Laying clinker paving stones on concrete. Laying clinker paving stones on a concrete base. The final stage of installation

Used as road surface- This good decision when choosing a building material for paving slabs around the house, intended for garden paths, driveways or clinker steps for your home. Rectangular, classically shaped products made from paving clinker on the pavement ensure the laying of all kinds of various designs. The installation of paving clinker is not difficult, although it requires special attention and the required accuracy. To make a road surface from paving clinker paving stones, you need material for backfill, material for seams and the necessary tools.

Where to start laying clinker paving stones

Work on laying clinker paving stones should begin by examining the soft soil at the top of the soil. The top soil is removed and can be stored for possible later use. The rest of the soil should be prepared so that it is durable and has sufficient load-bearing capacity. This may require compacting the base. A load-bearing layer is distributed on the base, the thickness of which depends on the amount of previously removed earth. The layer serves as a fill or top leveler, and also transfers loads. It must be made, for example, from a mixture of gravel and sand with a grain size of 0/16, 0/32 and 0/45 mm. Depending on the properties of the base, on the surface on which heavy vehicles will not drive, apply from 20 cm (on a sandy base) to 40 cm (if the base is clay) of a load-bearing layer and knock this layer down using a vibrator.

Dewatering and other preparatory work for paving stones

For the correct functioning of paving clinker pavement, the key indicator of clinker paving stones is careful dewatering - all parameters must be determined for this. At this stage, the type of bonding of clinker bricks, tiles (for example, herringbone, block) and the size of the sidewalk, side borders are also selected.

Leveling and graining the surface before laying paving bricks

Uneven ground (on which the load-bearing layer will be) must be leveled so that there is a flat, parallel surface. A sand and pebble layer is applied to the prepared, flat surface using the grain size (for example, a mixture with a fraction of 0/16, 0/32, 0/45 mm).

Borders of the edge of a clinker paving stone path

Strong edge boundaries ensure adequate strength of the entire walkway, especially when there are differences in height with the surrounding area or when clinker paving stones are adjacent to an unpaved surface. In the latter case, a layer of concrete is made as a support, a kind of foundation for the subsequent layer. Its position must be accurately measured and determined using a rope. The position of the edge boundary is calculated based on the measurement of the nominal value of the clinker paving stones and the dimensions of the joints of at least 3 mm. When determining the height of the edge, the need for adequate drainage, with a sufficient slope (min. 2.5%) should be taken into account. The outflow should always lead to the street, in the direction opposite to the building.

Production of the load-bearing layer of the upper surface for paving clinker

After the edge boundary, it is necessary to prepare the final layer of the load-bearing top surface. This layer should consist of material of varying thickness. Very fine components (below 0.063 mm, such as flour, clays, etc.) should not exceed 5% of the volume of this layer. The structural height of the surface and therefore of the bedding together with the clinker paving stones results from the measurement of the concentrated base (from 3 to max. 5 cm) and the thickness of the clinker paving stones covering. The highest point of the supporting layer plays an important role as the element on which the clinker will be applied. It must be especially carefully executed (in height) in layers in such a way that a closed, even and flat surface is created. Ballast for the sidewalk is made from crumbs with a fraction of 0/4, 0/5 or 0/8 mm. Appropriate material, such as a mixture of fine crushed stone flour, such as basalt or diabase. The backfill material must be distributed, taking into account the density indicator, into a layer of uniform thickness. Pre-compaction of the bedding material is essential condition for preparing the surface for laying clinker paving stones. This minimizes the possibility of soil subsidence.

Laying clinker brick paving stones

The laying of the clinker sidewalk proceeds in stages, setting the boundaries of the surface fragments with ties so that all tying has a symmetrical arrangement of seams. There are two reasons why it is necessary to maintain a minimum 3mm joint width, this will even out the small, inevitable differences in paving dimensions resulting from tolerances, and will also ensure that the gap width between the individual clinker bricks is adequate to allow the joints to be filled as a whole. This is necessary to obtain the required stability of the layer, since only well-filled joints can withstand horizontal forces without causing any damage. When laying paving bricks, it is necessary to frequently check the newly laid pieces of the fabric. They should converge in one transverse line. In the case of some connections, in particular herringbone, it becomes necessary to use additional clinker paving stones (half pieces) when framing the edges and if it is clinker bricks at the corners of the building walls. It is best to cut them in reserve as part of the preparatory work, and then lay them together with the whole clinker. New fragments always come in the direction from already laid bricks. This would not be possible without proper preparation and increasing the density of the bedding.

How to make seams on the surface of paving stones, indicators of clinker paving stones

On the surface of clinker paving stones, it is necessary to immediately apply the material to the seams and insert it into the cracks between the clinker bricks. Crevices are best done on a regular basis during the clinker laying process. After the final leveling of the laid clinker paving stones, grouting material is applied. It must be adapted to the material from which the ballast is made. If a mixture of fine crushed stone from hard stone, fraction 0/4, 0/5, 0/8 mm, is selected as ballast, then fill the joints from a mixture of the same materials, fraction 0/4 mm, should be used. The material on the seams should not penetrate into the bedding in order to achieve stability of the road surface. The material applied to the clinker completely fills the cracks. It may be better to perform this operation with wet bedding. After this, excess joint material must be removed from the surface of the clinker paving stones. It should be remembered that it is necessary to avoid softening of the bedding under the paving stones.

Completion of work with paving clinker paving stones

Before final compaction, it is necessary to wait so that the surface of the paving clinker has time to live. The surface is compacted using a vibrator. The vibrator must be set to a medium frequency (not too high) so as not to destroy the symmetry of the seams. After completion of work with clinker paving stones the surface should not be used for at least several days. Additionally, you must reapply the joint filling material. Thanks to this, complete filling and connection of the seams is achieved, which is very important for the subsequent stability of the surface of the paving bricks.

Publication date: 06/22/2015

Technology for laying clinker paving stones on 3 different bases: concrete, crushed stone and sand

Concrete base

Laying paving stones on a concrete base is carried out in areas with increased level traffic, including freight transport. To do this, first, part of the soil is removed and clear boundaries of the site are determined. Next, crushed stone (10-15 cm) is distributed evenly over the area and compacted, and then formwork is formed from boards (thickness from 40 mm).

Next, concrete is poured onto the site - a layer of 5 to 15 cm. After laying the concrete, the surface can be leveled manually. Afterwards, you can begin the laying itself, having previously distributed screenings or sand (thickness from 1 to 3 cm) over the hardened concrete. The seams, as in the case of a crushed stone base, are filled with grout or masonry mortar, and then sprinkled with a cement-sand mixture several times and compacted with a vibrating rammer.

It is very durable, resistant to abrasion and temperature changes, and thanks to its variety color solutions fits amazingly into a variety of exteriors: decorates the squares of strange cities and modern metropolises.

The secret of this building material lies, firstly, in the raw materials from which it is produced. Secondly, in the production technology itself - baking in an oven at high temperatures makes the paving stones very strong. Thirdly, paving stone paths and platforms are laid using a special technology, which makes the masonry more durable. All installation methods differ from each other depending on the base on which the material is actually placed. We will talk about this in more detail.

Where to start styling

Before you start paving, you need to mark the area where the paving stones will be laid. After this, throughout the site top layer the soil is removed (10-30 cm).

If you decide to build a small pedestrian path or area with low traffic, then a sandy base is just right for this.

9 basic rules for laying on a sandy base

1. When the bed in the soil at the site is prepared, sand is poured in a layer of 5 to 15 cm over the entire area of ​​the territory being developed.

2. The sand must be distributed evenly using a rule and a rake, while taking into account the inclined angles for the drainage.

3. After this, the distributed sand is watered with water at a rate of 10 liters per 1 sq. meter. After which the sand is compacted using a vibrating plate.

5. The sides of the curbs must be treated with mortar and filled with sand.

7. After this, the surface of the site or path should be leveled. A rubber mallet is used for this. If in some places the paving stone elements are raised or, on the contrary, lowered, remove them and remove them or add sand, and then place the elements back.

8. Next, the gaps between the elements are filled with sand using a brush. To remove sand from the surface of your pavers, use a water hose with a small stream of water. Make sure that the sand remains between the paving stones.

When is a crushed stone base suitable?

The crushed stone base is suitable for paving paving stones on areas intended for traffic or parking of passenger vehicles. The entire installation procedure occurs in almost the same way as in the case of a sand base. Except that instead of a sand base, crushed stone is used as a base, and dry mixtures are used to fill the joints, the remains of which are then distributed, just like sand, with a brush and washed off with a small stream of water.

If paving stones are laid around fountains, then they must be combined with clinker tiles, which are used for lining fountains: see all the variety of tiles here.

Careful preparatory work is the main condition correct installation clinker paving stones. Standard Rules The preparations are not too different in any type of paving. Work always begins with marking the site. This is usually done using wooden pegs or fittings and a regular cord. In this way, you can not only designate the area intended for laying clinker bricks, but also make the necessary adjustments to the boundaries.

How to choose material?

When calculating the purchase of material, it is necessary to take into account that the width of the paths should preferably be made a multiple of the length or width of the clinker brick. Therefore, when taking measurements, you need to have a sample of several bricks from the exact manufacturer and batch from which the entire area will be paved. When purchasing paving stones, you need to take into account a reserve of 5-10% for all kinds of pruning.

Once the boundaries of future paving have been fenced and marked, you can begin excavation work. At this stage, differences appear in the preparation for laying clinker paving stones. After carefully studying the characteristics of the local soil, taking into account the load that the areas under the paving will experience, you need to choose the right method for preparing the base. Based on technical parameters and execution of work, there are three main types of preparation for high-quality installation. Let's look at each in detail.

Sandy base

This preparation is used mainly for pedestrian paths and areas that will not be subject to loads. After making the markings, remove the plant layer and make a small depression, calculating that the entire layer will be approximately 7-10 cm plus the thickness of the paving stones. Spread sand evenly into the bottom of the resulting bath in a layer of about 5-10 cm. Level it and pour water on it. One square meter of area requires 10 liters of water. Small puddles should appear on the surface. After this, the sand must be compacted.

Then we pour and form a supporting layer. To do this, take a cement-sand mixture in a ratio of 1:5 and, using the rule, distribute it evenly over the entire area, taking into account drainage. When installing a blind area around a building, it is necessary to make a slope from the wall of at least 5 mm per 1 meter. On the paths, slopes are planned either in one direction into the drainage system, or in two directions with the arched surface of the clinker paving stones. To avoid confusion during installation, slopes are marked with pegs and a cord.

Next, you need to install side slip limiters in the form of a curb. This is done like this: a trench of a certain depth is dug along one side of the marking. In this case, it is taken into account that the upper edge of the curb should be 5 mm below the laying area, and at the bottom stand on a cement-sand cushion of 4-8 cm. The outside of the curb is also compacted with mortar. After installing one side, we lay a couple of rows of paving stones to measure the distance between the curbs. Then we dig a trench and install the second row.

After compacting the bedding, we check the depth and slopes of the resulting layer. If the technology is followed, we proceed to installation. We tap the laid brick with a rubber mallet and constantly check the flatness. For pedestrian areas, clinker paving stones are installed without gaps. Upon completion of installation, sprinkle the entire paving plane with clean sifted sand and distribute it along the seams using a brush or broom. The remaining sand is carefully washed off with low pressure of water.

Crushed stone base

This method is used for parking areas and moderate passenger traffic. This technology has gained wide popularity and is even used for garden paths and blind areas of buildings. After marking is completed, a trench is dug across the entire width of the paving area. For sandy soils, 25 cm is enough, and for clay soils - up to 40 cm deep. The base of the resulting pit is carefully compacted, taking into account the slope for drainage waste water. Drainage sand is poured onto the bottom, leveled and compacted with water. The result should be a layer of 15-20 cm.

It is advisable to lay a geotextile fabric on top and you can begin filling the load-bearing layer of the path. For this, crushed stone with a fraction of 5 to 20 mm is used. Every 5 cm of crushed stone is compacted over the entire plane before pouring the next layer. In this way, they reach the design thickness, which ranges from 10-15 cm for pedestrian paths to 15-30 cm for parking lots and roadways of streets with light traffic. The quality of the plane of clinker paving stones without subsidence and sliding depends on the thoroughness of compaction.

Before the next layer, another layer of geotextile is laid so that the components do not mix. Sand is poured onto it and leveled taking into account slopes to drain water. It is advisable to select clean river or quarry sand, washed without foreign inclusions of dirt and clay. This will allow water to be drained from the surface of the sites quickly and without delay. The thickness of the sand should not exceed 3-5 cm.

Where the site does not abut the foundations of a house or fence, the paving should be protected with curbs. Installation of the curb is carried out in the same way as with a sandy base, only due to larger area and load a couple of steel rods into the base.

If the design involves the installation of rain gutters, they need to be mounted 2-5 mm below the main area of ​​the masonry. The slope to the storm water inlets is made at 1-2% to ensure rapid drainage of melt and storm water. Installation of such trays must be carried out using cement-containing mortars or concrete.

This method of preparing the laying of clinker paving stones is used for landscaping areas with heavy loads and in cases where the soil is not very reliable.

In the absence concrete platform the base is prepared as follows. In accordance with the markings, remove the soil to a depth of 25 cm. Clean the bottom and compact it, observing the slopes. Fill in crushed stone with a fraction of 5-20 mm, level and compact it. Along the markings, formwork is installed from boards with a thickness of at least 40 mm. If the area of ​​pouring concrete is more than 15 m2, it is recommended to make thermal joints, otherwise the base may crack. You need to prepare in advance a reinforcing mesh or individual rods for reinforcing concrete with a diameter of 10-15 mm.

The filling mixture is prepared from cement, sand and crushed stone in a ratio of 1:3:2. Fill a layer of 5 cm, level it and lay the reinforcing mesh. A layer of concrete 5-12 cm thick is poured on top to the design level. At the end of the pouring, you need to form levels and slopes.

After the base has hardened, curbs are installed at a pre-marked level. We remember that clinker paving stones should be 5 mm higher than the curb. Based on this, after removing the formwork, we clean the trenches along the concrete platform. We fill the bottom with a 5 cm layer of crushed stone. Cement-sand mortar and on top, tapping with a mallet, press the curb. We also strengthen the outside with mortar.

Pour and level a layer of sand or screenings onto the screed.

We compact it lightly until a worker can walk through without falling through.

The thickness of the sand is approximately 3 cm. The paving stones are laid on top of it. When finished, the seams are covered with sand and watered several times. The entire area is compacted with a vibrating plate.

A few words about the actual paving of clinker paving stones. The technology is the same for any base, whether you are laying a sidewalk path or a road surface. Start by attaching the orientation laces. One of them is pulled parallel to the wall and strictly perpendicular to the laying line. Lay out the first piece of the pattern and transfer it to the entire laying surface. Compact each paving stone into a single area using a rubber mallet. If the paving stones are buried below the level, they are removed, sand is poured into the hole and tapped into place again. If necessary, clinker bricks are trimmed using a grinder with a diamond wheel.

Upon completion of laying, the seams between the paving stones must be covered with sand, spread over the site with a brush and sprayed with low pressure water. When the sand dries, the procedure must be repeated. The third time the sand wakes up after three weeks, when the fresh backfill subsides. After a month, it is advisable to repeat the procedure. Subsequently, the sand is cemented naturally, mixing with dirt and dust. Over time, the paving stones take on their final form and serve for many years.


Clinker has virtually no disadvantages. This brick is environmentally friendly and has high strength indicators - the operational loads that clinker can withstand are up to 2000 kilograms per 1 square meter. Due to the low level of water absorption, clinker is frost-resistant, which allows it to be used in any region of the country.

The products are resistant to the absorption of aggressive reagents: acids, oils, and so on. The mechanical compressive strength of the material is 4 times higher than that of concrete, and this despite the fact that the clinker is 2 times less thick, which makes laying work easier.

Paving stones have a homogeneous structure, which allows installation on any side, which cannot be said about concrete tiles, which have inner side has an unpresentable appearance. An important advantage of brick is that its surface is anti-slip, which is important for climatic conditions countries. But there are no disadvantages as such, except perhaps the high price. The cost of tons of material is largely determined technological process manufacturing, raw materials used in production and delivery.

The technology used for laying tiles on a concrete base is not difficult even for those who are encountering such work for the first time. Below we will talk about methods of paving bricks on different foundations.

Homogeneous structure

How to lay tiles on a sandy base

Today such a base is used for paving stones. garden paths, platforms, sidewalks and other surfaces that are not subject to heavy loads. The technology by which paving stones are laid on such a base involves the following process:

  • First, mark the brick site.
  • According to the markings, a depression is made in the ground based on the thickness of the laid layer of 8-10 cm and the thickness of the tiles.
  • Place a layer of sand 5 to 10 centimeters thick at the bottom of the depression. After the sand is poured, level it, pour water on top and compact it.
  • Backfilling and arrangement of the load-bearing layer. It is made this way: prepare a cement-sand mixture of 1 to 5. Now distribute the mixture evenly over the area.
  • Place curbs on the sides; they serve as limiters to prevent the clinker from sliding sideways. Seal the outside border with mortar. After one side of the curb is laid, lay several rows of clinker bricks, so determine the distance between the first and second curb.
  • We dig a second trench and install a second curb
  • We lay paving stones on a finished basis
  • Tap each laid clinker tile with a rubber hammer and make sure it is flat.
  • When the entire area is paved with brick, sand is poured over the paving stones and distributed along the seams.
Sand base for tiles

Let's settle it clinker brick on a crushed stone base

Most often, paving with clinker paving stones on such a base is used if a covering is required for the movement of passenger vehicles. This brick paving technology is used for arranging garden paths and playgrounds. Laying work paving slabs consist of several stages:

  • Marking in progress.
  • A recess is dug along the width and length of the marking. If the soil is sandy, then the depth is 25 cm, but for clay soils - up to 40 centimeters. Compact the bottom of the dug trench and maintain a slope along which wastewater can be drained.
  • After compaction, drainage sand is placed on the bottom, leveled and compacted. During the compaction process it is necessary to water. As a result, a layer with a thickness of 15 to 20 cm should form.
  • Fill up the supporting layer. Crushed stone is used, the fraction of which reaches from 5 to 20 mm. You cannot fill all the crushed stone at once. First, a 5-centimeter layer is laid, then compacted, a second layer is poured in, and this is done until the layer thickness reaches 15 cm; this is for arranging sidewalks and other coverings that are not subject to heavy loads. But for parking lots and areas where vehicles will pass, backfill the layer to a thickness of up to 30 cm.
  • Geotextiles are laid on top of the crushed stone.
  • Fill the sifted sand with a layer of 3 to 5 cm. Level it, taking into account the slope for water drainage.
  • Curbs are being installed. Installation is carried out in exactly the same way as on a sand base.
  • Now you can start laying the clinker.
Crushed stone base

How to lay tiles on a concrete base

The creation of such a base for laying paving slabs is used when it is necessary to equip areas that are subject to high loads if the soil is not reliable. When there is no ready-made concrete base, then they build it this way:

  • We make markings.
  • According to the markings, make a recess 25 cm deep.
  • Compact the bottom, and the slopes must be maintained.
  • A layer of crushed stone is poured, the fraction of which ranges from 5 to 20 mm. It is leveled and compacted.
  • Install formwork along the markings. For the manufacture of formwork, boards with a thickness of 40 millimeters are used.
  • If the area is more than 15 square meters, then make thermal seams so that the base does not crack.
  • We prepare a solution for pouring from crushed stone, sand and cement. To do this, mix 1 part cement, 3 parts sand and 2 parts crushed stone. When the solution is prepared, pour over the entire area. The layer thickness is 5 centimeters, the mixture is leveled and a reinforcing mesh is placed on top.
  • Concrete is again poured on top of the mesh, the layer thickness is from 5 to 12 cm. Do not forget about the formation of slopes and levels.
  • We wait for the mixture to cool, then we install the curbs. If there are defects in the screed in the form of cracks, then a special grout for clinker tiles for the street will help.
  • Sand about 3 centimeters thick is poured onto the screed, then leveled and compacted. Compact it to such a state that you can walk on it without falling through.
  • Clinker is laid.
Laying on concrete

You can learn how to prepare the base and lay paving stones with glue by watching the video:

The procedure for laying clinker paving stones requires the mandatory implementation of standard preparatory work required for almost all types of paving. Preparatory work When laying clinker paving stones, they begin with marking the paving area. To do this, along the contours of future paved paths and squares, scraps of reinforcement 1.2 meters high are driven in, between which a string is pulled. This designates the space intended for laying clinker bricks. This method allows you to adjust the boundaries of clinker laying before starting excavation work. When marking the area for laying clinker, it is necessary to maintain the proportions of the width of the paths and blind areas. Their width should be a multiple of the width or length of the clinker paving stones. This is done in order to reduce the number of trimming clinker paving stones. Since the width of clinker paving stones at different factories, and even in different collections of the same factory, differ slightly, markings for laying clinker need to be done only after purchasing clinker bricks. After completing the marking, you can begin excavation work. To do this, you need to dig a trench (the so-called “trough”) over the entire area where the clinker is laid, to a depth of 25 cm (for sandy soils) to 40 cm (for clay soils). After which, the bottom of the excavated pit must be leveled and compacted with a vibrating plate. Leveling the pit must be done with a slope of 1 - 2% from the base of the house to drain storm water into the drainage.

Soil prepared in this way can withstand heavy loads and temperature changes. Then, on the earthen base prepared in this way, a drainage layer of sand, 10 to 20 cm thick, is poured, which is compacted layer by layer with a vibrating plate. It must be taken into account that during the compaction process, the sand layer becomes compacted and becomes thinner, so backfilling must be done with a margin of up to 30% above the planned level. This layer promotes the rapid drainage of stormwater and melt water from the surface of clinker paving stones, and accelerates the penetration of water into the lower layers of soil. If the base soil is sandy, a drainage layer of sand is not needed. After compacting the drainage layer, the supporting layer of the path is backfilled; crushed stone is best suited for this purpose. Granite crushed stone, fractions 5 - 20 mm, is usually used. Before filling the crushed stone, it is necessary to lay a layer of geotextile on the sand layer, which will not allow these two layers to mix. As in the previous operation, the layer of crushed stone must be filled with a reserve in height, since when compacting the crushed stone shrinks, the so-called wedging of crushed stone occurs. Crushed stone, in this case, allows you to distribute the load on the clinker paving stones, both from vehicles and pedestrians, and from the ground.

The thickness of the bearing layer of crushed stone for pedestrian or garden paths made of clinker ranges from 10 to 15 cm, and for car parking lots or roadways from 15 to 25 cm, with layer-by-layer compaction using a vibrating plate. Seal bulk materials, is always done very carefully, otherwise over time, subsidence of the clinker paving stones is possible. Having finished compacting the crushed stone, another layer of geotextile is laid on it, and a leveling layer of sand is poured onto it. Geotextiles will prevent sand from penetrating into the underlying layer of crushed stone, mixing layers of “road pavement” and subsidence of clinker paving stones. In this case, sand is required to be clean, free of dust and clay inclusions, allowing water to be drained quickly and without delay from the surface of the clinker. River sand or washed quarry sand, without foreign inclusions in the form of lumps of clay or gravel, is suitable for this. The leveling layer of sand serves as a bed for laying clinker paving stones, and its thickness ranges from 3 to 5 cm.

The thickness of the leveling layer cannot go beyond the given limits due to technological features laying clinker paving stones. When laying clinker paving stones on a path, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of securing the end stone, unless, of course, the edge of the path rests against the foundation of a house or the base of a fence. Usually the clinker along the edge of the path is attached with a special curb element, made of the same clinker, but of a special shape, or ordinary clinker brick is used for this purpose; as a rule, both the curb and the clinker brick are installed on a concrete base, with reinforcement in two rods. Otherwise, over time, the concrete may crack and the clinker may spread. Granite paving stones of the same color as the clinker paving stones, or darker, are sometimes used as the end stone to enhance the optical effect. Sometimes, to secure the outer clinker, instead of concrete, a special plastic corner is used, with steel rods securing it to the ground and ensuring reliable fixation of the clinker paving stones from horizontal movement.

This strengthening of the outer clinker is very often used if the laying plane of the clinker paving stones is significantly higher than the lawn. The installation of outer clinker instead of borders or borders made of clinker paving stones is carried out in such a way that the calculated number of whole clinker bricks is placed between them. If this is not provided for, a row of cut clinker bricks will appear on the path, spoiling the appearance of the path and increasing the cost of paving with clinker paving stones. Typically, clinker paving stones are laid without seams, end to end, and measurements are taken not one brick at a time, but at least 10 clinker bricks laid end to end. In the event that the pattern of laying clinker paving stones, or the clinker paving technology, implies the presence of seams, the calculation of the width of the path or platform is made taking into account the seam between adjacent clinker bricks. Laying of clinker paving stones on the underlying layer of sand is carried out with a reserve in height, in such a way that after compacting it with a vibrating plate, it drops by 1 - 2 cm, to the corresponding calculated paving level.

Laying of clinker paving stones is always carried out with a slight slope of 1 - 2%, from the house, ensuring rapid drainage of storm and flood waters from the surface of the clinker paving stones into the storm drain. When installing rainwater inlets and rain gutters, they are usually installed just below the paving plane of the clinker paving stones. Installation of rainwater inlets and drainage trays is always carried out using concrete or cement-containing mortars, regardless of the method of laying clinker paving stones. Often, laying clinker has to be done on a ready-made concrete base. In this case, it is necessary to check the elevations of the poured concrete base for laying clinker paving stones, and the slopes, as well as the flatness of the concrete slab.

If concave surfaces of the concrete base are detected, with deviations exceeding 2 mm/m, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of draining water from under the clinker paving stones. Otherwise in spring period, swelling of clinker bricks is possible in places where melt water accumulates under the surface of the clinker, due to its repeated freezing. Water drainage from under the clinker paving stones must be provided along the entire perimeter of the concrete slab, especially on the lower side. When laying clinker paving stones on a concrete base, it is necessary to use geotextiles to prevent sand from being washed out from under the clinker. In addition, geotextiles are necessarily used in places where the blind area adjoins the base of the house.

When talking about laying clinker paving stones on a concrete base, it is impossible to ignore negative aspects the use of concrete and cement-containing mortars when working with materials such as clinker. Surely many of you have noticed ugly whitish or yellowish streaks on new brick houses. These are salt deposits, so-called efflorescence, formed for various reasons (usually due to violation of the technology of work and storage of materials). The same efflorescence is formed when laying clinker paving stones, when using cement-containing mortars. Efflorescence on clinker bricks are crystalline salt formations in the form of thin films or loose crystalline growths, relatively firmly associated with the surface of the clinker paving stones. The efflorescence formed on the clinker surface worsens the decorative qualities of clinker paving stones and reduces the strength of structures.

The appearance of efflorescence on clinker paving stones is a direct consequence of the use of materials that include cement when laying them. In addition, efflorescence is formed when bulk materials with high content water-soluble compounds. Often the cause of the formation of efflorescence on the surface of clinker paving stones is water containing foreign substances. Incorrect conditions storage building materials And low temperature when laying clinker bricks, is also one of the reasons for the appearance of efflorescence on clinker paving stones. The reasons for the appearance of efflorescence on the surface of clinker paving stones are vast and varied; their appearance can be avoided by following the technology for laying clinker paving stones, but getting rid of efflorescence is quite difficult. To clean clinker paving stones from salt deposits, washes are used, but each time they have to be selected experimentally. In addition, even complete cleaning of clinker from efflorescence does not guarantee against their reappearance without eliminating the causes that caused them.

Landscape company "ROAD TO HOME" specializes in landscape construction and comprehensive improvement. Our company's specialists professional level will carry out paving with clinker bricks, or laying clinker paving stones in Moscow and the Moscow region. You can order landscape work by calling 8–901–526–21–11.

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Technology of laying clinker paving stones

The garden area requires landscaping no less than building a house or interior decoration. So it doesn't hurt to show some interest in your yard, too. The Germans, as experts in the clinker craft, advise starting the process with a soil analysis. Be sure to organize proper rainfall drainage. It is necessary to calculate the expected load on the soil, taking into account its compaction. Based on this, choose the right plan for preparing the foundation. The capitality of the structure will depend 90% on the preparation of the lower layers.

Stacking of clinker paving stones is carried out using two methods: concrete or on sand and gravel basis. These options will be discussed in detail below. The main thing to remember is that natural factors, such as water and temperature, are the main problem for clinker coating.

Technique for covering clinker paving stones on a concrete base

Having calculated the depth and removed the soil, we compact the bottom. We lay a layer of sand up to 6 cm. Next we lay a reinforcing mesh, which will give the solution strength. We pour concrete to a depth of 150 mm, taking into account the slope into the drainage<2%. Клинкер укладывают: прибегая к водонепроницаемому клею, либо на песок, слоем 5 см, либо на сухой состав цемента и песка, с безусловным затиранием шовного пространства. Для затирки надо обязательно выбирать только гидрофобную смесь.

1) Avoid contact of water with seams and under paving stones

After laying clinker on a dry mixture of sand and cement, you need to carefully seal the joints with hydrophobic grout. Observing a certain slope in the masonry (not<2%), вода сможет собираться у края площадки, и по желобу стечет в ливневый сток. Срок службы покрытия напрямую будет обусловлен добротной затиркой, а также правильностью использования технологии.

Please note that filling scars with a water-repellent composition is quite labor-intensive and does not allow deviations from coordinated actions and operating principles. Therefore, the matter must be entrusted to an employee who knows all the subtleties and features. Otherwise, attempts to repair the seams yourself or quickly often result in irreparable damage to the surface of the expensive material.

The paving stones have a finely porous structure. This is specified in European engineering standards. Very reasonable, because it is this property that prevents slipping when wet.

It is worth taking into account that the color of the grout changes with the amount of water added. Any, even the most insignificant, deviation from the recommendations entails a radical change in shade.

The scars need to be filled with mortar along the entire thickness of the brick, compacted, and then the excess layer must be collected according to the level. The process will move slowly, since all this must be done carefully. The solution should not come into contact with the surface of the paving stones, otherwise it will penetrate into the pores of the material, from where it cannot be removed. So, don't use the pouring method. In order not to spoil the unique color of the grout, designated by the manufacturer, it is necessary to prevent additional ingress of water until it hardens completely. By neglecting these guidelines, you may end up with an unpleasant “gray” coating that cannot be washed off even with the help of chemicals.

2) The water that has penetrated under the clinker must be “removed” from the concrete plane

Tile adhesive will help with this. It has important characteristics:



Dynamic strength

Of course, covering a meter of clinker with trust adhesive is many times more expensive than covering a meter of clinker paving stones, but the service life of clinker paving stones will be increased significantly.

If garden paths are not designed for heavy loads, you can use purified sand, layering up to 5 cm. Next, we tamp the finished surface by sifting and fill in the scars. Then the water, of course, penetrates into the depths without interference and “flows” along the base to the edges (taking into account the slope, not<2%) и далее — в ливнёвку.

3) Leave expansion joints in the base

This trick will protect the sidewalk from erosion during seasonal swelling of the soil.
In the spring, on the manor path, a small step is likely to form where the expansion joints pass. Materials can “walk” while remaining intact. The downside is that the grout in the seams still breaks down in places. But in the warm season it can be updated. And, literally a minor correction will prolong the operation and preserve the aesthetic appearance of the garden path.

Clinker paving stones on a sand and gravel base

Provided that the soil is without clay locks, lay the clinker on a series of prepared layers. First, we compactly compact the earth, crushed stone, fine sand or granite screenings. It is important to carefully compress every 5 cm of layer. Sometimes European craftsmen suggest increasing the density of the crushed stone layer by pouring water on it. Then waterproof glue, grouts and expansion joints are not needed.

The drainage system will run through the scars between the pavers. This will be followed by a layer of sand or granite screenings. Moisture will enter the soil through the crushed stone. This sequence will ensure drainage literally within half an hour.

Simply put, laying clinker paving stones involves:

— the use of a layer of crushed stone, the thickness of which is regulated by the predicted load;

— stacking clinker on a bed of sand or granite;

- sifting the seams with fine sand;

— final pressing with a vibrating plate

Paving stones that will be laid according to this method will not be afraid of frost, water, and will not cause harm to the environment. It is resistant to wear and does not lose color brightness, since it has the specific properties of clinker clay and its own processing secrets. The range of colors and natural raw materials are a guarantee of sophistication and quality. Paved paths made of any shade of clinker will fit into any architectural landscape.

In what cases are paving slabs laid on concrete?

Paving paths, parking lots, front yard and recreation areas with paving slabs is necessary to improve the quality of the site. In classical technology, cladding elements are mounted on sand or dry mixture (1/5 cement, sand, respectively). However, in difficult cases, paving slabs are laid on concrete to ensure stable coating geometry:

  • shrinkage-prone soils– these are soils with low design resistance (silty sand, peat, fresh, unformed embankment);
  • heaving soils– are capable of destroying the coating, since the swelling is uneven in certain areas, which is due to the scaly structure of the clay.

Less often, a home craftsman needs to decorate the used structural elements with tiles with his own hands - the floor of a garage, shed, blind area, screed in the front yard, existing paths. In this case, it takes too long to dismantle the concrete; it is a solid base, so the tiles are laid on top of it.

There are several paving methods; step-by-step instructions for each of them are provided below. However, the developer should take into account the following nuances:

  • soil heaving– if a blind area or path made of concrete is being lined, which has been in use for several years and has not collapsed during this time, you can be sure that there is no clay underneath, but if you plan to pour a new concrete screed for the above reasons, then there is an absolute guarantee that in the freezing layer there are no clay soils, the owner of the site does not have one;
  • moisture– the concrete screed and curbs on the sides (at the blind area, the curb and foundation on the other side) are a rigid box; rain runoff, even if there is a storm drain on the side, partially penetrates the structure through the seams, saturates the concrete (possibly cracking when freezing) and saturates the solution or sand that swells in winter.

Important! To eliminate swelling, drainage along the outer perimeter of the blind area and insulation with extruded polystyrene foam at a depth of 40 cm are necessary. The only way to get rid of moisture accumulation is by laying the elements on tile adhesive, which will fill the seams and prevent drainage from penetrating into the structure.

On the other hand, unlike clay, sand saturated with moisture increases in volume evenly when frozen:

  • all tiles will rise to the same height in winter without causing trouble to the owner;
  • In the spring, the water thaws and the tiles will return to their original state.

Therefore, this nuance is most often neglected, especially in combination with a linear storm drain, the gutters of which are installed along the outer perimeter of the blind area or on one side of the path between the curbs and tiles.

Rigid concrete base layer technology

In the paving option under consideration, the paving slabs are supposed to be placed inside a rigid “trough”, the bottom of which will be a concrete screed. The rules for concreting are similar for slab foundations with minor additions:

  • the lower reinforced belt can be used in parking lots; paths are reinforced only in the upper third so that the screed can withstand the forces of possible swelling;
  • Concrete can only be laid on non-metallic materials in which heaving forces are reduced, therefore the topsoil layer is removed to a depth of 0.4 m;
  • the height of the curbs and storm drainage trays is significantly greater than the thickness of the tiles, so it is necessary to calculate the depth of the trench depending on the thickness of the screed.

For example, with a concrete thickness of 5 cm, a base layer of 15 cm and a tile of 6 cm, the depth of the pit will be 26 cm. And the height of the curb is 20 cm, the storm drain tray is 13 - 41 cm, you will need to plan the bottom of the trench at different levels.

In addition, for gravity removal of wastewater from the path, slopes of 2 - 4 degrees in the transverse and longitudinal direction are required. In parking lots, slopes are usually created in one direction - towards the roadway or wastewater is collected from the side of the site and discharged into an underground container.

Important! Even when laying tiles on a dry mixture, it will be very difficult to create these slopes, and when using tile adhesive it is impossible.

If paving slabs need to be laid on an existing old base (slab or screed), you can go straight to step 3.

Marking and installation of borders

Materials for DIY paving of paths and parking lots must be purchased before this stage. The route of the path and the configuration of the parking lot and recreation area depend on the owner’s imagination. The marking technology looks like:

  • the first cord is installed;
  • a garden border, a storm drain tray, solid tiles along the width of the path, a second curb are placed on the dry ground close to it, a second cord is pulled;
  • on radius/curvilinear sections of the path, markings can be created with paint or lime mortar directly on the ground.

After that, the fertile layer is removed from the inside of the zone outlined by the cord to a depth of 0.4 m.

Advice! If storm drainage trays with a height of 30–41 cm are used, a trench of greater depth is created in the places where they pass, taking into account adding at least 10 cm of crushed stone and laying these elements on a 2 cm layer of sand concrete or cement-sand mortar.

If the slope of the site is more than 7 degrees, steps are designed inside the paths. If large-format areas are being decorated (front yard, parking lot, recreation area), the area is first terraced with road curb stones, concrete retaining walls or gabions.

Slopes are created in the soil, underlying layer (sand, crushed stone) or in the concrete itself when it is laid. Recommended angle:

  • 1 - 2 degrees across the path towards the storm drain;
  • 3 – 7 degrees along the path.

For large rectangular or square areas (for example, a parking lot), slopes are created from the center to the perimeter or in one direction.

At the same stage, stormwater inlets are installed under the roof drainage pipes or transverse storm drainage trays, which drain rainwater. Mutual mixing of crushed stone/sand with soil can be prevented by laying geotextiles at the bottom of the trench. This material prevents the germination of weed roots, so it is used in most cases.

The minimum thickness of the layer of nonmetallic material for compaction with a vibrating plate is 10 cm. To prevent the absorption of cement lait during concreting, the crushed stone is leveled with sand and covered with rolled waterproofing (roofing felt or Bikrost) or two layers of polyethylene film.

Curbs and storm drainage trays are mounted on the mortar and leveled horizontally with a rubber mallet. After the solution hardens, they actually become permanent formwork for the concrete screed.

Reinforcement and laying of the mixture

If the developer is lining the blind area, it is recommended to insulate this structure with extruded polystyrene foam (thickness 5 - 10 mm), adjoining the horizontal layer to the vertical thermal insulation of the base/foundation. The laying depth is 40 cm or at the level of the sole of the MZLF. This method eliminates swelling, the blind area does not experience serious loads from pedestrian traffic, so it does not need to be reinforced.

It’s more difficult with paths and parking lots:

  • parking lots are subject to loads from cars and are reinforced with two meshes (rebar or wire);
  • paths can be reinforced with one mesh to protect the screed from destruction in the event of possible swelling of the clay soils underneath it in the freezing zone;

It’s easier to buy wire mesh; you can knit reinforcement mesh yourself from “corrugated” rods with a diameter of 6 – 8 mm

Step-by-step instructions for reinforcement are as follows:

  • the lower protective layer is provided by laying the mesh on plastic or concrete pads, the thickness of which should be calculated individually;
  • the overlap of individual cards is at least one cell (10 x 10 cm or 20 x 20 cm).

For example, to reinforce a 15 cm thick screed on a path, 12 cm spacers will be required so that the mesh is located in its upper part. For parking, spacers of a minimum thickness of 1.5 - 3 cm are used, the upper mesh is laid on tables, “spiders” or other special elements.

Expansion joints are created by wooden slats laid 4 - 6 m across the path. They can be placed between the reinforcement or interrupt the mesh in expansion joints, using cards of the required size for each section of the screed. A gap is created throughout the entire thickness of the concrete.

To obtain concrete screed slopes, different methods are used:

  • for the blind area, you can draw two lines - on the base and the storm drain tray or curb, and follow them as a rule when pulling out the top layer;
  • for the path, similar lines are created on the curbs on both sides;
  • inside a rectangular parking lot it is easier to place plaster beacons, pieces of pipe, bars, galvanized profiles used in gypsum plasterboard systems.

Advice! Depending on the air temperature, paving can begin 3–15 days after pouring the screed so that the cement stone gains at least 70% strength.

Laying paving slabs on concrete

If there is a hard underlying layer, you can lay the tiles using glue, mortar and grout (a dry mixture of sand and cement in a ratio of 5/1, respectively). However, when using the first two options, the installation rules differ from the cladding with porcelain stoneware and tiles.

If you place the elements on a flatbed, the labor costs and finishing budget are sharply reduced, but you will need a vibrating plate for thorough compaction, first of the dry mixture, then of the finished coating. When choosing a dry technology, the tiles are laid in front of you with your own hands, and the master moves along the already paved area.

In “wet” technologies, walking is possible every other day; the tiler applies mortar/glue to 1 - 1.5 m2, moving backwards.

Mortar mounting

The budget wet method is used for large paving areas. Classic cement-sand mortar is easy to use because it has a long life. The technology has nuances:

  • the recommended layer thickness is 2 – 3 cm, so that the cladding does not “float” and does not push through it completely when leveling;
  • to increase productivity, the solution is applied to an area within the reach of the master’s hands and leveled with a notched trowel;
  • then tiles are laid on the blind area, path or parking lot in accordance with the pattern.

The slopes and flatness of the surface are controlled by level and rule, respectively. First, the space is filled with solid tiles; in unlined areas, the entire mortar is carefully selected with a trowel or spatula. After the mixture has hardened, the scraps are cut out and installed at the place of use. The seams are covered with sand or grout and spilled with water.

Using tile adhesive

The next “wet” method is similar to the previous technology with minor differences:

  • glue has a shorter lifespan and tile adjustments;
  • it is kneaded in small quantities, focusing on the level of training of the master;
  • the diluted solution is applied to a smaller surface (0.5 - 0.7 m2) in a layer of 0.5 - 1 cm.

The seams are processed either with the same glue or with a pliers, similar to the previous method.

Laying on dry mix

The step-by-step instructions for dry paving technology differ from the previous ones:

  • prancing is mixed from seeded sand and Portland cement;
  • the entire “trough” of the path or parking lot is filled with it (thickness 5 cm);
  • the material is compacted with a vibrating plate;
  • the tiles are laid using a rubber mallet;
  • then pieces are cut out for difficult areas;
  • the entire surface of the coating is compacted with a vibrating plate;
  • the seams are filled with garter tape.

This method allows you to walk on the coating already during the laying process and ensures maximum repairability of the elements in the event of their accidental splitting when heavy objects fall.

Thus, the step-by-step instructions differ when using different compositions on which paving slabs are laid.

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Main types of products

Depending on the manufacturing methods, the following varieties are distinguished:

  • vibrocast;
  • vibration-pressed;
  • hyperpressed;
  • polymer sand.

The composition of paving slabs usually includes sand concrete with the addition of granite chips, limestone, slates or rubber crumbs. Basalt chips are added less frequently.

  • sawn paving stones with all edges smooth;
  • sawn and split with a smooth bottom and top edge;
  • chipped, with uneven edges.

In the first two types, the flat top surface can be subjected to heat treatment, which makes it non-slip.

The most common square paving stones with sides of 10 cm and a thickness of 3 to 10 cm.

In what cases is it necessary to lay paving slabs on concrete?

The following can be used as a base for tile covering:

  • crushed stone or gravel-sand cushion;
  • concrete, reinforced with steel mesh or individual rods, composite reinforcement or vibrating fiber to increase strength.

The tiles can be laid on existing concrete screeds or on newly installed ones.

Although in the first case the work is much easier and faster, laying tiles on concrete is necessary to ensure a stable and durable coating in the following cases:

  • the presence at the work site of soils with increased susceptibility to shrinkage (recently filled embankments, silty sands, peat);
  • heaving clay soils, characterized by uneven swelling in certain areas;
  • a concrete base for paving slabs is installed when the surface is exposed to significant loads, for example, parking for a car;
  • when facing on existing solid concrete bases, when their dismantling is impractical and is highly labor-intensive (blind areas around the house, existing concrete coverings, floors in garages and outbuildings). The decision whether it is possible to lay paving slabs on concrete is made after a thorough examination of the existing old concrete surface. Laying over old concrete allows for significant savings on building materials, protects the existing coating from further destruction and significantly improves its appearance.

Advantages and disadvantages of laying paving stones on a concrete base

The concrete base for laying paving stones has the following advantages:

  • high strength and resistance to the application of significant loads and mechanical stress;
  • durability;
  • installing tiles on a concrete base minimizes the risk of shrinkage;
  • ease of implementation, allowing you to lay paving slabs with your own hands;
  • there is no need to use complex expensive technical devices;
  • resistance of the base to chemical influences, water washout, temperature changes;
  • on a solid concrete base, the process of leveling tiles in a single plane is much easier, resulting in a clear, straight shape and a perfectly flat surface
  • absence of failures caused by poor-quality compaction of the base;
  • environmental friendliness of paving with tiles.

Existing disadvantages:

  • the technology for laying paving stones on a concrete base is more complicated than on sand and crushed stone pads;
  • the need for reliable drainage systems. Having seeped through the seams in the coating, water will remain between the concrete base and the tiles and, when freezing temperatures set in, it can swell and even split the paving stones. To avoid this, paving stones are laid with certain slopes, point water inlets are laid in the concrete, and stormwater systems are installed;
  • a concrete base for paving stones is more expensive than a simple base of crushed stone and sand;
  • If the technological process is disrupted, coloring of the concrete base may occur after the end of the first winter.

What requirements must paving slabs meet?

When using any types of products for paving, they must meet the following requirements:

  • when laying tiles outdoors, frost resistance ≥ 200 cycles;
  • compressive strength ≥ 30 MPa;
  • water absorption by weight ≤ 5%;
  • abrasion during annual operation ≤ 0.7 g/cm 2 ;
  • the purchase of products must be made from one batch, since in different ones, even from the same manufacturer, the tiles will differ in geometric dimensions and color saturation;
  • environmentally friendly cleanliness of products, when used both for external and internal work with the installation of cobblestone flooring in warehouses and utility rooms;
  • lack of porosity on the surface;
  • strict adherence to geometric dimensions with evenness of all edges;
  • absence of internal and external cracks, as well as chips;
  • naturalness and uniformity of coloring.

Technology for laying paving slabs on a concrete base

The following methods of paving on a rigid base are distinguished:

  1. A dry mixture of 1 to 5 cement with sand is poured on top of the concrete base, the thickness of such a dry solution is taken to be up to 5 cm. Due to the difficulty of creating the necessary slopes for water drainage, a slope of 2 to 5 degrees is created in the process concrete foundation installations. To prevent moisture from being retained under the tiles, pieces of polymer or asbestos pipe, 1 piece each, are placed vertically into the concrete screed. for every m2.
    After the concrete mixture has hardened, the top of the pipes is cut off at the level of the top of the concrete and the holes are filled with fine crushed stone. Laying paving stones begins directly from the curb; after laying 4 elements, a check is made to maintain the specified level using a building level. Ensuring the quality of the fit is carried out using a rubber hammer; by lightly tapping, the tile is sunk into a mixture of cement and sand or, if necessary, raised with a sprinkle of dry mixture (prance) or a cement cushion. With this method of paving, labor costs are significantly reduced and costs for materials and labor are saved. Laying is done in front of you, moving along an already paved surface. The downside is the need to carefully compact the mixture, and then the finished cladding.
    Tamping can be done with vibrating plates, and if they are not available, you can use a piece of thick, wide board. The method is most repairable, as it allows easy replacement of individual damaged tiles.
  2. For mortar, it is widely used for paving large areas. The cement-sand mortar is applied to the base in a layer of up to 3 cm per reachable area by the master and leveled using a notched trowel.
    Laying paving stones on concrete using this “wet” technology is carried out first in whole tiles, taking into account the desired pattern, all mortar is removed from unpaved areas with trowels, cut tiles are installed on fresh mortar after the base mortar has hardened under the solid tiles. Compliance with the required slopes and the flatness of the coating are checked using a level and rules.
    In all methods, the tiles are laid with equal gaps (5 mm), the resulting seams in both of the above methods are filled with grit or simply sifted quartz sand and spilled with water. Movement of people on the laid surface is allowed no earlier than after 24 hours.
  3. Glue the tiles to the concrete using a special construction adhesive. With this method, it is possible to create the necessary slopes only on a concrete base, since the glue is spread in a very thin layer (from 5 to 10 mm) on the surface of a small area (≤ 1 m2), since the hardening time indicated on the attached instructions application, small. For the same reason, paving slab adhesive is diluted in small quantities to avoid hardening.
    The seams are filled with the same glue or you can use a garnet, as in previous cases. Cured special construction adhesive provides a strong and reliable connection with concrete, so this method is used quite often, but replacing a damaged element without its final breaking will not work.

Step-by-step instructions for paving on a concrete base

Composition and sequence of work:

  1. Laying out areas and paths on which paving is planned, securing the markings with wooden or metal pegs. The boundaries between the pegs are covered with lime or chalk.
  2. Removal of the fertile soil layer with the construction of an earthen trough, taking into account the location of reinforced concrete curbs or curbs. The depth of the trench under the curbs depends on their height; the top of the curb, to ensure drainage from the paving surface, should be 2 cm below the top of the tiles and rise above the level of the lawn.
  3. Installation of curbs or curbs. A strong cord is pulled onto the hammered pegs at the height of the curbs, taking into account the required longitudinal slopes. To collect water flowing from the tile covering, it is recommended to provide trenches for laying storm system trays close to the curbs. Reinforced concrete elements are installed in trenches on a compacted sand base with a small layer of lean concrete or mortar laid on top of it. The elements are fixed with wooden pegs and pouring concrete mixture.
  4. Construction of a concrete base. The soil in the earthen trough is carefully compacted and covered with geotextiles to prevent the germination of weeds. The concrete is laid on a compacted bed of sand or crushed stone ≥ 10 cm thick.

In some cases, curbs are installed by craftsmen after the base has been concreted. This option, if you do the work yourself, is not recommended. To protect the edges of the platforms from soil shedding and create a concrete base with smooth edges, formwork is installed from boards 40 mm thick, which will have to be carefully secured. If the curbs are installed immediately, they themselves will serve as formwork. The advantages of this option:

  • there are no costs for purchasing materials for formwork;
  • time is saved on its installation and subsequent disassembly;
  • the concrete mixture will be poured without seeping into the cracks between the boards;
  • additional fixation of curbs in the required position.

Concrete is poured no earlier than 24 hours after fixing the curbs. The break can be used for reinforcement (paths that will not be accessed by vehicles and heavy equipment do not need to be reinforced). The concrete thickness is assumed to be 15 cm in the absence of reinforcement and 20 cm in the presence of reinforcement. In the presence of moving heaving soils, the thickness can increase to 40 cm.

Reinforcement is carried out with meshes connected from steel or composite reinforcement with a diameter of up to 10 mm and cells from 15 to 20 cm. The meshes are located at the top, at a distance of about 5 cm from the top of the concrete, with laying on concrete pads. You can perform the pouring in two stages: lay a layer of concrete about 10 cm, carefully level it, lay nets on the fresh concrete and pour the concrete mixture to the required level.

When pouring large areas, every 3 m it is necessary to install expansion joints from boards laid over the entire thickness of the concrete. On paths, such seams are made every 6 m. Before hardening begins, the concrete boards are removed, and the resulting seams are filled with hot bitumen.

  1. After what time can I lay tiles? Concrete will gain the minimum required strength in about three days, so you can’t start work earlier. A suitable laying method is selected; if traffic on the pavement is high or it is planned that vehicles and heavy technical equipment will enter it, then it is preferable to paving with tiles using cement mortars or construction adhesives. If there are obstacles in the lining area (sewage hatches, flower beds, drainage holes, etc.), they are lined with whole tiles.
    Before completing the work, the final design of the junctions of the required configurations is carried out with cutting of the tiles using a grinder with a concrete wheel or a circular saw. Upon completion of installation, the joints are filled. You should not walk on the paved surface for about 3 days, so as not to damage the edges of the tiles. If necessary, the required passages can be carried out by laying sheets of plywood over the paving surface.
  2. Finally, after 3 days, construction residues and debris are swept away, after which the entire surface is washed with water under pressure from a hose.

Laying tiles on a concrete blind area

Blind areas around buildings are usually made up to 1 m wide. First, the condition of the blind area is examined, after which the following operations are performed:

  • the concrete is cleaned of dirt, existing cracks in it are cut out;
  • the entire surface of the old concrete is filled with a 2 cm layer of cement mortar;
  • the boundaries of future paving are marked with driving in pegs;
  • The location of the curb along the edge of the site is planned; the top of the curb should be located taking into account the slope away from the building of 2 cm for each linear line. m. and below the top for paving stones by 3 cm. Then a mark is marked on the base equal to the sum of the height of the tile and the thickness of the preparation for it, to which a strong cord is attached, the second end is tied to pegs at the planned height of the top of the curb;
  • according to the arranged markings, a trench is developed for the curbs, then an earthen trough is developed between the edge of the blind area and the curbs;
  • Then the work is carried out in the order described above when installing a concrete base and paving with paving slabs.

When performing the work yourself, the cost of paving is reduced by at least 2 times. Additionally, you can read in technical literature or consult with specialists on how to properly lay paving slabs; this will help avoid damage to expensive materials and ensure the durability of the coating.

Laying clinker paving stones is an excellently proven method of landscaping.

The laying technology consists not only of paving or tiles, but also a whole range of preparatory measures.

The advantage of clinker paving stones is that they are immune to mechanical damage and the effects of aggressive and chemical substances.

And often the final quality of the coating depends on the accuracy and competence of the preliminary work.

You should start with a general layout of the territory, studying the nature of the local soil and identifying areas that need to be paved using clinker paving stones or tiles. Determine what load these areas will experience and choose the right method for preparing the foundation.

Let's consider three main types of preparation necessary for high-quality laying of clinker materials.

Required materials and tools:

  • shovel, buckets, rake, usually, measuring rod, cord, hose;
  • water, sand, cement, crushed stone, trowel, spatula, mallet;
  • measuring tape, hydrostatic level;
  • adhesive for paving slabs;
  • grinder with a metal wheel and a diamond wheel, vibrating plate;
  • steel reinforcement with a diameter of 10-15 mm (for a concrete base);
  • wooden board 40 mm thick (for concrete base);
  • clinker paving stones or paving slabs, border.

Working with sandy base

Laying paving stones on a sandy base: sand; solution; border; paving stones.

This preparation is applicable for sidewalk paths or areas with light loads.

We determine the contour of the site, make markings, and remove the plant layer of soil. We evenly cover the prepared area with sand in a layer of 5-10 cm, which we level with a rake or a rule. We spill water on the sand at the rate of 10 l/sq.m to prevent subsidence of the sidewalk path. Then we compact the resulting base with a vibrating plate.

As a bearing layer we use a cement-sand mixture in a ratio of 1 part cement to 6 parts sand. Having poured a small amount of the supporting layer, we plan the flow of water: it should go into the drainage system or onto the lawn. To do this, a slope is planned in the desired direction with a difference of at least 5 mm per 1 m of length. This can be done using a level and a measuring rod, and then mark the slope with a cord and pegs.

To prevent any displacement of the clinker paving stones during installation or use, it is necessary to install a side curb along the contour markings of the site. It is installed in a trench with a thick cement-sand mortar, while the level of the horizontal plane and the previously planned drainage slope are controlled. The outer side of the curb should be additionally reinforced with a supporting layer of mortar.

Taking into account the difference marked by the cord, the remaining part of the carrier mixture is poured into the space limited by the curb. To properly align the carrier layer, you can measure additional horizontal guides and distribute the carrier mixture along them according to the rule. After this, compact the bedding. The thickness of the load-bearing layer is on average about 10 cm. Its level should be positioned so that the laid layer of clinker paving stones protrudes above the curb line by no more than 5 mm.

After laying the tiles or paving stones, all gaps between them are filled with sifted sand using a brush. Brush movements should be made in different directions. Excess sand should be washed off with a weak stream of water, making sure that it is not washed out of the seams.

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Working with crushed stone base

Laying paving stones on a crushed stone base: crushed stone; sand; border; paving stones

This base is used for the intended movement of passenger vehicles on the paving stones and their parking.

In this option, not sand is poured into the site bed, but a layer of crushed stone of 10-20 cm is poured. Otherwise, the technology coincides with the preparation of the sandy base. Compaction, leveling in accordance with the level and drainage slopes, reinforcement with curbs, backfilling with cement-sand mixture, or paving stones are also used.

The final stage after installation is somewhat different. First, the coating is watered with copious amounts of water, then the surface is allowed to dry and the joints are filled with a dry cement-sand mixture. This is followed by repeated watering, but in such a way that the mixture is not washed out of the seams. At the end of watering, there should be no excess or traces of mortar on the surface, and all seams should be completely filled.

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Working with concrete base

Laying paving stones on a concrete base: crushed stone; concrete; screed; border; paving stones.

A concrete base is necessary for landscaping areas with heavy loads and in areas with problematic soil.

Its preparation begins with filling the site bed with crushed stone in a layer of 10-15 cm. But after leveling in accordance with the drainage slope and compaction, wooden formwork should be installed along the contour of the site for pouring concrete. For formwork, it is advisable to use boards 40 mm thick and secure them with stakes every 50-100 cm.

A layer of about 3 cm of concrete is poured inside the formwork onto crushed stone, on which a reinforcing mesh of steel rods with a diameter of 10-15 mm is laid. The rods are pre-cut with a grinder, taking into account the size of the site. After placing the reinforcing mesh, another layer of concrete 5-12 cm thick is poured to the required design level. After pouring concrete, you need to finally form the slopes and levels of the foundation.

After the concrete has hardened and the formwork has been dismantled, the curbs are installed to the required level. Curbs are installed in trenches with crushed stone and cement-sand mortar, with which they are further strengthened from the outside.

A layer of sand or fine screenings up to 3 cm thick is poured and leveled on top of the concrete screed and done. Its seams are filled with mortar or grout, and then covered with a cement-sand mixture, compacted with a vibrating plate and spilled with water. To ensure that the clinker is carefully laid on the concrete base, you can use a special glue. Professional adhesive for laying clinker paving stones and paving slabs ensures their maximum adhesion to the concrete slab.

Laying KERAWIL clinker paving stones. Technology

Landscaping related to laying KERAWIL clinker paving stones German experts recommend starting with soil analysis and organizing an effective drainage system. Depending on the density of the soil and the expected dynamic loads, one or another scheme is selected preparing the base for laying clinker paving stones. 90% of the reliability and durability of the future coating depends on careful adherence to the technology for preparing the underlying layers.

Two options apply laying clinker paving stones on a concrete and sand-gravel base.
Let's consider each option in detail.

water and temperature fluctuations are the main natural causes of destruction of the coating from clinker paving stones!

ʘ Laying KERAWIL clinker paving stones on a concrete base. discuss work and prices

After excavating the soil to the calculated depth, compacting the bottom of the bathtub and a layer of sand of 5-6 cm, a reinforcing road mesh with a cell of 100x100 is laid out on it, which is filled with concrete to a height of 150 mm with a slope towards the precipitation collection and drainage system of at least 2%. Laying of clinker paving stones and tiles is carried out either using a dry sand-cement mixture with mandatory grouting of the joints with hydrophobic grout with force and to a depth of at least 3 cm, or using durable porous water-permeable glue series TUBAG or on a layer of fine sand no more than 5 cm thick.

How to maintain a beautiful and expensive coating clinker paving stones KERAWIL for many years?

1. prevent water from penetrating the seams and then under clinker paving stones. For this after laying clinker paving stones on a dry sand-cement mixture (“gartzovka”), it is necessary to carefully seal the seams with hydrophobic grout to a depth of at least 4 cm. In this case, thanks to the observed conditions laying clinker paving stones slope (at least 2%), water will flow along the surface of the coating to the edge of the site, where it will flow through the trays into the storm sewer receivers. Durability of clinker coating KERAWIL directly depends on the quality of the grout and strict adherence to the technology for sealing joints.

Please note that the work of filling the seams in KERAWIL clinker paving stones with a hydrophobic composition is very labor-intensive, almost jewel-like, and does not allow deviations from the technology. All attempts to speed up or simplify it inevitably lead to damage to the appearance of a beautiful and expensive material. Don't trust grouting to "can-do-it-all" handymen.

The surface of KERAWIL clinker paving stones has small pores, this is provided for by German engineering standards. This surface prevents shoes from slipping in wet weather. Porcelain tiles and ceramic tiles, especially glazed ones, do not have pores. The seams can be grouted using the “pouring method”, and after grouting, the remaining mortar from the surface of the material can be removed with a stream of water, a brush and a sponge, but still only after the mortar has set in the seams.

An instructive example , Very beautiful dark clinker paving stones KERAWIL of the Ker аtique series (aged brick) were supplied to one of the objects in the near Moscow region. The paving stones were laid on a good concrete base using a home-made sand-cement mixture: sand + cement. Laying was carried out in the fall, sometimes in damp weather.

Upon completion of the installation, a colored dry mixture was purchased for grouting the joints of the anthracite clinker paving stones from the Quick-mix plant. The mixture was produced in Germany and was significantly different in price from the mixture produced in Noginsk.

You need to know that the color of the grout declared by the manufacturer very much depends on the amount of added water, and even a slight deviation from the recommended proportions can lead to a change in color. In our case, the proportions were respected.

In accordance with the technology for grouting the seams of clinker paving stones, it is necessary to fill the seam with mortar to the entire thickness of the brick, but not less than 3 cm, compact it as much as possible and remove the excess top layer to the level of the paving stone chamfer. The work is carried out carefully and therefore slowly. It is necessary to completely exclude the possibility of the solution getting on the surface of the paving stones, because the solution will quickly penetrate into the pores of the material and harden there: it is not possible to remove it from the pores either physically or chemically.

In our example, the workers did not hesitate to use the traditional "pour" method. According to the markings on the bags, the material corresponded to the expiration date. The mixture was mixed with water exactly observing the specified proportions and... the solution was poured onto the paving stones. Then, using a rubber spatula, we drove the mortar over the paving stones and thus filled the seams. The entire surface was stained with solution.

In order for the grout to have the color stated on the packaging after drying, additional contact with water must be completely excluded until it has completely hardened, but on the other hand, in order to clean the surface of the brick from the mortar, it must be washed off before it has yet set to the brick. That’s what they did: they poured water, rubbed it with a brush, the uncured solution was washed to the surface and again had to be removed with a stream of water and a brush - a closed cycle.

The next day, the grout set, and the brick dried out a little and it became clear that the expensive anthracite grout had turned into ordinary gray-cement-colored putty, and the expensive brick was covered with an indelible “gray” coating.

The customer was indignant - he was deceived! For a lot of money they sold him cheap cement putty, which ruined the beautiful, expensive brick. Let's sue the supplier!

We called a representative of the manufacturer's plant. He took half a bag of the scandalous dry mixture and a couple of days later sent a photo of a black block and reported that the color of the experimental seam exactly corresponded to what was stated on the packaging. Naturally, the customer did not believe him and insisted that this was deception and fraud and everything was in conspiracy.

Guessing what the real reason was, while inspecting the seams, we quietly peeled off the top layer of gray grout and discovered a real anthracite color underneath! The explanation is simple - an excess amount of water penetrated into the top layer of the uncured grout and changed its color

We tried to explain to the customer that the technology for using the grout was violated and that it was this, and not its poor quality, that led to such negative consequences: gray color instead of anthracite and spoiled beautiful and expensive material. They didn't hear us.

2. Water that has penetrated into the seams must be “drained” from the surface of the concrete base. For this purpose, trust (water-permeable) special tile adhesive of the series is used TUBAG, with a unique combination of properties: porous structure and high dynamic strength. Cost per meter clinker paving stone coverings KERAWIL for trust glue is higher than for garter glue, but the period of trouble-free operation of clinker coating laid on a trust takes many times longer.
If the loads on the paved surface are insignificant - garden and walking paths, then the quality of the material for which clinker paving stones are laid Fine river sifted sand (layer 4-5 cm) can be used, followed by compacting the finished surface, pouring and pouring the seams. And in this case, water easily penetrates through the seams under clinker paving slabs and along the surface of the load-bearing concrete slab (slope of at least 2%) “merges” to the edge and then into the storm drain.
3. provide expansion joints in concrete base, they will protect it from destruction during seasonal swelling of the soil. Do not be upset if in the spring you notice a suddenly formed step (3-10 mm high) on a paved surface in places where expansion joints of the concrete base pass under the coating. Piece paving materials such as clinker paving stones can “play the heights” while remaining unharmed. But the grout in some seams is still destroyed, so during the warm season it is recommended to update the grout in these seams. The work is minor, but it will preserve the beauty and extend the life of your beautifully laid garden path for a long time clinker paving stones.

Advantages of laying KERAWIL clinker paving stones on a concrete base:
- opportunity laying clinker paving stones in an area with soil subject to seasonal swelling;
- opportunity laying clinker paving stones in areas with high dynamic load (roads, parking lots and other areas);

Disadvantages of laying KERAWIL clinker paving stones on a concrete base:
- guaranteed “rebound” of the clinker material from the concrete base in case of water penetration through the seams under the coating.
- water drained from the surface of the clinker coating significantly increases the load on the storm sewer system
- the soil covered with a concrete base reinforced with a metal road mesh is deprived of natural water exchange (irrigation and evaporation), its water balance is disturbed and the life of beneficial microorganisms gradually fades away, which certainly affects the ecology of the entire site.

ʘ Laying KERAWIL clinker paving stones on bulk materials - crushed stone and sand:work and prices

If the soil on the territory of the site where landscaping work is being carried out does not have clay locks extending above the freezing zone (in central Russia - at least 1.5 meters), then it is necessary lay clinker paving stones onto several densely compacted layers of earth, crushed stone, fine sand or granite screenings. It is necessary to compact very carefully every 5 cm of the load-bearing crushed stone layer.
Some German craftsmen recommend compacting layers of crushed stone while simultaneously pouring water. The density of the load-bearing layers increases significantly.
Neither adhesives, nor expansion joints or hydrophobic grouts are needed in this case.

Drainage is carried out through seams between paving stones, then through the underlying layer (sand or granite screenings), even deeper - through layers of mineral crushed stone into the ground. Half an hour after the heaviest rainfall on the site paved using this technology clinker paving stones KERAWIL no traces remain of the water.
In short, technology for laying clinker paving stones KERAWIL looks like this:
- the use of a carefully compacted cushion of mineral crushed stone as a load-bearing layer, the thickness of which is determined by the magnitude of the expected load on the coating, followed by laying clinker paving stones on sand or granite screenings;
- repeated tapping of seams between clinker paving stones fine sand, finishing compaction with a vibrating plate with a polyurethane sole.

Between the layer of crushed stone and sand, you can lay geotextiles with a small cell - it will protect the underlying sand layer from being washed away by water going into the ground.

Clinker paving stones laid using this technology not afraid of water, frost, does not cause environmental damage to the site. Being a product made from 100% natural raw materials - clay with a natural color range, clinker paving stones KERAWIL fits absolutely organically into the most sophisticated landscape architecture.

Clinker paving stonesKERAWIL It is not afraid of chipping and intense abrasion, since it does not have an external color coating and consists of a material that is uniform in color.

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