Measures at elevated temperatures in livestock buildings. Microclimate of livestock premises and its effect on the animal’s body. Indoor microclimate

2. The influence of the chemical composition of air on the productivity of farm animals

3. Influence physical properties air on the animal's body

4. Basics differential equation air exchange

5. Wall fan (Climate) for livestock farming

6. Clorifer for livestock

7. List of references used

1. Microclimate parameters of livestock buildings

The microclimate of livestock premises is the combination of physical and chemical factors of the air environment formed inside these premises. The most important microclimate factors include: temperature and relative humidity of the air, the speed of its movement, the speed of its movement, chemical composition, as well as the presence of suspended dust particles and microorganisms. When assessing the chemical composition of air, the content of harmful gases is determined first of all: carbon dioxide, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, carbon monoxide, the presence of which reduces the body's resistance to disease.

Factors influencing the formation of the microclimate are also: illumination, the temperature of the internal surfaces of enclosing structures, which determines the dew point, the amount of radiant heat exchange between these structures and animals, air ionization, etc.

Zootechnical and sanitary-hygienic requirements for keeping animals and poultry boil down to ensuring that all indicators of the microclimate in the premises are strictly maintained within the established standards.

Table 1. Zootechnical and zoohygienic standards for the microclimate of livestock premises ( winter period).


Optimal air temperature, °C.

Relative air humidity, %.

Optimal air speed, m/s.

Maximum permissible carbon dioxide content (by volume), %

Illumination, lux.

Cowsheds and buildings for young animals

Veal breeders

Maternity ward

Milking parlors

Pig pens:

for single queens


Sheep pens for adult sheep

Poultry houses for laying hens:

floor content

cellular content

These standards are established taking into account technological conditions and determine the permissible fluctuations in temperature, relative air humidity, air flow speed, and also indicate the maximum permissible content of harmful gases in the air.

With proper care of animals and optimal temperature air, the concentration of cloacal gases and the amount of moisture in the air in the room does not exceed permissible values.

IN general case processing supply air includes: dust removal, odor removal (deodorization), neutralization (disinfection), heating, humidification, drying, cooling. When developing a technological scheme for processing supply air, they strive to make this process the most economical and automatic control the simplest.

In addition, the premises must be dry, warm, well lit and insulated from external noise.

In maintaining microclimate parameters at the level of zootechnical and sanitary-hygienic requirements, a large role is played by the design of doors, gates, and the presence of vestibules, which open in winter when distributing feed by mobile feed dispensers and when removing manure with bulldozers. The premises are often overcooled, and animals suffer from colds.

Of all the microclimate factors, the most important role is played by the air temperature in the room, as well as the temperature of the floors and other surfaces, because it directly affects thermoregulation, heat exchange, metabolism in the body and other vital processes.

In practice, indoor microclimate refers to controlled air exchange, i.e. organized removal of contaminated substances from premises and supply to them clean air through the ventilation system. With the help of a ventilation system, optimal temperature and humidity conditions and the chemical composition of the air are maintained; create in different periods year required air exchange; ensure uniform distribution and circulation of air indoors to prevent the formation of " stagnant zones"; prevent condensation of vapors on the internal surfaces of fences (walls, ceilings, etc.); create in livestock and poultry premises normal conditions for the work of maintenance personnel.

The air exchange of livestock premises as a calculated characteristic is a specific hourly flow rate, i.e. supply air supply, expressed in cubic meters per hour and referred to 100 kg of live weight of animals. Practice has established the minimum permissible air exchange rates for barns - 17 m 3 / h, calf barns - 20 m 3 / h, pigsties - 15-20 m 3 / h per 100 kg of live weight of the animal located in the room in question.

Illumination is also important factor microclimate. Natural lighting is most valuable for livestock buildings, but in winter and late autumn it is not enough. Normal lighting of livestock buildings is ensured subject to the standards of natural and artificial illumination.

Natural lighting is assessed by the light coefficient, which expresses the ratio of the area of ​​window openings to the floor area of ​​the room. Artificial illumination standards are determined by the specific power of lamps per 1 m 2 of floor.

The optimally required parameters of heat, moisture, light, air are not constant and vary within limits that are not always compatible not only with the high productivity of animals and poultry, but sometimes with their health and life. In order for microclimate parameters to correspond to a certain type, age, productivity and physiological state of animals and poultry under various conditions of feeding, keeping and breeding, it must be regulated using technical means.

Optimal and controlled microclimate are two different concepts, which at the same time are interrelated. An optimal microclimate is a regulated goal - a means to achieve it. The microclimate can be regulated using a set of equipment.

2. The influence of the chemical composition of air on the productivity of farm animals

The concentration of vapors from animal excretions in indoor air above the permissible norm has a negative impact on health and productivity. It is measured by gas analyzers.

Animals absorb oxygen and release carbon dioxide and water vapor. 100 volume parts of air (without water vapor) contain: nitrogen 78.13 parts, oxygen 20.06 parts, helium, argon, krypton, neon and other inert (inactive) gases 0.88 parts, carbon dioxide 0.03 parts. At optimal air temperature, a 500-kilogram cow emits 10-15 kg of water vapor per day.

Nitrogen in the air in a gaseous state is not used by animals: the amount of nitrogen they inhale is the same amount they exhale. Of all the gases, animals absorb only oxygen (O2).

Relatively constant atmospheric air and by the content of carbon dioxide (CO 2) in it (fluctuations within 0.025-0.05%). But the air exhaled by animals contains much more of it than the atmosphere. The maximum permissible concentration of CO 2 in livestock yards is 0.25%. Over the course of an hour, a cow emits on average 101-115 liters of carbon dioxide. As the permissible rate increases, the animal’s breathing and pulse become much faster, and this, in turn, negatively affects its health and productivity. Therefore, regular ventilation of premises is important condition normal life.

In the air of poorly ventilated livestock buildings, you can find a fairly significant admixture of ammonia (NH 3) - a gas with a pungent odor. This poisonous gas is formed during the decomposition of urine, feces, and dirty litter. Ammonia has a cauterizing effect during breathing; it easily dissolves in water, is absorbed by the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, upper respiratory tract, conjunctiva of the eye, causing severe irritation. In such cases, animals develop coughing, sneezing, lacrimation and other painful phenomena. Acceptable norm ammonia in the air of barnyards is 0.026%.

When feces rot as a result of decomposition in liquid receivers and other places, hydrogen sulfide (H 2 S) accumulates in the air of rooms with poor ventilation, which is a highly poisonous gas with the smell of rotten eggs. The appearance of hydrogen sulfide in the premises is a signal of poor sanitary condition of livestock premises. As a result, a number of disorders occur in the body: inflammation of the mucous membranes, oxygen starvation, dysfunction nervous system(paralysis of the respiratory center and blood vessel control center), etc.

3. The influence of the physical properties of air on the animal’s body

Temperature has a huge impact on the body, in particular on the heat generation processes that constantly occur in all cells of the body. environment. Low temperature external environment enhances metabolism in the body, delays the return internal heat; high - on the contrary. At high temperature Air transfer of internal heat by the body to the external environment is carried out in the process of breathing through the lungs, as well as by heat radiation through the skin. In the second case, heat is radiated in the form infrared rays. When the air temperature rises to the animal's body temperature, radiation from the surface of the skin stops. Therefore, it is important to maintain a normal microclimate in the barnyard (Table 1), and temperature fluctuations should not exceed 3°. The maximum room temperature for most types of farm animals should not exceed 20°C.

Air humidity is determined by hygrometers. Absolute humidity is characterized by the amount of water vapor (g) in 1 m 3 of air, maximum humidity is the maximum amount of water vapor that can be contained in 1 m 3 of air at a given temperature. Humidity can be expressed as a percentage - as the ratio of absolute humidity to maximum humidity. This is relative humidity and is determined using psychrometers.

Indoor air humidity is important. At high humidity and the temperature and weak air movement in the room greatly reduces heat transfer, as a result of which the body overheats, and this can lead to heat stroke. High humidity has a particularly adverse effect on young and weakened animals. Dampness in rooms contributes to the preservation of various microorganisms and the creation of favorable conditions for the transmission of pathogens by airborne droplets. Under such conditions, the animals’ appetite, productivity, resistance to diseases decrease, and lethargy and weakness appear. High air humidity at low temperatures has a negative effect: it causes the body to lose a large amount of heat. To make up for these losses, the animal requires additional food. To ensure optimal humidity (70-75%) in the premises, it is necessary to create normal air exchange, promptly remove manure and slurry, build floors from moisture-proof material, avoid voids between the flooring and the ground, avoid water leakage from drinking bowls, and use only moisture-absorbing bedding.

At any temperature, animals feel better and produce better in dry air conditions. Heat transfer in dry air and high temperatures is carried out by the body through sweating and evaporation of moisture through the lungs during breathing. At low temperatures, dry air helps reduce heat transfer. Solar insolation plays an important role in the life of the body. Under the influence sun rays Metabolism in the body is enhanced, in particular, the supply of organs and tissues with oxygen is better, and the deposition of nutrients in them - proteins, calcium, phosphorus - is enhanced. Under the influence of sunlight, vitamin D is formed in the skin. Sunlight, neutralizing pathogenic microorganisms, creates for animals favorable conditions, increases the resistance of their body against infectious diseases. When there is insufficient sunlight, the animal experiences light starvation, as a result of which a number of disorders occur in the body. Too much solar insolation also has a negative effect on the body, causing burns and, often, sunstroke.

The sun's rays intensify hair growth, enhance the function of the skin glands (sweat and sebaceous), while the stratum corneum thickens and the epidermis thickens, which is very important for strengthening the body's resistance. During the winter stable period, regular walks for animals should be organized and their artificial ultraviolet irradiation should be practiced (with the necessary precautions taken).

parameter microclimate livestock building

Solar radiation, or radiant energy, has a variety of effects on animals. Visible light affects the rhythm of their life (molting, breeding season, metabolism, etc.). Ultraviolet rays have great biological activity and bactericidal activity. In enclosed spaces there is a lack of natural ultraviolet rays Therefore, for the purpose of prevention, it is necessary to use irradiation of animals, while their safety and productivity are increased, and morbidity and mortality are reduced. Various lamps are used for ultraviolet irradiation. Animals are irradiated once every 2-3 days. The distance from the animal’s back to the irradiator must correspond to the specified parameters in the instructions for the lamps. To create local temperature when raising newborn animals, artificial sources of infrared rays are used. Suckling piglets are heated around the clock for 26-45 days. To create the optimal intensity of infrared radiation, heating lamps with a power of 250 W are suspended at a height of 70 cm from the back of the animals, and with a power of 500 W - 100-120 cm.

The speed of air movement affects the thermoregulation of the animal body. At high humidity and high temperature, air movement does not cool the body, but leads to overheating. At low temperatures, increased air speed causes cooling of the animal's body. Such conditions have a particularly unfavorable effect on newborn young animals.

Failure to comply with the microclimate requirements in the premises leads to a decrease in milk yield by 10-20%, a decrease in weight gain by 20-30%, an increase in the waste of young animals to 5-40%, a decrease in egg production of chickens by 30-35%, the consumption of additional amounts of feed, and a reduction in service life equipment, machines and buildings themselves, reducing the resistance of animals to various diseases.

Figure 1 Ventilation systems, operating on the basis of rarefaction of air

Carbon dioxide. It accumulates indoors through the breathing of animals. An increased content of carbon dioxide disrupts metabolic and oxidative processes in the body of animals. The amount of carbon dioxide should not exceed 0.15 - 0.25%. Its increased content is especially undesirable for highly productive animals and young animals. To ensure normal carbon dioxide content in the room, it is necessary to properly organize the operation of the ventilation system.

Ammonia in livestock buildings accumulates during the decomposition of nitrogen-containing compounds. The main source of its formation is urine and liquid feces. More ammonia is released at elevated temperatures. Ammonia causes conjunctivitis in animals, as well as inflammation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. Inhaling even non-toxic doses of it weakens the body's resistance, preparing the ground for various diseases, and worsens the course of anemia, bronchopneumonia, and gastrointestinal diseases of young animals. When ammonia enters the blood through the lungs, it converts red blood cell hemoglobin into alkaline hematin, resulting in signs of anemia. Should the maximum permissible concentration of ammonia for animals be considered 5-20 mg/m? depending on the type and age.

Hydrogen sulfide in indoor air appears during the decay of protein sulfur-containing substances during long-term storage manure It causes inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eyes and respiratory tract. When absorbed into the blood, hydrogen sulfide binds iron, which is combined with hemoglobin, which leads to disruption of oxidative processes and general poisoning of the body. The maximum concentration of hydrogen sulfide in premises should be 5-10 mg/?

Dust. The origin of dust in livestock buildings can be mineral or organic. There is more organic dust, which is formed during the distribution of feed, cleaning premises, and cleaning animals. When dust enters the respiratory system, it causes irritation, itching and inflammation, thereby facilitating the introduction of infectious agents. The dust content in indoor air is allowed for adult animals - 1.0-1.5 mg/m?, for young animals - 0.5-1.0 mg/m?.

Microorganisms. There are various microorganisms in the air of livestock buildings (pathogenic, opportunistic, non-pathogenic). The concentration of a large number of animals in a limited area creates conditions for an increase in bacterial contamination of the air. In terms of species composition, microorganisms belong mainly to saprophytic microflora. The indoor air contains many cocci, mold spores, E. coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, staphylococci, streptococci, etc. are often found. In the presence of sick animals, as well as hidden bacilli and virus carriers, the air contains pathogens of paratyphoid, pasteurellosis, pullorosis, listerellosis, tuberculosis, foot and mouth disease, etc. for sanitary and hygienic assessment in the air, determine: total quantity microorganisms, contamination with Escherichia coli, the presence of hemolytic streptococci and the content of fungal spores. To reduce microbial contamination, wet and aerosol disinfection are used, ultraviolet bactericidal lamps are used, and organized ventilation is provided.

Air ionization. It has a beneficial effect on the body and improves the indoor microclimate. Aeroionization reduces the amount of dust and microorganisms by 2-4 times, relative air humidity by 5-8%, and increases metabolic processes in the cells and tissues of the body.

Noise level. In livestock buildings, the operation of machinery and equipment (milking, feed preparation, feed distribution, manure removal, ventilation, etc.) creates noise. High level noise has a negative impact on both animals and staff.

Air exchange. It is an important factor in microclimate regulation. If the air in livestock buildings does not exchange with the outside air, water vapor, aggressive gases, dust and microorganisms do not accumulate. Such air acquires harmful properties. Air exchange in rooms can occur naturally or with the help of artificial ventilation - mechanically.

To ensure natural ventilation in livestock buildings, not only exhaust shafts should be made in the ceiling, but also supply ducts in the walls. Exhaust pipes should have a height of 4-6 m, and to prevent precipitation from entering the room, they should end with a deflector with a lid. The area of ​​each exhaust pipe is at least 70x70 cm, and the supply channels are 20x20 cm. Per animal, the area of ​​the exhaust shafts should be (cm?): for adult cattle - 200-250, young animals 70-90, for sows - 110-150, fattening pigs 80-100. exhaust pipes must be equipped with double skinning and insulation. The supply ducts should be located in the longitudinal walls in a checkerboard pattern, their area should be 70-80% of the area of ​​the exhaust pipes.

The reasons for unsatisfactory operation of natural ventilation may be construction defects (crackiness, insufficient insulation of pipes), poor thermal insulation of the building, untimely opening and closing of valves in exhaust and supply ducts. Natural ventilation They are usually used in premises for keeping adult animals.

The most effective ventilation in livestock buildings is mechanical ventilation with heating of supply outside air in winter. Ventilation and heating systems must operate in all periods of the year, with the only difference being that on warm days, air heating is reduced or stopped completely.

For local heating of newborn animals, various heating devices (infrared lamps, heated floors, etc.) should be used. for piglets, the temperature in the den with local heating should be: in the first week of life 28-30? WITH; in the second - 26-28? WITH; in the third - 24-26? WITH; in the fourth - 22-24? C. Distributed heat-storing electric heaters create a favorable microclimate for calves.

The microclimate in livestock buildings is influenced by the design and condition of the floors. The floor must be waterproof and warm; uneven areas and depressions are not allowed. The slope of the floor is made towards the sewer trays (manure conveyor) - 1.5-2 cm for every meter. When installing and replacing wooden floors, voids should not be allowed between the boards and the surface of the clay base, otherwise slurry will accumulate under the floor, and its rotting and decomposition will create unfavorable sanitary and hygienic conditions. Floors with flooring made of rubber slabs, with polymer-cement flooring, hollow ceramic and expanded clay-bitumen deserve attention. To insulate the floor and create hygienic conditions, you can use rubber mats and made from harmless synthetic resins. You can use slatted floors, but you must take into account the shape of the slats, the width top edge and crevices, which depend on the species and age of the animal.

4. Basic differential equation of air exchange

The air becomes unsuitable for animals to breathe if it contains large quantities dust, harmful gases, moisture vapor, etc., and its temperature is high. Harmful emissions that occur in premises change the cleanliness, temperature and humidity of the air, disrupt the physiological functions of the body, worsen the health of animals, sharply reduce productivity and increase feed consumption (Fig. 1 and 2).

The amount of air that needs to be introduced into a room within an hour to normalize and optimize temperature, humidity and harmful gases is called the ventilation rate.

If the internal cubic capacity of the room V m^3, and harmful substances are released in quantity G vr g/h, then to reduce them during general ventilation, it is supplied and simultaneously removed. V m3/h of air having an initial harmfulness in the amount of P0 g/m3. Let's determine what final concentration of harmfulness will be in the room after a certain period of time at h.

Let us denote the concentration of hazards in at the moment time through Р0' g/m3, then, provided that harmful emissions are uniformly distributed throughout the room, a differential air exchange equation can be written.

The amount of harmful substances released in the room during the time element dy, will be Gврdy.

The amount of harmful emissions introduced along with a fresh influx of air over the same period of time will be ‚. The total amount of harmful emissions is equal to:


a-change in the weight of the egg mass; b-percentage of chickens laying eggs daily; c - growth rate of chickens as a percentage of the control.

Figure 3 Changes in chicken productivity depending on the environment.


To determine the limits of integration of this equation, we reason as follows.

Over the period of time from 0 to at the concentration of harmful substances in the room changed from P1 to P2. After integration and solution we get:


Professor V.M. Chaplin presented expression (4) as follows:

With prolonged operation of ventilation and uniform continuous release of harmful substances, it can be assumed that y=∞, then we get


Animals of different species and age emit different amounts of gases, heat and moisture (Table 1).

It is also worth paying attention to air heaters designed to cool the air. If you live in a region with a fairly hot climate, then without a doubt, the most effective would be to use air coolers with freon. In more temperate climates, the use of water heaters will be quite sufficient.

The designs of air heaters very often contain special blinds with adjustable shutters, with the help of which it is quite easy to control the direction of movement of heated or cooled air supplied by fans specially installed for these purposes.

All heaters have their own mounting brackets. And when purchasing a specific model, in order to avoid possible difficulties and additional costs during installation, you should pay attention to their location.

7. List of references used

1. Melnikov S.V. Mechanization and automation of livestock farms and complexes. - L.; Ear. Leningr. department, 1978.

V.G. Koba, N.V. Braginets, D.N. Musuridze, V.F. Nekrashevich. Mechanization and technology of livestock production; Tutorial for agricultural universities- M.; Kolos, 1999.

N.N. Belyanchikov, A.I. Smirnov. Mechanization of livestock farming. - M.: Kolos, 1983. - 360 p.

E. A Arzumanyan, A.P. Beguchev, V. and Georgevsky, V.K. Dyman, etc. Animal husbandry. - M., Kolos, 1976. - 464 p.

N.M. Altukhov, V.I. Afanasyev, B.A. Bashkirov et al. A short reference book for a veterinarian. - M.: Agropromizdat, 1990. - 574 p.

S. Kadik. Ventilation and ventilation are different. /Livestock production in Russia/ March 2004

Melnikov S.V. Technological equipment for livestock farms and complexes. - L.: Agoropromizdat, 1985.

Zavrazhnov A.I. Design of production processes in livestock farming. - M.: Kolos, 1984.

Galkin A.F. Fundamentals of livestock farm design. - M.: Kolos, 1975.

Aleshkin V.R., Roshchin P.M. Mechanization of livestock farming. - M.: Agropromizdat, 1985.

Microclimate is the climate of a limited space. Its formation is influenced by the design of the building, the materials used in the construction, the technology of keeping and the type of animals. Also, the microclimate of a given room is affected by which of the five climatic zones built this room. The concept of microclimate includes such components as physical condition air environment (temperature, humidity, pressure, speed), its gas, microbial and dust pollution, that is, it is a set of physical, chemical and biological parameters.

Microclimate in different parts rooms are different. Usually the microclimate is controlled 3–4 times a month. During research, 3 measurements are taken in 6; 14 and 22 hours. Measurements are taken diagonally at 3 points. Stepping back 1 m from the wall and in the middle. Also at three points in height when the animal is lying down, standing, and 0.6 m from the ceiling. Different animals have different requirements for indoor microclimate. Moreover, this is influenced by both the type of animal and what stage of development it is at.

Permissible temperature and relative humidity in animal premises.

Premises Temperature Rel. Humidity
Cowsheds for tethered and non-tethered box soda. livestock 10 (8–12) 70
Cowsheds for used soda. On deep litter 6 (5–8) 50–85
Maternity wards 16 (14–18) 70 (50–85)
Dispensaries 18 (16–20) 70 (50–80)
Stables for adult horses 4–6 Up to 80
Stables for foals 6–10 Up to 80
Pig pens for single and easily pregnant queens 15 (14–16) 75 (60–85)
Pig pens for deep-gestating and suckling pigs 18 (16–20) 70 (60–80)
Pig pens for boar producers 15 (14–6) 70 (60–85)
Pig pens for piglets 22–0 70 (50-85)
Sheepfolds 5 (3-6) 75 (50-85)
Veal barns (maternity ward) 15 (12-18) 70 (50-85)
Poultry houses for adult birds with floor keeping 12-16 60-70
With cellular content 16-20 60-70
Chicks (in the 1st month) 35-24 60-70

The microclimate for pets has a multifaceted hygienic significance, affecting their body directly and indirectly. Increased indoor air temperature can lead to overheating of animals and a decrease in productive performance. The basis of developing pathological processes is the tension of thermoregulation. When the temperature drops below the recommended norm for a given animal species, colds become more frequent, especially in young animals, and cases of frostbite are possible. With increased humidity, the risk of pulmonary diseases increases and heat transfer increases in the cold season and becomes more difficult in the hot season, and the animal spends the energy of feed not on production, but on cooling or warming the body. Various air pollution also affects animals, and if with high dust levels bronchitis and other diseases of the respiratory tract become more frequent, then with an unfavorable gas composition (increased content of ammonia, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide) may cause poisoning of animals. In livestock farming, especially when working with reproductive herds, it is necessary to take into account seasonal changes in weather and the influence of its factors on the body and the indoor microclimate.

A change in a complex of stimuli of different strength and composition when the microclimate changes necessitates a change in the complex of responses of the body. Hence, with frequent and prolonged influence of these factors on the body, its organs and systems are trained and adapted to their effects. The animals themselves become more hardened and resilient. With constant exposure of animals to not very sharp changes in microclimate, their thermoregulatory mechanisms of the skin, blood vessels, neuroreceptor and humoral apparatus are improved, the tone of muscles and organs, as well as metabolism, changes. Hardening and training can prevent a number of diseases.

Ammonia– for animals 29 mg/m 3 ; for poultry - 5-10 mg/m3

Carbon monoxide– 20 – 30 mg/m 3

Carbon dioxide– over 1%

Hydrogen sulfide– 10 mg/m3

Dust pollution– the first symptoms appear already at 0.6 mg/m 3 not more than 6 mg/m 3 .

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Department of Cattle and Horse Breeding


Microclimate in livestock buildings

Completed by: Udartseva Yu.V.
Checked by: Goncharova L.N.

Barnaul 2010


    Literature review
1.1 The importance of microclimate and factors of its formation
1.2 The influence of microclimate on the health of animals and birds
1.3 Measures to protect the environment
    Brief description of the farm and sanitary and hygienic farm valuation
3. Zoo-hygienic requirements for choosing a site for the construction of livestock buildings
4. Characteristics of a separate livestock farm, complex
5. Dimensions of buildings, sections, equipment
6. Technology of labor-intensive processes
7. Ventilation system
7.1 Natural
7.2 Artificial
8. Room heating systems
9. Room illumination
9.1 Natural light
9.2 Artificial lighting
10. Graphic part
11. Measures to improve the operation of premises and technological equipment


Maintaining high productivity of animals and ensuring veterinary well-being on farms is impossible without observing the rules of hygiene in keeping, feeding, caring for, raising young animals and maintaining premises. Farm animal hygiene is a veterinary science about the prevention of stressful situations on the animal body, depending on climatic, meteorological, soil factors, feeding conditions, maintenance, and technological solutions for buildings included in the projects. Animal hygiene begins with the protection of livestock facilities from the introduction of infections and ends with the development of measures for the disposal of production waste; it prevents the aerogenic spread of microorganisms, develops veterinary gaps and sanitary protection zones; forms the principles of filling and emptying premises, preventive breaks in sections, determines the number of animals in sections and premises, as well as optimal conditions for keeping, feeding, watering and caring for animals to obtain from them environmentally friendly, safe for humans products that meet modern regulations and GOSTs .
Veterinary hygiene is based on disease prevention, taking into account the ecological chain “air - soil - water - feed - animals - products - environmental protection - people”. Breaking this chain leads to irreparable consequences for both animal and human health. Therefore, all zoohygienic standards are coordinated with the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service. Animal hygiene cannot be separated from veterinary sanitation, which includes measures for disinfection, deratization, etc., thereby facilitating compliance with animal hygiene standards.
Animal hygiene standards are developed by a number of scientific institutions (Giproniselkhoz, VNKIVSGE, VIZH, VIGIS, MGUPB and others), approved by the bureau of the departments of veterinary medicine and zootechnics of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, and then included in the “Departmental Standards of Technological Design” for animal species. Taking into account these VNTP, design institutes develop individual and standard projects for the construction, reconstruction and operation of farms.
To date, such standards have been developed for all types of farm animals, including those kept on farms. Animal health specialists participate in the development of design assignments and in the preparation of projects, in their examination, selection of areas for construction and acceptance of objects into operation; completing farms, quarantining, transporting animals.
In accordance with veterinary and sanitary rules and zoohygienic standards, any farm must operate on the “closed type” principle, be fenced, landscaped, divided into “black and white” zones, have a sanitary checkpoint, disinfection barriers and disinfection mats at the entrance to the territory and the entrance to the premises. All production processes on the farm must go “front-to-back”, without crossing paths when regrouping animals and operating transport. Most premises, especially for young animals, must be operated according to the principle “everything is free - everything is occupied”, preventive breaks must be observed to carry out a set of veterinary and sanitary measures (cleaning, repairs, washing, disinfection with the provision of “biological rest”).
The farm itself, depending on the quantity, type and age groups Animals must be provided with veterinary facilities: veterinary center, isolation ward, quarantine, slaughter and sanitary station or slaughter area, have containers for collecting corpses and confiscated goods. All corpses must be taken to veterinary and sanitary plants, and only in their absence is disposal in biothermal pits allowed.
The qualifications of workers play a huge role in maintaining animal health and obtaining quality products. Therefore, livestock specialists and veterinarians must constantly conduct veterinary education with their staff, using materials on this topic.

1. Literature review

1.1 The importance of microclimate and factors of its formation

The natural sequence of atmospheric phenomena created in a given area as a result of many years of exposure to solar radiation, soil, and the movement of air masses, which determine in this area a characteristic weather regime or a set of weather observed over a long period of time, is called climate.
The climate of a particular area, as opposed to the weather, is more stable. Each geographical area characterized by its characteristic climatic features.
The climate of large geographical areas is called macroclimate. Conversely, the climate of a confined space includes the concept of microclimate.
In livestock farming, microclimate is understood, first of all, as the climate of premises for animals, which is defined as the totality of the physical state of the air environment, its gas, microbial and dust contamination, taking into account the condition of the building itself and technological equipment.
Microclimate - indoor climate. It is of great importance for the formation of the animal’s constitution, its productivity and resistance.
The microclimate is composed of several parameters, temperature, humidity, lighting, air speed, gas composition of the air. Failure to comply with these parameters, at least one of them, will lead to pathological changes in the body. However, the significance and quantitative value of each of them depends on the purpose of the agricultural building and the animals that will be located in them. For certain groups of animals, one or another microclimate parameter will be more significant or, conversely, almost neutral. A number of specialists are involved in creating an optimal microclimate: livestock specialist, veterinarian, builders, engineers, mechanics and, as the final link in this chain, technical personnel, but main role undoubtedly belongs to animal health specialists.
The formation of the microclimate in animal premises is significantly influenced by the local climate, the season of the year, the thermal and humid state of the surrounding building structures, the ventilation device and the level of air exchange, heating, sewerage, methods of cleaning and removing manure from the premises, lighting, as well as the technology of keeping animals, density and placement, daily routine on the farm, type of feeding, methods of feed distribution, watering, etc. The construction, operational and design features of the building have a great influence. The terrain, as much as it can improve the microclimate, can worsen it by the same amount. The formation of the microclimate is also determined by the remoteness of livestock farms from industrial enterprises and settlements, protection from the prevailing cold winds. Of considerable importance is the depth of groundwater and the location of the building to the cardinal points. Of no small importance is the internal layout of buildings, area and cubic capacity per head, as well as the number of rows of stalls, pens, cages, sections, feed and manure passages, the presence of vestibules in the room and a thermal curtain in them, the use of infrared irradiators for young animals, insulation of doors , size and number of windows, and their glazing. The construction of floors is important, since heat loss from 20 to 40% of all heat loss occurs through the floor; the incidence of colds in animals depends on the quality of the floor.

1.2 The influence of microclimate on the health of animals and birds

1.3 Measures to protect the environment

The main environmental issues are the disposal and storage of manure. When choosing a place to store manure, first of all, you need to take into account the climatic conditions of the area. As a rule, a manure storage facility is located on the leeward side of the farm. However, the most well-known way to dispose of manure is to apply it to fields as fertilizer. Thanks to the application of manure, the physical and chemical composition of the soil improves and fertility increases. The manure storage facility must be built in such places that the access of animals is excluded and the access of people is limited, since various pathogens may be present in the manure. Manure from isolators and quarantines must be collected and stored for 30 days in separate manure storage facilities or on concrete sites located in the yard of the isolation facility or quarantine. Disinfection, disposal and transportation of such manure are carried out in accordance with veterinary legislation.
It is necessary to provide for agricultural fields and irrigation of agricultural crops. Usage waste water for irrigation is not allowed in areas with groundwater standing at a depth of less than 1.25 m.
Animal corpses are transported to a collection point for raw materials to be sent to a plant for the production of meat and bone meal. From the raw material collection points, the corpses are transported to the veterinary and sanitary plant for the production of meat and bone meal in special plant vehicles. If there are no such factories, then groups of animals, as directed by the veterinarian, are disposed of in special trays in the disposal department of the slaughterhouse, with subsequent feeding to animals of another species or obtaining technical products. The corpses of animals that died from particularly dangerous diseases are burned in special workshops.
In order to protect the air, measures are taken to plant green plants along the perimeter and between buildings, which helps reduce air pollution by 3-5 times; compliance with veterinary and sanitary gaps between buildings (20-25m), buildings are located parallel to the prevailing winds so that polluted air is blown out of the farm territory. The intake of clean air is carried out from below from the end of the building, the exhaust is carried out upward, it is also necessary to observe the veterinary and sanitary gap between the farm territory and the populated area, manure storage facility.

2. Brief description of the farm

LLC “Zapadnoye” was formed in 1957. The central estate of the state farm is located three kilometers from the regional center of Klyuchi. The distance to the regional center of Barnaul is 370 km.
According to the agroclimatic zoning of the Altai Territory, the farm is located in a warm, arid region. In general, climatic conditions are favorable for growing crops. The climate is characterized by hot but short summers, cold winters with strong winds and snowstorms. The average air temperature in summer is +20+25C, maximum temperature is +40+41C. The average air temperature in winter is -16-20C, the absolute minimum temperature is -40-41C.
Geomorphologically, the territory of the state farm is a flat, ridged plain with a small number of depressions occupied by lakes. The hydrographic network on the territory of the state farm is represented by lakes. The water of the lakes is suitable for watering livestock and for household needs.
The direction of production activity of the farm is cattle breeding with developed grain production.
The total land area of ​​the farm is 21,342 hectares, of which arable land is 15,470 hectares, hayfields are 1,167 hectares, pastures are 2,756 hectares, and cattle are 800 heads.
The cattle farm is located 1500m from the road. Summer camps located at a distance of 300m from the complex, that is, 1800m to the village.

3. Zoo-hygienic requirements for choosing a site for the construction of livestock buildings

The land plot for the construction of livestock farms must meet zoohygienic requirements. The correct choice of site for their construction is of great importance for the production activities of farms and complexes. A well-chosen site allows for better use of forage lands and reserves, clearly organizing technological processes and the work of service personnel, rational transportation of feed, manure, animals, etc., correctly marking out the buildings and structures included in the farm, and, as necessary, expanding and developing the farm. .
When choosing sites for the construction of livestock farms and complexes, it is necessary to maintain the distance to roads. Here it is necessary to take into account both the necessary veterinary and sanitary gap, which ensures the possibility of localizing the work of the enterprise, and the convenience of transport connections with the main roads along which feed is imported and products are exported.
Veterinary gaps from complexes to highways of national, republican and regional significance of categories I and II must be at least 300 m, to highways of republican and regional significance of category III to cattle drives - at least 150m, to other highways of local significance - not less than 50m, with the exception of access roads to the enterprise.
You cannot build on a site with close groundwater.
The land plot must be: dry, not chipped

Keeping farm animals in closed premises of industrial livestock farms is associated with significant deviations in parameters and gas composition air from normal conditions. Therefore, when designing livestock complexes, along with theoretical dependencies, experimental data obtained from experimental studies are usually used. Experiments to determine the influence of environmental parameters on the condition of animals and the biological changes occurring in their bodies under the influence of these parameters are carried out by scientists from domestic and foreign research centers. Under natural conditions, frequent and unexpected weather changes significantly complicate experimental work, resulting in an increase in the duration of research. The time required for conducting experimental research can be reduced by creating an artificial climate that simulates the conditions of a particular season. Such conditions can be created in a special installation consisting of a climate chamber, animal life support systems and control of machines and devices. It serves as a physical model of a livestock building and allows for research on farm animals in laboratory conditions.

Microclimate of livestock premises.

The microclimate of livestock premises is the combination of physical and chemical factors of the air environment formed inside these premises. The most important microclimate factors include: temperature and relative humidity of the air, the speed of its movement, the speed of its movement, the chemical composition, as well as the presence of suspended dust particles and microorganisms. When assessing the chemical composition of air, the content of harmful gases is determined first of all: carbon dioxide, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, carbon monoxide, the presence of which reduces the body's resistance to disease.

Factors influencing the formation of the microclimate are also: illumination, the temperature of the internal surfaces of enclosing structures, which determines the dew point, the amount of radiant heat exchange between these structures and animals, air ionization, etc.

Zootechnical and sanitary-hygienic requirements for keeping animals and poultry boil down to ensuring that all indicators of the microclimate in the premises are strictly maintained within the established standards.

These standards are established taking into account technological conditions and determine permissible fluctuations in temperature, relative air humidity, air flow speed, and also indicate the maximum permissible content of harmful gases in the air.

Table 1. Zootechnical and zoohygienic standards for the microclimate of livestock premises(winter period).



carbon dioxide

gas (by volume), %

Illumination, lux.

Cowsheds and buildings for young animals

Veal breeders

Maternity ward

Milking parlors

Pig pens:

for single queens


Sheepfolds for adult sheep

Poultry houses for laying hens:

floor content

cellular content

With proper maintenance of animals and optimal air temperature, the concentration of cloacal gases and the amount of moisture in the air in the room does not exceed permissible values.

In general, supply air treatment includes: dust removal, odor removal (deodorization), neutralization (disinfection), heating, humidification, dehumidification, cooling. When developing a technological scheme for processing supply air, they strive to make this process the most economical and automatic control the simplest.

In addition, the premises must be dry, warm, well lit and insulated from external noise.

In maintaining microclimate parameters at the level of zootechnical and sanitary-hygienic requirements, a large role is played by the design of doors, gates, and the presence of vestibules, which open in winter when distributing feed by mobile feed dispensers and when removing manure with bulldozers. The premises are often overcooled, and animals suffer from colds.

Of all the microclimate factors, the most important role is played by the air temperature in the room, as well as the temperature of floors and other surfaces, since it directly affects thermoregulation, heat exchange, metabolism in the body and other vital processes.

In practice, indoor microclimate refers to controlled air exchange, i.e., the organized removal of polluted air from premises and the supply of clean air through a ventilation system. With the help of a ventilation system, optimal temperature and humidity conditions and the chemical composition of the air are maintained; create the necessary air exchange at different times of the year; ensure uniform distribution and circulation of air indoors to prevent the formation of “stagnant zones”; prevent condensation of vapors on the internal surfaces of fences (walls, ceilings, etc.); create normal conditions for the work of service personnel in livestock and poultry premises.

The air exchange of livestock premises as a calculated characteristic is a specific hourly flow rate, i.e., the supply of fresh air, expressed in cubic meters per hour and related to 100 kg of live weight of animals. Practice has established the minimum acceptable air exchange rates for barns - 17 m 3 / h, calf barns - 20 m 3 / h, pigsties - 15-20 m 3 / h per 100 kg of live weight of the animal located in the room in question.

Illumination is also an important microclimate factor. Natural lighting is most valuable for livestock buildings, but in winter and late autumn it is not enough. Normal lighting of livestock buildings is ensured subject to the standards of natural and artificial illumination.

Natural lighting is assessed by the light coefficient, which expresses the ratio of the area of ​​window openings to the floor area of ​​the room. Artificial illumination standards are determined by the specific power of lamps per 1 m 2 of floor.

The optimally required parameters of heat, moisture, light, air are not constant and vary within limits that are not always compatible not only with the high productivity of animals and poultry, but sometimes with their health and life. In order for microclimate parameters to correspond to a certain type, age, productivity and physiological state of animals and poultry under various conditions of feeding, keeping and breeding, it must be regulated using technical means.

Optimal and controlled microclimate are two different concepts, which at the same time are interrelated. An optimal microclimate is a regulated goal and a means to achieve it. The microclimate can be regulated using a set of equipment.

Microclimate is a complex of physical environmental factors in a limited space that influences the body’s heat metabolism.

In animal husbandry, microclimate is understood, first of all, as the climate of premises for animals, which is defined as the totality of the physical state of the air environment, its gas, microbial and dust pollution, taking into account the condition of the building itself and technological equipment. In other words, microclimate is the meteorological regime of enclosed spaces for animals, the concept of which includes temperature, humidity, chemical composition and air speed, dust content, illumination, etc. An optimal microclimate helps to increase animal productivity and reduce feed consumption per unit of production. , has a positive effect on maintaining the health of animals.

The factors that shape the microclimate in agricultural premises include:

    local (zonal) climate, weather conditions and time of year;

    thermal and humidity resistance of building envelopes;

    the state of ventilation, sewerage, quality of manure removal, degree of lighting and heating;

    animal keeping technology;

    type of animals and their density;

    quantity and quality.

      1. Zoohygienic requirements for the microclimate parameters of livestock premises.

Keeping horses in a stable is inevitably associated with air pollution; with poor ventilation, this adversely affects the health of the animals. The air exchange through windows and gates is insufficient. Therefore, the stable must have ventilation - natural supply and exhaust or forced. However, with free air circulation, drafts should be avoided, otherwise sweaty animals after work, as well as foals, can easily catch a cold.

In some stables, during construction, a gap is left between the roof and the upper crowns of the walls: this technique allows stagnant air to evaporate, but eliminates drafts. But most often, stables are equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation with natural impulse.

The size of the exhaust pipe is at least 0.8 × 0.8 m, and the supply channel is 0.2 × 0.2 m. One pipe is equipped for every 12-15 horses. However, for more precise definition the number of pipes, the volume of ventilation is calculated by air humidity or carbon dioxide (depending on the characteristics of the climate zone). This ventilation works satisfactorily at sub-zero outside temperatures, but is ineffective at elevated temperatures. Exhaust pipes are equipped with deflectors in their upper part, and dampers are installed in the lower part to regulate the air being removed. The permissible air exchange - at least 17 m³ per hundredweight of the horse - is reduced during the cold period minimally to the limits necessary to maintain the temperature of the room, without normalizing its relative humidity.

In winter, the air temperature in the stable can drop to 4 degrees and even be below zero, but if there are no drafts, then both adult horses and foals will safely withstand it.

To heat the stables in damp and cold seasons, you can install central heating, use safe heaters (when warm air flows through pipes) or heat guns.

Microclimate optimization includes compliance with technological design standards during the construction of buildings, as well as constant monitoring of the main climatic parameters of the internal environment of livestock buildings.

In addition, to protect against the introduction of infectious agents and improve sanitary and hygienic conditions in the territory of livestock buildings, the following measures are carried out. The territory is surrounded by a fence no less than 1.8 m high and landscaped in 3-5 rows with trees and shrubs. Local plant species are selected for plantings, taking into account their sanitary, protective and decorative properties and resistance to industrial emissions. In the green areas in the summer months, the temperature is 2-2.5 °C lower compared to open areas, and the speed of air movement is reduced by 60-80%, the amount of dust and microorganisms is reduced by 50-60%. Under these conditions, animals’ cardiac activity, breathing, gas exchange and heat exchange are normalized, and natural resistance and productivity are increased.

To protect livestock buildings from prevailing winds, sand and snow drifts, trees and shrubs are planted on the side of these winds, along the borders of the buildings, along internal roads, veterinary buildings and between buildings. Green spaces protect animal premises from overheating (in summer) and cooling (in winter), which helps improve their microclimate.

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