Apricot in Siberia planting and care. Planting apricot East Siberian in Siberia in spring

Apricot in Siberia

The first mention of apricot in our country dates back to 1651, when 19 overseas trees were brought and planted near Moscow in the Izmailovsky Garden, and among them two trees of “apricot apples”.

Apricot registered in Siberia

For many Siberians, apricot is still an exotic, southern plant. However, advanced gardeners in Eastern Siberia, the Urals and the Far East have long been growing apricots and harvesting fruits in buckets that are not much inferior in quality to southern ones. The fruits of the Ural-Siberian apricots are different in size, in taste- there are small ones, there are also large ones, weighing 20-30 grams, sweet and juicy- just like the south! And most importantly- they are their own, Siberian! Apricot in our zone grows not ordinary, but hybrid - the result of crossing a cultivated ordinary apricot with a wild, very winter-hardy apricot growing in the taiga of the Khabarovsk Territory, Khakassia and Transbaikalia. The first hybrids appeared in Khabarovsk in 1968. They were brought out by Academician G.T. Kazmin. Since then, the apricot has been spreading across Siberia by sowing seeds from best trees. The plant passes on maternal qualities quite well - the ability to produce high-quality fruit and adaptability to Siberian conditions. Apricot is very useful dietary product with a high content of potassium, iron, vitamins. According to carotene, apricot is equated to egg yolk. With the consumption of apricot, scientists associate the high life expectancy of some peoples. This caused the surprise of scientists -doctors longevity of the Hunza people living in India. Without turning to doctors, many representatives of this people live to be 110-120 years old, unlike other nationalities inhabiting nearby territories. A feature of the centenarians of the Hunza is a diet consisting mainly of fruits and vegetables. Most of their diet consists of apricots - fresh, dried, in the form of juices and drinks, which contain all the vital substances.

apricot in spring- a very beautiful, picturesque tree with a unique aroma of pink flowers covering the entire crown. In summer, red-sided or golden fruits of the color of the sun appear on the trees. Even in the case of freezing, the apricot is very quickly restored due to the top shoots, on which there is a harvest the next year. Among the disadvantages of apricot- it is early flowering and podprepyvanie bark, like a plum. Proven varieties of apricots in the Ural-Siberian region: Kichiginsky, Medovy, Chelyabinsk early, Spicy, Golden bone, Firstborn, Golden nectar, Snezhinsky, Uralets, East Siberian, Sun, Mountain Abakan, Sayansky, Abakansky, Krapchaty, Krasavchik, Khabarovsky, etc. .

Apricot, like plum, warms up, mainly in March- April, so you should plant it in places with minimal accumulation of snow in winter, blown out and quickly melting in spring. But it is best to plant apricot and plum on mounds or shafts up to 1 meter high. In this case, the snow is blown off the mounds and ramparts, the water quickly drains from them in the spring, and the apricot bark and plums do not rot. After March 8 of each year, snow must be removed from the apricot so that there is no contact between the snow and the apricot trunk, since the apricot bark gets warm not only from water, but also from wet snow. At the end of October, the apricot should be spudded with earth (like potatoes), so that water and melted snow flow down from the apricot, like from a roof. In the spring (April), the apricot can be unraveled and watered in the summer, like others horticultural crops. At the end of October, on the northern side of the apricot, it is advisable to put old iron buckets, pots, etc., close to the trunk, upside down for better freezing of the soil and to prevent snow from coming into contact with the apricot trunk.

Apricot is very cold hardy. Sprout buds withstand frost down to -45 degrees, fruit buds- up to -35°. Flowers withstand frosts down to -5 degrees. For comparison- honeysuckle flowers withstand frosts down to -8-9 degrees, and at an apple tree, flowers freeze already at +2 degrees. Apricot roots are the most frost-resistant of all fruit and berry crops. For example, if there is no snow in trunk circle in frost over -40 ° C, the roots never froze.

Apricot is desirable to grow in several stems.- - if one stem podpreet, then the rest will remain alive.

It happens in the first year or two, young apricot seedlings freeze slightly in winter. Perhaps due to the exuberant growth ( good care) plants simply do not have time to prepare for winter. Much to the delight of summer residents, there are practically no pests on the apricot, while aphids eat the plum. And in terms of yield, apricot surpasses plums, and ripens earlier: apricots in the second half of July, plums in August. Fruiting apricot begins at the age of 4-5 years. autumn apricot- very ornamental plant, a real decoration of the garden. Good luck growing your apricots.

V. N. Prishvin , scientist agronomist, Barnaul

(Luck, April 2009)

Apricot - southern, thermophilic fruit tree which is native to China. For many years it was considered fantastic to grow such a heat-loving crop in the gardens of Siberia and the Urals. The painstaking and confident work of domestic breeders made it possible to realize the dream of many gardeners.

The southern solar fruit settled in areas with severe winters. Successful cultivation and obtaining a stable yield will require the selection of zoned winter-hardy varieties and appropriate agricultural practices. Without this combination, apricots die or get sick and do not bear fruit.

Winter hardiness is not the same as frost resistance

Apricot variety "Amur"

severe climatic conditions Siberia and the Urals are characterized by winters with air temperatures reaching thirty to forty degrees Celsius. Apricot varieties for this zone should have good winter-hardy qualities.

Such as:

  • severe winter temperatures;
  • spring frosts;
  • sudden changes in temperature;
  • prolonged thaws;
  • excessive stagnation of moisture;
  • sunburn (not only in summer).

It's important to know: frost resistance and winter hardiness are different concepts. The first characteristic determines the resistance of the culture only to low temperatures. Winter hardiness is a broader concept. This is the resistance of a variety to a number of adverse conditions winter and early spring.

In Siberia and the Urals, apricot varieties are suitable that are resistant to the listed adverse factors. They are obtained by crossing ordinary cultural species apricot with wild-growing, with good winter-hardy qualities. The fruits of these trees vary in taste and size and are slightly different from their southern counterparts.

The work of breeders was not in vain

Apricot variety "Siberian Baikalova"

Breeders of the Far Eastern Research Institute Agriculture A number of apricot varieties with excellent winter-hardy qualities have been bred. They are regionalized in different periods. Perfect for growing in Siberia and the Urals.

Among them, large-fruited varieties Akademik, Amur and Khabarovsky are especially popular. These are medium sized plants. The yield is high. The fruits have excellent taste.

The second group of interesting varieties was bred in Khakassia. They differ in early maturing and winter hardiness. The most interesting for gardeners in these regions may be the varieties East Siberian, Sibiryak Baikalova, Golden Sibiryak.

They are interesting in that the beginning of fruiting occurs after two or three years of the life of the scion. At the same time, the quality of the fruit does not suffer.

Apricot variety "Snezhinsky"

Breeders of the South Ural Research Institute of Fruit and Vegetable Growing and Potato Growing are engaged in the creation of winter-hardy promising varieties for harsh climatic conditions. Their work is no less popular among gardeners.

Promising, high-yielding apricot varieties have been appreciated by gardeners more than once. The following varieties deserve attention:

  • Kigichinsky;
  • Golden bone;
  • Honey;
  • Snezhinsky;
  • Uralets.

We invite you to watch a video on how apricots are grown in the Urals:

Growing in difficult climatic conditions

As noted earlier, the climatic conditions of the Urals and Siberia are characterized by low temperatures in winter and spring frosts.

For successful cultivation, the correct determination of the planting site of seedlings is required.

1. Soil requirement, planting site

For an apricot, a sunny, draft-protected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe garden is suitable. When choosing it, pay attention to the occurrence of groundwater. The root system of an apricot can rot with excessive moisture.

Therefore, the landing site should be elevated. It can be bulk mounds or shafts. Their height must be at least a meter. Apricot is a culture unpretentious to soil fertility. Seedlings are planted on a previously prepared site:

  • dig the soil;
  • if the soil is clay, sand, compost and organic fertilizers are applied.

It's important to know: soil for apricot must have excellent drainage properties. This will provide the necessary conditions for the normal formation of the root system.

2. Seedling selection

It is advisable to buy planting material in nurseries. Random sellers may offer low-quality seedlings of unknown cultivar.

Need to pay attention to quality planting material.
It is best to purchase annuals or biennials. Varietal apricot seedlings do not have thorns on the stem.

Branches are smooth. Special attention turn to the roots of the seedling. They must be powerful with no signs of freezing. A plant with dry roots is also unsuitable.

Important to remember: for the Urals and Siberia, only zoned apricot varieties with winter-hardy qualities are suitable. Preference should be given to two-year-olds with a closed root system, which are grown in specialized nurseries. Acquire several seedlings of different varieties.

3. Landing

Apricots are planted in autumn and spring. The planting hole for a seedling has dimensions of 80x80 cm. The distance between the trees must be maintained at least five meters, because. root system he is sprawling.

Required drainage system. It can serve as crushed stone, which is laid on the bottom of the seat. The nutrition of the seedling is provided by organic and mineral fertilizers. They are poured over the drainage. Apply the following composition of the nutrient mixture:

  • humus - 10 - 15 kg;
  • ash - 1 cup;
  • superphosphate - 700 g;
  • potassium sulfide - 400 g.

A layer of soil is poured over the nutrient mixture. Install a peg in the center of the pit. The seedling is placed in the center of the seat. Fall asleep and compact the soil.

Form a near-trunk land roller. Watered. It will take two or even three buckets of water. After watering, the soil is mulched. The seedling is tied to a peg.

It's important to know: landing root collar the seedling should protrude four centimeters above the ground.

A seedling with a weak root system after planting requires shortening of the branches. Keep in mind that apricots do not tolerate transplants.

4. Care

Proper care is the key to the successful development of a full-fledged plant. In the Urals and Siberia, agricultural technology has its own characteristics. The most critical periods for caring for seedlings are not only the winter period.

Spring thaws and sharp temperature fluctuations will be especially dangerous. During this period, make sure that the melt water does not stagnate in the near-stem circle of the seedling. Excessive waterlogging can lead to root rot. Further care will require regular moderate watering.

Buds of fruiting trees can be damaged by spring frosts. Smoke is carried out for protection. In the evening, wet straw is set on fire in the garden. To attract bees to the crown flowering trees can be sprinkled with honey water.

A feature of the apricot is the need for pollinators. Therefore, several trees of different varieties are planted on the site.

An important agricultural technique is the application of fertilizers. In order for apricots to bear fruit annually, it will take good food. The amount of top dressing required depends on the age of the tree. Top dressing will be required for trees in the third year of life.

When the tree reaches the age of five, the amount of fertilizer doubles. Feeding is carried out in autumn period. As a fertilizer, organic and mineral top dressings are used.

During the entire period of growth, apricot requires. This is necessary for the proper formation of the tree, maintaining it in a state of active growth.

Sanitary and regulatory is applied. Older trees need rejuvenating pruning, which involves the removal of damaged, withered branches.

In addition to the listed agricultural practices, preventive measures and pests are necessary. The main diseases of apricot are clasterosporiasis, moniliosis.

The causative agents of diseases are fungi. Various parts of the plant are affected. They can lead to the death of not only the crop, but the entire tree. The distribution of diseases is similar.

Prevention is the timely harvesting of fruit residues in the autumn. The infection persists on plant debris. In the autumn they are burned. In the same period, trees are sprayed as a preventive measure. Bordeaux liquid or other chemicals.

In autumn, trees are warmed. The trunk of seedlings is wrapped with covering material. An earth mound is formed in the near-trunk circle.

It's important to know: the use of chemicals for spraying trees is used only before bud break. At a later date, such activities can lead to the death of bees.

Apricot cultivation in Siberia and the Urals became possible thanks to varieties bred by domestic breeders. They performed well in harsh climatic conditions. However, slow cultivation will require not only excellent plant properties, but also reasonable agrotechnical measures.

Below, we invite you to watch a video about what varieties and how to grow apricots in Siberia:

It would seem that harsh Siberia and apricots cannot be interconnected in any way. Not at all. In the Far East (in the Primorsky Territory), Eastern Siberia (in Buryatia, the Trans-Baikal Territory, the Daurian direction), you can see an inconspicuous-looking bush, with splayed branches and amazing fruits that look like an ordinary apricot. This is the apricot, only wild and real Siberian (A. sibirica, Lat.).

It grows on the slopes of mountains, rocks both singly and in small groups, sometimes in tandem with the Siberian apple tree. It is very unpretentious to the soil, cold-resistant, undemanding to moisture. Sometimes it can grow even on completely bare rocks, and this is in the conditions of harsh Siberia! The bush is small up to 2-2.5 m in height. Leaves are ovate. Flowers of the beautiful Pink colour(or white, but with pink stamens) appear in April-May before the leaves bloom.

The fruits of wild apricots ripen in August. The fruits are yellow with a characteristic blush up to 3 cm in diameter. The pulp is dry. up to 3 mm. in thickness. The taste of the fruits is bitter-sour, inedible and in fresh practically not used.

Economic use of Siberian apricot

Firstly, it is worth remembering that the seed contains a poisonous substance - amygdalin, and the proportion of pulp in the fruit is very small and tasteless. The kernels can be used as a substitute for bitter almonds. Very high-quality technical oil is obtained from the kernels of the stones (with large industrial preparations of wild apricots). Due to its unpretentiousness, the Siberian apricot becomes a valuable species for breeding work when crossing. Siberian apricot is very decorative and not fastidious at the same time, which is indispensable when decorating green compositions or landscaping difficult areas. If used in small reasonable amounts, then it will show its healing properties. AT folk medicine(in particular, Buryat) bones were used as an analgesic, anti-asthmic, antitussive. The use (strictly dosed) of nucleoli improves appetite, makes breathing easier and even gives a feeling of well-being.

In Russia, in addition to the Siberian apricot, the Manchurian apricot also grows, which is represented only in the southern regions of the Primorsky Territory and the common apricot, which grows in the southern regions of our country mixed with the wild one.

Pictures from encyclopedias describing apricot

Growing the exotic southern apricot in Siberia seemed like a fantastic event until recently. However, breeders - gardeners of the Siberian region are breeding this fruit crop and collecting bountiful harvest delicious apricot fruits. Siberian apricots do not differ much in taste from their southern "brothers": basically they are just as juicy and sweet.

Siberian varieties of apricots

In Siberia, not an ordinary apricot grows, but its hybrids obtained by crossing the usual apricot crop with a local Siberian variety growing in the taiga. From his wild "progenitor" hybrid variety inherited remarkable winter hardiness, allowing it to withstand severe Siberian frosts and difficult climatic conditions.

Apricot in Siberia

Successful cultivation of apricot in Siberia depends on the choice of a suitable variety that meets increased requirements winter hardiness, disease resistance and fertility. Local breeders have managed to develop many new varietal species with the required criteria:

  • Sayan. Winter-hardy, disease-resistant variety, with juicy fruits yellow color reaching a weight of 30 grams. Sweet pulp of ripe fruits of an orange shade of gentle structure and with pleasant sourness. From one mature tree, you can collect up to 45 kg of delicious apricots. The height of the tree reaches 3 meters. A wide crown of medium density with ovoid leaves and a toothed edge.
  • Superior. This variety is a real leader among winter-hardy breeds in terms of disease resistance and frost resistance. The tree is highly productive and can produce about 160 kg of large fruits of delicate orange color with a red-sided blush. The skin of ripe fruits is covered with many dots of carmine hue. The pulp is sweet and juicy, medium density.
  • Pretty boy. The apricot received such a playful name for the unusual orange “cheerful” shade of the fruit with a wide bright blush. The size of a ripened apricot is only 20 grams, the taste is sweet and pleasant. This variety has a high yield.

Practically in any list of Siberian varieties of apricots there is a fruit crop Siberian apricot, which has become widespread not only in the Siberian region, but throughout middle lane Russia.


The main advantages of the Siberian apricot and its description:

  • High winter hardiness.
  • Unpretentiousness in care.
  • Decorative appearance.

This variety is often used as an ideal component of landscape gardening compositions, it is beautiful at any time of the year. In early spring apricot tree shrouded in a cloud of white-pink flowers with a pleasant honey aroma, on which bees flock. In summer it pleases with green foliage with carved edges, and in autumn with beautiful yellow fruits with green tint and burgundy "blush".

Apricot in Siberia, planting and care:

  1. Appearance. The Siberian variety of this apricot crop is a low branching tree, more like a shrub, growing to a height of 2.5 to 3 meters.
  2. It is resistant to temperature changes and equally well tolerates severe frost and hot summer temperatures. It grows wild in the mountainous regions of Siberia, Mongolia, China and in the Primorsky Territory.
  3. The leaf cover is formed after the completion of the flowering phase.
  4. Fruit. Unlike their fruit "brothers", the fruits of the Siberian apricot are inedible due to the content of toxic substances of the cyanide type. Fruit ripening begins in the second half of August. Apricots, small in size, reach only 25 mm in length and have an oval, slightly flattened shape. Color color yellow-green.

Note! The Siberian apricot is grown exclusively as an ornamental plant, it is used to create decorative hedges, as a single decoration of flower beds and alpine slides, in group plantings of parks, squares and streets.

The benefits and harms of Siberian apricot fruits

Seeds, leaves, bark and ripe fruits are saturated poisonous toxins, which pose a threat to human life only in large quantities. Small doses of these substances act exactly the opposite: as a medicine. The composition of the apricot kernel includes the substance amygdalin, which is used in the composition of asthma drugs, is used as an antiseptic and even treats cough.

Thanks to this substance, the bones are used to improve digestion and stimulate the respiratory processes. In addition, Siberian apricot seeds are used to produce high quality almond oil and almond water. In folk medicine, the bones are used to treat nervous disorders and skin diseases. Siberian folk healers note the fact positive use tinctures of shrub leaves containing hydrocyanic acid, as a means of destroying cancer cells.

Fruits of the Siberian apricot

Planting apricot East Siberian in Siberia in spring

One of the most popular varieties fruit crops recommended for growing in the Siberian region is the East Siberian apricot, which has excellent taste and large fruits, a rounded shape of a yellow-green hue, and a side blush.

To grow this wonderful apricot in the garden, it is recommended to know how to properly plant an apricot in the spring in Siberia:

  1. Careful site selection. The fruit crop does not take root well on rough soil that does not allow air and moisture to pass through. Light soil with a slightly alkaline reaction is best suited. In winter, the landing site should not be heavily swept with snow.
  2. The tree is best planted on a hilly hillside or on a mountain slope.
  3. The East Siberian variety is ideally suited for well-lit areas, protected from through cold winds.
  4. The groundwater level of the site should not lie above 2.5 meters.

Note! To grow apricot, it is recommended to buy seedlings in specialized nurseries in Siberia and the city of Moscow, where qualified consultants will offer grafted trees adapted to the harsh Siberian climatic conditions.

Although many gardeners prefer a different way of breeding apricots and grow them specifically from the seed. Seeds are recommended to be planted in spring or autumn in small furrows, from 5 to 7 cm deep, such a shallow planting contributes to the rapid germination of the stone and the emergence of seedlings. As soon as the plants reach two years of age, they are transplanted to permanent place into landing pits standard sizes. In early spring, after the snow melts, grown seedlings must be cut off, poorly overwintered branches removed and overgrown branches shortened. Cut traces are treated with garden pitch.

Important! Such sanitary pruning is carried out annually.

How best to form a seedling

For the correct formation of a fruit tree, you need to know the rules for pruning seedlings:

  • When planting, the stem part of the root of an annual apricot is cut off by 15-20 cm. This value is approximate and depends on the size and number of lateral roots, which are also recommended to be shortened to 20 cm.
  • In order for the apricot to grow in the form of a trunk, its central conductor is cut in such a way that at a height of more than half a meter there are from 12 to 16 buds left for the development of "skeletal" side branches.
  • If the apricot needs to be formed as a shrub, then in this case it is necessary to select several of the most massive shoots, evenly spaced in a circle, and the rest will have to be removed. Left shoots must be shortened by a quarter or a third of the length. There is one nuance in such pruning: the lower branches are cut less, and the upper ones more.

Pruning of young apricot seedlings is carried out in order to form a strong crown of a tree with a uniform circular distribution of lateral "skeletal" branches with strong angles of departure from the trunk.

  • Trees should be planted at a distance of at least 5 meters.
  • Laying a drainage layer at the bottom of the landing pit.
  • Bookmark in the planting pit 10 liters of a mixture of earth with organic fertilizer in combination with superphosphate and potassium sulfate in an amount of 0.5 grams.
  • After shrinkage of the earth mixture in a few weeks, you can start planting seedlings.
  • A small apricot tree must be planted in landing pit so that its root neck is 5 cm above ground level.
  • Important! The seedling is watered and securely tied to a wooden peg to adjust growth.

    To grow an apricot in Siberia from a stone, you can follow the following rules:

    • Seed planting material is selected from varieties of Siberian local origin.
    • The stones of slightly overripe fruits are thoroughly washed and dried in the shade.
    • To cull the seeds, the seeds are thrown into the water and get rid of the emerging low-quality specimens.
    • Bones are best planted at a shallow depth so that the root neck does not rot.

    These simple agrotechnical planting and care measures will help grow a wonderful southern guest - an apricot in Siberian gardens.

    It is hardly possible to find a large number of crops comparable in popularity to the apricot, the fruits of which are not only tasty, but also very healthy. I am glad that thanks to the efforts of breeders, this heat-loving southern fruit can really be grown in regions with harsh climatic conditions, such as Southern Siberia or the Urals. Experience shows that everyone can solve this problem - it is enough to follow simple rules and recommendations, which will be discussed later.


    One of the main business cards Siberia has a sharply continental climate, which is characteristic of regions of the continents remote from the coast. First of all, it is characterized by a rapid transition from winter to summer and a shorter duration of spring and autumn. Another circumstance that cannot be ignored is the winter cold, which easily reaches -30-40°C.

    As for the "harsh" regions of Russia, on the territory of which it is possible to grow apricots, then first of all these include:

    • south of the Krasnoyarsk Territory;
    • Khakassia;
    • Southern Urals.

    At the same time, it is worth noting that the solution to this problem is possible subject to the choice of winter-hardy varieties that can tolerate:

    • prolonged exposure to severe cold;
    • spring frosts;
    • prolonged thaws;
    • sharp jumps in temperature;
    • stagnation of moisture.

    In other words, the variety of apricot chosen by the gardener should have maximum resistance to all negative factors inherent in cold winter and early spring period. Such features are possessed by varieties that have become the result of crossing cultivated apricots with wild ones (the choice of the latter is explained by their endurance).

    Using this approach, breeders have obtained varieties that can easily tolerate difficult climatic conditions and delight owners with the excellent quality of their fruits.

    Varieties for Siberia and the Urals

    Talking about the most remarkable varieties of apricot suitable for growing in the regions mentioned above, it should be noted that most of them are bred by breeders representing the Far East, the South Urals and Khakassia. A description of the most popular varieties in this category is presented below.

    • Siberian Baikalova. Mature trees grow up to 3.5 m in height, having a crown up to 4 m in diameter. Fruits are characterized by medium size, weight of about 23-25 ​​g, slight blush and dense pulp. The flowering of "Sibiryak Baikalov" occurs in May, and its main feature is its rapid development. As for the self-fertility of the described variety, it is relatively low.

    • "Sayan". Reaching 2.5-3 meters in height, representatives of this variety of apricot are characterized by moderate growth force. The average weight of the Sayansky fruits is 25-30 g, their shape is round, there is no blush. Trees belonging to this self-fertile variety bloom in May - early June, and the yield of each of them can be 15 kg or more.

    • "Khabarovsk". The described variety is unpretentious and vigorous, and its rare crown is characterized by power and spreading. The fruits of "Khabarovsky" have a round-conical shape and are slightly compressed, and their weight is 40-45 g. The flowering of representatives of this relatively self-fertile variety begins in the second decade of May. One more interesting feature This variety of apricot is a stone with a sweet kernel.

    • "Mountain Abakan". The maximum height of adult trees of this variety is 2.8-3 m. The fruits of "Mountain Abakan" weigh 28-30 g, and their dense pulp has a rich orange tint. This frost-resistant variety of apricot blooms in May and is characterized by low self-fertility.
    • "East Siberian". The trees of the variety under consideration have an average growth force and a relatively rare crown. The mass of the fruits of "East Siberian" can reach up to 70 g, and their other characteristic features include juicy orange flesh and the presence of a spectacular blush. The flowering of this early ripe apricot variety begins in the second decade of May, and harvesting is possible as early as mid-July. Self-fertility is low.

    • "Northern lights". This variety is characterized by a moderate vigor of growth. The average weight of the fruits of the described apricot is 25-30 g, they have round shape, pink-red hue and a well-marked seam, and their taste will please the vast majority of gourmets. Another significant feature of the "Northern Lights" is its excellent winter hardiness, which allows it to be classified as an elite variety of apricot. Self-fertility is low.

    • "Ural". The variety under consideration is characterized by medium growth vigor and a not too thickened crown. The fruits have a small weight (about 17 g), rounded shape, yellow skin and pale orange flesh. The timing of the flowering of "Uralets" is average, and its main advantages are high resistance to frost and lack of moisture, complemented by low susceptibility to diseases and pests. Partially self fertile.

    In addition to those already listed, it is worth mentioning such varieties as "Kichiginsky", "Snezhinsky", "Krasavchik", "Golden Bone", "Honey" and "Amur", each of which has proven itself excellently in the difficult conditions of Siberia and the Urals. The validity of this thesis is confirmed both by the opinions of experts and the reviews of ordinary gardeners who grow these varieties of apricots on their plots.

    Preparatory activities

    Before proceeding with the procedure for planting an apricot, it is necessary to determine the place most suitable for growing this fruit crop. When solving this problem, the following conditions should be taken into account.

    • Apricot prefers light loamy soil with a slightly alkaline reaction. At the same time, it is advisable to refuse planting trees in places with heavy soils that impede the full development of plants.
    • When choosing a place for a seedling, it is reasonable to give preference to elevated areas with the least amount of snow accumulating in winter.
    • Taking into account the fact that apricot is a warm and light-loving tree, it is justified to choose places for its planting that do not suffer from a lack of sunlight.
    • When placing several seedlings in one area, it is necessary to maintain as large a distance as possible between them.
    • Groundwater should not rise above the 2.5-meter mark.
    • It is advisable to protect apricots from cold air currents. The best solution to this problem is to plant a tree on the southern slope of a mountain or a large hill.

    It is equally important to take into account the characteristics of the selected variety: practice shows that zoned varieties are most preferable. Another advice worthy of attention is the purchase of planting material in specialized nurseries - farms that guarantee high quality proposed plants. The following is a list of requirements that the purchased apricot seedling must meet:

    • age - 1 or 2 years;
    • smooth branches;
    • lack of spines on the trunk;
    • strong and healthy roots without frostbitten and dried areas.

    In addition, it is extremely important to grow grafted seedlings. This is explained by the fact that own-rooted plants survive very rarely, dying in the vast majority of cases. Cuttings must be grafted either on young "wild birds" or on seedlings obtained from winter-hardy cultivars.

    Landing and care

    In order for the apricot to get comfortable in a new place for itself, it must be properly planted. It's done in early spring when the ground thaws by about 10 cm or a little more. But autumn planting in harsh Siberian conditions apricot is contraindicated: it does not allow the tree to take root, nullifying the likelihood of its survival.

    The procedure for planting an apricot involves the following rules.

    • Pits must be prepared in advance. Their minimum depth should be 50 cm, and the diameter should be about 60-70 cm.
    • The recommended distance between the pits is from 5 m. This value is determined by the spreading of mature apricot trees, which require significant free space.
    • Provided that groundwater can rise above the acceptable level, a drainage layer should be placed at the bottom of each pit. As the latter, shards, crushed bricks and similar materials are suitable.
    • So that the apricot seedling does not suffer from a lack of nutrients, the pit is fertilized using a mixture of earth and manure (about 10 liters), supplemented with potassium sulfate and superphosphate (0.5 kg each).
    • After a few weeks, you can start planting a young tree (this expectation is due to the time spent on shrinkage).
    • If the roots of the seedling have dried up, they are left in the water for about half a day.
    • When placing a plant in a pit, it is necessary to monitor its root collar, which should be 5 cm above the ground.
    • In conclusion, the seedling remains thoroughly watered and securely tied to a vertical peg, which allows you to adjust the direction of growth of the tree.

    As for caring for a planted apricot, it provides for the following points:

    • admission enough air to the roots, for which the soil must be loosened to a depth of 7-9 cm;
    • elimination weeds, depleting the soil and worsening appearance garden plot;
    • the introduction of complex top dressing, carried out in spring and autumn, and organic fertilizers held every 3 years;
    • timely processing of damaged areas and regular whitewashing of trees in early spring or late autumn;
    • mulching with humus and covering the soil around the apricot with a spruce forest, necessary to ensure a trouble-free wintering;
    • in spring or autumn, it is advisable for a gardener to wrap boles and skeletal branches of trees with fiberglass - a material that allows them to be protected from rodents, critically low temperatures and sunburn.

    In addition to the agrotechnical procedures mentioned above, the site owner should pay due attention to measures to protect trees from diseases and pests. The first are primarily:

    • moniliosis (fruit rot);
    • verticillosis;
    • cytosporosis (drying out);
    • gnomoniasis (brown spotting);
    • bacterial necrosis.

    Prevention of the above-mentioned diseases involves the timely cleaning of all affected plant residues and their subsequent burning - in order to avoid the re-development of infection. Another effective measure is the spraying of apricots with Bordeaux mixture, carried out in the autumn. As for diseased branches, they should be cut about 10 cm below the infected areas and treated with garden pitch. If the apricot suffers from an invasion of harmful insects, then you can get rid of them with the help of Decis, Actellik and other broad-spectrum insecticides.

    At the same time, it is advisable to avoid processing trees after bud break - in order to negate the likelihood of death of bees.

    Finally, I would like to talk about growing an apricot from a stone - a process that is of interest to a considerable number of gardeners. The latter is explained by the fact that such plants are more hardy and much better adapted to the specifics of the local climate.

    To grow an apricot tree from a stone, it is enough to adhere to the following recommendations:

    • it is most rational to use seeds of Siberian origin;
    • when choosing fruits for pitting, it is worth giving preference to those that are slightly overripe;
    • If the owner of the site wants to plant apricot seeds in the spring, then in the fall he should stratify them. This procedure provides for the winter storage of seeds during wet sand at temperatures close to zero.

      Thus, growing apricots in the difficult conditions of the cold regions of Russia is a responsible, but far from the most difficult task. Many domestic gardeners annually confirm this from their own experience, rejoicing at decent harvests and noting the excellent quality of the harvested fruits.

      You will learn more about the varieties of apricots that grow in Siberia from the following video.

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