KVN major league Fedor Dvinyatin. Interview with the KVN team “Fyodor Dvinyatin”. “We have a lot of life.” Composition of the KVN team “Fyodor Dvinyatin”

About the members of the KVN team Fedor Dvinyatin

Alexander Idiatullin

Responsible for sound in the team. The dissimilarity of “Fedor Dvinyatin” from all other teams is his doing. His creative credo: “music, light, scenery - everything is in the past!” Although, probably, it is precisely this style of “Japanese minimalism” in humor that provides this team with such wild success. The team nicknamed him Donkey. This nickname came from adding the first letters of his first and last names - IA, which completely coincides in sound with the name of the famous cartoon character. Legend has it that he joined the team “many centuries ago” thanks personally to Marina Bochkareva and the well-known Evgeniy Shevchenko. This event took place at one of the KVN festivals in Sochi. But, as you know, Alexander came to the team with a wealth of sound experience behind him. He is responsible for participation in such teams with big names as “Megapolis”, “Ordinary People” and many others. Friends and colleagues note his unique ability to come up with various funny phrases that spread among the people with amazing speed. Among others, the brilliant one: “More glamor!” However, some note one small peculiarity in his speech: with or without reason he can use the word “Toads!” Well, everyone has their own shortcomings. The people of Dvinyatyn really value the opinion of Alexander, who, having impeccable taste and a developed sense of humor, always corrects all the numbers of the KVN team “Fedor Dvinyatin”.

Marina Bochkareva.

Her creative role in the KVN team “Fedor Dvinyatin” is the most serious and correct girl. She herself admits that she doesn’t know how to cook or sing, but her friends note that the best thing she can do is joke. Close people also note Marina’s special intelligence, saying that she is “the most protected and rich.”
Marina Bochkareva began her KVN career in 2005, when she played for the Glamor team in the MSL. Later, fate brought her to “Fedor Dvinyatin”, where to this day she successfully fulfills the duties of the team’s playing director.
The main highlight of Marina’s image is her unique vocal abilities, which can be envied. Marina's signature number is a carbon-fueled song about eggplants, which has long been in the public domain.

Natasha Gudkova

Sister of Sasha Gudkov (which can be easily understood by some similarity of surnames). He is interested in sports - “cat diving”. Natasha's most famous stage name is Tatyana Mikhallna. Her career began in time immemorial. Already in 2000, she played for the KVN team “Stupino” in the KVN Start league. Therefore, he is considered one of the most experienced players on the team. Talented, artistic, humorous, she is the happy owner of stunning acting facial expressions that would make Stanislavsky say “I believe!”
She has a lot of friends who always speak of Natasha very warmly and kindly. In addition to his main KVN work, he manages to do a lot of important and useful things.

Natasha Medvedeva

Has no relation to its most famous namesake. The underground nickname is “queen of Stupino glamor”, as well as “mother and daughter of Stupino glamor”. She has the most charisma on the team and is the most artistic member. According to her, she is ready to literally do anything to win. The team’s signature dance “tin-tin-tin”, performed by her, gave the name to the fan site “Fyodor Dvinyatin”. In ordinary life, at the age of 24, he is successfully building a career in the banking sector. In 2007, she graduated from the Faculty of Restaurant and Hotel Business and Tourism Management of the Russian State Technical University. Thanks to her performance, everyone remembered that she wanted “zayu.” But Natasha does not stop there. She, among a few others, successfully performs in a super funny project on the TNT channel - “Made in Woman”, being one of the funniest female characters there. In one of the interviews, Natasha admitted that she is not offended when their team is called antics, because she even likes it, because she already loves to antics. She is not offended by the popular Dvinyatin phrase “Natasha, leave the stage.” “It’s such self-irony,” she says. “Petty hooliganism.” Natasha showed the world Pushkin’s “fallen nanny” for the first time.

Zhenya Shevchenko

It is he who constantly persuades all KVN viewers to comb the manta ray. He himself comes from Severodvinsk, Arkhangelsk region. He came to KVN thanks to his brother, who invited him to a rehearsal of the team of city lyceum No. 17. Ten years have passed since then.
Some fans find in him similarities with Vadim Galygin, still giving undoubted preference to the first. Colleagues, due to his diminutiveness and almost feminine neatness, came up with a saying for him: “minimum Zhenya, maximum movements.” And there is some truth in this joke: Zhenya is very energetic and full of artistry. This refers to Marina Bochkareva’s catchphrase “Calm down, you mad one.” Zhenya said in one interview that KVN helps him grow creatively and improve his humor. In addition, he noted that the success of his team largely depends on the mood of the players, the main thing is that everyone is in good spirits.
He was one of the team's founders. It is he who is considered the author of the name “Fedor Dvinyatin”.
But unlike many, Zhenya claims that he does not consider the team’s humor absurd. After all, every joke is the painstaking work of an entire team. Zhenya confidently refutes all rumors that all texts in KVN are written by one author. And the controversy that is forming around the image of “Fedor Dvinyatin” only makes him happy.
In addition to a sparkling sense of humor, Zhenya has another talent: he has played brilliant bandy since childhood.

Alexander Gudkov

Frontman of the KVN team “Fedor Dvinyatin”. His most favorite parody - of Dima Bilan - has long become a favorite for all KVN viewers. However, Alexander’s past is in no way connected with KVN. He began his ascent by working at MARS LLC, which produces chocolate bars. However, already in 2000 he began playing for the Stupino team in the Start league.
It was his numbers that caused a lot of controversy regarding the place of the Fedor Dvinyatin team on the Russian KVN Olympus. Everyone remembers Yuli Gusman’s stern statement about this team. Perhaps after this, in Alexander Gudkov’s profile, in the Role column in KVN (according to his own assessment), it is sarcastically listed as “Friend of Gusman”.
As Marina Bochkareva defined him, he is “expressive, inimitable, interesting, young and sexy.” Together with her sister Natasha Gudkova, she forms the so-called Stupin half of the team.

Alexander Gudkov is a popular Russian showman, actor and talented screenwriter. Like many of his colleagues, he got on television thanks to his long participation in the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful. Alexander is known to many TV viewers as a participant in the comedy show “Comedy Woman” on TNT and co-host of the “Evening Urgant” project on Channel One.

However, few people know that the man spent most of his television activity behind the lenses of television cameras. He considers his main work to be writing scripts for various comedy television shows and music videos. In addition, he managed to prove himself as a talented dubbing actor and producer of the “League of Bad Jokes” channel on YouTube.

Childhood and family

The future television star was born on February 24, 1983 in the small town of Stupino near Moscow. His parents, Raisa and Vladimir Gudkov, workers at a local metallurgical plant, wished a stable future for their son and his older sister Natalya (born 1977). The early loss of his father forced Alexander to become closer to his sister - even as they grew older, they remain the closest people.

In an interview, the comedian admitted that he took after his mother in character: “A squeeze of snobbery, homespun folk humor... She really likes to swear and is not shy in her expressions in front of my sister and me. She instilled in us a sense of self-irony.” Alexander considers the ability to self-criticism to be one of the most important human qualities.

Alexander Gudkov in KVN

According to Gudkov, as a child he dreamed of becoming a dentist; he is still fascinated by every trip to the dentist’s office. But at the age of 16, the head teacher of the school where Alexander studied decided to diversify the lives of the students and invited everyone to perform at the KVN tournament. Gudkov played for the 11th grade team. No one expected that the guy would be able to behave so relaxed and professionally on stage and joke so witty. The concert was attended by the head of the city KVN team, and soon the guy was already playing for the Stupino team.

After school, Alexander entered the Stupino branch of MATI (Tsiolkovsky Technological University), where he studied materials science (after graduation, he never worked in his specialty), and together with his sister began playing in the local KVN team “Natural Disaster”. In 2003, the two of them organized their own team “Semeyka-2”, and in 2006 they joined a group of Muscovites, among whom were Natalya Medvedeva and Marina Bochkareva, and organized the team “Fyodor Dvinyatin”.

It was as part of this team that the guy achieved his first serious success, which later influenced his entire television career. In just a few months, the team managed to perform successfully in Moscow several times and make a name for themselves. In 2007, “Fedor Dvinyatin” was played for the first time at the gala concert of the Sochi KVN Festival, which was broadcast on Channel One. They were invited to the Premier League, and then to the Higher League, which is led by Alexander Maslyakov himself.

The hallmark of the team was its special humor, which differed from other KVN teams in its absurdity and was remembered by the audience thanks to its funny play on words and high-class acting skills. Alexander himself became famous because of the image of a “feminine macho.” He managed to make a real star out of such a controversial character, loved by millions of viewers. Subsequently, the guy continued his career in exactly this way.

Alexander Gudkov in KVN: Mayor of Cheboksary

For two years, the team took part in KVN games and each time proved that such non-standard, but funny humor has many connoisseurs. Some jury members repeatedly criticized their performances, justifying their dissatisfaction with the team's jokes that were inappropriate in format. In particular, this point of view was expressed by Yuliy Gusman and Konstantin Ernst. However, Alexander was able not only to prove the opposite, but also to receive a bronze award in the final of the KVN Major League.

Television career

The guy began his television career not by working in front of the camera, but, on the contrary, by sitting on the other side of the lens. His first experience on a television channel was creating scripts for the comedy television show “Comedy Woman”. His colleague from the KVN team “Fedor Dvinyatin” Natalya Medvedeva came to the same project. In the screenwriter's chair, Alexander created relaxed, but at the same time incredibly funny stories for the project, which allowed him to fully realize his potential and work without paying attention to the television framework.

Over time, the comedian himself appeared on the stage of the Comedy Woman show. Most often he performed in a duet with his KVN girlfriend. Subsequently, this couple became one of the most beloved by viewers of the show. It’s not surprising, because the guys differed from the rest of the show participants in their special humor and atypical numbers.

Alexander Gudkov in Comedy Vumen: Stylist and Russian woman

From April 2010 to February 2011, Gudkov was the host of the humorous project “Laughter in the City.” After that, together with the famous comedian Alexander Nezlobin, he launched the project “Nezlobin and Gudkov” on the MTV music channel.

Also in 2010, the young man accidentally auditioned for the show “Yesterday Live”. He was asked to read a test text, which dotted all the “E”s. Ultimately, Gudkov was approved to lead the project.

It is worth noting that even being a famous KVN player and presenter, Alexander still did not live up to the expectations of his parents. They still wanted their son to work at the factory, gain experience and receive a good pension in the future.

In 2012, the man had the opportunity to try himself as a dubbing actor. The main character in the cartoon "Wreck-It Ralph" and one of the characters in the film "Angela's School Chronicles" spoke in his voice.

By this time, Gudkov had completely settled down on Channel One. He began working on the humorous project “Evening Urgant”. Initially, Alexander acted as a screenwriter and regular participant, and in 2013 he became a co-host

The man admits that working on television made him more relaxed and gave him many opportunities to meet the fair sex, but it turned out to be not so easy to meet the one. He repeatedly told reporters that he dreams of hosting a TV show about animals with his future wife.

Alexander Gudkov today

Sasha Gudkov continues to work on television, in particular, she stars in “Comedy Woman” and “Evening Urgant”.

"Fyodor Dvinyatin and SK ROSTRA", until 2009 known simply as "Fyodor Dvinyatin" or FD- team of the KVN Major League (2008-2009), representing Moscow and Stupino near Moscow. She appeared on Channel One for the first time as participants in the gala concert of the Sochi KVN Festival in 2007. The team stood out from most well-known teams with a unique style built on puns, absurdity and plasticity of the players. The symbol of the team is the expert Fedor Dvinyatin, after whom the team is named.

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Stupino half

Moscow half

  • Evgeny Shevchenko played for the MISIS teams CherMet (2003), Unity of Dissimilars (2003-2004) and Glamor (2005) and the second team of Sever from Severodvinsk.
  • Natalia Medvedeva and Marina Bochkareva performed in the Glamor team in 2005. Bochkareva subsequently became the director of the FD team.
  • Andrey Stetsyuk previously played for Megapolis.

The music for the team’s performances is written and selected by Alexander Idiatullin, nicknamed “Donkey,” who is also a great authority for the team in their work. The authors of the jokes are the guys from the team themselves and a group of authors: Sergey Pichelatov, Svyatoslav Belov, Dmitry Emelyanenkov, Denis Rtishchev, Sergey Tukaev, Alexey Ignashkin.


Appearance in big KVN

“Fedor Dvinyatin” made his debut at a serious level in 2006. First I took part in LAMP, then in the KVN Northern League, where we reached the final (Surgutneftegaz was the winner here).

Premier League 2007

At the 2007 Sochi Festival, the team achieved some success: it was included in the television version shown throughout the country by Channel One and was awarded the right to compete in the Premier League. Having successfully performed in the 1/8 finals, the team ended up in fourth place in the quarterfinals, provided that only the first two advanced, however, the jury additionally selected them to participate in the semifinals, although the team ahead of them, “Svoi secrety,” was left out of the season. Having reached the final, “Fedor Dvinyatin” took the last, fourth place, behind the champion “SOK” and GMU and “Baikal”, who shared second and third place.

Major League 2008

In 2008, “Dvinyatyny”, despite the fact that their performance was not included in the television version of the Sochi festival, were included in the Major League based on its results. In the 1/8 finals, the team took third place, losing to “Sportivnaya Station” and “Maximum”, so it advanced to the next round only thanks to a special decision of the jury.

A rather notable incident occurred in the quarterfinals. The team, in their traditional style, played a freestyle competition, where Marina Bochkareva performed the chorus of “Songs about Five Minutes” with the words “Barbecue, barbecue! Even with a little one you can make a barbecue!”, warm-up and STEM, and in the one-song competition a completely rare spectacle was presented for KVN. Alexander Gudkov, parodying Valery Leontyev with his song “Don’t Forget Me,” first went out onto the stage steps, then walked along the jury tables, collecting bouquets and communicating with decoy spectators (former players of the St. Petersburg national team Timofey Kuts and Vyacheslav Blagodarsky), and then he went into the hall altogether. The rest of the team remained on stage the entire time. Equally unconventional for KVN was the reaction of the jury to the team’s creativity: Yuliy Gusman, who had already, in the 1/8 finals, casually spoken about “Dvityatin”, as he himself called them by mistake, questioned the affiliation of this team with KVN, for that he was booed by the audience. In turn, the chairman of the jury, Konstantin Ernst, expressed his doubts about the future prospects of the team “Alexander Byalko” (this is how he played on the name of the team, using the name of another famous player “What? Where? When?”) if it does not rebuild. At this time, tears were visible in Natalya Gudkova’s eyes, Alexander Gudkov left the stage for a while. Later, presenter Alexander Vasilievich Maslyakov allowed himself to comment on the past game for the first time in many years, largely agreeing with Gusman in his judgments about FD, but this was no longer shown by Channel One. In particular, he stated that the last number was nothing more than an ordinary parody that did not deserve such a violent reaction from the audience. During the announcement of the final results (“Fedor Dvinyatin” shared first place with “Astana.kz”, knocking out the current champion - “Ordinary People”) from the further drawing of the tournament, Gusman explained to the team with gestures: he put his palms to his ears and twirled his finger at his temple - that , probably meant a call to listen to the opinion of the jury and think about it. After the end of the game, the “Dvinyatins”, having bowed, are the first to leave the stage.

I apologize in advance: for the first time in all this time I will not speak in general words, beautiful and clever, but a little seriously about this game, because I noticed that there is some discrepancy in my assessments and the opinion of the audience. I want to explain it to him.
Five brilliant teams, really interesting and really completely different from each other. The team, for example, “Maximum” was too pretentious, and the scenery of “Comédie-Française” does not help in this case. Sorry. I think that the Baikal team, with a very smart homework and a wonderfully invented one, was not funny and the audience did not laugh, although they understood all their moves. I could discuss all this while talking about the “Fyodor Dvinyatin” team, which is a success in the hall, and today it really was extremely cheerful, funny... (ovation from the audience) But! But I would advise her to pay attention to that... to those two lines that they repeated, very funny, at the beginning, that even with a small IQ you can make a barbecue. So, with such an IQ, it will not be possible to make a barbecue called KVN in the future. This game is not just... this game is not just a fun... (disapproving roar in the hall) this... uh, this game is not just a fun circus! (disapproving roar in the audience) This is a game of smart, precise, funny, witty and, at the same time, people-citizens, not people-clowns. This is not a circus and this KVN will never be a circus! I, along with you, were carried away by their latest enthusiasm, but we have seen thousands of parodies of Valery Leontyev. It was a good parody, it was a funny parody, it was a fun parody, but it was only a parody. I inform you that I gave them the highest score of “four” for this parody, to reassure you, dear friends.

- ...As for the team “Alexander Byalko”. I partially share the opinions of Yuliy Solomonich: guys, everything was fresh and cool, next time you won’t make it to the same level, so think about it. In order to move further, you need to move further...

The team’s response was a performance at the Jurmala Festival, partly dedicated to such harsh reviews from the jury members. In particular, Alexander Gudkov performed a song that ended with the words: “And Guzman will give us a two, because the theme in the song is not disclosed.” Yuliy Solomonovich, who was present on the jury, smiled after these words.

In the semi-finals, the team took third place, losing to SOK and Maxim, and did not qualify for the final. However, the FD participants still took the stage in the final game of that season during SOK’s musical homework in the company of some other league teams - this was one of the twists in the performance prepared by the Samara team.

Major League 2009

Based on the results of the KiVin Festival in Sochi 2009, the team again received the right to participate in the Major League. The name was changed: the team was officially called "Fyodor Dvinyatin and SK ROSTRA". Instead of Natalia Medvedeva, who left for the TNT channel project - “Comedy Woman”, ex-member of the KVN team “Megapolis” Andrey Stetsyuk was invited to the team.

On March 11, 2009, the third game of the Major League season took place, where the Fedor Dvinyatin team took first place.

On April 15, the second quarterfinal was held, in which the team took fourth place (after the teams “Triod and Diod”, “PriMa”, “STEPiKO”) and reached the semi-finals.

On October 20, 2009, “Fedor Dvinyatin” took second place in the second semi-final of the Major League 2009, losing to the Kursk team by 0.3 points. Many fans noted the strong performance and the team's "return" to their old style, which some critics claimed they had "lost" after 1/4.

Despite the fact that the teams “PriMa” and “Triod and Diod” made it to the finals, all six teams from the semi-finals, including the team “Fedor Dvinyatin”, got a chance to compete for the third ticket to the finals, which was played in the KVN Special Project -2009 November 20, 2009. Despite the fact that, according to the rules announced by Alexander Maslyakov, the only winner of the Special Project, who became the team “Team of the Krasnodar Territory”, qualified for the final, Konstantin Ernst, on behalf of the jury, asked the presenter to allow “Fedor Dvinyatin” to play in the final. The request was approved, and in the final “Fyodor Dvinyatin” won bronze medals.

In the same pre-New Year finale, the story of the relationship between “Fedor Dvinyatin” and Gusman continued. Yuliy Solomonovich with the words “I look at this boy, exhausted, tired, whether a boy or a girl, he himself doesn’t know yet, but he played this role wonderfully, a difficult role, this whole season and last season,” gave Alexander Gudkov a string bag with a loaf of sausage, green peas, a can of sprat, oranges and a pack of white powder (possibly sugar).

After KVN

Despite the announcement in the 2009 final that the team was entering the third season, after the 2010 Sochi festival, "Fedor Dvinyatin" officially announced that they were not entering the 2010 KVN season; Since then, the team has not participated in official KVN games.

Evgeny Shevchenko has been a participant in the “Prevention” program on the Moscow 24 TV channel since 2017.


According to the results of a popular vote organized by the website “KVN for ALL”, team member Natalia Medvedeva was recognized as the KVN player of 2008, Alexander Gudkov became second in the fight for the title of KVN player of the year, and the team itself was recognized as the discovery team of the year. According to the voting results for 2009, Alexander Gudkov became KVN player of the year, and Marina Bochkareva became KVN player of the year.

Performance style

Basically, the team's humor is based on absurd puns, songs, and energetic dances. Team leader Alexander Gudkov, whom his comrades call in one of his speeches “an effeminate macho,” stands in feminine poses, makes feminine movements and speaks with feminine intonations. All team members joke about each other’s abilities and appearance, and after each joke they start dancing to Yulia Akhonkova’s songs and other glamorous or funny compositions. Dance plays a significant role in FD performances, dances in styles The Spectacles And Black sea fantasy became their “calling card”. In their performances, the team adheres to an emotional style of presentation (raised intonations, screams with strained voices).

As miniatures, among other things, the rivieras of the “Theater of Expressive Mastery and Overacting” and then the “Theater of Excellent Mimicry and Infernal Stupidity” were demonstrated, where the actors live up to the name of their establishments. “Fyodor Dvinyatin” turned to the classics for homework

Read with this article:

Many KVN fans call the “Fedor Dvinyatin” team, which represented Moscow in general and the Stupino district in particular, scandalous.

There are many reasons for this, but one of the most important is their humor - provocative, unusual and even strange.

The guys had a lot of puns, numbers based on plasticity and wordplay. Very often they were criticized by the old-timers of the Merry and Resourceful Club, who considered their humor primitive and absurd.

Old-timer Yuli Gusman spoke especially harshly about “Fedor Dvinyatin”. Once, even in a humorous manner, he practically insulted the captain, calling him “either a boy or a girl.” But how did the guys come to this? What is the history of the creation of the team and what exactly did the KVN jury dislike or, on the contrary, like too much about them?

“Fedor Dvinyatin” first appeared on the big stage of the Club in 2007 as one of the participants in the Gala concert of the famous Sochi Festival.

The guys didn’t choose the name for long, they just decided to name themselves in honor of one of the experts of another famous television club ChKG -.

Few people know that the guys first took part in KVN earlier - in 2006. First they performed in the Central League of Moscow and Moscow Region, a little later in the Northern KVN League. It should be noted that here they reached the final without any problems and lost only to the Surgutneftegaz team.

Thanks to the Sochi Festival, the KVN team “Fedor Dvinyatin” were able to get into the Premier League, but as they themselves believe, they did not achieve success in the first season. Although this statement is controversial - in 2007, although the guys were eliminated in ¼, they were then selected by the jury to participate in the final.

True, the last 4th place awaited them here, but not all teams manage to achieve this! And “Fedor Dvinyatin” still had a lot of time ahead!

For the next season 2008 the team gets promoted to the Major League. True, in the first game of the 1/8 finals the guys took third place, but even here the jury came to their aid, who exercised their right and promoted them further.

But the behavior of the KVN team “Fedor Dvinyatin” at the next game, their frivolous attitude towards the rules of the competitions led to a scandal - Yuliy Gusman spoke out that the team was playing incorrectly and had absolutely no respect for their opponents, the jury, or the audience.

The audience was quite critical of this and even allowed themselves to boo the eminent judge!

Both Konstantin Ernst spoke negatively about the team (he even called them “”, deliberately using the name of another expert from the well-known club “What? Where? When?”), and KVN President Alexander Maslyakov. In the next game, “Fedor Dvinyatin” took last place and did not qualify for the finals.

True, thanks to the Music Festival “KiViN-2009” the team again gets the opportunity to play in the Major League. Only now it is called “Fedor Dvinyatin and SK ROSTRA” and performs with a slightly changed lineup (Natalia Medvedeva left the team, and Andrei Stetsyuk was added).

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Based on the results of the games, the guys did not reach the finals, but... the jury again saved them. It’s hard to say what explains this paradox, but you can’t erase the words from the song and the events developed exactly like this. In the final game of the year, the KVN team “Fedor Dvinyatin” earns third place!

In 2010, the team again participates in the music festival, but no longer goes to the Major League. From that moment on, “Fedor Dvinyatin” officially ceased to exist. True, fans of the team can still see its members on television.

Frontman, captain and the most flexible participant Alexander Gudkov became a regular actor in such shows as “Yesterday LIVE”, “Evening Urgant” on Channel One, as well as one of the hosts of “Nezlobin and Gudkov” on MTV.

In addition, Sasha can be seen quite often in the TNT project “”.

The team that had left a little earlier and collapsed also flashed on the screen. She became a permanent resident of Comedy Woman, and another representative of the fair half of the team, Marina Bochkareva, was seen in one of the episodes of the series How I Met Your Mother.

As it has already become clear from the history of the team, the guys in KVN have not conquered any special peaks, except for third place in the Major League in 2009, but at the same time they still have titles!

So in 2008 and 2009, Natalya Medvedeva was twice recognized as the best KVN performer according to TV viewers.

Alexander Gudkov in 2008 took second place in the fight for a similar title, and in 2009 he received first place!

At the same time, the team “Fedor Dvinyatin” itself was recognized as the discovery of the year in 2008, which is very flattering.

It is impossible not to tell about other interesting facts that are associated with this team:

  • Alexander Gudkov and Natalya Gudkova are not spouses, not namesakes, but brother and sister;
  • Evgeny Shevchenko and Marina Bochkareva are just husband and wife; they legalized their relationship in 2012.

KVN team composition Fedor Dvinyatin:

  • Natalia Medvedeva
  • Evgeny Shevchenko
  • Marina Bochkareva
  • Natalia Gudkova
  • Alexander Idiatullin
  • Andrey Stetsyuk
  • as well as other authors

Fyodor Nikitich Dvinyatin is a Russian philologist, participant in the project “What? Where? When?". The man became widely known after the guys from Moscow created a KVN team and called it “Fedor Dvinyatin.”

The official biography of Fyodor Nikitich Dvinyatin began on October 28, 1968 in Leningrad. The man was born into an educated family. Fyodor's mother worked as a metallurgist, and his father was a radio engineer. The expert said that there were peasants in the Dvinyatin family, and there were also priests and merchants in the family tree.

Expert Fedor Dvinyatin

In 1986, Dvinyatin entered St. Petersburg State University. Here Fyodor Nikitich studied philological sciences. The young man left the educational institution with a diploma in Russian philology.

Looking at the young man, one might think that this Dvinyatin was known as a “nerd” during his studies. But people who know the young man will say the opposite. Fyodor Nikitich played in a rock band at university.

Fyodor Nikitich began his teaching career back in 1992. Later, Dvinyatin entered graduate school at the Department of Russian Language at St. Petersburg State University. In 1996, the man defended his Ph.D. thesis, which was on the topic “Linguopaetic analysis of the Solemn words of St. Kirill Turovsky.

Now Fyodor Dvinyatin has a large list of titles, including being an associate professor of the Russian language department at St. Petersburg State University, interdisciplinary studies in the field of languages ​​and literature. The connoisseur is known as a specialist in Russian literature.

"What? Where? When?"

The knowledge and skills of Fyodor Dvinyatin did not go unnoticed. For the first time on television in the program “What? Where? When?" the young scientist appeared in 1990. Fedor Nikitich was invited to Irina Gandelyan’s team. Of the 47 games in which Dvinyatin participated, the guys won 33.

It was Fedor Nikitich who was recognized as the world champion in the sports version of “What? Where? When?". This happened in 2002. Then the scientist represented the Troyard team. Dvinyatin’s awards include four “Crystal Owls”. A larger number of birds are present only in the piggy bank.

Fedor Nikitich won the red jacket of immortality twice. Game “What? Where? When?" was present in Dvinyatin’s life for 15 years: from 1990 to 2005. The last game for the man who gave the name to the KVN team took place on December 24, 2005. Just at this time the club celebrated its 30th anniversary.

At that time, Sergei Vivatenko, Alexander Rubin, and Alexander Rubin performed on the same team with Dvinyatin. Experts called the team a team. The players were unable to achieve victory and lost to television viewers with a score of 3-6.

This game could add to the collection of Crystal Nest awards, which is awarded if you win six Crystal Owls. But fate decreed otherwise. Dvinyatin’s participation in “What? Where? When?" connected not only with winnings. During his career on this television project, Fyodor Nikitich was noticed in conflict with the regular host of the program. The discussion lasted for a long time, but the expert won.

The conflict flared up due to a question from a TV viewer. A girl called the program and offered to guess what was in the black box. At that moment, a piece of meat, a bowl of millet and a bicycle wheel appeared on the table of experts. Hook agreed with the girl, recognizing the fact that there are no more words in the Russian language that end with the syllable “so”.

But Dvinyatin suggested an option - accessories for playing serso. The TV presenter stated that this word is of foreign origin and therefore does not relate to the task. But Fedor Nikitich’s team, including, sided with the player. The evidence presented by colleagues made it possible to win money from the TV viewer.

Personal life

Fyodor Dvinyatin does not talk about his personal life. The man has been happily married to a philologist for a long time. My wife's name is Jamilya Sadullaeva. This name is well known in St. Petersburg scientific circles. Joint photos of spouses appear on the Internet after official appearances.

People around them consider Fedor Nikitich and Jamilya to be similar in behavior. The wife and husband prefer to remain distant, but at the same time friendly. The main thing for the spouses is science and personal goals; the Dvinyatins are of little interest to reality.

Thanks to this, Fedor and Jamila attract attention to their persons. Students say that spouses try not to show their feelings in public, sometimes even pretending that they don’t know each other well. But, as soon as they leave the educational institution, it’s as if they are instantly reincarnated.

The only time Fyodor Nikitich shared his happiness with others was on his daughter’s birthday.

Fyodor Dvinyatin continues to teach at the university, but does not appear on television now.

The only place where the name of the scientist is constantly mentioned is the games of the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful. The guys from Stupino were named after the expert from “What? Where? When?" KVN team.


  • 1994 – “Topics and binary constructions in Solemn Words (towards the formulation of the problem)”
  • 1996 – “On the intertextual connections of a personal name in “The Gift”: Zina Merz and around”
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  • 2012 – “Unprepositional creative in a poetic text: text structure and “flickering” semantics”
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