The Red Sea is now called. The sea in the Bible. The Forty-Year Wandering of the Jews. Copper serpent

I have an opinion that the Jews crossed the sea near the Suez Canal, but this doesn't match the route, which is described in the Bible + other theories have been refuted. For example, the theory of the passage of the Jews in the Straits of Tirana is no longer valid after the receipt of the Admiralty map of the Tirana area and the entire Gulf of Aqaba and seismic data. Researchers were not allowed to recent years conduct dives and complete exploration of the area here. Let's look together for the real place where they crossed the Red Sea (Red Sea).

Exact Route Bible

When researching the route that the Israelites had to take when leaving Egypt, researchers have found that the biblical description of this exodus is completely consistent. In Exodus 14:1-2, God tells them to turn off the main road and take another road, which the explorers discovered led to the canyon of Baal Zephon (now called Wadi Vatir).

But here it happens something that greatly surprised Pharaoh! He thought that the Jews would go straight (yellow route), but they turned right into the peninsula's dead end (red route).

And then Pharaoh utters the famous words.... “And Pharaoh will say about the children of Israel - they got lost in this land, the desert locked them in" (Ex. 14:3).

The book of Exodus explains how the Lord led the children of Israel “not along the road of the land of the Philistines, because it was close. And God led the people along the desert road to the Red (Red) Sea.” Here a vast desert opened up before them.

Several miles wide from Wadi Watir (Baal Zephon), a vast seashore opens up on the western coast of the Gulf of Aqaba.

Entrance to this coast called Pi-Gahirof, it was the only place that could accommodate 2 million people with their herds.

Path to the North The Israelis were blocked by an Egyptian military fortress. Indeed, to the north of the entrance to the Wadi Watir gorge we discover an ancient fortress, which is the place mentioned in the Bible as Migdol (Exodus 14:2). To the south of the coast, the slopes of the mountains descend directly to the sea, thereby preventing movement to the south.

Tell the children of Israel to turn and camp before Pi-Hahiroth, between Migdolom and between the sea, before Baalzephon; Set up camp opposite it by the sea. (Exodus 14:2)

Moses knew, where these objects were located, having lived in Midian for forty years.

Curious fact (Baal-Zephon)

Fun fact: On the eastern shore of the Gulf of Aqaba, i.e. directly opposite Pi-Gahirofom (modern Saudi Arabia) a few kilometers away there is a place called in Arabic "Saraf El-Bal". In this name, first of all, there is a connection with the name of the god Baal (Baal). The word "Cephon" underwent changes over time and after 3500 years became the Arabic "Saraf".

Fun fact 2: Ruins were also discovered here, presumably serving for religious purposes (a sacred place dedicated by the Midianites to Baal in the area of ​​Zepho or Baal-Zephon). The combination “in front of Baal Zephon” should be understood as “opposite Baal Zephon,” that is, on the other side of the Gulf of Aqaba. This is confirmed by the fact that it was here that the Jews crossed the sea.

Other facts

In memory of the passage through the Red Sea there are two pillars on each shore (in at the moment in Arabia the pillar was dismantled and only the sign remained).

The pillars had inscriptions in Hebrew that read "Mizraim (This is Egypt), Solomon, Edom, Death, Pharaoh, Moses, Yahweh."

Interesting, but only in this place of the entire Gulf of Aqaba is there a surprisingly ideal straight bottom for a comfortable passage for people, livestock and chariots. The entire length of the bay has huge drops, rocks, irregularities, large ledges, etc. but in this place it is direct. This became known only recently when the Arabian government lifted the ban on foreign researchers.

Who cares? there is even a doc on the Internet. a film about this, from a Scandinavian explorer.

Of course the Israelis they could not turn back, as they were pursued by the Egyptian army. God led them to the exact place where He could deliver them from the hand of Pharaoh. And the children of Israel went up into the midst of the sea on dry land: and the waters were a wall to them on the right hand and on the left" (Ex. 14:13, 21-22)

Journey along Mount Sinai from using Google Earth-

Red Sea or Red Sea- euro Yam-Suf.
The Red Sea or Red Sea, through which the Israelites were led by Moses, represents a gulf of the Indian Ocean east of Egypt. The Jews called it the Sea of ​​Suf, i.e. The Sea of ​​Reeds, due to the abundant reeds growing along its shores (Ex. 10:19; 13:18; 15:4, 22; Num. 14:25). The ancients called the Red or Red Sea the entire northwestern part of the Indian Ocean (from the eastern cape of Africa to the mouth of the Indus) with its two gulfs - the Arabian and the Persian, which wash the Arabian Peninsula. The Red Sea mentioned in the Bible is a part of the Arabian Sea, which extends from the Strait of Babelmandeb to Suez, and has a length of about 2000 km. At the northern end, this sea is divided into two gulfs: Suez and Aqaba, which is also called the Red Sea in Tsars. 9:26. These bays, of which the first is about 250 km long, and the second about 160, wash the Sinai Peninsula, former place the wanderings of the Israelites in the wilderness and the publication of the law.
The passage through the Red Sea is narrated in Ex. 14 and is sung in the songs of praise of Moses and the Israelites (Ex. 15:15; Ps. 77; 105; 135). The last Egyptian plague forced the stubborn Pharaoh to release the people of God, and on the 15th day of the first month the people of Israel left Rameses for Succoth in the number of up to six hundred thousand foot men, in addition to women and children (Ex. 12:37). From Rameses they came to Succoth during the night, accompanied by many people of different tribes and very large herds of large and small livestock. Instead of going straight through the land of the Philistines along the shore Mediterranean Sea(Exodus 13:17), they moved south and camped in Ephraim, between the Egyptian and Arabian deserts (Exodus 13:20; Numbers 33:8).
Then the Lord commanded Moses to tell the children of Israel that they should turn and camp before Pi-hahiroth, between Migdol and the sea, before Baalzephon (Ex. 14:2). Instead of entering the Arabian Desert between the bitter lakes and the northwestern tip of the Red Sea, Moses turned back towards Egypt, i.e. he moved not in an easterly direction along the right bank of the sea, but along its western shore, towards Pi-Gahirof (perhaps towards the present Ajerud fortress west of Suez). Migdol and Baalzephon were probably located on Mount Attaka, which surrounded the Israelites in front and on the right side, while the sea was on their left and the desert behind them. So, the people of Israel stood here surrounded by desert, mountains and sea, and it is not surprising that they were very afraid when they saw behind them the chariots and horsemen of Pharaoh, with which he, confident of success, intended to bring them back (Ex. 14: 3,10) . Moses tried to pacify the grumbling people, crying out to God with his heart, and received the command to move forward with the people. The Angel of the Lord, together with a pillar of fire, stood behind the people - between the Egyptians and the Israelites, and the pillar of fire was a cloud and darkness for the Egyptians, but for the Israelites it illuminated the road. “Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and the Lord drove the sea with a strong east wind all night and made the sea dry land; and the waters parted” (Ex. 14:21). The Israelites walked along the bottom of the sea; the water stood like a wall on the right and left sides. The Egyptians chased them along the bottom of the sea and the Lord drowned them at the time when all the Israelites came to the other side. The Israelites saw the hand of the Lord, feared what they saw and believed the Lord and Moses His servant (Ex. 14:15,30,31).
After crossing the Red Sea, the Israelites, in all likelihood, found themselves in the place that to this day bears the name Ayun Muse, i.e. the springs of Moses, from where they entered the Sur desert. After a three-day journey, they came to Marah, where the bitter water was miraculously made drinkable (Ex. 15:22, 25). Setting off from there, they came to Elim, where there were springs and date trees (Ex. 15:27). After this, on the 15th day of the second month (after the exodus from Egypt) they came to the desert of Sin, between Elim and Sinai (Ex. 16:1). According to Numbers 33:10 They had previously encamped by the Red Sea. Here they last saw the Red Sea and the shores of the land of slavery. From the desert of Sin, the Israelites continued their journey, with short stops in Dophka and Alush, and settled in Rephidim (Ex. 17:1; Comp. Num. 33:12 et al.). From Rephidim they came to the Sinai desert in the third month after leaving Egypt and camped opposite the mountain of the Lord (Exodus 19). Compare "Sinai". Here they remained for about a year, or until the 20th day of the second month of the second year after the exodus from Egypt (Num. 10:11). For the further journey of the Israelites from Sinai to Canaan, see “Wanderings in the Desert.”

; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ) - a long narrow bay of the Indian Sea, separating Arabia from Egypt and Asia from Africa, running from Arabian Aden through the Babel-Mandeb Strait to the northwest to the Sinai Peninsula and here at the southern tip of the peninsula is divided into two branches: one extending to the northeast to Aqaba, the other to the northwest to Suez. The name of this sea is explained differently by the Reds. Some derive this name from the sea grass, which supposedly gives the water a red color, although the water of this bay is actually light, but not red, others derive it from the name of the Edomites who lived near this sea, since the Edomites come from Edom, as Esau was called, their ancestor, and Edom means red in translation. Others, finally, derive the name of the Red Sea from red corals, which have long been abundant in this sea, and they were very valuable () and were the subject of trade by the Phoenicians (). On the eastern branch of the Red Sea and at its northern end, adjacent to Elath, there was a seaside port, mentioned more than once in the Bible - Etzion Gaver. Cm. .

Of particular importance in St. Scripture represents the Red Sea through the miraculous passage of the Israelites upon their exit from Egypt. This event is conveyed in the Bible in the following form: when Pharaoh released the people (Israel), God did not lead them along the road of the Philistine land, but led them along the desert road to the Red Sea. The king of Egypt was told that the people had fled. Pharaoh took six hundred chosen chariots and all the chariots of Egypt, the horsemen and the army and the commanders over them all, and pursued the Israelites and already overtook them by the sea, at Pihahiroth in front of Baal-zephon. The pursuit was already in sight of the Israelis - and their death was inevitable. But the Lord saved them by a special miracle. He said to Moses, Lift up your staff and stretch out your hand over the sea, and they distributed it, and the children of Israel shall pass through the midst of the sea on dry land. Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and the waters parted; the waters were a wall on the right and on the left, and the sea became dry land. When the Israelis reached the opposite shore, the Egyptians chased them along the bottom of the sea. Moses, at the command of God, again stretched out his hand to the sea, and by morning the water returned to its place and covered the chariots and horsemen of the entire army of Pharaoh, so that not a single one of them remained. This wonderful event, described in such detail by St. writer, repeatedly mentioned throughout the Old Testament history and in the New Testament (as can be seen from the above quotes), some want to explain it in a natural way, namely, by an ordinary sea tide and a sandy shoal through which the Israelites could wade. But it is known that the high tide of the sea lasts 6 hours and the low tide too, but the transition is possible only during the strongest drop in water and, therefore, no more than two or three hours. Is it possible to allow such short time such a multitude of people, 600,000 husbands, besides wives and children, and in total from 2 to 3 million, with many loaded animals and other large and small livestock, crossed the sea not along a smooth road, but along the bottom of the sea, fording? On the other hand, the Egyptians knew, without a doubt, the time and duration of the ebb and flow of the tides: how did they decide to enter the sea, knowing that after the ebb of the tide the water should go to profit? It is also difficult to explain in a natural way the fact that out of all the numerous Egyptian pursuit led by King Pharaoh, who entered the sea after the Israelites, no one escaped, and everyone died under water, although along the length of the occupied line some should have already crossed to the opposite shore, and others, the rear ones, had only just entered the bottom of the sea. Moreover, the passage across the sea was at the end of the bay, and for the Israelis, not familiar with the place, it was forced by the onslaught of the pursuit, but the Egyptians, familiar with the place, could comfortably and without any risk catch them on the other side by going around. It is clear that the salvation of the Israelites from the Egyptians during the passage through the Red Sea was accomplished through a special action of God's Providence, as the Egyptians said when they entered the bottom of the sea: Let us flee from the Israelites, because the Lord will fight for them against the Egyptians. This transition is inexplicable by natural means.

Gen 12:6 Abram walked through the land to the place in Shechem where the great tree stood Sea; the Canaanites lived there at that time.

Gen 14:3 These kings joined forces in the Valley of Siddim (where Salt Lake is now sea).

Gen 41:49 The grain Joseph gathered was like sand. sea, and he stopped counting him, because it was impossible to count him.

Exodus 10:19 The Lord changed the wind to a very strong sea wind, which caught the locusts and carried them to Krasnoye sea. There are no locusts left in Egypt.

Exodus 14:16 Lift up your staff, stretch out your hand over the sea, and it will be divided. Then the Israelis will be able to pass through sea as if by land.

Exodus 14:21 Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and the Lord drove away all night sea by a strong east wind and turned it into dry land. The waters parted

Exodus 14:22 and the Israelites passed through sea

Exodus 14:23 The Egyptians pursued them. Pharaoh's horses, chariots and horsemen rushed into sea.

Exodus 14:28 The water rushed back and covered the chariots and horsemen - the entire army of Pharaoh, who rushed after the Israelites into sea. No one was saved.

Exodus 14:29 But the Israelites passed over sea, as if on land: one wall of water stood on their right, and the other on their left.

Exodus 15:1 Then Moses and the Israelites sang this song to the Lord: “I will sing to the Lord. He is highly exalted. He threw the horse and its rider into sea.

Exodus 15:4 He threw Pharaoh's chariots and army into sea. The best warriors Egyptians drowned in Red sea.

Exodus 15:10 But You blew with Your whirlwind, and it covered them sea. They sank like lead in the mighty waters.

Exodus 15:19 When Pharaoh's horses, chariots, and horsemen entered sea, The Lord brought sea waters down on them. And the Israelites went through sea as if by land.

Exodus 15:21 Miriam sang to them: “Sing to the Lord, He is exalted on high. He threw the horse and its rider into sea».

Exodus 20:11 In six days the Lord created the heavens and the earth, sea and everything that was in them, and on the seventh he rested. Therefore, the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and sanctified it.

Numbers 11:22 Will they have enough if all the livestock there is is slaughtered for them? Will it be enough for them if they are caught in sea all the fish?

Numbers 33:8 They left Pi-hahiroth and passed through sea into the desert and, after walking for three days through the Etam desert, they stopped at Mara.

Numbers 33:11 They left Red sea and stopped in the desert of Sin.

Deuteronomy 11:30 You know that these mountains are beyond the Jordan, west of the road, at sunset, next to the great trees Sea, in the land of those Canaanites who live in Jordanian valley in the vicinity of Gilgal.

Deuteronomy 30:13 And it is not beyond the sea to ask, “Who will cross sea receive it and make it known to us, so that we can fulfill it?”

Joshua 3:16 The water flowing from above stopped. She stood like a wall very far away, near the city of Adam, which is next to Tsartan, and the water flowing down into sea valleys, in sea Salty, completely dried out. And the people crossed over opposite Jericho.

Joshua 12:3 He also owned Jordanian valley east of the Kinneret Sea to the sea Jordanian valleys (Solenoe sea), to Beth Yeshimot, and then south under the slopes of Pisgah.

Joshua 15:5 The eastern border is Solene sea to the mouth of the Jordan. The northern border began from the bay in sea at the mouth of the Jordan,

Joshua 24:7 But they cried to the Lord for help, and He put darkness between you and the Egyptians. He pointed at them sea and it covered them. You saw with your own eyes what I did to the Egyptians. After that you for a long time lived in the desert.

Judges 7:1 Erubbaal (aka Gideon) and all his men rose early in the morning and camped at the spring of Harod. The Midianite camp was located to the north of them, in a valley next to a hill Sea.

1 Kings 7:25 Sea Sea

1 Kings 7:26 Sea Sea contained two thousand baht.

1 Kings 7:39 He placed five stands on the south side of the house and five on the north side, and “ sea"I placed it on the southeast corner of the house.

1 Kings 7:44 sea and twelve bulls under him,

1 Kings 9:27 Hiram sent his men with the ships - sailors who knew sea, along with Solomon's men.

1 Kings 10:22 On sea the king had a fleet of Tarshish ships, along with Hiram's ships. Once every three years the ships returned, bringing gold, silver, ivory, monkeys and peacocks.

2 Kings 16:17 King Ahaz broke off the rims of the movable stands and removed the lavers from them. He took off sea from the bronze oxen that supported it, and placed it on a stone foundation.

2 Kings 25:13 The Babylonians broke the bronze columns, movable stands and bronze sea who were in the house of the Lord, and carried away the bronze to Babylon.

1 Chronicles 16:32 Let him make noise sea and all that fills it, let the field and all that is in it rejoice,

1 Chronicles 18:8 From Tebah and Kun, the cities that belonged to Hadadezer, David took a great deal of bronze, from which Solomon made bronze sea, pillars and various bronze utensils for the house of the Lord.

2 Chronicles 4:2 He made a round piece of cast metal sea, measuring ten cubits from edge to edge and five cubits in height. A measuring thread thirty cubits long encircled him in circumference.

2 Par 4:4 Sea stood on twelve bulls, three of which faced north, three west, three south and three east. Sea rested on them, and their butts were turned inward, towards the center.

2 Par 4:5 Sea It was a palm thick, and its edge was like the edge of a bowl, like a lily flower. Sea contained three thousand baht.

2 Chronicles 4:10 Then he set sea on the south side, in the southeast corner of the house.

2Par 4:15 sea and twelve bulls under him,

2 Chronicles 8:18 Hiram sent him ships, which were led by his servants who knew sea. Together with Solomon's men, they sailed to Ophir and brought from there four hundred and fifty talents of gold, which they delivered to King Solomon.

2 Chronicles 9:21 On sea the king had a fleet of Tarshish ships, crewed by Hiram's servants. Once every three years the ships returned, bringing gold, silver, ivory, monkeys and peacocks.

Nehemiah 9:11 You divided sea before them, and they passed through it as if on dry land, but You threw their pursuers into the depths, like a stone into mighty waters.

Job 7:12 Am I sea or the monster of the sea, that You have surrounded me with guards?

Job 26:12 By His power He stirs sea, with His mind He strikes Rahab.

Job 28:14 The deep will say, “It is not in me”; and says sea: “I don’t have it.”

Job 38:8 Who shut the gate sea when it burst forth, as if from the womb,

Job 41:23 He boils the abyss like a cauldron, causing sea seethe like boiling ointment.

Psalm 66:6 He made dry land sea, they crossed the river on dry ground, and there we rejoiced in Him.

Psalm 73:13 You have divided by Your strength sea, You crushed the heads of sea monsters.

Psalm 76:20 Your path ran through sea and Your path is through deep waters, although Your footprints were not visible.

Psalm 77:13 He divided sea and he led them through it, making a wall of water.

Psalm 77:53 He led them in safety, and they were not afraid, but their enemies were covered sea.

Psalm 89:26 Left hand I'll put it on sea, and the right - to the rivers.

Ps 94:5 sea- Him, He created it, His hands formed the dry land.

Ps 96:11 Let the heavens rejoice and the earth rejoice; let it make noise sea and everything in it.

Psalm 98:7 Let him make noise sea and all that fills it, the universe and those who live in it.

Psalm 103:25 Behold, sea, rich and spacious, in which there is no number of reptiles, animals small and large.

Psalm 106:23 Those who sail in ships sea, working in big waters

Ps 113:3 Sea saw this and retreated, the Jordan River turned back.

Psalm 114:5 What is the matter with you? sea, that you retreated, and with you, Jordan, that you turned back?

Psalm 135:13 Him Who divided the Red sea because His mercy is forever;

Psalm 135:15 but he plunged into Red sea Pharaoh and his army, because His mercy endures forever;

Psalm 145:6 who made the heavens and the earth, sea and everything that fills him, He always remains faithful.

Eccl 1:7 All rivers flow into sea, But sea does not overflow. And the rivers return to their sources to flow again.

Isaiah 11:9 And they shall neither harm nor destroy in all my holy mountain: for the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters are filled with sea.

Isaiah 43:16 Thus says the Lord, who made a way through sea, the path - through stormy waters,

Isaiah 50:2 Why was there no one there when I came? Why, when I called, no one answered? Has My hand become too short to redeem you? Am I not strong enough to deliver you? With just one reproach I dry up sea and I make the rivers wilderness; their fish rot without water and die of thirst.

Isaiah 51:10 Haven't you dried up sea, the waters of the great abyss, paved a way in the depths of the sea so that the redeemed could cross?

Isaiah 51:15 I am the LORD your God who troubles sea so that its waves roar; The Lord Almighty is My Name.

Jeremiah 15:8 They will have more widows than sand. sea. At midday I will bring the destroyer upon the mothers of their young men; I will suddenly instill fear and confusion in them.

Jeremiah 27:19 For thus saith the Lord Almighty concerning the pillars, bronze sea, and mobile stands and other utensils remaining in the city,

Jeremiah 31:35 Thus says the Lord, who gives the sun to give light by day, who set the moon and stars to give light at night; disturbing sea so that its waves roar; The Lord Almighty is His Name:

Jeremiah 49:23 About Damascus: – Hamath and Arpad lost heart when they heard the bad news; rushing about with fear, worried, as if sea, and do not find peace for themselves.

Jer 51:42 Sea will rise above Babylon, and roaring waves will cover it.

Jeremiah 52:17 The Chaldeans broke the bronze columns, movable stands and bronze sea who were in the house of the Lord, and carried away all the bronze to Babylon.

Lamentations 2:13 What shall I say to you? To what can I compare you, O daughter of Jerusalem? To what shall I liken you, so that I can comfort you, O virgin, daughter of Zion? Your wound is as deep as sea; who can heal you?

Ezekiel 26:3 – The Sovereign Lord says: “I am your adversary, Tyre. I will raise up many nations against you, just as sea raises waves.

Ezekiel 26:12 Your wealth will be plundered, your goods will be plundered. Your walls will be broken, your luxurious houses will be destroyed, and stones, wood and garbage will be thrown into sea.

Ezekiel 26:18 Now, in the day of your fall, the shores will tremble; islands on sea, are horrified by your death."

Ezekiel 27:4 Your house was open sea; your architects brought your beauty to perfection.

Ezekiel 27:26 Out in the open sea the rowers brought you out. The east wind broke you over the abyss of the sea.

Ezekiel 47:8 He said to me, “This water flows to the eastern lands and descends into Jordanian valley where it flows into sea. She falls into sea, And sea ​​water becomes fresh.

Eze 47:10 Fishermen will appear on the coast. From En Gedi to En Eglaim there will be places for casting nets. A great variety of all kinds of fish will live there, just like in the Great sea.

Eze 47:20 In the west is Great sea will be the border to the place opposite Levo-Hamat. This is the western border.

Dan 7:2 “I, Daniel, saw in my vision at night how the four winds of heaven stirred up a great sea.

Joel 2:20 I will remove the northern army from you and drive this army into a barren land parched with heat. I will throw his front ranks into the eastern sea, and the rear ones - to the western sea. And a stench will come from them, and a stench will rise from them, because they have done much evil.

Jonah 1:4 But the Lord brought sea a terrible wind, and such a strong storm arose that the ship was ready to break.

Jonah 1:5 All the sailors were afraid, and each one began to cry out to his god. They threw in sea all the luggage that was on the ship to lighten it. And Jonah went down into the hold, lay down there and fell into a deep sleep.

Jonah 1:9 He answered, “I am a Jew, and I worship the Lord, the God of heaven, who created sea and dry it.

Jonah 1:11 A sea raged more and more, and then they asked him: “What should we do with you so that sea died down before us?

Jonah 1:12 – Take me and throw me into sea, he answered, “and it will subside before you.” I know that this terrible storm has hit you because of me.

Jonah 1:13 However, they rowed with all their might to land on the shore, but they did not succeed, because sea raged even more.

Jonah 1:15 Then they took Jonah and threw him overboard, and the raging sea has calmed down.

Hab 2:14 For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters fill sea.

Hab 3:8 Are you angry with the rivers, O Lord? Are You angry with the floods? Are you angry at sea who mounted His horses and His victorious chariots.

Hab 3:15 You and your horses made a way through sea, churning the great waters.

Hag 2:6 This is what the Lord Almighty says: “Soon I will shake the heavens and the earth once more, sea and dry it.

Zechariah 9:4 But the Lord will take away his goods and throw him into sea his wealth, and he himself will burn to the ground.

Zechariah 10:11 They will pass over sea troubles, and the stormy things will come to terms sea, and all the depths of the Nile will dry up. The pride of Assyria will be humiliated, and Egypt will lose its scepter.

Matthew 18:6 But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck and he was drowned in water. sea.

Matthew 21:21 Jesus answered them: “I tell you the truth: if you believe without doubt, you will be able to do not only what was done to the fig tree, but even if you say to this mountain: “Rise up and throw yourself into sea", then so be it.

Matthew 23:15 Woe to you, teachers of the Law and Pharisees! Hypocrites! you pass sea and dry land to convert at least one person, and when you convert him, you make him twice as worthy of hell as you yourself.

Mark 4:41 The frightened disciples asked each other: “Who is He, that even the wind and sea Do they obey him?

Mark 9:42 But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him if a millstone were placed around his neck and thrown into the water. sea.

Mark 11:23 I tell you the truth: if anyone says to this mountain, “Rise up and throw yourself into sea!”, and at the same time he will not doubt in his soul, but will believe that what he said will happen, then so it will be for him.

Luke 17:2 If anyone gives cause to sin to even one of the least of these, it would be better if a millstone were placed around his neck and thrown into the water. sea.

Luke 17:6 The Lord answered: “If you have faith like a mustard seed, then you can say to this mulberry tree: “Uproot yourself and replant yourself in sea“- and it will obey you.

Acts 4:24 When the believers heard about this, they unanimously raised their voices to God and said: “Master! You created the sky, the earth, sea and everything that is in them.

Acts 14:15 – Come to your senses, what are you doing? We are people just like you! We have brought you Good News, and we want you to leave these useless idols and turn to the living God, Who created the heavens and the earth, sea and everything that is in them.

Acts 21:1 When we parted with them, we went out to sea and headed straight for island Kos. The next day we arrived in Rhodes and from there we went to Patara.

Acts 27:4 We went out again sea and passed Cyprus on the leeward side to avoid headwinds.

Acts 27:5 We crossed the open sea, washing the shores of Cilicia and Pamphylia, and landed in the Lycian city of Myra.

Acts 27:32 Then the soldiers cut the ropes that held the boat, and it fell into sea.

Acts 27:38 When the people had eaten their fill, they lightened the ship, throwing it into sea corn.

Acts 27:40 He cut off the anchors and left them in sea, the sailors untied the steering oars, raised the small sail and directed the ship towards the shore.

Acts 28:11 After three months we went out to sea on a ship from Alexandria, which spent the winter on the island. This ship was named twin gods Castor and Pollux.

1 Cor 10:1 Brothers, I want you to know that all our forefathers were under the cloud and that they all passed through sea.

1 Cor 10:2 They were all baptized into Moses, into the cloud and into sea.

2 Cor 11:25 Three times I was beaten with sticks, once I was stoned, three times I was shipwrecked, and once I spent all night and all day in the open. sea.

2 Cor 11:26 I had to travel constantly. I was exposed to dangers when crossing rivers, dangers from bandits, from my fellow tribesmen, from pagans; I have been in danger in the city, in the desert, on sea and in danger from false brothers.

Hebrews 11:29 By faith the people passed over the Red Sea sea as by land; when the Egyptians tried to do the same, they drowned.

Rev 5:13 Then I heard how all the creatures in heaven, on earth, under the earth, on sea, and all that was in them said: “To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praise, honor, glory and power forever!”

Rev 7:1 Then I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds of the earth so that they would not blow on the earth or on sea, not on any tree.

Rev 8:8 The second angel sounded his trumpet, and something like a huge burning mountain fell into sea, and a third of the sea turned into blood.

Rev 8:9 The third part of everything that lives in sea died, and a third of all ships perished.

Rev 10:2 The angel held a small unrolled scroll in his hand. He placed his right foot on sea, and the left one to land.

Rev 10:5 Then the angel whom I saw standing at the same time sea and on land, raised right hand to the sky.

Rev 10:6 He swore by Him who lives forever, who created the heavens and the things that are in them, and the earth and the things that are in them, and sea with what's in it. - There will be no more delay! - he said. –

Rev. 14:7 “Fear God,” the angel spoke loudly, “and give glory to Him, because the hour of His judgment has come.” Worship the Creator of heaven and earth, sea and water sources.

Rev 15:2 I saw something like glass sea, mixed with fire. On sea stood those who emerged victorious in the fight with the beast, its image and the number of its name. They held God's harps in their hands

Rev 16:3 The second angel poured out the contents of his cup into sea, and the water of the sea turned into blood, resembling the blood of a dead man, and all living things sea died.

Rev 18:21 Then the mighty angel took a large stone the size of a millstone and threw it into sea, saying:. “So the great capital Babylon will be abandoned, and no one will find it again.”

Rev 20:13 Sea gave up the dead that were in him, and death and hell gave up their dead that were in them, and each one was judged according to his works.

Red Sea

After the “tenth plague,” Pharaoh’s resistance was broken, and he allowed the Jews to leave the country:

Exodus 12:37. And the children of Israel departed from Rameses to Succoth...

There is no consensus as to where Succoth was located, but many believe that it was located almost next to Pitom, and perhaps it was Pitom. If so, then the Jews, leaving Egypt, headed to the east.

If they had moved north, they would have reached the coast and followed it to Canaan by the direct and shortest route. However, this path was unsafe.

The “Sea Peoples” then captured various areas of the Egyptian kingdom (which can indeed serve as an explanation for the emergence of the dramatic biblical story of the “Egyptian plagues”) and strengthened themselves precisely in that part of the Canaanite coast where the Israelites could immediately encounter them on their way.

The newly freed people of Israel were unable to fight, and would have to face the well-armed, battle-hardened “Sea Peoples,” who would soon make their name in biblical history as the Philistines.

To bypass this place, the children of Israel moved east, which led them to the Red Sea.

Ex., 13: 17–18… God didn't lead him [the Jewish people] along the road of the land of the Philistines, because it is near; for God said: lest the people repent when they see the war, and return to Egypt. And God led the people along a desert road to the Red Sea...

The Red Sea is a narrow, long bay of the Indian Ocean, stretching from southeast to northwest in an almost straight line about 1,450 miles long. The width of this sea is only from 150 to 200 miles, and its shape suggests that it is part of the Great Rift Valley.

This sea is one of the most specific parts of the ocean. It separates the African and Arabian deserts and, due to the small amount of rain, receives insufficient moisture, while evaporating a lot of water under the influence of the sun, which scorches here so mercilessly as almost nowhere else on the globe. Therefore, the Red Sea is much saltier than any other part of the ocean, although water flows constantly into its southern end, which is open to the ocean. At its sheltered northern tip, the percentage of salt in the water rises to 4.1% - compared to 3.5% for the entire ocean.

The name Red Sea is Greek and during Roman times it extended to that part of the Indian Ocean into which the sea opens and which we now call the Gulf of Aden, the Arabian Sea and the Persian Gulf.

Why is this sea called Red? There are a lot of conjectures on this matter. The waters of this sea may take on a red color due to microscopic algae, its shores may be littered with red shells (or red rocks), or a reddish glow may appear on the surface of the waves from the rays of the setting sun (as viewed from Arabia). It is possible that none of these guesses are correct.

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