My profession is a nurse - presentation. Writing is my future profession as a nurse

Chemekova Ekaterina

Purpose of work: to get better acquainted with the profession of a nurse and draw an appropriate conclusion in professional self-determination.



Research work

"My future profession- nurse".

Completed: student of grade 9

Chemekova Ekaterina

Head: Elena Chernova


GBOU "Novotoryalskaya boarding school"


1. Introduction.

2.The main part.

  1. The history of the emergence of the profession of a nurse.
  2. Functional responsibilities of a nurse.
  3. Qualities required for a future nurse.
  4. Education. Place of work.
  5. My decision when choosing a profession.
  1. Conclusion.
  2. Sources of information.
  3. Application.


There are many different professions in the world,

But there is one special one.

It is given only from God

And she has a special price.

I am a 9th grade student at the Novotoryal boarding school. Very soon I will have to face the problem of choosing a profession. My future will depend on how I make it, which road I choose.

I decided to connect my life with medicine and become a nurse. The main value in any society is healthy man... Giving people health is important, it is more relevant than ever. It is the nurse who will support the person in the most difficult moment, give him hope for recovery. The very word "sister" radiates warmth, sounds at home... To be necessary for people- that's what attracts me to this profession. I want to know more about the profession of a nurse. This work, I believe, will help me in my professional self-determination.

Purpose of work: to get better acquainted with the profession of a nurse and draw an appropriate conclusion in professional self-determination.

The tasks that I have set for myself:

1. Get acquainted with the prospective profession.

2. Determine your readiness for this profession.

3. Outline a professional plan and perspective.

There are many different professions in the world. And to make it easier to navigate in this world, they were conditionally divided into 5 groups depending on the relationship between the person and the object of action (i.e. with whom or what a person of a certain profession works with). We refer the profession “nurse” to the group “person - person”. Namely, this group, in the study of my abilities, most suited my personality. (Appendix # 1)

2.1 History of the emergence of the profession of a nurse.

Women caring communities, were created in many cities of Western Europe since the 11th century. Then they were called differently:

In Russia there was a Catholic community"Elizavetinka" , named after Countess Elizabeth of Thuringia, who at her own expense built a hospital and a shelter for foundlings and orphans;

There was a community of "joanites" in France , who especially selflessly showed themselves during the plague epidemic in 1348.

But then it was not a profession, but rather a voluntary manifestation of humanity. The very first school to conductteaching nurses and nurses, was opened in 1617 by Louise de Marillac. And by the middle of the 19th century in Western Europe there were about 16 thousand sisters of mercy.

The founder of the modernnursing and first professional nursethe Englishwoman Florence Nightingel (1820-1910) is considered to be the first to create the service of nurses, consisting of 38 people, who took care of the wounded Allied soldiers in Turkey during the period Crimean War... In 1860, through donations, Florence opened a school for the training of sisters of mercy.

Among the first nurses who went to the front were the sisters of mercy of the MoscowNikolskaya monastery... Voluntarily and in an organized manner, they went to the frontCrimean War to help wounded soldiers.

During this war, for the first time in history, the sisters of mercy (fromHoly Cross community established by the Grand DuchessElena Pavlovna). These women received specialized training to work directly in the ranks of the army.Nikolay Ivanovich Pirogov , a famous physician, carried out leadership and organizational activities in the formation of a new social institution.

In 1863, an order was issuedMinister of War of the Russian Empire on the introduction, by agreement with the Exaltation of the Cross community, of permanent nursing care for the sick in military hospitals. This year can be considered the year of birth of the nursing profession in Russia.

2.2 Functional responsibilities of a nurse.

By its nature, the work of a nurse is "performing", i.e. it fulfills the doctor's prescriptions, but by value it is no less important than the activity of the doctor himself. She is much more than a doctor to be with a patient, she can be the first to come to the rescue in case of deterioration in his health and condition. Women are usually employed as nurses, but men can also be found in hospitals - honey. Brothers who also do well in the duties of performing medical appointments, caring for and monitoring the sick.

There are as many specialties for nurses as there are branches in medicine, even more.

The local nurse works with the local therapist. She is the owner of the office, where she prepares everything for outpatient appointments, maintains a card index of persons under dispensary supervision, fills in various medical documents. The work of the district nurse is especially responsible when serving patients at home. She comes in to visit the patient, find out about his health, fulfill the doctor's prescriptions, help the patient's relatives in caring for him.

Nurse of special departments.

The nature of her work largely depends on the specialty of the doctor she helps. Therefore, sisters are trained in specialization courses to work in a particular department. So the nurse of the eye office needs to have an idea about the structure of the eye and its diseases, about the methods of prevention and treatment. She must be able to instill eye drops, determine visual acuity and help the doctor in the selection of glasses, measure intraocular pressure.

The nurse in the ear, throat and nose office has to determine the acuity of hearing, flush the external auditory canal.

In the surgical room, the nurse, together with the surgeon, treats wounds, makes dressings, and participates in minor operations. She prepares sterile material, instruments, monitors the quality of instruments.

The working conditions of nurses in the department are different. They work 12 hours a day, while after the day shift they rest for a day, and after the night shift - 2 days. The tent nurse is in charge of an average of 20 - 30 patients. She takes care of them, monitors their condition, helps the nurses and relatives to feed them, distributes medicines, measures the temperature, and gives injections.

2.3 Qualities required by the future nurse.

Already the name of this profession speaks about what basic character traits should be inherent in this medical worker. "Sister" means native close person who is always ready to help.Compassion and compassion for other people's pain is one of the most important qualities of a nurse. This is necessarily accompanied by attentiveness, accuracy, responsibility and hard work.
Good coordination of movements is also important (this is especially important for operating rooms, procedural, ward nurses), good memory, striving for professional growth. Strong health and stamina.
Allergies to certain drugs can be a hindrance to work. For example, the operating room nurse cannot assist with operations if the par
NS disinfectants make her cough. But in the profession of a nurse there is such a vast field of activity that you can simply move to another place of work.

Qualities hindering efficiency professional activity:

  • disgust;
  • irresponsibility;
  • inattention;
  • selfishness;
  • cruelty;
  • emotional imbalance;
  • intolerance;
  • absent-mindedness.

2.4 Education. Place of work.

Of course, with such an abundance of duties as a nurse, professional education is essential. You can get it at a specialized medical college (school). To master the profession of a nurse, you need good knowledge in the field of medicine and psychology, as well as in subjects such as biology, botany, anatomy, chemistry.

If after a while after graduating from this educational institution you feel that you are capable of more, you have the opportunity to satisfy your ambitions. At some medical schools, nurses can receive higher education... It all depends on your dedication. Can you do this maxi- the program, - you will get the opportunity to work in a large clinic as a nursing service organizer, head or head nurse, head of the nursing department, teach at a medical school.

Can a nurse make a career? Well, dizzying career growth is hardly worth counting on, but there are some options.
A nurse has several career options. For example, working in one position, improve their qualifications. This is rewarded with a pay rise.
If the administration appreciates your experience, your ability to get along with people, you can get the position of a senior nurse of a department or even an entire medical institution.
Well, and, finally, continued education at the medical institute. Having received a university degree, you will become a doctor.

In our republic, the profession of a nurse can be obtained at GBU RME SPO "Yoshkar-Ola Medical College", which is located on the street. Proletarskaya, d. 68, as well as its branch in the city of Volzhsk.

On the basis of basic general education (grade 9):

Nursing, qualification nurse, a basic level of- training period - 3 years 10 months.

On the basis of secondary general education, primary vocational education, secondary or higher professional education (11th grade):

· Nursing, qualification nurse, basic level - training period - 2 years 10 months.

Nurse, an in-demand profession. Nurses work in hospitals, hospitals, maternity hospitals, clinics, private clinics and offices, military units, children's institutions, sanatoriums. We can safely say that a girl choosing this profession will not be left without work.

2.6 My decision when choosing a profession.

I dreamed of becoming a nurse since childhood. As a weak child, I often lay in hospitals, and also strengthened my health in sanatoriums and there were always people in white coats next to me. My favorite children's game was the "hospital" game. When I came to the boarding school, I met the nurse of our first-aid post Svetlana Anatolyevna and became her frequent guest. I liked to observe how she works, how she communicates with patients: she attentively and patiently listens to all the complaints of children, calms them down with gentle words, invisibly gives injections, and treats wounds. I had a great desire to learn this and also to ease the pain of other people.

Adults, teachers and educators, having learned about my desire to become a nurse, decided to help me. My mother also supported my choice of profession.

To understand whether this profession is suitable for you, you need to try yourself in it. Svetlana Anatolyevna taught me some simple medical operations: measure blood pressure, check a person's body temperature, measure height and weight. And the teachers instructed me to conduct information hours on a healthy lifestyle. It was very interesting to me. I realized that this profession is to my liking.

But not everything is so easy in this profession. About the difficulties of this profession, namely, intense night shifts, physical and emotional overload, the opportunity to pick up dangerous disease I found out during a meeting with the nurse of the district hospital Shabalina Elena Nikitievna, who attended a regular lesson of the circle “Your life. Your choice". Her story made me wonder if I could always be ready to help a patient and selflessly do my hard work in any conditions.Having weighed all the pros and cons, I decided not to give up my dream.

My next step, bringing me closer to my childhood dream - to become a nurse, was my visit to Yoshkar - Ola medical college. It took place on the Day open doors... We, future applicants, were given a lot of attention: we conducted an excursion around educational institution, introduced the teachers, introduced them to the admission rules. I felt a strong desire to continue my education here. Knowledge of chemistry and biology is very important for doctors, and these are my favorite subjects at school, so I chose them for my final exams and study hard.

After studying the material about the profession of a nurse, and getting to know her better during practical classes, I did the following conclusions: despite a long history of origin, a nurse is one of the most demanded professions today. Only those who are genuinely pleased to help others have the ability to be compassionate, to empathize with a person's misfortune will become a truly successful specialist.

The profession of a nurse is my dream profession. A person must remain true to their dreams. Therefore, after graduating from the 9th grade, I decided to enter the medical college and continue my studies at the Faculty of Nursing.


Doing the work "My future profession" helped me to assert myself in my abilities, taught me how to independently search and collect information. She made me think about my future destiny. I think that I will be able to correctly orient myself in the use of my forces, in the search for that, perhaps the only, main thing, which will be the meaning of my life. While working on the project, I learned a lot about the profession of a nurse, I think it suits me. There are new professions that have been born recently, there are old ones that are becoming a thing of the past. And there are eternal professions that are not influenced by either time or fashion. One cannot do without them in the modern world; today is unthinkable without them. This is the profession of a nurse!

Appendix # 1

The protocol of the results of the N. Hall test (modified by Rezapkina) "Emotional intelligence": - self-assessment of adolescents

Source - G.V. Rezapkina Me and my profession. - M .: Genesis, 2004.

The ingredients of emotional intelligence

Self-consciousness (points)

Self-control (points)

Self-motivation (points)


Interaction skills (points)


Emotional intelligence

Chemekova Katya (grade 6)


Chemekova Katya (grade 9)


Conclusion. The dynamics of the development of the parameters of emotional intelligence in the student Ekaterina Chemekova indicates (in the context of 3 years) the growth of self-awareness, self-control, self-motivation, and interaction skills. The general level of emotional intelligence in Ekaterina Chemekova in the 9th grade rose to a high level.

Protocol of the results of sociometric research.

Grade 5 - 05/03/2012





















Bainova Yu.

Gorokhova T.

Zykov S.

Kutuzov V.

Pryanikova A.

Rusanov K.

Sadovin S.



Chemekova K.

Chemekova N.


Saliy K.

Chernyaev A.

Chumarov S.

Malakhov V.

Aganina A.

6 4 11 5 8 6 3 3 5 4 12 5 6 2 11 3 8 4

Conclusion: according to the results of a sociometric study in grade 5, it was revealed that Katya Chemekova is a leader. Further results almost completely repeated this protocol.

Phillips School Anxiety Test Report.

The date of the survey is 15.11.2012.


Name of the child

Points total

General anxiety at school


Chemekova Katya

6th grade


Chemekova Katya

Grade 9


Conclusion: the level of school anxiety among the student Ekaterina Chemekova in the context of three years undergoes a positive dynamics of development, dropping to "low". The latter indicates the formation of "self-awareness", real self-esteem, and sustainable educational success.

The girl is successful and self-sufficient in many areas of school life.

Sources of information:

  1. "World of Professions" ed. Young guard.
  2. Ru. Wikipedia / org / wiki - Nursing
  3. Working- papers. Ru.professja- meditsinskaja / sestra - Functional and job duties nurses
  4. photo nurse

II - All-Russian competition of students of NGOs and vocational schools Author of the project: Prokofieva Nailya Perviz kyzy Supervisors: Frolenko E. , Mikhailova G.D. Power Point Presentation 97-2007 State Budgetary Educational Institution of Secondary Professional Education "Amur Medical College" "My profession is my future"

There are many different professions in the world, adults and children know this! Engineer, educator, worker, circus clown, builder and others ... But one of them needs to be highlighted, There is a lot of compassion and zeal in it. Anyone with an illness will help, It's about a sister of mercy! (Pavel Besheny)

A nurse is a qualified assistant to a doctor in all areas of his work ... Today, a nurse is "legs of a legless man", "eyes of a blind man", a support for a child, a source of knowledge and confidence for a young mother, the mouth of those "who are too weak and immersed in yourself to speak. " (V. Henderson).

If earlier it was believed that a nurse is only a doctor's assistant, nowadays she is a self-employed specialist who professionally provides nursing care to patients.

Objects of professional activity of a nurse Patients and his environment; Healthy population; Means for providing medical and diagnostic, preventive and rehabilitation assistance. Carrying out preventive measures; Participation in medical diagnostic, preventive and rehabilitation processes; Providing first-aid medical care in case of emergency and extreme conditions. Types of professional activities of a nurse

Important Qualities: The former name of this profession is "Sister of Mercy". Compassion and compassion for other people's pain is one of the most important qualities of a nurse. This is accompanied by attentiveness, accuracy and responsibility. Good coordination of movements is also important (this is especially important for operating rooms, procedural, ward nurses), good memory, striving for professional growth. Good health and endurance. Everything about the nurse should have a positive attitude to the patient, including her appearance (fit, neatness, hairstyle, facial expression).

A nurse is a soul, first of all. The most striking example of this is Florence Nightingale, an Englishwoman who, during the Crimean War, became the founder of the service of sisters of mercy. She directed the women who were helping the wounded soldiers. This great woman donations were collected for the creation of a school of nursing, later opened at the St. Thomas Hospital (London).

I study at the State Budgetary educational institution secondary vocational education "Amur Medical College" of the city of Blagoveshchensk and I am proud of belonging to the medical dynasty and the class of nurses.

Childhood dream ... I dreamed of becoming a nurse since childhood. My father, who works as a surgeon at the Amur Regional Children's Clinical Hospital, influenced me in choosing a profession. As a child, I came to his department and watched the work of people in white coats, alleviating the suffering of the child. I saw the results of their work in the smiling faces of young patients and the happy eyes of mothers.

The most beautiful outfit in the world - White cap, white robe. Hold by nurses and hold by doctors The world's most valuable keys. These are the keys to people's health Are you more important to find work? Is it more reliable for you to find a friend In an hour when the burden of illness weighs on you? That is why the outfit is so beautiful - White cap, white robe.

My future profession is a nurse and I want my love for life and an unlimited desire to fight for it to return to the ward with my arrival in the profession ...

Why I want to choose a nursing profession

First, I want to help people. When you are in the hospital, there is always a lack of warmth, sympathy, affectionate words. The nurse is more with the sick than the doctor, and she can comfort the sick.

Second, I myself will need it in my life. When I have a family, children, I will be able to provide them with the most basic medical care. I will be able to competently look after my parents - after all, they too will soon grow old.

In general, for each of us, specialists are very important who are responsible for our life with you - doctors.

Sincerity, emotional culture, the ability to perceive the experiences of a neighbor, education in responsibility, a sincere understanding of your duty to other people, the realization that only you and it is you who can and should help a sick person to find the fullness of existence, i.e. to become healthy - these are the moral indicators necessary in my opinion.

She is slightly in the shadow of the attending physician. Half a step apart according to her status, but this distance shortens the distance between her and the patient. She is a nurse. And in the matter of nursing a patient, she is the main one.

If earlier it was believed that a nurse is a doctor's assistant, now she is a competent, independently working specialist who performs well-developed functions of nursing a patient. Outside the doctors' offices, she devotes most of her time and attention to patients, prepares for an appointment with a doctor, and helps to get the treatment prescribed by him. The performance of general practitioners largely depends on the qualifications and correct organization the work of nurses, from their quickness and human qualities - conscientiousness, accuracy, warmth. Fortunately, in our hospitals there are many wonderful nurses, true devotees of their difficult profession.

Real specialists can only grow from people who, by the beginning of their studies, have gone through a fairly serious school of self-education and have not lost their humanity in the storms of experiences, but have strengthened their own soulfulness; they did not become callous, did not close themselves off from human suffering, but they became stronger and more confident in their own strengths, they learned to discipline themselves.

Everything about the nurse should be patient-friendly, starting with her appearance(fit, neatness, hairstyle, facial expression). It is completely unacceptable to refer to "sick" as if the patient had lost the right to a name and patronymic. To develop a partnership between the nurse and the patient, the patient must feel that you want to help him. Only then there is that confidential dialogue, during which the nurse learns the information she needs about the patient, the characteristics of his personality, his opinion about the disease, hospitalization, hopes for recovery, plans for the future. During such conversations, the patient's attitude to relatives, the robot, and other problems are revealed, and all this information gives the nurse the opportunity to make her own nursing diagnosis.

With all this, the nurse must constantly remember that partnerships with patients should not become familiar: the leading role always remains with her. She sympathizes with the patient, a current called empathy is established between them, i.e. the nurse is able to understand the essence of the depth of the patient's experiences and suffering, but she does not identify herself with his experiences. The patient must always be sure that their conversations are confidential.

Knowing the peculiarities of the patient's experiences, his personality, the nurse tactfully explains to the patient not only his rights, but also his duties, tells in an accessible form for the patient about the necessary examinations, preparation for them, about the upcoming treatment.

The refusal of a patient from one or another type of examination or treatment should not cause negative attitudes towards him. medical staff.

The duty of a nurse is to be honest and truthful in relation to the patient, but conversations about the diagnosis, the characteristics of the disease cannot go beyond the limits indicated by the attending physician. This also applies to ...

Why do I want to choosenursing profession

First, I want to help people. When you are in the hospital, there is always a lack of warmth, sympathy, affectionate words. The nurse is more with the sick than the doctor, and she can comfort the sick.

Second, I myself will need it in my life. When I have a family, children, I will be able to provide them with the most basic medical care. I will be able to competently look after my parents - after all, they too will soon grow old.

In general, for each of us, specialists are very important who are responsible for our life with you - doctors.

Sincerity, emotional culture, the ability to perceive the experiences of a neighbor, education in responsibility, a sincere understanding of your duty to other people, the realization that only you and it is you who can and should help a sick person to find the fullness of existence, i.e. to become healthy - these are the moral indicators necessary in my opinion.

She is slightly in the shadow of the attending physician. Half a step apart according to her status, but this distance shortens the distance between her and the patient. She is a nurse. And in the matter of nursing a patient, she is the main one.

If earlier it was believed that a nurse is a doctor's assistant, now she is a competent, independently working specialist who performs well-developed functions of nursing a patient. Outside the doctors' offices, she devotes most of her time and attention to patients, prepares for an appointment with a doctor, and helps to get the treatment prescribed by him. The effectiveness of the work of general practitioners largely depends on the qualifications and correct organization of the work of nurses, on their quickness and human qualities - conscientiousness, accuracy, warmth. Fortunately, in our hospitals there are many wonderful nurses, true devotees of their difficult profession.

Real specialists can only grow from people who, by the beginning of their studies, have gone through a fairly serious school of self-education and have not lost their humanity in the storms of experiences, but have strengthened their own soulfulness; they did not become callous, did not close themselves off from human suffering, but they became stronger and more confident in their own strengths, they learned to discipline themselves.

Everything in the nurse should have a positive attitude towards the patient, starting with her appearance (fit, neatness, hairstyle, facial expression). It is completely unacceptable to refer to "sick" as if the patient had lost the right to a name and patronymic. To develop a partnership between the nurse and the patient, the patient must feel that you want to help him. Only then there is that confidential dialogue, during which the nurse learns the information she needs about the patient, the characteristics of his personality, his opinion about the disease, hospitalization, hopes for recovery, plans for the future. During such conversations, the patient's attitude to relatives, the robot, and other problems are revealed, and all this information gives the nurse the opportunity to make her own nursing diagnosis.

With all this, the nurse must constantly remember that partnerships with patients should not become familiar: the leading role always remains with her. She sympathizes with the patient, a current called empathy is established between them, i.e. the nurse is able to know the essence and depth of the patient's experiences and sufferings, but she does not identify herself with his experiences. The patient must always be sure that their conversations are confidential.

Knowing the peculiarities of the patient's experiences, his personality, the nurse tactfully explains to the patient not only his rights, but also his duties, tells in an accessible form for the patient about the necessary examinations, preparation for them, about the upcoming treatment.

The refusal of a patient from one or another type of examination or treatment should not cause a negative attitude towards him from the medical staff.

The duty of a nurse is to be honest and truthful in relation to the patient, but conversations about the diagnosis, the characteristics of the disease cannot go beyond the limits indicated by the attending physician. This also applies to conversations between the nurse and the patient's relatives.

The views of a doctor and a nurse on certain aspects of patient care may not coincide. Then you need to very tactfully discuss controversial issues with a doctor, and if agreement is reached, it will make the job easier. It is not worth negotiating such situations with other persons or immediately filing complaints with the management - this can lead to mutual grievances, an undesirable situation in the team. The right to defend one's point of view must be combined with high self-exactingness. the ability to admit and correct their mistakes, discovered on their own or by colleagues.

The humanism of the profession creates the basis for protecting the personal dignity of a nurse, her physical integrity, and the right to help in the performance of her professional duties. By the way, her standard of living should also correspond to the status of her profession. Medical workers and nurses, in particular, should not be forced to work in unacceptable conditions.

There is probably no point in arguing about how the nursing profession is needed, important, wonderful.

"Nurses provide the necessary physiological and emotional support to patients because they are the ones who spend most of their time with them."

“The nurse tries to“ understand the patient, patiently listening when he talks about his worries and fears, and also strives to emotionally support and comfort him. ”And when the patient is on the verge of death, the nurse needs to“ help him meet death with as little suffering as possible and with as much dignity as possible. "

"A nurse is called upon to care for a patient. A few years ago, 1,200 professional nurses were asked," What is most important to you as a nurse? "98 percent of them answered that the most important thing is to provide quality care."

“But along with the joys, the work of a nurse is associated with many difficulties. She does not tolerate mistakes! court of health workers Sometimes a nurse gets into difficult situations.

The psychotherapeutic role of a nurse is very important, wherever she works. It is no coincidence that at the beginning, when the nursing institute was just being created, they were called sisters of mercy, since they cared not only about the body, but also about the soul of the sick.

The art of nursing lies in the harmonious combination of creativity and scientific validity of procedures, manuals, verbal influences and conversations in the process of patient care; in the ability to sometimes protect the patient from negative thoughts and feelings overwhelming him, as you know, significantly delaying recovery. Such protection is important for people of any age, but especially for children and the elderly.

To accomplish this, the nurse must be ready for empathy, must show kindness, responsiveness, and participation. But in some cases, just good human qualities are not enough. To apply them professionally, which means with high degree reliability, certain elements of medical psychology and psychotherapy must be learned.

The psychotherapeutic activity of a nurse at a territorial polyclinic, first of all, should be aimed at such a complex pathopsychological complex as the internal picture of the disease, i.e. the patient's understanding of the nature of his disease. The patient's attitude to his illness can be hypernosognosic or anosognosic in nature; in addition, many transient states are possible.

It should be recognized that the profession of a nurse is especially in demand in life. Given the widespread shortage of nursing staff, girls in white coats are often forced to work more than 14 hours a day, being in constant motion and often having no time for a normal lunch.

While on duty, nurses should be constantly on the alert, because the duration of recovery and the outcome of the disease largely depends on their experience, skills and abilities: "The salvation of a seriously ill patient depends on whether the nurse will be able to notice the deterioration of his condition in time and determine what is connected with it. ".

It is the psychological and physical stress that nurses constantly experience that becomes the reason that the percentage of various kinds of errors and deviations among nurses is much more common than among representatives of other professions. The hard work of a nurse negatively affects her health. As a result of studies, it was found that the life expectancy of nurses is, on average, 3-5 years less than that of representatives of other professions.

The shortage of nurses is widespread. The work of nurses is a daily feat, since sometimes they have to shoulder two or three rates on their fragile shoulders. They are stimulated only by the love of the profession. So let's say to them a huge human thanks for this.

What qualities should a nurse have: “First of all - hard work. Cleanliness, external and internal, modesty. Be able to sympathize with someone else's grief. The nurse is obliged to behave in such a way that the patient can trust her completely, without embarrassment of any manipulation and procedure. At work, she should be able to forget about herself, about her household chores and problems, always be with the patient. In the process of healing, in my opinion, all links are equally important, and if the doctor's job is to treat pathology, then the nurses are to help the patient psychologically cope with the disease. "

The cost of working as a nurse is the most difficult consequence of labor in traumatic circumstances (great responsibility, constant pressure and communication with seriously ill patients) - a syndrome of emotional deficiency and emotional burnout.

This is when there is no longer the strength to sympathize, and everything is done automatically. The role of the nurse in the hospital hierarchy has increased, now she chief assistant doctor. And not only in terms of patient care, but also in the development of numerous new products medical equipment... The nurse must prepare the operating room, the place of work of the doctor and the patient for the procedure, monitor the work of the equipment, etc. Moreover, you must always improve your knowledge, because new techniques are constantly being introduced in surgery, requirements are increasing, and with all this, the daily proximity of human pain is difficult, sometimes there is simply no strength left. Not everyone is held in this profession.

List of used literature

1. Nurse.

2. 10,000 nursing tips for nursing.

3. Awake! 11.2000. Articles "Nurses - Why Do We Need Them?", "The Essential Role of Nurses." Framework "Nursing qualifications" p.8, "Basis of health care" p.9, "Doctor of Appreciation" p.11.

Speaking directly about the professional care of women for the sick, such ministry of mercy arose in the 11th century, when special communities began to appear in Western Europe in which women and girls were caring for the sick.

And in the 13th century, the first hospital appeared, where women took care of foundlings and orphans. It was founded by Elizabeth of Thuringia, so everyone who worked in this hospital began to be called the "Elizabethan" community.

At first, they looked after only sick women, and when military conflicts arose, they also looked after wounded men.

Then came the "joanites" and "hospital girls" who took care of the wounded and sick in hospitals.

They paid particular attention to patients with leprosy.

And the first community of sisters of mercy appeared in France. This happened at the beginning of the 17th century. And only in 1641 the first school for teaching sisters of mercy appeared. The nuns of various monasteries did a lot in this matter.

Nurse profession - description

A nurse is an indispensable assistant to any doctor, his right hand.

The entire organizational component of the work in the hospital falls on her shoulders.

It should be borne in mind that graduates of this specialty are not allowed to independently determine the course of treatment, prescribe medications and make other appointments.

However, the skills acquired will be sufficient to identify and diagnose various diseases providing first aid.

The nurse should be able to measure blood pressure, give injections and put IVs, perform other medical procedures (rinsing, rinsing, and so on).

The nurse of the district polyclinic performs mainly the work of the assistant secretary to the doctor.

  • writes out certificates, prescriptions for pharmacies,
  • directions for analyzes and examinations;
  • fills out outpatient cards.

The responsibilities of a nurse in a hospital unit include more items.

  • makes injections
  • measures pressure,
  • gives medicines to patients,
  • provides first aid before the arrival of a doctor in case of exacerbations.

She also monitors the sanitary condition of the wards and the regimen of patients, adherence to the routine prescribed by the doctor in the department.

Nurses working in inpatient hospitals also often perform the work of a surgeon's assistant during operations:

  • provide the doctor with instruments and dressings,
  • prepare them for work and clean them after operations,
  • help to work with the patient.

In addition to the places listed above, nurses can also work in nursing homes, shelters, and homes for the disabled. A nurse is irreplaceable wherever there is a first-aid post: at work, in schools and kindergartens.

Where to get the profession of a nurse

One of the mandatory requirements for everyone who wants to get an education in this profile is the ability to sympathize and the desire to help people, otherwise the daily performance of duties within the competence of a nurse will become a burden and will not bring any joy.

The profession of "nurse" can be obtained in specialized schools, technical schools and colleges, sometimes it is permissible to obtain it in one-year or two-year courses.

Students of this profile do not study medicine as deeply as future doctors, but the training lasts much less.

Pros and cons of the nursing profession

The disadvantages of this profession include

  • night shifts, which often fall on holidays;
  • low wage;
  • stressful situations in medical institutions;
  • unbearable physical activity.
  • danger of contracting a dangerous infectious disease,
  • ingratitude on the part of patients.

The pluses include:

  • the opportunity to get a medical education;
  • the awareness that the nurse is involved in saving lives;
  • gratitude from the recovered patients.
  • an experienced nurse can find work and additional income faster.

We can say with confidence that for a woman this is the most demanded and prestigious profession.

Also, this article will help you prepare an essay, report, essay or presentation about the profession.

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