What does the name Murat mean? The meaning of the name Murat What does the name Murad mean?

This powerful, euphonious male name is ubiquitous among Muslims, largely due to its meaning. Its bearer has a strong character and the will to achieve his plans. It is not surprising, because the meaning of the name Murad (or Murat) is “desired”, “purposeful”. Parents, calling their son this way, believe that he will be endowed with a strong will, will not give up in the face of difficulties, and will be able to achieve a lot in life.

Usually this boy does not cause trouble: he is obedient, behaves exemplary, is sociable, and it is easy for him to communicate with peers and adults. Responsive, good-natured, reliable, but at the same time proud. The meaning of the name Murad for a child is also manifested in the love of justice and protection of the weak. He is gifted, intelligent, a good student, but often shows interests outside of school.

Since childhood, he has been able to make thoughtful decisions. In addition, the meaning of the name Murad for a boy explains his discipline, perseverance, diligence in his studies, and perseverance in other activities. For example, he can become interested in sports and achieve significant success. He also takes other hobbies seriously.

In addition, the interpretation of the name provides: the boy strives to show independence, wants to do everything without the help of others. He already achieves his goals at an early age and is little influenced. Non-conflict, silent, but has a good sense of humor.


The so-named young man is attractive, he has a strong sexual appeal, so girls almost always pay attention to him. Having sex is important to him and is a natural part of life. Murad is attentive and gentle with his partner, but this is more a manifestation of his own desire to receive pleasure (including emotional) than love.

Women really like the courtesy and generosity of this man, so he enjoys great success, and can even date several passions at the same time. However, he always returns to his family. He shows maximum attention and sensitivity to his chosen one - this means that the young man is ready to adapt to her, forgiving her shortcomings, without being offended by her whims.


Thanks to the ability to correctly evaluate people, a man named so will be able to find an ideal life partner. His wife will support him in everything, which is important, because family for Murad is the most important part of life. Here he occupies a dominant position, clearly directs all household members, defines the range of their responsibilities and sets the rules.

Despite the fact that he loves his wife, he entrusts housekeeping to her, and he himself rarely does it. But otherwise, he is a caring husband, a loving, albeit demanding father, and the breadwinner of the family. He solves problems that arise calmly, thoughtfully, without raising his voice. My wife feels comfortable around such a reliable person.

Business and career

He has an analytical mind and treats any work very responsibly and practically. Often chooses activities related to exact sciences and technology. The man has good business qualities and entrepreneurial inclinations, which means: when doing business, he prefers constructive solutions, so he will achieve great success. However, they will not come to him immediately, but much later.

Murad approaches his work with enthusiasm, for which he is respected and loved. Colleagues are also impressed by his modesty, commitment and lively mind, and his superiors value him for his reliability and diligence. Having organizational skills often allows you to quickly achieve career heights.

This man has a lot of hobbies in various fields of activity. Moreover, their significance for him is so great that such an activity can become a specialty. He excels as an economist, mathematician, investigator, tax inspector, actor, director, artist, journalist. Can be a good builder, mechanic, cook, pharmacist.

Origin of the name Murad

Researchers are unanimous in their opinions about the origin of the name Murad - it has Arabic etymology. The translation of the ancient Arabic word “murad” is “goal”, “intention”, “desire”, “will”. Therefore, there is no disagreement in the judgments where the naming came from: it received the meaning “aspiration of the soul”, “desired”.

History knows many outstanding personalities named like this: five sultans of the Ottoman Empire, successful military leaders. Nowadays, these are politicians, statesmen, scientists, artists, athletes, whose name becomes known thanks to the merits and perseverance of its owner.

Therefore, the secret of his name is connected not only with the desire to achieve what he wants, but also with great hard work, thoughtfulness of his actions, and perseverance.

Characteristics of the name Murad

Very often a man named this way becomes a strong, bright personality. He is characterized by seriousness, restraint, pride, ingenuity, and endurance. He treats everything with the utmost responsibility and completes his undertakings, since there are no impossible tasks for him. Reliable, noble, ambitious, so he copes with any task assigned.

However, when analyzing the pros and cons of the characteristics of the name Murad, one cannot help but mention pride, temper, and vanity. Reacts very painfully to criticism and remarks addressed to him. He is straightforward, which under different circumstances manifests itself as both a disadvantage and an advantage.

The man named so is the owner of a strong character; he does not succumb to the influence of others, but acts in accordance with his ideas about success and correctness. He avoids conflicts, respects other people's opinions, without trying to impose his own. This is an intelligent, tactful man. Often stands up for the weak out of an innate sense of justice.

He is always full of plans and ideas that he strives to implement, in which his practical mind and ingenuity help him. Thanks to perseverance, he can achieve a high position in society. No matter how the situation develops, he always believes in his capabilities and maintains fortitude.

The mystery of the name

  • Stone - selenite, rock crystal;
  • Doesn't celebrate his name day;
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign of the name - Libra, Scorpio.

Famous people named Murad

  • Murad Aliyev - film actor, director, Honored Artist of Turkmenistan;
  • Murad Guloyan - Armenian politician, statesman;
  • Murad Magomedov is a Russian MMA (mixed martial arts) fighter.

Name Murad in different languages

The translation of the name Murad from Arabic means “purposeful.” How is it translated and written in other languages? In German, English, Italian, Spanish - Murad.

  • in French - Mourad;
  • in Chinese - 穆拉德
  • in Japanese - ミュラド

Name forms

  • Full name - Murad.
  • Derivatives, diminutives, abbreviations and other variants - Murat, Murod, Muradik, Murri;
  • Declension of the name - Murada, Murad;
  • There is no church name in Orthodoxy, the naming can be chosen in the Saints for the child’s birthday or christening.

The male name Murat has Arabic roots and means “goal”, “aspiration”. It is not very popular in Russia, but it cannot be called rare either.

Characteristics of the name Murat

Murat's character is formed mostly under the influence of his healthy pride. This man will never do anything to harm himself; he is strong-willed, decisive, conscientious, full of plans and ideas. Even as a small child, Murat takes everything very seriously. He does not cause any trouble to his parents, he does not study well, but diligently, and is distinguished by good behavior. The adult owner of this name is very self-confident, proud, but not arrogant. You can rely on him in any matter, he is persistent and usually achieves success, although he acts exclusively within the limits of moral principles. Murat can be called a man of action. He doesn’t like to talk, but he readily makes contact, can carry on a conversation, and helps his friends with great dedication. Those close to him value him very much for his tact and ability to support, but Murat himself rarely reveals his soul to people, so he always remains an incompletely solved mystery.

Compatibility with Zodiac signs

This name is suitable for a boy born under the zodiac sign of Scorpio, that is, from October 24 to November 22. It is in Scorpio that there is that mysterious and self-sufficiency that makes Muratov stand out. He will most effectively preserve in him his natural determination, self-confidence, straightforwardness and strength, which will allow him to steadfastly endure all the hardships of life, will make the owner of this name a defender of the weak and a critic of the lazy.

Pros and cons of the name Murat

What positive and negative aspects can be noted in the decision to name the child Murat? Of course, this name has a connotation of oriental beauty, and besides, the character of most of its owners will help make Murat’s life happy and prosperous. However, it must be very carefully combined with a surname and patronymic, since Russian surnames, and especially patronymics, usually do not suit the name Murat very well. This name also does not have beautiful diminutive forms; Muratov is usually called Muratiki.


Murat's health is very good. Usually he is physically developed and resilient, he can work a lot, but it is difficult to bear the stress on the nervous system.

Love and family relationships

In family relationships, Murat shows himself remarkably well. He will never make a scandal or even raise his voice; he will solve all problems calmly and thoughtfully. A wife will feel comfortable next to such a reliable husband, but she should also try to provide Murat with home comfort and a warm atmosphere. With children, the owner of this name is gentle and gentle; he is especially gentle with his daughters.

Professional area

In the professional sphere, Murat is interested in exact sciences and entrepreneurship. So, he can become a successful owner of a construction company, a hardware store, an engineer, a programmer, a bank employee, a teacher, a real estate agent, or a restaurateur.

Name day

Murat does not celebrate his name day, since this name is not on the church calendars.

Many bright and beautiful names have come into our everyday life from Muslim culture. One of them is the name Murat. The meaning of the name Murat has several origins, but all of them are somehow connected with Eastern culture.

According to the first version, the secret of the name lies in the Arabic language, and it means “intention”, “goal”, “desire”. At the same time, there is a connection with Tatar dialects, in which the name is assigned the meaning “desired”.

In any case, the symbolism of the name is not only beautiful, but also has a strong energy that leaves an imprint on the character of the bearer. There is also another spelling - the name Murad, which has the same origin.

The spoken forms are varied, some are characteristic only of certain regions: Mura, Muratka, Rata, Ratik, Murik, Mara, Ratka.

Personal portrait

As a child, Murat has a calm, friendly disposition. He is sociable, easily gets acquainted and communicates with peers. Doesn't like conflicts, not a cocky and calm child. He loves animals very much and takes great care of them.

It doesn’t matter whether he is a tiny hamster or a huge dog - he equally feels responsible for his four-legged friend. The boy's character does not cause any trouble for his parents: the child is obedient, studies well and tries to help to the best of his ability.

In his studies, Murat shows himself brightly; he is often a gifted, talented child, whom all teachers cannot get enough of. At the same time, Murat attaches great importance to physical development: he is fond of sports, enrolls in various sections and clubs. He also has a penchant for creativity: he happily participates in various amateur competitions and school theater productions.

As he grows up, Murat develops a strong, truly masculine character. He is characterized by a heightened sense of justice, he strives to protect the weak, defenseless, and for this he is ready to enter into a serious conflict with the offender, despite his calm and peaceful disposition.

In his views and beliefs he remains true to himself and, even in his youth, sets strict criteria for behavior and life in general. He respects other people's points of view, but always remains unconvinced, so arguing with him is quite tiresome and fruitless.

The name Murat endows its bearer with such qualities as conscientiousness and responsibility. He tries to correspond to his status as a Man with every action. He strives to become a successful, significant person in his environment. His word among friends is highly valued, and if he made a promise, you can be sure that Murat will fulfill it, and someone else's secret will forever remain a secret.

Murat is a very strong name with a deep history, so its bearers always have an unusual and bright destiny. Among the signs of the zodiac, the following will be most in tune with him:

The sign of Scorpio gives Murat's character a severity and rigidity that he often lacks in everyday life. Libra emphasizes such qualities as honesty and the desire to restore justice. The sign of Gemini influences the creative component that his character possesses, strengthening it and allowing the young man to achieve success.

Work and love

Murat is strong in the exact sciences. He can become a sought-after and successful professional by choosing fields such as physics and mathematics. The profession of an engineer or power engineer is also favorable for him.

He is good at working with technology, and his masculinity and strong character open the way for him to the military sphere. In other words, all the most “male” professions are the most fertile ground for Murat’s professional development.

At the same time, he has a noticeable creative streak. He is creative, smart and may well choose professions such as designer, composer or writer. In these areas, Murat will not only achieve commercial success, but will probably leave a noticeable mark on them.

Thanks to his original thinking, he will be able to find himself in a field such as advertising. Business skills and enthusiasm will allow Murat to successfully develop in entrepreneurial activity, and as a result he will be able to build a truly serious business.

For Murat, a woman is not just an object of passion, for him she is a faithful companion and the keeper of his hearth. He is very scrupulous in his choice of wife, without wasting his strength and energy on frivolous relationships.

Murat attaches great importance to such qualities as devotion, femininity and the ability to manage a household. When Murat finds the one and falls in love with her, he is ready to move mountains to win over his beloved.

In the family, Murat is an exemplary, caring husband. Sometimes he may seem cold and stingy with emotions, but this is only an appearance created by a specific calm character.

We can say that he is the standard of a family man. Trips to the store on weekends, family outings, Sunday lunches - all this brings Murat to indescribable delight. He is also a very caring father, expressing his love for his children emotionally and openly.

The most successful compatibility with names:

  • Dina.

The name Murat, as mentioned earlier, does not apply to the Orthodox, therefore a boy baptized in Orthodoxy will celebrate his name day in accordance with his secret name. Author: Ksenia Dumcheva

The Arabic male name Murat means “desired”, “purposeful”. It has gained popularity in Tatar, Uzbek, Tajik and other languages. In Turkey and Eastern countries it sounds like Murad. Many personalities with this name are known to historical memory, including several Turkish sultans.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Cancer
  • Patron Planet: Moon
  • Talisman stone: selenite
  • Color: light green
  • Plant: water lily
  • Animal: doe
  • Favorable day: Monday

Character Traits

The secret of the name Murat hides such character traits of a man as pride and vanity. Many consider them negative and classify them as shortcomings. But this judgment is ambiguous: if such qualities are directed towards personal improvement, they will turn into dignity. The owner of this name is endowed with hard work, scrupulousness, endurance, ingenuity and perseverance. However, he is sensitive to comments and criticism addressed to him. He is straightforward, prefers constructive solutions in business relationships, and is taciturn. Does not like gossip and quarrels over petty intrigues.

Murat is attached to family traditions, is religious, has an attractive appearance, and strives for financial well-being. He doesn’t lie, but he will never reveal the truth to the end. For such a man, information is sometimes more valuable than any other material value. He has a passion for speculation, but he has a good education, an analytical mind and strives to obtain benefits, which he values ​​more than any money. He can achieve the desired standard of living and material wealth without much effort.

Interests and hobbies

Murat does not like to relax in public places. He devotes his free time, which he has little, to meditation and Eastern practices. Does yoga. Loves animals, especially horses.

Profession and business

Murat always tries to get a higher education. But he very rarely works in his specialty. Looking for a financial profession. Vanity, accuracy and commitment make him a valuable employee. I agree to work in a team. The professions of a sales representative, mechanic, cook, dentist, tax inspector, insurance agent, and financier bring success. However, most often he works independently, developing a personal or family business.


Murat is endowed with excellent innate immunity, which protects him throughout his life from unpleasant encounters with diseases. Hardening gives additional positive results; he has been accustomed to it since childhood. Yoga classes relieve tension and excessive emotionality, which most often create health problems.

Sex and love

The bearer of the name Murat never remains without the attention of women. He has some magical power of sexuality, attractiveness, attraction. Having sex for him is a biological component of life. Sensitivity and attention to a partner is more of a natural desire for pleasure, one of the methods for achieving emotional pleasure, rather than a romantic feeling. Women adore him for his generous nature and gallantry. He may love and have sexual relations with several women, but still returns to the family.

Family and marriage

Wife and family are the core of Murat. A romantic and spiritual union with a woman rarely suits him. A hierarchy of relationships is established in the family. The dominant place is occupied by the man. He is the unconditional head of the family nest, where each member knows his responsibilities, key values ​​and rules. Murat is a caring and demanding father, family breadwinner, and protector. Rarely does housework. This responsibility is placed on the wife and any reminder of help is considered a personal insult, a violation of family rules.

Murat is everyone's favorite, which is not surprising, because he is a sociable, obedient, conscientious, kind, sympathetic, trouble-free, but at the same time proud child. Murat is a bright and kind person. He has a wonderful sense of humor and rarely refuses to help his loved ones.

Murat is a name of Arabic origin and originally sounded like “Murad”. With the spread of Islam in the world, many countries adopted Arabic names. Over time, the sound of names changed in accordance with the phonetic features of the language that borrowed them. Thus, the name Murat is a later form of the name Murad. Nowadays this name is very widespread and popular all over the world.

A male name, there are sound variants Murad, Murot, Murod - they depend mainly on the dialect of the language.

The meaning of the name Murat for a boy. Someone named this way will have fortitude and strong-willed character. Well suited for boys born under the sign of Scorpio (October 24 – November 22). This zodiac sign enhances his influence, adding willpower, straightforwardness, self-sufficiency, determination, and mystery.

Origin of the name Murat

The origin of the name Murat is Arabic.

Where it came from - it is a dialectal variant of the ancient Arabic Murad. In many Muslim countries, this word has been transformed into a more familiar sounding word – Murat. Over a long period of time living in different languages, it began to be perceived as one’s own, national.

Etymology. In relation to a person, the ancient word “murad” (“goal”, “desire”, “plan”, “aspiration”) acquired the meaning “purposeful”, “desired”.

Story. Beautiful, euphonious, this word has become very popular precisely because of its meaning. Often Muslim parents call their first-born this way, not only indicating that this is a desired child, but also, as it were, endowing him with determination and will.

Over the centuries, this name has been given to many men who later achieved outstanding success. Among them are five sultans of the Ottoman Empire. The most famous is Murad I (reign from 1359 to 1389) - the ruler who was the first to assume the title of Sultan. Thanks to him, the state founded by a small Turkic tribe became the Ottoman Empire.

Whose name is Turkish, Ossetian, Kazakh.

The secret of a name is often deeply hidden vanity. From him comes pride, which this person must learn to control. Because, having hurt pride, others can easily use it for their own selfish purposes.

Characteristics of the name Murat

The characteristics of the name Murat define him as a man striving for success and significance. Strong in spirit, decisive, generating new ideas and plans, he tries to achieve success in everything. Thanks to his hard work and perseverance, he achieves a certain social position.

He is reliable, not afraid of difficulties, so he can do the most difficult work. He does not flirt with his superiors and is respected among his colleagues. Smart, quick-witted, has a lively, practical mind. He is laconic, rarely argues, and does not like to discuss others in their absence. He has a well-developed sense of humor, Murat loves to laugh.

The time of birth also leaves a certain imprint on a person. Thus, born in January, he relies only on himself, is very proud, and prefers to work alone. Even if he needs the help of friends, he, for fear of seeming intrusive, will not turn to them. Someone else's importunity makes him uncomfortable.

A man born in November can adapt to different situations, is flexible, and practical. He easily finds a common language even with people he doesn’t like. Possesses well-developed intuitive abilities. Loves to read, preferring classical literature.

Pros and cons. The positive side, in addition to oriental beauty, is that such a person, thanks to his character traits, will be able to achieve a prosperous and happy life. However, one must be careful when combining with Russian surnames and patronymics, since they usually do not fit together. There is also no beautiful diminutive form - usually the child is called Muratik.

Character has such distinctive features as determination, strong will, conscientiousness, and healthy self-esteem. He is proud, but not arrogant. I am used to achieving results in all the tasks I undertake and treating my work responsibly and scrupulously. The person so named has a heightened sense of justice, so he stands up for the weaker and defenseless. Hot-tempered, sociable, persistent. He is intelligent and has organizational skills. You can always rely on Murat.

Character of the name Murat

The Eastern origin of this man’s name gives him special nobility. Murat is principled and always keeps his word. Such a man is accustomed to respecting his elders; he not only provides for his parents until they are very old, but is also always ready to help an unknown old woman on the street. With people younger than himself, Murat takes the position of a guardian: he likes to mentor and give advice. This man has a touching love for children.

Murat is often categorical, and most people around him consider such a person to be old-fashioned. He accepts only his own value system and considers everyone who deviates from it to be sinners. For example, the bearer of this name firmly believes that elders are always right, that religiosity is good in any case. In the heat of a quarrel, especially concerning morality, Murat becomes aggressive.

Name Murat in love and family

Murat conquers women with his chivalrous behavior. As a man with traditional values, he considers women the weaker sex and strives to surround her with care and attention. He will never allow his lover to lift heavy bags and loves to pamper her with typical gifts like jewelry or flowers. In his chosen one, Murat wants to see well-groomed, gentle, love for children and good culinary abilities. It is also extremely important for Murat whether she will be able to build good relationships with his parents, especially his mother.

Murat can look closely at his chosen one for a long time before offering her his hand and heart. But this does not mean that he is trying to avoid responsibility. On the contrary, he believes that marriage should be one and for life. Murat protects his wife like the “apple of his eye”, and he is also very jealous. She dreams of heirs and is affectionate with children, although she believes that caring for them is predominantly a woman’s job.

Goal, aspiration - the meaning of the name Murat

Kind, sympathetic and flexible, Murat becomes a favorite of adults. This inquisitive and quick-witted boy amazes everyone with his unusual conclusions that he draws from seemingly ordinary events. He is sociable and friendly, he has many friends and acquaintances.

Murat does not tolerate injustice, is able to stand up for the weak, even seeing a clear advantage of the enemy. He will always come to the rescue, selflessly and sincerely. Murat is emotional and hot-tempered. He has a high ability to learn, he is diligent, and is able to figure out a complex problem that requires a logical solution. Adults know that they can always rely on Murat, he helps them with pleasure.

Health and talents named after Murat

The meaning of the name Murat largely depends on the time of year of his birth. So, Murat, born in winter, is in dire need of friendly support. However, the desire not to seem intrusive leads to the fact that the name Murat does not ask for help.

“Autumn” Murat adapts well to circumstances and is able to find a common language even with the person towards whom he feels negative. At work, the name Murat is very responsible and diligent. Professions related to the exact sciences are more suitable for him. Driven by vanity and pride, he will definitely achieve success in his career. Can be an artist, journalist, instructor, director.

The meaning of the name Murat (Murad) for a child

As a child, Murat is an exemplary and obedient child. He easily finds a common language with both adults and children. The boy is growing up sociable and responsive. Murat pays special attention to animals, so get ready, he will constantly bring them home. The child is quite good-natured and sometimes less well-mannered children take advantage of this. A boy should be taught to distinguish between where he is being used and where a person has a real problem that needs help.

Murat is a fairly gifted child and studies well, although not excellently. He is rather interested in expressing himself outside of school, which he does with success. A boy can become interested in sports and even achieve serious success in it. The child can also participate in amateur clubs, theater clubs or radio electronics clubs. His serious attitude to his hobby makes him a favorite of teachers, and of course he often shows great promise.

The boy's health is very good. His passion for sports only complements his excellent physical attributes. Murat has a high vitality, which allows him to be active throughout the day. However, this also imposes certain restrictions. Murat needs to move a lot, and if this is not possible, then his nervous system may become overexcited. Nervous tension and overload are the most common problems of the owners of the name.

Pros and cons of the name Murat

What positive and negative aspects can be noted in the decision to name the child Murat? Of course, this name has a connotation of oriental beauty, and besides, the character of most of its owners will help make Murat’s life happy and prosperous. However, it must be very carefully combined with a surname and patronymic, since Russian surnames, and especially patronymics, usually do not suit the name Murat very well. This name also does not have beautiful diminutive forms; Muratov is usually called Muratiki.

The meaning of the letters in the name Murat

  • M – If you look at people who have the letter “M” in their name, you can say that they are scattered and disorganized, but in reality this is not the case. Whatever they need, they will never forget. They prefer to do quality work. They make excellent leaders who always take into account the interests of others.
  • U - these people are introverts by nature. They are very secretive and prefer indoor gatherings. As a rule, they do excellent work at school and college. It's hard to make new acquaintances. Avoid the opposite sex. To achieve a goal, they can use all resources and complete the task.
  • R – people with the letter “R” in their name have extraordinary thinking. They are very responsible and you can rely on them in any situation. They have well-developed intuition and have an extremely negative attitude towards lies. They constantly strive for leadership, but in family relationships they rely on their partner.
  • A - the alphabet begins with it, and it symbolizes the beginning, the desire to achieve success. If a person has this letter in his name, then he will constantly strive for physical and spiritual balance. People whose name starts with A are quite hardworking. They like to take initiative in everything and do not like routine.
  • T - people with names that begin with this letter are comprehensively developed. They are vulnerable, sensitive and creative people. They try to be fair in everything. They have good intuition and adapt well to different conditions of the surrounding world. Capable of showing generosity.

The secret of the name Murat (Murad)

  • Planet- Moon.
  • Zodiac sign- Cancer.
  • Totem animal- Doe.
  • Name color- Silver.
  • Plant- Water lily.
  • Stone- Selenite.

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