God's tree - ailanthus: medicinal properties and cultivation. Ailanthus the highest - tree of heaven Ailanthus plant

Ailanthus tallus, or Chinese ash, is a tree from the Simarubaceae family, native to Australia, Japan and China, where it was grown as food for silkworms. It was brought to Russia in the 18th century, first for a botanical garden; over time, the tree spread to its southern regions, but could have occupied larger territories if not for its low frost resistance.

General information

Ailanthus tallis is grown in North America and Europe as decorative tree with a lush crown providing a lot of greenery and shade. In Russia, it is especially common in the Krasnodar region, Crimea and Rostov region, where winters are warm.

The tree grows quickly and spreads actively, regardless of soil composition and drought. At the same time, it displaces other plants from gardens and parks, which causes gardeners a lot of problems and troubles. Ailanthus reproduces in two ways at once - by seeds, of which it has a lot, and by numerous basal shoots. A tree grown from seeds grows 3 meters in a year, and its root shoots grow up to one and a half meters.

In the East, the tree is called heavenly or divine; the word ailanto in one of the Indonesian languages ​​is translated as “tree of the gods.” And in Russia it is stinky, because the juice of the leaves has a very bad smell. Opponents of the plant say that it can cause asthma attacks, allergies, skin diseases and other problems, although there is no serious evidence for this. At the same time, there are not many people who want to grow it in culture; it is too difficult to deal with its numerous offspring.

At the same time, at first glance the tree looks quite attractive - the leaves are long, located oppositely on the branches, the flowering is beautiful, and overall the tree makes a good impression. Let's look at the photo:

Moreover, its wood is strong and dense, with pink tint, perhaps, if its properties were better studied in our country, the tree would be treated with more respect.

The juice contains a lot of resin, which can be used to produce medicines, paints, varnishes, balms, but so far in our country the plant remains poorly studied and unclaimed.


IN favorable conditions Ailanthus grows to a considerable height - up to 30 meters, which is perhaps why it is called the tree of God, or the tree of heaven. The bark on the trunk is gray-brown, with grooves, the bark on the branches is reddish-brown. The roots are powerful and well developed, the crown is oval or ovoid.

The branches with long leaves are similar to the branches of a palm tree, which is why the tree is called the ghetto palm in the United States. The flowers are large, collected in paniculate inflorescences about 20 cm long. The fruits are winged, which quickly scatter in the wind.

Quite widely known among ornamental plants, representatives of the simarubaceae family. Reaches a height of 20-30 m, has rapid growth, beautiful large feathery leaves, original form crowns, decorative fruits in autumn, especially in the red-fruited variety. It is cultivated in many countries, in the subtropics and in warmer temperate regions. Due to its drought resistance, it easily naturalizes and sometimes even becomes a weed. Ailanthus is also known as a source of some medicines and tannins, and its leaves are used as food for wild silkworm caterpillars, which are sometimes bred instead of the usual silkworm. Naturally common in Northern China. Cultivated in Ukraine. Photophilous. Wind and heat resistant. Grows quickly, especially in at a young age, not picky about soil fertility, can grow on dry rocky soils and salt marshes, but the best for it are deep loams with sufficient moisture. In the conditions of Kyiv, it can withstand frosts down to minus 35 ° C, although the shoots of young plants may freeze slightly. Forms many root sprouts. Lives 80 - 100 years.

In fact, this durable and fast-growing tree goes by many names. In Russia it is called Chinese ash, the French call it Japanese wood, the British call it heavenly, and the Germans call it Chinese divine.
Representatives of this family do not grow wild in Russia. The habitat of this plant is the north of Australia, Japan, as well as the highlands of the eastern and northern provinces of China. In their native places, individual specimens of the tallest ailanthus reach a height of 30 meters.
Ailant is very popular among various peoples. In America, it is cultivated to raise wild silkworms and is also used as livestock feed. On the Absheron Peninsula in Azerbaijan, the tallest ailanthus has formed wild thickets and there it is perceived as a local medicinal plant. In India, branches of Ailanthus are used during worship as a source of incense. Indian smokers use the powdered bark as an intoxicating smoking mixture.

Grows quite quickly in in some cases can grow 3 meters in a year. An adult plant reaches a height of 30 meters, for which it has another name - “Tree of Heaven”. The leaves are long (up to 60 cm), similar in appearance to palm leaves, and when deformed they emit a pleasant aroma. The tree is very common in England, where it decorates parks and alleys. In June it becomes covered with bright dark red foliage. Greenish-yellow small flowers, collected in panicles, add additional charm to the highest ailanthus. It is resistant to gas pollution, so it easily survives in polluted cities.

The tree has a shallow, powerful root system and is undemanding to soil. It can grow equally successfully on dry rocky, sandy and gravelly soils. However, loamy, moist soils are best for it. Moderately demanding of moisture, drought-resistant and wind-resistant.

The tree requires light, but tolerates partial shade.

Propagated by dividing roots, shoots, root suckers, and seeds that germinate easily.

Ailanthus leaves contain ascorbic and malic acids, as well as tannin, resinous and sugary substances. The bitter substance ailanthin, organic acids, resinous and tannins were found in the bark. Iodine and fatty oil are found in the seeds. Alcohol tincture(1:5), aqueous infusion (1:30) and liquid extract (1:1) of leaves mixed with bark have a gentle laxative effect. A decoction of leaves and fruits or their water infusion helps with diphtheria and scarlet fever.

Ailanthus the highest is propagated quite simply: by suckers, root cuttings, and seeds. Any soil is suitable for the growth of this plant, but it grows best on moist loam. The area where it is best to plant ailanthus should be sunny.

Old trunks of the highest ailanthus have a peculiar texture of the bark. The wood of the trunks is exposed by vertical cracks, and these resulting patterns are similar to corals. In terms of its wood, ailanthus is similar to ash, which is why it received the name “Chinese ash,” but its wood color is much lighter. 

Ailanthus is the tallest arboreal representative of the Simarubov family. The native Asian, brought to other countries, quickly became accustomed to foreign territories. After all, he is not particularly picky about the types of soil. However, not every climate suits it. Therefore, you can see ailanthus only in the southern regions.

Description of the Ailanthus tree

It seems possible to recognize ailanthus by certain morphological characteristics. Photos of the ailanthus tree will be presented below.

The tree grows vertically upward, reaching a height of 20 and sometimes 25 meters. The trunk is endowed with a smooth cylindrical shape. The top of the trunk ends in a crown, which, depending on the age of the plant, has different type. In young plants it resembles a pyramid, while in old plants it is spreading and spherical. The bark is thin, colored light brown.

The tree leaves are large, reaching a length of 60 cm. They look like a palm tree in shape. The structure is presented as follows: on a long petiole, small oval leaves grow in both directions, the size of which is no more than 12 cm. There are 25 of them. If you touch the leaves of ailanthus, they will begin to emit an unpleasant odor.

Ailant - flowering tree, which has small inflorescences of a green-yellow hue. By themselves, they resemble panicles that reach 12 cm in length. Flowering begins in July or August. During this period, the inflorescences emit a foul aroma.

As for the fruits, they look like oblong, dense leaves with a seed. Their length is 4 cm, the color is brown-red.

The roots of the plant are located near the top layer of soil, but this does not in any way affect the stability of the trees.

The ailanthus tree is propagated by seeds and root fragments. As for his life expectancy, it lasts for 80, and sometimes even 100 years.

Growing conditions

Ailanthus is one of the plants that prefer a lot of light. But the tree is completely unpretentious to soil types. Therefore, it feels good on both rocky and sandy terrain. Even salt marshes will not interfere with the growth of ailanthus. Trees are perfectly adapted to both conditions wildlife, and to the urban environment. Young ailanthus prefer southern climate Therefore, cold winters can be detrimental to them. But old trees are fully adapted to low temperatures and easily tolerate twenty-degree frosts. However, as the temperature drops even further, the tree trunk becomes covered with heavy ice and freezes slightly. It does not lead to death, since with the onset of heat it is quickly restored.


Since ailanthus is a heat-loving tree, the places where it grows have a mild, humid climate.

You can find plantings in the southern European part of Russia, as well as in Crimea. The streets of some Ukrainian cities are decorated with alleys and ailanthus plantings. In many park areas of the Caucasus, Central Asia Ailanthus trees are also found.

A little history

A tree has its own history. To begin with, it is worth saying that the name “Ailanthus” has Indonesian roots. IN literal translation it means "tree of the gods."

Despite the fact that there are many trees of this species on Russian and Ukrainian territory, these places are not its homeland. Ailanthus was brought to Europe from China by one of the Asian monks. He brought a tree to be planted in one of the local arboretums in England. The climate of the country turned out to be to the liking of the plants, and after several decades the trees grew not only throughout the southern part of England, but also penetrated into other European countries and regions where the climate is warm and quite humid.

Ailanthus have a very high thirst for life. Proof of this is an incident that occurred in Karadag in the 60s of the last century. The workers of the botanical reserve cut down all the ailanthus trees, and the place where they grew was covered with a thick layer of asphalt. And yet, a year later, shoots of young trees began to break through the asphalt.

Ailanthus was imported into Russia in the 19th century, but not for decorative purposes, but for production. Leaves are an excellent breeding ground for silkworm caterpillars. However, after the revolution, silkworm production was suspended. No one was working on trees. Soon they began to be eliminated, citing the fact that the plants emit an unpleasant odor.

Ailant as a component of medications

Despite the specific smell emitted by the tree, ailanthus is widely used in the medical field.

The components found in the bark and wood of the branches are excellent antiseptics. Such substances are highly effective in combating various skin diseases: deprivation, ulcers and other things.

Various tinctures and preparations are prepared from tree fruits that cope with diseases such as sore throat. In addition, they are prescribed for urolithiasis, liver diseases, in rare cases, as a means in the fight against oncology.

The flowering elements of ailanthus are used in the manufacture of medicines to combat deftheria and scarlet fever.

Use in folk medicine

Non-traditional methods of therapy are also not complete without the use of ailanthus. It is especially popular in Chinese folk medicine. For example, roots and leaves are used for disorders intestinal tract, in particular, with dysentery. It is effective to get rid of roundworms and other representatives of tapeworms.

The fruits of the tree have a high effect in the prevention and treatment of hemorrhoids.

For diseases respiratory tract For fever, use decoctions based on the bark and leaves of ailanthus. In addition, such tinctures and preparations help with high swelling - they remove excess fluid.

The use of bark as a medicinal agent is related to its composition. It contains the following substances:

  • tanning;
  • alkaloids;
  • quassin;
  • sterols;
  • saponins.

As you can see, despite the repulsive aroma of ailanthus, it has considerable benefits for human health. But before you try the effects of the plant on yourself, you should consult your doctor.

The last century was marked by two waves of construction. Giant plants and factories were erected, and huge residential areas grew like mushrooms after rain on the outskirts of cities. Without particularly caring about the architecture, the builders “gave a plan”, “executed and exceeded” it, cloning standard projects. At the same time, so-called “greening” was carried out - not decoration or decoration, but the placement of green mass, mainly trees, on the streets and territories of enterprises, helping to purify the air. In order to achieve the cherished goal as quickly as possible, mainly fast-growing species were planted. That is why among the buildings of those years there are practically no old oaks or other long-livers, but there are a huge number of poplars. The latter landed indiscriminately, and after 20 years we all fully felt negative consequences such plantings - the females bore fruit so abundantly that in the summer entire urban areas were covered with a thick downy carpet. But among the many fast-growing, durable species of the world flora, there are plants that can give originality to streets, decorate parks and squares, create shady corners in personal plots and dachas. One of these is the tallest ailanthus.
The highest ailanthus (Ailanthus altissima Swingle.) belongs to the simarubaceae family, the representatives of which are not among our vegetation. In England it is called “tree of heaven”, in France - “Japanese tree”, in Germany - “Chinese divine tree”, in Ukraine - “Chinese ash”. This amount folk names indicates the extraordinary popularity of the species in Europe and other countries of the world. Practical Americans grow it as food for the so-called “wild” silkworm (Attacus Cynthia), as well as for livestock. In Azerbaijan [Apsheron] ailanthus is so widespread that in some places it has gone wild. It is described in books about medicinal plants along with local species. Thanks to its airy grace and exotic charm, the plant is cultivated in Central Asia, the Caucasus, Ukraine and Russia.
The original habitats of the “tree of heaven” are the mountains of the northern and eastern provinces of China; it is also found in Japan and northern Australia.
In their homeland, the largest specimens reach 30 meters in height and a meter diameter of the trunk. Juicy green with a silvery tint, the next huge leaves (up to 1 m long) diverge at the ends of the branches like palm leaves. The structure of the leaves is odd-pinnate, compound, consisting of ovate-lanceolate leaflets (on small leaves there are 9, on large leaves up to 41), smaller at the apex (length about 5 cm, width 2 cm) and increasing towards the base (length up to 12 cm, width 4 cm). Thus, the outline of the leaf takes on a triangular shape. Rakhis [leaf stems] are colored light brown, with a red tint. Later, under scorching heat sun rays they acquire a scarlet-red hue, which makes the openwork crown even more colorful.
In June-July, loose and fluffy panicles of inflorescences (about 25 cm long) bloom at the tops of the branches. On those sticking out in different sides The axis is strung with small (diameter about 7 mm) greenish-straw flowers with a bunch of stamens inside. Gradually, in their place, to match the leaves, light green fruits appear from numerous, slightly twisted lionfish (length 3-4 cm) of irregular rhombic shape with a single seed in the middle.
The texture of the light brown bark on the old trunks of the highest ailanthus is very original and peculiar. Vertical cracks reveal lighter wood that, upon closer inspection, resembles coral. Small vertical and horizontal light fawn background strokes add even greater elegance. Ailanthus wood can easily be mistaken for ash [hence one of its names, “Chinese ash”), but it is much lighter in color. Despite its flexibility and satiny luster, Ailanthus wood does not have much commercial demand. Powerful, extending far beyond the projection of the crown, root system gives a lot of growth. Ailanthus grows quite quickly, forming impenetrable thickets. Therefore, when planting, all the roots of the seedling must be directed downwards. But if this does not help, you need to dig a trench near the trunk (radius 70 cm, depth about 1 m), and cut down all horizontal roots. However, it is not recommended to plant ailanthus near buildings and paths.
The main advantages of the small genus of ailanthus - only 15 species - are fast growth and huge, outlandish leaves: the largest (length up to 3 m) are those of the Indian tall ailanthus, which lives on the Deccan Plateau. Most species have chosen places with a tropical climate and grow in Australia, the Philippine Islands and southeast Asia. The most northern Chinese species feel great in Ukraine and the southern regions of Russia, although they look a little more modest in foreign lands. True, at the latitude of Moscow and St. Petersburg in severe winters, trees

Medicinal properties of ailanthus

Ailant the highest has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. The leaves contain the flavonoid quercetin, bitter substances (bitterness index 1:500), tannins (7.1-11.9%), gallotannin and ellagitannin, sugary and resinous substances (6.6%), organic acids ( apple - 1.64%, ascorbic acid - 12.85%), in the bark - alkaloids (0.1%), bitter substance ailantine, close to quassin (bitterness index 1:333), tannic (8%) and resinous (6 .86%) substances, organic acids (malic acid - 1.07%, ascorbic acid 9.5 mg%), the seeds contain oil (32-35%) with an iodine number of 121.
In scientific medicine, ripe and dried fruits containing bitter substances (quassin) are used. A tincture of ailanthus fruit was previously used for treatment various types tonsillitis. A tincture of ailanthus leaves and bark can be used as a prophylactic for influenza and other viral infections(2 teaspoons of a mixture of ailanthus leaves and bark, pour 1 tablespoon of water, boil for 6-7 minutes over low heat, leave for 1 hour, then strain: take 1-2 tablespoons 3 times a day). In homeopathy, flowers, fresh shoots and young bark are used for scarlet fever and diphtheria, and the fruits are used for kidney and cholelithiasis, hemorrhoids and as an anti-cancer agent.
In folk medicine, the leaves and roots of ailanthus are used against tapeworms and dysentery; the leaves are also effective in the treatment of leishmaniasis.
In India, branches of a local species are used in worship as a source of incense. Oil paints are obtained from the juice of ailanthus bark.
Ailanthus is propagated by seeds, root cuttings and suckers. Any soil is suitable, even with slight salinity and dry rocky soil, but better results can be achieved on moist loamy soil. The plant prefers sunny places.
Ailanthus the highest is used for single, group and alley plantings. Having formed a bush-like shape, they can plant large areas and create an openwork hedge.

In Russia they wanted to find Ailanta and practical application. Since silkworms enjoy feasting on leaves in Asian countries, it was decided to try to produce our own silk. The experiment gave good results, but things didn’t go any further. So Ailant performs exclusively decorative functions.

The plant has a powerful root system that penetrates deep into the soil. The strong trunk reaches a height of over 20 meters. It is covered with dark gray bark. Young trees have smooth bark, while mature trees have grooves.

The branches are thick red-brown. The leaves are large and complex. Depending on the species, they consist of 10–40 leaves. The length varies from 30 to 90 cm. The front side of the leaves is smooth, the back side is slightly rough.

Flowering occurs in spring–summer. The flowers are yellow, greenish or reddish, small, collected in panicles. They have no decorative value. Unlike inflorescences, the winged fruit with a single seed looks very attractive.


Ailant does not require constant attention from the owner. A young plant may require winter shelter if the air temperature drops below -15°C. An adult tree is not afraid of frosts down to -35°C.

Ailanthus is a long-lived plant. Once settled in the garden, it can live for more than fifty years. It has a high growth rate, reaching 5 meters by the age of five. Planting material the tree supplies in abundance: seeds that remain viable for up to 2 years and root shoots.

If desired, Ailant can be rejuvenated. To do this, the tree must be cut down to form a stump, leaving the strongest shoot to form a trunk.

Diseases and pests

Not susceptible.


Seeds, suckers, cuttings.

First steps after purchase

For all its unpretentiousness, Ailant reacts extremely negatively to transplants. Those who want to acquire this plant usually buy seeds or seedlings.

Planting seedlings is the simplest and most reliable way decorate the area. It is advisable to carry out the procedure in the spring. Having chosen a place, you need to dig up the ground and remove weeds. After planting, the seedling should be watered and complex fertilizers applied. Adaptation takes approximately three weeks.

Secrets of success

Ailant adapts to different levels of lighting: from bright sunlight to partial shade. In excessively shaded areas, tree growth slows down.

The plant is not picky about soil composition. Grows well on rocky, gravelly, sandy soils. Often, a resilient tree “breaks through” even through asphalt. But it feels most comfortable in loamy and wet areas.

Water Ailant moderately. It is better to use water at room temperature. It is recommended to dig up the tree periodically.

The plant does not need frequent feeding. The first time it is fertilized immediately after planting. The second and all subsequent feedings are applied once a year in the spring.

Possible difficulties

Ailanthus is not susceptible to pest attacks and is resistant to diseases. Drought or frost strong winds or heavy rains cannot harm the plant.

The main difficulty is that the tree does not want to share its living space with other flora. Flowers, shrubs, and vegetables cannot “break through” the dense root growth. In addition, Ailant actively reproduces by self-sowing. And its ability to regenerate shoots is admirable. Timely pruning of root shoots and removal of flowers, long before the formation of seeds, will help “keep” a tree in its designated territory.

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