How to make your legs slim and thin: the best exercises and tips. Very simple exercises for slender and beautiful legs

What woman doesn’t dream of having slender and beautiful legs? It must be said that there are simply no women who are 100 percent satisfied with their legs. Hiding your legs under long skirts and wide trousers is not an option. There are exercises that can transform the most ordinary legs into slender and attractive ones. So, our goal is to make your legs beautiful. For this, grueling workouts in gyms are not at all necessary, which significantly lighten the wallet. Exercises for slender legs at home - just enjoyable and accessible gymnastics for each of us. At the same time, let's look at the reasons why our legs so often lack this slimness.

Why do legs lose their beauty and slimness?

Skin in at a young age quite elastic, muscles in good shape. The calories eaten are not stored as excess fat, but are spent very quickly. An active lifestyle helps your body stay slim and fit. In youth, the body is able to resist the consequences of bad habits and poor nutrition.

As we age, activity decreases, we stop playing sports, and our body becomes overly curvy and smooth.

It should be noted that women gain weight in different ways. One’s waist disappears, another’s butt gets heavier, the third suddenly notices that her slender legs have become plump, like a baby’s. Of course, this fact does not make anyone happy. Women decide to take urgent measures: strict diets and gyms.

Diets undoubtedly give visible results. But often we lose weight incorrectly. Weight and volume are reduced, but sagging, sagging skin plus cellulite on the butt remain. Or, on the contrary, we lose too much weight, to such an extent that we become flat, with protruding ribs.

Exercises combined with diets will help achieve maximum results. In this case, fat melts and muscle definition is preserved. This is especially true for problem areas from which it is quite difficult to remove the hated cellulite and fat. We urgently get down to business and start doing exercises for slender legs.

Exercises for slim legs

Without physical activity there's no way around it. Don't believe the advertisements: exercises for slender legs in a week! There are all kinds of sets of exercises for the legs. And they all give results if you don’t shirk and do them regularly for months. It's best to practice every day. Choose a set of exercises to suit your taste. Below in the article are the most common gymnastic elements.

Squats. Starting position: hands on the belt, straight back, feet shoulder-width apart. Execution technique: slowly sit down on the count of “one”, while your knees should be in line with your feet, without turning to the side. To maintain balance, stretch your arms forward while squatting. Slowly return to the original position on the count of two. It is best to do fifteen times, two approaches. To prevent muscles from relaxing, rest between approaches should not exceed one minute.

Swing your legs. We will need a chair or other support for this exercise. We stand straight near the support, tuck our stomach and legs together. Swing your leg to the side on the count of “one”, we try to raise the leg higher and not bend over. We return to the original position on the count of “two”. We swing back on the count of three. Trying to feel the muscles working, we pull the leg as far as possible. We return to the original position at the count of “four”. Do fifteen repetitions of this exercise on each leg.

Lateral leg raise. We stand facing the support, keeping our back straight. Raise your leg slowly, but as high as possible. The toe should point towards the ceiling. At the top point, we linger for five seconds, then lower our leg. We change the leg. You need to perform twenty-five repetitions for each leg.

Rifles. We stand on the floor, hands on the belt, feet shoulder-width apart. We squat, bending our knees, as low as possible. We transfer our body weight from one leg to the other without bending our back. When performing the exercise, your back should be straight. Do ten rolls in each direction, two sets.

Scissors. Lying on your back, put your hands behind your head or stretch them along your torso, pulling in your stomach. We place our legs at right angles to the floor and spread them as wide as possible to the sides and bring them together again. The knees do not bend, the toes are pointed towards us. Do 15-20 repetitions in two sets.

Lunges. Standing straight on the floor, we tighten our buttocks and stomach, keeping our hands on our belts. Take a wide step forward with your right foot. The knee of the right leg is bent at a right angle. We tighten our abs, keep our back straight. We return to the original position and make the same lunge with our left foot. This exercise trains the hamstrings and calf muscles. Perform 15-20 repetitions with each leg.

These exercises only take twenty minutes a day to complete. Every woman has the opportunity to carve out a short period of time before bed or during the lunch break. It's great to do these exercises as a morning exercises.

Additional measures

  • Go to healthy eating, go on a diet. Your diet should consist of fruits, vegetables, cereals, fish and dairy products.
  • Anti-cellulite massage will help break down fat deposits in the problem area and make the skin attractive.
  • Buy a bike! Spin the pedals and your leg muscles will be toned. During the cold season, use an exercise bike.
  • Jump rope - it's the best cardio exercise in the world. Jumping stimulates the movement of venous blood, protecting against varicose veins. Jumping rope burns many more calories than running!
  • Practice walking. If possible, walk to work. This will help relieve stress and burn calories.
  • A contrast shower for the whole body and legs will tone the skin and strengthen the immune system.

Exercise will strengthen your muscles and get rid of excess fat deposits. Be realistic, you won't get slender legs in a week by doing exercises alone. Regular exercise for a month will definitely give visible results.

Vera Tanalina | 01/15/2015 | 464

Vera Tanalina 01/15/2015 464

If you are tired of hiding your legs behind a long skirt and wide trousers, then our exercises are for you. They will make your legs slim and toned in a short time.

Beautiful legs are the dream of every woman and the adoration of men. If nature has not given you the slenderest legs, our exercises will help correct this. You just need to do them regularly. The best option is to train every day. But, if this often doesn’t work out, you can do it every other day. But less frequent training will no longer bring the desired result.

So, a set of exercises for slender legs.


This exercise has been familiar to us since childhood, because it is considered one of the simplest, but at the same time effective.

Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. We begin to slowly squat so that our knees look straight and do not diverge to the sides. We don’t lift our feet off the floor and keep our back straight. We stretch our arms forward to maintain balance. We linger at the lowest point for 1-2 seconds and begin to slowly rise. We return to the starting position.

To begin with, it will be enough to perform two approaches of 15 times, then you need to gradually increase the number of squats in the approach. The interval between approaches should not exceed 1-2 minutes.

Swing your legs

To perform this exercise, you will need a chair with a backrest or any other comfortable support.

Starting position: standing facing the support, legs together, stomach pulled in. Hold the support with your hands and, on the count of “one,” swing your leg to the side, trying to raise it as high as possible. The body should not tilt. On the count of two, lower your leg to the starting position. On the count of three, swing back, again as high as possible. On the count of four, return to the starting position.

Repeat the exercise 15 times for each leg.

Taking the leg to the side

Starting position: former. Grasp the support with your hands and slowly move your leg to the side. The toe should point up and the leg should be raised as high as you can. Hold your leg at the highest point for 5 seconds, then lower.

The exercise must be done 25 times on each leg.


Starting position: standing, back straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. We squat as low as possible, spreading our knees to the sides. Keep your back very straight. In a squat, we slowly transfer our body weight to one leg and straighten the other. Then we transfer the body to reverse side. The most important thing is to keep your back straight.

It is necessary to perform 10 rolls on each leg.

Scissors lying down

Starting position: lying on your back, arms extended along the body, stomach retracted. Slowly raise your legs so that they form a 90-degree angle with the floor. Then we spread our legs to the side as wide as possible. Then we bring them together. During the exercise, your legs should be straight and your toes should be pointing towards you.

You need to do two sets of 15 times.


Starting position: standing, back straight, hands on the belt, stomach and buttocks tucked. We take a wide step forward, while keeping the knee bent at an angle of 90 degrees. The back should be straight and the abdominal muscles should be tense. We return to the starting position and repeat the lunge with the other leg.

You need to do 15 lunges on each leg.

The whole set of exercises will not take more than 20 minutes, so you can do it at any time convenient for you: instead of morning exercises, after work and even during your lunch break.

Legs and buttocks are usually the most problematic parts of the body for girls; removing fat from them is much more difficult than, say, from the arms. To ensure that your sweat during training doesn't go to waste, we've chosen to truly effective exercises for slimming legs and buttocks.

How many times a week should I train my legs?

Eduard Belonozhko is a trainer and absolute champion of the A lex Fitness fitness club in the Men`s Physique category, two-time champion of Moscow and the Moscow region:

— I believe that legs should be trained twice a week - on one day the front surface of the thigh and gluteal muscles, on the other day - the back surface and buttocks. Moreover, it is worth sharing for both boys and girls. The back of the thigh is most often the lagging muscle because there is no time or effort left for it. Especially when the girls’ gluteal muscles dominate and it’s clear that the hamstrings are lagging behind, it doesn’t look very nice. Moreover, when the thigh biceps are pumped up, the buttock is better trimmed, looks more rounded and looks better. As for the number of repetitions required for weight loss, you need to do 20-25 repetitions for the quadriceps, 15-20 repetitions for the glutes, and 15 repetitions for the hamstrings.

How to choose leg exercises

Trainers often say that slender legs are impossible without basic exercises - squats for the front of the thigh and straight-legged deadlifts for the hamstrings, but this is not always the case.

— If you just need to polish your figure, then you need to perform various swings, fly-outs in simulators, and so on. That is, if a girl initially has a good figure, with good genetics, and she just needs to remove excess in some places, then she does not have to do squats or deadlifts, says Eduard Belonozhko.

So, let's leave barbell squats and straight-legged deadlifts for more advanced girls, and consider simpler and more effective exercises for losing weight in legs.

Swing your legs

One of the simplest leg exercises that can be performed even at home - standing or lying down. But it will still be more effective to perform it in the gym in a crossover with light weights. Swings can be performed in three variations: forward, backward and to the side - it depends on which part of the leg we want to load. For the most effective development, you can combine all three variations into a complex and perform 15 swings of each type in turn without rest.


You can perform lunges either without weight or with any weight, be it a barbell or dumbbells - all variations are effective. When lowering, the body must be kept straight and not leaned forward. The knees at the bottom point of the movement should not go beyond the toes, that is, you need to squat as deeply as possible. You need to push yourself up without the help of your back leg.

Leg curls in the simulator

A great isolation exercise for the hamstrings. When performing prone curls, your knees should hang slightly off the bench, the roller should rest against the back of your ankles or slightly above, and your body should be pressed tightly against the bench so that your back is not involved in the work.

Leg extensions in the simulator

An exercise aimed at working the front surface of the thigh. Extensions will not only help burn fat, but will also give definition to your legs; to do this, try to hold for 1-2 seconds at the top point.

Breeding and mixing in the simulator

Perhaps the most popular women's exercise machine, which allows you to work out not only the outer and inner thighs, but also the buttocks and even the abdominal muscles. It is important to perform the movement as smoothly as possible and, again, with a slight delay at the point of peak load.

Leg raises

Another exercise for losing weight on your legs, suitable for home workouts. Lying on your back, slowly raise your straightened legs to an angle of 90 degrees. At the same time, the lower back should not come off the floor, otherwise the exercise will involve the abs more than the legs.

Pelvic lifts

An excellent home exercise for firm gluteal muscles. Lie on your back with your knees bent and your legs pressed together. Pressing your heels and shoulder blades into the floor, lift your pelvis up as high as possible. At the top point you need to linger for 1-2 seconds for maximum contraction of the buttocks.

In addition to exercise, running or cycling will help you get rid of fat in your legs. Cardio training can be done at least every day, unlike strength training the body and muscles will not take much time to recover. In addition, relaxing baths, swimming and foot massage performed at night will be beneficial in losing weight.

Every girl wants to be thin and fit and have beautiful slender legs. Considering that the legs are a rather problematic part of the female body, fatty formations tend to accumulate there, as well as excess fluid is retained, making yourself slender legs can be quite difficult. But with due diligence and patience, you can lose weight in the leg area and tighten the muscles with special exercises.

We will tell you how to achieve beautiful, slender legs at home.

A balanced diet and walking for slender legs

Proper nutrition and sufficient motor activity- this is the minimum you need to make your legs beautiful and thin. Eliminate from your diet fatty and sweet foods containing many calories, fried foods, processed foods, as well as everything that contributes to the stagnation of fluids in the tissues and causes swelling - smoked foods, pickles, simple carbohydrates, coffee, alcohol, nicotine, carbonated drinks. To get rid of swelling, reduce your fluid intake in the afternoon. Rosehip infusion and prunes help against swelling.

In order for you to have beautiful, slender legs, refuse to use the elevator. Try to walk as much as possible (in comfortable shoes, of course), take daily walks at a brisk pace lasting at least 40-60 minutes.

Perform special exercises to lose weight and strengthen your legs at least 3-4 times a week, after these exercises, do not eat anything for 2 hours so that the body breaks down fats.

How to make your legs slim with exercises

The exercise program for slender legs at home consists of two blocks: you should devote 30 minutes to cardio exercise, and 30 minutes to strength exercises.

You can make up a block of cardio exercises from any aerobic exercise - it can be running, walking, jumping, dancing, aerobics.

The second block is devoted to how to exercise your legs and strengthen their muscles. Perform each exercise 20-30 times, do 3-4 approaches. Rest no more than 30 seconds between sets.

1. Squats are universal method how to make your legs slim. They come in different types.

Jump squats. Starting position - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms bent at the elbows and pressed to the body. Squat down deeply and forcefully push yourself up into a jump.

Classic squats. Starting position – standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the waist. Squat deeply, knees pointing forward, pelvis moving slightly back - as if you were sitting on a chair.

Plie squats. Starting position - standing, legs approximately 1 meter wide, hands on the waist, toes turned to the sides, pelvis tilted forward, buttocks tense. Squat down, spreading your knees straight to the sides, keeping straight position back and pelvis.

2. After doing squats, do another set of exercises for slender legs at home. These are leg abductions and leg swings. They are performed in pairs - first you abduct your legs using the muscles, and then swing. Perform 2 sets of 30 repetitions of abductions and swings with each leg:

  • from a standing position – forward, backward and to the side;
  • from a position lying on your side - up;
  • from a kneeling position with emphasis on the elbows - back and to the side (when performing this exercise, abductions are done with the leg bent at the knee, and swings are made straight).

3. Lie on the floor on your back, raise your body and focus on your elbows. From this position you will perform two more effective exercises for beautiful slender legs - “bicycle” (simultaneous rotation of the legs in the air, imitation of pedaling a bicycle) and “scissors” (simultaneous cross swings of the legs, both in the vertical and horizontal planes).

4. Stretching exercises are extremely important for lean legs, so be sure to do them at the end of your workout.

Stand up straight and lean forward strongly. Hug your legs and hold there for 30 seconds. Try to reach your hands to the floor and again hold this pose for 30 seconds. Stand up straight.

Lean forward and place your palms on the floor about a meter in front of your feet. Feet are completely pressed to the floor, elbows and knees are straight. Bend in chest downwards Stay in this position for 30 seconds. This exercise is based on one of the classic yoga asanas, it stretches the hamstrings and makes your legs straight and beautiful.

Bend your left knee and shift your body weight to your right, straight leg. After 30 seconds, switch legs. Then straighten both knees again - this way you will consolidate the result of this exercise for slender legs before moving on to the next one.

Sit on the floor, spread your legs wide, point your toes, tense and straighten your knees. Slowly bend as low as possible towards your right leg. After 20 seconds, move the body to left leg. After 30 seconds, lean forward and stretch your arms forward. Make sure your knees are straight - this is the main thing in doing stretching exercises for slender legs.

Stand with your arms out to your sides and lift one straight leg forward 90 degrees. Try to hold on for 30 seconds. Change your leg.

Step into a wide lunge forward, aligning your front knee so that it is directly over your heel, back foot resting your toes on the floor, back knee on the floor. Straighten your knee and lift it off the floor, spread your arms to your sides and hold for 30 seconds, then raise your arms up and throw back your head and hold again for 30 seconds. Repeat 3 times, then do the same on the other leg.

Go down into the fold again, try to place your palms on the floor. Stay in this position for a minute. Stretching exercises are very good way How to make your legs slim, don’t neglect them.

Diet and exercise: slender legs in a week

By performing the above set of exercises at least 4 times a week, as well as following a balanced diet, you can really achieve slender legs in a week, but to do this, be sure to follow these tips:

  • a bath with soda (0.5 packs of soda per time) for 20 minutes very well speeds up metabolism, removes salt and excess fluid from body tissues - you will be surprised when you see that one such procedure removes up to 1.5 kg of water from bodies; do such baths every other day;
  • limit your daily diet: in winter, consume at least 1600 kcal per day, in summer 1400 is enough;
  • 2 fasting days a week will also remove excess fluid from the body and cleanse the intestines; best help fasting days on a combination of kefir with raw vegetables, or raw fruits and berries, or dried fruits (dried apricots, raisins, prunes);
  • for slender legs, good blood circulation is extremely important - do self-massage and peeling of your legs once every 2-3 days;
  • When washing dishes or preparing food, do an “invisible” exercise for slender legs - rise on your toes and lower yourself.

To Get Slim Legs in a Week, Follow All These Guidelines: Walk more, eat a balanced low-calorie diet, do cosmetic procedures and do a set of exercises, and the result will not be long in coming.

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When the warm season arrives, many women strive to show off beautiful slender legs, similar to the legs of ballerinas. The former are endowed with beautiful slender legs by nature, the latter, seeing thin and slender ballerinas or models in pictures, are forced to go on strict diets, getting rid of extra centimeters, choosing.

In practice, it has been found out that not all simple sets of exercises for weight loss, offered in the public domain, become equally useful in obtaining slim thighs, legs and butts, gaining thin waist. In order not to waste time on useless and ineffective workouts, you need to carefully choose a set of exercises for weight loss. It is better to choose an effective complex for men, time-tested. It is permissible to consult with a trainer in the gym or fitness club.

A well-chosen complex of butts, waist and abdomen will allow you to acquire beautiful shapes body, make your figure fit, like the ballerinas in the pictures.

Exercises for training legs and waist need to start with pre-warming. Cardio exercises will do.

A set of exercises, performed at home or on a cardio machine in the gym, can quickly tidy up the muscles of the legs, abdomen, waist and buttocks, adding strength and slimness.

An excellent way to train and lose weight in your legs is the usual treadmill. It is necessary to select the average speed of the simulator for training.

It is possible to choose a suitable complex for losing weight on thighs, legs and calves at home. A regular jump rope will do. This simplest device can be called the first simulator in the world. The jump rope is widely used by professional athletes and dancers, from ballerinas to boxers and weightlifters. Using a skipping rope, it will be easy, in short terms improve the contours of your hips, calves and buttocks. To achieve quick results, professionals recommend alternating cardio training on a jump rope with strength training.

The article presents an approximate complex, including exercises for skinny legs which can be done at home without additional exercise equipment: initially perform 100 jumping ropes at medium speed, then 50 squats. With sufficient experience and training, especially for men, to achieve quick results try using weights with dumbbells. When performing squats with dumbbells, make sure that your feet and shins are parallel to the floor. Then again do 100 jumping ropes at higher speeds, then 50 lunges.

A similar simple complex for weight loss and muscle development lower limbs will allow you to quickly achieve the desired slimness of your calves, internal space between the thighs. After training, a pleasant warmth is felt in the muscles of the legs and buttocks. To achieve a thin waist, combine squats with twists.

When doing exercises to get lean legs and calves, you shouldn’t forget about running. When the weather is warm outside, it is simply recommended to jog for half an hour at low speed several times a week, maintaining slimness and good muscle tone. In cold weather, you can use the treadmill in the gym three times a week.

Strength exercises

To carry out regular leg training, to get slim at home or in the gym, it is permissible to use complexes strength exercises. It is quite possible to do exercises at home, using dumbbells to weight and develop the muscles of the lower extremities, shoulders and back.

What you need for training

For strength training at home, you will need a set of simple means at hand:

  • Dumbbells.
  • Bench.
  • A mat to lie on the floor.

A simple arsenal does not take up much space, is inexpensive, and allows you to perform effective complexes for the development, training and strengthening of the muscles of the thighs and calves. Well-known exercises for men and women are conventionally divided into three main groups - for the hips and calves, inside legs and buttocks, also waist. Any exercise can be safely performed at home, using dumbbells and adding weight.

First complex

The first strength training set for men is aimed at working out and improving the development of the thigh muscles.

Complex for buttocks

The gymnastic complex is intended for losing weight in the buttocks and thighs and developing the relief of the muscles of the buttocks. This must be done especially carefully. If you approach the implementation technology incorrectly, the complex will not bring the desired harmony and can provoke injuries to the knee joints.

Complex for the inner thighs

The final complex is designed to strengthen the inner thighs for men and women. This area of ​​the body is extremely difficult to correct. According to many women who have modeled slender, beautiful hips and firm buttocks, flabby and loose inner thighs remain uncontrollable.


The exercise is widely used among ballerinas to quickly and easily achieve slim legs, especially the inner thighs.

To perform the exercise, you need to spread your feet wide and turn your toes out. Maintaining the position, perform as deep squats as possible. Before lifting, you must stay at the bottom point for 5 seconds. Best result You will benefit from training if you combine long-term static exercises with active movements.

Ball exercises

To perform the exercise you will need a fitness ball. Sit on top of the ball, carefully fix it with your hips. The ball is squeezed with all your might by the upper thighs. Then perform squats for 4 counts. At 2 counts they take a short break and again return up 4 counts. The exercise is performed 2-3 times a week.

You can do the exercise on your hips while squeezing the ball. You will need to sit on the ball on your back. Raise your legs, bend your knees slightly. The ball needs to be securely fixed with your hips and squeezed tightly for 30 seconds. Then a pause is made for 15 seconds, the exercise is repeated. Exercise improves muscle tone and helps burn off excess fat deposits.

Exercises for legs and abdomen

In order for the figure to remain beautiful and slim, it is recommended to train the muscles of the legs and abdomen in a complex. Correcting the shape of your legs short time, choose exercises for men that simultaneously work the muscles of the legs, abdomen, and buttocks. It can be done at home. Already in the third or fourth week, the results of training on the legs will become noticeable.

  1. To perform the first exercise from the complex you will need a chair or stool and a table. Sit on a chair, move towards the table top. Move your feet back a little and lean on the table top. Lift your feet off the floor. It is possible to carry out correction of muscles on the legs and abdomen in a similar way even in the office at the workplace.
  2. Sitting on a chair, lean your hands on the seat. Lifting your legs slightly off the floor, cross one leg over the other on your hips. Raise one leg as high as possible and hold it until a slight feeling of fatigue appears.
  3. A useful exercise for eliminating excess fat on the legs and abdomen would be to imitate riding a bicycle, lying on your back with your hands behind your head. It is useful to perform the exercise 3-4 times a week. The scissors exercise is considered effective. To perform this, lift and cross the legs, then spread the straight legs to the sides. You will need to perform this several times a week until you feel some muscle fatigue. In addition to the legs and buttocks, exercises affect the muscles of the back and abdominals.

Recommendations will allow you to conduct your training as effectively as possible. To achieve lasting, noticeable results, you need to train regularly. You will have to set aside at least three days a week for training. The body must get used to training at constant hours of the day.

  • It is not recommended to eat food an hour before the start of classes and an hour after the end.
  • To avoid injury to the musculoskeletal system, be sure to warm up.
  • Throughout the workout you need to breathe deeply and evenly. When you inhale, you make an effort, and when you exhale, you relax the muscles. If you follow the recommendations, you can quickly and easily get beautiful, slender legs, like ballerinas.

In addition to regular training, remember to simple things: proper nutrition, daily routine, refusal bad habits. You should eat in small portions, often. People who are prone to obesity should avoid eating sweets, flour, and fatty foods. Enrich your diet with plant foods, fiber, pectins, vitamins and microelements. Don't forget to drink plenty of clean water.

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