Vegetables are healthier than fruits. Which fruit is the healthiest for the human body? The benefits of eating vegetables and fruits briefly

Fruits - along with vegetables, best helpers beauty and health. The benefit of fruits is that they do not require heat treatment. The great benefits of fruits lie in their ability to prevent disease and maintain excellent health throughout the lifespan. many years life. They are a valuable source of vitamins, fiber and minerals, such as antioxidants - beta-carotene (vitamin A) and vitamin C, which protect cells from aging and disease.
According to their taste and acid content, fruits can be divided into sour, semi-acid, sweet and neutral.
The benefit of sour fruits is that they are rich in acid and substances that reduce cholesterol levels, control the excretion of uric acid and break down saturated fats.
Semi-acid fruits, soft with less acid. They have enormous biological value and are rich in proteins.
Sweet fruits lack acid. They are rich in vitamins C; A; E; B vitamins. In turn, neutral fruits that do not have a distinct taste contain proteins, vitamins, minerals and trace elements.
It is advisable to eat at least 5 servings of various fruits and vegetables every day. And so 1 serving is considered to be an apple or orange, a cup of small berries (raspberries or currants), 3-5 tablespoons with the top of prepared vegetables, 1 glass of natural fruit juice or a medium plate fresh salad. As for fruit juices, it is recommended to drink them 1 hour before or after meals, and do not overuse juices made from sour fruits.

Fruits can completely replace high-calorie desserts, as they have a rich variety of tastes and are completely absorbed by the body without risk to the figure.

Enjoy a rich variety of fruits without harming your figure and with health benefits!

10 best foods to cleanse your body. Be sure to save it for yourself!

1. Almonds
This nut is high in fiber, calcium, magnesium, and protein, which help stabilize blood sugar levels. And monosaturated fats, which are also very high in almonds, help remove cholesterol from the body and cleanse the intestines.

2. Avocado
This fruit lowers cholesterol and dilates blood vessels. Avocados contain the nutrient glutathione, which blocks 30 different carcinogens, helping the liver rid itself of toxins. Research shows that older people who have high level glutathione, are less likely to suffer from arthritis.

3. Beetroot
This vegetable contains a unique set of minerals, which makes it an excellent infection fighter and an assistant in cleansing the blood and liver. Beets also stabilize the acid-base balance of the blood. According to legend, Aphrodite ate beets to maintain her beauty.

4. Blueberries
This berry contains natural aspirin, which helps reduce pain and eliminate the effects of chronic inflammation. Blueberries act in the same way as antibiotics, blocking bacteria in the urinary tract, thus helping to avoid infection.

5. Cabbage
It contains numerous antioxidant compounds that help the liver get rid of harmful substances. Cabbage is high in fiber, so it increases intestinal motility and cleanses the digestive tract. In addition, cabbage and other cruciferous vegetables can neutralize harmful compounds from tobacco smoke.

6. Cranberry
The berry acts on the principle of a powerful antibiotic and antiviral substance, cleansing the bladder and urinary tract from harmful bacteria. Cranberry is an excellent antioxidant; it is rich in substances that protect cells from the harmful effects of free radicals.

7. Flax-seed and linseed oil
These foods are rich in essential fatty acids such as omega-3 - they have great value to cleanse the body, maintain immune system and brain performance. The health of every cell in the body depends on getting enough of these fatty acids

9. Legumes
Beans, peas, lentils, chickpeas, and beans can lower cholesterol, cleanse the intestines and normalize blood sugar levels. Legumes also help protect the body from oncological diseases.

10. Lemon
This citrus regulates the level of acid-base balance in the body. In addition, it contains a lot of vitamin C and other vitamins necessary for the body to produce glutathione - this substance is an excellent liver cleanser. Vitamin C and antioxidants contained in lemon protect against cancer and fight the effects of pollution and cell damage.

Hello dear readers! I once promised to write in more detail about the special benefits of fruits and vegetables. Let's take a look at why it is important to include them in your diet regularly.

  • Fruits and vegetables are helpers in cleansing the body. They contain a lot of fiber, which is so necessary for proper operation intestines, and also help remove toxins and harmful substances from the body
  • Fruits contain natural fluids that are beneficial to our cells.
  • Fruits and vegetables are a storehouse of valuable vitamins and microelements necessary for the smooth functioning of internal organs.
  • They contain substances that can prevent the onset of many serious diseases.
  • They contain a maximum of nutrients and at the same time a minimum of calories, this is best way get enough and don't gain weight

Separately, green leafy vegetables can be distinguished, such as parsley, celery, dill and many others. You can learn about the benefits of greens and drinking green smoothies in the article “Add greens to your diet!”

Various studies confirm:

  1. Vegetables and fruits protect against all types of cancer if consumed in large quantities sufficient quantities. This is confirmed by hundreds of scientific studies.
  2. Raw vegetables have the most powerful anti-cancer properties among foods.

Eating more fruits, green vegetables and beans will be very beneficial for the body. This is the key to both losing weight and improving your health.

Studies have found that those who eat more fruits and vegetables have stronger bones.
Green leafy vegetables are also very effective in reducing the number of hip fractures,
They contain a lot of not only calcium, but also other useful substances, such as
like vitamin K, it is what makes bones stronger.

Separately, I would like to say about fruits

Fruits are vital for our health. They provide the strongest protection against cancer, especially digestive cancer.

Research shows that fruits contain special substances that act as a preventative against brain aging processes.

Our body needs sweets, but instead of sugar and other sweets we should consume more fresh fruit and others useful plants, from which we get not only a source of energy, but also many other elements that help prevent many health problems.

“I recommend eating large portions of salad and at least 4 fresh fruits per day.
When you add more fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet, your weight and blood pressure will naturally drop without difficulty.”

Joel Fuhrman - Dr. med. Sciences, international
recognized nutrition expert.

“Live” salads are a storehouse of nutrients!

I highly recommend adding so-called “live” salads to your daily diet. Due to such super healthy ingredients in them as sprouted mung bean, milk thistle or amaranth flour, these salads are several times healthier than regular ones.

Where can I get the necessary ingredients for “miracle salads”? I usually order them online from a specialty health food store. There is a wide selection of “useful things” there.

Beetroot with garlic and mayonnaise

Grate the raw beets thinly into strips. (You can use a Korean carrot grater).
Season with cashew mayonnaise:
Pre-soak the nuts in water for 0.5-1 hour, puree them in a blender with a small amount of water, add chopped garlic.

Salad with sprouted mung bean

Sprouted mung bean – 1 tbsp
Beets or 2-3 carrots
green onion or garlic
linseed oil – 1 tsp

sesame – 1 tsp

Grind the beets in a blender or on a grater, finely grate the garlic or in a crush, mix with the rest.

How to germinate mung beans? This is done very easily. Just rinse, soak in clean water for several hours. When it is thoroughly soaked, you can drain the water and lay it out on a flat surface. Make sure to stay moist. But it can also germinate in water. It is better to store it in the refrigerator once it germinates.

Salad with green buckwheat

Fresh or pickled cabbage
green onion
linseed oil – 1 tsp
milk thistle or amaranth flour – 1 tsp
sesame – 1 tsp
dry seaweed – 1 tsp

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ABOUT beneficial properties fruit everyone knows it from childhood. They contain minimum quantity calories, and therefore are very actively used in the preparation diet menu. Fruits are rich in vitamins, and therefore increase human immunity. Fruits are no less beneficial for the heart and blood vessels - especially apples, apricots and citrus fruits. But it is better to drink fruit juices only those that do not contain preservatives.

Useful properties

Fruits contain bioflavonoids, which are necessary for the normal functioning of all body systems; they normalize blood pressure, increase the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, and promote the elimination of free radicals.

One of the types of bioflavonoids is considered to be catechins, which are useful for the functioning of cardiovascular system, these components also help fight headaches and cancer cells.

Most fruits contain pectins - substances whose action is aimed at normalizing the functioning of the intestines. Fruits contain vitamins; pomegranate contains almost all macro- and microelements; many fruits have low energy value.

Harmful properties

Fruits bring not only benefits, but also harm; as a result of their consumption, the secretion of gastric juice is stimulated, which leads to mobility of the stomach walls and an increased feeling of hunger.

Fructose is transformed into acetyl-coenzyme A, which enhances fat deposition processes. Eating fruits in large quantities leads to metabolic disorders, hypertension, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus.

Excessive consumption of oranges can cause allergies and gastrointestinal disorders; the acid has a destructive effect on tooth enamel. Apricots, peaches and nectarines are also difficult to digest and should be eaten separately from other dishes.

Bananas take a long time to digest, and their presence in the diet in large quantities can lead to varicose veins and thrombophlebitis. Watermelon absorbs all harmful substances from the soil, water and air; it is recommended to eat it 2 hours before or after a meal; it is not recommended to combine the fruit with bread.

Before eating, all fruits must be thoroughly washed; you should buy only ripe fruits; green ones can cause stomach upset.

Apples- the most common and accessible fruits for Russians (and not only) containing 16-24% sugars, fiber, pectins, minerals, vitamins, organic acids and other biologically active substances.

Apples are healthy fruits for the heart, they are low in calories and contain practically no harmful substances. Thanks to the high content dietary fiber(2.0 g/100 g), pectin (1.0 g/100 g), apples help remove many toxins from the body and prevent the conversion of carbohydrates into fats.

Perhaps the most useful thing about apples is the peel. Scientists from Cornell University (USA) have convincingly proven that the peel contains substances that have powerful anti-sclerotic, anti-hypertensive and anti-tumor effects. But don't forget to wash the apples thoroughly!

When talking about which fruits are good for the heart, one cannot fail to mention apricots. They are rich in sugars (dried - up to 80%), organic acids, dietary fiber (1.8 g/100 g), including pectins.

What else is useful about these fruits is their high content of vitamins and minerals (especially potassium - about 300 mg%, phosphorus, iron and magnesium). Experts from the Zurich Institute of Nutrition came to the conclusion that apricots are essential in the diet, especially for mental workers.

Researchers believe that the longevity of the Hunza people, who live on average more than 100 years, is due to the nature of their diet - they eat mainly apricots and whole grains of wheat and barley. Dried fruits with seeds (apricots) or without (dried apricots) are very useful.

What are the benefits of citrus fruits for the body?

Citrus(oranges, lemons, grapefruits, tangerines) are surprisingly healthy, they are rich in vitamin C (in grapefruit - up to 60 mg/100 g, in lemon - up to 50 mg/100 g), they contain small amounts of beta-carotene, vitamins A, P, PP, B1, B2, flavonoids, phytoncides, microelements (K, Ca, Mg, P, Fe).

But when storing fruits, vitamin C is destroyed. The peel of lemons is especially rich in biologically active substances.

What other benefits do these fruits have for the body? Citrus fruits are low in calories, they improve digestion, activate metabolic processes, and normalize cholesterol metabolism.

The fruits (namely the fruits, not the juice) contain a large amount of fiber and pectin, which improves intestinal function, promotes intestinal binding and elimination of harmful substances, and reduces putrefactive processes in the colon.

Citrus fruits improve blood circulation and microcirculation in the vessels of the heart, blood capillaries, peripheral vessels (including vessels of the genital organs), arms and legs. This improves performance and helps prevent cardiovascular diseases.

Which fruits are more beneficial than others? Of course, grapefruits! Two whole grapefruits help reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and normalize its metabolism: reducing the content of “bad” cholesterol and increasing “good” cholesterol.

Knowing how fruits are beneficial for the body, we must not forget about some nuances. For example, you should not mix fruits with other foods, as this disrupts the digestion process. It is best to eat fruit in the morning on an empty stomach. Don't eat fruit for dessert. You can eat fruit no earlier than 3 hours after lunch or 1-1.5 hours before it.

Pomelo Features:

  1. Has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. Potassium strengthens the heart and blood vessels, normalizes blood pressure, heart rhythm.
  2. Strengthens the immune system, improves resistance to viral and colds. Ascorbic acid speeds up the healing process and improves a person’s well-being. Using the fruit for prevention reduces the risk of seasonal diseases.
  3. Increases hemoglobin, relieves anemia.
  4. Reduces bad cholesterol levels. Vitamin E helps cleanse blood vessels of plaque, which reduces the chances of atherosclerosis and its complications - heart attack and stroke.
  5. Improves metabolic processes in the body. Lipase promotes the breakdown of proteins. Fiber stimulates the removal of toxins.
  6. It fights cancer and is an excellent prophylactic against tumors. Limonoids do not give cancer cells multiply.
  7. Strengthens bone tissue. Calcium promotes rapid rehabilitation after fractures.
  8. Improves mood, increases tone. Essential oils increase performance and concentration.
  9. Promotes weight loss. Low calorie and the ability to quickly saturate the body allows the use of pomelo in dietary nutrition.
  10. Makes tooth enamel stronger. Ascorbic acid and calcium reduce bleeding gums.
  11. Promotes the removal of phlegm in diseases respiratory tract(cough, asthma).
  12. Improves skin condition and makes it elastic.

The benefits and harms of fruit juices

When talking about the benefits and harms of fruit juices, you should clarify which products you mean – ready-made (store-bought) or natural (freshly squeezed).

Fruit and vegetable juices are certainly healthy if they are made from freshly picked fruits and vegetables and are consumed immediately. Unfortunately, most fruits and vegetables come from far away, are picked unripe, are ripened in transit and in storage, and chemicals are used.

“Healers” from the garden help improve health and get rid of a variety of ailments

Vegetables, fruits and berries have long been included in most health and restorative diets. Fiber is believed to be very beneficial for obesity, diabetes mellitus, because it stimulates intestinal motility. Vegetables and fruits are also good for diseases of the cardiovascular system, atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension and many other ailments.

Top 4 healthiest vegetables

1. Red beets

Red beets are generally recognized as the number one “cleaner” of the body. Firstly, it contains fiber, phosphorus, copper, vitamin C and a number of organic acids that improve the “movement” of food and destroy bad putrefactive bacteria in the intestines. Secondly, it contains a lipotropic substance - betaine - which causes the liver to more effectively get rid of toxins. And thirdly, beets help rejuvenate the body due to the folic acid(more new cells are created) and quartz (the condition of the skin, hair and nails improves).

How to use: boiled, with borscht, in a salad, as a decoction or juice.

2. White cabbage

It contains a large amount of dietary fiber, which helps bind heavy metals and toxins and then remove them from the intestines. In addition, it is rich in organic acids, which improve digestion and normalize the microflora of the digestive organs. Also in white cabbage contains a very rare vitamin U. It neutralizes dangerous chemicals, participates in the synthesis of vitamins and even heals ulcers.

How to use: fresh, pickled, in the form of juice.

3. Garlic

One clove of garlic contains more than four hundred beneficial components. They lower the level bad cholesterol in the blood and cleanse blood vessels, kill cells of glioblastoma multiforme (often becoming main reason diseases of the brain cancer), destroy diphtheria, tuberculosis bacillus and Helicobacter (the latter causes stomach ulcers), remove worms, etc.

How to use: fresh, ground.

4. Onions

Its main value is phytoncides, which are contained in essential oils. These substances kill many bacteria and fungi in just a few seconds. In addition, onions improve digestion, nutrient absorption, and even appetite. A large amount of sulfur allows you to effectively neutralize and remove all harmful substances from the body.

How to use: fresh, in salad, as alcohol tincture and a cosmetic mask (for acne and acne).

Top 10 healthiest fruits

1. Apples

Thanks to their high content of pectin and fiber, apples normalize the functioning of the entire digestive system - bind waste and toxins, improve appetite, stimulate the production of gastric juice, relieve constipation, etc. In addition, apples kill the pathogens of dysentery, Staphylococcus aureus, Proteus, and influenza A viruses.

2. Avocado

Unfortunately, the beneficial properties of this southern guest are almost unknown to our compatriots. However, avocados contain a unique substance - glutathione, which blocks about 40 different carcinogens, relieving the load on the liver. In addition, it normalizes cholesterol levels in the blood, improves digestion, supplies tissues with oxygen, etc.

3. Banana

This fruit helps reduce blood pressure and prevent cardiovascular diseases. It normalizes stomach function, reducing acidity and eliminating heartburn, and improves mood. In addition, banana is quite filling, so it can easily be used as a breakfast or snack.

4. Grapefruit

This fruit improves digestion and promotes better absorption of food. Grapefruit also has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the body, accelerating them. With a moderate diet, if you regularly eat grapefruit, you can lose 5-7 kilograms in a few months.

5. Apricot

If the time of year does not allow you to enjoy fresh natural apricots, then you can replace them with dried apricots (the same apricots, only dried). Apricots contain beta-carotene, which is essential in the fight against skin aging and is also good for vision. Dried apricots are rich in iron and magnesium - sources of energy for the body, which also have a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

6. Mango

This fruit is exotic for our country, but more and more often it is beginning to appear on store shelves. One mango contains daily norm vitamin C, and in addition, mango helps prevent arthritis, heal wounds and strengthen the immune system.

7. Kiwi

Kiwi is not without reason called a real storehouse of vitamins. This fruit helps cleanse the intestines and has a mild laxative effect. It is especially useful to eat kiwi when losing weight - it strengthens the immune system during weight loss and cleanses the body.

8. Lemon

Everyone knows about the miraculous properties of lemon - it is the number one fruit for colds and strengthening the immune system. In addition, lemon is an excellent fat burner that also helps reduce appetite. With strict control of body weight, a glass of water with a slice of lemon is the most necessary remedy.

9. Papaya

This fruit is not often found in stores. Some nutritionists recommend replacing it with an orange, but one papaya contains 15 times more vitamin C and beta-carotene than an orange. Papaya reduces the risk of polyarthritis and helps reduce cholesterol levels in the body.

Target: form ideas about proper nutrition as an integral part of maintaining and promoting health; introduce the beneficial properties of vegetables and fruits.


  • develop ideas about healthy eating;
  • expand knowledge about the beneficial properties of vegetables and fruits;
  • promote awareness of the need for vitamins in food;
  • develop healthy eating habits; develop cognitive interest;
  • enrich your vocabulary.


  • presentation (see Appendix);
  • masks for staging;
  • basket with healthy products;
  • basket with harmful products.

A person needs to eat
To stand up and to sit down,
To jump, tumble,
Sing songs, make friends, laugh.
To grow and develop
And at the same time not to get sick,
You need to eat right
Be able to do it from an early age.

If the ABC of nutrition
Will get your attention
You will be cheerful and healthy,
You can live without doctors.

Teacher: Every person wants to be healthy. Health is a wealth that cannot be bought with money or received as a gift. People strengthen or destroy what is given by nature. Proper nutrition plays an important role in maintaining and promoting health. And for proper nutrition you need... healthy foods. They contain nutrients: fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Unfortunately, many people prefer completely different products to be healthy. Let's listen to a conversation between two students.

Dramatization of “The Donut and the Big Guy.”


Marmalade, cake, great ice cream!
Buns, cheesecakes, sweet donuts,
“Mars”, chips and “Picnic” develop appetite.

Big guy:

Vegetables and fruits –
Delicious products.


Yellow Fanta is a drink for a dandy.
Know, ladies, gentlemen. –
Snickers is the best food!

Big guy:

Do you like to eat sweet Snickers?
Your teeth will be out of order.


Helped me become healthy
Hot dog with red ketchup...

Big guy:

Will you eat hot dogs often?
In a year you will stretch your legs.


In gratitude to Pepsi Cola
I'm the best student at school!
I'm very proud of myself:
I bought a cake today!

Big guy:

A hundred sweets,
And health is one thing!
Fruits and vegetables are healthier:
Protect from diseases!

Teacher: What foods does Donut like? How many of you eat such foods?

Why do you love such products?

What products was Big Guy talking about? What did he say about them? (Children's answers.)

Today we will talk about vegetables and fruits and their benefits for humans.

Why are vegetables and fruits good for humans? (They contain a lot of useful substances.)

Thousands of years ago, people began to eat vegetables. And the benefits of vegetables were noticed already then. There are many proverbs and sayings about vegetables. Here are some of them:

Onion - from seven ailments.
Onions and cabbage will not be tolerated.
Lunch without vegetables is a holiday without music.
Greens on the table mean health for a hundred years.
Vegetables are a pantry of health.

What vegetables do you know? (Children's answers.)

What's that noise in the hall? So these are the vegetables that have come to us!

Teacher: Indeed, all vegetables are healthy. They contain substances necessary for the growth and development of children.

In ancient times, an ordinary garden bed successfully replaced a pharmacy. Ancient Greek doctors prescribed radishes and cucumbers to their patients to improve digestion and vision. In those days they made medicine from onions and parsley, used healing properties carrots. Cabbage was considered a cure for many ailments. And now in folk medicine They use the healing properties of vegetables: grated potato gruel is used to treat burns and wounds, cabbage leaves are used for bruises and inflammation of the joints.

And onions and garlic are the first home remedies for most of us when we get colds and flu. Inhaling the vapors of onion and garlic helps with coughs and sore throats. It’s not for nothing that they say: “Onions cause seven diseases.”

But is it only vegetables that contain nutrients? The game “Say the Word” will help you find out where else they are.

Like a month under the star
The fruit is magically golden.
Lollipop for monkeys.
In a yellow jacket... (banana).

Ripening on a high branch,
Like a light bulb turns yellow
And it shines like after a shower.
Well, of course it's... (pear).

Yellow citrus fruit
It grows in sunny countries.
But it tastes sour,
And his name is... (lemon).

The branches bend to the ground.
What did we find on them?
Leaves are like hats
And underneath them... (apples).

Large bunch of large berries
Treats you with sweet juice.
Gave us summer garden
Fragrant... (grape).

He looks like a red ball
Only he doesn’t rush at a gallop.
It contains a useful vitamin -
This is ripe... (orange).

Teacher: What do all vegetables and fruits have in common? (Vitamins.)

The word “vitamin” was coined by the American scientist Casimir Funk. He discovered a new substance (amine) – vital for man. By combining the word “vita” - life and the word “amine” - we get “vitamin” - a substance necessary to maintain the health of our body. But the body does not create reserves of valuable vitamins. And therefore they need to be constantly replenished.

Vitamins enter our body only with food. This is why vegetables and fruits should be included in the diet regularly. Children 7-8 years old need to eat 500 grams of vegetables and fruits per day.

Brothers vitamins, heroic strength.

Come out quickly and tell us about yourself.

Vitamin A:

Remember me, friends.
You need me to grow.
For bones, teeth and vision,
There is no doubt about this, brothers.
And I'm good for the skin,
Hair needs me too.

I am in carrots, tomatoes, oranges, cabbage.

Vitamin B:

If you have a deficit of me -
This means there is no appetite.
To be cheerful and strong
Don't be sad and don't mope
I advise you, friends,
There are products that contain me!

I am in beets, peas, corn, radishes, bananas.

Vitamin C:

I am necessary and brave,
And very, very important.
For colds and illnesses
I am, of course, more useful than everyone else.

I live in lemon, orange, currants, onions, garlic, cucumbers.

Vitamins are simply a miracle!
How much joy they bring.
All diseases and colds
They will step aside in front of them.
That's why it's always
For our health
Complete food -
The most important condition!
You can't live without vitamins!
They are reliable friends!

“Useful” ditties are performed(see Appendix 1).

Teacher: Guys, you found out why people should definitely eat juices, berries, fruits and vegetables. What happens to the body if it does not receive enough vitamins? Listen to what a specialist has to say about this.

Speech by a school nurse.

Speech by the school canteen cook.

(The cook tells what dishes can be prepared from vegetables and demonstrates ready-made salads.)

Teacher: Of course, guys, we can’t talk about all the vegetables and fruits today. But I would like you to always remember that our health depends on what we eat.

Useful tips.

Everyone in the world loves vegetables and fruits.
Grandmothers and children know these tips.

Grapes and cherries heal all blood vessels.
Apricot is for the heart, pear is for colds.

Oranges help with colds and sore throats,
Well, it’s better to eat lemon, even though it is very sour.

Remember the simple truth - only those who see better
Who chews raw carrots or drinks carrot juice?

No healthier productsdelicious vegetables and fruits.
Both Seryozha and Irina benefit from vitamins!

There is nothing better in the world
Replace candy with apple.

Change the chips to orange,
Replace chups with tangerine.

Prefer carrots to dry meat.
Vegetables and fruits are more useful.

If you want to be healthy,
Forget about doctors
Eat vegetables and fruits.
These are the best products!


  1. L.A. Obukhova, N.A. Lemyaskina. School of Doctors of Nature or 135 health lessons. -M.: VAKO, 2004.
  2. Cool watch. 2nd class / comp. G.N. Popova. -Volgograd: Teacher, 2011.
  3. N. Anishina. Vegetable dispute.
  5. I.A. Trukhanova. Talk about proper nutrition. // Primary school, 2011, №9.
  6. Materials from the Internet.
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