Peaches for the winter, recipes with photos. Nutritious salad with spicy chicken and grapes

Peaches are a delicious fruit that is excellent not only fresh, but also in canned. Excellent preservation peaches in syrup. This is a wonderful delicacy, healthy and flavorful.

Which are closed in halves, need to be peeled, are wonderful as a dessert, and the fruit makes excellent sweet dishes. Preservation in syrup is combined with various doughs. Pies, cakes and other baked goods are delicious.

To ensure that peaches are tasty and do not disappoint, give preference to dense fruits; they may be slightly underripe, without rot or dents. We offer a recipe for halved peaches in a sweet syrup that will please everyone who tastes them.

Cooking recipe

For delicious preparation we need components:

  • peaches - 2 kilos;
  • sugar - 400 grams;
  • ordinary water - liter;
  • citric acid - 2 spoons.
All peaches must be washed and dried with a towel to keep them dry. We cut each fruit lengthwise using a knife, then use your palms to carefully roll the halves into different sides. The peach will split in half. We take out the seeds and then peel off the skin.

We put the fruit halves into jars, which will need to be sterilized first. This can be done in the oven, in a pan of water, steamed, in a double boiler or in a slow cooker. Place the peaches tightly, but not too tightly, pressing the halves together. This is necessary so that the fruit retains its shape and does not get squeezed.

Pour water into a saucepan and boil. Then you will need to pour boiling water over the peaches that are in the jar. We close them with lids that were previously boiled for 5 minutes. The fruits should stand in the jar for 20 minutes.

Pour water from the jars back into the pan. Pour sugar and citric acid into it, and then boil for several minutes. We pour the water into the jars again and roll them up. The jars will need to be turned over, be sure to wrap them and leave them until they cool completely.

Cooking peaches in syrup is quick and easy; no special skills are required to make the preserved food incredibly tasty and appetizing. Homemade preserves must be stored in the basement, cellar or refrigerator. In winter, peaches can be used as a dessert, to make a pie; soufflés, mousses, and drinks are very tasty. Be sure to let your guests try the appetizer; they will be delighted with the peaches in syrup and admire their unusual taste and pleasant smell.

Peaches are the most fragrant, aromatic and incredibly delicious fruit among all the others. This year the peach harvest, like the apricot harvest, was very large. This means we will harvest this fruit for the winter and in large quantities.

Since we don’t have a peach orchard, we’ll have to buy it at the market. I was at the vegetable market to choose peaches and guess what, the peaches have grown so big that they will soon overtake the melon. There are plenty of peaches, but I want to make a compote from whole peaches, but they don’t fit into the jar.

I twisted and turned and had to walk around the entire bazaar. In the far corner, to the side, I saw a grandmother with peaches, I was drawn to her by such a fragrant, fragrant smell. Peaches. so average, unattractive, and I ask my grandmother why her peaches are such.

The grandmother responded and said: I didn’t raise my son like that for the market. This year the harvest is large and I decided to sell the surplus. Yes, what does chemistry do, the market is big, there are a lot of peaches, but you can’t smell the peach, maybe there is one somewhere, just not in our market.

I bought some leftovers from my grandmother, they fit into a jar, and I went home to make compote.

My advice: approach the issue responsibly - the more carefully you select the fruits for canning, the more pleasant it will be to open a jar in winter. You need special peaches.

Fragrant - that's it: only expressively smelling fruits are worthy of delighting you on long frosty evenings. Others will not give a characteristic aroma, canned syrup It will remain just a syrup of sugar and water.

Ripe means two things: unripe peaches are suitable for jam in the form of candied fruits, but not for compote. A little firm is three: if you ultimately want to get whole canned peaches in a delicious syrup, you need dense, elastic fruits. Overripe soft peaches will easily turn into mush.

And now think about how and where to find fragrant, hard, but ripe fruits that you can greedily hide in jars so that you can enjoy the summer in winter. Let's assume that the peaches are in your pocket and go to the kitchen to start cooking.

Quick peach compote in 3-liter jars without sterilization

So let's get started with our recipe:
To prepare peach compote you will need (for 3 liter jar):

  1. Slightly underripe peaches (firm).
  2. 1 tbsp. sugar (250 ml.).
  3. Water.

Recipe for making peach compote:

Thoroughly wash the peaches selected for canning to remove fluff.
Pour the fruits into the prepared jar approximately 1/3 -1/2 of its total volume. Pour freshly boiled water over the peaches and cover tin lid and leave to infuse for 20-30 minutes. Then drain the water, add sugar and boil again. If you like your peaches to be softer, pour them three times...
Pour the resulting syrup over the peaches, roll them up and leave them to air cool, turning them upside down. This delicious homemade recipe will definitely cheer you up in the cold winter!

Eating compote peaches in winter is an incredible pleasure! And canning them... is not that difficult, but it takes a little longer than other fruits. The wonderful velvety skin of peaches in compote becomes tasteless. Therefore, before harvesting, peaches for compotes, preserves and jams must be blanched - dipped in boiling water for half a minute, and then cooled in cold water and pull off the skin. A little patience and fingertips burned with impatience - and a wonderful peach compote is finished!

Peach compote with pits - a simple recipe with photos

Peach compote for the winter must be closed in the summer, when this fruit ripens and is natural product no additives. Compote from such ripe juicy peaches will turn out to be incredibly rich and tasty.

A step-by-step recipe for peach compote for the winter with photos will clearly and in detail tell you about each stage of creating a natural dessert drink. There is nothing better than making your own sweet drink for a holiday or just for dessert on a weekday!

At home, compote of peaches with pits is very simple to prepare, but today we will tell you not only about the method of cooking the compote itself. Also in this recipe you will learn how to sterilize jars with peaches inside.

Compote is better than any other drink only because during the preparation process it fully retains its vitamins and minerals. The concentration of this peach flavor is quite high, but the compote will still not be oversaturated and can easily quench your thirst.

So, let’s start preparing a delicious peach compote for the winter as soon as possible!


  • Peach (5-6 pcs. per 2 liter jar)
  • Granulated sugar (1-1.5 cups per 2-liter jar)

Cooking steps

1. To cover the peach compote for the winter, purchase ripe and dense fruits that will not spread during their preparation. Wash all peaches thoroughly in cold water.

2. Prepare 2-liter jars for sealing, rinse them thoroughly and pour boiling water over them. Place the prepared peaches in each jar, add sugar there too: the amount depends on your personal preferences.

3. Fill each jar almost to the very top with prepared boiling water.

4. The sterilization process, unlike other compote recipes, will take place directly with the peaches in the jars. Pour water into a wide, large bowl so that when you immerse a jar of peaches in it, the water reaches it exactly halfway or a little higher. Bring the water in a saucepan or selected bowl to a boil, place on the base of the pan soft cloth: so when the iron bottom comes into contact with glass jar the latter will not burst. Place a jar of peaches in boiling water onto a cloth.

5.Now add the missing amount of boiling water to the jar.

6. Very carefully fill the lid with the same boiling water to seal it.

7. Cover the neck of the jar with peaches in the pan with the prepared lid.

9. Within 10-15 minutes, the jar will be sterilized in boiling water, after which it can be taken out and sealed very quickly.

10. Shake the finished jar slightly and check that the lid is tightly screwed on.

11. Shake the jar until granulated sugar at the bottom will not completely dissolve in boiling water.

12. Place the jar upside down and leave it until it cools completely. After cooling, we transfer the peach compote preparations to a dark, dry and cool place: there they will be stored until winter.

A simple and, at the same time, delicious peach compote, sealed for the winter, is ready!

Peach compote for the winter in a liter jar

The conservation process was invented by the Frenchman Nicolas François Appert in the late 18th century. He discovered and described a long-term method of storing vegetables, fruits and meat in hermetically sealed glass containers. This invention was immediately introduced into the warring French army, which completely resolved the issue of storing food for soldiers.

Did Apper know how to can peaches? Perhaps yes. By that time they were already a recognized fruit throughout France. In the 1st century, the peach from Persia came to Europe, where it gained popularity among chefs and fruit lovers. And China is considered the birthplace of the fragrant peach. From there it came to Iran, and then spread throughout the globe. The discovery of the French chef now helps preserve canned peaches and other fruits for many months.


  • Peaches – 300 g
  • Sugar – 150 g
  • Citric acid – ¼ tsp.
  • Water – 500 ml

Make canned peaches with us. The recipe with photos will clearly show the main steps in the process of preserving these aromatic fruits.

The very first thing before canning peaches is to prepare jars for sealing the fruit. To do this, take a liter jar, wash it well with soda, and then rinse with water. Now let's sterilize the jar. To do this, fill the pan ¼ full with water. Place a liter jar in it with the neck down. Then boil the jar in water for 5 minutes. Boil the canning lid in water for 1 minute or wipe it with alcohol.

Wash and sterilize jars and lids for storing peaches for 5 minutes.

Wash the peaches well in water with the addition of soda.

After washing, rinse each fruit with running water. Then rinse the washed peaches thoroughly under running water.

Place the washed peaches in sterilized jars.

Then pour it into the jar citric acid¼ tsp.

Now prepare the syrup for pouring the peaches. Pour 0.150 kg of sugar into the pan.

Then fill it with 500 ml of water. Mix the sugar in the water with a spoon.

Add half a liter of water to the sugar. Stir the syrup until the sugar dissolves, bring to a boil and cook for 2 minutes. Pour boiling syrup over peaches in a jar.

Cover each jar with a sterile lid

Now we will sterilize the jar of peaches in syrup. Place a clean cloth on the bottom of the pan. Place a jar of peaches on it and pour hot water up to 2/3 of the height of the can. Bring the water in the pan to a boil and sterilize the peaches for 10 minutes.

  • We roll up the sterilized peaches with a lid for preservation.

  • We turn the preserved jar upside down and cover it with a towel or blanket. We move the cooled canned peaches to the place where they are stored.

Before cooling completely, place the finished compotes in a blanket, placing the jars on the neck. Once the canned food has cooled, place it in a cool place and store it until ready to serve.

Bon appetit.

Tender sweet slices of peaches will bring real pleasure during the cold season! This preparation is similar canned peaches, which are sold in stores and supermarkets. Preparing peaches in syrup for the winter at home is not difficult. The recipe is simple and clear. The most important point in this important event there will probably be right choice peaches Fragrant fruits should be ripe, with a well-separated stone. Choose whole peaches that are not crushed, without rotten areas or spots. It's good if the peaches are approximately the same size.

Prepare products based on:

  • 1 kg peaches
  • 200 g granulated sugar
  • 1 l clean water for syrup
  • you will also need 1 tsp. lemon juice or a small pinch of citric acid

Method for preparing peaches in syrup for the winter

We'll start by preparing the peaches themselves. We need to remove the pit and carefully remove the skin.

Let's deal with the skin first. Rinse the peaches and place them in a heatproof bowl. Pour boiling water over the fruit and leave it completely submerged in boiling water for 1 minute. Then drain the water and rinse the peaches themselves. cold water. You can simply remove the peaches from the water with a tablespoon and place them in a pre-prepared and standing nearby bowl with ice water. This technique will stop the peaches from heating any further.

Now, using a small knife, try to carefully begin to separate the skin from the pulp; it should come off easily. Thus, you need to peel all the fruits from the thin peel.

Let's take care of the bones. Again, use a small knife to cut around the circumference of each peach, cutting all the way down to the pit. Using a knife inserted into the slot, make one or two spreading movements and the peach should easily separate into two halves. One will be “clean”, and from the second you will have to pry it with a knife and carefully remove the remaining bone. The slices are ready for further preparation! Set them aside for now and prepare sugar syrup.

Combine water and sugar in a saucepan or ladle, add a little lemon juice or citric acid. Bring everything together to a boil. Place peach slices in boiling syrup.

As soon as the syrup boils along with the peaches, boil it for literally 30-40 seconds and immediately put the slices into sterile jars and pour more boiling syrup. Seal the jars carefully and check for leaks by turning them upside down. Now you can leave the jars under a warm shelter until they cool completely.

All that remains is to label the jars and store them in your home pantry until winter.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not specified

I always really loved opening a jar of fruit compote in winter and enjoying its summer aromatic taste, and then eating sweet pears or peaches that my mother put in the jar and filled with syrup. Mom often used such fruits to prepare desserts and fillings to delight us with a wonderful taste on cold winter days.
And recently, I started making peaches in syrup for the winter without sterilization. This is very important for me, because this year our favorite tree at the dacha produced its first full harvest of fruit, and we want to preserve it as best as possible for the winter.
I didn’t like peaches for a long time until I tried the sweet, juicy fruits straight from the tree while on vacation at the seaside, and since then I’ve had the idea of ​​getting such a tree in my dacha. I’ll say right away that it wasn’t easy, because peaches are heat-loving southern trees and more than once during the harsh winter they simply froze to death, despite the fact that we carefully covered them. But, finally, we have found a zoned variety that is perfectly suited for our latitudes and temperature conditions, and we already enjoy the taste of juicy sweet peaches.
To preserve their taste as much as possible, I pick the fruits directly from the tree when they are slightly unripe, boil them in sugar syrup and quickly transfer them into jars, and then bring the syrup to a boil and pour it into the peaches. After that, as usual, I close the jars with lids, and in winter we have a ready-made dessert.

So, how to cook peaches in syrup without sterilization for the winter (recipe with photo)

- peach fruits – 1 kg,
- granulated sugar – 200 g,
- water – 1 l,
- citric acid – 1 tsp.

Recipe with photos step by step:

Most labor-intensive process, is to prepare the fruits. To do this, we harvest the fruits from the trees a little earlier so that the peaches are slightly firm. Or we buy fruits so that they are ripe, but still so that they can sit for a couple of days and ripen.
Then rinse the fruits thoroughly to remove white coating and then wipe them dry.
After this, cut the peaches in half and remove the pits.

Now we cook the syrup, this is a simple process, you need to add sugar and citric acid crystals to boiling water. And then just stir and the syrup is essentially ready.

Carefully lower the peach fruits into the bubbling syrup, stir with a spatula and bring to a boil. It is important that the peaches do not boil, but are only soaked in syrup.

After this, transfer the fruits using a slotted spoon into clean, sterilized jars. Moreover, we fill the jars to the very top. If the peel begins to peel off the peaches, you can safely remove it.

Bring the remaining syrup in the pan to a boil again and immediately pour it over the peaches.

We close the jars with lids (you can use jars with twist-off threads). And be sure to wrap it warmly in order to keep it warm in conservation for as long as possible.
When the jars have cooled, we take them to the basement for storage.

Bon appetit!

Let us remind you that last time we prepared

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