Hagalaz teyvaz. Activation of the Hagalaz rune. Photo and interpretation of the Hagalaz rune - TurboRunes - Automatic Runic Programming System. What does Hagalaz mean in fortune telling for relationships and love?

German name: Hagalaz
Anglo-Saxon name: Hel (Haegl)
Old Norse name: Hagall
Phonetic correspondence: X (H)

Traditional meaning: hail.

Before us is the first rune of the second ett - ett Hagalaz, who received his name from the name of the element, unlike the other two, which are named after the gods (the first - in honor of Freya and Frey, and the third - by the name of Tyr). Some runemasters tried to extend this principle to the second aett, correlating it with either Odin or Thor. I will try to prove that most of the runes of this etta are associated with goddesses - primarily with the norns.

As already mentioned, the first episode is dedicated to the ordering of chaos and the establishment of cosmic world order. And now, considering the runes of the second etta, we will become acquainted with the hostile forces that seek to destroy this order and thereby generate the changes necessary for life and development. Even at the most superficial level, it is obvious that Hagalaz is a dangerous rune. Its meaning is “hail,” and hail is made up of frozen water and air, and although it is not as hard or dense as ice, everyone knows the damage it can cause to crops. This is the destructive force of nature.

To penetrate deeper into the meaning of Hagalaz, it is necessary to consider it in combination with two other runes - Isa and Nautiz. These three runes - the first three runes of the second ett - are connected to each other both magically and in meaning.

Of the nine worlds connected by the axis of the Yggdrasil ash tree, these three runes correspond to the three lower worlds, forming, in traditional shamanic ideas, the “underworld”. Hagalaz corresponds to the kingdom of Hel. Niflheim, whose name literally means "foggy world" and which is therefore associated with the elements of water and air, forming both fog and hail, is correlated with the Nautiz rune. Niflheim is a continuation of the kingdom of Hel, located next door to it. And finally, the world of giants - more precisely, frost giants - is called Etunheim and is associated with the Isa rune.

The name "Hel" comes from the ancient German word halja, which simply means "cover" and has nothing to do with the associations that evoke in us the Christian image of hell (English hell), which goes back to the Hebrew concept of "gehenna". (Because of this, Hel is sometimes mistakenly represented as a "hell", that is, a fiery hell. This error is not difficult to explain, taking into account that in the Middle East, heat is perceived as something threatening, potentially life-threatening, while in the North main threat life naturally seems cold). The kingdom of Hel is ruled by the goddess Hel (Hella). In the Eddas it is described as a gloomy, gloomy place, but its inhabitants are not subjected to any torment. Everyone who died not in battle or at sea goes there. Even Balder, who died by accident at the hand of Hed, went to Hel, where his wife Nanna followed him.

The goddess Hel is a late Scandinavian version of the Germanic goddess Holda, who was favorable to people, also known in folklore as Lady Holle. By the way, Holland got its name in her honor. A significant part of the territory of this country is below sea level, and today Holland is called the Netherlands, that is, " the netherlands", - which again brings us back to the image of the "underworld". In addition, Holland is a country of fogs, so the images of Hel and Niflhel are very closely associated with it. The name "Holle" is linguistically related to the oldest known name for the kingdom of Hel – “Halja” (Halja). This goddess covers the earth with a blanket of snow. In Holland, when it snows, they say: “Lady Blizzard knocks out the feather beds.”

Occult and deep psychological significance Hagalaz runes deserve special attention. Hel is kingdom of the dead, and for us, the living, the dead are part of our past. Having examined the previous runes in futhark order, we correlated them with the creation myth, as set out in the "Velva Divination", and settled on rune Vunyo- a symbol of the golden age. Following this, according to myth, three giantesses appeared from Etunheim. These are none other than the three Norns - goddesses of fate, collectively personifying time: Urd symbolizes the past, Verdandi - the present, and Skuld - the future. Goddess Urd is the esoteric ruler of the Hagalaz rune.

The psychological meaning of the Hagalaz rune in a reading is usually associated with destructive forces operating on a subconscious level and preparing the necessary changes. By correlating the power of this rune with the Urd norn, we can conclude that these destructive forces originate in our personal past. In most cases, they are the result of unlearned past lessons and unresolved problems, as well as repressed unpleasant memories that are too painful for us to dare to deal with, but continue to influence our current behavior patterns. In particular difficult cases these destructive forces may be rooted in the more distant past - in other words, in our previous incarnations.

The Kingdom of Hel can be identified with the personal unconscious, the deepest layer of which is connected with the collective unconscious. This area contains the potential for the highest good - and, at the same time, complete destruction. Hagalaz is rich in dark feminine energy and is closely associated with evil witchcraft - in particular, with harmful female magic. The first evil witch to appear in Scandinavian myths, Gullveig, personifies, like Hel, the dark hypostasis of the Goddess. Because of Gullveig, a thirst for gold entered Valhalla. Before that, gold was a toy for the aesir, and Gullveig brought with her greed and evil spells, for which she was punished three times by burning: “Thrice they burned her, // thrice born, // and yet she // still lives.”

However, she did not live in the usual sense of the word. When Gullveig was reborn again after the third burning, Loki ate her heart, thereby absorbing the evil contained in her. (Another interpretation is possible: the three deaths of Gullveig brought to life the three norns who entered the scene shortly after this episode). A male God cannot kill a Goddess - even an evil one. This was Odin's mistake. The matter was aggravated by the fact that he refused to pay the viru to the Vanir, Gullveig’s relatives, and a war began between the Aesir and the Vanir. Vira is a mandatory monetary penalty for murder, which among the ancient Scandinavians meant the public killing of a person. It should be noted that the custom of the vira did not give a “license to kill,” since a premeditated, secretly prepared murder was unheard of.

The High German word Hachel, “witch,” is associated with Hagalaz. It corresponds to the Anglo-Saxon haegtessa, from which the modern English hag - "witch, sorceress" - is derived. The Old Dutch equivalent of haegtessa is hagedisse, which had two meanings: "witch" and "lizard". The lizard is an animal closely associated with shamanic practices; in this meaning the word hagedisse has been preserved in the Dutch language to this day.

Hail is a combination of two elements: air and water. In Holland there was a widespread belief that witches could control the weather and could send hail to the fields of their enemies. Popular belief It said that the witch carries hail in a bag and releases it when necessary. The ability to send hail was attributed to two Scandinavian demigoddesses - Thorgerd and Irpa. Thus, the Hagalaz rune can be used in operations of harmful magic. I once used it in combination with Thurisaz, and for the person on whom these spells were directed, the result was disastrous. The runes involved brought out from his consciousness all the garbage that had accumulated in the unconscious area. The symptoms in which this manifested itself could be interpreted by an ignorant observer as demonic possession. The Hagalaz rune itself, without conscious reference to its power, generates general discomfort as a premonition of change. Under its influence, unconscious destructive forces gradually reach consciousness, thanks to which they can be used constructively.

The Kingdom of Hel is the equivalent of the shamanic underworld, and can be reached through shamanic journeying in an altered state of consciousness. Odin and Hermod had a chance to travel to Hel, but only Odin’s horse, Sleipnir, could overcome this path. No other horse can handle this.

But enough about the dangers associated with Hagalaz! After all, there is another version of this rune, which provides reliable protection - primarily from bad weather. For this purpose, the peasants placed her image in a prominent place - above the door or on the roof of the house. In its protective form, Hagalaz is usually called Heil, a word that means blessing and greeting. In this form, this rune served to bless the newlyweds and, as is easy to see, it is formed by two intertwined Algiz runes (symbolizing the union of the male and female forms of Algiz).

Of all the signs of the Elder Futhark, the Hagalaz rune is the most lightning-fast and destructive. The symbol is associated with natural elements and bursts of energy.

The inverted position is no different from the straight position. In both cases the sign has negative interpretation, but sometimes destruction leads to progress.

The rune symbolizes unexpected destruction. It is impossible to stop its effect, but it will not last long. Hagalaz is considered only as a negative sign, but if it appears in a reading, it means the person caused it through his actions.

The rune of destruction has other interpretations:

  • gives a chance to create something new;
  • indicates errors;
  • helps to forget unpleasant memories;
  • eliminates excess;
  • breaks unnecessary contacts.

The sign is considered a symbol of internal rupture. He advises not to accumulate emotions within yourself, otherwise they will lead to depression or other psychological problems.

The effect of Hagalaz does not last long and resembles an avalanche. When used in fortune telling, it usually foreshadows losses, accidents or work failures. But these events can turn out for the better.

When appearing on one rune during fortune telling, Hagalaz has different interpretations:

  1. Advises you to forget about ambitious plans. First you need to learn self-discipline and see the essence of the problem.
  2. Talks about psychological problems. There are two opposites in a person, which can cause difficulties.
  3. Symbolizes the purposefulness of the fortuneteller. He approaches everything from a practical point of view and because of this he often seems cold in the eyes of those close to him.
  4. It is worth being more energetic and persistent. Without such qualities it will not be possible to achieve recognition.
  5. The individual fails to fulfill his purpose, he experiences difficulties with realization in the professional sphere. To fix this, you should try yourself in other areas. Perhaps the fortuneteller is not in the right place.

Hagalakh also acts as a symbol of death. It foretells the complete end of a certain stage of life. Soon these events will cease to be important and will go into the past. But for greater accuracy of prediction, it is worth getting another rune.


The sign is also called the Hugill rune; its meaning foreshadows negative events that can bring pain. A person should believe in himself more and get rid of pessimistic thoughts. The future depends only on him, and he himself is capable of changing his destiny.

The fallen Hagalaz rune speaks of the need to analyze your actions and look into the subconscious. She says that there are no unforeseen events, it is worth testing your strength and drawing the right conclusions. The meaning of the Hagalaz rune when divining a situation advises postponing taking action for a while.

Inverted meaning

An inverted rune looks the same as a straight one. When the Hagalaz sign appears, you should prepare for events that will affect your usual way of life. Also, a person will face pressure from the outside. It is capable of destroying everything that the fortuneteller believed in and considered as his protection.

Meaning Hagalaz says that the destructive force takes different shapes: separation from a loved one, collapse of plans, disappointment, dismissal. But do not despair, a person is always able to resist a negative environment and cope with failures.

Combination with other runic signs

The interpretation of the rune depends on the combination with other signs. They are able to completely change its meaning.

Combination with other signs:

Combinations with inverted Fehu, Yera and Perth warn against rash actions. It is worth weighing everything well before making a decision.

Runa Hagalaz for business fortune telling

The dropped Hagalaz rune requires a lot of patience and strength. The sign predicts the influence of uncontrolled dark energy on work. If you are planning a new business, you should postpone it for a while. The promotion will occur later due to the intervention of an ill-wisher.

But it is worth remembering that the rune does not last long, and Yera falling nearby reduces its negative impact. The accompanying Isa also speaks of mitigating the destructive force. The interpretation of the rune in fortune telling predicts that if Nautiz is nearby, the person will gain important knowledge and experience.

Hagalaz in fortune telling for relationships and love

In fortune telling, the symbol says that the relationship is on the verge of breaking. One of the partners is too closed in on himself and does not pay enough attention to the second. It is important to talk and together look for ways to solve problems in the relationship.

In case of separation, it is worth analyzing the situation and trying to learn from it.

The rune does not advise single people to start new relationships. First, you need to overcome your complexes and insecurities, then the fortuneteller will be able to understand whether the person is right for him.

The second meaning of the Hagalaz rune in matters is grinding between people. The problem happens when a couple just starts living together. Everyone experiences the destruction of their previous life, which is associated with the work of the Hagalaz rune.

The meaning of the Hagalaz rune in health matters

The Hagalaz rune also has a negative interpretation in questions. Possible deterioration in health, sudden increase in temperature, problems with blood pressure and attacks of fatigue.

The symbol also means that mistakes made in the past can now turn into illness. Solving problems depends only on the person. Diseases can be overcome with perseverance, patience and strength.

Application of Hagalaz in magic

The Hagalaz rune helps protect the house from negative impact and attracts positive changes. The sign gives strength and helps to break out of a vicious circle.

There are effective formulas that can improve different areas of life:

  • Yera-Hagalaz-Yera – gives vital energy and directs it in the right direction;
  • Yera-Sovilo-Hagalaz - destroy all obstacles on the way to the goal and give strength to move on;
  • Eyvaz-Sovilo-Hagalaz - help to spiritually cleanse, remove the consequences of the negative influence of dark magic.

Hagalaz is used in runic rituals of cleansing a house from evil spirits that disturb the residents. The ritual should be performed only in the evening on any day of the week on the waning moon. There should be no people in the room during the ceremony. For the ritual you will need 4 small, white candles and 1 large blue. A vertical image of a rune is cut out on each.

Then they light a fire and ask for help from a Higher Power. It is important to sincerely pray to the bright spirits. Otherwise, the problems will get worse.

There is a second way to influence fate with the help of Hagalaz. First, they carefully consider what exactly they want to achieve and what resources they lack. The result of the ritual is irreversible.

You should take a candle of any size and color. 9 Hagalaz symbols are carved on it and a wish is visualized during the process. Then they light a fire and watch the flame until the wick burns completely, imagining their goal.

Hagalaz helps to free yourself. It allows you to choose the right path, man walking in the direction he likes. When fortune telling, the symbol advises you to carefully reconsider your plans and abandon unsuccessful plans. Soon the fortuneteller will understand - Upper world indicates other, more profitable roads.

Amulet with the Hagalaz rune

Before choosing an amulet with a rune image, it is important to weigh everything. The sign carries the power of destruction, so it is worth purchasing another rune. This symbol is only suitable for getting rid of bad habits and severe addictions.

The combination of Hagalaz-Isa will help you quickly and radically change your life when you want to get rid of everything unnecessary. Such changes can bring certain inconveniences and be very painful. But later there will be an understanding that in fact they were for the better.

Is it possible to get a tattoo with Hagalaz?

The image of the Hagal rune on the body attracts many troubles. This is due to the negative interpretation of the sign. After applying the rune, unpleasant or tragic events will regularly occur to a person. We talked in detail about rune tattoos on the body and their impact on life in this article.

It is better to choose another sign, with a more favorable interpretation. In exceptional cases, Hagalaz tattoos are allowed, but in combination with other symbols.

Hagalaz rune of the day

The sign advises looking at things from a new angle in order to recover from the collapse of dreams and begin to move on. During this period you should not take important decisions, make big plans and be too active. It is better to be further away from the epicenter of events to avoid the negative impact of the rune.


There are no uniquely positive or negative runes. Hagalaz has a negative interpretation, but it is worth considering the accompanying staves. The symbol often gives important tips and warns against rash actions.

When Hagalaz appears during fortune telling, it is worth thanking the sign for the hint and help. He removes the unnecessary, breaks off unnecessary contacts, which are difficult for a fortuneteller to get rid of alone.

Effects of the Hagalaz rune: destruction of the old, cleansing, liberation from shackles and restrictions, freedom, destruction of something, breaking the vicious circle.

The meaning of the rune is “Hail”. What is hail? These are frozen pieces of water, which, when precipitation falls, have a destructive effect, but later these pieces melt and have a life-giving effect on the soil of the earth. Hagalaz is a powerful rune and symbolizes destructive periods with a transition to a new state. It can be metaphorically associated with how the caterpillar turns into the state of a butterfly and the moment when the cocoon is thrown off is Hagalaz. In some ways it is similar to Uruz in this, but they act slightly differently. Hagalaz is the rune of breaking restrictions and liberation. When working with the rune, you yourself become this destroyer, wanting to destroy everything, send everything and start something new, break all restrictions. The energy of the rune is cold, the same as the “hail” itself. A good metaphor is the Grad missile system, which symbolizes destructive power due to a large concentration of missile strikes over a small area - modern model evolution of the Katyusha. The Hagalaz rune can also work like the “Grad” system - destroying everything. Another meaning of the rune is Evolution. And these are all the components of the runes - through Destruction we Evolve into a new state, which finally manifests itself in the runic circle on Eyvaz. When used wisely, Hagalaz frees us from what is unnecessary and interferes with us. Hagalaz is the energy of Freedom and the process of Liberation. It can be a liberation from something that has been holding you down or something that has forced you to do something. When working with Hagalaz, this is always an uncomfortable period; Hagalaz can appear as outbursts of complete negativity, an outpouring of all evil spirits. It was as if they had discovered the source of the negativity and it began to come out in full force. Hagalaz is anarchy and lawlessness. This is a way out of any framework, where the main thing is disagreement with everything and dissatisfaction, and it is this dissatisfaction that can be worked through by Hagalaz.

Hagalaz or Hagal is tied to the deities - Hel and Heimdal. This is the same archetype in female and male guises. Goddess Hel is the queen of the underworld, wisdom, and witch. It is the Witch in such a representation that is now associated in our society. The Knowing Mother is a wise woman. In the Slavic pantheon of gods this is Mara or Morena. They say “they killed”, “they caused a pestilence” and this is always connected with Morena. In Russian fairy tales, this is Baba Yaga Bone Leg -) This is Mara - this is the Wisdom to which Ivan the Fool came to the dense Forest to gain wisdom. Likewise, the magician, in his practice through Hagalaz, gains wisdom through immersion in the underground kingdom of Mara. In India, this is the goddess Kalima, who dances in ecstasy on the bones and skull of Shiva, as a symbol of struggle and destruction of the ego. In our everyday life, these archetypes are also played out and this can be tracked through Astrology. Hagalaz is the sign of Aquarius. This is a struggle between Saturn and Uranus. This is the collapse of order and oppression of Saturn, this is the Khagalaz energy of Uranus. Aquarius is the main Rebel and dissenter. For him, Riot and Revolution are a natural state. Wherever Aquarius is, the old is being scrapped to clear the platform for the new. An example from the politics of our country. All phenomena in a country can be traced through the energies of its leader. Previously, there was the USSR - a serious and strong structure, then Pisces M. Gorbachev came to power, and Pisces as a sign of Water is always eroded and, also as a sign close to Aquarius, it is a sign of the Revolution. Pisces instilled illusions and fantasies in everyone, and this is normal for Pisces, and blurred the structure, and then, in the Hagalaz style, the main destroyer and rebel Aquarius B. Yeltsin came to power and plunged the country into complete Hagalaz. The 90s in Russia is the energy of the Hagalaz rune. The one who remembers them - this is exactly how the Hagalaz rune works. Hagalaz destroys, destroys, destroys and creates complete freedom with the transition from a state without limits, or, more simply, complete chaos. But this is in the long term. In runic magic and rituals, we can use it to destroy what is unnecessary and outdated in a short-term manifestation. Hagalaz is used in cleanings and such cleanings are maintained for a short period of time - 9 days. Hagalaz is also used in black magic when they want to cause damage or destroy someone else’s life. But this is very ineffective, since everything you do will come back to you. At the same time, you need to understand that cleaning and damage according to the magical structure of influence are one and the same action. The difference between them is only in the very intention and timing of setting up runic programs. Cleaning is done and maintained for short periods of time, but damage is done for a long time. Hagalaz is an evil rune, as is the process of destruction. When working with Hagalaz you must always be aware. Hagalaz can be used both for good and for harm, as with everything in life.

In the psychological perception of the rune Hagalaz is the rune of breaking Ega. Hagalaz breaks, destroys our Ego in order to manifest a new Ego on a different level through further runes. Aquarius is the opposition sign to the main egoist - Leo. In Tarot cards, this is, of course, the 16th major arcan of the Tower, on which the Tower is drawn as a phallic symbol of our ego and lightning, which in a flash blows away the crown from the top of the Tower and people jump down from the windows of the Tower. Both the Tower itself and the Hagalaz rune reveal to us the nature of destruction, that all destructive situations are always based on an inflated Ego. Arrogance and Pride are those qualities that fall off like a Crown when working with Hagalaz and the Tower card. If human types are tied to the Hagalaz rune, then these are the King and Queen of Swords cards. Lords of Air, wisdom and knowledge, cold energy of reason and knowledge. If you look at Hagalaz from the perception of the elements, then it is a mixture of Air and Water, as well as the low temperature of all this - this is hail, storm. Hagalah is a powerful and dangerous rune and the second att begins with it, on which powerful personal changes occur. The very immersion in the second att is a metaphor for the descent into the underworld to Hel to gain Strength and Wisdom. This is exactly what happens to a practitioner who undergoes the Runic Circle of Power. 2 att transforms us and it all starts with the destruction of our old personality. Remove everything unnecessary and outdated and Hagalaz will help you.

Divinatory meaning: circumstances beyond our control. The need to submit to external circumstances. Breaking the vicious circle. Negative aspects: troubles, unexpected events that interfere with the execution of plans. Natural disaster, destruction. Dependence on external circumstances and on other people.

Rune Hagalaz is the first rune of the second etta. Is under the patronage of female deities. It is considered quite dangerous, but also useful if used correctly. Helps to get rid of past mistakes that prevent a person from moving forward.

Photo of the Hagalaz rune:

By the way!
It’s on our website - enjoy it for your health!

It is considered the most destructive rune. But the destruction that it brings acts for a person’s benefit, because the rune destroys everything that prevents him from developing. Hagalaz sweeps away everything that slows down the purification of the spiritual component, helps to develop courage in combination with and.

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Meaning in fortune telling

The image of the rune is symmetrical, therefore it does not have a straight or inverted position. What can Hagalaz predict when used in fortune telling:

  • A serious disease that will have to be treated long and hard
  • A serious obstacle on the way to the intended goal, due to which the business may end in failure
  • An accident or disaster that can lead to completely unpredictable negative consequences
  • Limitations and limiting settings that prevent you from getting the desired result
  • A situation in which you have to take risks, and the result may be very disappointing
  • Strong dependence on another person, enormous attachment, incredible craving for him

Hagalaz is a rather dangerous rune, so a person should be wary if it appears in fortune telling. She gives a categorical answer to any question: “No!” That is, there is no need to do what is planned - it will end badly.

Hagalaz is the personification of death and destruction. But death is not in the literal sense - it is the cessation of a life stage, the completion of a task, an event that will cease to be relevant and will become a thing of the past.

If Hagalaz appears in fortune telling, then to clarify the prediction it is better to get another rune so that the interpretation is as accurate as possible.

The meaning of the Hagalaz rune for one-rune fortune telling

If Hagalaz appears in a one-rune divination, the meaning of this runic symbol may be as follows:

  • IN at the moment in life it is better to forget about ambitious plans and aspirations. You need to learn self-discipline and learn to “get to the root” of emerging problems
  • You are a person who, in different situations, shows completely opposite sides of your essence. At work and in professional activity You are one person, at home and in relationships with loved ones - completely different. On the one hand, the ability to switch like this is good, but on the other hand, it can greatly interfere with understanding your inner essence
  • You are purposeful and practical, very rational and extremely dedicated to the work you do. Because of this, others often perceive you as a soulless person who does not know how to show emotions.
  • The professions of a civil servant, an artist and a historian are ideal for you - you have all the qualities to achieve great success in such areas
  • You are incredibly energetic, charged with vitality and enjoy good health. All of the above helps you achieve success and always be in a good mood
  • You are insightful, know how to quickly change activities from one to another, and are observant. This good features to realize oneself in the chosen profession and fulfill one’s destiny

Combination with other runes

The meaning of a rune during fortune telling may change if it appears together with others runic symbols. For example:

  1. The combination Hagalaz - Otala, dropped in an inverted position, predicts dramatic changes that will radically change your life
  2. The combinations Hagalaz - or Hagalaz - indicate that great success awaits you, which you have long desired and imagined in your imagination
  3. Hagalaz - Pertro promises a solution to financial problems. You will make a good profit or win a large amount of money
  4. Combinations with inverted runes Hagalaz - , Hagalaz - , Hagalaz - warn: it is better not to start the planned business. Wait for a more favorable moment, otherwise you will fail
  5. Hagalaz - or Hagalaz - falls at a turning point in the fate of a fortuneteller

The use of the Hagalaz rune in magic

In magical rituals, the Hagalaz rune is used for the following purposes:

  • To decide psychological problems personality: get rid of complexes, tensions, negative attitudes and programs embedded in the subconscious
  • To learn how to appear in other people's dreams and manipulate their consciousness in this way
  • To protect a person, as a talisman
  • For carrying out rituals: love spell, lapel, divination and others

Do you want to avoid negative manifestations in life? Would you like to build life path at your own discretion? Then this information is especially for you. In this article you will learn about what the ninth symbol of the Elder Futhark represents, and also learn how to apply its meaning in practice. Happy reading!

The name of the rune Hagalaz - basic meaning and interpretation

The meaning of the Hagalaz rune is considered exclusively in one position, since this symbol does not have an inverted position. The essence of the ninth symbol of the Elder Futhark is the energy of “hail”. In human life it can mean any manifestations of natural destruction, the intervention of outside forces that are difficult to prevent. Most often, this state of affairs can have not only a negative, but also a positive connotation - it depends on which side you look at the situation from.

Most often, the photo of the Hagalaz rune is interpreted as follows - the person being told fortunes has problems, and his fate is in the wrong hands. As an example, we can cite more influential person, personal relationships based on the dominance of the other partner, etc.

As an option, receiving an answer to a request from a person with whom the fortuneteller is not personally acquainted, therefore, not knowing what to expect from the response received.

Note! If you get Hagalaz in the scenario, you should not panic. It is quite possible that the obstacles that befell you were deserved. Reconsider your line of behavior, and everything will definitely change for the better

Interpretation of the Halagaz rune in combination with other runes

  • Perth - Hagalaz: This combination indicates that the questioner will receive something completely unexpected. This could be a gift, financial reward for work done, winning a lottery, etc.
  • Fehu - Hagalaz: You have the opportunity to try your hand even in risky activities - everything will be crowned with success. To take advantage of this scenario, you should completely trust your intuition - this will direct the questioner to the desired segment of the Life Path

What does Runa Hagalaz mean in fortune telling for work and business?

The meaning of the Hagalaz rune when divining for work is most often interpreted as advice to postpone planned plans and events until another time. The most optimal actions in this situation are to wait out the negative moment, taking a “step back”, thoroughly weighing all the pros and cons.

Advice! If this rune appears in your reading, occupy yourself with something useful, directing all your strength and energy to implement ideas in another area. This will help you take a little break from your main activity, as well as wait out a negative moment for the benefit of yourself and others

You asked a question about career growth and Hagalaz came up? Then keep in mind that the rune is not something critical, completely destroying your plans and intentions. The symbol denotes certain obstacles that will sooner or later get out of your way, making room for something new and more interesting. The main thing is to show persistence, rational thinking, and diligence.

Let's consider the meanings of some combination options

  • Yera - Hagalaz: “Sweat and labor will grind everything down.” Pay attention to achievable goals, be more persistent and do not make hasty conclusions
  • Isa - Hagalaz: Try to temporarily suspend your current activities, otherwise it will result in ruin for you. The problems that arose in this situation can be easily solved, the main thing is not to rush
  • Reversed Othala - Hagalaz: Act slowly, but judiciously. Be sure to take into account possible negative consequences, which can result from rash actions on your part - this will help minimize the unpleasant aftertaste
  • Nautiz - Hagalaz: Even if now is not the best period of time, and there are many problems, but the fortuneteller will be able to learn a lesson from the current series of events, drawing the right conclusions for himself

What does Runa Hagalaz mean in fortune telling for love and relationships?

The meaning of the Hagalaz rune in fortune telling for relationships and love is as follows. It is better for a fortuneteller not to make new acquaintances, especially if intuition speaks against communication with this person. It is not recommended to correct the shortcomings of people around you, even if they are close to you in spirit.

Another interpretation of the rune may indicate that someone is persistently trying to poke their nose into your relationship with your partner. Review your surroundings, discarding unnecessary acquaintances. If you are going through a difficult period in a relationship, do not worry about the possibility of a complete breakup - perhaps this is just a grinding in of characters that will pass sooner or later, the main thing is not to start quarrels and conflicts from scratch.

Several interesting rune combinations

  • Fehu - Hagalaz: You are lucky - everything will work out in your relationship with your significant other’s relatives. The fortuneteller will be able to correctly argue the weight of his arguments, which will have a very positive impact on his reputation
  • Reversed Uruz - Hagalaz: Most likely, you missed the moment for a frank conversation with your partner, which would prove the truth of your feelings and intentions regarding your other half

What does Hagalaz mean when divining health?

Since this symbol does not have an inverted position, the value of the Hagalaz rune in health has the most negative color among other runes. Even if you are reputed to be absolutely healthy person, I recommend immediately undergoing a full examination of the body - there is a high probability of the existence of diseases that you may not even know about. Direct all your efforts and financial resources to heal from your illnesses.

To get more full information about an imminent threat, advice from the Hagalaz rune - additionally use other runes.

How is Hagalaz used in magic?

The meaning of the Hagalaz rune in fortune telling and its use in magic is quite extensive. This symbol has the property of destroying the established order of things, so it can be successfully used to break the usual circle of communication or a boring chain of circumstances.

Initially, the ninth symbol of the Elder Futhark has a feminine principle, therefore it can be used by representatives of the fair sex to activate internal potential, for example, the development of intuition, extrasensory perception, etc.

Thanks to its enormous power, the rune can be used as a dominant when composing strong spells, but I warn you right away - they are the most complex, and not easy to work with. Work with such runic staves This is only possible for experienced magicians who have been practicing for several years.

The meaning of the Hagalaz rune when divining a situation

Wondering what to expect from later life? If you get this rune, get ready for future events to be out of your control and you will not be able to control them. Everything that happens will be regarded by the fortuneteller as akin to chaos, because he will not be able to grasp the patterns of what is happening. In fact, “everything ingenious is simple”! The rune will make it possible to eradicate everything that has become obsolete, that prevented you from moving towards your plan. But are you ready to change your usual lifestyle?

What is an amulet with the Rune Hagalaz suitable for?

This sign can be carried with you as an amulet. For it to bring the desired results, you should draw a symbol on metal (wood) and carry it with you constantly.

What will the amulet give to its owner?

  • Getting rid of negative environmental manifestations, external influences, etc.
  • It will help develop intuition and also contribute to the development of clairvoyance - especially important for women
  • Improves communication skills - you will be able to find easier common language with people
  • Helps to concentrate strength and conserve energy to achieve your goals

Is it possible to get a tattoo with Hagalaz?

I categorically do not recommend, and even forbid, putting this sign on their body to ordinary people who are not inclined to display magical abilities. If you are sure that you have all of the above properties, and this has been confirmed in practice, try applying Hagalaz to the right side of the body, which is not visible to others.

Rune Hagalaz can help you:

  • get rid of unwanted influences;
  • consciously control intuition;
  • increase concentration levels;
  • find a way to combine opposites;
  • make it easier to find common ground with another person.

Determination and perseverance are not always the key to success. Listen to what your heart and intuition tells you. Sometimes you have to hold back your emotions and let the hurricane do everything for you. Be vigilant and careful.

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