Autumn sports festival in the senior mixed age group. Autumn Festival in senior and mixed age groups. "Autumn Story" Musical director L.V. Repina

"Journey to the Land of Vegetable Gardens."

Autumn holiday for seniors mixed age group.

(Prepared by teacher Kulyasova A.V.)

Goals and objectives:Create a joyful, solemn holiday atmosphere for children and parents. To develop the ability to see beauty in autumn nature.

To cultivate children's interest in theatrical activities. Involving parents in organizing and holding the holiday

Characters : Presenter, Scarecrow, Autumn (adults), children

Materials and equipment: decoration of the hall autumn theme, masks of vegetables, dummies of mushrooms, autumn leaves, 2 baskets, apples.

Preliminary work : Learning poems and songs. Decoration of the hall.

The progress of the holiday

Children enter the hall to music with autumn leaves and dance.

1st child.

We will place the bouquet in the middle of the table

Golden autumn has come to visit us.

2nd child.The sun doesn't want to warm the earth,

The leaves turned yellow and began to fall off.

3rd child.

Lots of yellow and red leaves

We'll collect on the path.

It's autumn, it's autumn

Come - we are waiting for you!

Sing a song “It’s autumn that’s coming to us.” They sit on the bench.

Ved.Guys, today we will go on an unusual journey, to the country of vegetable gardens. But we can’t get there ourselves, we need a magic bell, and only autumn has this bell. Let's all call autumn together. Let's say: “Autumn, we are waiting for you!”

They shout, music sounds, autumn comes.


I, golden autumn, have come to you for a holiday

I brought autumn surprises for you.

I invite you on a journey with me. Now I’ll ring the magic bell and you and I will find ourselves in the country of “Ogorodiya”. It rings and sounds magical music. There is a voiceover, and the children are wearing hats.

Brought autumn for children

Lots and lots of vegetables.

What a rich harvest!

Look at this, guys!

Autumn.Indeed, the harvest is good, a lot has grown in the gardens, fields and vegetable gardens. Now let’s check how you know vegetables. I will tell you riddles, and you name the vegetables that you recognize.

1. Red kids, but not poppy,

There is no beetroot in the garden.

Juicy tasty sir,

This is delicious... Tomato. The tomato comes out in the fall.

2. Golden and healthy

Vitamin, although sharp,

It has a bitter taste...

It burns... not lemon. Onions come out by autumn.

3. Vegetable garden

Hid in the basement

Orange for color

And the braid is like a bouquet. Carrots coming out

4. Like in a garden bed under a leaf,

The log rolled -

Zelenets is remote,

Delicious, very small. Cucumber comes out

5. Even though he didn't see the ink

Suddenly turned purple

Vanya loves him, Jean,

So this is... Eggplant comes out

6. Green fat woman

I wore a lot of skirts.

Stands like a ballerina

And cape leaves. The cabbage comes out.

Sketch “Vitamins from the garden bed”

Autumn.You know what vegetables look like, but can you guess what they taste like?

Agree, who is not a coward!

If you don't see the vegetable

Guess it by taste!

Competition "Guess the taste" together with parents.

Ved.We've collected all the vegetables, guessed them, and I think it's time to listen to a song about the harvest.

Song "Harvest"

Autumn rings the bell and the Scarecrow appears.

Autumn.Hello, who are you? We didn't invite you, we don't know you. Guys, who is this? The children answer.

Scarecrow.I'm a scarecrow. I stood and stood in the garden, and I became bored. The entire harvest has been collected; there is nothing left to protect. Let me, I think I'll walk a little. I’ll look at people and show myself.

Why am I all about myself and myself. Who are you? Children answer if not, autumn helps.

The soundtrack of rain sounds.

Scarecrow.Oh, it seems again it's going to rain, it’s so sad when the rain drips.

Autumn.And we will teach you to have fun even in the rain. Our guys have funny raindrops and they will show you a funny dance.

Scarecrow.I will be happy to watch your cheerful dance.

Dance "Clubfooted Rain".

Scarecrow.And I know how to play with the rain. What about you? Let's play together.

Game. "About the rain". Everyone completes the task to the music. You can spend it with your parents, but with your eyes closed.

Autumn.Well done guys, now I’ll ring my magic bell again and our journey will continue. The bell is ringing. Autumn notices the package.

Oh, guys, what did they send us and who?

They open the package and read the letter.

We heard your songs and we really liked them. We send musical instruments to hear your orchestra far, far away, in warm countries. Migratory birds.

Look guys. I wanted to invite the birds to your holiday, but they need to fly south. And who knows why they fly away?

The children answer. And so that the birds can hear us, let's play these instruments.

Scarecrow.I also want to hear how you play.

Noise orchestra.

Scarecrow.Thank you guys very much. Well done. I really enjoyed your holiday. And I will leave some vegetables for your cook so that there will be enough vitamins for the whole year, until goodbye.

Autumn.It’s time for us to end our holiday, let’s just dance one last time. And the audience, don’t be bored, clap for us, help us.

Dance "Falling Leaves".

Autumn.My magic bell doesn't ring anymore

He doesn't tell me to have fun anymore.

He says it’s time to get ready for the road

We still need to reach the other children.

And I have prepared gifts for you,

So that you don't forget me,

And they also invited us to holidays and guests!

Distribution of gifts.

Scenario autumn holiday in the multi-age group “Colorful Autumn”

Scenario of an autumn holiday in a multi-age group “Colorful Autumn”.

Target. Create festive mood in children and parents.



Develop musical abilities and emotional responsiveness.


Develop the ability to interact with each other, have fun, and be happy.

The host enters the festively decorated autumn hall and addresses the guests.

Autumn again, birds again warm region they are in a hurry to fly.

And again the autumn holiday comes to us in kindergarten!

To the song “Boat Leaves,” children with leaves in their hands enter the hall, dance, and line up in a semicircle in front of the audience.

Look how beautiful and elegant everything is around!

This holiday is coming! We are looking forward to it!

What holiday should we ask?

The children will say...

Children: Autumn has come!

Let's sing a song of Autumn,

Let him come into every home!

Song "Autumn round dance"

1. Golden leaves

Spinning in the wind.

Plays the autumn song

Doo-doo, doo-doo.

Plays the autumn song

Doo-doo, doo-doo.

2. Clouds are floating across the sky

And the rains are coming.

Tears from the sky clouds

They pour and pour on the ground.

Tears from the sky clouds

They pour and pour on the ground.

3. But we won’t be sad,

That autumn is coming to us.

We invited her

In a merry round dance.

We invited her

In a merry round dance.

Autumn is coming to the music.

Hello friends!

On an autumn day, on a wonderful day

I'm glad to see you.

I am golden autumn,

My bow to you, friends!

The sorceress Autumn came to visit us,

She brought wonderful colors.

Colored the leaves, flowers and grass,

It was as if a fairy tale had come to us in reality.

Children preparatory group read autumn poems.

1. Autumn is walking through the gardens.

Walks, smiles,

Just like in a fairy tale here and there

All colors change.

2. Multi-colored paints worked for a long time,

Nature came out beautiful, like in a fairy tale,

All colorful - what a beauty!

Just admire the colors!

3. Everyone is happy to see you, beautiful autumn!

At least it's time to work hard,

To the generous gifts that you bring to people,

Both adults and children are happy.

4. You gave magical colors to the leaves:

Red, orange, yellow outfit.

Your autumn forest is beautiful, like in a fairy tale!

Everyone who saw them talks about it.

5. Red maple, birches, willows

Amazingly beautiful

But the rowan is the brightest

In scarlet beads for fun.

6. Everyone talks about autumn

What a beauty she is!

Stay among the guys

You'll like it with us!

I came with a sprig of viburnum,

Well, look what's in my cart?

The basket is full of miracle leaves, fruits, vegetables, and colored

Children in chorus: with pencils.

I have so much work to do

I invite you guys to help.

Music sounds, all the children stand in a circle around Autumn, hold hands, and a song is performed - the game “Colored Round Dance”.

Game “Colorful round dance with autumn”

We are happy to see you, Autumn,

We will help.

All bright colors

Color around.

Get it, Sorceress,

Your pencils.

AUTUMN: Who has yellow, (red; Who has orange (brown). green

Come out and dance!

Children who have the named color in their clothes go to the center of the circle to dance. The others clap.

After the game, the children of the preparatory group sit on chairs, the younger group read poetry.

1. Thank you, autumn, you are very kind,

And the autumn colors are generous.

We love you, dear Autumn,

We dedicate autumn poems to you.

2. Autumn has gilded everything,

Leaves - a whole mountain,

We are glad that it has arrived

This is a wonderful time!

3. Autumn, golden autumn,

Who, tell me, is not happy with you.

It only happens in the fall

This is a miracle - leaf fall!

4. Here is a maple leaf on a branch,

Now it's just like new!

All ruddy and golden.

Where are you going, leaf? Wait!

5. Leaves flying from the branches,

They circle in a motley crowd,

This is golden autumn

Makes us happy with beauty!

6. Autumn, autumn has come to the park,

I tore the leaves from the maples,

Spun them easily

Scattered far away.

7. Yellow leaves in the garden

The wind sweeps

It's only once a year

It happens in the fall!

8. Yellow-green, red,

Different leaves are spinning.

The leaves in the garden are painted,

Small and big.

9. Autumn is leaf fall.

Everyone is happy about leaf fall.

The yellow leaves are flying,

Whistle more merrily!

Dance with autumn leaves.

And now these leaves

Everything will be collected in a bouquet. (Children give leaves to Autumn.)

What a big bouquet!

There are no brighter colors in the world.

Presenter: We will put it in a vase, sit back comfortably and continue our holiday.

Presenter. Autumn can be different: cheerful and sad, sunny and cloudy, with rain and sleet, with cold winds and frosts.

In the morning the sky was gloomy

And everything seemed despondent.

Autumn loves to cry,

It's raining on the ground.

We'll sing a song about the rain now,

Maybe he’ll stop, he won’t kill us!

Song "Rain outside the window"

1. Again the rain is knocking on our window,

For some reason everyone felt sad.

I stretched out my palms to the sky,

I asked for rain: Don’t pour it!

Let the sun laugh, let the children play,

Let them walk in the park all day.

2. Children grow up in the rain,

Mom always says: you can’t.

He doesn't allow me to walk in the rain,

I'm very bored at home, friends.

3. Again the rain is knocking on our window,

For some reason everyone felt sad.

We'll all have fun together,

Maybe the rain will stop altogether.

Thank you guys for welcoming me so well and having so much fun playing with me. You praised me very well, which means I will repay you kindly, choosing a gift is now your right, I want to thank you all.

Children in chorus:

Autumn, autumn, surprise, tell us all a fairy tale.

Autumn. This tale is not a simple one, but an autumn one.

Everyone in the world loves fairy tales, adults and children love them!

Fairy tales teach us kindness and hard work,

They say how to live so that everyone around you can be friends!

Remember the autumn forest, it is full of wonders!

The mouse was in the field,

I collected some grains,

So as not to be discouraged in winter,

Don't go hungry without food

(To the accompaniment of fast music, a mouse runs out into the middle of the hall)

Here is some kind of tubercle, I’ll put my knot! (puts a knot on the mushroom cap). I worked so hard in the field and got a little tired.

Oh, my eyes are closing, it’s time to rest! (sits on a chair, sleeps)

(Belka comes out to the middle of the hall to the music)

I’m carrying nuts and cones in a bundle; the kids have been waiting for me for a long time.

So today I’m tired, I’ve jumped over so many branches.

(The squirrel sits on a chair in front of the mushroom, next to the Mouse. He places the bundle in front of him. The Bunny runs out to the music)

Bunny was in the garden and got some carrots.

I’ll save some carrots and eat them in the forest tomorrow.

Oh, my legs are tired, I should rest from the road.

Here is some kind of tubercle, I’ll put my knot.

Oh, my eyes are closing, it’s time to rest.

(The bunny sits on a chair in front of the mushroom and falls asleep. He places the bundle in front of him.)

I'm rolling on my way, looking for yellow leaves.

I want to insulate the mink for the winter with leaves.

Here is some kind of tubercle, I’ll put my knot.

Oh, my eyes are closing, it’s time to rest.

(The hedgehog sits on a chair in front of the mushroom, falls asleep. He puts the bundle in front of him. The Fox runs out to the music.)

Everyone is preparing for winter, what should I do, Fox?

I changed my fur coat... Oh, I saw something!

There is some kind of bump here, and on it there is a nodule!

Not one, but one, two, three, come on, Foxy, take it! (collects knots)

They sleep like sleepyheads and don’t sense that their supplies are being stolen.

What did they collect? Maybe they caught a chicken? (looks into the bundle)

No, carrots and nuts, grains, cones... What fun!

I don’t need this kind of food, now I’ll scatter it...

(The fox runs away. Music plays, the mushroom boy gets up from his chair (grows)

This is how the miracle mushroom stands!

Someone is sleeping under the mushroom.

Oh, here is Mouse, Hedgehog, Bunny.

We fell asleep. Come on, get up!

Oh, where's the bump?

Here was my bundle.

Presenter. It wasn't a bump. A big fungus has grown here!

(Mushroom is dancing, everyone is clapping)

Bow your hat, Mushroom, and lower your little knots! (mushroom tilts its head)

Oh, trouble, trouble, trouble: Mushroom’s hat is empty.

What should we do, what should we do? How will we live in winter?

I’ll answer your question: who took the bundles?

This cunning Fox decided to have some fun.

I took it away and scattered it, I have to start over.

Don't be sad, little animals. All the guys will help you.

I suggest you play: collect all your supplies again.

(The game is played “Collect their supplies for the Squirrel, Bunny, Hedgehog, and Mouse”)

Presenter. (arranges attributes and says):

Mushrooms for the squirrel,

Hedgehog - leaves,

Spikelets of grains for the mouse,

Bunny - carrots

We'll put it together deftly.

(Squirrel, Bunny, Mouse, Hedgehog are standing with baskets. Four guys are playing. The first one collects mushrooms and brings them to Squirrel, the second collects carrots and brings them to Bunny, the third collects spikelets and brings them to the Mouse. Game condition: collect one item at a time)

We say thank you, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

There will be food for the winter, we are not afraid of the cold.

(Crying is heard outside the door)

What kind of howl, what kind of roar? Isn't there a herd of cows there?

No, it’s not a cow, it’s a howler fox. (takes Lisa out.)

Fox stop it quickly

Don't scare my guests. (wipes Lisa’s tears with a handkerchief.)

I am a very kind Fox,

Not at all evil.

But they don't want to be friends with me.

I don’t know why.

Guys, why don’t they want to be friends with Lisa (Children’s answers). That's right, you behaved very badly, Fox, you scattered the animals' supplies. So they don’t want to be friends with you.

It's my fault, friends.

Forgive me!

Presenter. Shall we forgive Lisa, guys?

I am very glad that the animals and the guys became friends. Let's all get together

Let's build a house for the animals so that they can stay warm in winter.

House for friends

(At the introduction they walk with musical hammers on their shoulders, stand in pairs or imitate hammers with their fists)

Our hands are not for boredom, (They walk in place, hammer on shoulder)

We can make everything,

We will build a new house,

To place friends in it!

We are building a new house! (Imitate working with a hammer in front of you)

Knock-knock, knock-knock-knock, (Knock on the palm with a musical hammer)

A house for friends! (Hands spread to the sides)

Knock-knock, knock-knock-knock, (Knock on the palm with a musical hammer)

The house is growing! (Raise hands up)

Knock-knock, knock-knock-knock. (Knock on the palm with a musical hammer)

More fun together! (Free palm on the couple’s palm)

(They walk with a hammer on their shoulder, put it on the floor, wipe their forehead, dust off their hands)

This house is the best, ( Thumb)

This is a house for animals, (Hands to chest)

Come in, the door is open, (Hands to the sides)

Hedgehog, hare, hurry up! (Hands alternately to the sides)

Like this, and like this (Clap or spring with legs)

We dance merrily, (Jump on the spot)

Like this, and like this - (clap or spring)

Let's have fun! (Conducting)

Like this, and like this - (clap or spring)

We're having fun walking, (Walking in place, holding hands with the couple)

Like this, and like this - (clap or spring)

We live happily! (Hands spread to the sides and hug)

(They circle in pairs and hug at the end)


We have a wonderful house.

IN warm house We will survive our cold.

This is the end of the fairy tale

Who played (points to the children,

Who watched (points to parents)

Everyone worked hard,

And our parents will tell us loudly

Parents. BRAVO!

For this bright, bright holiday, accept gifts from me.

Here are my autumn gifts for the children (shows the children a basket of fruit).

Thank you, Autumn,

For generous gifts -

We say thank you

All children in chorus:

We thank autumn!

They leave the hall.

Entertainment for nursery group

Children, accompanied by music, enter the hall behind the teacher with leaves, flock, looking at leaves.



Ved: Here we go autumn has come,

Us gave me some leaves

Leaves are flying in the air,

We are invited to dance

The leaves whisper and spin,

The children are dancing and frolicking.

"Dance withleaves » Filipenko song-dance.

1st: We took the leaves in their hands,

Our hands started dancing


2nd: All leaves flew onto the path and sat down quietly

The wind is blowing, blowing and whirling it is ours leaf

3rd: We quietly squat

AND lower the leaves and sit down

Breeze - don't make noise - (they shake a finger) And don't spin the leaf

Ved: How is the breeze blowing?

Children blow, blow leaves and quietly sit down.

Ved: Guys, let's collect a big bouquet of autumn leaves and decorate the room with them.

And they didn’t even remember about me.

Ved: Children, who is saying this?

Appears on the screen to cheerful music

autumn leaf

« leaf fall »

Ved: So that's it leaf.

leaf: All collected leaves, but they didn’t notice me, so I didn’t get into your wonderful bouquet. I'm bored alone.

Ved: Don't worry so much leaf our kids they can cheer you up.

Listen to the song they will sing for you now.

« Autumn »

leaf: Thank you guys for such words.

(rain music sounds)

Oh, what is this? Where did these droplets come from?

So this is my friend Rain, he came to us

V guests.

Rain: Good afternoon, guys!

I- autumn rain.

Most of all I like to catch up

Kids and wet them to the skin, both moms and dads.

I also like to make huge puddles.

leaf: Wait, rain. Don't be like that


Otherwise the guys won't play with you.

They will sing a song about you.

Maybe you'll listen to her and become


"Rain drip"

Rain: Oh, what a wonderful song! I like her. I have become kinder and want to play a game with the kids. "Sun and Rain". Anyone who wants to play with me should listen carefully to the terms of the game.

Ved: If the sun is shining, then you can go for a walk, stomp your feet loudly, even dance. And if it rains, the kids run away and hide under an umbrella. The rain won't reach them there.

Game "Sun and Rain" music Rauchverga "Legs started walking"

The presenter invites all the children to go for a walk, jumping over puddles while saying

Ved: The legs started walking

Along a damp path.

If the puddle is big

We can see from afar

We'll go around the puddle

Let's choose where it's drier.

A small puddle

No need to go around

Get in a row, kids.

Let's jump over everything!

Jump! (Children jump over a puddle)

Ved: Oh, children, while we were playing, the leaf flew away somewhere. Let's call him leaf!

Game with leaf: leaf appears at different ends of the screen and says "I'm here". The presenter does not have time to approach leaflet how he hides. Do this several times. The purpose of the game is to make children laugh. At the end of the appearance.

Ved: Well, you're a joker, leaf!

I barely found you!

leaf: While I was flying, there was someone in the forest met:

Who lives in a tree?

Wears a fur coat all year round

Someone is jumping quickly along the branches

And hides nuts in a hollow tree?

Ved: Kids, it’s a squirrel!

(To the music. A squirrel appears on the screen)

Squirrel: I am a playful squirrel,

Cheerful girlfriend

And work all day

I'm not at all lazy.

I'm collecting nuts

And I'm storing it for the winter

I also brought chestnuts for you.

Take the chestnuts

And go out to dance.

Ved: Thank you very much

Squirrel, stay with us

Let's play together.

Song-dance "Kashtanchiki" A squirrel dances on the screen.

Squirrel: Oh, what great guys

We danced with all our hearts.

And for this to you, guys

We prepared gifts.

Leaf, leaf help

Show everyone the gift.

From behind the screen Belka and A leaf lifts an apple.

Ved: Kids, look what

They brought it to us. What is this?

This is the same apple. But it is one

And there won't be enough for everyone. Really, guys? (Yes)

Leaf: I know who will help us,

Our friend the rain.

Rain, rain more and more

You are our apple of the field

Let him grow big

And there is enough for everyone.

To the music Sounds of nature "Rain"

The rain falls on the apple, and behind the screen the small one changes to a large one (fake).There are a lot of apples inside.

Ved: Thank you, rain for you! And to you, our dear friends, for this gift.

Description: The scenario is intended for autumn entertainment in a kindergarten in a group of different ages. The script is not complicated, the plot is very simple. Therefore it is suitable for use in younger group kindergarten.

Goal: Organizing leisure activities for preschoolers in the autumn.

Objectives: Create a festive and friendly atmosphere, positive emotions in children. Reinforce knowledge about autumn.

Progress of the event.

Children sit on chairs. Music is playing "Autumn Waltz" .

Educator: Hello dear children and guests of our group. The first autumn holiday is approaching us - "Autumn Festival" .

Golden autumn has come to visit us,

She brought a lot of harvest with her.

Golden leaves are circling in the wind,

The cheerful rain is knocking on our windows.


Autumn, Autumn, we invite you to visit us.

1 child:

We cannot live in the world without miracles,

They meet us everywhere.

Magic, autumn and fairytale forest

He invites us to visit him.

2nd child:

Golden leaves,

They fall, they fly,

Golden leaves

Laying out the garden.

3rd child:

Lots on the paths

Leaves of gold,

We are a good bouquet

Let's make them.

4th child:

We will deliver a bouquet

In the middle of the table

Autumn is golden

She came to visit us.

Autumn is coming out

Autumn: Hello friends! I'm very glad to see you all. Look what I brought you. (Shows a basket of vegetables and fruits). Help me figure out where the vegetables are and where the fruits are.

Game - relay race "Fruits - vegetables" .

Autumn: Well done! They made me happy. And now I will tell you riddles.

Empty fields

The ground gets wet

The rain is pouring down.

When does this happen?

Red Egorka

Fell on the lake

I didn't drown myself

And he didn’t stir up the water.

The collective farm garden was empty,

Cobwebs fly into the distance,

And to the southern edge of the earth

The cranes arrived.

School doors opened.

What month has it come to us?

He walks and we run

He'll catch up anyway!

We rush to the house to take refuge,

He will knock on our window,

And on the roof, knock and knock!

No, we won’t let you in, dear friend!

Came without paints

B without brush

And repainted all the leaves.

Autumn: What a great fellow you are, do you know songs about autumn?

Song “What Autumn will bring us”

Autumn: Guys, do you want to play an interesting game with me?

game "Sun and Rain"

Educator: Autumn, our guys were really waiting for you, listen to what poems they will tell you

1 child:

There is no better position in the world,

What gifts to give out.

Autumn, glorious artist,

He loves to draw.

2nd child:

Autumn is kind and wise,

And she doesn't care about rain.

Autumn colors the gloomy field

A bright ray of sunshine.

3rd child:

The sun comes out clear,

Riding on a cloud.

The red leaves are flying around,

They rush head over heels with the wind.

4th child:

And they smile at each other

People of the festive land,

It starts again

Festival of the young dawn.

5th child:

There is no better holiday in the world.

Drum, hit quickly!

A joyful man walks around the planet,

Young September!

Autumn: Oh, what great fellows. With joy I want to spin around, sing and have fun. Let's dance the dance of autumn leaves together.

Dance "Leaf Fall" .

Educator: Look what beautiful costumes your parents made for you. Let's see who came to our party.

presentation of autumn costumes

1 child:

Autumn at the edge

I mixed the paints,

Quietly through the leaves

With a brush I carried out:

2nd child:

The hazel tree turned yellow and the maples glowed,

In the autumn purple there is only green oak.

Autumn consoles:

Don't regret summer!

Look - the grove is dressed in gold!

3rd child:

The birdhouse is empty,

The birds have flown away

Leaves on the trees

I can't sit either.

All day today

They're all flying and flying...

Apparently, also to Africa

They want to fly away.

4th child:

If in the trees

The leaves have turned yellow

If to a distant land

The birds have flown away

If the sky is gloomy,

If it rains -

So it's time

It's called autumn!

There is stomping and growling.

Educator: What is it, what happened? What kind of noise is coming?

Autumn: Don't worry in vain, the bear is coming here.

Bear: Hello guys! We bears go to bed in the fall until spring. I'll be bored alone in the den until spring. So I decided to go see you before bed, play and have some fun. Look how fun you are.

Game "At the Bear's Forest" .

Song “Autumn has come after summer”

Bear: Well, thank you, you amused me and made me happy. I'll go to my den.

Autumn: Yes, it’s time for me too.

Song “Oh, what autumn, oh what”

Autumn holiday scenario

Multi-age and senior group 2015

"Autumn Story"

Children enter with song "Colorful Autumn" - senior group,

“Leaves are flying” - mixed age group.


The holiday has come into every home today, Because autumn is wandering outside the window. The autumn holiday came to the kindergarten to please both adults and children.


The wind will spin to the song of the rain,

He will throw leaves at our feet.

This time is so beautiful!

Wonderful autumn has come to us again!


The leaves are turning yellow again,

A light rain has been drizzling since the morning,

Summer flew by very quickly,

It's time for Autumn!


A cool breeze blew,

And the evening comes faster

Let the sky be gloomy sometimes,

Autumn also brings us joy!


Baskets full of ripe apples

She brings us every year,

Lines soft paths,

Calls you to the mushroom and fairy forest!


But where is autumn? What if she forgot the way to us?

Maybe alone with things to do,

A little late?

Let's call Autumn

Let's sing a song about Autumn

“Autumn Song” by E.V. Kislitsina


Today I was very surprised: the leaf fell on my palms. As if a bird flew from the sky, Who made him so beautiful? 6Child:

Mom told me: “Autumn walks along the path in yellow boots, in a golden, bright sundress, with red handkerchiefs in her pocket. 7Child:

Paints everything around with magic paint, The world becomes a wonderful fairy tale. Here she is - what a sorceress! Everything will be colored by golden autumn. Well, where is she? I can answer: “You can find autumn everywhere.” Presenter:

Oh, guys, what a miracle? The miracle tree is standing. How beautiful it is, amazing to look at! Birch leaf, oak leaf, rowan leaf, maple leaf. Autumn sent it to us, so that in the middle of the large hall it would make us happy. 8Child:

Asters are blooming in my flower garden, I’ll make a bouquet and take them into the house. They smell like autumn bright flowers“You won’t find anything more beautiful than this beauty.”


Crane wedges float across the sky And they call you and me to distant lands. Here they are, noisy, flying away into the distance, We feel a little sorry for the summer that has flown away. And the cold winter will soon come, People will celebrate soon New Year. In the meantime, autumn reigns here as its mistress, It is quietly drizzling with fine, fine rain. Leading:

So let's all sing a song together on this festive autumn day. SONG "Silence"


Autumn has come

Following the summer just in time

And gilded in the gardens

Every little leaf.

Leaves are flying in flocks,

Look, leaves are falling everywhere.

Autumn, autumn outside the window:


The rain is falling like peas,

The leaves are falling rustling...

How beautiful are you, autumn!


The leaves are embroidered with gold,

The paths are washed by the rain,

Mushrooms in bright caps,

You give us everything, autumn!


The leaves are spinning in the sky

The rain is falling,

We are running through puddles

Along the forest path!

The sun smiles

Sparkling gold

We all really like it

Autumn is golden!


Autumn, golden autumn,

Who, tell me, is not happy with you?

Only happens in autumn

Colorful leaf fall

Children perform the song “Deciduous” by Evtodieva.

Background - children sit down in their places.

(Appears to the music of Spring) Spring:

I have come from distant travels, I am young and cheerful. I shine with beauty, They call me Spring. In spring, life flows faster, Everything blooms and turns green. Nature wakes up and the sun smiles. Leading:

How did you get here, Spring? The time has not yet come to ring the drops outside the window, to carry a bouquet of lilacs into the house. Spring: I'm tired of waiting, I wanted to be a housewife. (Appears to Zim's music.)


Why, Vesna, are you separated?! I also found the owner! So I know how to manage things: And the loose snow in the fields turns white, Fresh, frosty in the morning. No wonder they call me Winter. Come on, kids, get up, everyone!

Repeat the cheerful dance after me. Dance with Winter “Come in a circle with me”

Leading: Has winter come? Well, how can that be? Come on, kids, we're in trouble! Everything in the world is confused, Where do these mischiefs come from? Winter:

Spring must leave here, Now only I will be the mistress. Spring:

But no! I won't leave! Now I'll drive you away! Summer appears in the hall. Summer:

Why are you arguing and shouting? You better both leave! After all, children love only summer. The sun is with me, there is a lot of light! Strawberries will ripen in the forest, Blackberries will ripen in the garden. Fragrant, spicy aroma. Any child is happy to fly! Leading: And are you the hostess? That's it! This is all just nonsense! Now I’ll ask one question. Please tell me: Who comes to us in September? Children answer (Autumn) Now is not your time, It’s time for Autumn, Harvesting, picking mushrooms. Yes, everything is clear here without words! (Appears to the music of Autumn)


Well, hello! Did you call me? And I came to your holiday. Although things didn’t go away, I still found time. And so I open the autumn ball and invite all the guys to the dance. We will spin with the leaves to the waltz, And have fun in the hall for a long, long time. Dance with umbrellasSummer:

Has it become important? Are you arrogant? You'll soon laugh. Autumn must be taught a lesson, Autumn must be put to sleep. We will be the masters alone, Let's forget about the daring Autumn! Spring:

I already have a plan, Let's enchant Autumn here! We'll give you harmful poison to drink, and we'll stop the Autumn Ball. Let him sleep heavily. Winter: I'll freeze all the children. It will be more fun for us. Children will soon forget Autumn. And she will break the spell then, When these children will love her rainy and gloomy again.


This is what you came up with successfully. (drink for Autumn)Winter:

I brought a beauty drink. You can drink it in no time. You will immediately become even more beautiful, Even though there is nothing more beautiful in nature than you! (Autumn drinks the drink and falls asleep.) Winter:

Everything worked out for us with Autumn, Now, guys, I’ll freeze you! Game “I’ll Freeze” Winter: Oh, well, it’s not working, For some reason the children are warming up. Spring:

Wait, here are the sweets, whoever eats them will start sneezing. Children, eat, don’t be shy, I ask you, help yourself. (Children eat candy and start sneezing).

A teacher appears in the hall.

Leading: What is it, what happened? Did something bad happen here? They don't celebrate the holiday in the hall, the children just sneeze. Autumn is sleeping. It's dark all around. Suddenly a cloud came over. It began to rain and it became damp. The guests immediately became depressed. We can't live without Autumn! We need to sing a song, friends! SONG: “Rain”


All “Rain! It’s raining!” repeat! They got along, they don’t understand: There will be no rain, and there will be no Autumn now. Leading:

Well, here's another one. Now I’ll argue with you here: Follow Spring, Summer. It is strictly established in nature: Beyond Autumn - Winter is dear. For her to cover the earth with snow, for spring to blossom with beauty, and for summer to give the sun to everyone, and for autumn to preserve everything. Dance “Drip-drip!” (with umbrellas).

Children ALL:

We are waiting for autumn, come back soon, to the warm circle of your friends! (Autumn wakes up)AUTUMN:

You freed me and returned me to my place: Between summer and winter I returned home again. I'll put everything in place. And my wondrous kingdom blooms with the radiance of colors. The peasant collects barley, drys hay for the animals, feeds chickens and hungry sheep. In a dense forest, mushrooms will dry for a whole year without worries. That's why people need me.


Now we won't forget it.


Now we understand everything ourselves, There is no need to change places. Winter:

For everyone there is a turn, New Year flows after year. Winter, Summer, Spring:

We are leaving, but we will definitely return when our time comes. Presenter:

That's it, friends, careless. Everything can be swapped. Now we will forget sadness, And we will still have fun. We continue the autumn ball

And we dedicate our poems to Autumn!


Thank you, autumn, you are very kind, and generous with autumn colors. We love you, dear Autumn, we dedicate autumn poems to you.


Oh, how much beauty autumn brings! How delightful these late flowers are: Beautiful asters and rowan clusters, Chrysanthemum bushes and bunches of viburnum.


And from the maples the leaves fly to us like letters. With myself, covering our beloved garden. Autumn leaves burn in the sun, They talk about the summer that has passed.


The leaves are spinning in front of everyone, The wind, jokingly, tossed them up. Once again the mistress of our garden, the beautiful Autumn wanders.


Yellow-green, red, Different leaves are spinning. The leaves in the garden are painted, small and large.


Autumn wind, wait, don’t rush to pick leaves hastily. Hide in the trees and breathe quietly, It’s so beautiful in our garden!


Autumn, golden autumn, Tell me who is not happy with you. It only happens in autumn, This miracle is leaf fall!

Children dance dance:

“Autumn knocks on our door like golden rain”


Haven't you played with me yet? Our harvest is good, the whole family will be fed! Guess by touch: What's in my basket? The game "What's in Autumn's Basket?" The Autumn basket is covered with a scarf, children guess the vegetables and fruits in the basket by touch, and take them out one by one. Presenter: We will ask Autumn to play with us again. Game "MAGIC SCARF"Cheerful music is playing, children move freely around the hall. Suddenly the music changes to a quieter sound. Children squat and cover their eyes with their palms. Autumn, opening a large scarf, goes around the children and covers one of them.Autumn:

One, two, three! Who was hiding inside? Don't yawn, don't yawn, answer quickly! Children name who is hiding. The child under the scarf jumps to cheerful music, and everyone else claps. Playing for the last time, Autumn covers the basket of apples that was quietly brought into the hall. Autumn:

And here are the gifts from Autumn! Yes, there is so much, enough for everyone! (Autumn gives out gifts)Autumn:

It’s time to close our autumn ball, and I was very glad to see you, kids. But you can't turn back time. And now is the hour when it’s time for me to hit the road.


Goodbye, autumn! We ask you to visit us next year.

→ Autumn holidays without date>" url="">

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A leaf fell from a birch tree,
And like a carpet, it covered the road.
2nd presenter:
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You are sparingly warming.
Yellow and scarlet
The sheets are spinning.
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Even the heaviest rain
I didn't wash this paint off.

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1st child.
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A migratory bird into the distance.
Autumn has spread wonderfully

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