouses and in open beds and reaches technical ripeness within 75 days from the moment the sprouts appear. Other advantages include high resistance to diseases characteristic of cauliflower, good taste, excellent presentation and resistance to mechanical damage. Early ripening heads of cabbage are good in salads and for canning. The peculiarity of the variety is its high moisture requirement.

Bolero. The early ripening harvest of this cauliflower can be tasted 3.5 months after planting. The variety is resistant to low temperatures and diseases, and always bears fruit abundantly. White heads of cabbage have no large size and with abundant watering they can gain up to 700 g of weight. They have a great taste and are versatile in use: equally suitable for vegetable dishes, home canning and freezing.

Snow globe. The early harvest of this variety produces classic round-flat heads, snow-white and very dense, already 3.5 months after planting. At proper care heads of cabbage can gain a little more than a kilogram in weight. Excellent taste allows you to eat the crop fresh or prepare a variety of vegetable dishes from it. The variety is characterized by resistance to the vagaries of weather, which makes it possible to successfully grow it in open ground. Another undoubted advantage is its excellent resistance to disease.

Express. Plants of this early variety form small (up to 500 g), but very tasty round heads of yellowish-white color already 3.5 months after germination. They do not tolerate frosts and cold snaps very well, so early stages During the growing season, it is better to cover the seedlings in an open ridge with film. Among the significant disadvantages of the variety, low resistance to pests can be noted, which requires additional protective measures.

What to choose from mid-season varieties?

Longer ripening periods, which usually range from 120 to 130 days, allow the heads of cabbage to fully ripen. It is this factor that contributes to longer shelf life of fresh crops.

Autumn giant. Mid-early variety, which has many advantages, including always a bountiful harvest, excellent taste, excellent tolerance to autumn frosts, and disease resistance. Dense white heads of cabbage with a flat-round shape are capable of gaining almost 2 kg in weight in 110–120 days of growing season; however, to obtain such large fruits, careful adherence to agricultural practices is required: timely fertilizing, regular watering, loosening and weeding. The variety is excellent for open ground. The harvest is successfully used for preparing vegetable dishes, including for dietary purposes, for freezing and canning.

Flora Blanca. A mid-season variety, the heads of which fully ripen almost 4 months after germination. They are medium in size (up to 1.2 kg), fairly dense and have a slightly yellowish tint. The heads of cabbage are well covered with leaves and are very tasty when eaten fresh. canned and after freezing. The advantages of the variety are uniform ripening of heads of cabbage, high yield, good shelf life, resistance to frost and disease, especially bacteriosis.

White head. Undoubtedly, the best taste of this mid-season variety allows the fruits to be used for all types of vegetable dishes, freezing and canning. They are excellent for feeding children and diet menu. Small (about 1 kg) heads of traditional shape and color ripen in 4 months. The main advantages of the variety, in addition to the high concentration of vitamin C and microelements, are its cold resistance and resistance to mechanical damage.

Bora. A high-yielding mid-season variety with excellent taste. It is unusually resistant to diseases and tolerates frost well. The growing season is no more than 115 days, during which very dense snow-white heads of medium size and weight are formed. Additionally, the variety boasts high commercial qualities and versatility of use. It is suitable for both cooking and freezing and canning.

The most popular late varieties

The long ripening periods of such varieties and hybrids, over 130 days, make it possible to grow them mainly in the southern regions. In the regions of the central zone, the risk of freezing of young plants or ripening crops can be eliminated only when grown in greenhouse conditions. TO undoubted advantages Late varieties of cauliflower include its high yield and large size of heads, as well as good keeping quality. Among the huge variety of late varieties, the choice of hybrid forms is most preferable.

Cortez F1. One of the most productive late hybrids of Dutch selection is distinguished by dense snow-white heads of cabbage, capable of gaining weight up to 3 kg 75 days after the seedlings are planted with proper agricultural practices on fertile soils. The fruits are universal in use and are suitable for any form of culinary processing, as well as canning and freezing. Good covering of the heads by leaves allows the hybrid to withstand autumn frosts without consequences. The same ability protects heads of cabbage from sunburn in excessively hot summers.

Amerigo F1. A late, high-yielding hybrid forms heads of cabbage with excellent commercial qualities. The peculiarity of the fruit is its good covering by the leaves, which protects them both from sunburn in too hot weather and from early frosts. The range of use of matured heads, the average weight of which is 2.3 kg, is very wide. It includes all types of cooking and preservation, as well as freezing. The hybrid ripens quite late, 80 days after the seedlings are planted, but it develops very intensively and therefore requires mandatory mineral supplements.

The best varieties and hybrids for exotic lovers

The achievements of modern selection make it possible to obtain specimens of unusual shape and color on the site. Nowadays, varieties and hybrids have been developed with pink, purple, orange and other colors of inflorescences that will surprise even experienced gardeners with their appearance and will decorate any table.

Graffiti F1. An early-ripening hybrid that forms dense, round-flat heads of an exotic purple color. It is good for salads and canning. Among the advantages are abundant fruiting, high resistance to disease and good commercial qualities. A special feature is the high need for watering.

Emerald Cup. A spectacular early ripening variety that surprises with its salad green cone-shaped heads of small (up to 500 g) mass. The fruits are distinguished by excellent taste and commercial qualities, as well as a high concentration of vitamins and mineral salts. The variety is suitable for open ground, used for preparing vegetable dishes and freezing.

Rosamund. An early-ripening, high-yielding variety is preferable for the southern regions. It forms small (up to 800 g) heads of traditional shape and original bright lilac color. They are good for salads and also suitable for canning. Additional advantages of the variety are resistance to diseases and high commercial qualities.

Yarik F1. The mid-early hybrid is distinguished primarily by the unique orange color of its small (up to 300 g) heads of a traditional flat-round shape. Harvest used only for home cooking, has an excellent taste and a high concentration of carotene in the fruit.

Veronica F1. A mid-season hybrid that forms remarkably tasty cone-shaped inflorescences of yellow-green color, surrounded by a rosette of lilac-green leaves. The dense heads usually weigh up to 2kg and are great for home cooking.

Sicily. The mid-late variety grows for 120–125 days, forming large (up to 2 kg) dark scarlet heads. Advantages: high yield, excellent disease resistance and unpretentiousness to weather conditions, as well as excellent product characteristics and excellent quality of heads of cabbage. The use of the crop is universal.

Cauliflower is more demanding on growing conditions than the white cabbage traditional for our country. Yes, the process of growing cauliflower is associated with many nuances that significantly complicate obtaining a high-quality harvest, but all these difficulties are more than compensated by useful and delicious greens which can be obtained.

Today there are a great variety of varieties of this crop - from early to late ripening. Quite a few hybrids have also appeared, and all of them are noticeably superior to traditional varieties in most respects.

All crop varieties are divided into three large groups:

  • early ones - characterized by a short growing season, as well as denser heads surrounded by short leaves;
  • medium - have longer leaves, heads are formed at temperatures above 20°C;
  • late - have the same features as mid-ripening ones, only it takes longer to ripen (about 130 days).

Let's look at the best representatives of each group.

Early ripening varieties

Obviously, they ripen first. For a head of cabbage to fully ripen, it requires no more than 85-100 days after the first shoots. This group consists not only of long-known varieties, but also of hybrids (the latter are not as stable, but are characterized by higher yields).

"Snow Globe"

One of the best representatives of early varieties, producing beautiful and dense heads that have a classic, slightly flat shape. The rosette is small, the weight of one fruit ranges from 650-850 g, although under good agrotechnical conditions it can exceed 1.2 kg. Typically, “Snow Globe” is designed to be consumed not only fresh, but also as part of various dishes. It's also very tasty.

Cauliflower "Snow Globe", seeds

Pay attention! Even if the heads reach their maximum weight (1.2 kg), the seedlings can still be planted quite densely. And this, in turn, allows you to collect about 3-4 kg from 1 m².

There are no problems with fruiting, which is mainly due to good resistance. More specifically, this variety can be grown both in greenhouse conditions and in open soil. The growing season is only 60-65 days (if you start the calculation from the day the seedlings are planted, but in general it is no more than 110 days).

Other benefits " Snow globe"can be attributed to:

  • increased resistance to cauliflower diseases;
  • high yield in a short period of time;
  • quick adaptation;
  • excellent tolerance to bad weather.

As for the shortcomings, it is difficult to name them. There is, however, one point that confuses some gardeners - the small size of the heads. In addition, this variety is recommended to be grown exclusively using seedlings.


This variety is characterized by small heads (no more than 350-500 g) and rosettes, although such characteristics are quite normal for early ripening varieties. The color of the heads themselves is white, often with a slight yellow tint.

“Express” cabbage seedlings should be planted in the ground in early May, and the ripe fruits can be harvested after 55-60 days.

The variety feels better under film, but when favorable conditions You can take a chance and try growing it in open soil. The yield per 1 m² is about 1.5 kg.

Other advantages of Express include:

  • resistance to bacteriosis;
  • the best taste among all early ripening crops.

There is only one minus - low resistance to pests of cauliflower, although this can be dealt with by treating the beds with special preparations and then covering them (the beds).

"Summer resident"

The next variety has a longer fruiting phase. The period between the emergence of seedlings and harvesting, as a rule, does not exceed 100 days. The heads are round, slightly flattened, white, weight - about 1 kg.

Cauliflower "Dachnitsa"

The fruits can be eaten raw or frozen. They contain a lot of sugar and ascorbic acid.

"Summer resident", seeds

Hybrid "Movir-74"

The rosette size of this hybrid cauliflower is average - from 45 cm to 95 cm. The heads are usually round or flattened-round, their diameter can range from 12 cm to 25 cm (it all depends on the weather, the quality of planting material and care). And the mass of the heads, accordingly, varies between 400-1400 g.

The main difference of this hybrid is its white (less often light yellow) color, as well as its specific lumpy surface. If the heads turn out to be large, then the yield of Movir-74 can reach 4 kg/m². Ripening occurs early (maximum 105 days after germination).

Cauliflower "Movir 74"

As for the advantages of a hybrid, these include:

  • good taste;
  • Possibility of consumption fresh and canned;
  • excellent responsiveness to watering;
  • resistance to high/low temperature;
  • possibility of obtaining 2 harvests during the season.

But resistance to pests and diseases is low (for example, the hybrid is often affected by bacteriosis), so additional protection is required.

Mid-season varieties

These varieties require 120 to 130 days to fully ripen. This is more than that of early crops, but the fruits can be stored for a longer time.

The head of representatives of the variety is round, with a white color and an extremely dense structure. Typically, one head weighs up to 1.2 kg. The leaves are long, light green. This variety deserves special attention not only due to the excellent taste, but also for the reason high content useful minerals.

Pay attention! "White Beauty" is referred to as high-yielding varieties, especially since its fruits are really large and heavy. The yield indicator reaches 6 kg/m².

Moreover, the fruits ripen quickly - a maximum of 125 days after sowing the seeds. If you plan to grow this variety in open soil, then it is better to use the seedling method, although heads grown under a film of seeds also turn out well.

The main advantages of the described variety include:

  • the possibility of eating fruits fresh, as well as for canning and freezing;
  • excellent taste;
  • long-term storage of crops;
  • high yield combined with average ripening times.

The only disadvantages include low resistance to pests and diseases, which, in principle, is inherent in almost all mid-season varieties.

The head is white (weighing up to 1.2 kg), the rosette is slightly raised. The taste is excellent. A distinctive external feature by which this variety can be immediately recognized in the garden is the head, which is heavily wrapped in leaves.

The variety is considered mid-season, but theoretically the fruits can ripen already on the 110th day after germination. However, it is advisable not to rush into collecting fruits - it is better to wait a little longer than to eat unripe greens. The variety also has a high yield (from 26 t/ha), and ripening occurs almost simultaneously, so you can quickly harvest the fruits.

The advantages of Flora Blanca include:

  • resistance to bacteriosis and autumn frosts;
  • the possibility of eating fresh fruits, canning and freezing them;
  • long-term storage of fruits.

No deficiencies have been identified in the culture.

Late ripening varieties

Their ripening lasts over 130 days, which is why they are grown exclusively in the southern regions. And it is not surprising, because otherwise the seedlings or ripening heads may become frostbitten. Among the best representatives of the category are the F1 hybrid forms.

Produces snow-white heads of excellent commercial quality. The rosette of foliage is dense and covers the head on hot days. The average weight of one head ranges from 2-2.5 kg. The fruits are used for fresh consumption, as well as for freezing and processing. Other features of the hybrid include extremely high yield, intensive development and resistance to frost (thanks to the latter, “Amerigo F1” is recommended for autumn cultivation).

Cabbage ripens late - about 75-80 days after planting the seedlings.

The advantages of the hybrid are as follows:

  • wide scope of application;
  • resistance to low/high temperatures.

However for normal development this cauliflower is required mineral fertilizers, which means that the plants will still have to be fertilized, even if the soil is fertile.

It is distinguished by dense white heads weighing 2-3 kg, which can be considered a kind of record among the varieties described in the article. The fruits are used in the same way as the previous hybrid. Ripening traditionally occurs late - at least 75 days after planting the seedlings. This means that the ripening heads can “survive” until the autumn frosts, but the latter will not harm them.

The advantages of the hybrid include:

  • high productivity;
  • the ability to “self-cover” (like the “Amerigo F1”).

But if you grow a hybrid in infertile soil, then you can forget about high yields. Therefore, in order to get 3-kilogram heads, you need to devote a lot of time to feeding the plants.

Features of planting cauliflower

The culture needs soil with normal acidity. The composition may be different, but it is desirable that the soil is moist and rich in fertilizers, so in early spring or in autumn you need to add ash, dolomite flour or lime. In addition, in the fall, when digging, mineral fertilizer is applied.

It is better to plant cauliflower after the following crops:

  • beans;
  • tomatoes;
  • cucumbers;
  • beet.

Planting can be done with both seedlings and seeds. The first method is preferable for the regions of the middle zone, while the second is used by residents of the south.

Method number 1. Seedless

Everything here is extremely simple: in early May, the fertilized and dug up beds are moistened, after which seeds are sown in them to a depth of about 2 cm. In this case, the first heads should appear in July.

Method number 2. Using seedlings

The process is not much different from similar actions when growing white cabbage, but some important nuances still worth telling. So, root system cauliflower is not so developed, so you can prepare one common box for sowing (6 days before transplanting, the soil will need to be cut into squares so that the plants form branched roots).

Then you need to properly prepare the seed: the seeds should be kept in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate and boiling water, and only then you can proceed directly to sowing.

As for the specific sowing dates, they look like this:

  • for mid-season varieties this is the period from April 10 to May 12;
  • for early crops and hybrids - from the first to the last days of March;
  • for late ripening - from March 15 to June 10.

2 weeks after sowing, seedlings should be hardened off and transplanted into open ground should be produced when the weather is consistently warm, with the age of the sprouts before planting for different groups mine:

  • 35 days for late;
  • 40 days for medium ones;
  • 60 days for early varieties.

When replanting, it is recommended to use the following scheme: the row spacing should be 50 cm, and the distance between the holes should be 25 cm. Immediately after replanting, the plants are covered with film; in addition, for better survival, they can be shaded for several days.

Features of further care

After transplanting, cabbage should be watered regularly. After 2 weeks, hilling should be done, and after another 7 days, fertilizing should be applied for the first time. Other care features are listed in the table below.

Table. How to care for culture

ConditionBrief description

You need to water abundantly, but you shouldn’t overdo it. At first, the seedlings need to be watered twice a week (6-8 l/m²). After a few weeks, the consumption can be increased to 9-10 liters.

There are many pests that can attack cauliflower, and they are extremely difficult to control. Therefore, for preventive purposes, it is recommended to sprinkle the plants with tobacco or ash, or, alternatively, spray them with infusion of burdock or tomato stems.

We have dealt with fertilizing before planting, so we note that in the future you need to periodically water the plants with a solution of chicken droppings or mullein. Some varieties require mineral fertilizers.

The optimal temperature for culture development is 16-25°C. Exceeding this indicator will lead to deterioration in yield.

As a result, we note that if you followed all the recommendations given, but cauliflower still did not give the desired result, then all that remains is to reduce the planting density.

Video - Growing cauliflower

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