What breathing exercises will help you lose weight on your stomach and sides at home? Japanese breathing exercises. Remove belly fat by breathing. Exercises

Hello, dear Readers!

Many, with some doubt, will say: miracles do not happen, to reduce weight, you need to burn calories. Such people believe that they can only get rid of obesity with the help of physical activity, diets and various cosmetic procedures.

They are right about only one thing - to achieve a slim figure you really need to burn calories. But this is precisely what the breathing technique for reducing abdominal volume is based on.

The method has many advantages compared to others.

Main advantages:

  • dulling of hunger;
  • improved digestion;
  • effective breakdown of fat cells;
  • providing the body with activity and energy;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • removal of all harmful substances from cells;
  • calming effect on the nervous system.

By adhering to the technique, you do not need to limit yourself in food or exhaust your body with physical activity. To become slim, you just need to breathe correctly.

How does this method work and why is it so effective?

Without breathing, the human body is unable not only to function properly, but also to exist.

Modern scientists have come to the conclusion that breathing techniques are the simplest, but at the same time effective way to strengthen and tighten muscles. It allows you to perfectly get rid of fat deposits in the waist area.

To ensure effective results, you need to learn how to breathe correctly. This is not difficult to do. As you inhale, you should inflate your stomach. Only the nose is involved in the process.

During exhalation, on the contrary, the stomach must be pulled in as much as possible. Exhale through your mouth. In this case, the diaphragm is included in the process. This is how newborn babies breathe.

Adults inhale shallowly. The stomach is practically not involved in this process. As a result, oxygen does not reach the lower parts of the lungs. But the waste is not completely removed.

The body is not fully supplied with oxygen. The functioning of many systems deteriorates significantly, and, of course, fat deposits appear on the figure.

Effectiveness of active breathing

The method is quite simple, but at the same time it provides excellent results. It is recognized by doctors as effective for getting rid of extra pounds. Doctors give many reasons in its favor.

Saturates the body with oxygen. Provides good metabolism. Normal metabolism allows you to break down fat cells much faster.

Helps improve digestion. As a result, the body receives useful energy faster. Thanks to this, the production of ATP molecules that break down fat cells is activated.

It is oxygen that provides the ideal environment for the functioning of these molecules. Consequently, fat cells are better broken down.

Toxins that enter the body accumulate in fat cells. Of course, this leads to weight gain. The body, in an effort to protect organs from negative impact harmful substances, uses fat cells as storage for toxins.

The technique allows you to remove such “garbage” from cells. This eliminates the need for fat cells. The body no longer produces them.

Oxygen oxidizes fat deposits. Those people who have learned to breathe correctly and deeply ensure the destruction of fat cells at a rapid pace.

Oxygen that properly enters the body and in full, reduces the amount of stress hormones in the blood. A person no longer feels the need to “seize” troubles.


The positive impact of the body contouring approach on the human body has been known since ancient times. In the East, the Qigong technique was used in martial arts.

It is based on focusing on inhalation and exhalation. This approach allows the warrior to restore strength and achieve inner harmony.

Chinese sages noticed that shallow breathing leads to aging of the body. If a person saturates the body with oxygen to the fullest extent, then he significantly prolongs his youth and gets rid of many diseases.

And the relationship between weight loss and deep breathing was first noticed by the American D. Johnson. She is considered the founder of Oxysize gymnastics.

Execution technique

The good thing about this technique is that it requires virtually no costs. To perform it, it is enough to allocate 15-20 minutes during the day. She does not need any special equipment or the help of a trainer.

However, it is necessary to perform all exercises correctly. Otherwise, it will not be possible to achieve the desired result.

Is it possible to figure out how to do it yourself? The video given in the article will allow you not only to understand the technique, but also to completely master it.


In order for the technique to provide the desired result, the following rules should be followed:

  1. All movements must be performed regularly.
  2. It is best to practice in the morning, immediately after waking up.
  3. Be sure to provide an influx of water during classes fresh air. Experts recommend exercising in nature. If this is not possible, then open the window wide.
  4. You should not start exercising immediately after eating. You can start only 2 hours after eating.
  5. You are allowed to drink water during classes.

Proper execution

There are several methods. Regardless of which one you choose, first learn to breathe with your stomach.

Master this technique with the help of specialist instructions:

  1. Lie on your back. Place your hands below. Exhale all the air through your nose.
  2. Now begin to inhale slowly. At the same time, lower the diaphragm down. Thanks to this, the lungs are completely filled with air. Control with your hands this process. You should feel your stomach become rounder.
  3. Without holding your breath, exhale slowly. At this time, the diaphragm rises up. The abdomen is pulled inward as much as possible. The lungs are emptied of air.

During execution, follow these recommendations:

  1. You should feel the air filling your stomach. In this case, the chest remains motionless.
  2. Perform movements calmly and smoothly.
  3. If you are doing them for the first time, do not start with deep breaths. This may cause dizziness. Initially, feel how to do it correctly and bring it to automaticity. Then you can move on to deep breaths.
  4. The first lesson lasts 1 minute. Gradually increase the duration of gymnastics by 25-30 seconds. But one session should not exceed 5 minutes.

This approach will not only allow you to effectively learn the technique, but will also take care of your body.

It improves blood circulation, cleanses the blood, and activates metabolism. As a result, fat layers are effectively reduced, especially in the abdominal area.

Study this exercise carefully. And it doesn’t matter at all that at first you will only perform 1 exercise. This is still quite an effective means for losing weight in the waist.

Reviews from people show that even once a day is enough to get impressive results.

Types of techniques

Several effective techniques, allowing you to lose excess weight with the help of breathing and perfectly heal the body. Let's look at the most effective and popular ones.


It was created by the American Childers Greer. The complex is based on a combination of proper breathing with yoga exercises and includes 13 exercises.

Of these, 2 are intended for facial muscle tissue. The rest are for improving the body. At the same time, 4 exercises ensure a decrease in volume in the waist area.

This technique with correct execution promotes an increase in carbon dioxide in the blood. It pushes incoming oxygen out of hemoglobin.

Due to this effect, oxygen in sufficient quantity enters muscle tissue. Here it provides one of the most important tasks - actively breaks down fats.

How to do Bodyflex

You can significantly improve your waistline with the following exercises included in the Bodyflex complex:

Feet stand shoulder width apart. Place your hands on your hips, slightly above your knees. Take a deep breath. The press retracts. Exhalation. As you release your lungs, pull in your stomach. Hold your breath. At this time, lower your tongue down, tightly squeezing it with your lips.

Without changing the position of your head, lift your eyes up. Stay like this until you can't breathe. Repeat 5 times.

Side stretch

The initial position is the same. Inhale - exhale. Hold your breath. Without lifting your right leg from the floor, transfer the weight of your body to your left knee. Push your left elbow into it.

Raise your right hand up and stretch to the left. Hold for just as long as you can without breathing. Repeat 3-4 times in each direction.


Lie on your back. Bend your knees, keeping your feet flat on the floor. Hands raised up. Inhale - exhale. We hold our exhalation. Raise your shoulders, stretch your arms up.

Tilt your head back a little and focus your gaze on a point on the ceiling behind you. Repeat 3-4 times.


Lie on your back. Legs are straight. Inhale - exhale. Exhalation delay. Straight leg swings in the air. It is advisable to do 9-10 swings. Repeat 3-4 times.


The unique Chinese technique has another name: Jianfei. Literal translation This name speaks for itself - “losing fat.” The technique is also based on belly breathing.

The complex includes only 3 exercises: “frog”, “wave”, “lotus”. This is a fairly effective remedy for reducing waist size. Reviews from women indicate that without special effort it allows you to reduce volumes by almost 2 sizes in a month.

How to perform

The Qigong technique consists of such exercises.


Slow breath. At the same time, the abs are drawn in and the chest is rounded. Hold your breath for a while. Then exhale slowly, drawing in your chest and rounding your belly.


Sit on a chair. Feet stand shoulder width apart. Place your elbows on your knees. Make a fist with your left hand. Grasp it with your right hand. Place your forehead on your fist. Close your eyes and relax as much as possible.

Now start breathing slowly according to this pattern: exhale – inhale – hold your breath for a couple of seconds – exhale as much as possible.


Take the lotus position. Breathe steadily and slowly for 5 minutes. The stomach and chest should not rise. Try to breathe completely silently. For the next 5 minutes, breathe deeply, without controlling the rise of your chest and volume.

Then, for 10 minutes, completely disconnect from your breathing as if it exists separately from you. Indulge in meditation.

Strelnikova's approach

The main purpose of this technique is to restore the vocal voice. However, over time, it has been observed that it is an excellent therapy for most diseases of the lungs, genitourinary and nervous systems.

Doctors began to use this technique for patients suffering from obesity. The results were great. Strelnikova’s system made it possible to get rid of extra pounds perfectly.

The effectiveness of the technique is dictated by the activation of metabolism. Improved metabolism is known to stimulate the rapid breakdown of subcutaneous fat.

The main essence of this technique is the shortest, sharpest breaths through the nose, with a compressed sternum.

Pam Grout's method

The unique scheme consists exclusively of breathing exercises. It does not include add-ons or physical activity. And at the same time it is effective and effective method weight loss.

At one time, Pam faced a problem excess weight. She has experienced many various techniques. But none of them could keep her slim. That's when Pam turned to breathing exercises. The results exceeded all expectations.

Oxysize technique

This approach is often confused with the Bodyflex complex. They are indeed very similar, but have a very important difference.

The Oxysize system, unlike Bodyflex, involves a light and soft technique. There are no sharp exhalations in the complex. That is why the Oxysize technique is allowed even for pregnant women.

The method has several other advantages. You can exercise at any convenient time, and it is not necessary on an empty stomach.

It has been noticed that women who practice Oxysize gymnastics burn calories 1.5 times faster than when working hard on an exercise bike. The complex provides an excellent load to the abdominal muscles.

How to perform the Oxysize complex

Several exercises will allow you to correct your figure:

  1. To get rid of fat deposits in the waist area. Stand up straight. Feet shoulder width apart. Pull your pelvis forward. Raise your left hand up. Right hand grab your wrist with your left hand. Stretch up and to the right. Inhale with your stomach - exhale. Do the exercise in the other direction.
  2. To strengthen the muscles of the back, abdomen, eliminate fat at the waist. Sit on a chair. Connect your feet and knees. Place your left hand behind your back and rest against the seat. Lift the right one up. Turn your body to the left. Pull your hand in the direction of movement. Inhale - exhale.

Marina Korpan system

Marina Korpan is the only certified specialist in Russia who uses her developments for figure correction. She connected the two effective complex: Bodyflex and Oxysize.

Marina Korpan’s system is an excellent way to burn subcutaneous fat. However, it does not contain grueling workouts and does not imply serious dietary restrictions.

How to perform the Marina Korpan complex

Execution order:

  1. Inhale slowly through your nose. The abdomen is almost completely retracted. Slowly release the air through your mouth. The abdominal muscles relax. As you exhale, your stomach should stick out. Repeat this breathing 3 times.
  2. Inhale through your nose. Slowly fill your lungs with air. Exhale the air (through your nose) in two sharp exhalations. Slowly inhale through your nose again. Now take 1 long exhalation and 2 sharp exhalations. Repeat 3 times.
  3. Take 3 normal breaths (through your nose) and exhale (through your mouth). Be sure to keep an eye on your aperture.
  4. Inhale through your nose. Now exhale a little through your nose. Exhale the rest of the air through your mouth. Also repeat 3 times.


It is based on yoga exercises. This technique effectively helps combat various skin diseases. It will be useful for gastrointestinal pathologies. Gymnastics improves the functioning of the cardiac system and cleanses the blood.

In addition, doctors have confirmed that regular performance of the Pranayama complex stimulates the body to self-cleanse. By getting rid of harmful substances, a person rejuvenates and improves well-being. And at the same time, active breakdown of fats begins in the body, which ensures the necessary weight loss.

For a flat stomach

It is best to initially study any practice with a professional trainer. This will make it easy to master the technique and perform it correctly at home.

If you are a beginner and have not yet managed to find a trainer, but really want to lose weight, then you can use the following simple complex:

Remember the correct breathing technique that was described at the beginning of the article. This is the first exercise of the complex.

Sit cross-legged on the floor. The back is straight. Hands lie on your knees, palms up. Inhale deeply through your nose. The stomach should be as round as possible. Exhale very slowly. At the same time, pull your abdominal muscles into yourself, and lower your chin down and press it to your body.

Exhale all the air. Relax your abdominal muscles as much as possible. Inhale quickly. Try to take in as much fresh air as possible into your lungs. Hold your breath. Tighten your abdominal muscles, trying to lift your stomach higher. Stay in this position for 10 seconds. To control the correctness of the exercise, you can place your hands on your waist.

Lean forward and straighten up. The shoulders are slightly rounded. Tighten your buttocks. Stay in this pose for 10 seconds. Exhale, relaxing your head and shoulders. Release the abdominal and buttock muscles only after you have exhaled completely.

As you can see, the complex is completely simple. If you devote 15 minutes to it every day, you can be sure that very soon your figure will improve significantly. Your waist will become slimmer and your abs will be perfectly toned.

Good day to all readers. The long-awaited spring has arrived! It's time to take care of your figure. And you can do this without dieting or going to the gym every day. Breathing exercises for losing belly fat will help you. This gymnastics can be successfully done at home. Let's look at what it is. What are its advantages and does this system have any contraindications?

The basis of any type of training is diaphragmatic breathing. Thanks to it, the volume of the lungs expands. The blood is very quickly saturated with oxygen. Increased blood flow accelerates metabolism. And this always leads to fat burning

This gymnastics doesn’t just help you lose weight. It is beneficial for the whole body. Because it regulates metabolism and improves lung function.

These days, bodyflex and oxysize have gained great popularity. These systems are united by static exercises with a certain breathing technique. However, they are not the same. I'll tell you what the difference is.

According to the bodyflex system oxygen goes where fat needs to be burned. No diet is required, but you can exercise strictly on an empty stomach. You will only have to spend 15 minutes a day on such activities. Exhalation in bodyflex ends with a deep breath. After this, you need to exhale sharply again and hold your breath. The exercises are performed until you breathe for 8-10 seconds. In our country, this system is actively promoted by Marina Korpan.

Gymnastics Oxysize has similarities with bodyflex. The difference is that there are no sharp exhalations. There are short breaths. Those. One deep breath is taken followed by three short breaths. Next is a deep exhalation, followed by three light exhalations. This pattern is repeated up to 30 times. You can exercise after eating. During such inhalations and exhalations, the abdominal press contracts. In a quarter of an hour, 250 contractions occur. At the same time, calories are actively burned.

Pros and cons of training

I am sure that many of you will be skeptical about this system. How can deep breathing help you lose weight? Please do not draw hasty conclusions. I have seen from my own experience the effectiveness of such gymnastics. The most important thing is to follow all the recommendations. And first of all, learn to breathe correctly.

Research shows that bodyflex promotes active fat burning. It burns 140% more than jogging

I will list the main benefits of breathing exercises:

  • metabolism accelerates, which means fat cells are burned;
  • improving the functioning of the digestive system;
  • cleansing the body of toxins;
  • production of positive hormones - endorphins.

And after classes during the day it is supported high level metabolism. Which is exactly what we need :)

Despite its effectiveness, this gymnastics has some contraindications. It should not be practiced if you have asthma or increased intracranial pressure. For diseases such as pulmonary hypertension, glaucoma. As well as heart failure, aortic aneurysm. In the postoperative period, as well as in diseases of the thyroid gland. Bodyflex is ineffective for hormonal disorders.

Regarding oxysize exercises, they have not undergone clinical trials in our country. The system is more gentle than bodyflex. Although the contraindications are similar. After all, even in oxysize it all comes down to holding your breath. For any serious chronic diseases classes are contraindicated.

How to exercise correctly

If you want to achieve results, you must first master the breathing technique. Diaphragmatic breathing is infant breathing. In small children, when inhaling, the stomach rises up. In adults, the chest rises. In the description of the bodyflex or oxysize technique, this is the main parameter. Since I am familiar with bodyflex in practice, I will give recommendations on this system.

To master this technique, Greer Childress (founder of bodyflex) recommends practicing in a certain position. Feet shoulder-width apart, semi-bent. The body is slightly tilted forward. Place your palms on the area slightly above your knees.

  1. Start with a series of even, deep breaths.
  2. Then forcefully push the air out, completely emptying your lungs. After exhaling, inhale quickly through your nose. The belly should swell greatly. When this happens, the lower ribs move apart, and the lungs are better filled with oxygen.
  3. Then exhale forcefully through your mouth, while drawing in your stomach. Those. When you inhale intensely, your stomach should inflate. And when you exhale, it deflates.
  4. After exhaling, you should hold your breath for 8-10 seconds. At the same time, constantly pull in your stomach, do not relax. This type of training is called a “natural pause.” After 10 seconds, inhale again.

The most important thing in this system is the gradual development of breathing techniques. At first, I recommend devoting several classes to this. And only then start bodyflex exercises. You may find it difficult to hold your breath for 10 seconds at first.

It is also necessary to control the movements of the abdomen. Don't breathe through your chest! Static exercises will be of no use if you continue to breathe as usual.

Bodyflex exercises

Marina Korpan has been practicing bodyflex for many years. She has achieved amazing results and shares her experiences with us. These are proven sets of exercises for different parts bodies. We will look at gymnastics for the abdomen and sides, as well as hips.

To reduce the belly

Gymnastics is aimed at stretching the sides, as well as abdominal fat. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees slightly. Place your palms slightly above your knees. The position is similar to that of a volleyball player. Do the breathing exercise I described above. Pull your stomach in as you exhale.

Lower left hand, place her elbow on the knee of her left leg. Move your right leg to the side, the toe needs to be extended, the foot does not leave the floor. Pull your right arm up above your head. You should feel a stretch in the muscles from your side all the way up to your thigh. Count to 8-10 seconds, then relax your stomach, you can take a breath. The exercise is repeated 3-5 times. Then change hands.

For waist and hips

This exercise is performed while sitting. It will help you not only remove your belly, but also tighten your thighs. Sit on the floor, cross your legs. Left leg you need to throw it on the right. Bend your legs. With your right hand, grab the knee of your left leg. And take your left hand behind your back.

Exhale and inhale, then take a deep breath and exhale sharply. Remember to strongly draw in your stomach as you exhale. Pull your left knee towards you, it should “look” up. At this moment, you seem to twist your body to the left, the tension will be in the waist.

In this situation, you need to try to look back. At this moment, the muscles of the waist and outer thighs will stretch. You need to count to 10 seconds and inhale. The exercise is repeated 3-5 times, then the position of the legs and arms changes. To make it easier for you to understand the set of exercises, I have selected a video from Marina Korpan. In it, she explains in detail breathing techniques and how to perform basic exercises.

At first I did it wrong, I had a headache and I quit the exercises, thinking that they were ineffective. Only after watching Korpan’s video lessons did I begin to understand more. In addition, I have low blood pressure, and I wanted everything “to the maximum” :) Monitor your well-being and exercise in moderation.

Also, be sure to read my article “vacuum exercise for a flat stomach.” This is also very effective exercise for the waist.

Results of those who tried it

Elena: I worked out on my own and lost 15 kg. The system is working! At the same time, I managed to tighten my figure well. Nothing hangs anywhere, the skin is toned.

Alenka: I did the vacuum exercise for a month. I really wanted to remove my belly. The result is that the waist has decreased by 5 cm. I’m happy as an elephant.))

Forget-me-not: I gained a lot of weight after giving birth. I decided to try bodyflex. I've been doing it for a little over a week. There are results - I pulled on a skirt that I couldn’t fit into. I'll see how it goes, but for now I'm determined.

Oksana: But I couldn’t do it. I guess I was practicing my breathing incorrectly. I feel very dizzy and my heart just jumps out of my chest.

Natasha: I have had zero results in two months. I worked out on an empty stomach in the morning, all my centimeters were with me.)) But after classes I felt great, my energy was in full swing. I regret that I abandoned it, but to be honest, I’m too lazy to start now.

Sisi: The result exceeded all my expectations!! Not only did I lose weight, I stopped getting tonsillitis and ARVI. I got rid of shortness of breath and feel great. I'm not going to quit classes.

I would like to add on my own behalf – don’t expect miracles right away. The result will be, but with the correct breathing technique and daily exercises. Also don't forget about proper nutrition. Bodyflex combined with cakes is a bad tandem. During your weight loss period, you will need to exercise every day. When you achieve results, classes can be reduced to three times a week.

If you have experience in bodyflex or oxysize, share your impressions! Subscribe to updates and see you again.

Correct breathing- this is a whole science. Scientists have proven that many people breathe incorrectly, and this causes them many health problems. Excess weight, shortness of breath, oxygen deprivation of the brain are far from full list problems that can occur, including due to improper breathing.

Breathing and losing weight at the same time is not a myth invented by ordinary people. Today this theory has been widely confirmed, and the number of exercises for proper breathing literally breaks all records.

Abdominal breathing is the key to good health, normalization of metabolic processes and, as a result, weight loss. Most people in the world breathe through their chest. Proper breathing involves working with the peritoneum. After all, during chest breathing, the lungs only work at half capacity, and the body does not receive enough oxygen.

Proper breathing allows you to fill your lungs with air 100%. And the more oxygen the body receives, the more active its metabolism is and the fat cells are burned. Therefore, the connection between proper deep breathing and weight loss is direct and quite obvious.

The advantage of this method of losing weight is that you do not have to go on exhausting diets and perform entire sets of exercises in the fitness room. It is enough to breathe correctly. Experts, however, offer a number of exercises designed specifically for breathing, which will help you saturate your body with oxygen and at the same time lose weight.

So, for example, it is enough to stand against the wall, straightening and pressing your shoulder blades, shoulders, buttocks and heels against it, and inhale deeply so that you rise rib cage, then exhale slowly. Then repeat the inhalation and exhalation, only using abdominal breathing. The inhalation should round the stomach, and the exhalation should compress the abdominal muscles to the maximum. Then step away from the wall, feet shoulder-width apart, raise your arms up and take a slow deep breath in through your chest, lower your arms and exhale. This exercise is performed daily for 1-2 minutes.

Do not forget about proper breathing during normal walking, as well as performing any physical exercise, for example, climbing stairs. Remember that during exercise, breathing should be uniform, but at the same time quite rhythmic. If it is difficult for you to immediately tune in to the desired rhythm, try to use this: 2 steps - inhale, 2 steps - exhale.

Some experts say that proper breathing teaches a person to listen to his body. Due to this, he begins to better understand his body and automatically begins to lead a healthy lifestyle. As a result, illnesses and excess weight go away.

A person can live without food for a month, without water for three to four days, and without oxygen for a maximum of three minutes. Chronic fatigue, passivity, irritability - all this is the result of a lack of oxygen. Proper breathing will help you get rid of such life partners and at the same time lose weight.


Proper breathing speeds up metabolic processes, and fat begins to be burned as actively as possible. Experts distinguish three types of breathing: abdominal, upper thoracic and diaphragmatic (lower thoracic). When small children breathe, it is noticeable how their stomach moves. The chest practically does not expand. Adults do exactly the opposite: they breathe full breasts, but the abdominal wall is practically not involved in the process. If you want to lose weight and feel better, teach yourself to breathe from your belly.

Lie down on a flat surface. It is desirable that it be tough. For example, on the floor. Place one palm on your chest and the other on your stomach. Close your eyes and just breathe as usual. This way you will determine the type of your breathing.

Without changing your position, try to breathe not from your chest, but from your stomach. You can open your eyes and make sure that the palm on your stomach rises higher. You need to inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.

Having mastered abdominal breathing in a horizontal position, stand up and do the same exercise while standing. When you succeed in this, try while sitting. Humans have excellent muscle memory. Sooner or later, your body will remember exactly how to breathe.

When mastering the abdominal breathing technique special attention It’s worth taking time to exhale. When you are in a calm state, try to inhale slowly and exhale even more slowly. Mentally count: inhale from 1 to 5, exhale from 1 to 10.

When performing any breathing exercises, at first you may feel dizzy and general discomfort. This is absolutely normal, because more oxygen began to enter the blood and the blood vessels dilated. After a while discomfort will pass, and you will feel a surge of energy.

After such a sharp exhalation, the stomach sticks to the spine and looks like the concave bottom of a bowl. Hold your stomach under your ribs for 8-10 seconds. At this time, any static stretching exercise is performed.

At the next stage, you relax your abdominal muscles and involuntarily inhale through your nose. At the same time, you will let out something similar to a sob. There is no need to specially draw in air and imitate the sound.

Try to breathe so that as you inhale, your ribs diverge to the sides, and as you exhale, they come together again. Make sure that your chest does not rise while doing this.

To quickly master breathing using the bodyflex technique, imagine balloon under pressure. Squeeze and inflate your lungs in the same way.

You can start doing bodyflexing at least at the age of 50. The complex is designed for people with diseases of the spine and joints. Despite this, there are contraindications that must be familiarized with before starting classes.

Please note

People with the following diseases should not breathe using the bodyflex technique:
Thyroid dysfunction
Chronic diseases in the acute stage
Increased intracranial pressure
Pregnant women and people who have recently undergone abdominal surgery should also abstain.

Nature initially thought out everything to the smallest detail so that a person would feel physiologically good, his condition, health, and weight would be normal. But over time, we forget about the lessons given to us from birth, and we do not use the natural healing tools inherent in us, for example, breathing, to improve our well-being and appearance.


There is a concept of correct and incorrect inhalation. We usually breathe incorrectly, but we need to learn to breathe correctly and try to breathe this way constantly. To reproduce the correct inhalation, place your hand on. As you inhale, feel your stomach (but not). As you exhale, pull your stomach in.

As you inhale, feel your stomach fill with oxygen. You need to inhale until your lungs feel full. Inhaled? Hold your breath. And exhale slowly until your lungs feel completely empty. Breathe again and take a full breath.

Develop your own comfortable rhythm for full belly breathing. Breathe this way when you exercise and when you are on public transport. If you feel dizzy, reduce your activity and exhalation. Do it more slowly. Change the rhythm.

Diaphragmatic breathing “melts” the body’s fats, thanks to the active saturation of the body with oxygen during such a forced deep breath. Babies have similar breathing immediately after birth, but after that the person switches to shallow chest breathing, which is less productive.

There are various types breathing exercises for health and wellness. This is the bodyflex system, Pam Grout’s breathing cocktails, breathing exercises Strelnikova, Popov’s exercises, Jianfei, Oxysize, Pranayama (in yoga). Choose any type of exercise and lose weight with it up to 2-5 kg ​​per week.

Belly fat is the most annoying accumulation of excess weight on the body. It is also a serious threat to health, as it can cause many diseases of the internal organs and the musculoskeletal system. The most common problems that people face are cholesterol, heart attacks, hypertension, diabetes and many more.

This fat is very stubborn and it takes many months to get rid of it. You need to either go to the gym, do cardio workouts, combined with a diet that includes eating only 1200 calories per day. But many of us don't like to sweat in the gym. In this case, in order to get rid of extra centimeters at the waist, we recommend doing breathing exercises for weight loss.

Various breathing techniques are best way reduce your waist size, they will help you get in shape without straining. Anyone can get rid of excess fat above the abdominal muscles using this technique. Breathing exercises to reduce belly fat are quickly gaining popularity because they are truly effective. These exercises, known as pranayama, are often classified as yoga. They will bring you health and longevity, and also improve digestion by strengthening your abdominal muscles. This is truly an art, but it requires careful attention.

Removing belly flops can only be achieved through a strict, consistent exercise regimen and a calorie deficit diet; you must expend more energy than you consume through food. Most likely, you have become a victim of fat due to lack of... physical activity or sedentary work. In addition to the fact that this look does not add to your beauty, it also becomes the main cause of diabetes and heart disease. In order to get rid of your belly fat and regain your health, try to start losing weight using yoga breathing techniques.

This is one of the most effective and useful exercises lying down to tone the core muscles. If you breathe more deeply, your abs become more flexible. You need to use your diaphragm while doing this exercise to increase your lung capacity.

To perform, you need to lie on your back. Breathe and watch your chest and belly rise and fall. Continue to breathe, but try to do it deeper and deeper with each inhalation and exhalation.

You can practice this breathing at any time during the day. When performed regularly, digestion improves and all unwanted fat is removed from the waist.

Don't miss: and reducing your body fat percentage.

Deep breathing is just as great for losing weight as abdominal exercises.

It is fundamental to pranayama, which is often used in yoga. You only need to devote 15-20 minutes a day to it.

This exercise triggers the absorption of oxygen and is simply irreplaceable for burning calories. Stress leads to hormonal imbalance and you often feel hungry. Whenever you feel hungry, the body takes the food and turns it into fat. By incorporating this exercise into your daily routine, you will be able to control hunger pangs and hormonal balance.

To begin, sit upright in a chair or on the floor with your back against the wall. Place your palms on your knees and close your eyes. Free your thoughts and focus on your breathing. Breathe at a normal rhythm for the first 4 minutes. Meditate. Breathe as deeply as possible, counting from 1 to 4 during each inhalation, and from 1 to 6 during exhalation. Continue for another 10 minutes and you will definitely feel refreshed and satisfied.

Breathing Skull Radiance

Without a doubt this best exercise in order to get rid of belly fat and strengthen abdominal muscles, get rid of respiratory problems, colds, eye strain and other irritants. Sit comfortably and take a full breath. Suck your stomach in as you exhale. Continue for 30 seconds and then return to normal breathing for 3 seconds. Repeat the complex three times.

Stimulating breathing

As you might have guessed from the name, it stimulates your senses and energizes you throughout the day. Like the Tai Chi relaxation technique, it helps to relax the muscles. Start by sitting upright on the stele, closing your mouth and relaxing. Count at your normal pace while you breathe. This breathing is aimed at your abs, chest and lungs. To lose weight, do this exercise for 15 minutes daily.

Unlike chest breathing, this breathing technique targets the diaphragm and the muscles located under the lungs.

The technique is commonly used to build stamina and energy, and to treat anxiety. Your goal is to breathe like this all the time, every day.

Step-by-step instructions on how to breathe with your stomach to lose weight:

Sit on a chair, lie on the floor, or just stand up straight. The first step is to clear your thoughts and forget about all your problems and worries. Just free yourself from everything that gets into your head. Place your hands on your stomach, thumbs next to your navel. Inhale deeply, make sure that your chest does not rise, and allow your abs to stretch.

Flying Belly Castle

The flying castle is also called uddiyana bandha.

This is a high-level technique, one of the most effective for quick disposal from excess fat. But it can only be practiced by experienced pranayama students.

Start in a sitting position, pulling your stomach in completely. You should feel emptiness in this area. Continue exhaling in this position and bring your chin to your chest. Hold this position for 25 seconds, then relax and breathe at your usual pace for several minutes. This will help reduce belly fat and significantly improve digestion and metabolism.

Mouth breathing

Mouth breathing tightens your abdominal muscles, relaxing and refreshing you. In addition, this is an excellent exercise for keeping your face and chin toned. Stand, sit, or even lie down to perform the exercise. Open your mouth and breathe evenly and slowly through it. Inhale when you count to 10 to yourself. Exhale should be longer. That is, if you inhale for 2 seconds, exhale for 4 seconds. Don't overexert yourself, do as hard as you can. Repeat 3 times a day daily.

If you cannot inhale and exhale for several seconds, then most likely you have rapid breathing. If you were standing, try this exercise while sitting.

Abdominal tightening for weight loss, also called a “vacuum”, will quickly burn your calories and highlight your abs and make your waist narrow, making it ideal for fast weight loss. Place a pillow on the floor and kneel on it. This is to avoid damaging your knees. Clear your thoughts and close your eyes. Count to 10 and start breathing. Exhale and count to 5; your stomach should feel a vacuum state of emptiness. Hold the position for 2 seconds, then inhale. Repeat 10 times daily.

Abdominal retraction

This breathing technique will force you to exhale all the air from your lungs. It will also help you tighten your stomach as much as possible. With its help, the abdominal muscles, buried under a layer of fat, will show themselves to the light.

Place your hands and knees on the floor. The back should be arched to provide a vacuum. Exhale completely and draw in your stomach. Stretch your lungs as if you were breathing, but no air should enter them. You need to pull in the front wall of your abdomen so that it touches your back (not literally, just to the maximum) and hold this position for 10 seconds. Inhale slowly and repeat the same 10 times every day for better results.

In order to get a flat tummy, you need to remove excess fat and tone your muscles. Lie on the floor, bend your knees, feet on the floor. As you begin to breathe, pull your stomach in as much as you can. Try to press yourself to the floor and breathe as deeply as possible. You can even place your hand on your abs to feel them. The entire abdominal cavity should be retracted. Hold the position for at least 10 seconds. Relax by exhaling slowly.

You can try this exercise standing with your back against the wall. Some also find it effective in a sitting position. If you're too busy to take the time to do this exercise, you can do it right now while you read this article. It will help you achieve a flat tummy.

Sometimes, searching for a short and easier route becomes the best solution. Breathing training may not look very effective, but it definitely plays a role in your body. They will increase the intensity of your workouts. Breathing from your abs, belly, and diaphragm will help you level up your fitness game. This means that you will get all the possible benefits and energy to lose those extra inches.

Video - breathing techniques for a flat stomach

Benefits of Breathing Exercises

Breathing is an involuntary process for which we do not need to exert any additional effort. But in reality, most people do not breathe correctly, and therefore it is necessary to study correct technique to prolong life, good mood and health.

Basic useful properties breathing yoga:

  • Relieves tension– deep breathing exercises increase blood delivery to the body, reducing feelings of stress, fear and anger.
  • Cleanses the body– breathing removes 70% of toxins from the body. So, if you breathe incorrectly, toxins accumulate in the body, which can lead to serious illnesses later. Cleansing the body can also be done using a 30-day cleansing diet for weight loss.
  • Relaxes the brain – high levels of stress and increased anxiety can lead to various health problems. Deep breathing delivers oxygen to the brain and reduces anxiety levels, relaxing the body, which in turn increases mental clarity and inner peace.
  • Helps get rid of excess weight– additional oxygen enters the body, helps burn excess calories accumulated in the body, and promotes weight loss.
  • Tones the organs– movements of the diaphragm during breathing massage the vital internal organs, such as the heart, stomach, liver, pancreas and small intestine, and improves blood circulation in them. Controlled breathing also tones the abdominal muscles.

What's important to remember

These breathing exercises must be performed systematically. Never do them on a full stomach. If you have been diagnosed with heart disease, a hernia or an ulcer, it is better to consult a doctor or completely eliminate it so as not to harm your health. These exercises provide excellent results, but only if done after you have done moderate forms of exercise like Tai Chi, yoga or walking.

Performing these techniques to lose weight – best alternative other forms of training. But they need to be performed together with a balanced one. They can be made without any additional equipment, and therefore they are accessible to everyone.

However, you need to be clear about them and learn enough about them to make it possible to achieve your goals. Nothing can be achieved without effort! Even if you miss one day of exercise, it's okay, as long as you try the next day and continue to try. When performing these techniques, the entire load falls on the abdominal muscles, which helps burn fat around it. You don't have to go to the gym and sweat there. Such an accessible and simple form of training as breathing is with you every day, every minute. No need to continue searching! Stick to doing these great exercises every day and you will see excess belly fat disappear! Good luck in your endeavors and leave feedback on your results!


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This article is based on scientific evidence, written and reviewed by experts. Our team of licensed nutritionists and estheticians strive to be objective, unbiased, honest and present both sides of the argument.

There are quite a lot of overweight people, and most of them want to have a good figure and excellent health. Breathing exercises are a way to lose excess weight without much time and effort.

There are no miracles: in order for extra pounds to go away, you need to burn the calories that come from food, and process them both through various cosmetic procedures: taking or making effective body wraps with various components, . Breathing exercises for weight loss are much easier than running or strength training. It can be practiced by both healthy people and those who have certain diseases. Before you start performing any complexes, you should consult your doctor. Exercises are contraindicated or should be used under medical supervision:

  • for spinal injuries;
  • bleeding;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular and pulmonary systems;
  • during pregnancy and during feeding.

Active breathing effect

Oxygen plays an important role in healthy person: It is involved in the oxidation of various compounds, which provides energy production. Over the years, the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere has been slowly decreasing due to pollution. environment and climate change. People's lifestyles are changing, they move less, breathing becomes shallow and frequent. Due to these factors, the amount of oxygen in the blood modern man reduced. Consequence:

  • increased fatigue;
  • reduction in the speed of metabolic processes;
  • shortness of breath and rapid heartbeat during physical activity;
  • decreased immunity.

Do a little test: take a watch that shows seconds, exhale and measure the time you can hold your breath. Now take a few quick deep breaths. Be careful not to get dizzy. Exhale again, hold your breath and measure the time until you inhale. After active breathing, the result is 2, and sometimes 3-4 times greater. This proves that deep breathing quickly oxygenates the blood. Breathing exercises for weight loss they act comprehensively:

  • : food is digested better, fat is not deposited, adipose tissue is broken down faster;
  • increase energy production;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • improve mood and sleep.

Thousands of people around the world have already lost excess fat with the help of breathing exercises. The effect of its use will become noticeable within 1-2 weeks. This is the minimum period. If you practice for a long time, for a year or several years, even diseases disappear.

Types of breathing exercises for weight loss

Popular breathing exercises:

  • bodyflex;
  • gymnastics Strelnikova;
  • oxykayz;
  • qigong (jiangfei);
  • pranayama.

Performing breathing exercises for weight loss takes from 2-3 to 15 minutes a day. While the exercises are unfamiliar, more time will be spent, up to 40-60 minutes. The main thing is to inhale and exhale correctly. The effectiveness of exercises depends on technique.


Bodyflex breathing exercises for weight loss were developed by Childers Grieg. After the birth of three children, her clothing size changed from 44 to 56. At 53, she was able to regain her beautiful figure. Childers did breathing exercises taught by a young girl, and the classes lasted 40-60 minutes. I had to come up with a set of exercises that doesn’t take much time (and moms don’t have it) and will help you lose weight at any age.

The basis is aerobic respiration:

  • calm exhalation through the mouth;
  • a sharp breath through the nose (as fully as possible, filling both the chest and stomach);
  • exhale sharply through the mouth, using the diaphragm, that is, from bottom to top;
  • holding your breath and drawing in your stomach.

Breathing exercises for weight loss - video from Childers Grieg:

As you exhale, you need to take a static pose and hold it for several seconds. Fat is actively burned in the area of ​​muscle tension. Tension is achieved through stretching or force. The stomach is pulled in as much as possible. It actually rolls under the ribs. This unusual “massage” will reduce the size of the stomach after a while. The result is saturation occurs faster.

It is not difficult to master step-by-step breathing, and a set of breathing exercises is compiled taking into account individual characteristics. They must be performed on an empty stomach, otherwise all the oxygen will be spent on digesting food and not on burning fat.

You can take any pose while holding your breath, even if it is not in the standard bodyflex set. If the area where there is excess fat tissue is tense, then the exercise is suitable. What is described in the complex does not necessarily suit everyone. Some poses will be unpleasant or uncomfortable, and should be abandoned.

The complex includes 2 exercises to tighten the facial muscles and from 2 to 5 exercises for the pectoral girdle, waist, hips and legs.

Video with a set of Bodyflex exercises

“Lion” and “ugly grimace” train the muscles of the face and chest. Performed 3-5 times. The result of the classes is that sagging cheeks and double chin disappear.

“Diamond” and “side stretch” tighten the muscles of the arms and chest. Perform Diamond 3-5 times, stretching 3 in each direction.

Breathing belly is especially useful for women after pregnancy and childbirth. Until the body has fully recovered, physical activity must be carefully applied. Two or three exercises 1-2 times a day for the abdominal muscles are enough. Easy exercises - “dollar” and “cat”. Then you can do the “abdominal press” and “scissors”.

Exercise “dollar” - after holding your breath and retracting your stomach, put one hand on the back of your head (bend it), and bend the other and place it on your belt. Bend at the waist so that the pose resembles $, that is, move the upper body to the side towards the hand placed to the head, and the hips vice versa. Do 3 times in each direction. Do “cat”, “scissors” and “abdominal press” 3 times.

For - "pretzel", "hamstring stretch", "leg pull back", "seiko" and "boat". Do the exercises 3 times in each direction, except for the popliteal stretch - just 3 times.

The listed 13 exercises form a complex.

Breathing exercises by Strelnikova

A set of breathing exercises according to Strelnikova was originally developed in medicinal purposes, to restore your voice. This happened back in the 30s, but the exercises are still popular. Sharp short breaths are taken with a compressed chest.


Oxysize breathing exercises are very similar to bodyflex. However, there are no sharp inhalations and exhalations, the exercises are more gentle, and therefore there are fewer contraindications.

Qigong (Jiangfei)

Jiangfei - lose fat the Chinese way. These are 3 Qigong breathing exercises. The method is rather meditative. It is required not only to breathe correctly, but also to tune in spiritually.


The problem of excess weight is also solved with the help of yoga exercises. Breathing here also helps to concentrate, direct energy in the right direction and get rid of everything unnecessary.

General rules for performing breathing exercises

For breathing exercises for weight loss to produce results, you need to:

  • do them regularly;
  • do not quit classes for a long time;
  • maintain a positive and calm attitude;
  • provide access to fresh air during exercise; ideally, perform breathing exercises for weight loss in nature.

If you follow all the rules, your health will improve and the extra pounds will disappear! In addition to gymnastics, pamper yourself and enjoy life in all its manifestations!

Many people dream of becoming slim and fit. No need to dream - act right now! Try it, breathe, study different techniques, read reviews about breathing exercises and get rid of excess fat. A beautiful figure will be everyone's reward!

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