Lee Harvey Oswald was killed. Why Lee Harvey Oswald's widow doesn't believe her husband shot JFK. Military service and career

Who is Jack Ruby, who shot Lee Harvey Oswald in front of all America, a mafioso or a CIA agent? This question, like the question of who is behind the assassination of the president, is shrouded in mystery. Who shot Kennedy remains the most significant mystery of the 20th century. The hopes that time would put everything in its place melted away like spring snow. The efforts of many people who investigated and tried to solve this crime did not answer the question. Who was behind this?

Assassination of Oswald

On November 24, 1963, Carousel restaurant owner Jack Ruby killed Oswald. In the underground garage of the Dallas police, Lee Harvey Oswald was shot, who was intended to be transported to the county jail. At the same time, there was a live broadcast on TV, and the whole country witnessed this crime. Oswald was formally charged with the assassination of President Kennedy.

From that moment on, the investigation lost the accused, with whom much information went to the grave. It was no longer possible to conduct a full investigation. The investigation into the Jack Ruby case was lightning fast. On March 14, 1964, he was sentenced to death. A cross-appeal was filed and a new trial was ordered. On January 3, 1967, he died of lung cancer, and the case was closed. Why does Jack Ruby kill Lee Harvey Oswald? This remains a mystery.

The court did not accept Ruby's version that he decided to kill Oswald in order to acquit the city of Dallas and Texas and free Jackie Kennedy from testifying against the killer. After that, he contacted the investigation commission, but received no response. Only after his sister contacted the commission and the letter became public did the commission agree to return to considering some of the facts. But then Jack Ruby himself dies. The investigation was closed.

Three versions of the Kennedy assassination

It is reliably known that Jack Ruby had connections with organized crime and the CIA. There are three versions of Kennedy's assassination:

  • The first version, officially recognized by the commission of inquiry, is that the president was killed by a lone Oswald. Why he did this remains a mystery.
  • The second version is based on the fact that the assassination of the president was organized by the leaders of organized crime.
  • The third version is supported by supporters of the “Conspiracy Theory”, according to which the death of the president was beneficial to very influential individuals out of self-interest, ambition or other group interests.

Supporters of the third version, which includes the majority of Americans and others, have many reasoned questions. However, the official bodies never provided answers to them. This confirms that the authorities deliberately tried not to give them due importance.

Jack Ruby is one of the fragments of "Conspiracy Theory". It is difficult to imagine that a power such as the United States, which has the most powerful investigative system, such services as the CIA and FBI, could not investigate the crime. This can only speak of influential persons who did not want all the secrets to be solved and made public.

Jacob Rubinstein

Jack Ruby is the fifth of eight children of the Rubinstein family. Chicago native. His childhood was marked by the tragic story of his parents, who divorced after fights and scandals. The boy often ran away from home. His mother, left alone with the children, suffered from mental instability. Given the current situation, Jacob Rubenstein was taken into the care of the Jewish Council. There were several foster families in his life.

Ruby's intelligence connections

In this situation, the boy was forced to work selling tickets to sporting events. At the same time, his peer from a family of poor Italian emigrants works with him. The work did not proceed on its own, but under the supervision of members of the Italian mafia, namely Sam Giancana, a young crime boss at that time.

Since 1941, Ruby has been in the candy business with her brothers. During the war, with the help of the same Dzhankan, he receives a contract with the US Army for the supply of dry rations. It was impossible to get it just like that. The intelligence services with which Sam Giancana was associated had a hand in this.

Mafia vs Kennedy

Having earned good money, Jacob Rubinstein, who by that time had officially changed his name to Jack Ruby, moved to Texas, where he invested it in the business of his sister Eva Grant - the construction of a nightclub. His affairs went with varying degrees of success. Soon he becomes the owner of the night strip club "Carousel".

Unofficial investigations conducted by conspiracy theorists showed that his business was under the tutelage of criminals. Did Jack Ruby know Oswald before the murder? Most likely yes. The testimony of witnesses who saw them in the Carousel restaurant has been preserved.

It is no secret that the American mafiosi were closely connected with this country through the casinos in Havana before the Cuban Revolution. After the revolution, they continued to maintain contact with Cuban emigrants who were opposed to Fidel. Several American crime families could not forgive Kennedy for the failure of the American landing operation in the Gulf of Concinos to overthrow the regime of Fidel Castro.

Nor could they forgive Attorney General Robert Kennedy, who waged an unprecedented fight against organized crime. But with all the pros in favor of the criminal version, it is impossible to imagine that the mafia would work against the authorities. In any case, crime is part of a conspiracy directed by the CIA and FBI in the right direction.

Lee Harvey Oswald

One of the eyewitnesses, Howard Brennan, who was in front of the book depository at the time of the shooting, told police that after the first shot he looked at the book depository, where he believed the source of the noise was, and saw a man shooting in the sixth floor window. While Brennan was giving his statement to police, an employee named Jarman came out of the book depository and confirmed that he had heard shots from inside. Another employee, Roy Truly, told police that his subordinate Lee Harvey Oswald left the building immediately after the shots were fired. He also gave his name and home address.

As the Warren Commission found, Oswald left the gun behind the boxes and immediately left the building shortly before it was sealed by the police. At about one o'clock in the afternoon, Oswald got home, but stayed there only a short time. As Oswald walked down one street, he was stopped by patrolman J.P. Tippit. He got out of the car and Oswald killed him with several pistol shots. Soon after, Oswald was arrested at a movie theater. An hour and twenty minutes had passed since Kennedy was wounded. Oswald tried to fire a pistol at a policeman, but was subdued. This fact is questionable because There were only two witnesses to this crime, and both of them refused to identify Oswald as the person who shot the policeman. That same night he was charged with the murders of Kennedy and Tippit. He completely denied his guilt. Two days later, on November 24, 1963, Oswald, leaving the police station accompanied by police, was shot and killed by nightclub owner D. Ruby. Therefore, Oswald's guilt was never proven or disproved in court. This is official data.

Oliver Stone, following Jim Garrison, makes Oswald a spy trained to work in the USSR. He claims that Oswald speaks Russian perfectly. Neither one nor the other is true. Naturally, Oswald, as a former infantryman, was in control of the CIA and was an agent for Anti-Castro operations. But to intelligence in pure form he had no relation. Moreover, Oswald more often carried out instructions for CIA contacts with the mafia. It was through this type of activity that Oswald had contacts with D. Ruby. As for the Russian language, these are Garrison’s fantasies; all the testimony speaks of Oswald’s very weak Russian language. Even Marina’s friends, when visiting her, communicated with Oswald in English.

Gary Oldman as Lee Harvey Oswald

Lee Harvey Oswald was born in New Orleans, Louisiana, October 18, 1939, Mother Marguerite Claverie,father, Robert E. Lee Oswald, an insurance broker, had died of a heart attack two months earlier. Lee was the third of three children, all boys. Lee spent most of his childhood years in Texas.The family flourished for a time when Marguerite married for the third time. For Edwin Ekdahl, in 1945. "We all loved Mr. Ekdahl and were in good relations with him," Robert Oswald later recalled, "but I think Lee loved him the most."

Oswald grew up as a solitary and unsociable child. At school, he had problems with his academic performance and every year his performance became worse and worse.In 1952, Marguerite Oswald brought Lee to New York, where her oldest brother, John, was renting an apartment. After 13-year-old Lee threatened John's wife with a jackknife, they were asked to leave and found an apartment in the Bronx. Oswald started serious problems at school, both with academic performance and class attendance. And at the beginning of 1953 he was sent to a school for difficult teenagers.

Lee Harvey Oswald 1954

In 1954, the family returned to their native Orleans where Oswald soon became imbued with the spirit of Marxism and in 1956, at the age of 16, he wrote a letter to the Socialist Party of America:

Dear Sirs.

I am sixteen years of age and would like more information about your youth League, I would like to know if there is a branch in my area, how to join, ect., I am a Marxist, and have been studying socialist principles for well over fifteen months[.] I am very interested in your Y.P.S.L.


Lee Oswald

His second dream is to serve in the Marine Corps. Which he does, but not for long. During his service, he often gets into political discussions and vigorously debates Khrushchev and Castro.

Lee Harvey Oswald

He leaves the fleet on the pretext of helping his sick mother, but he very quickly leaves for a Swiss college. However, he does not appear at the college itself, but reappears in the USSR and asks for asylum. Initially, the USSR refuses Oswald, but after his attempt to open his veins, they decide to leave him. He is sent to Minsk to a radio electronics factory and given a luxurious apartment, by Soviet standards. Oswald marries a Russian girl, Marina. However, very soon he becomes disillusioned with life in the USSR. He doesn't like the complete lack of entertainment. The money he earns has nowhere to spend and Oswald gets tired of this gray life. He expresses a desire to return to the United States and the whole family moves to Dallas.

After moving to America, Oswald begins to have problems with Marina. The marriage is cracking. Oswald cannot find a normal job and beats his wife. At the same time he becomes a member of some political movements in defense of Castro and even appears on the radio in a dispute with a Cuban emigrant. During this period, he came to the attention of D. Ruby, who was a member of the Dallas mafia and had contacts with various Cuban organizations for the sale of weapons. In the process of communicating with Oswald, Ruby noted his dislike for Kennedy, and later this served as one of the reasons for involving Oswald in the operation to eliminate Kennedy. Perhaps it was Ruby who subsequently suggested leaving evidence pointing to Oswald and using him workplace for one of the shooters.

Lee Harvey Oswald

Most likely Oswald did not own complete information about the conspiracy and naturally had no idea about the role assigned to him. That is why he was somewhat confused when arrested and stated that he did not admit to any charges. He stated that he had been framed. However, his mental state could lead to Oswald starting to talk about the participants in the conspiracy. Jack Ruby was accused of the fact that Oswald turned out to be his man and was asked to eliminate the potential witness himself without arousing suspicion and under a patriotic pretext, so that nothing would indicate a connection between them. Ruby was taken to police headquarters and while Oswald was being transferred from the department to the state prison, Ruby shot him in the heart. Later, during interrogations, Ruby claimed that he did this for two reasons. To avenge the president and save Jacqueline Kennedy from having to testify in court.

Here are just a few pieces of evidence that Oswald could not have done what was eventually pinned on him:

1. A paraffin test confirmed that Oswald had not fired any firearms for at least two days before the assassination. The fact that Oswald killed police officer JP Tippit also raises many questions.

2. FBI experts refused to conduct any tests with the rifle found on the sixth floor of the book depository until... ATTENTION, the optical sight was adjusted and adjusted and the trigger was replaced with a smoother one, since the hand on the rifle was very tight constantly broke down. In fact, Oswald's rifle was reassembled and at the time of the assassination attempt it was practically unsuitable for shooting.

3. The photo with the rifle and the newspaper, which was presented as evidence that Oswald purchased this rifle, is an obvious fake. At least 18 signs of photomontage were found on it. Most likely, Oswald did not even see this rifle and it was purchased on his behalf specifically to be left at the crime scene. In theory, tests should not have been carried out with her at all. members of the conspiracy at all stages of the investigation had already decided that the killer was a loner and that additional evidence was simply not required. But... A. Zapruder's film became evidence that was not expected. The recording made it possible to record the intervals between shots and gave rise to suspicions about whether this was possible in principle. Well, as a result, there was a clear need for experiments. The Warren Commission could no longer avoid carrying it out.

4. And if we are talking about a rifle, then the rifle that is stored in the US National Archives as a murder weapon is not at all the one that Oswald allegedly purchased. The fact is that if you look at the advertisement for the sale of a rifle in one of the newspapers, you will notice that the length of the rifle purchased, according to investigators by Oswald under the name of A. Haydel, is 102 cm. The rifle from the photograph “in the backyard” has a length of 96 see (we will go into more detail in). These are two different models the same rifle. It is significant that the Warren Commission report contains a falsified advertisement for the sale of this rifle, where its length is the required 102 cm. But an inquisitive person can dig up a real edition of this newspaper with an advertisement for the sale of a completely different gun.

Advertisement from the Warren Commission report length 40 inches = 102cm.

And this is a real advertisement in that same newspaper. Length 36 inches = 96 cm.

Oswald's guilt was never proven in court, and the evidence collected raises very serious and justifiable doubts that Oswald fired at least one shot at Daily Plaza. Although it is also safe to say that Oswald had direct relation to the death of President Kennedy and was in the Book Depository building at 12:30 min. November 22, 1963, where he performed his clearly assigned role.

Oswald is buried in a suburb of Dallas. On his grave there is a small stone slab with the inscription OSWALD

His father, Robert Edward Lee Oswald, died of a heart attack before his birth, and his mother, Margarita Frances Clavier, raised the boy and his two brothers herself.

In 1956, Lee Harvey left school and joined the Corps. Marine Corps USA, where he was trained as a sniper. He served at the Marine Corps Air Station at El Toro, and from September 1957 - in Atsugi (Japan) as part of the naval squadron Air Control 1. In December 1958, he was transferred back to El Toro. On September 11, 1959, he retired to the reserve, citing the need to care for his mother.

At the end of September 1959, Oswald provided fictitious documents confirming his intention to study at one of the colleges in Switzerland and went through France and England to Finland.

Was there a "Russian trace" to the assassination of John Kennedy?The version about Moscow's hand in the assassination of Kennedy will always exist because Oswald spent almost three years in the Soviet Union, recalls Larisa Sayenko.

On October 14, in Helsinki, he received a Soviet visa, allowing him to travel to the USSR for no more than 6 days. On October 16, 1959, Oswald arrived in Moscow and checked into the Berlin Hotel. Through his guide Rimma Shirokova, Oswald expressed his desire to remain in the Soviet Union, but on October 21, after a lengthy conversation with KGB officers, he was refused. Returning to the hotel, he tried to commit suicide by cutting his veins. In an unconscious state, he was taken to the City Clinical Hospital named after S.P. Botkin.

A few days after being discharged from the hospital, on October 31, at the US Embassy in Moscow, Oswald announced that he intended to renounce his American citizenship. Until the end of the year, the American awaited the decision of the Soviet consulate and practically did not leave hotel room, actively studying the Russian language.

On January 4, 1960, Oswald was given an identity document for stateless persons and informed that they were ready to leave him in Minsk.

In 1960-1962, Oswald lived in Minsk, worked as a turner at the Minsk Radio Plant named after V. Lenin. The American was given a separate apartment and a salary of 700 rubles. At the same time, Oswald was under constant KGB surveillance.

Shushkevich: convinced that Oswald could not have killed KennedyMore than 50 years later former manager Belarus told RIA Novosti in Minsk about his student, assuring that he categorically did not believe that he could have killed US President John Kennedy.

By the beginning of 1961, Lee Harvey became disillusioned with the Soviet way of life: they refused to admit him to the Peoples' Friendship University. Patrice Lumumba (now Russian University friendship of peoples), in his diary entries he complained about the lack of entertainment and the opportunity to travel. In February 1961, Oswald contacted the US Embassy with a request to help him return to his homeland.

In April 1961, he married Soviet citizen Marina Prusakova, and on February 15, 1962, their daughter June was born.

June 1, 1962, after receiving all necessary documents, Lee Harvey Oswald left the USSR with his wife and daughter.

Returning to the United States, Oswald settled in Fort Worth, near his mother and brother's family. He often changed jobs and places of residence, and wrote memoirs about life in the Soviet Union. Soon, using false documents, he acquired a 38-caliber revolver and a rifle.

According to one version, on April 10, 1963, he made an unsuccessful attempt on the life of retired Major General Edwin Walker, known for his anti-communist views.

In April 1963, in New Orleans, Lee Harvey took the initiative to create a local branch of the Crusade to Free Cuba Committee, which opposed the regime of Fidel Castro. I tried to get a transit visa at the Cuban embassy in Mexico City, and applied for a visa at the Soviet embassy, ​​citing FBI surveillance.

On October 20, 1963, the second daughter, Audrey Marina Rachel, was born into the Oswald family.

In October 1963, Oswald went to work at the Texas Depository educational literature(Texas School Book Depository) in Dallas.

As the Warren Commission (investigating the assassination of US President John F. Kennedy) found, on November 22, 1963, from a window on the sixth floor of the depository building, Oswald shot three times at US President John F. Kennedy while he was riding in a motorcade. He killed Kennedy and wounded Governor John B. Connally.

Oswald managed to escape the crime scene, but was soon stopped on the street by patrol officer J.D. Tippit, whom Lee Harvey also shot and killed.

A few hours later, Oswald was detained near the Texas Theater. After analyzing the evidence remaining at the crime scene, he was recognized as a suspect in the JFK assassination case and was arrested. During interrogations he did not admit his guilt.

On November 24, 1963, on his way to interrogation, Oswald was fatally shot by nightclub owner Jack Ruby and died several hours later at Parkland Hospital.

The material was prepared based on information from open sources

It is considered the largest national tragedy of the 20th century. On November 22, 1963, while riding in an open limousine through the streets of Dallas, Texas, the 35th President of the United States was shot and killed. The only official accused, or, according to the Warren Commission, guilty, is Lee Harvey Oswald - an American who vehemently hated his country. The facts of his biography indicate that Oswald could be the same killer of John Kennedy or a victim of a conspiracy.

Childhood and youth

Lee Harvey Oswald was born on October 18, 1939 in New Orleans, Louisiana. Father Robert Edward Lee Oswald Sr. died of a heart attack 2 months before his birth. The children - Lee and older brothers Robert Edward Lee and John Edward Peake - remained in the care of their mother Margaret Frances Claverie. It turned out to be difficult to provide for three sons: the boys spent 13 months in an orphanage.

In 1944, the Oswald family moved to Dallas, where a year later Lee entered 1st grade. Teachers described the boy as “withdrawn and aggressive.” The latter trait was most often manifested in school, which is why 12 institutions had to be changed. In August 1952, 12-year-old Lee beat his mother and threatened his stepbrother's wife with a knife.

As a child, Oswald underwent a psychiatric evaluation that revealed a "personality disorder with schizoid features and passive-aggressive tendencies." In other words, with a demonstration of strength, Lee tried to compensate for his shortcomings: he suffered from dyslexia - he read quickly, but could hardly write.

In 1954, the family returned to New Orleans. The teenager completed the 8th and 9th grades with difficulty, and dropped out of school in the 10th. He worked part-time as an office messenger and courier. In July 1956, Lee made another attempt to graduate from high school, but at age 17 he dropped out to join the Marine Corps.

Military service and career

On October 24, 1956, Oswald enlisted in the United States Marine Corps. On the Warren Commission (created to investigate the assassination of John Kennedy) stepbrother Lee John Peak testified that joining the army was a reason to get out from under the oppression of his mother.

Private Oswald's personal card indicated that he weighed 61 kg with a height of 173 cm, was distinguished by mobility and nervousness. Had “permission to process classified materials, including confidential” as an aircraft electronics operator.

Like other infantrymen, Lee took a marksmanship test. The result for December 1956 was 212 points, which is slightly higher than the requirements for snipers. 3 years later his performance worsened – 191 points.

Guns were the cause of Oswald's problems in the army. The first time he stood before the tribunal was when he shot himself in the elbow with a pistol that was not on safety. The young man decided that one of the sergeants of his unit was guilty of this, and lost the fight. The 3rd time, Lee shot into the jungle unnecessarily. On September 11, 1959, he resigned of his own free will.

Oswald was interested in communism, life in the USSR, and began learning Russian while still in the army. In October 1959, an American came to Moscow and applied for citizenship. The application was rejected. Enraged by the news, Lee tried to commit suicide.

After 10 days spent in a mental hospital, Oswald contacted the US Embassy in Moscow to renounce his American citizenship. He told the diplomats about his service at the radar station and promised to provide the USSR with interesting information. The proposal did not go unheeded: Lee was not deported.

The young man was sent to Minsk to work as a turner at the Horizont electronics plant. His salary with bonuses and allowances was 700 rubles - 5 times more than any Soviet worker. Oswald was given a furnished apartment in a prestigious building on the street. Kalinina (now Kommunisticheskaya St.). He was taught Russian by Stanislav Shushkevich, the future head of the Republic of Belarus.

In June 1962, Lee, his wife Marina Oswald and daughter June moved to the United States. The family settled near Dallas, in the “Russian Quarter”. The emigrant George de Mohrenschild became a close friend of the American. They discussed communist and revolutionary ideas and hated the country in which they lived. The Warren Commission suggested that it was these conversations that pushed the mentally unstable Lee to attempt to assassinate retired US Major General Edwin Walker, an ardent anti-communist.

In March 1963, Oswald, under the alias A. Hidell, purchased a rifle and a revolver. On April 10, Lee shot Edwin Walker sitting at a table in his home from a distance of 30 m. The bullet pierced the window frame, which saved the serviceman's life. It is assumed that Oswald wanted to scare Walker, not kill him, and deliberately misfired.

In the following months, Oswald became active in support of the Cuban Revolution, tried unsuccessfully to infiltrate the island, and eventually returned to Dallas. He got a job at the Texas School Book Depository, from the window of which President Kennedy was assassinated.

Personal life

Both women in Lee Harvey Oswald's personal life are Russian. Since June 1960, he was in a relationship with his Horizon colleague Ella German. At the beginning of 1961, a young man invited her to become his wife, but she refused - she did not love Lee and was afraid to marry an American. It is believed that Herman's refusal pushed Oswald to immigrate.

In March 1961, Lee met Marina Nikolaevna Prusakova, a 19-year-old pharmacology student. The lovers married in April of the same year, and on February 15, 1962, their daughter June was born.

Lee's acquaintances testified at the Warren Commission that there was domestic violence in the Oswald family. Russian emigrants who lived nearby in Dallas took pity on the girl and brought her food and children's toys, but this only angered Lee more.

Assassination of John Kennedy

The route of John F. Kennedy's motorcade through Dallas was known in advance - the path ran next to the Texas School Book Depository.

On November 21, the day before the murder, Oswald asked Weasley Fraser, an acquaintance, to give him a lift to the center - he had to transport curtain rods from Marina’s house to a rented apartment that he rented not far from work. On the morning of November 22, when Lee left, he left his wife $170 and wedding ring, and took with him a long paper bag, supposedly with curtain rods. The package is believed to have contained a rifle.

Charles Givens, Oswald's colleague, told the Warren Commission that he saw him on the 6th floor of the book depository at about 11:55 on November 22 - 35 minutes before the motorcade appeared at the building. Several other employees saw Lee at work until 12:10 p.m. JFK was shot at 12:20 p.m.

Assassination of John Kennedy

The killer fired 3 shots. The first bullet flew past the presidential limousine, the second hit between Kennedy and John Connally, the governor of Texas, and the third killed Kennedy - the shot hit him in the temple. Later, Howard Brennan, a passerby, reported that after the first shot he saw a man in the window of the book depository on the 6th floor.

It took Oswald a minute and a half to hide the rifle in boxes of books and leave the book depository. On the 2nd floor he encountered police officer Marrion Baker and his superior, Roy Trulli.

In the report, Baker indicated that Oswald did not look suspicious and was afraid when the gun was pointed at him. After speaking briefly with the policeman, Lee moved on and then left the warehouse through front entrance. At about 13:00 the young man took things from the rented apartment and left.

Howard Brennan's clues to Kennedy's killer helped Trooper Tippit stop the suspect. As Tippit exited the car, Lee pulled out a revolver and pulled the trigger 4 times.

Arrest and investigation

In an attempt to escape, Oswald slipped into the Texas Theater without paying. A cleaner from a nearby store who saw this recommended that the theater controller contact the police. The killer wanted to fight off the arriving squad and pointed a pistol at them, but he was disarmed.

At about 2:00 p.m. on November 22, Lee was taken to the Dallas Police Department. By 19:00 he was charged with the death of Patrolman Tippit, and the next day - as a possible assassin of JFK. Oswald told reporters:

“I didn’t shoot anyone. They arrested me because I lived in the Soviet Union."

During interrogations, Oswald denied having a rifle. The file contains photographs in which a young man holds a rifle found in a book depository in one hand, and newspapers in the other. The photo was taken by Marina around March 31, 1963. Lee called the photos a "duck."

The Warren Commission concluded that Oswald shot the president alone. The main motive was said to be “hatred of American society.” 3% of the 888-page report remains unpublished, prompting alternative views. Some experts call Lee the victim of a national conspiracy, others say the killer did not act alone.

According to another version, John Kennedy was shot not by Oswald, but by his “twin” from Soviet Union. To test the theory, with the consent of the widow, the body was exhumed in 1981. Based on dental photographs and a scar left after the autopsy, it was established that Oswald was in the grave.


On November 24, 1963, police led Oswald to an armored car to take him to prison. Jack Ruby, a Dallas nightclub owner, emerged from the crowd and shot Lee at close range. The bullet hit the stomach.

Oswald was taken unconscious to Parkland Memorial Hospital, the same hospital where John F. Kennedy died two days earlier. Cardiac arrest occurred at 13:07.

Jack Ruby called his action an attempt to “save the soul of Mrs. Kennedy.” In March 1964, he was sentenced to death. The decision was challenged. Ruby died of lung cancer in 1967.

Oswald's body was buried on November 25 at Shannon Rose Hill Memorial Park in Fort Worth. The original headstone with full name and dates of life and death was stolen. Now on the grave lies a granite slab with the inscription “Oswald”.


The biggest national tragedy of the 20th century became the reason for leaving documentaries And works of art, and Lee Harvey Oswald, as the only suspect in the death of John Kennedy, is their key character.

While there are dozens of films about these events, there are only a few books. in the science fiction novel “11/22/63” (2011) talks about a teacher English language Jake Epping, who travels back in time to prevent the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Although the book is fiction, the facts about Lee Harvey Oswald are not distorted. The novel formed the basis for a mini-series of the same name. Daniel Webber played the role of the criminal.


  • 1964 – “Four Days of November”
  • 1983 – “Kennedy”
  • 1991 – “John F. Kennedy: Shots Fired in Dallas”
  • 1995 – “Nixon”
  • 2000 – “First Lady”
  • 2007 – “The Ghost of Oswald”
  • 2011 – “The Kennedy Clan”
  • 2013 – “Parkland”
  • 2016 – “Jackie”
  • 2016 – “11/22/63”

The mystery surrounding who killed John Kennedy continues to occupy the whole world.

Lee Harvey Oswald has gone down in history as the man who shot the president - but one woman who claims to have been Oswald's lover says he is innocent.

“I will always love Lee. And I will always protect him,” says 74-year-old Judyth Vary Baker in an exclusive interview with Aftonbladet newspaper.

100 years have passed since the day when one of the most mysterious US presidents, John Kennedy, was born in Boston on May 29, 1917.

Kennedy was only 46 years old when he was shot and killed on November 22, 1963, while visiting Dallas, Texas. The question of who did it is often called the greatest mystery in history.

24-year-old Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested for this murder. There was never a trial against him - two days later he was killed by nightclub owner Jack Ruby, which was reported by journalists and shown live. But his guilt was later established during a public inquiry by the Warren Commission.

"Lee was a fantastic lover"

However, the book “Me & Lee - how I came to know, love and lose Lee Harvey Oswald” claims something different. It was written by Judith Vary Baker, who claims to have known Oswald better than anyone else.

According to her, she was Oswald's mistress.

“Lee was a fantastic gentle lover. He also danced well and loved to sing. We often sang together, especially stupid songs,” Baker told Aftonbladet in a letter a few days before President Kennedy’s centenary.

Judith Vary Baker claims she met Lee Harvey Oswald at a post office in New Orleans in April 1963. She was 19, he was four years older. Even though Oswald was married and had young children—and even though Judith was planning to marry her then-boyfriend—they fell in love and began a secret relationship.


How Gromyko angered Kennedy

Technet.cz 01/06/2017

10 unknown facts about the assassination of John Kennedy

The Telegraph UK 11/24/2013

Lee Harvey Oswald, disillusioned revolutionary

The Wall Street Journal 10/07/2013 In her acclaimed book, Judith Baker claims that Oswald was a CIA agent. She herself was then a student full of ambitions medical university and studied cancer. But through Oswald, she claims, she was drawn into a secret conspiracy behind which stood the American intelligence agency CIA and the local New Orleans mafia. The purpose of the plot was to assassinate Cuban President Fidel Castro from an ambush.

“This was shortly after the Cuban missile crisis, when everyone lived in constant fear that a third world war. We hated Castro for what he did against his own people, for the way he tortured his political opponents,” Baker says.

The CIA ordered the assassination of the President

In the summer of 1963, Baker and her scientific colleagues were tasked with isolating cancer cells, which Lee Harvey Oswald would then smuggle into Cuba. But according to Baker, the CIA and Mafia conspirators had another figure in their sights all along: Kennedy.

In the fall of 1963, instead of his previous assignment, Oswald received orders to shoot the president during his visit to Dallas on November 22. At first he refused, but then, according to Judith, he gave in because he was afraid that otherwise his wife Marina and two small children would be killed.

“Lee knew what would happen, he knew he would die. During our last conversation, 37 hours before the murder, we cried and said goodbye,” Baker says.

According to her, Oswald was at the scene of the assassination, but, in all likelihood, missed, because Kennedy's motorcade was moving very quickly. Someone else fired the fatal shot.

The story is dismissed as pure fantasy

The story that Baker tells is, to put it mildly, sensational, and it is not possible to verify how much truth there is in it. There are no photographs of her together with Lee Harvey Oswald, nor any other irrefutable evidence that they even knew each other.

The only thing that can be called proof is a pay stub from the New Orleans coffee factory where she and Oswald worked briefly in 1963; in other words, she can prove that they were at least some time colleagues.

Many call her story pure fiction, but in conspiracy circles she is... famous person, extolled by people like former Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura.

Aftonbladet: What do you tell people who don't believe your story?

Judith Vary Baker (in letter): Now this is not such a problem as it used to be, now many people actively defend me. I have had the opportunity to give many lectures, both in Europe and on the other side of the Atlantic. Many people heard me. Critics are no longer such a big problem - too many people know me now and protect me from evil people.

"Me and Lee" will be published in a new, expanded version next year, with a large number evidence and evidence that will support my information. I am also the founder and organizer of the annual JFK Assassination Conference, which will be held for the fifth time this year. In 2016, we had 31 speakers out of five different countries. So many people came that the firefighters had to turn some of them away.

Persecution after the story was published

Judith Vary Baker did not speak for a long time about the connection she said she had with Oswald. But in 1999, she removed the seal of silence from her lips and began to tell her story. This, she claims, resulted in countless threats and persecution - and as a result, in 2007, she asked for asylum in Sweden.

According to her, she now lives in Sweden for several months a year, and spends the rest of the time in Eastern Europe.

“I live in Sweden as many months a year as I can, but since I am not a citizen of the country, I have to leave it periodically. They say I'm safe in the US, but that's ridiculous."

I asked Judith Vary Baker how she remembers Lee Harvey Oswald today, nearly 54 years after his death ended their supposed relationship.

“Lee and I were a very good fit. We had a lot in common. We deeply loved humanity, which helped me and guided me all these for many years that I am forced to live without him. He used to tell me “don’t confuse discomfort with pain. It’s normal to be afraid, it’s how you behave, even if you’re afraid, that matters,” Judith replies.

Lee Harvey Oswald

October 16, 1959: Arrives in Moscow. Oswald for a long time was interested in Marxism and planned to become a Soviet citizen. He receives a temporary residence permit and settles in Minsk, where he marries Marina Prusakova in April 1961.

June 13, 1962: Abandons plan to become a Soviet citizen and returns to the United States with his wife and newborn daughter June. The family settled in Fort Worth, where he took on a variety of casual jobs.

October 15, 1963: After a period of unemployment, gets a job at a school textbook warehouse in Dallas.

November 22, 1963: President Kennedy's motorcade passes the textbook warehouse. Kennedy was shot at 12:30 p.m. 45 minutes later, an unknown man shot and killed Policeman J.D Tippit. Signs point to Oswald, who was captured at a car dealership at 1:50 p.m. He was first detained for the murder of Tippit, and a day later he was also charged with the murder of the president.

November 24, 1963: A little after 11 a.m., Oswald is scheduled to be transferred from Dallas County Jail. This event is shown live on television. Suddenly, nightclub owner Jack Ruby runs out and shoots Lee Oswald in the stomach. At 1:07 p.m., Lee Oswald's death is announced.

InoSMI materials contain assessments exclusively of foreign media and do not reflect the position of the InoSMI editorial staff.

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