Strange hypotheses: Where do aliens live, where do they come from? Where to look for aliens? Where do aliens hang out?

Secrets of alien civilizations. They are already here Pervushin Anton Ivanovich

Where to look for aliens?

Where to look for aliens?

In his work “Monism of the Universe” (1925), the founder of cosmonautics and the famous Russian philosopher Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky wrote: “The Universe has been dominated, is dominated and will be dominated by reason and higher public organizations. <…>Worlds in their infancy, like Earth, are rare exceptions in space. How many one-day-old people are there on Earth? Even fewer have just been born. Precisely second-old babies, only one in one and a half billion of the world's population. There are also few worlds in infancy. There, in the Universe, there are especially few of them due to the fact that most settlements occur through emigration (movements). A ready-made, perfect likeness of humanity populated space.

What are the conclusions? We see the limitless Universe with infinite number decillions of perfect creatures, resulting from painless reproduction and resettlement. Such centers of life as the Earth constitute an extremely rare exception, like an infant having one third of age. Therefore, the painful life of the Earth is rare, because it turned out to be spontaneous generation, and not settlement. In space, settlement dominates as a more profitable process. After all, a person breeds carrots and apples from ready-made organisms. What madness it would be if he wanted to obtain them by spontaneous generation (autagony)! It’s possible, but you’d have to wait a million years for the carrots...”

In the philosophical study “The Will of the Universe” (1928), Tsiolkovsky even allowed for the possibility of constant observation of the Earth by extraterrestrial beings: “We are confident that mature beings of the Universe have the means of being transferred from planet to planet, interfering in the life of lagging planets and communicating with equally mature like them.<…>

This means that we can expect that this powerful organization can penetrate any planet, such as Earth.

Why do we still not notice traces of her activity?<…>The “sobriety” of science has not yet allowed interplanetary relations. Now this opinion has been shaken even by scientists, but the majority of them are not yet affected by new ideas and are either indifferent to them or hostile. Somewhat earlier, except for obvious dreamers, no one admitted the possibility of celestial relations, especially travel outside the Earth. Therefore, the opinion was established that they were impossible.<…>

Meanwhile, in history and literature there are many unexplained phenomena. Most of them, no doubt, can be attributed to hallucinations and other types of delusions, but are they all? Now, in view of the proven possibility of interplanetary communications, one should treat such “incomprehensible” phenomena more carefully.<…>

Perhaps the intervention of other creatures in the life of the Earth has not yet been prepared by the development of most people. Or maybe it would harm humanity at the present time..."

We find the same idea in Tsiolkovsky’s brochure “Unknown Intelligent Forces” (1928): “It is very possible that we can be influenced by living beings similar to us, only more perfect. If it is not there now, it may still appear. The countless planets of the Universe are undoubtedly teeming with them.<…>There are facts that we do not believe until they touch us. They speak for the intervention of some incomprehensible forces in human actions.”

These strange thoughts of the father of theoretical cosmonautics were practically unnoticed by the general public. Moreover, the publication of Tsiolkovsky's philosophical works was under an unspoken ban. But decades later, consonant ideas began to appear in the works of a number of other Soviet scientists: Ivan Efremov, Matest Agreste, Vyacheslav Zaitsev.

The article “Zoological Hypothesis”, published in the July 1973 issue of the magazine “Icarus”, caused a great resonance in scientific circles of that time. The authoritative scientist J. Ball made a striking conclusion: “I believe that the only explanation for the apparent lack of interaction between “them” [the extraterrestrials. - A.P.] and our hypothesis is that they specifically avoid such interaction, leaving the area in which we live as a zoo. The zoo hypothesis predicts that we will never find them because they do not want to be discovered and have the technical ability to insure against this."

Boston University professor Michael Papajayannis, who headed the “Bioastronomy: Search for Extraterrestrial Life” commission at the International Astronomical Union, was also inclined to believe that the Earth has long been known to extraterrestrial Civilizations and is being monitored by our space neighbors. “It is also possible,” he wrote in “The Significance of Main Belt Research” (1983), “that galactic society has a rule, or ethic, that new advanced civilizations must meet certain requirements before they are invited to join the community.

We are all aware of the many problems that our civilization now faces (overpopulation, pollution, depletion natural resources, environmental destruction, great threat nuclear war etc.). It seems likely that all new technological civilizations will have to overcome such a major crisis.<…>

Therefore, it is possible that galactic ethics requires that all new advanced civilizations prove the ability to cope with all these material problems, after which they will be invited to join the community of stellar civilizations."

According to Papajayannis, even one civilization, moving on its spaceships one hundred times slower than light, capable of colonizing the entire Galaxy in a time comparable to the age of our star system. Therefore, alien settlements may exist near the Sun.

A professor from Boston suspected several unusual asteroids of artificiality: Hector and Cleopatra - for their too elongated shape - as well as Herculina and Metis, surrounded by some small satellites: “It is obvious that some of these satellites could be space colonies or space factories , processing raw materials mined from these asteroids..."

Of course, extraterrestrial beings may be much closer than we think. Back in 1960, the authoritative English magazine Nature published a sensational article by radio physicist Ronald Bracewell, “Communication systems of highly developed galactic civilizations,” in which the scientist suggested the presence of alien reconnaissance probes in the vicinity of the Earth: “Perhaps it would be better for us to concentrate our efforts on a thorough examination our solar system looking for similar probes sent by our more advanced neighbors.”

This idea was later reflected in the Search Program extraterrestrial civilizations(VTs), adopted by the USSR Academy of Sciences in 1974: “ Special attention Consideration should be given to the possibility of detecting VC probes located in the Solar System or even in orbit around the Earth.”

Quite a lot of theoretical and experimental work. For example, the prominent Armenian astronomer G. M. Tovmasyan published a scientific report “On the possible existence of a colony of extraterrestrial civilization in near-Earth space” (1990). In it, he draws attention to the following circumstance: “A more detailed examination shows that the EC colonies orbiting around us may still remain hidden to us.

To detect such a colony, we must first of all see the reflection reflected from it. sunlight. But they can paint their colony with non-reflective black paint and remain invisible. An additional coating of some, say, ferrite material that absorbs radio waves, can make them invisible to our radars as well. As for infrared radiation, due to both the heating of the station by the Sun and the release of internal energy, then they can easily cool the side of the station that faces us and re-radiate heat in the opposite direction.

If we develop our imagination further, we can assume that from this well-hidden colony base they can often visit us in small modules, also hidden from our view.<…>They can use highly targeted lasers to communicate with each other, and we will not be able to hear them or interfere with their communications.

Thus, even at our “low” level of technical development, one can imagine how computers can monitor us, study us without revealing themselves...”

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Some call them aliens, others - gods. But no matter what you call them, sooner or later they will appear before us, and then we will know the truth. Where do aliens live now?? When will they return to Earth? There is not yet as much information on this matter as we would like. However, it keeps coming.

Where is their home really?

So, where do aliens live? In fact, scientists have an answer to this question. It is assumed that their habitat may be exoplanets, namely Gliese. The presented planetary system includes about 100 stars. It is located close to the solar system and is known for the fact that three of its planetary objects are theoretically habitable. Gliese opened in 2005.

The distance from Earth to planet Gliese 581 is 20 light years. The object is similar to our planet in some characteristics. The object was discovered in 2007 thanks to a powerful telescope. By measuring the speed of stars, it was possible to find out the mass of the object and data on its movement. As a result, it turned out that the mass of Gliese is only 5 times that of the Earth. There is no information about the radius of the found object yet. But there is an assumption that it should be several times greater than that of our planet. If the main component of Gliese is ice, then its size is smaller than 2 of our planets.

Gliese's atmosphere has properties that are not normal for the Earth's atmosphere. It is believed that it contains carbon dioxide and methane, which creates greenhouse effect. As for the temperature, it is not yet clear how much it is. It is assumed that its value lies in the range from 3 to 40 degrees.

Gliese is located at a distance of 11 million kilometers from the Sun; for comparison, the Earth is 150 million km away from it. Gliese's orbital time per year is 13 days.

The discovered exoplanet is of great interest to scientists. It is located in the “life zone”, accordingly, water can be located on it. However, there are no facts confirming this yet.

More? It is assumed that life is also possible on the planet Gliese 581 (d). A year passes on it in 37 days, but this does not prevent the existence of aliens on it. It is believed that in the near future missions will be sent to the planets or they will be carefully studied with an even more powerful telescope. Maybe after this the secrets of the planets will be revealed. In the meantime, the aliens gave us only two strange flashes of light. Perhaps this is how they give us signals?

Proposed by physicist Enrico Fermi, goes something like this: “Where are all the aliens?”

If we take into account the size of the Universe and the number of planets similar to Earth, then there must be tens of thousands, if not more, extraterrestrial civilizations in our galaxy.

And since the galaxy has existed for about 10 billion years, intelligent beings should have had plenty of time to communicate with each other.

So if aliens existed, why haven't we discovered them yet?

Extraterrestrial life

1. The earth is special

According to the unique Earth hypothesis, the series of events that led to the emergence of life on Earth was complex and unique. And although there are planets similar to Earth, none of them have that perfect combination conditions required for the development of intelligent life.

One of the factors contributing to the emergence of life on Earth is unique orbit and position of the Earth, thanks to which fairly stable climatic conditions have been observed on our planet for a long period.

If the distance between the Sun and the Moon were different, the planet would be too hot or cold, it would not have enough oxygen, and it would not be able to support life forms other than bacteria.

2. Intelligent life has hit an obstacle

According to the theory" Great Filter", alien life exists but does not have the advanced technology to communicate or travel such distances. While our technology may be getting us closer to this point, we We will hit some obstacle, or a catastrophe will lead to our collapse.

Natural disasters periodically strike the Earth, and perhaps such events also affect other worlds, and their technologies do not have time to develop properly. We can also destroy ourselves, for example in a nuclear war.

Whatever the scenario, we will most likely not only never be able to communicate with aliens, but we will most likely die if we try to do so.

However, some scientists believe that perhaps we will become the first to overcome this filter, and we will become superintelligent beings in space.

Extraterrestrial civilizations

3. They left the Universe

According to futurist John Smart and his “outsideness hypothesis,” intelligent alien life once existed in the universe, and it became so developed that it concentrated on inner outer space, and not on the outside.

This process can be compared to the reduction in size of computers. At first these were huge devices occupying a lot of space, which became smaller and more complex at the same time.

Intelligent life could develop in a similar way, using space, time, energy and matter more efficiently. Eventually, by reaching the nanoscale, we may become so small that we create and exist in a black hole outside the space-time continuum.

Black holes are ideal for computing and learning, time travel, and energy storage. Civilizations that do not reach this level are doomed to failure.

Also, given Moore's Law, which states that computer processing power doubles every two years, other creatures may have already reached the beyond before space exploration.

4. The Earth is not as unique as we think

It may be too arrogant to claim that aliens are interested in us or our planet. It can be assumed that there are more interesting worlds, life-sustaining, and intelligent beings are more likely to concentrate on the best places.

An alien race capable of traveling light years would hardly care about communicating with us. In addition, they would most likely have more advanced technology and not need our resources.

But no matter how smart the aliens are, time travel is not so easy. AND would they waste energy to get to our planet, rather than up to 8.8 billion Earth-like planets in the Milky Way galaxy?

5. We live in virtual reality

According to the "planetarium hypothesis" our world is a form of virtual reality" planetarium" created in order to create the illusion of the emptiness of the Universe. We did not find aliens simply because this was not provided for by the program.

The foundations of this theory were expressed by Descartes: “How do we know that the world around us is real - maybe we’re just a brain in a flask that thinks it lives in the real world?”

But modern adherents of this hypothesis believe that we We are in a computer simulation created by highly advanced aliens. These aliens are capable of using energy to manipulate matter and energy on a galactic scale.

Some physicists believe that we will discover this simulation by noticing a glitch in the system or by developing a test that will prove this theory.

6. We live in a space jungle

Although intelligent extraterrestrial life may exist, our planet is too far away for communication.

It is possible that the Earth is so far from other inhabited worlds that they just didn't notice us. Some even believe that other worlds are located relatively close and interact with each other, while we stand apart.

The idea is based on mathematical theory"percolation", which explains how things accumulate in a random environment. According to the theory, the Universe formed with regions large cluster and small isolated areas.

Famous physicist Stephen Hawking believes that we there is no need to strive to establish contact with aliens, and it’s better not to stick our neck out until we have reached the proper level.

Search for extraterrestrial intelligence

7. We haven't recognized their signals yet.

Carl Sagan also argued that “the absence of evidence is not the same as evidence of the absence of aliens.”

Programs to search for extraterrestrial life relied on borrowed radio telescopes and other equipment that could only be used for a limited amount of time.

Because of this, significant progress was not observed. But there is also good news. Allen antenna array- a radio telescope, consisting of 42 6-meter telescopes, created to search for extraterrestrial intelligence, is ready for serious space exploration and may possibly pick up signals from aliens.

8. We can't recognize their signals

Even if there is life on other planets, does that mean that other creatures evolved in the same way as on Earth? Maybe, they are so different from us that we simply do not recognize their signal.

For example, bats visualize sound waves, while we only see light. It can be assumed that humans and aliens use completely different senses.

The problem is that we are looking for something similar to us, but perhaps extraterrestrial beings have forms that we cannot even imagine.

A highly advanced race may use methods of communication that are beyond our technological understanding. And our primitive radio signals may be for them nothing more than white noise.

9. Superorganisms are naturally suicidal.

According to Medea hypothesis put forward by paleontologist Peter Ward, humans and other superorganisms carry within them the seed of self-destruction. This is consistent with the "Great Filter" theory, which states that we We'll die before we reach the level where we can communicate with aliens..

The hypothesis is named after the ancient Greek character Medea, who killed her children. In this case, Medea is a planet, and all living beings are her children.

Extinction is part of our nature and ensures that we eliminate ourselves before we create imbalance on Earth. As soon as people create an incurable disaster on the planet, we let's take action to destroy us.

The scientist believes that previous mass extinction events, such as two ice ages, were triggered by living organisms.

And if people are guilty of the current global warming, our species may also not survive on Earth. In other words we will eliminate ourselves before we contact the aliens.

Aliens are among us

10. They walk among us

Some people believe that aliens live and work among us.

So former Canadian Minister of Defense Paul Hellyer in an interview in 2014, he stated that there are about 80 different types aliens. Some of them, like Nordic blondes, look very human. Other "short grays" look like typical aliens and are hidden from the general population.

For decades, there have been debates about whether there is another world, whether there are peoples and living creatures unknown to us in our universe. According to scientists, aliens not only exist, but also live among us. We simply don’t notice it or don’t want to notice it. Anxiety about extraterrestrial creatures is constantly present. Since the relationship between organisms and people from another planet has been there all along, we are to some extent similar to them.

Suppose that aliens are walking among us, then by external signs we could simply recognize them, but in evolutionary process They have learned to skillfully camouflage themselves, so we cannot see them among us.

From the material we can conclude: aliens from the galaxy have been living on Earth for a long time, while maintaining connections with their relatives in mind. Nowadays it is underway research by deciphering those left by the invaders, which depict signs unknown to the population of the earth. In addition, workers at the research center are dismantling and analyzing crop circles left in different corners globe, if there is success in deciphering, then we will finally be able to answer all the exciting questions about aliens.

According to Lachezar Filippov (Deputy Director of the Institute of Galactic Research Academy of Sciences), we can say with certainty that it has long been true that aliens live among us and watch us all the time. But, most likely, they do not pose any danger, but are just studying the person in order to establish contact. Lachezar Filippov says that even the Vatican declared the existence of extraterrestrial life and emphasized that communication with them can only be established with the help of mental strength.

Each person has his own views about these creatures: some believe that they came to save us from ourselves, others say that aliens will not bring us anything bad, and others do not believe in their existence at all. But it has long been confirmed that we are not alone in the universe. There are other organisms living on the other planets, and we can only guess who they are.

If you delve into history, you can consider several examples of how alien creatures were tracked and seen. Even in the Indian Vedas and Puranas there were records that stated that the Earth was visited by ships of extraterrestrial organisms, and arrived from other dimensions. The writings included report characteristics of aliens - their appearance and morals. According to Vedic ideas, our planet has the shape of an egg; its structure includes seven higher and seven lower planetary systems. The earth in this case is explained by the middle system located in the center. In other words, it is the lowest planet among the higher ones, or the highest among the lower ones. All planets are superior, i.e. which we see.

So for what purpose do aliens come to our Earth? What do they need from us? These issues are dealt with by ufologists - scientists who study UFOs; They say that aliens on our planet collect medicinal herbs and plants in order to make medicine from them, and if they ask the “earthly mother” to hold her baby in her arms, then these babies become strong in life in the future. But there is another side.

There is a huge amount of evidence that aliens come to earth to take people with them. An unlimited number of these cases prove the fact that aliens perform experiments on humans, as a result of which he is left with languid mental and physical traumas after being on another planet. Aliens do not return everyone back to Earth; often, they take a person with them forever. Those who returned say they watched the faces of the aliens, felt what they were doing to them, but were in a foggy state, and upon arriving back on earth it seemed to them that they were sleeping and it was just a dream.

There is also an opinion that all people are already aliens, and earthlings as such have not existed on our planet for a long time. Representatives of the remaining planets are highly developed individuals who have the highest mental capabilities and a pleasant appearance, identical to a person. But inside them there is frost and soullessness. They will not be able to feel any feelings, they are not sensual and sometimes cruel.

Such aliens themselves are on the verge of extinction, because in order to save their own race, they abduct pregnant women in order to track how the fetus develops and grows. This method helps them find out the secret of people's resilience. In addition to this, the intruders have sexual intercourse with earthly people in order to get their offspring.

Aliens live among us and this fact is undeniable. Take a closer look at those around you.

Our humanity inclined to believe that it is not alone in the Universe. Facts about aliens are increasingly found in our everyday lives.

But is a person ready? give up confidence in your exclusivity and chosenness, as an intelligent creation of God, even if aliens suddenly knock on the door, landing on his porch?

Do aliens exist?

Military openly admitted the facts of discovery flying saucer, but local residents were forbidden, on pain of death, to talk about what they witnessed.

The sheriff's daughter and Brazeal's son, recalling this crash, said that their parents, in addition to the UFO debris, saw an almost intact flying saucer, as well as four aliens with huge heads - one of them was supposedly still alive.

The military later retracted its press release about the UFO find and told reporters misinformation about weather balloon.

The 1970s saw a new wave of interest in the Roswell UFO crash. Eyewitnesses of those events - the military - spoke up.

Thus, Philip Korsa, a former US military man, published the book “The Day After Roswell,” which described the contents of the boxes brought to the base in Kansas from the crash site. The boxes looked like small coffins. When opening one of them it was discovered alien corpse.

Are aliens abducting people?

The second place among the evidence of UFO visits to our planet is occupied by alien abductions.

Many people claim to have been abducted by aliens. Such statements were made especially en masse in the 80s of the last century.

Some abduction victims have reported that they were subjected to research during their abductions; Some of them claimed that experiments were performed on them, that they were raped, that implants were inserted into them.

Other victims nothing after returning they don’t remember, their memory simply lacks long periods.

By the way, a video has been posted on YouTube showing instructions on how to behave if abducted by aliens. The guide to action is outlined by the author of the book, Galina Zheleznyak, in the “Anomalous Zone” series.

Are aliens really abducting people?

Alien implants

In some bodies of people who have been victims of alien abductions, from time to time find foreign elements implants that are made from materials unknown on Earth.

Implants are considered the third most important fact of the presence of aliens on earth. So, starting in 1994, the following were extracted from the bodies of abducted people by aliens:

  • very strong threads
  • thin needles with balls at the end and sticking out into different sides thread-fibers. Such implants are usually removed from the ears, nostrils and recesses under the eyes.
  • implants that can be changed at random physical condition or turning into a jelly-like state from a solid
  • implants create an electromagnetic field while located only in the human body. The field disappeared after extraction
  • implants with a shell of keratin and protein and a metal core inside
  • other items in which were found chemical elements, unknown on Earth.

Unfortunately, most often foreign bodies are found in people who have been kidnapped in the brain area and, accordingly, modern medicine on our planet cannot study them, much less remove them.

Ufologists believe that such implants correct human behavior and, perhaps, even control it.

Implants that aliens give to people

UFO appearance

Evidence of unidentified flying objects is in 4th place in the top 10 evidence of aliens visiting Earth.

The first evidence of a UFO was recorded on June 24, 1947, when pilot Kenneth Arnold discovered nine unknown flying objects around 3 p.m. moving at incredible speed in Washington State, in the Cascade Mountains region.

Soon other eyewitnesses began to report UFOs. Arnold later clarified that the UFOs were similar in shape to crescents, and their movement was looks like diving saucers in the water. Since then, the term “flying saucer” has become entrenched in the everyday life of earthlings.

UFOs have been seen on Earth many times

Alien corpse

The fifth piece of evidence in the top 10 for aliens visiting Earth is the film Autopsy.

In 1995 a black-and-white film of poor quality was presented to the public, in which there was autopsy shown an alien found on a crashed craft in Roswell.

The film immediately became a sensation, as it demonstrated secret information about the Roswell case and confirmed the hypothesis about the appearance of aliens on Earth, as well as the fact that the US government does not want to share information about aliens and UFOs with the public.

Later, a statement appeared that this film was a falsification.

Let's hope and believe that they come to us with good intentions and, in the end, will teach us to overcome outer space to explore new planets.

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