How does onion affect the blood? How to use bulbs for medicinal purposes. What are the benefits of onions for the body?


Health 05.12.2017

Dear readers, we all know that onions are not only one of the most respected vegetables on our table, but also a proven remedy for ailments. Remember the proverb - onions cure seven diseases? It's hard to imagine a more accessible and effective remedy for healing the whole body. The main thing is to use each variety for its intended purpose.

During the cold season, you need to increase the amount of onions in your diet. It has antibacterial properties, so it will not allow viruses and microbes to develop in our body. Did you know that in fact it has many more beneficial properties, and they are certainly not limited to just the anti-cold effect?

Let's talk today about the benefits and harms onions for our body and find out how much we need to eat per day to feel the positive effect.

Types of onions

Before we talk about the benefits of onions, let's first see what types they come in. There are a very large number of them, but the most firmly established in our kitchen are:

  • batun;
  • onions;
  • chives;
  • shallot;
  • leek.

Onions come in yellow, white and red. They all differ in taste - some salad types are sweeter and more pleasant, while others are spicier.

Vitamins in onions

The benefits of onions are expressed not only in their antibacterial effect. There are enough vitamins in onions to replenish part of the daily requirement that a person needs. These are vitamins B, A, C, K, PP. Other useful compounds contained in it are also important - mineral salts, carotene, inulin, enzymes, alkaloids.

We discussed what vitamins are contained in onions, but it is also worth mentioning how rich it is in minerals, and there are many of them: manganese, potassium, fluorine, calcium, iodine, iron, cobalt, phosphorus, copper, zinc.

As we can see, the composition of onions is rich and varied, which ensures its numerous beneficial properties, which we will talk about below.

Bow from seven ailments

We have already mentioned that we mainly know onions as a means of strengthening the immune system during the cold season. To prevent colds, you can eat half a small onion every day, but if you still get sick, it is better to replace it with juice. Even a small amount will contain more useful substances, which are so necessary during the period when we are weakened due to a cold.

Onions are also useful in treating various other diseases. For example, it can quickly relieve a long cough. To do this, onion pulp, mixed with honey in equal parts, is taken orally. After 3-4 days the sputum will come off much better.

Include 100 g of onions in your daily diet, and you will see that you get sick less and feel better.

Besides this, what are onion benefits for the body? It can have the following positive effects:

  • Apply fresh onion juice to the area of ​​skin above the lip for a runny nose. If onion vapors are inhaled regularly, it can even help avoid complications after the flu. You can soak cotton swabs in it and place them in your nostrils. But remember that this remedy is contraindicated for children - after all, their nasal mucosa is more delicate and it is better to choose a more gentle method, for example, prepare natural drops from boiled water and a small amount of honey and onions. This method of treatment will be many times more useful;
  • For a sore throat or sore throat, it is better to take onion juice orally. If you don’t like the taste, stir 2 tablespoons of juice in a glass of water - this will make drinking the product much easier;
  • We are all familiar with such a product as baked onions. Its benefits and harms are exactly the same as those of raw onions. A baked onion can help cure ear pain. To do this, it is first baked, and then the juice is squeezed out of it. If you eat it daily, you can improve your memory and prevent the development of cerebral vascular sclerosis;
  • If a person has problems with appetite, then he should definitely eat a piece of onion or add its juice to food. This way the food will be digested better;
  • onion peels can also be useful - if you add a small amount of it to your favorite type of green tea in a teapot, this will enrich the drink with even more amino acids;
  • cancer prevention thanks to this vegetable is not a myth, but the most reality. By adding half an onion to your usual food every day, you can reduce the likelihood of cancer by 15%. If you eat 4 medium onions per week, this figure is reduced by 60%;
  • Onions are also useful for sleep disorders - they act as a sleeping pill. Therefore, eat onions, eat a sprig of dill or parsley to get rid of unpleasant odor, and enjoy healthy sleep.

The benefits of red onions are the same as the yellow ones we are used to, so you can safely take this variety for treatment. And red onions are best added to salads. Its taste is not so spicy.

But it is better to avoid pickled onions - they not only contain fewer beneficial compounds, but they are also more harmful due to the fact that long time was in a vinegar solution. Nai more You will get useful substances, of course, only from raw onions.

The beneficial substances in onions are very stable and are preserved even at low temperatures. You can freeze fresh onions - they do not spoil for up to six months. When heated medicinal properties onions are lost, but in this form it is better to use it for people with digestive problems.

And in this video you will learn a lot of interesting things about the dangers and benefits of onions.

The benefits of onions for weight loss

How are onions beneficial for those who are losing weight? An onion diet has been developed and special recipe fat-burning onion soup, and numerous positive reviews confirm how effective it is.

It’s easy to explain the effect of this diet, because the calorie content of onions is very low, but it takes the body a little more effort to process it. For those who are not ready to sit on such a diet for several weeks, I offer my own option - arrange 2-3 fasting days a month. I myself use exactly this option, and even in this case the effect is noticeable.

With this soup you will not be hungry, because it contains a huge amount of fiber, which will also help normalize stool. Of course, if you have problems with the intestines, for example gastritis, then it is better to refuse this fasting day. As is the case if you are weakened after an illness and your immunity is reduced.

There are a lot of recipes for making onion soup that helps you lose weight, so I dedicated a separate article to them, where I talk in detail about the soup itself and how to prepare it. You can read about everything in the article

You can also watch the recipe for making onion soup in this video.

Application in cosmetology

The benefits of onions for the human body are not limited to traditional use in food. In fact, the vitamins in onions, coupled with their irritating properties, have long attracted the attention of those who take care of their appearance. Constant use of a mixture of onion juice and half-and-half with a decoction of burdock root allows you to restore weakened hair. It will also be an excellent competitor to expensive anti-dandruff products and will promote healthy hair growth.

You can get rid of the specific onion smell by adding 2-3 drops of your favorite essential oil to a cosmetic product.

The healing properties of onions also appear on the skin of the face. The juice has antibacterial properties, so it is added to lotions, masks and scrubs. Such products are excellent for problem skin, and thanks to the beneficial components they contain, homemade cosmetics with onion juice will help prevent premature wrinkles.

Onions are also indispensable in the manufacture of compositions for the purpose of softening corns, calluses and even warts. It will be enough to apply a mixture of honey and onion juice to your feet several times to experience the effectiveness of its action.

Harm and contraindications

Everyone knows that any onion has a specific smell. This feature cannot be attributed to harmful properties, but those who communicate a lot with people will still have to give it up. Well, or eat it only before bed.

Onions have much more benefits, and they rarely cause harm. However, it can still have a negative effect on the body, especially on the following systems and organs:

  • digestive tract - juice has an irritating effect on our intestines, which provokes the appearance discomfort in the abdomen, pain and excess gas formation. There is a risk of other eating disorders - heartburn, nausea, diarrhea, etc.;
  • respiratory system - onions can trigger an asthma attack if a person has this disease;
  • heart and vascular system– an excess of onions in the diet can lead to increased blood pressure, in some cases even mild arrhythmia occurs.

You should completely avoid eating onions if you have the following diseases:

  • kidney problems (since there is a risk of calcification growth);
  • diseases of the cardiac system;
  • pathologies at work nervous system;
  • ulcer;
  • intestinal diseases in the acute stage.

Treatment with onions in these situations cannot be carried out - take care of your health and choose other methods of traditional treatment.

So, in conclusion, we can only conclude once again that the benefits and harms of onions for the body always depend on how often and in what quantities we use it. If you have no contraindications, be sure to add it to dishes and salads, bake, boil or eat raw. And even though it has a pungent odor, it also brings enormous benefits.

In the article we talk about onions - the benefits and harms of the vegetable, we talk about its use as a spice in cooking and medicine in folk medicine. You will learn how onions are useful, how much you can eat per day, and what harm the vegetable can cause if used incorrectly.

Onions - perennial herbaceous plant genus Onion of the Onion family. Widely distributed as a vegetable crop throughout the world.

Spring view (photo) of onions

The tuber is a membranous bulb, reaches a diameter of 15 cm. The scales on the outside are dry yellow, white or purple. The inner scales are fleshy, white, greenish or purple. The bulbs are located on a shortened stem, which is called the bottom. Onions are grown in country houses and personal plots, read about growing vegetables in.

The leaves of onions are tubular and bluish-green in color. They, like bulbs, are eaten, mainly in fresh, called “ green onions" Green onions are often planted at home, read more. In you will learn how onions differ from shallots.

Chemical composition

The chemical composition of onions includes:

  • fructose;
  • sucrose;
  • maltose;
  • inulin;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • malic acid;
  • citric acid;
  • flavonoid quercetin;
  • enzymes;
  • saponins;
  • mineral salts;
  • phytoncides;
  • essential oil;
  • mucus;
  • pectin substances;
  • glycosides.

The properties of onions are provided by the listed substances. Next, we will tell you the benefits of raw onions.

Useful properties

Onions - their beneficial properties:

  • antiseptic;
  • bactericidal;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • anti-cold;
  • antitussive;
  • soothing;
  • secretory;
  • anthelmintic;
  • diuretic;
  • antioxidant;
  • restorative.

The beneficial properties of onions for the human body have been known since ancient times. It is most often used for the treatment and prevention of colds, flu and acute respiratory viral infections. Possessing bactericidal properties, onions onion favor benefits the body in treating coughs and sore throats. During the cold season, eating onions and inhaling their smell is the easiest and most effective way stay healthy. We have given recipes for effective medications in the articles -,.

The benefits of onions for the body lie in its antiseptic properties.. The vegetable is used to disinfect wounds on the skin, treat boils, and heal skin from insect bites.

The benefits of onions for humans include a positive effect on cardiovascular system. Onions prevent the formation of cholesterol plaques and cleanse the blood of existing ones, lower blood pressure and normalize heart rate.

Is it healthy to eat onions? More than, especially in the absence of appetite and low acidity of gastric juice. Onions stimulate the production of hydrochloric acid, increase appetite and improve digestion.

Although onions are a rather pungent vegetable, they have a sedative effect - they calm you down. nervous system, relieves headaches and pain of other origins. Regular consumption of onions helps eliminate insomnia and improve sleep quality.

Onions boost immunity and help resist colds and serious illnesses. Not only fresh onions are useful, but also baked ones; read more about their use in. Another way to treat with onions is to put them in your socks at night, read about this method.

Onions are used not only in folk medicine, but also in cosmetology. Based on the vegetable, it is made against hair loss and increased growth of curls.

Use in cooking

Both the bulbs themselves and their leaves are used in cooking.

Onion bulbs are most often used fresh. As a seasoning, onions are added to first and second courses of poultry, meat, fish and vegetables. Onions are used in marinades and in food preservation, and they even prepare independent dishes from it, for example, the famous French onion soup. Read more about cooking onions in. You can also caramelize onions; we told you how to do it correctly. Onions are pickled and...

Dried onions are also used in cooking. For convenient storage, the onions are cut into cubes or half rings and placed in the freezer. How to store vegetables in an apartment, read.

Not only onion bulbs, but also leaves are added to food. Green onions are most often added to already ready meals, salads and appetizers.

Standards of use

It is enough for a healthy person to consume 50 grams of raw onions per day. More may cause irritation of the gastric mucosa, causing pain and nausea.

People who take blood-thinning medications should not overuse the vegetable, as onions can enhance their effect.

You have learned how onions are beneficial for the human body. Below we will talk about possible harm and contraindications to the use of this vegetable.

Contraindications and possible harm

Raw onions should not be eaten if you have the following diseases and conditions:

  • acute gastritis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • duodenal ulcer;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • serious heart disease;
  • liver diseases;
  • asthma.

For the diseases listed above, onions can be consumed stewed, baked and fried, but in small quantities.

Moderate consumption is important even healthy people, otherwise onions can provoke or aggravate diseases gastrointestinal tract. Another disadvantage of the vegetable is its unpleasant smell.

For more information about the benefits of onions, watch the video:

What to remember

  1. Onion is a popular vegetable that is used as a spice in the preparation of first and second courses, salads, and marinades.
  2. Onions are used in folk medicine; the vegetable is most effective in the prevention and treatment of colds and flu.
  3. Onions should be consumed in moderation. The vegetable has contraindications and can be harmful to health.

Onions are a traditional vegetable garden plots and cuisines of our continent. And there are several good explanations for this.

First of all, onions are a fairly cold-resistant vegetable. Therefore, from time immemorial it has been one of the main vegetable crops that produce good harvest even in the northern regions.

The second reason follows from the first - onions are used in almost all dishes of Russian and European cuisine, with the exception of dessert. In cooking, this vegetable is widely used in fish, meat, and vegetable dishes, as well as in canning, marinades and preparations for the winter.

The healing properties of onions are another reason for their widespread use. Onions are an excellent healer in the fight against colds and viral diseases. This postulate has been known to everyone since childhood, but not many people know what other benefits the habitual hot vegetable brings to a person. And, importantly, what harm it can cause if used incorrectly and in dosages.


Before we analyze in detail all the pros and cons of onions, let’s consider the structure of this miracle vegetable. So, imagine that in front of you is an ordinary onion head. This is the fruit of the onion. The onion turnip consists of a bottom where it is formed root system, and the upper part with open scales, from where leaves and a peduncle with seeds emerge from the soil. Onion leaves are easily recognizable by their appearance: a bouquet of thin tubular feathers of a bright green color, from the middle of which emerges a hollow arrow with a seed head.

The bulb has filmy, fleshy plates covered with dry husk. The main layers may be white-green or with purple streaks, depending on the variety. They are the ones that are eaten and contain the largest amount of vitamins. Onion peel protects the delicate plates of the fruit from harmful substances, but can itself serve as a refuge for pest larvae.

Chemical composition

For a simpler understanding of chemical terms, let us highlight the predominant elements in onions that affect the human body. Indicators are taken per 100 g of product.

  • Energy value – 41 kcal.
  • The main element is water. Its content in ripe fruit reaches 89%.
  • Sahara. Includes sucrose, fructose, maltose - 8-14%.
  • Proteins 1.5 – 2%.
  • Carbohydrates 8.2%.
  • Vitamins. Beta-carotene (provitamin of group A), group B (folic, nicotinic acids), C (ascorbic acid).
  • Macroelements. Potassium (146 mg), calcium (23 mg), phosphorus (29 mg), magnesium (10 mg), sodium (4 mg).
  • Microelements. Iron (0.21 mg), manganese (0.129 mg), copper (0.039 mg), zinc (0.17 mg).
  • Polyhydric alcohols. Phytosterol (15 mg).
  • Organic acids – malic, citric.

The essential oils contained in the scales give the vegetable a pungent, teary smell and pungent taste.

The biochemical composition in molecular ratio varies depending on the variety, growing conditions, climatic zones and soil composition.

It is useful to know that enzymes and the supply of vitamins in vegetables are also influenced by agrotechnical practices during planting, regularity of watering and fertilization.

How is it useful?

In the kitchen of every housewife there will certainly be heads of onions, because preparing lunches and dinners is rarely possible without them. Cooking recipes soups include boiled or fried onion turnips, adds meat exquisite taste baked onion. Marinades, pickles, vegetable, meat and fish pies Be sure to contain this spicy ingredient in their recipes.

But in addition to culinary delights, onion turnips are also an excellent healer, available all year round.

To prevent colds, the vegetable contains ascorbic acid and vitamin C. Their amount in one onion head is comparable to an orange or lemon. The bulb normalizes metabolic processes in the body, speeds up metabolism, which has a beneficial effect on the health of the entire body as a whole.

From this point of view, onion turnips are an excellent aid in the fight against excess weight, as an effective fat burner.

In addition to general strengthening properties, onions also have some qualities that can act specifically.

  • Onion juice removes inflammatory process in the auricle. Those who have experienced ear pain know how severe the pain can be. The first remedy for relieving shooting pain in the ear is a compress of freshly grated onion pulp.
  • Onion enzymes eliminate stress during busy work schedules and frequent jet lag. Don't neglect your use fresh vegetable on business trips before bed, so that the body receives full support and regains strength overnight.
  • Fresh onion slices are first aid for bee or blood-sucking insect bites. When going on a picnic, don’t forget to put at least one onion in your food basket. The same method is also suitable for relieving inflammation and abscesses on the skin.

  • The vitamins contained in onion fruit have a beneficial effect on men's health. Doctors advise including onions in the diet of men of any age. It is useful for boys early stages puberty in adolescence For older men, this hot vegetable helps prolong the age of sexual activity. Onion fruit is a natural aphrodisiac, increases libido, and reduces the risk of prostate diseases.
  • Onions are no less useful for women of all ages. Normalizes menstrual cycle, reduces pain and spasms. During menopause, it supports the functioning of the female genital organs, slowing down the aging process of the body. Enhances fertility, during lactation stimulates the functioning of the glands, increases production and quality breast milk. During pregnancy, it enriches the fetus with useful microelements and forms the neurological organs of the unborn baby.


Despite all the obvious advantages and benefits, onions can have side effects for people with certain diseases or disorders of the body.

  • So, you should be extremely careful when consuming a raw product for people with chronic diseases kidneys and liver.
  • Onion enzymes often lead to burns and inflammation of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. Under no circumstances should you abuse vegetables in their raw form for ulcers and gastritis. The point here is not only in acute enzymes, but also in the general acidity of the vegetable.
  • Often they try to introduce very young children to onions, citing the fact that onions are healthy. However, children instinctively avoid this product. Until the age of three, it is advisable to exclude the vegetable from the child’s diet, and then gradually add it to food in stewed or boiled form.
  • Despite the fact that onions are useful during lactation, they can significantly change the taste of breast milk. Therefore, if a child refuses to breastfeed, pay attention to how often onion dishes are present in your diet. This may be one of the reasons.

  • Asthmatics and allergy sufferers should be careful when consuming onions raw (for example, in summer vegetable salads). Essential oils contained in white and red onions can provoke an acute attack of an allergic reaction or suffocation.
  • It was said above that the vitamins in vegetables allow you to restore vitality during periods of increased work activity. It should be remembered here that we are talking about using the product before bed, as it relaxes the body and causes drowsiness. But during the working day or while driving, you should avoid onion dishes to avoid not only drowsiness, but also bad breath.

Use in folk medicine

Mentions of the healing properties of onions can be found in sources and cultural monuments even before our era. Ancient Chinese medicine, ancient Greek and Roman healers, and Egyptian priests used the properties of onions to treat their fellow citizens for a variety of diseases.

Onions were also considered a traditional medicine in Rus'. Traditional medicine offers several simple recipes, which are easy to remember and quickly prepared in case of sudden illness or acute pain.

Colds and flu

An onion drink with milk and honey will help soften a cough, reduce swelling of the nasopharyngeal cavity and clear the lungs. Pour half a glass of hot milk into the crushed pulp of one onion and dissolve a tablespoon of linden honey in it. The infusion will be ready in 20 minutes, when the ingredients saturate the milk with healing microelements.

The infusion should be taken twice a day for several days until the acute stage of the disease passes.

Ear diseases

Often, ear problems arise due to cold winds, which leads to severe acute pain in the ear. The home medicine cabinet will not always contain remedies to treat such ailments, but an ordinary onion head can help necessary help. The onion is ground on a grater, the pulp is mixed with alcohol or vodka in a ratio of 1:4 and a cotton compress is formed. They are placed in the ear canal for several hours, but from the first minutes you can feel a reduction in pain.

Purulent processes on the skin

Baked onion slices are good at drawing out pus from boils, and also contribute to their speedy ripening. To do this, the onion is cut into two halves, fried in a hot frying pan until golden brown on one side, or calcined in the oven until baked. After which the slices are applied to the site of suppuration for several hours.

Onions in cosmetology

The cosmetic properties of onions also deserve attention to improve appearance skin and hair.

  • Lighten freckles You can use a natural onion mask. Onion pulp is mixed with grated horseradish and sour cream, applied for 5 minutes in the morning and evening. It is important to ensure that the mixture does not get into the eyes and is in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose and cheeks. Strictly observe the time, as the mask can dry out the skin of the face.
  • Infusion onion peel will help get rid of dandruff. Brew 50 g of husk in a liter of boiling water and, after cooling, rinse freshly washed hair. The procedure is carried out over several sessions until dandruff is completely eliminated.
  • Onion compresses are effective with severe hair loss. A mixture of onion pulp, egg yolk, 1 teaspoon of warmed (liquid) honey and 1 tablespoon of burdock oil is applied to the resulting bald spot. The procedure is repeated every 5-7 days. In a month, the first small hairs will appear.
  • Onion enzymes stimulates the activity of hair follicles well, however, this procedure should be carried out on affected hairless areas, but not to increase the total hair mass. It is very difficult to get rid of the onion smell in your hair.

Onions are not an enemy, but a friend, but many are scared off by their smell. And although much has been known about the beneficial properties of green and onions since ancient times, some people still try not to eat them because of their pungent smell and taste. In vain! We will try to convince you why this vegetable at home should become a friend in the diet of everyone who strives to be healthy. It’s not without reason that people have this saying: “Onions are a remedy for a hundred ailments.”

This one is useful vegetable product- Indeed, a storehouse of vitamins. It contains a huge amount of nutrients and microelements, necessary for a person. Volatile essential oils contained in onions have powerful antiseptic properties. For example, to destroy harmful bacteria and infection in a room, just cut an onion or squeeze a spoonful of juice and leave it on a saucer.

  • The iron contained in onions helps maintain immunity and prevents the development of anemia.
  • Mineral salts normalize metabolism in the body and participate in electrochemical processes.
  • Potassium is needed to maintain muscle tone and normal functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • Zinc is responsible for the functioning of cells, the condition of the liver, kidneys, skin, nails and hair.
  • Quercetin has a powerful antioxidant, vasodilator, anti-inflammatory and antitumor effect.
  • Phosphorus improves bone tissue and teeth, and is responsible for brain function.
  • Fluoride maintains healthy tooth enamel and is essential for bone formation.
  • The rich composition of vitamins that are included in onions ensure the normal functioning of the liver and thyroid gland, and increase protective forces body.

Effect on the human body

Onions have antibacterial, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, anthelmintic and tonic properties.

It increases appetite, normalizes digestion, and protects the body from infectious diseases.

It is used for high blood pressure and cholesterol in the blood. Onions can reduce the likelihood of heart attacks and strokes.

It is used for atherosclerosis, impotence, diabetes mellitus, atony and intestinal disorders.

Onions increase vitality and energy, eliminate general weakness and depression. It is used for scurvy (especially green).

Fresh onion juice mixed with honey treats cataracts, fungus, bronchitis, sore throat, hypertension and atherosclerosis.

Chopped onions are used to apply applications to skin, to treat headaches, trichomonas infections, dermatitis, hair loss, acne, warts and calluses.

If abscesses have formed on the skin, baked onions with grated soap will help the abscesses ripen faster and pull the stems out.

Green onions should be consumed by anyone who wants to lose weight. overweight, cure salt deposits and urolithiasis.

And how many beneficial properties do onion peels have! This “waste trash” is endowed with high antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer and anti-aging properties. Tea with onion skins will help get rid of heart disease, hypertension, seizures, and colds.

Onions in the fight against disease

Let's look at the most popular recipes traditional medicine for onion treatment:
1. In case of sprained ligaments, chopped onion should be mixed with honey or sugar, placed on a cloth and bandaged to the sore spot.

11. Diabetes requires two average size Grind the onions to a fine mass, pour in three glasses of boiling water and let it brew overnight. In the morning, strain and begin treatment: use the product three times a day, 200 milliliters.

12. This recipe will help whooping cough or bronchitis. You need to take 0.5 kg of onion, 450 g of granulated sugar, 100 ml natural honey and 900 ml of water. The onion should be chopped in a meat grinder and mixed with all the ingredients. Then the mixture must be put on low heat and boiled for at least 3 hours. The finished product should be poured into a bottle and stored in the refrigerator. You need to take one tablespoon at least three times a day. Before use, the spoon should be heated over the fire so that the medicine is not very cold.

13. Onions are also used in cosmetology. For example, fresh juice can be used to wipe freckles or age spots.

14. Onion masks with honey help in the fight against wrinkles. A 2:1 mixture of onion and honey is applied to aging facial skin for 20 minutes.

15. If you rub onion juice into your scalp every other day for a month, you can get rid of dandruff and hair loss. Hair will become elastic, shine and softness will be restored.

This is not a complete list folk recipes for onion treatment. Be sure to try to love this useful vegetable crop. Don't neglect her. If possible, try to include onions in all first and second courses. It benefits the body in any way. Heat treatment does not reduce it healing properties. Your health will noticeably improve if you start consuming green onions and onions regularly. The body will become stronger, the immune system will increase, and this will protect you from any epidemics and infections. Be healthy!


Onions - what are their benefits and harms? This product is present in almost every dish. It is not only eaten raw in winter and summer, added to salads and hot snacks, but also pickled, preserved, and leeks are also salted, dried and frozen. Do onions deserve their place of honor in our culture?

What do we know about onions?

Onion – perennial of the Onion family, which produces small seed bulbs. They germinate easily once in the ground. Its fruit is, in fact, what we eat every day - a spherical capsule. Leeks are a biennial plant and also belong to the Onion family. In practice, it is grown as an annual crop, since it blooms in the second year, and the healing qualities of the leaves are significantly reduced.

The variety of varieties of this plant is quite large. Basically, slight differences exist in the shape and size of the heads, the color of the pulp and scales, but the taste can also be noticeably different. There are spicy (due to the presence of phytoncides), semi-sharp and sweet varieties. If we talk about the benefits of onions, the difference between individual varieties is insignificant.

Interesting! Most of us are accustomed to bulbs measuring no more than 10 cm and weighing up to 150-200 g, but there are much more interesting specimens. The Spanish onion variety Valencia is characterized by specimens weighing up to 1 kg. And not so long ago, a photograph of a bulb appeared in the Russian media, weighing 2 kg 850 g, and it was grown by a German gardener. But this turned out to be not a record. In Mexico, real giants were grown, weighing up to 4 kg.

The onion's homeland is considered to be South-West Asia and the Mediterranean, but it is not found in wild culture either there or there. It is known that onions were widely used during the Roman Empire and were popular in Ancient Greece. Today it is grown all over the world, including in countries Western Europe(Belgium, France, Holland) and in Russia. It appeared in our country relatively recently, several centuries ago. Onions are harvested in late summer and early autumn.

Interesting! Knowledgeable people It is advised to collect green onions on the waxing moon, from morning to noon, and onions closer to the full moon (in the third lunar phase) and in the evening, almost at sunset.

What are the benefits of onions?

The Moscow Institute of Nutrition of the Academy of Medical Sciences has established recommendations according to which every adult should consume 7-10 kg of onion throughout the year. In addition, it is widely used in the household - it is used to purify water, paint eggs for Easter, and use onion peels to make decoctions and infusions used in gardening. But you need to use this infusion for 15-20 minutes, until the phytoncides have “dissipated.” Onions are a valuable source of bee nectar and an excellent honey plant.

Green lchokuk, which also has high nutritional value and rich composition. Dry matter contains from 9 to 25%, of which about 12% is sugar and up to 2% protein. Leek is also rich in potassium and calcium salts, phosphorus and iron, magnesium and sulfur. Essential oils contain vitamins - riboflavin, thiamine, carotene, nicotinic and ascorbic acids, as well as sulfur necessary for the body.

  • Pharmacological properties

Onion. It has high bactericidal properties, prevents the appearance of scurvy, helps maintain tone and secretion of the gastrointestinal tract, and is used as a mild diuretic. There is information that onion has anti-sclerotic properties and stimulates cardiac activity.

Leeks. Green onion activates metabolism and, thanks to this property, is of particular value for overweight people. Normalizes the functioning of the digestive tract, favors the functioning of the liver. Large quantity Potassium salts cause a noticeable diuretic effect of the leaves of the plant. Like onions, leeks help fight the manifestations of sclerosis.

Onions - beneficial properties and contraindications for use in medical practice

All types of onions are widely used in medicine, as helping to treat a number of diseases, in addition to medicines.

  • Gastrointestinal diseases. Preparations based on onions are widely used to treat patients with atony, colitis of non-dysenteric origin, and a tendency to constipation.
  • Pulmonary diseases.
  • Atherosclerosis and hypertension, especially those with atherosclerosis as a background. Onion is good for lowering blood pressure.
  • Avitaminosis and other metabolic disorders.
  • Colds. The essential oil in the bulb is known to kill pathogens. It is recommended to increase the consumption of onions during influenza epidemics.
  • Abrasions on the feet are lubricated with a mixture of chicken fat and onion gruel.
  • Eye diseases. A water infusion of fresh onions “clarifies” vision well. A mixture with honey treats thorns.
  • Cleansing wounds. This helps with onion gruel applied to the wound, which also draws out inflammation well.

Since ancient times, healers have used the vegetable in their healing recipes. In China, traditional healers used onion tea to treat fever and headache, cholera, and dysentery. In Tajikistan, there are recipes for treating kidney stones with a decoction of onion seeds. Russian herbalists also recommend using onions to treat dropsy, kidney stones and bladder stones. It was believed to soften phlegm, promote digestion and increase sex drive.

The diuretic effect allows you to successfully fight edema, while at the same time being a storehouse of vitamins and minerals for the body.

Green onions have many of the properties of onions, and in addition, they treat gout, rheumatism, and help with physical and emotional stress. The analgesic effect of leeks on insect bites is also valuable. To make the pain go away, just rub the bitten area with feathers. A mixture of 300 g of onion juice and 200 g of leek juice was used to treat liver cancer - take 1 tbsp. 3 times a day.

Leek feathers have one unique property, which is no longer found in any plant. During storage, the amount of ascorbic acid in the white part does not decrease, but, on the contrary, increases almost one and a half times.

Both onions and leeks bring both benefits and harm if used without caution. It is not recommended to consume fresh onions if you have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys in the acute stage. Leeks can be harmful in acute inflammation of the stomach and duodenum.

Medicinal recipes containing onions

  • For the treatment of diabetes in combination with atherosclerosis and high content cholesterol level in the blood, take 100 g of onion, grate it and add one glass of sugar. After 3-4 days, the mixture can be consumed 1 tbsp. every 3 hours. The course lasts a month.
  • When there is ringing or noise in the ears, put cotton wool soaked in the juice of fresh onions. Cotton can also be placed in the nostrils to prevent the flu.
  • During flu epidemics, dilute onion juice with water 1:3, place it near you and inhale. Repeat this 2-3 times a day. The mixture purifies the air from bacteria and viruses.
  • For gastrointestinal atony, take 1 tbsp before meals. juice or gruel.
  • Onions can be used to expel worms from the body. To do this, make an infusion of one medium onion and a glass of boiled water. After 8-12 hours of infusion, drink half (or one-third) glass on an empty stomach for 3-4 days. Roundworms such as roundworms and pinworms respond well to this treatment. A good anthelmintic effect will also occur if you eat a raw onion on an empty stomach.
  • Inflammatory skin diseases, acne, as well as various ulcers and frostbite are treated with the application of the gruel.
  • For habitual constipation, hemorrhoids and intestinal inflammation, it is recommended to take 1 tsp. juice from a fresh vegetable before each meal.

Traditional medicine promises that your teeth will never hurt if you rub them with onion juice in the morning.

Fresh onion juice, especially red onion juice, improves vision. They put 1-2 drops in their eyes. The procedure is carried out no more than 1-2 times a month.

Inhaling steam from a baked vegetable helps with diseases of the upper respiratory tract and sore throat.

What else can onions be useful for?

  • For skin cancer, baked or boiled onions are applied to the sore spots 1-4 times a day.
  • Bronchitis complicated by asthma can be cured with the following recipe. Chop and place half a kilogram of onion under a load. Pour the resulting juice into glass vessel and add half a kilogram of sugar. Keep the mixture in the sun for 2 weeks and take 1 tbsp on an empty stomach. Continue the course until complete recovery.
  • For a severe cough, a decoction of the husks of 10 onions in 1 liter of water helps. After cooking, the liquid should reduce in volume by half. The strained broth is drunk 2/3 cup 3 times a day, adding a little honey.
  • You can get rid of freckles if you wipe them (the mask should be in contact with the skin for no more than 5 minutes and should not get into the eyes) in the morning and evening with a mixture of onions, horseradish and sour cream.
  • Fresh onion gruel, which is rubbed into the scalp, strengthens hair.
  • The following mixture helps with baldness: juice of one onion, 1 tsp. honey, 1 tbsp. burdock oil, raw yolk, 2 tsp. liquid soap. Make a compress for 1-2 hours and rinse your hair well.
  • To prevent hair from falling out, rub a solution of cognac, onion juice and a decoction of burdock roots into the scalp in a ratio of 1:4:6.
  • An infusion of 25 g of onion skins per half liter of boiling water will help fight dandruff. After 15 minutes, you can rinse your newly washed hair.
  • For prostate hypertrophy, you can take 1 tbsp 3 times a day before meals. fresh (treatment is best done in July-August) onions and honey.
  • Both onion and green onions will help with intestinal atony, atherosclerosis and hypertension. Do alcohol tincture from onion and alcohol in a ratio of 2:10. Take 20-30 drops 15 minutes before meals. Continue the course for up to 4 weeks.
  • Trichomonas diseases in women can also be treated with onions. Use tampons soaked in a 1:1 mixture of thick onion juice and glycerin. It is advisable to carry out such treatment after consultation with a doctor. The first time a tampon is inserted for 6 hours. If there are no negative sensations, the duration of tamponation is increased to 12 hours. The course consists of 20-25 procedures. The mixture is stored in the refrigerator; the required amount is heated before use.

If you ingest products containing fresh onions, you may experience bad breath. You can get rid of it by chewing it. walnuts or black crust of bread.

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