Residential frame house with a garage. Frame houses with a garage. Features of frame buildings

Projects of one-story houses with a garage are extremely popular today. Russians increasingly prefer this model of housing. Houses with a garage are a real find: it is so convenient to put the car in a heated room in the autumn-winter time, being almost immediately warm. This will make your life even more comfortable.

Use the advantages of such houses - order the development of the project from professionals! We make projects of frame houses with a garage quickly and efficiently.

Projects of houses and features of buildings with a garage

Such housing is distinguished by its simplicity of design, good layout and sufficient large area for the average family. Choosing one-story option with a garage, you get a lot of advantages:

  • wide planning possibilities;
  • low cost of construction, which characterizes frame houses; AT
  • warm, spacious accommodation;
  • safe and free car storage.

This type of house has a compact and functional layout. you always have fast access in the garage area, which is especially important in bad weather. This layout of the premises on the same level creates a certain comfort in their use.

Well-thought-out projects of houses with a garage allow you to manage the territory very economically even small area. Specialists of the company "Dachny Sezon" will help you choose the most optimal layout, based on your preferences and budget. In addition, house projects with such a solution will cost much less than building a separate building for parking a car.

The catalog contains a huge number of options for projects. All of them are distinguished by a functional, well-thought-out layout, good heat and noise insulation, environmentally friendly materials and affordable prices. Choosing a project in a complex with a garage room, Special attention it is worth paying attention to the presence of a vestibule, which will prevent unwanted odors from entering the residential area. The tambour will create an additional air gap that retains heat.

The garage must be spacious, and it is necessary to provide for this in projects of houses: you must comfortably get into and out of the car, freely opening the doors and without damaging their coating. Among other things, the garage allows you to successfully place boiler equipment for cottages, without taking up useful space inside. But the main advantage of such a “neighborhood” is the safe storage of the car and, therefore, your peace of mind. Designing frame houses with a garage is a job for our professionals!

On our website you can also see a variety of design solutions for houses with a garage. Projects of two-story houses with a garage are best suited for comfortable life big family. choose frame house to create quality conditions!

Today individual and standard projects frame houses with a garage and a terrace, as well as cottages, are in demand more than ever. The reason for everything is the cheapness of such buildings. For example, the cost of a one-story frame cottage with a terrace and a garage is 3-4 times lower than the cost of a brick cottage of a similar area and design. The same can be said about two-story cottages with a terrace. The article will give examples of adding a garage to a frame house made of various materials.

Features of frame houses

The frame cottage is, in fact, the frame itself, which is sheathed as it is erected thermal insulation materials and fibreboard (most often OSB).

Among the main features of such houses are the following:

AT Western Europe usually build frame houses with a garage for two cars at once
  1. Usually, under a frame cottage, a reinforced strip foundation(if we are talking about two-story buildings - this is a must). However, if it comes to a small one-story building, then a cheaper columnar foundation can be used;
  2. The house is completely wooden, which, on the one hand, allows the foundation to be loaded to a minimum, on the other hand, good fire safety of such an object must be ensured. By the way, ready-made drawings and photos of such cottages can be easily found today on the net;
  3. Window installation, cutting doorways should be carried out simultaneously with the construction of the house;
  4. You can heat a panel frame house with anything, the main thing is to ensure fire safety. It’s worth saying right away: even under the condition that the walls of the house are treated with a special refractory compound, a frame house from a small hearth can flare up like a match. This, perhaps, will be its main drawback;
  5. For internal and exterior finish it is not recommended to use heavy Decoration Materials types of natural and artificial stone. If the house is two-story, then on the second floor cement screed doing is prohibited;
  6. The design of a house with a terrace allows you to attach any room to it, and not only wooden, but also any other (foam block extensions are popular. For example).

A reinforced strip foundation is usually installed under a frame residential building.

Ways to add a garage to a frame house

If the initial drawings and projects of the house did not provide for a garage or a carport, then you should not worry: it is easy to make an extension to such houses.

Actually, there are 3 ways to add to the house:

As for the foundation for the extension, it is not at all necessary to make it the same as that of the main house. Even for a garage, a columnar foundation will be enough.

The base for the garage is built in the following way:

  1. A pit (pit) is dug, at the bottom of which you need to put a sand and gravel cushion, and then a quarry. A pillow is a mixture of sand and gravel in equal proportions. Booth is broken brick, glass, fittings and so on. The total layer of rubble with a sand and gravel cushion must be at least 15 centimeters, the maximum allowable level is 25 centimeters (this already depends on the depth of the foundation, but under the garage they usually dig a hole up to 0.6 meters deep, no more);
  2. A reinforcing frame is installed;
  3. Formwork is being formed;
  4. The foundation is poured with cement mortar.

Next comes the building of walls. the best option how to build them - according to the same frame technology like the house itself. Today, drawings and photos of such projects can be seen by everyone - there will definitely be no problems with this.

An example of a project for a one-story frame house with a garage

The buta layer can be from 15 to 25 centimeters.

Pros and cons of a wooden garage

Garage made of timber or other type of wood building material is quite rare today. But if we are talking about a frame house, then a garage made of timber is quite acceptable there. A garage made of timber or other wooden building material has the following advantages:

Of course, wooden buildings have their own significant drawbacks:

  • a house made of timber with a built-in garage will be unsafe in terms of fire resistance;
  • ready-made (standard) projects and drawings of wooden garages are quite difficult to find even in global network there are very few such photos, so it is unlikely that you will be able to find a project for free, you will have to order it from the design bureau).

Pros and cons of a foam block garage

The timber garage is in second place in popularity among the owners of frame houses. The first place rightfully belongs to foam blocks. Sometimes a timber garage can even cost several times more than a regular foam block garage, especially since both buildings are equally easy to build.

The main advantages of outbuildings from foam blocks are as follows:

Of the minuses, in fact, only two can be distinguished:

In general, for a panel house, a frame garage with an attic and a terrace will be preferable than from foam blocks. At least for the simple reason that it will not spoil the overall aesthetic appearance of the building itself.

Cracks may appear inside the foam blocks over time - this is one of their main drawbacks.

On the other hand, with the help of finishing, the visual difference can simply be leveled. Drawings of frame houses with a terrace today can even be found on the Internet for free, and a ready-made drawing can simply be brought to the design office for approval. As for the cost, then everything is far from being so clear.

Extension scheme wooden garage to the frame house

On the one hand, a building made of foam blocks can cost much less than a wooden one (but not always, it is worth noting). On the other hand, panels for an extension can be purchased at the same time as a house kit, so the difference in cost can be covered in this way. In this case, everything should be decided individually.

Do-it-yourself frame garage construction

Blueprints frame buildings with a room for a car and a terrace, finding, as mentioned above, is not a problem. The main thing is to build such a structure correctly.

This work consists of several stages:

  1. Preparatory work;
  2. Foundation laying;
  3. Frame assembly (most milestone, as it is easy to guess);
  4. Roof installation;
  5. sheathing;
  6. Gate installation;
  7. Interior decoration.

Preparatory work is the digging of a shallow hole for the foundation (up to 0.6 meters), in which it is necessary to install a sand and gravel cushion, which has already been discussed above. Level the “cushion with a vibrating plate”.

Project of a house with a garage and an attic

For frame building ideal option the foundation will be a cement monolithic slab. When the trench is ready, you need to install the formwork, pour the concrete mixture and wait until the latter hardens. The next stage is the installation of the “skeleton”, the frame of the future structure.

The lower strapping of this is made of boards of 100x50 millimeters, and the boards must be treated with special antiseptics without fail.

For gates and corner posts, you can use boards with a section of 100x100 millimeters, for the rest of the building you need rafters and beams 100x50 millimeters. Fastening is carried out with nails and self-tapping screws.

It’s worth saying right away that such work will take 2-3 people for several days, alas, it will not work to quickly build the frame of the structure. For the roof, you can use boards measuring 100x25 millimeters, experts recommend using wavy boards for sheathing. roofing material bitumen type.

Bituminous sheets are a good option, not only because they are very cheap. They also provide high-quality waterproofing.

Arrangement of the roof of a wooden garage-extension

However, many people prefer to use corrugated board or metal tiles, since if they are used, it will not be necessary to adjust the sheets to size. High-quality drainage (drainage) must also be provided.

Still, any frame buildings need very good protection from moisture. For sheathing a structure, it is best to use lining, and lining can be taken of class “C” (it is inexpensive, it is easier to lay it because of its relative softness). For interior decoration - this is also an option.


You can watch a video that describes the project of a frame house with a garage.

Currently Vacation home with a garage, this is no longer a luxury, but quite common, as for major cities, as well as for small settlements. One of the types of projects of such homeownership is a frame house with a garage.

Frame housing construction originated a long time ago, and the USA and Canada were the founders of this type of construction, later this construction technology was developed in the Scandinavian countries and Germany. As a result, different types of technologies frame construction Named: American, Scandinavian, Norwegian and Swedish.

In addition, frame houses are classified by type, these are:

  • Frame-panel houses (panel), these include Canadian, German and "platform" technology.
  • Frame houses.
  • Post-and-beam houses (half-timbered construction).
  • Frame houses.
  • Houses assembled using the "double frame" technology.
  • Timber frame houses.
  • Frame-log houses.
  • Frame houses.
  • Frame-backfill houses.

All these types of houses are united by the basis of their construction, which is the frame, which can be compared with the human skeleton, thanks to which all other fragments and constituent elements unite into a single entity.

Frame-panel type houses

This technology construction involves the complete manufacture of the house kit in the factory, after which the kit is sent to the construction site, where it is assembled.

Each structural element (frame, interfloor ceilings, roof fragments, etc.) are made in accordance with the dimensions specified in the project and marked accordingly. Upon delivery of the house kit, along with it, a plan-scheme of the assembly assembly is supplied, corresponding to the marking applied to the structural elements. Thanks to this, the assembly of houses using this technology is carried out quickly and efficiently.

Varieties of this type of houses:

  • The "platform" technology has one difference - the house kit is assembled on the "black field" of the house, which serves as a platform, foundation, of the structure being built.
  • Canadian technology - involves the use of reinforced panels made of OSB sheets and insulation, which is used as expanded polystyrene. The insulation is placed between the OSB sheets and the entire structure is fastened with bars.
  • German technology - differs in that the panels are laid inside engineering networks and other communications. The panels are also assembled at the factory, windows are mounted in them and rough finish wall surfaces.

Frame-frame type of houses

Distinctive feature of this type frame housing construction is that the frame of the house is assembled directly on the construction site in the form of unsheathed frames.

When the frame of the house is ready, they begin to sheath and insulate it, as well as perform all other types of work.

A feature of houses assembled using this technology is that the frame does not hide behind the sheathing, but, on the contrary, protrudes outward. The frame consists of sections formed from horizontally and vertically arranged elements, as well as jibs located at arbitrary angles.

In the internal space of the sections fit various materials: brick, insulation and plate materials (OSB-sheets, plywood), as well as glass and stained-glass windows are mounted.

Frame-rack type of houses

A distinctive feature of this technology, which is also called Finnish, is the use of one-piece vertical racks, which serve as the main element of the frame. Vertical racks are made in one piece, not composite, along their entire length, from the base of the house to the upper trim of the second floor.

Houses on the technology of "double frame"

It's new modern technology construction of frame houses. It is based on the arrangement of vertical racks in a checkerboard pattern in relation to the surface of the floor (ceiling).

The advantage of this type of frame is that the number of racks increases, thereby increasing the strength of the frame. More insulation is laid in the internal space of the frame, cold bridges are removed.

Frame-beam type of houses

This type, in its essence, is a half-timbered structure, in which the frame performs the supporting function, and timber is used as the frame filler.

Frame-log type of houses

In this type of houses, logs are stacked between the racks of a frame made of lumber various types(edged board, timber, etc.). in this design, the frame can be made invisible from the outside, which will give the house the appearance of being made of solid wood.

Other types of houses and various technologies

Frame-kamishite and frame-fill houses differ in the type of material used for filling inner space between frame members.

A distinctive feature of the Norwegian technology is the use of support poles with a artistic carving. The pillars are connected into a single frame with a beam and fixed on a single base.

Scandinavian technology differs from those previously considered in that a crossbar appears in the frame structure (a board placed on an edge between vertical posts). A beam can also be used as a crossbar.

When using this technology, there is no need to install additional vertical lintels (door and window openings and other stiffeners).

Ways to add a garage to a frame house

The option of building a garage in an attached design is an intermediate solution between the option of a free-standing and built-in garage construction method.

This arrangement method has a number of advantages over other options, these are:

  1. To connect engineering networks, there is no need to lay additional external communications, it is enough to connect to the intra-house networks of a residential building.
  2. The attached design prevents the ingress of vehicle exhaust gases and other foreign odors into the interior space.

Along with the above advantages, the attached garage will be a completely autonomous structure, which can be used as a separate structure.

When developing projects for frame houses with a garage, the main requirements for how to add a garage to a frame house will be the following design features given conjugation:

  • The garage is located on the right or left side of the house in relation to the main facade of the building.
  • In the garage, the main gate facing the street and the second door to the interior of the house are mounted.
  • The garage must be equipped with an automatic fire alarm.
  • Regardless of the design of the house, is it a one-story or two-storey house with a garage, with or without an attic, the best construction option would be to build a frame house project with a garage in a single construction cycle.

It is important to remember that when building a house with a garage, united by a common foundation, different depths of its laying under the house and the extension are unacceptable. Violation of this requirement can lead to uneven deformation of the foundation caused by freezing and heaving of the soil.

Frame house with a garage, options for construction projects

Due to the fact that a frame house is a light building and its construction does not require complex and heavy foundations, it is logical that the construction of an attached garage should also be light. This will ensure the possibility of creating a common foundation, made in a common design and in a uniform manner.

There are several options for projects of a similar garage design - this is a frame, the use of foam blocks and a wooden garage. All these types of extension devices can be done independently and without the involvement of heavy construction equipment.

Do-it-yourself frame garage construction

The construction of any object begins with the construction of the foundation, and since this construction option considers a frame structure, the most right decision will make the foundation on screw piles.

A screw pile is a pipe at the end of which a head is mounted, equipped with a plate in the form of a drill. Under influence external load and attached rotary motion, the screw pile is wrapped in the ground to a predetermined depth.

Before starting work, a plan-scheme of the pile field is drawn up, after which the required number of piles is screwed into the ground. The ends of the pipes remaining above the ground are cut in a single horizontal plane, after which a grillage is mounted on them.

Installation of the foundation for an attached garage, using screw piles, can only be performed while building a house with the foundation. If the garage is attached to an existing building, other types of foundations are used - shallow strip or columnar, as well as a "floating" slab.

After the foundation is mounted, it is necessary to assemble the garage frame. In this case, when performing work independently, a frame-frame type of construction is used (see p. What is a frame house, design features).

Building a garage from foam blocks

When using foam blocks, the beginning of the process of performing work is similar to that in the case of frame structure(installation of the foundation).

Even an unqualified specialist can perform wall laying using foam blocks, the only condition for high-quality masonry is the use of a level and a plumb line.

Construction of a wooden garage

When using timber or round wood as a building material in the construction of a garage, the work is carried out in the same way as in the cases discussed above. The distinguishing feature will be that wooden structures it is required to treat with antiseptic compounds that prevent decay, as well as means that provide fire safety object under construction.

A frame house and a garage made in the form of a light structure, this is a minimum of financial costs at a high speed of construction and installation work, which each developer can perform independently.

built country house on frame technology plus a small veranda. The cost came out quite economically, and in terms of 3 and a half months. Finished even a couple of weeks earlier than promised. We go to the country house only in the summer, so I can’t say anything about thermal insulation. Thanks

Thank you so much for building a house of aerated concrete. The quality of both material and work is excellent - FRIENDS ENVY. The terms of the work performed - in about 4.5 months a house was built from scratch. Good luck to you all, good clients and big houses!!

They built a house for us in 3 months (they started the foundation at the end of summer, and finished the walls and interior decoration in the fall), it turned out not cheap, but everything was thought out, our participation was minimal. This year we are building a bathhouse with them! Thank you for such professional guys that you provided us!

Thank you so much for your hard work and dedication! Everything is prompt, high-quality, fast! Thanks to the team led by Alexei!

The company built a great summer house for me! I have no complaints about the company, next summer I am going to build a bathhouse and a garage, I will definitely contact them. Thanks to everyone, especially Sergey's team, which built for me, a lot depends on them!

We built a house of aerated concrete in your company - very satisfied. A house was built on our pre-prepared foundation in 45 days. And as a gift received home insurance for a year. So I recommend.

In August 2017, I ordered a foundation (monolithic slab) for a house in the Leningrad region. In 2018, I already ordered the house itself. I can recommend, because were satisfied with the result. Everything was done quickly and professionally.

We ordered a house and a garage in this company in the summer of 2016. The builders worked for about 4 months without a break (they liked it very much). Everything was done according to the contract, no extra money was asked.

Frequently asked questions before construction

About company

How long has your company been operating?

Our company began work as a repair and finishing company in 2007. From that moment we have grown to the construction industry and all thanks to our employees. Special thanks for the work invested in the development of the company.

What confirms the competence of specialists?

All architects and engineers of the company have qualification certificates. Because the project is not accompanied by a company license, but by an architect's certificate. By law, the architect is responsible for the project.

Does your company do all the work? Or are you hiring contractors?

  • We ourselves carry out general construction, Finishing work, site arrangement, wiring of engineering systems (electricity, heating around the house, water supply) and so on.
  • We invite contractors to work that we do not perform every day and require specialization, for example: the production and installation of windows and doors (special orders), air conditioning systems, boiler room equipment, installation of wells, septic tanks.
  • Search, attraction, compliance with agreements and control over the performance of work by contractors is our task.
  • We carry out 80% of all works on the construction of your house on our own and only 20% involve contractors.
  • We conclude an agreement with each contractor, in which he indicates a guarantee for the work performed by him, and in case of malfunctions, their elimination lies with the contractor.

Can I see the objects that are currently in operation?

Yes, there are objects that we can show on different stages works and already handed over houses by prior arrangement.

about the project

Buy a standard project or order an individual one?

Buy a finished project.

  • The plus is the price.
  • Minus - it will not provide for all your wishes regarding materials and layouts. Also, it will require refinement for the features of your site.

Buy a finished project and modify it.

It all depends on the changes you want to make. It is possible that it will be more profitable for you to develop an individual project than to modify a typical one.

The cost of such improvements should be discussed at the meeting.

Development of an individual house project.

  • Pros: all your wishes regarding all the characteristics of the house and the site are taken into account.
  • Minus - the cost of such a project is higher than a typical one.

BUT! You can develop an individual project for free. If our company builds, then the development of an individual project is free of charge for you.

How is the development of an individual project?

  • The development of an individual project begins with the signing of the contract and the first meeting with the architects, at which the client voices his wishes. As a result of the meeting, a design task is drawn up, which is an annex to the contract.
  • Architects prepare several versions of sketches and decide with the client in which direction to move on. During the entire design period, there are several meetings with the client, at which all architectural and design solutions are worked out in detail until the client is satisfied with everything, which he confirms with a signature on the Draft Design.
  • Next, a Working Draft is being developed. This is the calculation stage of each design solution, in which the client is not involved.
  • This whole process takes from 2 weeks to 2 months, after which the client receives a finished project with ready-made detailed calculations, which is necessary when applying for a building permit.

About construction

Will you travel to the site where the construction is planned?

Yes. When inspecting the site, we take into account the dimensions, the entrance from the road and its width, the proximity of neighbors' buildings, the presence of a slope or difference, cardinal points and what kind of soil is on the site.

Do you help with the selection of a building site?

Yes. Our experts help with site selection. They will help you find it according to your requirements on the Internet with ads.

What affects the final price of a home?

The cost of building a house is affected by:

  • site features: relief, conditions of entry, location
  • materials used in construction
  • house architecture features
  • conditions for the production of work (limitations on work time)

What guarantees do you give?

We give a guarantee of 3 years for our work. The warranty is given by the manufacturer and it is different in each case. There are materials for which the manufacturer gives a lifetime warranty.

How can I control construction?

  • We send each client a step-by-step photo report of the work.
  • We install online video surveillance of the object 24 hours a day, you and the company's specialists have access to it (paid service).
  • You can also use the services of companies that carry out technical control.
  • The construction is being delivered in stages, you always see which stage and only after accepting one, we proceed to the next.

When is the contract signed?

  • The design contract is signed at the meeting, before the first communication with the architect.
  • The construction contract is signed after the development and approval of the estimate.

When do I have to pay for your work?

For design, an advance payment must be made within 5 days after signing the contract in the amount of 70% of the total amount. The balance is paid when the finished project is handed over to the client.

Payment for construction is broken down according to the stages that are specified in the estimate. Each stage of construction is also divided into payments, the amount of which may be different (usually this is due to the need to purchase materials)

How are builders placed?

  1. It will be convenient if you have the opportunity to place builders next to the construction site, suitable garden house, construction trailer, old house or any other building with a roof.
  2. If there is nothing like that, then we are ready to bring our change house for FREE.
  3. In extreme cases, we will place our builders in a nearby hostel

What communications are needed to start construction: electricity, water?

Electricity with a capacity of at least 5 kW and technical water.

If not, we will bring our generators for FREE. Water in most cases wooden construction used only for domestic needs, we will provide its delivery on our own.

What time of year do you build?

We build all year round, one of important conditions in spring-autumn period it is a suitable road for motor vehicle access.


We will help you save money by correctly calculating the estimate and choosing high-quality materials.

Run a quality project documentation, thanks to which you can not worry about the design decisions made.

We work throughout the Moscow region

Volokolamsky district, Voskresensky district, Dmitrovsky district, Egorevsky district, Zaraisky district, Istra district, Kashirsky district, Klinsky district, Kolomensky district, Krasnogorsky district, Leninsky district, Lotoshinsky district, Lukhovitsky district, Luberetsky district, Mozhaysky district, Mytishchi district, Naro-Fominsky district, Noginsky district, Odintsovo district, Ozersky district, Orekhovo-Zuevsky district, Pavlovo-Posadsky district, Podolsky district, Pushkinsky district, Ramensky district, Ruzsky district, Sergiev Posadsky district, Serebryano-Prudsky district, Serpukhov district, Solnechnogorsk district, Stupinsky district, Taldomsky district, Chekhov district, Shatursky district, Shakhovskoy district, Shchelkovsky district.

They built a country house using frame technology plus a small veranda. The cost came out quite economically, and in terms of 3 and a half months. Finished even a couple of weeks earlier than promised. We go to the country house only in the summer, so I can’t say anything about thermal insulation. Thanks

Thank you so much for building a house of aerated concrete. The quality of both material and work is excellent - FRIENDS ENVY. The terms of the work performed - in about 4.5 months a house was built from scratch. Good luck to you all, good clients and big houses!!

They built a house for us in 3 months (they started the foundation at the end of summer, and finished the walls and interior decoration in the fall), it turned out not cheap, but everything was thought out, our participation was minimal. This year we are building a bathhouse with them! Thank you for such professional guys that you provided us!

Thank you so much for your hard work and dedication! Everything is prompt, high-quality, fast! Thanks to the team led by Alexei!

The company built a great summer house for me! I have no complaints about the company, next summer I am going to build a bathhouse and a garage, I will definitely contact them. Thanks to everyone, especially Sergey's team, which built for me, a lot depends on them!

We built a house of aerated concrete in your company - very satisfied. A house was built on our pre-prepared foundation in 45 days. And as a gift received home insurance for a year. So I recommend.

In August 2017, I ordered a foundation (monolithic slab) for a house in the Leningrad region. In 2018, I already ordered the house itself. I can recommend, because were satisfied with the result. Everything was done quickly and professionally.

We ordered a house and a garage in this company in the summer of 2016. The builders worked for about 4 months without a break (they liked it very much). Everything was done according to the contract, no extra money was asked.

Frequently asked questions before construction

About company

How long has your company been operating?

Our company began work as a repair and finishing company in 2007. From that moment we have grown to the construction industry and all thanks to our employees. Special thanks for the work invested in the development of the company.

What confirms the competence of specialists?

All architects and engineers of the company have qualification certificates. Because the project is not accompanied by a company license, but by an architect's certificate. By law, the architect is responsible for the project.

Does your company do all the work? Or are you hiring contractors?

  • We ourselves carry out general construction, finishing works, site arrangement, wiring of engineering systems (electricity, heating in the house, water supply) and so on.
  • We invite contractors to work that we do not perform every day and require specialization, for example: the production and installation of windows and doors (special orders), air conditioning systems, boiler room equipment, installation of wells, septic tanks.
  • Search, attraction, compliance with agreements and control over the performance of work by contractors is our task.
  • We carry out 80% of all works on the construction of your house on our own and only 20% involve contractors.
  • We conclude an agreement with each contractor, in which he indicates a guarantee for the work performed by him, and in case of malfunctions, their elimination lies with the contractor.

Can I see the objects that are currently in operation?

Yes, there are objects that we can show at different stages of work and houses that have already been handed over by prior arrangement.

about the project

Buy a standard project or order an individual one?

Buy a finished project.

  • The plus is the price.
  • Minus - it will not provide for all your wishes regarding materials and layouts. Also, it will require refinement for the features of your site.

Buy a finished project and modify it.

It all depends on the changes you want to make. It is possible that it will be more profitable for you to develop an individual project than to modify a typical one.

The cost of such improvements should be discussed at the meeting.

Development of an individual house project.

  • Pros: all your wishes regarding all the characteristics of the house and the site are taken into account.
  • Minus - the cost of such a project is higher than a typical one.

BUT! You can develop an individual project for free. If our company builds, then the development of an individual project is free of charge for you.

How is the development of an individual project?

  • The development of an individual project begins with the signing of the contract and the first meeting with the architects, at which the client voices his wishes. As a result of the meeting, a design task is drawn up, which is an annex to the contract.
  • Architects prepare several versions of sketches and decide with the client in which direction to move on. During the entire design period, there are several meetings with the client, at which all architectural and design solutions are worked out in detail until the client is satisfied with everything, which he confirms with a signature on the Draft Design.
  • Next, a Working Draft is being developed. This is the calculation stage of each design solution, in which the client is not involved.
  • This whole process takes from 2 weeks to 2 months, after which the client receives a finished project with ready-made detailed calculations, which is necessary when applying for a building permit.

About construction

Will you travel to the site where the construction is planned?

Yes. When inspecting the site, we take into account the dimensions, the entrance from the road and its width, the proximity of neighbors' buildings, the presence of a slope or difference, cardinal points and what kind of soil is on the site.

Do you help with the selection of a building site?

Yes. Our experts help with site selection. They will help you find it according to your requirements on the Internet with ads.

What affects the final price of a home?

The cost of building a house is affected by:

  • site features: relief, conditions of entry, location
  • materials used in construction
  • house architecture features
  • conditions for the production of work (limitations on work time)

What guarantees do you give?

We give a guarantee of 3 years for our work. The warranty is given by the manufacturer and it is different in each case. There are materials for which the manufacturer gives a lifetime warranty.

How can I control construction?

  • We send each client a step-by-step photo report of the work.
  • We install online video surveillance of the object 24 hours a day, you and the company's specialists have access to it (paid service).
  • You can also use the services of companies that carry out technical control.
  • The construction is being delivered in stages, you always see which stage and only after accepting one, we proceed to the next.

When is the contract signed?

  • The design contract is signed at the meeting, before the first communication with the architect.
  • The construction contract is signed after the development and approval of the estimate.

When do I have to pay for your work?

For design, an advance payment must be made within 5 days after signing the contract in the amount of 70% of the total amount. The balance is paid when the finished project is handed over to the client.

Payment for construction is broken down according to the stages that are specified in the estimate. Each stage of construction is also divided into payments, the amount of which may be different (usually this is due to the need to purchase materials)

How are builders placed?

  1. It will be convenient if you have the opportunity to place builders next to the construction site, a garden house, a construction trailer, an old house or any other building with a roof will do.
  2. If there is nothing like that, then we are ready to bring our change house for FREE.
  3. In extreme cases, we will place our builders in a nearby hostel

What communications are needed to start construction: electricity, water?

Electricity with a capacity of at least 5 kW and technical water.

If not, we will bring our generators for FREE. Water in most cases in wooden construction is used only for domestic needs, we will provide its delivery on our own.

What time of year do you build?

We build all year round, one of the important conditions in the spring-autumn period is a suitable road for vehicle access.


We will help you save money by correctly calculating the estimate and choosing high-quality materials.

Perform high-quality design documentation, thanks to which you can not worry about the design decisions made.

We work throughout the Moscow region

Volokolamsky district, Voskresensky district, Dmitrovsky district, Egorevsky district, Zaraisky district, Istra district, Kashirsky district, Klinsky district, Kolomensky district, Krasnogorsky district, Leninsky district, Lotoshinsky district, Lukhovitsky district, Luberetsky district, Mozhaysky district, Mytishchi district, Naro-Fominsk district, Noginsky district, Odintsovo district, Ozersky district n, Orekhovo-Zuevsky district, Pavlovsky-Posadsky district, Podolsky district, Pushkinsky district, Ramensky district, Ruzsky district, Sergiev Posadsky district, Serebryano-Prudsky district, Serpukhov district, Solnechnogorsk district, Stupinsky district, Taldom district, Chekhov district, Shatursky district, Shakhovskoy district, Schelkovsky district.

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