Kuban, with folk signs, to show the beauty of their native land. Kuban» Steppe expanses, High mountains, Two gentle seas - All this is Kuban

"Wind Energy" - Observational data (MWh). Photo: Nordex AG. Questions? Wind energy resource. Electricity (kW). What do wind energy systems provide? Photo: Danmarks Tekniske Universitet. Calculate the energy distribution curve. Calculate actual energy production. Foundation (side view). Turbine power graph for 1 MW.

“Wind in February” - You can’t keep up with the wind in the field. Find out why February is considered the windiest month. Purpose of the work: You can’t catch the wind in your mitten. You can't catch the wind with your hands. January - father - frosts, February - snowstorms. He will teach you to fly across the sky and touch the clouds there. The wind doesn't blow, and the sedge doesn't make noise. Diagram of the number of windy days over three months.

“Seas of Russia” - Rivers of Russia. Lake Kopytko is a favorite vacation spot for residents and guests of our city. Seas of the Atlantic Ocean. Baltic Sea Black Sea. Bering Sea Sea of ​​Okhotsk Sea of ​​Japan. Seas of the Pacific Ocean. Lakes of Russia. Caspian lake-sea Baikal Ladoga Onega. The rivers Ust - Labinsk - Kuban and Laba.

“Seas in Russia” - Sea of ​​Japan. Vladivostok. Consolidation of the studied material. In Caspian. Murmansk. Which sea is the sea of ​​dead depths? Petropavlovsk - Kamchatsky. Baltic, Black, Azov seas. Bering Sea. The confluence of large rivers that desalinate water. East Siberian Sea. Chukotka Peninsula Starting from 125 - 200 m, the water is poisoned with hydrogen sulfide.

“State of the Aral Sea” - Relevance. Determination of wind speed. Conducting environmental monitoring of the Aral Sea. Ways to improve the ecological state of the Aral Sea. Only Adyrpan, and the lonely wind, and the groaning yellow sands. The general restoration of the reservoir will also continue. Progress of the study. Purpose of the work. With the collapse of the USSR in 1991

“Lesson Wind” - Wind is the movement of air in the vertical direction. The wind changes the shape of the relief. When it whistles, there is a trembling in the river. Local wind. Devices. Wind characteristics. “Married” - on the lake. Breeze. The monsoon forms on the coast of the seas. You're a mischief maker, but you won't stop. Anemometer is a device for determining wind strength. The wind blows from an area of ​​low pressure to an area of ​​high atmospheric pressure.

Topic: “Writers of Kuban about native nature»


1 .educational - introduce students to the biography of Varabbas, Oboyshchikov, Golub; reveal the content of the lesson topic

2. developing - to continue the development of thinking, memory, attention, speech, cognitive interest

    educational - to cultivate a love of nature, children's books, fostering students' speech culture Organizational moment and the mood for the lesson.

Teacher's opening speech.

- I hasten to tell you - “Hello!”

To wish you good health.

I hasten to tell you - “Grace!”

To wish you new happiness.

I hasten to tell you - “Joy!”

Good luck, success and luck! –

To wish everyone in this class

Have the most wonderful mood.

And the mood now cannot be bad, because we are starting a lesson in which we will talk about our small Motherland, about our Krasnodar region, and introduce the works of writers about the nature of Kuban.

As an epigraph I chose the statement of A.N. Tkachev“Love Kuban, study its past, create its future!”

After all, the nature of the Krasnodar region is beautiful! Go out into the garden, into the steppe, into a field, take a walk in the park, just look out the window - and you will see a real miracle...

Look around -

The beauty will enchant you:

The region is more beautiful than ours!

The bread is golden,

The forests are turning green,

The distance of the sea is decorated with azure...

2. Preparation for the initial perception of the poem by I. Varabbas “On our cherry farm”

Guys, I invite you to go along the roads of Kuban poets to explore the wonders and charms of the region. Let's get startedIvan Fedorovich Varabbas. I.F. Barabbas was born in Kuban in st. Starominskaya. After graduating from school, he went to the front as a volunteer, where he was wounded. However, the war brought not only troubles to the writer’s personal life. It was during the war that Ivan Fedorovich picked up a pen and began to write. We will dwell in more detail on poems about nature, namely “On our Cherry Farm”

2.1. Primary perception

What is the poem talking about?

Which compositional feature did you notice?

How does the poem end?

2.2. Secondary perception with elements of analysis

How did they decorate shirts, hems, and sleeves on the cherry farm?

What are the clothes like in this village?

Why is the road white in spring?

Word drawing

3. Preparation for the perception of T. Golub’s poem “The Main Smell”

Born and raised in Kuban. At the age of sixteen she became seriously ill. The disease confined her to bed and made the talented poetess disabled. But this did not stop her from pursuing her literary activities. So 8 collections of poetry were written. Among them is “Breadfruit”

In which the poem “The Main Smell” was placed

3.1. Primary perception

The teacher's reading is accompanied by a dynamic demonstration.

Checking initial perception

- Who remembers what it smells like in Kuban?

3.2. Composing the score

- With what intonation will we read the poem, starting with the words The wind flew in from the sea,
Juicy sweet strawberries,
Cucumbers, blackberries,
Warmed up quinoa
Mint and mignonette,
Generous mushroom rain
AND young dill,
Pears covered in pink...

- What pause accompanies the intonation of the enumeration?

- What punctuation mark ends the listing? What kind of pause will there be?

Expressive reading fragment

- Read the sentences on the slide. What should it be like?

- How should you pronounce the word “heard”? Why? (address word, it is necessary to highlight it logically)

- How should you read the word "wheat"? (melodic, calm) Choral pronunciation of the word

Choral reading of a fragment

Expressive reading of a poem

4. Preparation for the initial perception of K. Oboishchikov’s poem “Kuban is such a land”

K. Oboishchikov was born in the Rostov region in 1920. School years passed to Kuban. In 4th grade, the first poems about nature appear native land

4.1. Primary perception

Expressive reading by the teacher.

Checking initial perception

What mood did the poem make you feel?

How has your idea of ​​Kuban changed?

4.2. Secondary perception

Reading a poem by students.

Creation of a filmstrip and a story for it

Divide the class into 4 groups. Graphic drawing

Draw an excerpt and sign the credits to create a filmstrip “My Kuban”, based on the poems you read. Compiling a story about the nature of Kuban, based on the resulting filmstrip.

5. Quiz of experts in the works of Kuban writers

“Kuban is the land of T. Golub

like this"

“The Main Smell” by I. Varava

“On the farm of K. Oboishchikov

our cherry"

2.What does the sun “smell” like in Kuban?

3. A priceless home gift

4. What time of yearon the cherry farm the road is white

5. What are the clothes like on the Cherry Farm?

6. Remember as many smells of Kuban as possible

"The Main Smell"

It smells like summer in Kuban
The wind that came from the sea,
Juicy sweet strawberries,
Cucumbers, blackberries,
Warmed up quinoa
Mint and mignonette,
Generous mushroom rain
And young dill,
Pears covered in pink...
What is the main smell?
We heard how outside the village
Does the sun smell like...wheat?

Kuban is such a land

Kuban is a land like this: Kuban is a land like this:

Only the first ray will slide - There is military glory in it

And the field comes to life. And the glory of labor

And the thunder of the earth floats, They are held together with cement.

And the plow cuts the earth, It blooms in Novorossiysk

Like butter. Holy Land.

All year round And, like obelisks,

Something is being sown here, the poplars are frozen.

And they are removing something, Kuban is a land like this:

And something is blooming. From golden bread,

Kuban is a land like this: Steppe side.

From end to end she meets guests,

Two Denmarks will enter. And opens the soul

Washed by the seas, Transparent to the bottom.

Hidden in the forests, Cossack fire,

Wheat fields, beautiful, young,

Looking to the skies. Kuban is a land like this:

And the snowy peaks - One day he will caress -

Like waves of gray hair, You will love forever!

Like the wisdom of old.

“On our cherry farm”

On our cherry farm

By the clear crystal water

The girls are celebrating new things,

Flowers are rising at dawn.

And those wall flowers,

Like a generous summer, rumors

Shirts are decorated with embroidery,

Hemlines, shirt sleeves.

On our cherry farm,

Where the river flows freely,

In beautiful girlish updates

Spring is burning all year round.

Visitor, stranger passerby

Notice by the still water:

Even the clothes are similar here

To the steppe, vegetable gardens, orchards.

On our cherry farm

Beautiful people live,

On our cherry farm

The orchestras are calling at the wedding.

And the boys invite their girlfriends,

And they go out into the circle themselves,

under the cherries the cherries are picked

From hot angry lips.

On our cherry farm

In spring the road is white

From the cherries in new bloom,

From their youthful warmth.

Me too once for a reason

From the farm into the freezing cold

A priceless precious gift -

He brought spring on his shirt.

5. Lesson summary

Seasons through the eyes of Kuban poets
Objectives: 1) to introduce the features of the seasons
Kuban, folk signs, show beauty
native land;
2) develop observation skills;
3) cultivate interest in the work of Kuban poets.
The distance of the steppes is through,
eagle expanse of mountains -
native side,
Our land is poplar! Viktor Podkopaev The nature of Kuban is beautiful! Go out into the garden, into the steppe, into a field, take a walk in the park, just look out the window - and you will see a real miracle...
Tall ant grasses,
you are growing,
to the glory!
The green ones took off their shirts,
The daisies turn white and yellow.
The elegant poppies are blushing,
like the Cossacks wear new beshmets.
And, like river floods,
heavenly blue -
Vitaly Bakaldin (Beshmet - outerwear among the Tatars, Caucasian peoples, Cossacks)
Thick fog floats in the lowlands.
The earth is filled with peace.
And they hold the sky like a basket,
Above the farmsteads
Kronid Upholsterers
Oh, how the sunflower field laughed!
Under the azure sky there are a thousand luminaries.
Sunflowers bloomed on the expanse of the steppe:
The steppe has gilded their golden color...
Ivan Varabbas

At dawn, ruddy
Rosehip woke up.
With every leaf he
I reached out to the dawn.
And the dawn comes to him
Reached out in response
Colored the buds
IN pink...
Tatyana Golub These are fragments from poems by Kuban poets. Just a few lines - and before us is a portrait of our native land. A talented poet knows how to notice the beauty of every modest blade of grass and find precise, vivid words to convey this charm to us.
(Fragment is an excerpt of text, art or music.)
- Which of the passages you read seemed the most beautiful to you? Why?
- Illustrate one of the passages.
- Do you know how to determine the weather based on folk signs?
If not, listen carefully to another poem by the Kuban poetess Tatyana Golub.
Will it rain or not -
I will find the answer in the flowers.
If in the morning marigolds
The flower corollas squeezed,
So it will rain again -
You need to take an umbrella with you.
If your eyes reach the sun
The bindweed opened wide -
No one can go wrong here:
It will be a sunny day.
And here is an excerpt from the poem “It’s either snow or rain” by Kronid Oboyshchikov:
...If it starts to smell strong
There are lilacs under your window,
The cat tore the wall to pieces,
Roosters crow all day long
If swallows fly
Low, low above the ground,
Now I know for sure:
The rain will pour down...
Other signs of rain are also popularly known:
“The water on the river is foaming - it will rain tomorrow.”
"Sparrows bathe in dust - for rain"
“In the evening the sky is pale yellow - it means rain. “- Ask your elders - relatives, acquaintances - about what folk primates they know. Write down the signs of rain, windy or sunny weather that you know in your notebook. Draw illustrations. And to make a real calendar, you can make chapters “Winter”, “Spring”, “Summer”, “Autumn” in it.
The Kuban winter rarely gives us snowdrifts, snowfalls, icicles... Before the snowball has time to fall, it will immediately melt. But when winter decides to stay with us longer, how much joy she brings to the children!
Winter comes to the Azov-Kuban Plain from the north. Northern and northeastern winds blow. Cold air, moving from north to south, has time to warm up. Mixing with the local warm air, cold air It warms up even more, so winter in the region is mild, unstable, with little snow, with frequent thaws. South-westerly winds from the Black Sea bring rain mixed with snow, and rainy autumn weather returns. Sometimes there are thunderstorms.

This is how the Kuban poet Vadim Nepoba saw winter:
How nice it is in the snow!
How fresh and warm!
In the forest, tall and shaggy,
Like in a grandmother’s fairy tale, it’s light...
Snow woman
Snow Baba yesterday
We blinded near the yard.
What was she up to?
Cute and white!
We fixed her bangs,
They put a broom in my hands,
She smiled at everyone
Right up to the dark.
And today outside the window
Streams flowed all around,
And from a woman - just like that! -
Not a trace remains!
Tatyana Golub First ice
From the first January cold
In the morning the puddles froze.
There is one near the school -
Everyone liked her.
The queue is growing quickly -
Everyone wants to check the ice.
And I had a bad ride -
Suddenly he found himself on his back.
And Zhenya is rushing after me:
“Don’t hold up!”
“Get up,” Vova shouted, “
I want to ride again!”
Avoid this place
Nobody is trying
Even our strict head teacher
He also skates here.
Kronid Upholsterers
- And which ones? winter games do you play with your friends?
- Explain the proverb:
“In winter, the sun smiles through tears.”Spring.
Spring is called the morning of the year. Here in Kuban it is especially good. A real Kuban beauty!
And, of course, poets do not spare colors to describe all its unique charm.
In Vitaly Bakaldin’s poem “Spring” it is only getting closer:
...At first glance, nondescript,
the gardens are still transparent,
not yet in bright green,
haven't bloomed yet...
There is still languor in the fields
plowed land.
And in Vadim Nepoba’s poem “Palm Morning,” spring is already coming into its own:
"The din where the cliffs are shady
Relatives to the glare of the sun,
Palm babies are furry
They will see me at once...
In Ivan Varabbas (“Morning after the Rain”), the Kuban spring appears in all its glory:
Oh, what a morning in Kuban,
After thunder, storm and rain
The crystal is bent by ringing tulips.
The dawn is pouring, approaching the threshold...
Spring begins early in the region: in February you can already feel its approach. However, the first half of March is often cold. In the morning and evening there are frosts of up to 6 degrees, and sometimes the air temperature drops to 10-13 degrees below zero. The second half of the month is usually warm. In March, snowdrops and violets bloom in the riverine forests, and young shoots of nettle, burdock, and dandelion make their way to the light.
April usually brings warm weather. At the end of the month, cherries, apple trees, and lilacs bloom. Sometimes there are sudden cold snaps that cause great harm to gardens. In early May, white acacia blooms.
With the arrival of spring, numerous feathered friends fly to nesting sites: starlings, swallows. Agricultural work begins in the fields: plowing, sowing.
- Explain the proverb:
“Spring is the morning of the year. "Summer.
All seasons are good and beautiful in their own way.
But best time It’s summer in Kuban, of course!
There are many summers in Kuban,
a lot of bread
Like a melon
the sun set in the sky.
And they peck him, peck him from all sides,
Like geese
flocks of white clouds.
Kronid Upholsterers
It smells like summer in Kuban
Arrived from the sea by the wind.
Juicy, sweet strawberries,
Cucumbers, blackberries,
Warmed up quinoa
Mint and mignonette,
Generous mushroom rain
And young dill,
Pears covered in pink...
What is the main smell?
We heard how outside the village
Does the sun smell like wheat?
Tatyana GolubA poplars above the Kuban
And willows of three girths.
And all the fields, fields, fields.
Until sunset.
...Wheat whispers with the rain
And looks at the road.
Summer is on the rise
And the ripe ear touches.
And in every grain there are fields
And willows in three girths,
And in each there is a generous land
From sunrise to sunset.
Antonina Baeva
In summer there are long sunny days and short warm nights. The sun rises early, rises high at noon and is very warm. At 9 o'clock in the evening at the end of July it is still light. Of course, you remember that the longest day is June 22, it lasts 17 hours and 30 minutes. It rains rarely, they are short-lived, sometimes accompanied by thunderstorms. Clear weather quickly follows.
In dry and hot weather brought by eastern and northern
-east winds, you probably like to swim in a river or sea. Especially in July, because it is the hottest month. The air temperature rises to 30-35 degrees, and sometimes even higher.
On the Black Sea coast, the heat during the day is softened by the breeze (breeze) blowing from the sea.
Summer is not only the most beautiful and fertile time. It's harvest time. Bread is a common concern of Kuban residents. Both the residents of the villages and the townspeople are all trying to help the grain growers harvest the wheat on time and not lose a single ear...
Wheat costs in Kuban
Among the busy fields,
And melts into the bread ocean
Green sail of poplars.
The bread is making noise...
In hot suffering
They bow to the earth
For the warmth of the Cossack soul,
For valor, courage and work!..
Ivan Varabbas
In the northern half of the region, autumn begins at the end of September. Usually it is long and warm: the trees retain their green and then golden attire for a long time. They gradually shed their leaves. There are so many colors in golden autumn! For poplar, apple and pear trees, leaf fall begins in October, for white acacia and cherry - in November.
In autumn, the days become noticeably shorter. In early October, it gets dark at 7 pm. In the middle of the day, the sun does not rise as high and heats the earth less. The transition to winter is imperceptible and gradual; frosts begin only at the end of November.
In the fall, sunflowers, corn, and sugar beets are harvested, and fields are plowed for winter crops. From the high mountains, wild animals descend into broad-leaved forests, where crumbling trees litter the ground. wild pears, apples, nuts, chestnuts, acorns. These fruits are eaten by bears, wild boars, badgers and other animals. They are preparing for winter.
Summary of the lesson.
Competition for the best essay about the beauty of the nature of our native land.
Exhibition of drawings and photographs about the nature of Kuban.
Exhibition of books by Kuban poets.

“Through the children of subsequent generations, children's games are repeated again, revived again in the memory of living generations and become younger again,”

— E. A. Pokrovsky.

The gaming folklore of the Kuban people is distinguished by a pronounced labor and military-oriented orientation: “Pots”, “Cossacks-robbers”. Cossack games They are distinguished by historical and everyday content, resourcefulness, ingenuity, and humor.

The historically established features of the national cultures of the multilingual population of Kuban had a noticeable influence on the formation of the game and the development of game action.

For children preschool age The most accessible are Kuban folk games with song and poetic accompaniment, in which the participation of the teacher is obligatory: “Drake and Duck”, “Golden Gate”, “Dream of a Cossack”.

In games with competition between two teams, where it is necessary to divide children into two parts, equal in number and strength: “Tightening”; in games with objects, where pebbles, cauldrons, ropes, sticks, balls, horseshoes, scarves, poles, balls and other attributes are used; in symbolic games, the leader is selected using counting rhymes.

Counting books are always funny, comic, and rhyming.

If in folk game If competition between two teams is assumed, then the stipulation method is usually used: “sun” or “moon”, “sticky” or “birch”, “gold” or “silver”, “poppy” or “daisy”, etc. .

Below are descriptions of several games, some with options.


The players stand next to each other, hand in hand.

Two standing on one edge of the line break away from it (these are the “drake” and the “duck”) and run, ducking under the arms of those standing in the row, first in front, then behind, with the “drake” catching up with the “duck”.

Those standing in the row say:

Catch up, drake, duck,

Catch up with the duck, young one.

Go home, little duck,

You have seven children


The ninth is a duck,


The pair under whose hands the “drake” caught the “duck” replaces them, and they stand in the vacant place.


The players choose two leaders. They agree on what names they will take for themselves: one calls himself “silver saucer,” the other calls himself “pourable apple.”

After this, the presenters hold hands and raise them up, forming a “golden gate”.

The remaining participants in the game line up one after another and file through the “gate”, while saying:

Into the golden gate

Come in, gentlemen!

Saying goodbye for the first time

The second time is prohibited

And for the third time

We won't miss you!

At the last word, the presenters lower their hands and close the “gate,” detaining one of the players. He asks: “Golden Gate, let me through!”

They answer him: “We let everyone through, but we leave you!” What do you choose - a silver saucer or a pouring apple? The detained player chooses and goes to one side or the other, he stands behind the leader and raises his hands. The same thing happens to other players.

So the players are divided into two teams. After that, they measure their strength - they take a long rope and pull it.


The players join hands to form a circle.

In the center of it, two players stand, take hands and raise them up - they make a “golden gate”. A branch is stuck next to the “gate”.

One of the participants in the game is the driver. He passes through the “golden gate”, approaches the circle and with the edge of his palm tears off the hands of one of the couples standing there. At the same time, everyone says:

Gentlemen, enter the golden gates:

For the first timesays goodbye


And we won’t miss you the third time!

The players, whose hands were separated by the driver, run into different sides in a circle to a branch stuck in its center. The first one to pull out the branch goes into the “golden gate”, and the loser gets paired with the leader in a circle.


A “Cossack” is selected from among the players and stands in the middle of the circle. The “Cossack” is blindfolded, or he closes them himself. Children move in a circle saying:

Who is chasing devils in the morning,

He sings sonorous songs,

Prevents Cossack from sleeping

And shouts “Ku-ka-re-ku”?

One of those standing in the circle crows like a rooster, trying to change his voice. The Cossack, opening his eyes, tries to guess who shouted. If he succeeds, he takes the screaming person into the middle of the circle. The game continues:

All the cows in the yard

We broke up at dawn.

No one understands

Why "Mu-Mu, Moo-Mu."

The person standing in the circle moos, imitating a cow. The Cossack guesses him and takes him into his circle. The game continues:

So the Cossack fell asleep again,

But he won't sleep long.

Duck ducks for a reason

Teaches to quack “quack-quack-quack.”

The action is repeated - the Cossack takes the “duck”.

Tired of the Cossack

“Quack-quack-quack” with “Ku-ka-re-ku.”

I won't go to sleep anymore

I will catch up with you!

At the end of the words, the children forming a round dance raise their hands - “collars”, and the Cossack catches up with those children whom he took into the circle.


The players stand in rows against the four walls of the room, holding hands in a criss-cross manner.

The children in the first rank approach those standing opposite and bow. They move back to their place. The movement is repeated by the children of the second, third and fourth ranks.

At a signal (whistle), the players disperse throughout the room (hall, playground), performing certain movements to the sound of a tambourine (jumping, easy running, gallop, etc.).

At the next signal of the whistle or the stop of the tambourine, everyone runs to their places and forms lines, holding hands crosswise.

The first line to line up wins.


Children stand in a circle. One is in the center.

Children: “Crooked rooster, what are you standing on?”(On pins and needles)

How do you like it, isn’t it harsh?(On horseshoes)

Children walk in a circle and sing:

Go to the kut

They bake pancakes there

They bake pancakes there,

They'll give you a pancake.

The child taps his foot on the floor. (3 times)

Children: -Who's there?

It's me, Taras.

Children: - Catch us without opening your eyes.

You have to guess who you caught.

A game to develop pitch hearing, timbre hearing, spatial orientation, and practice rhythmic round dance steps.


A driver is selected, who must go into another room or turn away from the rest of the players so as not to see their actions. The players form a “wattle fence” - a circle closed with their hands.

One of the participants in the round dance passes under the hands of the children on the opposite side of the circle, pulling the others along with them, and so on until they are completely “braided”, entangled.

Then the players call the driver, who must unravel the round dance. Moreover, the joined hands of the players must be in the correct (not broken) connection.


The players are divided into two equal teams. One team becomes the “pots” and sits on the ground in a circle. The other team is the “hosts”. They stand behind the pots. One of the players - the driver - portrays a buyer. He approaches one of the “owners” and asks:

How much is the pot?

The owner answers:

For money.

Isn't it cracked?


The buyer lightly hits the “pot” with his finger and says:

Strong, let's agree!

The “owner” and the “buyer” extend their hands to each other, singing:

Chichars, chichars, gather together potters

By the bush, by the crust, by the swan!


With the word “out”, both “owner” and “buyer” run in different directions around the pots. The one who runs first to the purchased “pot” is the “owner”, and the one who is late is the driver.


Only boys participate in the game; they stand in a circle. In the center of the circle there is a chair - a “war horse”, riding on the “horse” - a commander with a red flag.

Children ride on imaginary horses, their legs slightly springing at the knees. Everyone's left hand is stretched forward, the right hand is raised up.

At the teacher’s signal, the commander dismounts from the “horse,” puts a flag and stands in the general circle.

Everyone else marches in place, then turns to the right and | follow the commander in a circle.

The commander takes a step inside the circle, takes the pipe, and, turning in a circle, blows it. The two boys he stopped near turn their backs to each other and run in opposite directions along the circle. Each of them tries to be the first to take the flag and jump on the “horse”.

The winner becomes commander.


The players walk in a circle, performing any dance movements. In the center of the circle stands the driver with a pole in his hand, at the end of which is a scarf. At the teacher’s signal or at the end of the music, you need to jump up and take out the scarf.

Whoever succeeds in this is the winner, who becomes the driver.

The game continues.

Games with running and dodging for children 3-7 years old

Brownie behind the rough?

If the game took place indoors, one of the boys stood in a corner, and if in the yard - near a tree.

The others ran around him and said: “Who's behind the rough one? Brownie?

The brownie runs after them and catches them. Having caught someone, he puts him in the place of the brownie, and he himself joins the others.


A group of boys gathers; one of them separates and asks one of the other comrades: “Where have you been?” He answers: “At the mill.”

- “What did you do?” - “I ground flour.” - “What did you grind out?” - “A pretty penny.” - “What did you buy?” - “Kalachik.” - “Who did you eat with?” - "With you". - “Who picked it?” The person asked answers: “He,” while pointing to one of the boys standing in the group.

Everyone runs away from the indicated boy with the words: “Skrakobushka, skrakobushka!”

He tries to catch someone, and if he succeeds, then two of them become sandbags, etc., until they catch everyone else.


Boys aged 5-7 played on a fairly small area - approximately 5x5 m.

The driver was chosen by lot or by counting - chaplya.

The rest are “frogs”.

While the chaplya is “sleeping,” that is, standing, leaning forward and leaning on straight legs, the frogs jump on their haunches.

Having woken up, the chapel lets out a cry and begins to catch (salt) frogs. big steps and on straight legs (without bending your knees) and holding at least one hand on your shins.

Frogs should not escape from the chaply by squatting.

If the conditions are violated, for example, if one of the frogs stands up to his full height or jumps out of the area, or if they become greasy, they change places.

Mind the tree!

This game, traditional in the arsenal of 5-7-year-old Cossack children, was also a favorite; it was played together with little highlanders.

They usually played in the garden or where at least a few trees grew.

The number of players depended on the number of trees. Everyone except the driver stood at his own tree, while the driver stood in the middle between the trees.

Those standing by the trees began to run from tree to tree; At this time, the driver must have time to insult the runner before he runs up to the tree and shouts: “Cheer by the tree!”

The salted one changed places with the driver.


Players must line up in two lines, one opposite the other, at a distance of 50-60 steps. A line is drawn between them on the ground. In accordance with the number of players, some objects are laid out along the entire length of the line: pebbles, sticks, etc.

On command: “One, two, three!” players run towards objects, trying to grab as many of them as possible. The team that captures more items wins.

The game ends either by agreement or if the required number of points is scored.


This game was played by Cossack children aged 3-6 years, 10-20 each.

They created a circle.

The leader was the oldest - a six-year-old.

He stepped aside because he shouldn’t have seen who would be chosen as the entertainer.

And the entertainer’s task is to show different movements, which the rest of the players must repeat immediately, without hesitation: clapping their hands, squatting, jumping on two legs - for three- and four-year-olds; or how to ride a horse, jump on one leg - for 5-6 year olds.

The leader was called into the circle.

He walked around inside it and looked closely to see who was starting a new movement each time.

At the same time, according to the conditions, he was not allowed to look at any of the players for a long time, i.e. at who he thought was in present moment played the role of an entertainer, but he had to turn in different directions. As soon as three movements were made with him, the leader guessed the entertainer.

It was quite difficult, because the entertainer tried to change movements imperceptibly, choosing the moment when the leader was not looking at him. If he made a mistake and called the wrong person an entertainer, the game continued.

But after three mistakes, a new leader was chosen, and he left the circle. When the leader guessed the entertainer, they changed.


There are 16 or significantly more players.

They, having divided into equal groups, become rows, facing the middle - like spokes in a wheel.

The driver is placed outside the wheel. He runs in a circle and, having hit one of the back players on the back, stands behind him.

The stained one passes the blow to the one in front, who passes the blow to the next one, and so on until the head one in the spoke; the head, having received a blow, loudly shouts “ouch!” After the scream, everyone standing in the spokes and the driver run in a circle, overtaking each other. Having run around the circle, they try to get back to their original place.

The player who finds himself behind everyone else in the spoke goes to lead.

You cannot stain before you receive a blow.

You can't run out before you scream. You cannot stop players from running and push away those who stand in the line.

Games with jumping and wrestling for boys 3-7 years old


The legs are tied with a scarf or rope in much the same way as a horse's legs are tied.

And so the players jump to the designated place. Whoever arrived first won.


This is how the old-timers of the Upper Kuban villages described this game:

“The little boys kick on their backs, they clap on their knees, they sit down for the winter, one after another, but at a short distance.

The last one kicks through the rest, and at the end he kicks and sits at the other end.

And so one after another.”


10-20 people playing. They form a circle, holding hands tightly. One player moves inside and the other outside the circle. The one who is standing inside is trying to escape, and this can be done in different ways: either jump over the hands, or slip under the hands, or simply break the chain.

The one outside the circle stands by his side and helps him in every possible way.

If the player manages to escape, then the couple responsible for his escape goes to lead.

Drag the stick.

The players are divided into two parties. The leader of one party takes a stick, and everyone else takes it. The leader of the other party also takes hold of this stick, and his party takes hold of him.

And so they try to pull the stick - each group to its own side.

Physical education minutes

Fingers played hide and seek

And the heads were removed.

Like this, like this

So the heads were removed.

Clenching and unclenching fingers.

Today we cut

Our fingers are tired.

Let them rest a little

They will start cutting again.

Let's move our elbows away together.

Let's start cutting diamonds again.

Let's move our elbows away together.

Let's start cutting diamonds again.

Active flexion and extension of fingers. :

Shaking your arms in front of you.

Pull your elbows back vigorously.

Today we cut

Our fingers are tired.

Let's shake our fingers and start cutting again.

Legs together, legs apart,

We hammer in a nail.

We hammer in a nail.

We hammer in a nail.

Smoothly raise your arms in front of you, shake your hands.

Spread and bring your legs together, stamping.

Along a dry forest path - feet stomping, stomping, stomping. A gray hedgehog covered in needles walks and wanders along the paths. Looking for berries, mushrooms,

For a son or daughter.

The children stand slightly bent over.

Hands bent at the elbows

in front of the chest, hands down. The legs, slightly bent at the knees, take small, frequent steps.

“They are picking berries” - the tips of the fingers are connected, “plucking the berries.”



Both rye and wheat will grow in the field.

They'll be threshedthe straw will be born.

Golden hands will touch her,

And they appear as if alive

A strong rider and a golden-maned horse,

Proud deer and vigorous calf,

And a girl with a golden crown.

That's how difficult she is

This straw is just like alive!

Only the craftswoman will take it in her hands

It will immediately turn into miracles!


Ah, handsomecockerel!

On top of my headscallop,

And under the beak there is a beard.

Very proud gait:

Raises his paws up

Nods his head importantly.


The sun helps flowers grow,

The sun needs to shine brighter!

A stalk reaches towards the sun,

And behind the leaf a leaf grows.

Here we go beautiful flower blossomed

The sun, and the rain, and my hands.

Together we helped the flower grow!



Stiff bristles, don’t prick your heels,

What's left in the fieldpick it up from the ground

Every ripe ear, every grain,

So that it too becomes fragrant bread.

B. Tokmakova


Golden field, ripe spikelet

Don't drop any grains on dry sand.

Don't give grain to the restless winds,

The Motherland needs every handful.

E. Trutneva


Bread-father, water-mother.

Whoever has bread is born always has fun.

A bad lunch when there is no bread.

Bread is the head of everything.

Work hardso eat bread.


In spring - silky grass,

In summergolden cornfield,

Well, sometimes in winter -

Application, game,

Very dry, brittle,

Her name is...


Not the sea, but worried.


He is golden and mustachioed,

There are a hundred guys in a hundred pockets.


Oh, what a morning in Kuban,

After thunder, storm and rain

The ringing tulips bend the crystal,

The dawn is pouring, approaching the threshold.

Varvara Bardarym.


Spring is rich in flowers and herbs.


At dawn, ruddy

Rosehip woke up.

With every leaf he

I reached out to the dawn.

And the dawn comes to him

Reached out in response

Colored the buds

In pink

T. Golub


I'm running, and by the road

Dandelions are standing.

Well, such touchy ones:

Blow and they will fly to the sky.

V. Bardadym


These are not umbrellas,

These are not suns

It's on green legs


Basking in the sun

Sunflowers of the back,

Autumn grains

They will give you baskets.

T. Golub


Dandelion golden

Turned into a ball


The breeze is slightly


Pooh somewhere

Flew away!

Where is the fluff

Will fall

There next year

Dandelion will bloom!

T. Golub


Oh, how the sunflower field laughed!

Under the azure skya thousand luminaries

Sunflowers bloomed on the expanse of the steppe:

The steppe has gilded their golden color...

I. Varabbas


Tall ant grasses,

You herbs are growing wonderfully!

The green ones took off their shirts,

daisies turn white and yellow,

The elegant poppies are blushing,

like Cossacks in new clothes.

And like river floods,

heavenly bluecornflowers...

V. Bakaldin

The best time in Kuban is summer!


U summer in a basket

Watermelons and melons,

Cherries and plums


In the forest at the edge

The cuckoos are cuckooing

Cuckoos are calling

To the whole wide world.

And it seems that

From the generous summer,

Good summer

Warm regards

T. Golub


There is a lot of summer in Kuban, a lot of bread.

The sun set into the sky like a melon.

And they peck him, peck him from all sides,

Like geese a flock of white clouds.


He grew up in the heat, in bad weather,

Only he did not become weak,

Strength, taste and smell of bread

Without him I wouldn't have known.

V. Nesterenko


And over the Kuban poplars,

And willows in three girths,

And all the fields, fields, fields

Until sunset.

...Wheat whispers with the rain

And looks at the road.

Summer is on the rise

And the ripe ear touches.

And in every grainfields

And willows in three girths,

And in each there is a generous land

From sunrise to sunset.

T. Golub


It smells like summer in Kuban

The wind that came from the sea,

Juicy sweet strawberries,

cucumbers, blackberries,

Warmed up quinoa

Mint and mignonette,

generous mushroom rain

And young dill,

Pears covered in pink...

What is the main smell?

We heard how outside the village

Does the sun smell like wheat?

T. Golub


The time has come for cleaning,

Slender, strong, short

In a golden wheat field

Every spikelet.

He grew up in the heat, in bad weather,

Only he did not become weak,

Strength, taste and smell of bread

Without him I wouldn't have known.

V. Nesterenko


And over the Kuban poplars,

And willows in three girths,

And all the fields, fields, fields

Until sunset.

...Wheat whispers with the rain

And looks at the road.

Summer is on the rise

And the ripe ear touches.

And in every grain there are fields

And willows in three girths,

And in everyone there is a generous land

From sunrise to sunset.

T. Golub


Autumn, autumn... Fire bird.

The crimson leaf is spinning in the air.

Falling at my feet, it rustles.

It’s as if he’s whispering to me: “Don’t rush.

Look around how beautiful everything is:

A scattering of grass and the chirping of birds.

Joy seems to have no boundaries!..”

K. Oboishchikov


It melts in the high skies

Lonely thin ray

Flocks of birds fly away

Flocks of clouds arrive.

V. Nesterenko


Hello, haymaker

What did you bring with you?

The hard work of skilled people,

Conversations of sharp braids.

Tell me, haymaker,

What else did you bring with you?

Aromas of dried herbs

And the sparkle of sonorous roses!


Is your mowing good?

I cut hay for the cows -

What a huge cart!

V. Nesterenko


Winter came unbidden

The next morning I powdered it

All the streets are covered in snow.

Hello, it's fun time!

Get your skates ready quickly

And next to our kindergarten,

Snowmen are growing.

V. Nesterenko


The snow is shiny,

The snow is crunchy

Sweeps our threshold

And the ringing one calls for a walk,

A flying breeze into the steppe!

T. Golub


The trees turned white again

And the wind blew from the north.

The blizzards are singing again in the fields...

Tired of summer, the pond fell asleep.

The gardens are covered with gray hair,

The crumbly snow crunches.

Icicles hang like fringes,

And the sun shines like a piece of ice...

T. Golub

The Krasnodar region has unique natural resources. Its landscape is very diverse. Mountainous terrain, plains, steppes, meadows, the Black and Azov seas, rivers, lakes, estuaries and floodplains create great opportunities for introducing preschool children to a wide variety of flora Kuban.

Coniferous trees- spruce, cypress, fir, thuja, pine.

Deciduous trees- birch, maple, ash, hornbeam, beech, plane tree, linden, aspen, oak, poplar, willow.

Fruit trees- apples, cherries, apricots, pears, cherry plums.

Field and meadow flowers- dandelions, buttercups, clover, cornflowers, chamomile, poppies, rapeseed, bindweed, bluebells, mouse peas, chicory, coltsfoot, mint, wormwood, celandine, St. John's wort, plantain.

Forest flowers- lilies of the valley, anemones (anemones), primroses, cyclamens, violets, forget-me-nots.

Garden flowers- roses, us-turkeys, asters, marigolds, daisies, gladioli, dahlias.

Cereals- wheat, rye, barley, rice, oats, millet, buckwheat.

Plants of ponds- reed, cattail, water lily, white water lily, duckweed, pinnate, arrowhead, lotus.

Animalsbrown bears, wolves, foxes, squirrels, hares, raccoons, wild boars, deer, roe deer.

Birds- jays, tits, woodpeckers, orioles, thrushes, cuckoos, goldfinches, sparrows, jackdaws, quails, larks, pigeons, swallows.

Birds of Prey- kites, owls, eagles, owls, golden eagles. Birds of the seas - seagulls, cormorants. Birds of the marshes and estuaries - herons, wild ducks and geese, warblers, waders, swans.

Fresh water fish- pike, carp, catfish, perch, crucian carp, roach, carp, pike perch, taran, bream.

Marine fish- anchovy, flounder, red mullet, goby, mullet. Rare fish - sea ​​horse, shark, stingray, dolphins (animals).

Natural monuments: Parus rock (Gelendzhik district), Kiseleva rock (Tuapse district), Mount Petushok (Scallop) (Goryachiy Klyuch), Guam Gorge (Apsheron district), etc.

Rare trees: tulip tree (Sochi district), boxwood grove (Sochi district), Lebanese cedar (Dzhankhot village), ginkgo biloba (Krasnodar, Pobeda square); oak Giant (Krasno-Dar, Gorky Park), etc.


Will it rain or not

I will find the answer in the flowers.

If in the morning marigolds

The corollas of flowers were squeezed

So it will rain again

You need to take an umbrella with you.


If your eyes reach the sun

The bindweed opened wide

Nobody can make a mistake here

It will be a sunny day.

T. Golub

Folk signs.

Who? What?

What does it do?

What will the weather be like?


weaves a net

the sun will warm


fly low

it means rain is coming


hiding in houses

don't walk without an umbrella


leans over

rain is expected

Christmas tree

lowered the branches

warned about rain



rain is expected


rolls on the ground

wind is expected


does not deflate

rain is expected


the ball takes off

the rain starts to fall


smell stronger

the clouds in the sky are blacker


rises to the top

frost expected


float on water

the sun will be on earth


jumping on the ground

it will rain in the yard


croak loudly

the rain is dripping heavily


foaming on the river

rain is expected



sun to wind

Seasons through the eyes of Kuban poets

Objectives: 1) to introduce the features of the seasons

heavenly blue -


Vitaly Bakaldin

(Beshmet- outerwear of the Tatars, Caucasian peoples, Cossacks)

Thick fog floats in the lowlands.

The earth is filled with peace.

And they hold the sky like a basket,

Above the farmsteads


Kronid Upholsterers

Oh, how the sunflower field laughed!

Under the azure sky there are a thousand luminaries.

Sunflowers bloomed on the expanse of the steppe:

The steppe has gilded their golden color...

Ivan Varabbas

At dawn, ruddy

Rosehip woke up.

With every leaf he

I reached out to the dawn.

And the dawn comes to him

Reached out in response

Colored the buds

In pink...

Tatiana Golub

This fragments from poems by Kuban poets. Just a few lines - and before us is a portrait of our native land. A talented poet knows how to notice the beauty of every modest blade of grass and find precise, vivid words to convey this charm to us.

(Fragment- an excerpt of text, art or music.)

Which of the passages you read seemed the most beautiful to you? Why?

Illustrate one of the passages.

Do you know how to determine the weather based on folk signs?

If not, listen carefully to another poem by the Kuban poetess Tatiana Golub.


Will it rain or not -

I will find the answer in the flowers.

If in the morning marigolds

So it will rain again -

Need an umbrella with by yourself take.

If your eyes reach the sun

The bindweed opened wide -

No one can go wrong here:

It will be a sunny day.

And here is an excerpt from the poem “It’s either snow or rain” Kronida Oboyshchikova:

If it starts to smell strong

There are lilacs under your window,

The cat tore the wall to pieces,

Roosters crow all day long

If swallows fly

Low, low above the ground,

Now I know for sure:

The rain will pour down...

Other signs of rain are also popularly known:

“The water on the river is foaming - it will rain tomorrow.”

"Sparrows bathe in dust - for rain"

“In the evening the sky is pale yellow - it means rain. »

- Ask your elders - relatives, acquaintances - about what folk primates they know. Write down the signs of rain, windy or sunny weather that you know in your notebook. Draw illustrations. And to make a real calendar, you can make chapters “Winter”, “Spring”, “Summer”, “Autumn” in it.


The Kuban winter rarely gives us snowdrifts, snowfalls, icicles... Before the snowball has time to fall, it will immediately melt. But when winter decides to stay with us longer, how much joy she brings to the children!

Winter comes to the Azov-Kuban Plain from the north. Northern and northeastern winds blow. Cold air, moving from north to south, has time to warm up. Mixing with the local warm air, the cold air warms up even more, so winter in the region is mild, unstable, with little snow, with frequent thaws. South-westerly winds from the Black Sea bring rain mixed with snow, and rainy autumn weather returns. Sometimes there are thunderstorms.

This is how the Kuban poet saw winter Vadim Nepodoba:

How nice it is in the snow!

How fresh and warm!

In the forest, tall and shaggy,

Like in a grandmother’s fairy tale, it’s light...

Snow woman

Babu snowy yesterday

We blinded near the yard.

What was she up to?

Cute and white!

We fixed her bangs,

They put a broom in my hands,

She smiled at everyone

Right up to the dark.

And today outside the window

Streams flowed all around,

And from a woman - just like that! -

Not a trace remains!

Tatiana Golub

First ice

From the first January cold

In the morning the puddles froze.

There is one near the school -

Everyone liked her.

The queue is growing quickly -

Everyone wants to check the ice.

And I had a bad ride -

Suddenly he found himself on his back.

And Zhenya is rushing after me:

“Don’t hold up!”

“Get up,” Vova shouted, “

I want to ride again!”

Avoid this place

Nobody is trying

Even our strict head teacher

Same here rides.

Kronid Upholsterers

What winter games do you play with your friends?

Explain the proverb:

“In winter, the sun smiles through tears.”


Spring is called the morning of the year. Here in Kuban it is especially good. A real Kuban beauty!

And, of course, poets do not spare colors to describe all its unique charm.

In a poem Vitaly Bakaldina“Spring” is only approaching:

...At first glance, nondescript,

the gardens are still transparent,

haven't bloomed yet...

There is still languor in the fields

plowed land.

And in the poem Vadim Nepoboba“Palm morning” spring is already coming into its own:

"The din where the cliffs are shady

Relatives to the glare of the sun,

Palm babies are furry

They will see me at once...

U Ivan Varabbas(“Morning after the rain”) the Kuban spring appears in all its glory:

Oh, what a morning in Kuban,

After thunder, storm and rain

The crystal is bent by ringing tulips.

The dawn is pouring, approaching the threshold...

Spring begins early in the region: in February you can already feel its approach. However, the first half of March is often cold. In the morning and evening there are frosts of up to 6 degrees, and sometimes the air temperature drops to 10-13 degrees below zero. The second half of the month is usually warm. In March, snowdrops and violets bloom in the riverine forests, and young shoots of nettle, burdock, and dandelion make their way to the light.

April usually brings warm weather. At the end of the month, cherries, apple trees, and lilacs bloom. Sometimes there are sudden cold snaps that cause great harm to gardens. In early May, white acacia blooms.

With the arrival of spring, numerous feathered friends fly to nesting sites: starlings, swallows. Agricultural work begins in the fields: plowing, sowing.

Explain the proverb:

“Spring is the morning of the year. »


All seasons are good and beautiful in their own way.

But the best time in Kuban is, of course, summer!

There are many summers in Kuban,

a lot of bread

Like a melon

the sun set in the sky.

Like geese

flocks of white clouds.

Kronid Upholsterers

It smells like summer in Kuban

Arrived from the sea by the wind.

Juicy, sweet strawberries,

Cucumbers, blackberries,

Warmed up quinoa

Mint and mignonette,

Generous mushroom rain

And young dill,

Pears covered in pink...

What is the main smell?

We heard how outside the village

Does the sun smell like wheat?

Tatiana Golub

And over the Kuban poplars

And willows of three girths.

And all the fields, fields, fields.

Until sunset.

Wheat whispers with the rain

And looks at the road.

Summer is on the rise

And the ripe ear touches.

And in every grain there are fields

And willows in three girths,

And in each there is a generous land

From sunrise to sunset.

Antonina Baeva

In summer there are long sunny days and short warm nights. The sun rises early, rises high at noon and is very warm. At 9 o'clock in the evening at the end of July it is still light. Of course, you remember that the longest day is June 22, it lasts 17 hours and 30 minutes. It rains rarely, they are short-lived, sometimes accompanied by thunderstorms. Clear weather quickly follows.

In dry and hot weather brought by eastern and northern

Eastern winds, you probably like to swim in a river or sea. Especially in July, because it is the hottest month. The air temperature rises to 30-35 degrees, and sometimes even higher.

On the Black Sea coast, the heat during the day is softened by the breeze (breeze) blowing from the sea.

Summer is not only the most beautiful and fertile time. It's harvest time. Bread is a common concern of Kuban residents. Both the residents of the villages and the townspeople are all trying to help the grain growers harvest the wheat on time and not lose a single ear...


Wheat costs in Kuban

Among the busy fields,

And melts into the bread ocean

Green sail of poplars.

The bread is making noise...

In hot suffering

They bow to the earth

For the warmth of the Cossack soul,

For valor, courage and work!..

Ivan Varabbas

In the northern half of the region, autumn begins at the end of September. Usually it is long and warm: the trees retain their green and then golden attire for a long time. They gradually shed their leaves. There are so many colors in golden autumn! For poplar, apple and pear trees, leaf fall begins in October, for white acacia and cherry - in November.

In autumn, the days become noticeably shorter. In early October, it gets dark at 7 pm. In the middle of the day, the sun does not rise as high and heats the earth less. The transition to winter is imperceptible and gradual; frosts begin only at the end of November.

In the fall, sunflowers, corn, and sugar beets are harvested, and fields are plowed for winter crops. From the high mountains, wild animals descend into broad-leaved forests, where fallen wild pears, apples, nuts, chestnuts, and acorns litter the ground. These fruits are eaten by bears, wild boars, badgers and other animals. They are preparing for winter.

Summary of the lesson.

Competition for the best essay about the beauty of the nature of our native land.

Exhibition of drawings and photographs about the nature of Kuban.

Exhibition of books by Kuban poets.

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