Homemade sugar candies for children. How to make lollipops at home. Candy Molds

Homemade lollipops - general principles of preparation

As a child, everyone tried colorful candies in the form of different animals and figures. Recipes for homemade candies will help you return to childhood for 10 minutes. The preparation of the treat is extremely simple - even a child can handle it. The main ingredients for homemade candy are sugar, water and vinegar, you can also use lemon or any other fruit juice. If there are no natural dyes, you can use food dyes. Regular white sugar will produce yellow candies, while brown sugar will produce darker, amber ones.

The principle of making homemade candy is very simple: sugar is mixed with water or juice and put on fire. After boiling, you need to pour in the vinegar and stir the syrup. In general, caramel should be cooked for 2 to 7 minutes. As soon as it begins to thicken, the syrup can be poured into molds. The sticks need to be stuck in as soon as the mass begins to “set.” In 2 minutes, homemade lollipops will be ready.

You can make homemade lollipops even if you don’t have special molds. You can use parchment paper. Spread the paper on the table and pour the cooked caramel in small portions, then place the sticks on top and pour more caramel. You will get oval or round candies. You can also pour the syrup onto a regular dish. It must first be lubricated with vegetable oil. The candies will simply break into pieces. Another way is to “wind” caramel onto wooden sticks and place it in a container of cold water. This will need to be done several times in a row.

Any fruit and berry juices are suitable for making lollipops; you can also add cocoa, honey, vanillin, etc. To homemade lollipops for adults, you can add a little rum, wine, cognac or liqueur.

Homemade candy - preparing food and utensils

To make homemade lollipops, you will need special lollipop molds (you can use silicone ones), wooden sticks, kebab skewers or toothpicks and an enamel bowl with a thin bottom. It is advisable that the dishes be light in color. This will allow you to control the readiness of the caramel and monitor its color to avoid overcooking and crystallization of sugar. Molds for lollipops must first be greased with vegetable oil, otherwise you will not be able to get them out. If sharp wooden skewers are used, the pointed ends must be cut off, otherwise you may get hurt.

Preparing the products is the process of making homemade candy. You can read about how to prepare them in the recipes below.

Homemade candy recipes:

Recipe 1: Homemade lollipops

Homemade lollipops are very easy and quick to prepare. All you need is sugar, water, vinegar and optional food coloring to make your caramels colorful and colorful. Also prepare small molds and thin wooden skewers.

Required ingredients:

  • 4 spoons of sugar;
  • Water - 30 ml;
  • 15 ml vinegar (9%);
  • Food coloring - optional.

Cooking method:

Pour sugar into enamel dishes. We dilute a few grams of dye in a small amount of water. Pour regular water into the sugar. Place the bowl over high heat and bring the syrup to a boil, stirring continuously. As soon as the contents of the bowl boil, pour in the vinegar. Reduce heat and cook the syrup for a few minutes. At the end of cooking, add the diluted dye. Determine readiness: dip the stick in the syrup and immediately place it under cold water. If the mass stretches, then the syrup still needs to be boiled. At the end of cooking, turn off the heat and stir the contents of the bowl. Pour the caramel into the molds, after a few minutes insert the sticks. After half an hour, homemade candy will harden.

Recipe 2: Homemade Lemon Juice Drops

These homemade lollipops are prepared just as simply as in the first version. The lemon juice used in this recipe gives the caramel a pleasant sourness. You can use lemon juice and water in equal quantities. Prepare special molds for lollipops. The molds must first be greased with vegetable oil.

Required ingredients:

  • Sugar - 3 spoons;
  • Lemon juice - 30 ml;
  • Vegetable oil - 12 ml.

Cooking method:

Mix sugar with lemon juice. Boil the caramel for 3-5 minutes. The longer you cook, the more bitterness and burnt sugar taste you will feel. Pour the mixture into molds and insert the sticks. Leave the homemade lollipops to cool.

Recipe 3: Homemade lollipops with currant juice

You can always use natural food coloring instead of food coloring. Fruit and berry juices are best suited. Homemade lollipops with currant juice take no more than 10 minutes to prepare and turn out very beautiful, tasty and aromatic.

Required ingredients:

  • Sugar - 3 spoons;
  • Blackcurrant juice - 15 ml.

Cooking method:

Mix sugar and currant juice. Place the mixture on high heat. After boiling, reduce the heat. Stir the mixture and cook the caramel for 6-7 minutes. Once the caramel begins to thicken, remove the bowl from the heat. Immediately pour the caramel into greased molds.

Recipe 4: Homemade Chocolate Lollipops

Very simple homemade lollipops with a delicate chocolate taste. These sweets are very easy to prepare. For cooking, in addition to sugar, you will need honey and cocoa.

Required ingredients:

  • Two glasses of sugar;
  • Cocoa - 2 spoons;
  • 15 ml honey;
  • Water - 75 ml;
  • Vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

Mix sugar, honey, cocoa and water. Place the mixture on the fire and stir until thickened. Grease the molds with butter and fill with caramel. Let it harden.

— It’s better not to make a lot of syrup, as the caramel hardens quickly. It is better to prepare homemade candies in small portions;

— The water in the bowl should barely cover the sugar. Food coloring needs to be dissolved in a few ml of water; it should be added at the very end of cooking;

— To avoid too many bubbles in the candy, it is better not to stir the caramel after boiling. Simply turn down the heat. Use a stick to stir the caramel after turning off the heat;

— It’s very easy to check the readiness of the syrup: dip the stick in the caramel and immediately place it under running cold water. If the mass stretches, it means the caramel is not cooked yet. Readiness is also indicated by the presence of a dark floor on the walls of the dishes;

— To make homemade lollipops shine beautifully, they need to be rinsed under warm water. If you do this under cold conditions, the candies may crack. After the candies are dry, they can be wrapped in paper or film;

— If candies are prepared with the addition of vinegar, a sure sign that the caramel is ready will be the disappearance of the characteristic vinegar smell. The strong aroma of burnt sugar means that the caramel needs to be removed from the heat. If you don’t finish cooking the mixture, the candies simply won’t harden, and if you overcook, the candies will have a bitter aftertaste of burnt sugar;

— Homemade lollipops can also be prepared using herbal infusions, vegetable juices, milk, cream, coffee infusion, etc.

Surely you have an idea of ​​how to make caramel at home: what could be simpler - take sugar and heat it in a saucepan! However, there are small but very significant tricks in making homemade caramel. They will help avoid “sticking” of the substance to the dishes, burning and crystallization of sugar. So…

To complete this you will need:

  • Sugar 1 cup
  • Water 1/3 cup
  • Vinegar or lemon juice 1/2 teaspoon
  • Pot
  • Plate
  • Molds (if you don’t have them, regular tablespoons will do)

Method for making caramel:

  • Fill a deep plate with cold water and place the molds next to it - everything should be at hand.
  • Place the pan over medium heat, add sugar and heat it until liquid. Do not stir the substance until most of the sugar has dissolved.
  • When the sugar has completely melted, switch the switch to the lowest heat and lower a spoon or mold into the solution. As soon as it is full, place it in a plate of water for 10 seconds, then place it on a damp towel and move on to the next form.
  • Fill the pan with water to scrape up any remaining caramel and remove the finished treats from the molds. Making your own caramel from sugar turned out to be easy, didn’t it?

And now - little tricks that will help make your sweet treat even more attractive and tasty.

Trick 1.
To prevent the sugar from rolling into pieces, add a drop of vinegar or lemon juice to the pan during heating, then the caramel will turn out homogeneous.

Trick 2.
To get transparent and voluminous caramel, pour 4-5 tablespoons of hot water into dissolved sugar. During the simmering process, a ball will swell from this water, after which you need to catch it and just wait until it cools down.

Trick 3.
To give the caramel a piquant taste, after removing from heat, add cognac or any citrus juice into it; if you add herbs, you will get homemade cough drops.

Are you wondering how to make caramel from sugar to make lollipops? This is also quite simple - you will need wooden sticks, for example, from ice cream, or, as a last resort, toothpicks (for mini caramels). When the pan is on low heat, simply wrap the thick mixture around these sticks and wait for the excess to drip off.

So we learned how to make caramel from sugar, spending a minimum of time and available materials. Now you can please both your little guests and your friends with a delicious dessert - who said adults don’t like lollipops? In the future, after good practice, you will be able to cook cockerels and other complex figures at home.

Master class on making shaped lollipops

Figured sugar caramel lollipops can be a wonderful gift for both adults and kids. You can make caramel figures, package them individually and decorate them with ribbons.

Ingredients for 9 lollipops:

  • 1 tbsp. Sahara
  • 2 tbsp. vinegar
  • 2 tbsp. water
  • Red food coloring
  • Vanillin
  • Barbecue sticks.
  • Vegetable oil

Method for preparing figured caramel on sticks:

1 Combine sugar, vinegar and water in a saucepan. Mix everything well and put on low heat. While the mixture is on the fire, it must be stirred continuously so that the sugar does not burn to the pan.

2 When the sugar is completely melted, we add a little vanillin to it to give our caramel a delicate aroma and taste. If you don't like vanillin, you can do without it.

3 Cook the mixture until the sugar turns golden, then carefully add a little red coloring. We need to get a soft red color. The coloring has completely combined with the sugar, which means the caramel can be removed from the heat.

4 To form shaped lollipops, we will need a wide, flat dish. In our case, we use a baking sheet, but a large plate will do. The bottom of the selected dish must be greased with vegetable oil, otherwise the candies will stick.

5 Let’s start drawing the “Butterfly” lollipop. The body of our butterfly needs to be made thicker, as it will become the base for the stick. Wings can be drawn with thin lines. Then we take a kebab stick and attach it in the center of the body, pour caramel on top of the stick. Once the caramel has hardened, you can separate the candy from the baking sheet. This is done using a thin knife. In order not to break our butterfly, we need to disconnect it gradually in a circle.

6 Using the same method, we form a lollipop in the shape of a rose. And the last figure - a lollipop - will be made in the shape of a fish.


Which kid doesn't love delicious lollipops? During our childhood, such lollipops could be bought in the form of cockerels, squirrels, and bunnies. Well, our children have to be content with all kinds of lollipops and other candies that contain many harmful additives, but the health of the child is above all for the mother. Therefore, I would like to invite you to try making lollipops.

You can be confident in these lollipops because you know their composition. Once upon a time, special molds for making lollipops were sold, but hardly anyone still has them; silicone molds are not suitable for these purposes, since they can melt under the influence of hot syrup. But don’t despair, because foil can make wonderful molds.

I offer you a basic recipe for lollipops. Ingredients of homemade sweets:
. Sugar - 4 tablespoons
. Water - 2 tablespoons (water can be replaced with fruit juice)
. Vinegar - 1 teaspoon
. Food coloring - on the tip of a knife (but you can do it without coloring)

Recipe for making homemade candy.

If you have silicone ice molds, you can use them for lollipops. But, unfortunately, I don’t have those, so I came up with foil molds. For this we need foil. We make a strip out of it. Homemade lollipops.

We cut this strip into several parts.

Take a regular stack and wrap the bottom in foil.

This is how the mold turns out.

I trimmed off the extra pieces of foil, and these are the shapes I got.

Now carefully insert a toothpick into each mold.

The forms are ready. Now let's make caramel. Pour sugar into a saucepan or frying pan, add water and vinegar.

Place on low heat. When the caramel boils, add coloring.

The caramel should boil a little. If a drop of caramel immediately cools in the water, then the caramel is ready. We literally add a drop of sunflower oil to each mold so that the caramels do not stick to the molds.

Pour caramel into molds.

If you want, you can decorate the caramels a little with different confectionery decorations.

After 10 minutes, the fireplaces are ready and can be removed from the molds. Homemade lollipops are ready. As you can see, there is nothing complicated in making candy.




Lollipop cockerel

The simplest recipe for classic lollipops:
4 tbsp. l. Sahara
1 tbsp. l. water
Boil the sugar and water over low heat until transparent (a drop of syrup should instantly solidify in cold water), then add a little vinegar (apple vinegar is fine) or a grain of citric acid (it’s important not to overdo it with acid) and, for flavoring, a drop of essence.
Pour into greased molds, insert pre-prepared sticks - frozen - ready.
Instead of water, you can try adding some kind of juice - here you have flavoring and natural coloring.

Burnt sugar candies:

Add 250 g of granulated sugar to the pan, add 1 tablespoon of powder or vanilla sugar and 50 g of cognac. Place all this on the stove, hold for no more than 1 minute, while stirring thoroughly.

Now remove from the stove and add a few drops of lemon juice and peppermint oil.
Pour the syrup into small molds and let it cool. Place the stick in the mold so that it sticks when the candy has completely hardened.

Chocolate caramel

125 g sugar
125 g honey
125 g chocolate

Cook sugar, honey and chocolate over low heat. If a drop of boiled chocolate mass immediately thickens in cold water, the caramel is ready. It can be poured into molds or poured onto an oiled or water-moistened plate, and then cut into squares.

To make the lollipops you will need the following:
Ingredients for making candy
Quarter glass of water
Glass of sugar
Lollipop mold

First you need to pour water into a saucepan and pour sugar into it. Place it over medium heat and let it simmer for 5-9 minutes, stirring occasionally. Without turning off the heat, add one and a half tablespoons of vinegar to the pan and mix thoroughly. Wait a little, add another one and a half tablespoons of vinegar and mix again.

When the future caramel acquires a golden hue, turn off the heat. If you have molds for lollipops, grease them with sunflower oil and pour caramel into them. We insert toothpicks into the molds - they will be sticks for lollipops. Once the candies have cooled, they are ready to eat.

Lollipops "Childhood"

All my childhood I crunched on these candies. With big eyes, I sat and watched carefully, trying not to miss anything, as my mother prepared these delicious candies for us: and then it seemed to me that nothing else could be tastier than these candies. Time has flown by... and now my girls are crunching with such candies!!! The recipe is quite simple:


Sugar - 6 tbsp.

Water - 6 tbsp.

Vinegar (9% take 1 tbsp) - 0.5 tbsp.

Vegetable oil (for greasing the mold)


Cook over medium heat for 15-18 minutes. Stirring constantly.

You won't find one like this anymore...

Well that's it! Help yourself!!!
granulated sugar - 8 large spoons;
  • juice without pulp - 7 large spoons;
  • squeezed lemon juice - 1 dessert spoon.
  • The process of making lollipops at home Step 1: Mix the juice with sand and freshly squeezed lemon.

    Step 2: Heat the ingredients in an enamel bowl until completely dissolved, stirring constantly with a spoon.

    Step 3: Check our caramel for readiness. To do this, drop a little caramel into cold water. If the drop dissolves, continue cooking; if the drop solidifies, the caramel is ready.

    Step 4: Grease the molds with vegetable oil so that the lollipops easily come off the silicone.

    Step 5: Pour the resulting syrup into molds and place in the refrigerator.

    In half an hour the lollipops will be ready and the children will be ready to taste them!

    Since early childhood, I have been an avid lover of sugar candies. There are so many wonderful memories associated with them! Childhood has passed, but love remains. I still can’t imagine my life without sugar candy with a mug of black unsweetened tea while watching movies :)

    But constantly buying them in the store is a complete waste. In addition, store-bought “cockerels” taste less and less like the candies from childhood...

    In this regard, I learned how to make candy at home. There are many ways to do this, but I suggest you the easiest and fastest recipe sugar candies!

    Difficulty level: simple

    Cooking time: 35-40 minutes

    So, we will need:

      table vinegar

      sunflower oil

    Let's start cooking!

    Place the container on the stove over low heat. Pour sugar into a container.

    Add water.

    Now add a teaspoon of table vinegar. I use a bottle cap to avoid overfilling the vinegar. At first, the mixture will not smell very appetizing, but the vinegar will quickly evaporate - don’t worry!

    How do you know when the caramel is ready? Very simple! It takes on an amber hue. Attention! Don't overcook until it turns brown!

    When the caramel becomes homogeneous, pour it into molds. This must be done very quickly - the caramel hardens quickly!

    The lollipops according to this recipe are exactly the same as those that were sold on almost every corner in Soviet times.


    • 10 tbsp. spoons of sugar
    • 10 tbsp. spoons of water
    • 1 tbsp. spoon of apple/wine vinegar or 0.2 teaspoon of citric acid
    • oil for greasing the mold

    How to make lollipops:

    1. Before you start preparing sweets, prepare a special mold for pouring. You also need to stock up on lollipop sticks or regular toothpicks, having previously cut off the sharp ends from them.
    2. Combine water, vinegar and sugar in an enamel saucepan and put on fire. When the process of dissolving the sugar begins, reduce the heat and cook the sweet syrup until it acquires a beautiful golden hue. Do not forget to constantly stir the liquid so that the sugar does not burn and the mass does not acquire an unpleasant bitter taste. From time to time, drop 1-2 drops of syrup into cold water. As soon as you notice that the sugar solution has begun to harden, remove the pan from the heat.
    3. Carefully pour the finished syrup for candies into a mold previously greased with vegetable oil. Don't forget to insert the chopsticks. Once the candies have set, remove them from the mold.

    Colorful lollipops

    Olive magazine


    • 8 tbsp. spoons of sugar
    • fruit or berry juice without pulp
    • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
    • cooking sugar (if desired)
    How to make colorful candies:
    1. Mix all the ingredients (except for the cooking powder) and heat the mixture in a fireproof container with constant stirring. When the sugar has completely dissolved and the syrup has taken on a caramel color, remove the pan from the heat.
    2. If you have added dark berry juice to the syrup, do not rely on the shade, but check the readiness of the syrup by dipping drops of it into cold water.
    3. Once the drops begin to set, remove the syrup from the heat and stir in the sprinkles. Carefully pour the candy mixture into the molds and insert the sticks.

    Secrets of the "candy" kingdom

    If you have on hand food coloring , you can add them to sweet syrup. However, when adding such substances, it should be noted that powder dyes should be dissolved in cold water at the initial stage of preparation, otherwise the candies will be unevenly colored.

    To give the candy more bright and rich taste , before you start cooking, heat the amount of water specified in the recipe and pour lemon or orange zest into it. Cool and strain the infusion, and only then start preparing the delicacy.

    If you don't have lollipop molds , you can spread parchment on the table and spread the candy mixture on it in neat little puddles. Just remember to insert a toothpick or skewer into each puddle. Another option is to use silicone baking molds or so-called “hazel molds”. Some housewives use chocolate packaging with molds to fill the candy mass. The lollipops in it turn out neat and even.

    Do you like sweets? Prepare candies according to our recipe!

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