Title page of the report on pre-diploma practice in Novgu. Sample design of the title page of an internship report. How to properly prepare a report on educational practice

By drawing up a report on practice, the student evaluates the results of the work and draws conclusions about his qualifications, knowledge and skills acquired at the university. For work to be accepted, it must not only be competent and meaningful. Completing a report in accordance with GOST will allow you to get an “excellent” or at least “good”.

Typically, the requirements for preparing a report are specified in manuals. If there are none left at the department or in the library, refer to the regulatory documents.

Does preparing a practice report according to GOST take a lot of time? Take advantage of other people's experience - download works that are relevant for the current year and see how they are designed. The main thing is that these examples themselves comply with the latest requirements.

Structure of the practice report

The report can contain up to 35-40 pages. In some cases, it is allowed to increase the volume to 45 pages. In this case, two or three pages are allocated for the introduction. The work can have up to four sections.

According to GOSTs, the practice report should have the following structure:

Sections and subsections in the report

The practice report is divided into sections and subsections. If necessary, items and lists are included in the work. Sections almost always start on a new sheet. They are numbered in Arabic numerals in order of priority. The title of the section is centered and uses bold Times New Roman font (16 shingle).

Subsections are numbered with Arabic numerals. Capital letters are used for the names of sections, and lowercase letters for subsections (except for the first). The latter are aligned to the left using a red line. For subsections, use bold font (14 shingles).

It is advisable to keep the section titles as short as possible - words cannot be hyphenated. The same applies to subsections. The distance between the section title and the subsection title should be 8 mm.

Margins, Padding, and Pages

As mentioned earlier, the practice report is drawn up on A4 sheets. This requirement applies to all sheets in the work, including the title sheet. The sheets should not have frames or similar elements. There are enough indents: on the left - 30 mm, on the right - 10 mm, on top - 15 mm, on the bottom - 20 mm.

The pages are numbered, the countdown starts from title page. There is no number on the title.

Graphics, tables and other elements

The practice report may contain graphic elements, tables and formulas. According to GOST, images, tables and diagrams can be placed:

- immediately after the paragraph in which the element is mentioned;
- on the next page;
- in the application.

The first method is the most convenient: the person who starts reading the report will definitely not lose important data. He will immediately become familiar with all the graphic elements.

Formulas are placed immediately after the mention. They are aligned in the center.

The formula can be created using the Equation Editor and then inserted into the text of the work. Typically 14 shingles are used for the symbols in the formula.

Requirements for the form of presentation of the report text

Certain symbols cannot be used in a practice report:

— diameter icon (the word “diameter” is written instead);
— the symbol “-“ to indicate negative temperature (the word “minus” is written instead);
- indexes of standards without registration number;
— mathematical symbols<, >and = no numbers.

The practice report may have its own system of names or abbreviations, but only if there is a corresponding section. It should be placed before the table of contents.

Working on a practice report may seem hard and tedious, but it is not nearly as difficult as it seems. A text editor will make the task easier.

It is easier for a lazy or simply busy student to entrust the preparation of the report to the author of student works on the site. The main thing is to provide all the data.

In any university, during their studies, students need to undergo an internship in order to consolidate their theoretical knowledge and gain practical work skills. During the entire period of study, students undergo introductory (educational) and pre-graduation internships. Completion of the internship requires writing a report, which is accompanied by a diary and a description of the internship. To write a practice report yourself, you need to know the features of each type of practice.

Educational or introductory practice becomes the first test for students. It is taken in the 1st or 2nd year. The goal is to consolidate general theoretical knowledge acquired during the study process, as well as to obtain general ideas about the chosen specialty. During the internship, students are given the opportunity to become familiar with the work of the enterprise through lectures and excursions, as well as watch the work of employees of the specialization you have chosen.

Industrial practice takes place in the 3rd-4th year and is the next step in mastering the profession. Trainees are given the opportunity to study the work of the enterprise from the inside under the supervision of a curator, study and analyze documentation, and collect materials.

Pre-graduation practice is the final stage of training. Based on the information received at the enterprise, it will be necessary. Report on pre-graduation practice is often the second chapter of a thesis and represents an analysis of the operation of the enterprise.

The report on the work of the enterprise must comply with the requirements of the internship program of your university (See also:), as a rule, it contains:

— calendar plan;

- diary;

- characteristics from the place of internship

- introduction;

- main part;

- conclusion;

- list of references;

- applications

Front page drawn up according to the model from the guidelines. The title page contains information about the name of the university, type of practice (educational, introductory, industrial, pre-graduation), topic of practice, specialty, student, supervisor, place and year of writing.

Sample title page

Schedule is drawn up in the form of a table and contains data on the type, timing and location of the work you perform at the enterprise. Sometimes he enters his diary.

Example of a practice report schedule

Practice diary- similar to a calendar plan. The diary is the main document, along with the report, according to which the student reports on the implementation of the practice program.

The trainee notes every day what he did or studied today. Formats everything in the form of a table.

Example of filling out a practice diary

Characteristic from the place of industrial, educational or diploma internship must reflect data on the knowledge, skills and abilities of the trainee. About its level vocational training, personal qualities, as well as about the work and assignments that the student performed during his visit to the enterprise. And, of course, the recommended rating.

The student must receive a reference letter from his supervisor and attach it to the report. But in practice, the leader shifts this responsibility to the student.

Sample characteristics from the place of internship

Sample contents of an internship report

Introduction contains:

  • information about the place of internship;
  • its goals and objectives, which are indicated in the guidelines;
  • object and subject of research;
  • assessment of the current state of the topic under study;
  • may contain the expected results of the internship.

Introduction example

Main part divided into chapters. Contains theoretical and practical parts. The practical part describes the structure and activities of the enterprise. Analysis is underway. Positive and negative aspects in the work of an enterprise or institution. All calculations, graphs and tables are provided.

Conclusion written based on the material studied. Contains answers to the problems posed in the introduction. Includes all findings obtained in the main part. You can enable rating own work and give recommendations for improving the activities of the enterprise.

Sample conclusion of a practice report

References contains all the sources used in writing the work, including those indicated in. according to guidelines or GOST. It can include the names of documents received from the enterprise, as well as regulatory literature and Internet sources.

Applications include any data that can be referred to when writing a work in the text of the work. This can be reporting, the organizational structure of the enterprise, extracts from legislation, questionnaires, drawings, diagrams, tables. All documents that you found at the enterprise and that were useful for writing the reporting work.

Writing a practice report on your own is very interesting and informative. But if you have difficulties with writing or you were unable to complete an internship at a company, you can always turn to our specialists for help and receive qualified advice.

One of the most important criteria for assessing any written work at the university is the competent written presentation of the material. The outcome of defending an entire project, be it a small essay or an entire coursework, often depends on the ability to correctly format text. Similar requirements apply to a report on professional practice, no matter which one - pre-graduation, industrial or educational.

Therefore, when the text of the report is typed and edited, you should spend some time bringing it into proper form in accordance with the design requirements. Among other things, like any written work at a university, the practice report is provided with a title page, which plays the role of the cover and face of the project. The design of the title card forms the first impressions of the entire work, and often the final assessment of the project depends on it.

To ensure that the incorrect design of the title page does not reduce the value of the work, you need to promptly inquire at the university about the current rules for preparing reports. Usually all the necessary instructions and samples are contained in a special manual. Such rules differ from one educational institution to another, and it is important to use your own version in the report. However, if circumstances force it, then you can use the generally accepted standard, the principles of which are discussed below.

General requirements for the report title page

The title card is drawn up on a sheet of white A4 paper in any text editor. The font mainly used is Times New Roman. Point size 14. Some details may be typed in capital letters. The line spacing of the title page text is single.

The field boundaries are standard:

15 mm. - top field;

30 mm. - bottom field;

25 mm. - left margin;

15 mm. - right margin.

As for numbering, on the title page of the report, like any other work, the number is not graphically indicated.

Five blocks of information on the report title page

The entire text of the title page is functionally and visually divided into five unequal parts, each of which represents an independent information block. The first of these blocks is the top one. It contains the names educational institution, faculty and department. The last two paragraphs are separated from the first by one line indent. All of them are written in capital letters and aligned to the center of the line.






Exists alternative option writing the names of the faculty and department - they can be typed in lower case.

The second block is located a few lines below the first. It is aligned to the right. Its purpose is only to provide the registration number. Therefore, it only takes up one line. The registration number is handwritten by a university employee.

Registered: No. __________

The third block is the most important. It is located in the middle of the page with center alignment. On its first line, the word “report” is typed in capital letters. Additionally, it is recommended to highlight the “report” in bold. The line below indicates the type of internship (educational, industrial or pre-graduate), and even lower is the name of the organization in which the internship was carried out.


on educational (industrial, pre-graduation) practice

in/to (name of internship organization)

A few lines below the third block is the fourth block of information. It is formed from data about the author of the report and its head from the educational institution. The location on the right side of the page is made out by two possible ways- either by moving the left margin to the middle of the page, or by simply aligning it to the right.

Student of the N department

group №___________

(signature, date)

Head of Practice

(rating, signature, date)

Or like this:

Student of the N department

group №___________

(signature, date)

Head of Practice

academic degree, academic title Full name

(rating, signature, date)

The last block consists of the city in which the educational institution is located and the year in which this report was written and submitted for review. This block is located at the bottom of the page on the very last line. The city and year are written on one line without periods or commas.

City of the year

Another design option for the fifth block allows you to use the bottom two lines of the title page. In this case, the year is indicated on the bottom line, and the city is written on the line above. Commas and periods are also not used in this case.


Once all the individual title page blocks have been written, they need to be arranged harmoniously on the title page without disturbing the overall format. It is unacceptable to move blocks of information from their places, split them up or merge them with each other.

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Practice report

During training, students undergo a number of internships: educational, industrial, pre-graduation. At the end of each practice, a report is drawn up and submitted.

The practice report must correspond to the program of a specific practice and reflect all the tasks and requirements of the program set by the practice. The report must be prepared correctly and accurately, in accordance with the requirements (Section 3). The report on production and pre-graduate practice is approved by the head of the enterprise (signature and seal) and the head of the university. Report structure: title page (example), content and main part.

Coursework (project)

Coursework(project) is a deeper and more voluminous study of one of the problems of the training course than an essay, report and test. The grade for the course work (project) is entered into the grade book along with exam grades. In other words, coursework has the status of an exam. The university curriculum for the specialty provides for the writing of several coursework and projects. As a rule, it is prepared in the disciplines of general education and special training. Course work (project) is being carried out on final stage studying an academic discipline, using almost the same algorithm as an abstract.

Requirements for course work(project)

There are certain requirements for completing and preparing a course work (project), as well as for other research projects.

Coursework (project) is a real student research. Since they are written on a special subject or specialization chosen by the student, their purpose is to find out how much the latter has mastered the skills of independent scientific activity.

Sample title page of an internship report

The course work (project), first of all, must be distinguished by the relevance of the topic, correspond current state domestic and foreign science. The student, working on it, should:

  • study and analyze scientific, educational and methodological literature and periodicals on the research problem;
  • study and analyze the history of the problem under study, its practical state, taking into account best practices, as well as personal experience, acquired in the process industrial practice;
  • carry out, as necessary, experimental work or a fragment thereof on the research problem, clearly defining the goals and methods of the research;
  • summarize the results of the research, substantiate the conclusions and give practical recommendations;
  • complete coursework in accordance with the requirements of the standard.

In terms of volume, the course work should take at least 15-20 seconds. printed text or 20-25 s. handwritten text, project - at least 25-30 s. printed text or 30-45 s. handwritten text.

Approximate structure of course work (project)

In terms of structure, coursework (projects) can be of an abstract nature, a practical nature, or an experimental nature.

Their differences from each other are as follows:

  • in course work abstract nature after justifying the relevance of the work, the theoretical part gives the history of the issue, shows the level of development of the problem in theory and practice, based on comparative analysis studied literature;
  • in course work of a practical nature contain not only theoretical foundations topic being developed, but also practical developments, it presents calculations, graphs, tables, diagrams, illustrations, etc., as well as their analysis;
  • course work of an experimental nature involves the student conducting an experiment or a fragment of it, analyzing the results obtained and developing recommendations for practical application. The experiment is described in the second section of the main part.

The description describes the methods experimental work and the validity of their choice, the main stages of the experiment, processing and analysis of the results.

The course work, regardless of its nature, must have: a title page (example), assignment, abstract, content, introduction, main part, conclusion, list of sources used.

Registration requirements title page the following. At the top of it, information about the institution where the work was performed is indicated. In the middle is written the topic of the course work, and below, on the right, is the student’s last name, first name, patronymic, specialty, course, group, form of study, last name, first name, patronymic of the supervisor. The place and year the work was performed is indicated below; an example is given in the manual.

Exercise issued by the teacher at the beginning of the work, the form of the assignment form corresponds to a specific work or project (example in the manual).

Abstract is drawn up in accordance with GOST 7.32-2001 (section 3).

In content are presented sequentially: introduction, titles of sections or chapters of the course work, conclusion, list of sources used, list of appendices and illustrations. At the same time, the names of all sections (chapters of the plan) must exactly correspond to the logic of the content of the work, be brief and clear. Be sure to indicate the pages from which all points of the plan begin; an example is given in the manual.

Introduction- This introductory part any research work. The author must make every effort to show in this small section the relevance of the topic, reveal the practical significance (determine the goals and objectives of the experiment or its fragment). The formulation of the goals and objectives of the work should be as clear and concise as possible. Its purpose is to determine the strategy and tactics for writing the work. As an example, we offer an introduction to the course work on the topic “Development of a technological sequence for the manufacture of a woman’s coat” (Appendix B).

If students want to prepare a course work as a more in-depth research work and subsequently make it an integral part of their final qualifying work, then in this case the object, subject and hypothesis of the research should be defined in the introduction.

Sample coursework title page

Sample coursework assignment

Main part, which reveals the content of the course work, as a rule, consists of theoretical and practical sections. The theoretical section reveals the history and theory of the problem under study, provides a critical analysis of the literature and shows the author’s position. The practical section outlines the methods, progress and results of an independently conducted experiment or a fragment thereof, practical solution assigned task. The main part may also contain diagrams, diagrams, tables, drawings, etc.

In conclusion contains the results of the work, conclusions reached by the author, and recommendations. The conclusion should be concise, detailed and relevant to the objectives. It is good if at the end of the conclusion the prospects for research on this topic are identified.

List of sources used is a list of books and articles used, in the order of mention in the text, with all sources given under the general numbering of the literature. The initial data of the source indicates the surname and initials of the author, title of the work, place and year of publication (section 1.5).

Applications for the course work are drawn up on separate sheets, and each should have its own thematic heading and number, which is written in the middle of the page, for example: “Appendix A”.

Study practice is a common thing for a student. Many people perceive it as just another adventure. Some take it quite seriously and hope to gain invaluable experience. And here's a surprise: most often, expectations are not met. But this does not negate the fact that students will have to somehow decide how to write a report on practice.

A lot has been said about writing and proper design of other types of work in our telegram channel. And here we will tell you how a student can correctly write and format a report on educational practice, and provide a sample.

How to properly prepare a report on educational practice

The report itself rarely raises questions. It is enough to simply describe how the practice went, what goals were set and what results were achieved. Most students begin to worry when they start registration. They are concerned with the following questions:

  • How to correctly compile, write and format a report on industrial practice in accordance with GOST?
  • How to write a diary, character reference and report for the defense?

There are other problems for young specialists who want to do an internship. Often more experienced employees do not allow younger employees to production processes. Collect more or less useful information in such practice it is extremely difficult.

There are also opposite situations. Imagine: you find yourself in a training practice, and they are trying to assign all possible responsibilities to you. They think: he’s young, he can do everything, he can do everything. Then so much material is collected that simply bringing it into at least some useful form is something out of science fiction. What to do when it is very difficult or completely impossible to write and format a paper correctly?

You need to start from the very beginning. We read and remember how to write a report on industrial practice at an enterprise, look at a sample and learn practical recommendations.

General rules for preparing a practice report

Despite the presence of their own requirements at each university, which can be found in the methodological literature of your university, there are standard rules preparation of a practice report:

  1. The total amount of work should not exceed 40 sheets of standard A4 format.
  2. The practice report must be numbered on all pages(except for the title page and appendix to practical work).
  3. There are strict requirements for what font to write a practice report. The text of the work is printed in black font Times New Roman format 12-14 point. Between lines is specified double or one and a half spacing.
  4. Indent with new line must equal 1.25 pt.
  5. Each section must have its name. The new section starts with new line.
  6. Before you start creating a document, set acceptable page indents: left margin 30 mm, right margin 20 mm, top and bottom indentation 20 mm.
  7. When preparing a practice report according to GOST it is unacceptable to hyphenate words. However, many university departments allow word hyphenation, so check this point with your department.

If you study at a technical university, you may need a frame for your report.

How to design the title page of an internship report

The title page of educational practice is practically no different from the title pages of other works.

The header of the sheet, as usual, contains information about educational institution and student.

By the way! If you have more important things to do than a practice report, our readers now have a 10% discount on any type of work.

Competently formatting a practice report: sample content for information blocks

Practice report structure:

  • front page;
  • content or work plan;
  • the main part with a description of the work done;
  • conclusion;
  • bibliography or list of references;
  • applications.

Having a clear understanding of what sections this document consists of, you can easily figure out what to write in the introduction of the practice report, in the conclusion and its other parts.

General requirements for the content of an educational report on practice

If you are going to do this part in the report, do it correctly. Since the content is the second page of the work, teachers pay close attention to it. Even the main part cannot boast of such honors.

To find out how to correctly compose content, you should refer to GOST. State standards clearly define the standards for the design of any scientific work and its sections.

However, each university has its own standards and requirements, so don’t be lazy and go to the methodological office - this is best way avoid mistakes.

To make an auto table of contents in Word, in the menu "Insert" you need to select an item "Link", then - "Table of Contents and Indexes". In the tab "Table of contents" select "Structure panel" and set the table of contents parameters in the window that opens.

Introduction of the internship report

If everything is more or less clear with the title page and content, then the introduction must not only be formatted correctly, but also know what can and should be written there. In this part of the work, it is necessary to set goals and objectives and justify the relevance of the practice report.

By the way, if this legal practice, then most likely you will need to provide samples of documents that you created. When the goals and objectives for educational or even pre-graduate practice are clear, it is very simple to create a report and its main part.

Main part of the practice report

This is a kind of practical part of the production practice, the project. Here it is necessary to clearly and clearly describe the structure of the enterprise. It’s not so easy to characterize the receiving party, especially if you weren’t really allowed anywhere. But it is in this part that you try do not allow critical subjective assessment.

After the company you were sent to has been described, you need to summarize the material and cover in detail all the processes in which you were involved. It is also necessary to indicate what kind of support you were provided with during your internship.

Conclusion of the internship report

At the end of the main part, there is a conclusion, which formulates the main conclusions and proposals of the report on practice. How can you quickly and beautifully write a conclusion in a practice report so that the teacher does not ask additional questions, and the student can finally breathe deeply?

It is enough to know that the main conclusions of the work and the results of practice are briefly outlined here. To avoid missing anything, remember the goals and objectives set in the introduction.

When the report is ready, it's time to carry it for signature by the head of the organization. Don't expect someone from the company to read your manuscripts from cover to cover. Most likely, your teachers will do it. So go for it!

References and characteristics

The list of references when preparing a report on practice should be done in the following order:

  • legislative acts and other legal documents;
  • methodological and educational resources, Internet resources.

And, if you want, here step by step guide on how to correctly compile a bibliography in an internship report:

  1. Open the menu Links, select a tab References. Select the desired list option from the drop-down list. The created insert will not show anything except the blank, which we will work with further.
  2. Now place the cursor at the end of the paragraph where you need to link to the source. Open the menu Links/Insert link/Add new source again.
  3. You will see a window where you just have to fill in the necessary fields (author, source name, place, year, publisher, and so on). Please note that in the column Source type It can be not only a book, but also an electronic resource, an article and other types of sources.
  4. As soon as you add a source, brackets will appear at the place where you placed the cursor with a link to the reference list. If changes have not been displayed in the bibliography itself by this point, go to its settings and click the button Updating references and bibliography.


If possible, be sure to attach attachments, as they will help you better understand the essence of the enterprise and your work on it in particular. These can be photocopies of any documents or reference materials, annual reports, graphs, diagrams. The quality of the applications in the practice report plays a huge role.

Knowing how to properly format applications, you can competently summarize your work and make it more understandable.

On what basis are appendices to the report generated? The application of any work includes:

  • drawings,
  • tables,
  • graphic materials.

There are certain standards that must be followed when creating attachments to the practice report. Here are the main ones:

  1. Every new application starts with a blank page. At the top center is written the heading “APPENDIX” with the number assigned to it. serial number, corresponding to the link in the text of the work. Below it is the title of the table, figure or other graphic object (starts with capital letter With separate line in the center).
  2. Numbering of applications can be done using Russian letters (except o, ё, й, з, ь, ь, ъ, ы) or the Latin alphabet (except for letters I, O). If the number of applications exceeds the number of letters of one of the alphabets, you can use Arabic numerals. If only one supplement is attached to the diploma, it is designated capital letter A.
  3. Application page numbering must be continuous. Numbering starts from the first digit from the first page of the application.

Pay special attention to how tables should be formatted. This graphic element allows you to improve the clarity of examples and calculations. We want to tell you exactly how to do it correctly. Every picture, graphic, and table must be numbered in one of the following ways:

  1. Continuous numbering throughout the practice report.
  2. New numbering with the beginning of each new chapter.

When creating applications, also look through the materials on how to properly design diagrams if your work is of a technical nature. And if everything is clear with other types of information provision, then schemes raise the most questions among students.

The diagram should be clear and visual. All inscriptions must be clearly visible and made in the same style as other graphic objects in the practice report. The lines of the diagram must be clear. All elements should have clearly visible boundaries.

In a properly designed diagram, connections and sequences can be easily distinguished. The inscriptions should succinctly reflect the essence of the diagram and all the ongoing processes that you want to describe.

Samples of practice report formatting

Here are samples and templates that will help you prepare your report faster:

How to submit a report on educational practice in one click?

We hope that our examples and samples of student educational practice helped you and made it easier to defend practical work. There is no way to instantly do everything right. But if you turn to the student service for help, you will receive fast and reliable help from experienced specialists.

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