Igor Neklyudov biography. Neklyudov, Nikolai Mikhailovich. Striptease on the street, a glass of urine and red caviar for the homeless: profiteering on people's needs

Igor Mikhailovich Neklyudov is not a public person. Few journalists have even seen him or remember what he looks like. There are no photographs of him in wide circulation. A man who has been in business for 20 years still keeps a low profile. Why?

Igor Neklyudov (left) The only photo of the oligarch on the network

Mr. Neklyudov is listed as the director of the travel company Dalfitness LLC and several other companies where only one letter changes. For example, chairman of the board of directors of JSC Dalrio JSC, president of JSC Dalreo and JSC Dalreo.

Due to the boorish behavior of his grandson Grigory Mamurin, a businessman from Khabarovsk is forced to come out of the shadows. Back in the dashing 90s, Igor Neklyudov adhered to the main rule - not to attract undue attention to his person.

As our journalists learned, Igor Mikhailovich Neklyudov ordered his daughter to bring Grisha Mamurin to Khabarovsk to personally take care of his upbringing.

A civil engineer by training, Igor Neklyudov worked as the head of the improvement department of the Khabarovsk City Executive Committee until 1990, before going into business.

Neklyudov started back in the 90s - at the very height of criminal gangs. He walked under the hood of the Organized Crime Control Department, some of his companies were involved in criminal cases. But nevertheless, Igor Mikhailovich remained clean and never sat in the dock. Perhaps friendship with the ex-plenipotentiary representative and ex-governor of the Khabarovsk Territory Viktor Ishaev helped.

Gregory’s 22-year-old half-sister has been living and studying in London for the fifth year. The girl's name is Anna-Maria. Five years ago, she appeared in crime news - a girl in the center of Khabarovsk was kidnapped by bandits in broad daylight. They demanded a ransom of 500 million rubles. Then they reduced the amount to 100 million. As a result, Anna-Maria was exchanged for 50 million, and a couple of days later all the kidnappers were detained.


The granddaughter of a Khabarovsk businessman was bought for 50 million

Initially, the kidnappers demanded half a billion

Anna-Maria Mamurina, the granddaughter of the famous Khabarovsk businessman Igor Neklyudov, was kidnapped on June 6. Three men put an 18-year-old girl in a car and drove away in an unknown direction. And soon they demanded 500 million rubles for the hostage.

The relatives turned to the police, but they themselves did not sit idly by. Igor Neklyudov promised on one of the central TV channels: “A million rubles - for reliable information, 50 million - for the return of Maria Mamurina.”

Neklyudov received a call five days later and an appointment was made. On the night of June 12, he met with the attackers, gave them the promised 50 million, and Anna-Maria returned home.

Masked kidnappers hid Mamurina in an apartment in one of the residential areas of our city,” said Igor Reshetnikov, deputy head of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Khabarovsk Territory. “There are no signs of violence on her body; she returned safe and sound.”

One of the kidnappers was always in the apartment with Anna-Maria. They never took off their masks, so the girl did not see their faces. The men's intention was only to receive a large sum of money from her relatives - they did not intend to mock, let alone kill, the student. On the contrary, they even fulfilled her requests, for example, if she asked to buy some groceries in the store.

In Khabarovsk, the security chief of a cafe chain who organized the “exemplary” kidnapping of a millionaire’s granddaughter was convicted

On Thursday, in the courthouse of the Central District of Khabarovsk, the verdict was announced to the head of the security service of a cafe chain and his accomplice, who kidnapped a relative of the tycoon for the purpose of extortion. The criminals followed all the rules of secrecy and left virtually no traces, but greed ruined them - the kidnappers decided to receive the ransom twice.

According to the court's decision, 30-year-old high-ranking security officer Alexander Semchenko will spend 7.5 years behind bars, and his 29-year-old accomplice, director of the company Stanislav Dulsky, will be imprisoned for 9 years. The criminals will serve their sentences in a maximum security penal colony, Vostok Media reports.

As follows from the case materials, the 18-year-old granddaughter of Khabarovsk millionaire Igor Neklyudov, Anna-Maria Mamurina, became a hostage of the bandits in the summer of 2010.

On Sunday, June 6, a Nissan March, driven by Anna-Maria, was leaving the yard of the World Class fitness club in the area of ​​Glory Square in Khabarovsk and collided with a Subaru Leone. The accident was minor, but to clarify the situation, the girl got out of her car. This is exactly what the organizers of the “auto setup” were waiting for. In front of passers-by, the criminals who ran out of their car forcibly shoved Anna into a Subaru and drove away in an unknown direction.

On the same day, the car of the thieves was found burnt out in the area of ​​Bolshaya Street. And Mamurina’s car remained at the scene of the abduction.

On the same day, Anna’s mother received a call from her mobile phone and demanded a ransom of 500 million rubles.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs then immediately stated that the crime was committed by “persons of Caucasian nationality,” but refused to disclose other information.

And Igor Neklyudov posted an ad on the Internet, promising to pay 10 million rubles for information about the girl’s whereabouts and 50 million rubles for her release.

During further negotiations with the criminals, the ransom amount was reduced to 100 million rubles. All this time, the hostage was kept in a rented one-room apartment in the Zheleznodorozhny district of Khabarovsk. The criminals delivered the victim there in a Chinese bag purchased at a clothing market.

It is noteworthy that the criminals, one of whom was a security professional, followed the rules of secrecy to the maximum extent possible. For communication, they used SIM cards that they bought in the western regions of the country in the name of non-existent persons. In addition, the attackers changed their appearance beyond recognition, “using construction clothing and equipment, wigs, masks, makeup, and sunglasses.”

Among their special means of conspiracy, they even had “lenses that changed eye color and false jaws that changed the bite.” “While preparing the kidnapping, they purchased two cars, which they subsequently burned, covering their tracks,” added Artem Shishkin, investigator for particularly important cases of the Khabarovsk investigative department.

After receiving the package with the first 50 million rubles, the kidnappers freed the girl, and they themselves outwitted the law enforcement officers and safely escaped from them.

Subsequently, the extortionists spent part of the money on the purchase of an expensive Mercedes car. But in the end, greed destroyed them: in July 2010, Alexander Semchenko tried to take the second half of the ransom for Mamurina and was captured. It was then that it turned out that the head of security at one of the Khabarovsk cafe chains was involved in the crime.

Semchenko's accomplice was detained a few days later in Vladivostok, and Dulsky resisted and was wounded in the stomach. During a search in his apartment, 40 million rubles were found in a safe, remaining from the first half of the ransom for Neklyudov’s granddaughter.

Dulsky and Semchenko entered into a pre-trial cooperation agreement with the investigation. Therefore, their case was considered in a special criminal procedure.

Let us add that the grandfather of the kidnapped girl, Igor Neklyudov, is the chairman of the board of directors of OJSC Dalreo, the owner of the Zaimka Plyusnina hotel and the Dal U sauna. He is also the actual owner of the Gigant cinema, the founder of the World Class fitness club, one of the former shareholders of the telecommunications company Dal Telecom International and the DalTV television company. All these assets make Igor Neklyudov almost the richest resident of Khabarovsk.

The mother of the abducted Anna-Maria, Larisa Mamurina, is the president of the Khabarovsk World Class fitness club, near which the abduction took place.

Anna-Maria Mamurina herself was at that time a first-year student at the Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law (KSAEP). She went to the Faculty of Marketing with a specialization in International Marketing. According to the order of the rector of the academy, Anna-Maria was enrolled in the first year of the full-time department on August 4, 2009 “in excess of the target numbers of the admission plan with full reimbursement of tuition costs.”

“Anna is a serious, sociable girl,” said the dean of the faculty, Tatyana Boyko. “After the first session, she had two A’s and one B. She is an absolutely normal, sociable person.”

Before entering KhSAEP, Anna studied at gymnasium No. 3 on Moskovskaya Street, actively participated in the public life of the gymnasium, and in the work of city scientific and practical conferences for high school students. The topic of one of her reports is called “Family Income and Expenses.”


Married, has a daughter Svetlana and a son Denis.

Neklyudov’s son, Denis Igorevich, and his wife Svetlana have a daughter, Karina.

Larisa Mamurina has three children: it is known about the eldest daughter and middle son Gregory. The father of Anna-Maria's eldest daughter is Oleg Bocharnikov. It is known that he was the general director of Diamond LLC (I remember that this company tried to organize paid parking at the Khabarovsk airport), then worked in a branch of TransContainer JSC.

The father of Grisha's middle son is Russian karate champion Konstantin Mamurin from Belovo (Kemerovo region). Ms. Mamurina’s current husband is Khabarovsk resident, tennis player Alexey Filonov.


According to Finance magazine, Neklyudov may still unofficially take place 390 “A” in the ranking of Russian billionaires - 2010. According to experts, Igor Neklyudov’s current capital is more than 5 billion rubles.

Neklyudov controls the local Dal-TV channel (this is a partner of the regional representative office of TNT), a chain of cinemas, World Class fitness clubs, and Dal U saunas. In addition, it has the largest tourist complex in the region - Zaimka Plyusnina. The total volume of business, according to unofficial data, is estimated at approximately 150 billion rubles.

According to the voiced opinions of people familiar with Mr. Neklyudov, in order to avoid conflicts, his business is now clearly structured and divided between family members. Daughter Larisa received a share (73.78% of the authorized capital) in OJSC Dalreo, son Denis - in CJSC Dalrio. In addition, Neklyudov has a sister, Zhanna Mikhailovna (she lives abroad) and other relatives - the Goldstein-Neklyudovs.

Compromising evidence

As Kommersant reported in 1992 (Nos. 51, 52), a joint investigative commission under the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation and the military prosecutor's office conducted an inspection of Dalreo based on numerous statements. The investigation established that “Dalreo general director Igor Neklyudov, using his long-standing acquaintance with Nikolai Danilyuk (former chairman of the Khabarovsk regional executive committee and chairman of the regional Council of People’s Deputies), through him contacting the commander of the Far Eastern Military District, Colonel General Viktor Novozhilov, could receive military equipment at a residual cost. In 1992, “Dalreo” acquired the dacha complex of the Military Council of the Far Eastern Military District (later called “Zaimka Plyusnina.” - Ed.).”

It was further reported: “The complex was purchased for only 4.8 million rubles, and its real cost was several times higher. The friendly services of Nikolai Danilyuk were noted by the management of Dalreo, allegedly even with monetary rewards. In the documents for writing off funds, Nikolai Danilyuk was listed as an ordinary Dalreo employee.

According to investigators, “due to the export of Russian raw materials, the resale of military equipment received from the Far Eastern Military District and acquired state property for next to nothing, the Dalreo association managed to accumulate a capital of 164 million rubles in just a year. After the decree of Russian President Boris Yeltsin on the revaluation of fixed assets (dated July 1, 1992), this amount already amounted to about 3 billion rubles.”


Due to 16-year-old Grigory Mamurin’s abuse of people and a number of his frank interviews, a businessman from Khabarovsk became the object of close attention from media representatives. Journalists and press readers are now wondering where and how the oligarch earns the money that his grandson spends on cynical amusements.

Igor Mikhailovich Neklyudov began his thorny path to wealth (which Grisha Mamurin is now successfully throwing away) in the nineties. As you know, it was at that distant time that numerous criminal groups were born, which were not particularly selective in their means to intimidate and eliminate their competitors. Neklyudov then quite often came to the attention of investigators from the regional department for combating organized crime. However, his motto: “keep a low profile” allowed him to avoid arrest and a court sentence.

As is well known, members of criminal gangs who managed to stay alive in the bloody “showdowns” of the 90s quickly transformed into respectable businessmen. Now Igor Neklyudov owns 10 of the largest companies in the Khabarovsk Territory. He owns TV channels, chains of fitness centers and cinemas. In addition, the grandfather of would-be blogger Grigory Mamurin owns the largest tourist complex in the region called Zaimka Plyusnina.

At one time, journalists conducted an investigation and obtained information about Neklyudov’s close ties with former governor Viktor Ishaev, who helped the oligarch obtain the best land plots for development. True, even then, representatives of law enforcement agencies did not pay much attention to the materials that appeared in the media. Apparently, Neklyudov’s grandson has mastered the motto “Money is everything” and even named his own project, where he shamelessly humiliates people.

There is information that Larisa Mamurina has already received a “severe reprimand” from Neklyudov for her son’s prank, because her grandson’s prank forced him to violate his main principle: “Be in the shadows all the time.”

By the way, Igor Neklyudov’s fortune currently amounts to more than 150 billion rubles. It was his grandfather’s money that was probably used by Grisha Mamurin to force a man to drink urine and a girl to completely undress in a public place.

Money decides everything - that’s what Neklyudov’s grandson thinks, at least for now. It is still unknown what the unplanned emergence of Igor Neklyudov from the shadows will lead to. Perhaps law enforcement officials will listen to numerous signals and check the activities of the would-be blogger’s grandfather, who naively believes that money is everything.

Due to the boorish behavior of his grandson Grigory Mamurin, a businessman from Khabarovsk is forced to come out of the shadows. Back in the dashing 90s, Igor Neklyudov adhered to the main rule - not to attract undue attention to his person.

As our journalists learned, Igor Mikhailovich Neklyudov ordered his daughter to bring Grisha Mamurin to Khabarovsk to personally take care of his upbringing.

Due to 16-year-old Grigory Mamurin’s abuse of people and a number of his frank interviews, a businessman from Khabarovsk became the object of close attention from media representatives. Journalists and press readers are now wondering where and how the oligarch earns the money that his grandson spends on cynical amusements.

Igor Mikhailovich Neklyudov began his thorny path to wealth (which Grisha Mamurin is now successfully throwing away) in the nineties. As you know, it was at that distant time that numerous criminal groups were born, which were not particularly selective in their means to intimidate and eliminate their competitors. Neklyudov then quite often came to the attention of investigators from the regional department for combating organized crime. However, his motto: “keep a low profile” allowed him to avoid arrest and a court sentence.

Igor Neklyudov (left) The only photo of the oligarch on the network

As is well known, members of criminal gangs who managed to stay alive in the bloody “showdowns” of the 90s quickly transformed into respectable businessmen. Now Igor Neklyudov owns 10 of the largest companies in the Khabarovsk Territory. He owns TV channels, chains of fitness centers and cinemas. In addition, the grandfather of would-be blogger Grigory Mamurin owns the largest tourist complex in the region called Zaimka Plyusnina. At one time, journalists conducted an investigation and obtained information about Neklyudov’s close ties with former governor Viktor Ishaev, who helped the oligarch obtain the best land plots for development. True, even then, representatives of law enforcement agencies did not pay much attention to the materials that appeared in the media. Apparently, Neklyudov’s grandson has mastered the motto “Money is everything” and even named his own project, where he shamelessly humiliates people.

There is information that Larisa Mamurina has already received a “severe reprimand” from Neklyudov for her son’s prank, because her grandson’s prank forced him to violate his main principle: “Be in the shadows all the time.”

By the way, Igor Neklyudov’s fortune currently amounts to more than 150 billion rubles. It was his grandfather’s money that was probably used by Grisha Mamurin to force a man to drink urine and a girl to completely undress in a public place. Money decides everything - that’s what Neklyudov’s grandson thinks, at least for now. It is still unknown what the unplanned emergence of Igor Neklyudov from the shadows will lead to. Perhaps law enforcement officials will listen to numerous signals and check the activities of the would-be blogger’s grandfather, who naively believes that money is everything.

In Khabarovsk, under controversial circumstances, Russian billionaire and businessman Igor Neklyudov died at the age of 72. He was not a public figure and tried not to advertise either his private life or his business activities. However, media reports that Neklyudov allegedly considered himself to be the culprit of a fatal accident, after which he died of a heart attack, excited the public.

According to a number of local media reports, the incident that preceded the man’s death occurred on July 17 near the Zaimka Plyusnina tourist and entertainment complex, along which Neklyudov was driving his car.

The publication “Arguments and Facts” cites the story of eyewitness Alexey, who assures that the child was not injured and that the businessman only thought that the boy got under his wheels.

“Children were running near the playground, and a tinted car was driving past. One of the children fell right next to the car,” said a random witness to the incident. “People jumped out of the car, and, in my opinion, my father immediately came up.” By that time the child had already stood up on his own, I noticed that his knees were a little broken. They carried him into the room, and I also saw that the doctor entered there. Then I saw an ambulance, as someone told me, the child was taken for an x-ray. Well, that’s how it’s supposed to be, to make sure everything is in order.”

The child was examined by doctors, and Neklyudov personally ensured that he received all the necessary assistance. The boy had no injuries, his knees were scratched. But the businessman took this incident very close to his heart, he was worried and nervous.

Further, according to one version, on July 19, Neklyudov learned about the death of a child - the boy became the victim of a completely different accident, but for some reason the businessman thought that the reports were talking about the situation in which he found himself. According to another, Neklyudov simply took what happened very emotionally.

As a result, the man had a heart attack, which he did not survive. The sad news was confirmed by a representative of the Dalreo company, the founder of which was a businessman.

“Igor Mikhailovich died today. The funeral will take place on Monday, the funeral service will take place in the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral in Khabarovsk,” the agency’s interlocutor said.

Neklyudov was the chairman of the board of directors of the Dalreo construction company, one of the largest developers in Khabarovsk, which has been operating since August 1989. According to information on the company's website, it manages several large business centers, a network of fitness clubs, several cinemas, the Zaimka tourist complex, and a hotel. Neklyudov was also the founder of the local television company Dal-TV and the Dalreostroy company, which is building a Hilton hotel in the center of Khabarovsk. Dalreo also built a river port with a border checkpoint near Khabarovsk.

“In his great life he did so much... And there was still so much left to do. He was not just the head of a large family and a talented entrepreneur. Igor Mikhailovich has always been distinguished by worldly wisdom and warmth. He devoted all his strength to what he loved. I grieve over his death and express my deep condolences to his family and friends,” says the condolences from the head of the Khabarovsk region, Denis Udod.

Despite his non-publicity, the name of Igor Neklyudov nevertheless appeared in the press several times and each time was associated with scandals.

Thus, his grandson, Grigory Mamurin, became a blogger about two years ago and launched a provocative channel in which he invited random passers-by to perform humiliating acts for money - for example, undress in public and even drink his waste products.

The videos received a huge number of views and at the same time caused condemnation from the public - with his creations the young man wanted to prove that people are ready to do anything for money. As they wrote in the media, the blogger’s mother came to terms with his hobby, but his grandfather, Igor Neklyudov, was against such antics and demanded that Mamurin come to him in Khabarovsk for re-education.

And in 2010 back then. A student at the Khabarovsk Academy of Economics and Law was driving along Komsomolskaya Street in the center of Khabarovsk. The kidnappers drove into Mamurina's car, when the student came out to see what had happened, the unknown people grabbed her and pushed her into the car.

A few hours later, Mamurina’s mother called the police, who said that unknown kidnappers were her daughter and were demanding a ransom of 500 million rubles for her release.

It was not possible to catch the criminals in hot pursuit. The police only discovered a burnt car in which Neklyudov’s granddaughter was taken away. As the investigation later found out, the criminals, after setting the car on fire, together with Mamurina, got into another, pre-prepared car and drove to a rented apartment, where the abducted woman was kept for several days. Mamurina was taken from the car to her apartment in a suitcase bought at the market from Chinese citizens.

Negotiations with the kidnappers lasted six days. In the apartment where the student was at that time, the windows were tightly curtained. Each time the kidnappers appeared in front of Mamurina, they changed their appearance. The criminals conspired using wigs, masks, makeup, and sunglasses. During the negotiations, the criminals agreed to release Mamurina for 100 million rubles.

The student was released during the transfer of the first tranche of 50 million rubles to the criminals. But the criminals managed to escape along with the transferred money. Based on the fact of the abduction, a criminal case was opened under Part 2 of Art. 126 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (kidnapping). The criminals were searched for almost a month. On July 7, a 29-year-old resident of Khabarovsk, a security guard at one of the city’s cafes, was detained. On July 15, in Vladivostok, police caught the second criminal - a 28-year-old director of one of the companies.

Billionaire Igor Neklyudov died today in Khabarovsk. The website of the development company Dalreo, whose founder was a businessman, was one of the first to report his death. Media reports that appeared a little later say that the businessman died of a heart attack, but at the same time they offer a variety of versions of the tragedy that preceded it. Mention is made of the possible involvement of his grandson, Grigory Mamurin, in the death of the entrepreneur.

Neklyudov was one of the largest developers in Khabarovsk, and served as chairman of the board of directors of Dalreo. The Neklyudov family owns a network of World Class fitness clubs, including those in Moscow.

The Dalreo company, the founder and chairman of the board of directors of which Igor Neklyudov was for many years, owns the tourist and entertainment complex Zaimka Plyusnina, the DalTV television channel, and business centers in Khabarovsk. On the initiative of a businessman, a Hilton hotel is being built in the city. Under his leadership, Zaimka was turned into a river port, the purpose of which was to become a checkpoint for tourists from China. His death could have been written literally in three paragraphs, if not for the vague circumstances preceding the tragedy.

Confused about readings

Reading reports about the death of a businessman in local publications, it is very difficult to understand what really happened. Thus, “Khabarovsk Territory Today” writes that 70-year-old Igor Neklyudov suffered from hypertension and died in the arms of doctors.

“That night, when Igor Neklyudov was in his country house in the Zaimki area, he felt ill. A heart attack occurred against the background of a hypertensive crisis. The district ambulance team came to him when he was called. Doctors tried to carry out resuscitation measures. Soon they were replaced by doctors from “Disaster Medicine,” who continued the fight for Neklyudov’s life. However, it was not possible to save him,” the publication reports.

The AmurMedia news agency also writes about the attempt of doctors to save the patient.

“As an informed source told AmurMedia, death occurred from a heart attack on the way to a medical facility,” the note says. - “The resuscitation measures carried out did not produce results. Death occurred at 10:15 am.”

But the DVHAB.RU portal offers a different version.

“This morning, the owner of the Dalreo company, Igor Neklyudov, died suddenly. The body has already been taken away by the funeral home staff,” reports DVHAB.RU.

The publication's journalists were not too lazy to ask questions to direct participants in the events.

Global Look Press/Sergey Kiselev

An employee of the funeral home said: “At 11:00 a call was received that a corpse was lying at 22 Mostovaya Street. This is the Zaimka tourist complex. Igor Neklyudov died at the age of 71. Currently, he has been taken to the “Special Combine.”

"Spetskombinat" is a well-known funeral services bureau in Khabarovsk. But how did the businessman get there? If death occurred in an ambulance at 10:15, then how could a corpse “lie” on Mostovaya Street at 11:00? It’s quite difficult to imagine that resuscitators returned Neklyudov’s body to the specified address and carefully laid the corpse right on the street.

Perhaps it’s all about the tongue-tiedness of the Spetskombinat employee, or, God forbid, the DVHAB.RU journalists. One way or another, the publication did not clarify the issue of clarifying the circumstances of Igor Neklyudov’s death.

However, these are still “flowers”.

News from "Province"

Channel 112 writes about the reasons for the death of the Khabarovsk billionaire in a little more detail than large Russian media did.

“The heart couldn’t stand it... This is how it happened: on July 15, Neklyudov, while reversing his wife’s Mercedes, hit a one-year-old child. More precisely, it hurt, the baby only has scratches, the boy’s father has no complaints. In general, the protocol states that little Artem himself fell in front of the car and there was no collision,” reports “112.” “All this happened on the territory of the Zaimka tourist complex, and, apparently, greatly worried Igor Mikhailovich, and after some time the billionaire had a heart attack there,” the publication continues to inform its readers.

AiF-Dalinform does not agree with the information presented by its colleagues. According to their information, the story ended with the death of the child, and it was probably not Igor Neklyudov who was driving the car.

“As employees of Zaimka and people from the businessman’s inner circle said, two days ago, on the evening of July 17, an accident occurred: a car, reversing, hit a child - a boy aged 1 year 2 months. Igor Mikhailovich was allegedly driving,” writes AiF-Dalinform. - “The baby was brought to the regional clinical hospital No. 2 at 19:40. Igor Neklyudov personally ensured that he was provided with all the necessary assistance. The boy was diagnosed with a fracture of the base of the skull and other injuries incompatible with life. According to a hospital source, the baby died around 11:30 on July 18. Igor Mikhailovich received this news on the same day. The next day he died."


The publication "Province" drew attention to the word "allegedly". To the quote from AiF, Province adds the story presented in another regional media outlet, Gubernia.

“Meanwhile, as Gubernia reported on July 18, on the evening of July 17, a tragic, shocking accident occurred in which a one-year-old boy received severe, fatal injuries (including a fracture of the base of the skull). This happened in a parking lot on Lermontov Street, not far from the Platinum Arena. Shocking video from surveillance cameras was posted on social networks. The footage clearly shows that the baby was not run over by a 70-year-old businessman, but by a young driver.”

“The station wagon drove over the child with its front and rear wheels. They did not wait for the ambulance to arrive: in order not to waste time, the culprit himself took the family to the second regional hospital. Doctors diagnosed the boy with a closed craniocerebral injury, brain contusion, fracture of the base of the skull and contusion of the lung. The driver, who received his license four years ago, has already become a defendant in a criminal case. Investigators believe that he showed criminal negligence: half a minute before the start of the ride, the driver was walking through the yard and could not help but see that children were running around the cars,” Gubernia stated the terrible facts.

The Province suggested that everything that was happening - the tragedy near the Platinum Arena and the incident on the territory of Zaimka - was one and the same incident.

“We believe there was only one such tragic accident that evening. But if, as video footage shows, it was definitely not Igor Neklyudov who was driving the foreign car that ran over a one-year-old boy, then who? His favorite grandson?” writes the meticulous media.

The exploits of the “beloved grandson”

Many people remember the story of the appearance a few years ago of a series of videos, united under the title “Money Doesn’t Smell,” where Muscovites were invited to drink urine for 10 thousand rubles or undress on a commercial basis. The leitmotif of the series is “for a certain amount of money, people are ready to do anything.”

Billionaire Igor Neklyudov had to blush for the appearance of the videos, since the author of the simple plots was his grandson, Grigory Mamurin. At the time of creating the video instructions for getting rich, the young blogger was 16 years old.

Grigory Mamurin never tried to hide the fact that he was from a family of oligarchs. From time to time, he allowed himself to feed caviar to homeless people or pour French champagne on representatives of the modeling business.

As teleprogramma.pro writes, Igor Neklyudov did not interpret Grigory Mamurin’s behavior in any way. He said that he felt a sense of shame for his grandson, and even asked his daughter-in-law to send the young man to Khabarovsk for re-education.

At the time of publication, Neklyudov’s family did not comment on what happened.

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