How to pronounce the word agreement. Where to put the emphasis in the word “agreement” in singular and plural

Ignorance of the rules of the Russian language does not relieve one from responsibility for the impression one makes. If a person respects himself and his interlocutor, then this is immediately visible not only by the words he pronounces, but also by the way he emphasizes them. Remember: a primitive language is for those who think primitively.

Based on WHAT and HOW a person says, you can make a portrait of him. As soon as your interlocutor opens his mouth, his level of culture and erudition becomes obvious. It is curious that more educated people understand each other perfectly and do not ask questions about where to put the emphasis in the words “contract”, “marketing”, “blinds”, “petition” and others. This is a closed club for the “select”, or rather for those who care whether they will be considered cattle or not.

Why do you need to put stress in words correctly?

In Russian the stress is free, i.e. is not assigned to any specific syllable, which frees the hands and tongues of all those who do not know the norms and gives the opportunity to ignoramuses to distort the pronunciation beyond recognition. Movable in different grammatical forms(cases, degrees of comparison, etc.) the emphasis sets traps for the illiterate. To avoid looking dumber than you really are, just know how to correctly emphasize the most commonly used words.

A person who puts the wrong emphasis on words becomes an object of ridicule.

Have you noticed that people who make mistakes in pronunciation are eternal objects of ridicule from satirists, KVNists and simply more literate “users” of the Russian language? This will never change! It is naive to believe that if most of the street kids speak “Will you call?”, then this has already become the norm. Nothing of the kind! This continues to indicate their backwardness and generally low educational level. Is it worth following the tail of the locomotive? Maybe it’s better to find out where to put emphasis in words and speak normally without causing laughter?

For difficult cases, there are dictionaries and reference books that describe pronunciation rules in detail. Spelling dictionaries and various information portals, as well as reference books, are designed to eradicate speech errors and teach not only native speakers, but also foreigners the correct pronunciation. Why is this necessary? The simplest answer: to successfully pass the Unified State Exam. However, is this true goal? For some it will be an incredible achievement. Others clearly understand that in order for the language not to become an enemy, it must be studied thoughtfully and constantly work on oneself.

You can find out where to put stress correctly in a particular word from a linguistic dictionary.

To help foreigners and native speakers, numerous Internet resources are being created today, where you can find all possible “difficult” words and expressions. For example, there is a popular Internet portal, where you can not only check spelling and stress, but also hear how familiar words ideally sound (audio dictionaries “Speaking Correctly” and “Russian Oral”). However, it is better to rely on your own brain and write down information there once, than to rely on constant “hints” from the computer.

How to put stress in words: norms for some special cases

There are many mnemonic exercises for memorizing, so choose the ones that are most effective for you. The recommendation for everyone is this: since speech is not just a set of words, but meaningful statements in a specific situation, the associative method always helps out when you are in doubt about where to put the emphasis.

Correct your speech, because speaking correctly is no more difficult than speaking with mistakes

We suggest you remember these blocks of information. They can serve as a “lifesaver” for the words blinds, contract, cottage cheese, catalogue, quarter, cakes, beets, sorrel, call, pamper, prettier, facilitate, plum, scoop.

  • Better not bite your nails and close the blinds.
  • A thief sneaked into our office and stole a contract.
  • The woman baked a pie, but forgot about the cottage cheese. Cottage cheese must have been expensive at the market. (both forms are within the normal range)
  • He left us a hundred rubles and a catalog as a deposit.
  • The quarter is ending, who is richer now?
  • While putting on shorts, he remembered about cakes.
  • The rain has passed, the beets in the garden got wet. And the falcon noticed how many wet beets there were. The roundabout way is long, the beetroot borscht is delicious.
  • You love sweet caramel, but sorrel is healthier. They talked about the land, the cauldron and sorrel.
  • Who is standing in the square calling on a mobile phone?
  • In order not to shed tears, it is better not to spoil.
  • A blue dress will help you look much more beautiful.
  • To avoid carrying a lot, you need to lighten the load.
  • The sour plum compote was quickly poured into the garden.
  • Scoop cherries with a skull.

If you have your own associative chains that help you correctly place stress in words, then feel free to use this method, which saves you from stupid cramming. Even if these are not entirely decent “sayings” in content (for example, “This is not easy petting for you, but financial marketing”), the main thing is that the desired result is a one hundred percent guarantee of memorization and standard pronunciation.

You can come up with your own tricks for words such as “seal”, “petition” and “not allowed”? Write your options in the comments, we will welcome creative ideas!

Correct: agreement, plural. -ы, -ов and (colloquial) -а, -ов


Which is correct: agreement or contract? How to put emphasis on plural?

Strict literary norm: agreement, agreements; in casual oral speech, the variant agreement, agreement is acceptable. Let's give interesting quote from “Dictionary of difficulties of pronunciation and stress in the modern Russian language” by K. S. Gorbachevich:

Now it is still difficult to say with certainty whether over time the emphasis on agreement will become as normative and aesthetically acceptable as agreement. There are prerequisites for this. Not only part of the intelligentsia, but also some modern famous poets use the contract variant: “But don’t be scared. I will not break our agreement, There will be no tears, no questions, not even reproach” (O. Bergholz, Nothing will return...). In the book “Alive as Life,” K. Chukovsky predicted that the variants of agreement, contractA would become the norm of the literary language in the future.

A small note: many people believe that the option agreement, agreementA is an innovation recent years. However, an indication of the admissibility of such an emphasis in colloquial speech can be found in publications half a century old, for example in the dictionary-reference book by R. I. Avanesov, S. I. Ozhegov “Russian literary pronunciation and stress” (M., 1959).

On this page you can view the declension of the word “agreement” by case in both singular and plural. Contract is a 7 letter word. Word Declension Table "contract" by case is given below. Through search you can find other words you need.



It is important to know about word declension

Difficulties in the formation of numeral forms and their use in speech are mainly associated with their change in cases and combination with nouns.

The majority of numerals are declined according to the third declension.

The numeral thousand changes like a first declension noun.

The numerals forty and one hundred have only one form in the indirect cases - forty, hundred...

When declension of compound ordinal numbers changes only their last part Collective numerals (two, three, etc.) can only be used with nouns masculine, nouns that denote young animals or have only a plural form.

Combinations of compound numerals ending in two, three, four with nouns that do not have a singular form are unacceptable. Only combinations like twenty-one days, twenty-five days are possible.

The numeral pronoun both has two gender forms: both are masculine and neuter, both are feminine. The same applies to the numeral one and a half.

Adjectives are a part of speech that denotes the attribute of an object and answers the questions which?, which?, which?, which? The adjective has the same case form, number and gender as the noun on which it depends.

IN singular adjectives change according to gender and case. The gender of plural adjectives is not determined.

The gender of plural adjectives cannot be determined.

Changing nouns by case is characterized by changing their endings, which are called case forms. In total, there are six cases in the Russian language, each of which has its own auxiliary question.

Form nominative case called straight (or initial), all others - indirect.

Cases are expressed various roles noun in a sentence. There are six cases in the Russian language. You can determine the case of a noun in a sentence by the question.

In addition to basic questions, the case of a noun can also be found out by auxiliary issues, to which the circumstances respond.

Video lesson in the Russian language "Changing nouns by case"

Agreements or treaties - which is correct?

How to spell in the plural, what to say and pronounce? Look in the dictionary, Wikipedia is also good))

Why exactly Treaties, not Treaty? - we often receive letters with similar contents: “There is no such word for agreement in the Russian language.”

In fact, there is such a word, but in the literary description the word “contracts” is used. In business language, the word has a professional connotation and now it is preferable to say contracts, directors, etc., and the option “contracts” is becoming obsolete. Just 40 years ago it was indecent to write contracts, but now it’s par for the course.

In general, “agreements” are correct, “agreements” are acceptable. It all depends on which syllable you emphasize in the word agreement. If the latter is correct, “contracts” are correct, if the first is correct, “contracts” are correct. IN business communication V lately the word “treaties” is used mainly in relation to international treaties. BUT we will still adhere to the norms of the Russian language and will use the word “Agreements”.

What is a contract?

A contract (plural - agreements) is an agreement between two or more persons establishing, changing or terminating their rights and obligations.

The parties to the contract can be both individuals and legal entities, including various public legal entities (international organizations, state, municipalities etc.). Used in three meanings: contract as a legal relationship, as legal fact, generating obligations, and as a document recording the fact of the occurrence of obligations at the will of its participants.

Contract in Russian law

In modern Russian civil law, contracts are considered to be a type of transaction; the rules on bilateral and multilateral transactions apply to contracts. This statement has been disputed in the scientific literature, however, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation establishes the identity of the concepts of bilateral and multilateral transactions and agreements.

Contracts can be paid or gratuitous. Any contract under which at least one of its parties must receive payment or other counter (in relation to such obligation) compensation for the performance of its duties is compensated. A gratuitous agreement is an agreement under which one of the parties undertakes something to the other party without receiving reciprocal compensation from it.

A plurality of persons is possible on one of the parties to the agreement, that is, the conclusion of an agreement between several persons, on the one hand, and one person or several persons, on the other.

The agreement can be drawn up in several languages. As a rule, when challenging in such cases, the language of the contract in which the proceedings are conducted in the relevant court is valid, unless the contract itself establishes the priority of any language version.

Also, a contract often means obligations arising from a contract, or a document in which its terms are recorded.

People who often deal with documents and who, due to their profession, need to constantly use the word “agreement”, often pronounce it incorrectly. This word is often used not only in business communication. Not many people know how to use this word correctly. And in order not to seem like an ignorant person, you should remember a few rules.

Many people put the wrong emphasis on the word “agreement”. In dictionaries and various reference books of the Russian language, it is allowed to place stress on both the last and the first syllable. But this word is not one of those words that can be freely used with different accents.

Using the form of a word with stress on the first syllable is allowed only in informal conversation. You can use the word “agreement” in everyday communication. This option can also be used by specialists in some professions. It is considered corporate slang. You can use the lexical unitus with stress on the last syllable in any situation. Using stress on the last syllable is a strict literary norm, and even in everyday communication, no one will blame you for a mistake. The use of a word with the stress placed on the first syllable is not an indicator of a person’s lack of education. This norm of using the word has been allowed for a very long time, but has not become full-fledged. At important meetings and in simple conversations it will always be appropriate to use the word “contract”.

Plural form of "contract"

There are also problems with this word in the plural. People doubt whether it is correct to stress the first or last syllable. You also need to select correct form"treaties" or "agreements". In any case, you need to put the emphasis on the last syllable and use the “contracts” option. The stress will always be on the third syllable in all cases. The word “agreement” is not a mistake, it is simply allowed only in colloquial, everyday speech. In written documents, you need to use the “agreements” option. It will be appropriate in all literary styles.

Naturally, no one is able to remember all the features and nuances of a language that is constantly changing its forms. In Russian speech there are a huge number of words in which it is difficult to place the correct emphasis. So that others don't think that you are not educated person, and you don’t know where to put the emphasis correctly, just use synonyms for such words. And you will never find yourself in an uncomfortable position.

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