Oxysize: a unique breathing technique to cleanse the lymph and more! Oxysize breathing exercises and its main exercises

Today, every woman in the struggle for a slim and toned body is replaced by various types In active fitness, more and more gentle techniques based on a combination of physical exercise with a special Oxysize breathing technique. Reviews about this weight loss practice on the Internet and in live communication are mixed. Some girls praise it for its effectiveness in losing weight, improving well-being, along with the excellent opportunity to exercise daily for just 20 minutes and in any conditions.

Other ladies advise not to rely too much on this method of weight loss, preferring a variety of various methods, popular diets, advice from friends and acquaintances telling how to lose weight without much effort.

Where did this innovative gymnastics come to us from?

The popular breathing technique was developed by an American teacher from Colorado, Jill R. Johnson, who trademarked it under the brand name Oxycize! (the brand is patented with exclamation point). The name widely known today was combined from two parts English words: oxygen (oxygen) and exercise (exercize). The author's main goal was to give millions of women the most comfortable way to lose weight. “Oxysize,” according to reviews from those who have been practicing the technique for many years, is a very effective method that helps you quickly lose extra pounds and remove bulk. Future slimming guru who developed unique technique- a mother of four children, who since childhood was puzzled by the struggle with excess weight. For many years, she experimented in vain with a variety of diets and weight loss products, until she tried to burn body fat using breathing exercises.

The author came to this discovery thanks to her independent study of the basics of human physiology. Her book, revealing the secrets of an innovative set of exercises and breathing exercises, was released in 1999 and created a real sensation among American women, and then gained fans in Europe and in our country.

The essence of one of the healthiest ways to lose weight

Using a scientific approach, Jill understood the formula: fat is actively broken down into water and carbon dioxide only in the presence of sufficient oxygen. Necessary for all things, the gas - a real military “artillery” for adipose tissue - oxidizes lipids, affecting not only the subcutaneous fat layer, but also the hard-to-reach, difficult-to-remove layer visceral fat. The latter accumulates inside the abdominal cavity, creating a membrane around the organs. This is a very dangerous type of adipose tissue, compressing vital internal organs, contributing to the appearance of hormonal imbalances, cardiovascular and other problems in the body. Thanks to oxygen molecules that bind to carbon particles and concentrate in lipid tissue, its excess is destroyed and breakdown products are removed from the body. In the presence of O2, metabolic reactions accelerate and fat burning occurs faster.

By combining the knowledge gained with one of the pranayamas - yoga practices, the author achieved what she wanted, and then supplemented and improved the technique with stretching exercises and static muscle tension. Oxysize gymnastics, according to reviews, not only contributes to the formation of a new figure, but also helps maintain a healthy balance in the body due to its saturation with oxygen.

What's good about Oxysize?

Breathing exercises, compared to traditional types physical activity shows a stunning effect on calorie expenditure. Thus, energy consumption during group exercise with Marina Korpan, other trainers, or independent practice is approximately one and a half times higher than during the same period of riding an exercise bike.

Judging by the reviews, breathing techniques help:

  • Accelerate and then stabilize high level metabolism.
  • Lose weight.
  • Reduce body size.
  • Build muscle mass, reduce body fat percentage.
  • Tighten muscles and form their correct relief on the stomach, hips, buttocks and other problem areas.
  • Increase endurance and physical strength.
  • Improve flexibility and strengthen the musculoskeletal system (back, spine, arms and legs).
  • Increase the level of oxygen consumption to the maximum, saturating every cell of the body with it.
  • Stimulate blood circulation, which delivers nutrition and oxygen to all tissues, as a result of which headaches disappear and blood pressure normalizes.
  • Already in the first week, improve digestion, cleanse the body and get rid of several kilograms.
  • Eliminate orange peel in problem areas and improve skin condition.
  • Increase energy levels, as well as concentration and attention.
  • Relieve psychological stress, get rid of apathy and depression, feel cheerfulness, a surge of strength and energy.

With regular exercise and proper Oxysize breathing (reviews and photos confirm this), many of those who wanted to lose weight managed to reduce their curvaceous figures by tens of centimeters in a short period of time: for some fat women weighing “100 plus” the record was up to 30-40 cm!

Where to start? Testing correct breathing

There are two types of respiratory activity, differing in the way the chest expands:

  • Thoracic - when the volume of the lungs increases due to the raising of the ribs.
  • Abdominal - in which rib cage expands due to flattening of the diaphragm.

In the first lessons, fitness trainers teach beginners the second type of breathing, as it is healthier and necessary for full-fledged exercise. Even if, after studying the Oxysize breathing practice, the reviews and results do not convince you to work on yourself for positive changes in your figure and life in general, then the acquired habit of diaphragm breathing will not for many years will benefit health and ensure good health.

Many of us do not notice that we are breathing incorrectly, taking shallow breaths from the chest, resulting in only the upper part of the lungs being supplied with air. Thus reducing the flow of air into respiratory organ, a person interferes with the normal circulation of oxygen throughout the body and the sufficient supply of oxygen to all tissues. As a result, many people develop the syndrome chronic fatigue associated with general malaise and frequent headaches. To understand how you usually breathe, take a test. Please note that:

  1. Clothing should be loose and not restrict movement.
  2. Then right hand should be placed on the chest, the left one on the stomach.
  3. You need to take a deep breath.
  4. Exhale without pausing.

Analyzing the test results, we draw the following conclusions:

  • If left hand During inhalation, you move away from the spine to the maximum distance, then your breathing uses the diaphragm. This is the correct type of breathing activity.

If your left arm moves closer to your spine when you inhale, and your chest rises and expands, then you are breathing incorrectly and you need to change your inhalation and exhalation practice. Sit upright, without straining your shoulder muscles, inhale using the diaphragm breathing method. Feel how the most remote areas of the body are saturated with oxygen.

Oxysize breathing technique

For beginners starting training, the authors of the method advise paying attention to the 4 stages of the respiratory process. Starting position: standing straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart. Pull your shoulders back slightly and lower them down a little. You need to bend your knees and tighten your buttock muscles. We move the pelvis forward and lift it up. We hold ourselves freely, without tension, and fix this position as the main one throughout the entire period of classes. Movements should be smooth, without unnecessary effort:

  1. Be sure to smile at yourself and those around you! Without pursing your lips, take a powerful but even breath, while inflating your abdominal muscles. Use strictly diaphragm breathing technique!
  2. Having reached the limit, we stop and take 3 short breaths, called “dow breaths”. During each exercise, you need to round your stomach even more. (For those who use the Oxysize technique for the first time, reviews from fitness trainers advise taking an incomplete breath (70-80%) before three full breaths, until the abdominal muscles strengthen, become elastic and obedient).
  3. Round your lips so that it is convenient to drink liquid through a straw. We exhale sharply and longly through the gap formed, while simultaneously drawing in the stomach and straining the torso with maximum intensity.
  4. Having felt the peak moment of exhalation, we add 3 “pre-exhalations”, tightening the abdominal muscles as much as possible.

One breathing cycle includes 4 consecutive repetitions of all four stages. Jill Johnson and Marina Korpan claim that performing 30 such cycles a day non-stop (without additional breaks) helps you get rid of 2 to 5 kg in 28 days, without hunger and grueling workouts. At the same time, it is necessary to practice fully healthy eating. During the first classes, you may experience slight dizziness. This reaction of the body to the incoming excess oxygen is considered normal. There is no need to stop practicing Oxysize. In the future, gradual addiction will occur and your state of health will stabilize.

Advantages of the new breathing technique “Oxysize” over the usual “Bodyflex”

Why do many Oxysize users like it: reviews and results indicate that, firstly, this gymnastics can be done without any problems in any convenient place: at home and at work, in a hotel, in a park, and even in a subway car. This technique, unlike the noisy “Bodyflex” and the Strelnikovs’ breathing, is silent and invisible to others.

Secondly, the increasingly popular breathing practice does not require fans to practice on an empty stomach while they are in a sleepy state in the morning. If “Bodyflex” prohibits any food intake on the eve of a workout, then “Oxysize” allows a light snack, but without fanaticism. It is necessary that the stomach is not overfilled, otherwise it will be difficult to breathe properly.

Thirdly, “Oxysize” exercises (reviews with results, photos and videos with a visual demonstration of the figure before and after weight loss, which can be viewed on the official websites of trainers) do not require the use of any sports devices, which significantly reduces the cost of paying for group classes . There is also no need to use many hours of grueling exercise to lose weight - you should spend 15-20 minutes on exercise, but be sure to do it every day, so that in 3-4 weeks you will become the owner of a more graceful figure. In addition, a pleasant bonus for super-busy people in this weight loss technique will be significant time savings, and for people with low incomes - the opportunity to practice at home on their own.

Breathing exercises for weight loss – effective way lose fat in unnecessary places with a minimum of effort. A technique that gives excellent results, is Oxysize - exercises involving breathing, conducted in static poses. Exhausting workouts in gyms and strict diets are enough - relax and properly pass air through your body, the extra calories will melt away without a trace.

This gymnastics was developed by the American teacher Jill Johnson. She herself suffered from excess weight and was looking for a way to give her desired shape to her figure without resorting to physical activity or restrictive diets. This is how they appeared Oxysize exercises– a revolutionary method of losing weight, a simple and physiological way to lose kilos without straining.

Johnson has no medical education, so the program has been thoroughly researched by renowned physiologists, who have confirmed that it really helps tighten muscles and get rid of excess fat deposits.

What processes does breathing exercises activate:

  • relaxes nervous system;
  • gives muscle tone;
  • accelerates the breakdown of fat cells;
  • invigorates and reveals energy potential;
  • dulls the feeling of the head;
  • participates in digestion, helping food to be digested faster.

How does this work

The Oxysize program is based on certain exercises, thanks to which oxygen penetrates the body faster and in larger volumes and burns excess fat by accelerating metabolism. Breathing should be abdominal - during inhalation and exhalation, all abdominal muscles are used. The diaphragm contracts and tenses more actively, stimulating increased blood circulation in all organs.

To start losing weight with Oxysize, you just need to learn the technique correct breathing and control muscle tension during exercise.

Training mode

The only way to achieve results with the Oxysize technique is regular breathing training. By skipping even one or two classes, you take a step back, because muscle tone increases gradually and only with constant exposure. Perform daily 20-minute exercises and achieve the desired success!

It is recommended to do Oxysize breathing exercises for weight loss in the morning before breakfast or after drinking a glass mineral water. If you don’t have enough time in the morning, you can do the necessary exercises at lunch or in the evening, the main thing is that your last meal should be 2 hours before class.

After training, you can eat within 10 minutes.

There are some nutritional requirements that must be met:

  • do not drink sugary carbonated drinks;
  • give up fast food and food with dyes and preservatives;
  • follow a diet, eat small, balanced portions;
  • do not disturb the water-salt balance, consume sufficient quantity liquids.

After about 10 days of breathing exercises, the first achievements will become noticeable. You will feel a surge of energy and vigor, and your body will begin to improve.

Why breathing exercises are effective

  1. Has a calming effect on the nervous system. This is an excellent method to get rid of the habit of “eating” stress. The amount of food you eat will decrease, which will certainly affect your figure.
  2. Once in the body, oxygen oxidizes fat cells. The more it comes in, the faster the process of their destruction goes.
  3. Fat cells serve as reservoirs for harmful toxins, trying to protect vital organs from their effects. By doing Oxysize exercises, 60% of toxins are converted into gases that leave the body during exhalation.
  4. Oxygen supplied through deep breathing is a positive factor for the development of an alkaline environment and maintaining pH. In this environment, adenosine triphosphate molecules become most active and convert incoming food into vital energy. All of it is consumed without being stored in reserve in problem areas of the body.

Oxysize breathing exercises - video

How to breathe and lose weight using the Oxysize technique? With the help of a virtual instructor, you can learn basic breathing techniques that will be useful to you in the fight against extra pounds.

Oxysize gymnastics with Marina Korpan

Fitness trainer Marina Korpan adapted the Oxysize method for weight loss for Russian women.

It is based on delivering oxygen to those places that need work. The girl recommends starting a set of exercises to establish breathing with a light warm-up in a relaxed position. A total of 4 warm-up approaches are done.

After you have mastered the basic breathing exercises, combine them with muscle strengthening and stretching tasks.

Oxysize breathing exercises for weight loss

Exercise 1 – basic breathing exercise

  • stretch your lips into a smile and inhale as much air as possible through your nose, trying to completely fill your lungs;
  • take three short breaths in a row, raising your lower abdomen and tensing your gluteal muscles as much as possible;
  • Without opening your lips, exhale, while pulling in your stomach as much as you can;
  • Take 3 exhalations to empty your lungs.

Exercise 2 - Rocket

  • lie on your back on the floor and stretch your body as much as possible;
  • pulling your pelvis up, tighten your buttocks and repeat sighs - 1 deep, 3 short.

Exercise 3 – Cobra

  • lying on your stomach, place your hands in front of you and pull back;
  • Without lifting your hips from the floor, raise your body slightly while performing basic breathing exercises.

To see even more exercises using the Oxysize method, a video with Marina Korpan is offered for viewing.

When faced with the problem of excess weight, have you tried various ways Losing weight but still not achieving significant results?

Indeed, many diets and all kinds of workouts have now been developed. Unfortunately, most of them do not bring the desired result!

However, progress does not stand still. Not long ago, a new technique developed by Marina Korpan appeared. This set of special exercises for weight loss is called “Oxysize” - oxygen gymnastics. This direction was also based on some.

The main principle of Oxysize is to breathe and lose weight!

What is this method of weight correction based on? The principle of this method is that when certain movements are performed, large amounts of oxygen begin to be delivered to “problem” areas. This active component reacts with fat cells, and they “burn”, breaking down into water and carbon dioxide.

Oxysize classes are very effective. For quite short time With proper (!) and systematic training, body volume and weight rapidly melt away. In just a week of regular (daily) exercise, the volume of the abdomen and hips decreases by as much as five centimeters.

Oxysize breathing exercises for weight loss are compared by some researchers with. Those who have tried both methods claim that Oxycise helps burn calories 140% more efficiently.

Difficult choice: Oxysize or Bodyflex - which is better?

Many have heard about another modern method weight loss – Bodyflex. In some ways, its main provisions have something in common with Oxysize. But which method should be preferred?

1. You should know that, despite the undeniable effectiveness of Bodyflex, many, for example hypertensive patients, this type training is simply not suitable - there are too many contraindications, unlike Oxysize.

2. You can practice the Oxysize method when it is convenient for you, and Bodyflex immediately after waking up, on an empty stomach.

3. People in your household, especially small children, may be disturbed loud sounds, which are produced when performing some Bodyflex exercises.

4. For Oxysize classes you don’t need expensive bulky equipment - all you need is a mat and a chair.

Does the system have contraindications?

This technique does not involve holding your breath for long time, therefore Oxycise has no contraindications. Even expectant mothers, as well as hypertensive patients, etc. can practice.

This technique is especially recommended for those who have large number fat deposits. For those who have an excess of not lipid, but muscle mass, Oxysize will not bring significant results.

Basic Fundamentals: Breathing Techniques

In order to achieve maximum effect From training you should perfect the basic technique. How to perform Oxysize breathing correctly? The instructions for this method suggest doing the following.

Starting position: To begin, stand up straight with your pelvis slightly forward. Bend your knees slightly. The back is straight, the shoulder blades are brought together to the spine.

After this, you should immediately take three more sharp short breaths, while tightening your stomach. Tighten your gluteal muscles and take a deep breath through your nose. Then you should exhale sharply through your mouth, holding your lips as if you were playing the flute. After this, immediately perform three more short exhalations, while intensively drawing in your tummy. The pelvic muscles should remain tense throughout the entire exercise.

While performing breathing movements, smile broadly - then the skin on your face will tighten and rejuvenate. You should also ensure that the chest is at the same level as the stomach. Beginners may be advised to perform breathing with one hand under the chest and the other on the stomach, making sure that they move equally.

This exercise should be performed four times - this is considered one cycle. To achieve good results At least thirty cycles should be performed. In very advanced cases, the number of cycles can be increased.

Who among us has not dreamed at least once in our lives? lose a few extra pounds? Particularly relevant is the issue of weight and appearance becomes in the summer season, when you want to soak up the seaside. After all, you have to take off your clothes and stay in just a swimsuit - and now all the cakes and chocolates eaten on long winter evenings are literally visible to everyone.

We need to tighten it up here and pump it up there, but as luck would have it, we don’t have much time. In the modern world, there are generally problems with time - we are always in a hurry and don’t really have time to do anything. And sometimes there is simply not enough persistence.

Beautiful body requires application, and such loads are not easy for everyone. Fortunately, several techniques have been created specifically for people who are not involved in sports to help them win without much difficulty. overweight- and, therefore, to become younger and more beautiful. This is precisely the kind of miracle gymnastics that belongs to.

Oxysize exercises and their specifics

Arose oxysize in America as . Its creator Jill Johnson herself for a long time I couldn’t cope with my excess weight.

The complex is based on breathing. A special breathing technique promotes an anaerobic effect - all cells of the human body are saturated with oxygen, which is involved in oxidative processes and metabolism in general. Simple breathing exercises include different groups muscles. People with any physical fitness can master them.

The complex requires daily execution. Only in this case the positive effect will be maximum. In general, oxysize is quite effective. The tightening of all muscles that are stressed during exercise and the loss of at least three kilograms of weight will definitely be recorded by you in three to four weeks.

Exercises in combination with breathing have a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels, blood circulation improves, cholesterol is broken down, muscles become toned and overall well-being noticeably improves.

Breathing with oxysize is unusual for most people. Superficial inhalations and exhalations are replaced by deep ones, involving the abdominal muscles and diaphragm. With each breath, not only the chest expands, but also the stomach - the lungs fill a large number oxygen. This is where oxysize exercises for the abdomen and waist are particularly effective. Simply put, if there is no correct breathing, there is no expected result. There is diaphragmatic breathing - we lose weight every day.

Breathing consists of four stages

  1. Inhalation is done through the nose. At the same time, the filling of the lungs with air is controlled - the stomach should inflate like a balloon. The abdominal muscles are in a relaxed state. The pelvis is pushed forward!
  2. Three so-called dob-breaths are taken - short breaths. The muscles of the buttocks and perineum tense.
  3. Exhalation is done through the lips, extended with a tube. At the same time, the abdominal muscles are pulled inward, as if trying to fit under the ribs.
  4. The breathing cycle ends with three pre-exhalations - a sharp release of the remaining air until the lungs are completely empty.

When performing all stages, the back should be straight, the shoulders should not rise. In the first days of classes, slight dizziness may occur - this is normal and does not require stopping breathing practice. Gradually, the body will cope with the large influx of oxygen and health will return to normal.

A set of oxysize exercises in pictures

When starting exercises, it is necessary to gradually introduce new loads. The complex is built on the principle of going from easy to more complex.

All exercises described below were developed by Marina Korpan. Her technique is very popular in our country and has already helped thousands of women become slimmer.

Note. In the first classes (one or two days), you need to do at least 30 breathing cycles with exercises. Classes are held daily. Exercises are performed in the morning on an empty stomach or three hours after eating. After class you cannot eat for one hour.

One breathing cycle is performed for each exercise!

We practice standing

Initial pose: you need to stand with your back straight. Feet shoulder width apart. The arms are spread to the sides and bent at the elbows at a right angle.

Exercise: Try to bring your arms behind your back, pulling your elbows towards your body. The upper back and arms are tense.

Exercise helps burn fat on your arms, back and shoulders.


Starting pose: Feet shoulder-width apart, back straight. One hand is raised, the other is lowered.

Exercise: It is necessary to stretch your arms as far as possible, while your shoulders are pulled back. Hands are tense. The “Mill” exercise is repeated for both hands (they change places).

The goal is to burn back fat and work on your posture.

"Splitting the Floor"

Starting position: Legs wider than shoulders, back straight. Toes point inward.

Exercise: The feet and heels are tensed - “the floor is stretched.”

Exercise helps burn fat on the outer thighs.

"Chipping the Floor"

Starting pose: Feet shoulder-width apart, back straight. The toes point outward at approximately a 45-degree angle.

Exercise: The feet tense, as if pulling the floor towards the center.

Exercise helps to cope with fat deposits on the inner thighs.

Starting pose: Feet shoulder-width apart, back straight.

Exercise: Bend forward, palms resting above the knees. The legs are slightly bent, the body weight is transferred to the toes. The tailbone is pulled up.

The purpose of the exercise is to combat cellulite and tighten the back of the thighs.

Working with a chair

Starting pose: Leaning on the back of a chair, spread your legs as wide as possible and point your toes outward.

Exercise: Bend your knees and lower yourself to a level where your thighs are parallel to the floor. For beginners, you can lower yourself onto the seat with the chair facing you.

This exercise strengthens your thighs.

Back leg raise

Starting pose: Leaning on the back of a chair, spread your legs shoulder-width apart.

Exercise: The leg is pulled back (it needs to be raised low). At the same time, the toe is pulled forward.

The purpose of the exercise is to strengthen the gluteal muscles and burn fat deposits.

Diagonal leg lift

Starting pose: Hands rest on the back of the chair, feet shoulder-width apart.

Exercise: The leg is moved back and to the side (diagonally). The supporting leg bends at the knee, the raised toe is pulled forward.

Exercise burns fat on the buttocks.

Note. Leg raising exercises are not recommended for varicose veins!

"Sumo on a Chair"

Starting pose: Sit on a chair, spread your legs to the sides, toes out.

Exercise: Place your hands on a chair behind you, push your legs forward to stretch the inner thighs (knees are pulled back).

The goal is to strengthen the hips.

"Crossing Legs"

Starting position: sit on the edge of a chair, rest your hands on the seat. Legs spread.

Exercise: Bring your knees together and pull them down, feet on your toes.

The exercise is beneficial for all thigh muscle groups.

Raising your legs up

Starting position: Sit on a chair, leaning your back against the back.

Exercise: the straight leg is extended forward, the thigh is lifted off the chair, the toe is pulled towards you.

The purpose of the “Leg Raise Up” exercise is to strengthen the quadriceps femoris muscle.

Starting pose: Sit on a chair, legs brought together at the knees, feet together.

Exercise: Leaning with one hand on the chair behind you, the other will stretch back.

Exercise strengthens your back and abs, reducing your waist size.

Let's move to the floor

Tilt back

Starting position: kneel, arms extended in front of you, legs together.

Exercise: Lean back using your thigh muscles. The buttocks are tense, the back is straight.

The goal is to strengthen muscles and burn fat on the back, stomach, and thighs.


Starting pose: Sit on the floor, spread your knees to the sides, put your feet together.

Exercise: Lean your hands behind you, try to touch your knees to the floor, pulling your feet closer to you.

The exercise fights fat on the inner and upper thighs.

Starting pose: Lie on the floor, bend your knees, place your feet behind the mat. The arms lie along the body, the toes are turned inward.

Exercise: Lift your buttocks off the floor using your thigh muscles and bring your knees together.

The goal is to strengthen the legs and buttocks.


Starting pose: Lie on your back, bend your legs. The foot of the right leg rests on the thigh of the left.

Exercise: Close your hands, clasping your left leg. Then left leg pulls himself towards himself. Swap your legs and repeat the exercise.

The exercise is aimed at burning fat on the hips.

Lying twist

Starting pose: Lie sideways, bend one leg, lean both forearms in front of you.

Exercise: Raise the second leg and pull it back and in the opposite direction (right to the left, left to the right).

Exercise helps strengthen your back, buttocks, and thighs.

"Beautiful hips"

Starting position: Lie sideways, bend lower leg, lean on your forearm.

Exercise: Raise the leg on top and pull the toe towards you. Buttocks are tense.

Exercise strengthens the back, buttocks, hips, and reduces waist size.

What the program should look like

  • A set of exercises can be performed on one day or divided into parts (on different days). You can also do more repetitions for some exercises, depending on which problem area you want to work on more.
  • But it is recommended to do at least thirty breathing cycles per day (per workout).
  • If the exercise is done in both directions (for example, for both legs), the breathing cycle is repeated twice.
  • The main thing is to do the exercises on an empty stomach. In the morning or at any convenient time (do not eat for two to three hours before classes). It is also not recommended to eat food immediately after exercise. The best option- Don’t eat for another hour.
  • An approximate series of exercises is designed for 15-20 minutes: first, exercises are performed standing, then with a chair, and at the end you need to move on to exercises on the floor.

To create an individual program, it is best to contact a fitness trainer who knows the oxysize technique.


Despite the benefits of oxysize exercises, the complex has contraindications:

– one of the most famous specialists and promoters of various breathing techniques in Russia.

Which is better, oxysize or bodyflex?

Closest to oxysize in terms of exercise technique and methodology is bodyflex. It has been noticed that if bodyflex turns out to be ineffective, oxysize will definitely help. The latter compares favorably for several reasons:

  • the result is not affected by taking pills (antidepressants and contraceptives);
  • You can exercise not only in the morning;
  • there is no need to breathe noisily, voicing your exhalation;
  • First of all, the waist decreases (with bodyflexion of the hips);
  • bodyflex is more effective with a healthy liver; for oxysize, the presence of problems with this organ does not matter;
  • there is no breath holding, which is dangerous for hypertensive patients;
  • exercises are performed during the respiratory cycle (in bodyflex while holding the breath).

It's safe to say that oxysize does not cause any health problems. Completing the complex will help in as soon as possible regulate weight, tighten muscles, improve mood and well-being - and all this with a minimum of contraindications.

What do you think about this gymnastics? Have you done it or are you planning to do it? If you have already done it, what results have you noticed from the classes?


The author's oxysize technique is based on a combination of physical exercises with continuous diaphragmatic breathing. The respiratory cycle itself begins with a sigh, then three in-breaths and ends with an exhalation and three in-breaths. During one such cycle, one approach to the exercise is performed.

Who can benefit from oxysize breathing exercises? , and does it have contraindications?

Basic principles of oxysize breathing exercises

The beneficial effects of oxysize breathing exercises are based on receiving active oxygen in the area of ​​greatest tension . Due to the formed “breathing + exercise” complex, the blood is more quickly saturated with oxygen and delivered to the problem area.

How does oxygen determine this zone? Through tension of the necessary muscles during breathing . For example, gluteal or abdominal muscles.

  • Daily gymnastics for weight loss oxysize gives noticeable results within a week.
  • It’s better to exercise for 15-35 minutes, if desired, gradually increasing the training time.
  • It must be remembered that the oxysize system is performed before meals, 3 hours after meals. Otherwise, tension in the abdominal muscles can affect digestion and lead to nausea and other intestinal disorders.
  • Unlike other breathing exercises, oxysize for weight loss is performed almost silently. This allows you to perform it at any opportunity.
  • Besides, you don't need to diet at all On the contrary, American author Jill Johnson recommends 4 full meals a day.

Oxysize – contraindications: who should not do oxysize breathing exercises?

has contraindications . You should not perform the exercises of this complex if you have a history of the following diseases:
  • Epilepsy
  • Myoma nodes and cysts
  • Aneurysm of the aorta and cerebral vessels
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system
  • Pulmonary and intracranial hypertension
  • Hiatal hernia
  • Some kidney diseases, for example, nephroptosis and glomerulonephritis.
  • Eye diseases.

In addition, oxysize gymnastics is contraindicated during

  • Pregnancy
  • Postoperative period (up to 6 months)

In any case, before performing gymnastics, oxysize will not be amiss consult a doctor - even if you consider yourself completely healthy.

Who benefits from breathing exercises for oxysize weight loss and why?

  • If you are prone to hypertension, then oxysize gymnastics will help you reduce your blood pressure to normal. During classes, a decrease in “dangerous” pressure by 20-30 units is typical, and this effect persists for several days after interruption of classes.
  • If you have diabetes mellitus , then oxysize breathing exercises are simply a godsend for reducing the need for insulin. The body becomes more susceptible to the medicine, so after several weeks of training, you can agree with your doctor to reduce the usual daily dose.
  • If you have joint problems, then oxysize, in combination with an arthritic complex of movements, will increase blood circulation, regeneration and eliminate salt deposits. We can say that this technique, together with competent physical activity– a powerful weapon against arthritis, arthrosis and other joint diseases.
  • If you feel tired or have decreased sexual activity, then a generous flow of oxygen will relieve you of apathy, improve blood flow and bring your blood pressure back to normal.
  • If you have excess volume in your back, arms, stomach or sides, then oxysize breathing exercises for weight loss will show lasting results after just a month of training. In addition, you will notice that you have lost weight not only in the above areas, but also in your legs, especially your hips.
  • Oxysize is suitable for those women who do not intend to spend a lot of time, but want to change their figure for the better.

Oxysize gymnastics, which has minimal contraindications, helps not only lose weight, but also improve the health of the entire body . Remember that the first results can be seen only after a week of daily work.

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