Lard in a jar is the most delicious recipe. Lard in brine is the most delicious recipe in a jar for long-term storage

Salting lard for yourself and your family is an absolutely serious matter for a true lover of this time immemorial folk delicacy. However, there are several main methods of salting, which include: dry salting, salting in cold brine and cooking lard in hot brine. For long-term storage of salted products, methods of salting lard in brine at home are best suited.

Salting lard in brines

Salting meat and lard has long been popular and in a reliable way household supplies from the population. It allows you to store products in good quality relatively for a long time even in conditions of positive temperatures. Salting lard using brine is called wet salting, as opposed to the dry method, in which the raw product is simply rubbed with salt and spices. In the wet method of preparing salted lard, there are two main methods. The first of them is based on salting the product in cold, and the second - in hot brine.

Features of solutions

Brines are preservatives, which are salt solutions of water of varying concentrations. A classic solution for cold salting lard in brine can be prepared as follows: dissolve 320 g of salt and 20 g of sugar in two liters of water.

Salt is a good preservative for perishable foods. By impregnating the product, it dehydrates the microorganisms present here. The result is that microorganisms stop multiplying, their vital activity slows down significantly, and rapid spoilage of the product does not occur. Lard salted in cold brine does not spoil during the year under optimal storage conditions.

Simple and complex marinades

At home, lard is salted in both simple and complex brine. At simple brine Only salt is used. This brine is most often used in cases where it is necessary to salt the bacon. In addition to salt, ascorbic acid, sugar, various spices and seasonings are added to complex brines. Complex brine is often called a marinade in everyday life.

The marinade set contains the following spices:

  • allspice;
  • bay leaf;
  • cardamom;
  • coriander;
  • caraway;
  • anise;
  • garlic.

But all this is an optional part of the marinade. The list can always be adjusted to personal taste by excluding or adding something. After dissolving the salt in water, it is better to strain the solution to remove small insoluble substances. Salt contains pebbles, sand and other contaminants. What if the water is not very good? good quality(with a foreign odor, increased hardness), it is better to boil it.

Cold salting

There are many more recipes for cold salting lard in brine than every lover of this product might think. It is impossible to describe them all. We can say this: each owner or housewife has his own recipe, and what it is depends on taste and skill. The main thing is that it tastes good to you.

Recipe No. 1

Step by step Ukrainian recipe for those who want to learn how to properly salt lard in brine in a cold way:

Lard marinated according to this recipe turns out juicy and especially tasty. Lard is the part of fat that is removed from the side and back parts of the pork carcass. In these places, the lard has a thickness of 2.5 cm or more. You should know that bacon is never taken from the belly of the animal and is always- only from a pig, not a boar.

Optimal conditions

The brine for pickling should be cold - within from 2−4 degrees. This temperature is achieved in modern refrigerators on the top shelves. At higher temperatures, unfavorable processes can develop, leading to spoilage of the product even in a salty environment.

In order not to oversalt the brine, you must strictly adhere to the recommendations regarding the weight of the ingredients indicated in the recipes. 1 heaped tablespoon contains 30 g of salt and 25 g of sugar. And without a slide - 25 and 20 g, respectively.

It will be useful to know the following information:

Salting in hot brine

Another way of wet salting lard is its boiled version. In this case, the raw product is cooked for some time in boiling brine. The good thing about this method is that when cooking, possible pathogens that are dangerous to humans die in the product. And also lard becomes soft even in cases of hard raw materials. In addition, the cooked product will be salt more evenly and quickly than if you pickle it cold.

The shelf life of the product prepared in this way reaches several months (the official period is 6 months).

Recipe No. 2

And now for those who like to make lard in hot brine - the most delicious recipe:

Recipe No. 3

Many housewives like to pickle bacon in a jar for the winter. It can be done both hot and cold methods. It is recommended to know at least this method of how to pickle lard in brine, step by step recipe which is intended just for pickling in a jar:

Storing salted products

Since salting matters for the quality of products the right conditions storing them, then you shouldn’t waste time and wait until summer and winter. It is possible to create optimal conditions for storing salted meat products prepared using the wet method in the summer.

But you should always remember that best place Storing salted bacon in a low-temperature freezer. At any “plus temperature” such a product deteriorates very quickly. Although if it is too low (from “minus 10”) the taste does not improve. But you have to choose the lesser of two evils!

Lard is a traditional and popular product. Salting lard is still carried out in many homes today. The taste of properly prepared salted lard is soft, tender and melts in the mouth. Lard is also very useful product nutrition, especially necessary for the human body during the cold season.

Natural lard – fat can be beneficial

Every human body needs fats for normal functioning. Natural lard contains essential fatty acids involved in cell formation and metabolic processes. Salo prevents inflammation and colds, and is good for the skin, nerves, joints and bones. Eating it regularly is necessary for the mind, vision and beauty.

Composition of lard - useful substances:

  • arachidonic acid – a participant in the formation of hormones in the body;
  • healthy cholesterol, which increases the elasticity and flexibility of blood vessels;
  • saturated and unsaturated fatty acids necessary for proper metabolism;
  • vitamins – A, E, PP, D and group B;
  • minerals - calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, selenium, sodium, copper and others.

Like any medicine, lard is useful in small quantities - no more than 2-3 pieces with bread per day are allowed.

Lard is 100% animal fat, high in calories and difficult to digest, so it should be consumed moderately and periodically. Eating too much fat is bad for your figure and hard on your liver.

Choosing lard for salting

Before salting lard at home, you need to choose this product at the market or in a store.

Secrets the right choice lard for pickling:

  • fresh lard is cut smoothly and easily;
  • when cut it should be uniform white or pale pink shade, dark color usually with an old and stale product;
  • the pork skin should be thin, thick layer skins indicate insufficient feeding of the animal;
  • lard is a product that is subject to mandatory inspection by sanitary inspection authorities; the inspected product is marked with a quality and safety mark.

The choice of lard is a matter of personal taste. Some people choose pieces with wide layers of meat, while others prefer a uniform white layer. Some are delighted with the fat pork belly, others prefer lean ribs with a delicate layer of bacon.

Salting lard in brine

Salting lard at home can be done in different ways, hot way considered simple and popular. Thick and wide lard is suitable for this recipe.

Hot salting of lard in brine:

Lard for serving is cut better if you first put it in the freezer for a while. The bacon will freeze slightly; it will be convenient to cut it with a knife into thin and beautiful plates.

Salting lard in brine in a cold way allows you to get a dish of excellent taste, which does not turn yellow or age over time, and can be stored for a long time without losing its benefits and taste.

Quick salting of lard - four express methods

A quick recipe for salting lard is always an effect on it high temperatures. For this purpose, hot brine, cooking in the oven, slow cooker or microwave oven. At the same time, the taste of the dish only benefits - the spices give off all their aroma, the lard becomes as soft and tender as possible.

Method 1 - salted lard in 3 hours

How to pickle lard in a jar - the fastest and easiest recipe. Pieces of medium thickness - from 3 to 6 cm - are tightly placed in a glass jar, garlic is added there and salt is added to taste. Boiling water is poured into a jar with lard, salt and garlic. This recipe takes just a few hours to prepare. Ready salted lard Stored in the refrigerator, it should be consumed within a week.

Method 2 - lard in the oven

To make delicious baked lard, you need to use different seasonings, garlic, herbs and herbs during the cooking process. They give the product all its taste and aroma, the result is a truly festive dish.

For this recipe in the oven, a thick and long piece of lard with a good layer of meat is suitable. It must be generously rubbed with Adyghe salt with herbs and garlic, then add spices, you can use special composition for pork with dry mustard, turmeric and spices. Cuts should be made on top in which the garlic is placed, the lard is rubbed with adjika. The prepared product is wrapped in a bag and put in the refrigerator for an hour. The dish is cooked in the oven at a temperature of about 200° for 1.5-2 hours, depending on the size of the piece. Ready dish can be served immediately.

Method 3 - cooking lard in a slow cooker

The multicooker has become a friend and kitchen assistant for many housewives. It will allow you to quickly and tasty prepare lard. It is better to take a piece that is not too thick, which will fit on the grill of the multicooker, with beautiful alternating layers of lard and meat. The selected product is generously rubbed with salt, grated garlic, seasonings and spices. Next, it should be placed in a baking sleeve and left to marinate for half an hour at room temperature. Pour a glass of water into the multicooker bowl and install a wire rack. The dish is prepared within an hour in steaming mode.

Method 4 – salting lard in a bag

How to deliciously pickle lard at home? Get something nice and spicy quickly homemade lard You can use a regular plastic bag. For 2 kg you will need 150 grams of salt, a pinch of ground black and red pepper, and a few cloves of garlic. The lard is cut into small cubes, no more than 4 cm wide, which should be cut across for high-quality and quick salting. The pieces need to be rubbed with salt, sprinkled with a mixture of peppers, and garlic inserted into the cuts. The prepared product is placed in a bag and put in the refrigerator. After three days, you can taste the readiness of the lard.

Salting lard - original recipes for lovers

Salting lard in brine at home presents many interesting ways and original cooking methods. Each housewife can modify the recipe in accordance with personal taste preferences and family preferences.

Recipe No. 1 Salted lard in brine

A strong salt solution or brine for salting lard can significantly increase the shelf life of the product, without compromising its taste and benefits. For 2 kg of lard you will need 2 glasses of water, a glass of salt, several bay leaves, peppercorns and garlic. The water must be brought to a boil, salt dissolved in it and then boiled for another 15 minutes. Allow the liquid to cool, and at this time fill a three-liter jar with small pieces of lard, mixed with spices and garlic. Fill the jar to the brim with brine and keep it in a cool, dark place for a week. Pack the finished product in cling film and put it in the refrigerator.

Recipe No. 2 Spicy lard with garlic and spices

Dry salting of lard with garlic allows you to salt layers of any size - large or medium. For spiciness, it is best to take a mixture of special spices for lard, sold by weight. The garlic for this recipe should be put through a garlic press or finely chopped with a knife. The bottom of the pickling jar is covered with a layer of salt, then pieces are placed, sprinkled with seasoning and rubbed with garlic.

Add a little more salt under the lid. The minimum dry salting time is one week. Before freezing, the product is removed from the jar, excess salt and spices are removed, wrapped in cellophane, foil or parchment, and stored.

Lard is a high-fat product that is friendly with salt and seasonings. You don’t have to be afraid to over-salt or over-pepper the lard; it will absorb as much salt, spiciness and aroma as it needs.

Recipe No. 3 Salting lard for smoking

Many gourmets are interested in how to salt lard for smoking, because it is aromatic and original dish irreplaceable as a snack on the festive and everyday table. For this recipe, you need pure pork fat in one mass of one and a half kilograms. The lard is washed and dried, grated, broken bay leaves, crushed black peppercorns, mustard powder and delicious Adyghe salt are mixed separately.

A piece of bacon must be pierced with a knife, and the prepared spices must be driven into it with force. A few tablespoons of salt are poured into the bottom of a pan of suitable volume, apple or cherry chips are laid out on top, and a piece of lard is placed on top. Fill the pan with boiling water under the edges. The dishes are covered with a lid and placed in the refrigerator for 1 week. Immediately before smoking, the workpiece is removed from the pan and washed to remove any remaining salt and spices. This smoked lard turns out to be delicate in taste, aromatic and appetizing.

Recipe No. 4 Garlic lard with herbs

Lard with herbs and garlic is a delicious savory dish with which you can surprise your friends and delight your family. For this recipe, you need to prepare small pieces by carefully peeling the skin or cutting it off completely. The garlic is cut into thin slices, with which the pieces are generously stuffed. In a separate bowl, mix salt, spices and herbs. Each piece is carefully processed with this mixture. A suitable jar is well filled with lard, and a couple more tablespoons of salt should be added on top. The jar is closed with a lid and shaken so that the salt and seasonings are evenly distributed. Lard is prepared in the refrigerator for 5-7 days.

How to salt lard deliciously? Spices and lard inseparable, seasonings emphasize the unique taste of bacon, giving the product a rich and rich aroma. Traditionally, lard is salted in combination with garlic, bay leaf and ground black pepper. Other seasonings for salting are selected individually, depending on the taste and preferences of each person.

Ideal spices for meat and lard:

  • paprika adds spice and bright colors;
  • coriander enriches the product with a sweetish taste and spicy aroma;
  • Ground black pepper has a traditional taste and deep aroma;
  • black peppercorns – used for hot brines and marinades;
  • red pepper is the spicy notes and peppery smell of meat dishes;
  • mustard – ready-made, powder or seeds, for those who especially love it;
  • – a spicy ingredient for benefit and taste;
  • basil - lard with it will be appetizing, tasty and fragrant;
  • saffron carries a rich aroma with unique oriental notes;
  • cloves - added to marinades and brines for home-made salting of lard.

Lard easily absorbs foreign odors, so you need to keep an eye on its neighbors on the freezer and refrigerator shelves. This product must be stored separately - in cling film, plastic bag or an airtight container.

Salting is a reliable method of long-term preservation of meat and fish products, proven over time and generations. Salting lard in brine according to a recipe in a jar is a simple and accessible way for everyone. As a result, the table will be fragrant and delicious dish, which is guaranteed to please guests and household members.

Video recipes for salting lard

Lard as a food product is popular not only in Russia, but also in Europe and even America. Each country has its own unique recipes its preparations range from melted to boiled and fried. Here in Russia, salted lard is in special demand. It is with this method of preparation that this product, when consumed in reasonable quantities, not only does not harm the body, but also helps it to function fully. Aromatic salty lard goes well with boiled potatoes, borscht and stewed vegetables. Recipes for salting lard amaze the imagination with their diversity and imagination of culinary specialists. One of the most delicious types of this nutritious product is lard, salted in a jar.

Lard in a jar: dry salting
This method of pickling is extremely simple both in the quantity of ingredients required and in the cooking technology itself.
  1. Sterilize a three-liter jar and prepare a plastic lid.
  2. Cut the lard into medium-sized pieces (about 7 by 10 cm).
  3. Mix iodine-free salt (about 300 grams) with black pepper. For pickling, it is better to use freshly ground peas, since they are much more flavorful than those sold in powder form.
  4. Add 2-3 finely chopped bay leaves to the mixture, and if you want the lard to taste spicy, don’t forget about red pepper.
  5. Carefully and generously rub the pieces of lard with the resulting aromatic mixture.
  6. Place a layer of salt and spice mixture on the bottom of the jar.
  7. Lay the layers as closely as possible to each other in layers, additionally spilling each level and filling empty spaces with salt or smaller pieces.
  8. When the carefully compacted lard reaches the top level of the jar, pour top layer salt and close the jar tightly with a lid. If you plan to store the product for a long time, it is better to roll up the container to avoid the interaction of lard with oxygen, which can lead to yellowing of the product and loss of taste.
  9. Keep the vessels under plastic lids in the refrigerator, and rolled up jars in a cool, dark place (for example, in a cellar).
Cooking lard in brine
This method is remarkable in that the lard acquires not only an appetizing smell and most delicate taste, but also pleasant softness. Lard salted in this way can be stored long time, placing it in the freezer in a plastic bag. At the same time, it is easy to cut almost immediately upon removal from the chamber and fills the kitchen with a unique aroma!
  1. Sterilize a three-liter jar and prepare a lid.
  2. Boil the water for the brine in advance so that it is lukewarm when you use it.
  3. Finely chop 3-4 heads of garlic, grind 15-20 black peppercorns in a coffee grinder.
  4. Mix spices with water and add non-iodized salt at the rate of 5 tablespoons per 1 liter of water.
  5. Cut the lard into small elongated layers (maximum 10 cm in length).
  6. Lay the pieces in layers, tightly together, until you fill the entire jar.
  7. Carefully pour brine to the top of the jar; make sure that all the gaps between the pieces of lard are filled with it.
  8. Cover the container with a lid and refrigerate for 3-4 days. The product is ready to use! If you have prepared too much salted lard, after the specified period has passed, remove the pieces from the jar, blot them with a napkin and put them in a bag and place them in the freezer.
Hot salted lard in a jar
The recipe for cooking this way is a little more complicated than the previous ones, but thanks to this method you will get a product with the most delicate and exquisite taste, since the lard languishes “in own juice”, while absorbing all the aromas of the spices!
  1. Cut lard that is not too thick with layers into small layers.
  2. Stuff the plates lengthwise with chopped garlic cloves, making small cuts in the pieces.
  3. Prepare a mixture of coarse salt, ground black pepper, chopped allspice, pieces of bay leaf; red pepper and cumin - at your discretion.
  4. Generously coat the lard in a mixture of salt and spices.
  5. Place the plates tightly in a sterilized jar, as close to each other as possible, to the very top.
  6. Place a lidded jar of lard in a large saucepan and fill the dish with water up to the hanger of the jar.
  7. Keep the lard in a water bath for 1 hour, then remove the pieces from the jar and let them cool.
  8. Wrap the lard in parchment, each piece separately, and store in the freezer. The taste of this lard is reminiscent of boiled-smoked lard, and when frozen it is easily cut into slices.
As you can see, there is nothing easier to prepare and more enjoyable to eat than the most aromatic salted lard! Good luck with your salting - and bon appetit!

Many housewives' homemade preparations are not limited to pickles, compotes and jams. For example, you can salt lard in a jar, and we will now tell you the most delicious recipes. This appetizer will add variety to any table, even a modest one.

How to deliciously pickle lard in a jar?


  • salt – 300 g;
  • – 2 pcs.;
  • raw lard – 1 kg.


First, we prepare a three-liter jar: wash it, sterilize it and wipe it dry with a towel. We process the lard, rinse it and cut it into small pieces of equal sizes. Mix salt with ground pepper and add finely chopped dry bay leaf. Now rub the pieces of lard with the aromatic mixture, and pour the rest into the bottom of the prepared jar. We lay out the layers of meat product tightly next to each other in layers, additionally sprinkling each level with fine salt. When the lard fills the entire jar, add another small layer of salt on top and tightly close the container with a lid. If you want to preserve the product longer, it is best to roll the product. That's all delicious lard in a jar, ready for use in a few days.

Recipe for delicious lard in brine in a jar

Lard salted in this way can be stored for a long time by wrapping it tightly in a paper bag and placing it in the freezer. At the same time, it is quite easy to cut with a sharp knife and fills the kitchen with a delicious, unique aroma! See for yourself!


  • garlic – 3 heads;
  • peppercorns – 15 pcs.;
  • water – 1 l;
  • non-iodized salt – 5 tbsp. spoon;
  • lard – 1 kg.


We wash the three-liter jar in advance, sterilize it and prepare the lid. In a small saucepan, boil water for the brine, and then cool it until warm. We peel the garlic, chop it finely, and grind the black peppercorns in a blender or coffee grinder. Now mix the spices with filtered cooled water and add non-iodized salt. Rinse the lard, blot it with a towel and cut it into small elongated slices. We lay out the pieces in layers, closer to each other, until the entire jar is completely filled. Then carefully pour in the cold brine, cover the container with a lid and put it in the refrigerator for 3 days. After time, delicious lard in brine in a jar is ready to eat! If you have prepared a lot of salted lard, then simply remove it from the jar, blot each piece with a napkin and, putting it in a bag, put it in the freezer for storage.

The most delicious recipe for boiled lard in a jar


  • raw lard with a layer of meat – 1 kg;
  • garlic - to taste;
  • coarse sea salt;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • dry bay leaf – 2 pcs.;
  • - optional.


We wash the lard with layers, blot it with a towel and cut it into thin layers. We peel the garlic, chop it into slices and stuff it with lard, making small cuts with a knife. From coarse sea salt, ground black pepper, pieces of bay leaf and cumin, prepare a fragrant dry mixture. Generously roll the lard in this mass of spices and put it in a pre-sterilized jar, as close to each other as possible. Now put the container in a deep pan and fill the dishes cold water up to the shoulders. We keep the most delicious lard in a jar in a water bath for about 1 hour, and then carefully remove the pieces and let them cool. Wrap the lard individually in parchment and put it in the freezer for storage. This lard tastes like a smoked delicacy and is very easy to cut into slices when frozen.

There are a great many ways to prepare lard. It can be smoked, boiled in onion skins, fry over coals, bake in a sleeve, salt in a brine, marinate or coat with a garlic-pepper mixture. Lard in brine is especially tender, aromatic and moderately salty, the most delicious recipe for which, in addition to salt and sugar, includes spices and dry herbs.

Secrets of choosing lard

  • When buying bacon at the market, feel free to smell the piece you like. High-quality lard should have a subtle smell of smoke from the straw that was used to smear the pork carcass.
  • Visual inspection: first-class lard should have a dense, but not gristly, consistency and a well-fitting, soft skin, without scorching or stubble. The color of a good product is snow-white or with a pinkish tint.
  • Beautiful looking pieces with a large number It is better not to buy thick meat veins, as this will result in cold pickling the lard will turn out “rubbery”. Lard with layers is ideal for smoking or boiling in onion skins.

Recipe for cooking lard in cold spicy brine


  • lard with a small amount of meat layers - 1 kg
  • water – 1 l
  • bay leaf – 4 pcs.
  • rosemary – 1 pinch
  • oregano – 1/2 tsp.
  • basil – 1 tsp.
  • allspice and black pepper – 7 peas each
  • juniper berries – 5-6 pcs.
  • garlic – 5 cloves
  • salt – 100 g.


  1. Dissolve in hot water salt, boil the brine for 10 minutes. Then put in it crushed peppercorns, dry herbs and broken small pieces bay leaves. Add crushed juniper berries and turn off heat.
  2. Cover the brine with a lid and leave it to cool in a cool room.
  3. Start preparing the lard. Scrape the surface of the bacon with a dull knife blade, especially the skin. If the lard is stained with blood, rinse it under cold water and dry with paper towels.
  4. Cut into long strips 6-7 cm wide or into cubes with the same size edges.
  5. Peel and coarsely chop the garlic.
  6. Place lard mixed with chopped garlic in a steam-sterilized three-liter jar. Fill it with cooled spicy brine, tie a canvas cloth around the neck of the jar and place it in the cellar or refrigerator for 5-7 days.
  7. At the end of salting, remove the lard cubes from the jar, dry them, and roll them in a mixture of peppers and herbs. Wrap the finished product in parchment and put it in the refrigerator.

Recipe for cooking lard in hot brine


  • lard – 1-1.2 kg
  • water – 7 glasses
  • salt – 8 tbsp. l.
  • cloves – 5 buds
  • bay leaf – 4 pcs.
  • ground chili pepper – 1 tsp.
  • whole black and allspice – 8-10 peas each
  • ground paprika – 3 tsp.
  • garlic – 12 cloves.


Recipe for salting lard in brine

Lard prepared in this way is excellently stored, does not spoil for a long time and retains its taste.


  • thick bacon without meat streaks weighing about 2 kg
  • water – 1 l
  • coarse, non-iodized salt – 1 cup
  • bay leaf – 5 pcs.
  • black peppercorns – 1 tsp. no slide.


  1. Boil concentrated brine (brine) from salt and water and cool it.
  2. Cut the lard, thoroughly cleaned on all sides, into 5x10 cm bars.
  3. Adding peppercorns and bay leaves between the layers, place the pieces of lard in a three-liter jar without pressing.
  4. Pour the cooled brine into the jar, cover with a saucer and leave at room temperature for a week. Then put the jar in the refrigerator for storage.
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