Creating a labyrinth garden with your own hands. Garden labyrinth - the intricate passages of landscape design Green hedge labyrinth

Hi all!
Today I want to talk about another exhibition in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden in Crimea. This Green labyrinth open to the public at any time of the year!

The ticket price is:

But since the labyrinth is located on the territory of the Nikitsky Botanical Garden, you will also have to pay for its entrance.

How to get there

If you want to visit the Green Labyrinth, you will have to refuse imported excursions and get there on your own. Since the programs do not include a stop at this exhibition.

You can get there by:

  • By bus.

From Yalta there are buses 29 and 34, stopping right in front of the entrance to the Nikitsky Botanical Garden.

  • By car.

Enter the address into the navigator: Nikita village, Nikitsky descent 52, and we arrive calmly. You can park at the entrance to the Nikitsky Botanical Garden.

The labyrinth is a hedge of tall laurel bushes. Like in the movie Triwizard Tournament with Harry Potter, only on a smaller scale.

Because the area of ​​the Crimean labyrinth is 1500 sq.m.

At the entrance they give tasks. You need to find a treasure chest, a pool with goldfish, fountains, and of course a way out of the maze. At first we were skeptical about the labyrinth, thinking that it was purely child's play. Five minutes and we will find all the rooms and exit the maze.

But no! We wandered there for about thirty minutes, constantly reaching a dead end! Everything is very well done! You need to go into all the paths and check, even if at first it seems that there is a dead end. Because when you get closer, it turns out that there is no dead end there.

There are benches, statues, flowers and trees along the way.

There were several traps. Two of them were doused with water (a little), and two more were scared with sounds. Not scary, but a couple of times it was really unexpected!

There were also hints.

The inside of the labyrinth is very beautiful!

We found all the rooms.

Pool with goldfish.

If you look closely, you can see a fish.

According to tradition, since the times of Ancient Egypt and Greece, a labyrinth is understood as a section of terrain with paths, paths that create an intricate pattern and at the same time lead to the central part. Hedges of plants planted in a similar form began to appear in medieval gardens by the middle of the 15th century. Surely all fans of Jerome K. Jerome remember how his heroes wandered through the labyrinth (by the way, a rather large one - about 500 m long) located in Hampton Court. It’s interesting that even though it was created back in 1690, you can still follow in the footsteps of the cheerful characters from “Three in a Boat and a Dog.”

Fencing in a similar form is no stranger to Russian gardens; in the estates of Arkhangelskoye, Kuskovo, and Peterhof, alleys of neatly trimmed bushes formed a clear pattern. Over time, hedge compositions became more complex, creating intricate designs. Changing fashion for some time forgot about labyrinths, but these days they have again become an object of interest for landscape designers.

Labyrinth in your own area

If the size of the plot allows, then it is quite possible to create a garden labyrinth, and this idea has many advantages:

  • this is an original, unconventional arrangement of the garden;
  • an excellent means of entertainment for home and guests;
  • useful for children's development.

There are labyrinths different types For example, a fantasy or floral one will become a harmonious part of a landscape garden; almost any option will fit organically into a regular garden. Planting material To create such a landscape element, it is not a problem to get it; the range of plants on the market is very wide, so you can always choose plants that are suitable for the planned height of the border or wall.

The plants that form the hedge determine the size of the composition; you can create a children’s mini version with a diameter of up to 2 meters, or you can have a diameter of 10-20 m, from which you will not immediately find a way out.

Plants for a labyrinth garden

A small children's labyrinth can be created even from annual plants(curly parsley, marigolds), flower pots, small stones. Well, for the big ones they use shrubs. They select shrubs whose cutting and pruning are not associated with great difficulties, and this is necessary to give the labyrinth a certain shape and regulate the size of its walls.

For a medium-sized decorative composition, choose plants up to 50 cm high, for example, you can recommend low-growing spirea, St. John's wort, boxwood, and alpine currant. The listed species grow in middle lane. If you aim at a large labyrinth, in which even adults will get lost for some time, you will have to select trees that grow up to 3 m. Designers recommend using rosehip, Thunberg barberry, hornbeam, mahonia, Tatarian maple, and yew for this purpose. The boxwood already mentioned above is also suitable, you can also take hawthorn, serviceberry, and middle forsythia.

It is worth trying and choosing combinations of shrub species so that their flowering periods do not coincide, then your garden labyrinth will be in bloom most of the year.

The traditional form of composition is a circle, but it is quite acceptable to arrange a labyrinth garden in the shape of a square, triangle, or in the form of letters - a person’s initials. You can come up with many interesting options; involve your children in this so that they too can participate in the process. Simple scheme includes an entrance, a couple of turns, an exit. Among simple shapes can be called a spiral in which all the paths meet in the center. You can choose an end-to-end scheme without a pronounced center, and if there is one, then place a fountain or a cozy gazebo, or even a pond or patio in it.

Labyrinth forms

In addition to its aesthetic value, the labyrinth is an excellent remedy for leisure activities, arranging all kinds of competitions, which will be especially attractive for children. In dead ends for children, parents can make a cache with prizes and forfeits. And adult participants will have a chance to find here a volume of poetry, a glass of cognac, a guitar, etc. In general, with desire and some creativity, the labyrinth can be turned into a wonderful place for entertainment.

Choosing a location for the composition

You can only look at the labyrinth from above, so it is advisable to arrange it next to a hill from which it will be possible to enjoy its view from above. The second floor of the house can also become a vantage point. Usually the labyrinth is located in a recreation area, not far from the playground, since it has an attractive force for children and becomes their favorite place to play.

Geographically, this landscape element can be arranged between the house and the garden. However, we advise you to provide a shorter bypass path with an interesting surface.

Garden hedge maze

In landscape design, there are several types of labyrinth based on the main “ building material». Hedge up to 3 meters high – perfect material. But remember that the external beauty of such a labyrinth is associated with the need to devote a fair amount of effort and time to maintaining the trees in proper form, including trimming and trimming branches. Of course, the device of this option requires quite large area, but if you can afford it, you will get a wonderful place to walk, and your children to play.

The hedge labyrinth is durable (with good care, Certainly). You can quickly create one by planting annuals, for example, Kochia broom, which reaches 1 meter, is overgrown with dense foliage and is well shaped. Naturally on next year you will have to plant the plants again or still start building a composition from perennial shrubs.

Flower Maze

This is a very original arrangement of a flower garden; in this case, flowers are usually planted in a spiral. Compact flowers with straight stems and correct form. Since the flower labyrinth is low and can be seen without problems, its shape should be aesthetic. Therefore, you will have to discard overly spreading flowers, as well as those that are prone to self-sowing (poppy, eschscholzia). Due to self-seeding, the composition runs the risk of quickly losing its originally intended shape, the contours will blur and the design will lose its aesthetics.

Good options for decoration - snapdragon, border rose, bush petunia.

To obtain an aesthetic appearance, it is necessary to maintain a uniform range of shades and strictness in the contours so that the borders of the flower beds are not blurred. You can make a labyrinth not from one, but from two spirals or lines that will close in a certain place. In this you can plant plants of two contrasting colors.

The labyrinth can become an original flowerbed, from the contemplation of which you can always get an aesthetic experience. But the flower structure can also be adapted for walking. In this case, paved or gravel paths are laid between the ribbons of flowers, repeating the labyrinthine passages.

Stone labyrinth

The composition of stones, reminiscent of the ruins of once majestic religious buildings, also has its own charm. The plan is the same - a spiral along which small stones of approximately equal size are laid out. This option is intended, rather, for contemplation; for walking, stone walls are erected or using large boulders. You can add some life to the gray, somewhat gloomy tone of the stones with plants.

Lianas and hanging species (ivy, morning glory, clematis, etc.) will look interesting on stone walls, and in a labyrinth of small stones you can plant juveniles.

Fantasy composition

This type is closest to the original essence of a labyrinth - a structure with extremely confusing paths along which you can wander for a very long time in search of the right path. In a fantasy labyrinth, there is no emphasis on the center, it simply does not exist, but there are numerous paths in abundance that end in a dead end, many similar turns and intersections. Entering one, you inevitably begin to feel like an adventure seeker.

A fantasy composition can cover the entire garden along with a recreation area, a playground for children and other paths. You just need to make transitions short and often alternate them with turns and loops. Then there will be only a couple of meters in the field of view. This effect of entanglement is achieved through the use of pergolas, climbing plants on trellises, arches.

Stone labyrinth in the garden (video)

In a fantasy composition, all plants are allowed to develop almost without restrictions, so that you can walk two steps away from a person and not notice him behind a dense green curtain.

A walk through the labyrinth will be especially pleasant if a beautiful bench, an elegant flowerbed or an original sculpture awaits the traveler around the bend.

Garden labyrinths (20 photos)

Reviews and comments

  • 11.02.2014

    Interesting idea, I would never have thought of this myself. We are in such a situation right now that we have decided not to cultivate our garden anymore, we are so tired of it all that we just want to relax at the dacha. It turns out that we have about 15 acres of land. I’ll try to make markings for the labyrinth in the spring, I want to make it from some annuals for now, and then we’ll see.

    Sasha 09.27.2014

    I’ll tell you a very interesting and unusual idea) Although for this I need too much ka large garden, unfortunately, I don’t have one, so I can only lick my lips, but if there is an opportunity, I will definitely make a labyrinth for myself)


    Such labyrinths, as shown in this article, look simply great. But I think that this is still a toy of very rich people. Build something like this! This is how much free space you need, and such bushes, and plant them all very correctly, and constantly take care of them, water them, prune them. I think more than one gardener is working on such a masterpiece.

    Elena 05/22/2017

    This year I will make a flower bed with a flower labyrinth at the dacha. I really liked this idea and how it looks. Even in the city in our yard apartment building such a flowerbed would be very useful, and it would look great from the windows from above, otherwise some residents plant flowers in the yard chaotically and in general they do not look like a composition. A flowerbed in the form of a flower labyrinth would fix this.

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  • The Forge of Empires diamond cheat is the very method that many FoE players are looking for, allowing them to get a lot of diamonds without investing cash. For some reason, many are sure that if you enter a certain code on the computer or run a script, the number of diamonds in Forge of Empires will increase by itself. In fact, of course, there is no such code, but in the game there are many ways to get diamonds honestly. This article will discuss the main ones.

    What are diamonds in FoE

    Diamonds are a special resource that makes it easier various tasks in the game, for example, you can:

    • speed up exploration of provinces,
    • buy more productive premium resource or residential buildings,
    • purchase extensions for the city,
    • open extra bed in a military building,
    • heal units,
    • purchase the missing drawings, as well as goods necessary for the construction of Great Buildings, regardless of your era, etc.

    Ways to earn diamonds in Forge of Empires

    1. The easiest way to get diamonds in FoE is honestly buy them for money. No matter how gamers feel about donators, it is monetary investments in the game that allow it to exist and develop further. The minimum amount for which diamonds can be purchased is quite affordable and is only ~140 rubles for 110 diamonds (available when paying via SMS).

    Before moving on to other ways to get diamonds in Forge of Empires, it is necessary to make a short digression and talk about one feature of the game. The fact is that in FoE you can develop on several servers, and on each of them you will have a separate city with its own technologies, resources and Great buildings. However, if the number of coins, hammers and goods on different servers is completely unrelated to each other, the diamond account will always be the same, which allows you to create additional worlds in FoE that will be used to earn diamonds for the main city. Such “extras” are called brüleferms.

    Thus, using the methods listed below on several servers, you get the opportunity to earn more diamonds for the main world.

    2. The simplest, but, alas, not guaranteed result method for beginner players is completing quests. Quests that allow you to get diamonds can be basic, which you cannot refuse, or random, with a random reward - coins, resources, goods, or, in fact, diamonds. Each era necessarily has main tasks with diamonds as a reward. In addition, they can also appear in a random quest, the reward for which is hidden.

    All diamonds received can be used on any server, while coins, hammers and goods will only be available in the world where you completed the task.

    To increase the number of diamonds obtained in this way, it is very important has the Great Structure of Chateau Frontenac (or simply Chateau). It increases the reward received by a certain percentage, depending on the level. So at level 20, the BC doubles the reward received.

    3. A guaranteed number of diamonds can be obtained for capture of some provinces. Their number is strictly limited and predictable. You can capture these areas in all the worlds where you play and spend diamonds on the base. The first such province will appear on the map no earlier than the Early Middle Ages.

    4. Also, diamonds often fall out as a prize for passage of the expedition. However, there is also some complexity here. Those who have been playing Forge of Empires for a while know that an expedition can be completed in two ways - defeating armies of units or solving puzzles that require the expenditure of goods.
    The first two “exp” difficulty levels will most likely not cause you any difficulties, but levels 3 and 4 will require some work. For the combat method, you need to upgrade the Great Buildings, which give a bonus to attack - Zeus, Aachen Cathedral (Aachen) and Castel del Monte (Castel). And for merchandise, you will need to have goods in inventory. And if for the main world passing all 64 points in the expedition is not difficult, for an additional city that you visit occasionally, it will be quite difficult.

    The probability of receiving diamonds in chests is as follows:

    • 4 chest = 10 diamonds (5%)
    • 8 chest = 10 diamonds (10%)
    • 12 chest = 10 diamonds (15%)
    • 16 chest = 25 diamonds (20%)
    • 20 chest = 15 diamonds (5%)
    • 24 chest = 15 diamonds (10%)
    • 28 chest = 15 diamonds (15%)
    • 32 chest = 50 diamonds (20%)
    • 36 chest = 25 diamonds (5%)
    • 40 chest = 25 diamonds (10%)
    • 44 chest = 25 diamonds (15%)
    • 48 chest = 100 diamonds (25%)
    • 51 chests = 25 diamonds (50%)
    • 55 chest = 25 diamonds (50%)
    • 56 chest = 50 diamonds (50%)
    • 59 chest = 50 diamonds (50%)
    • 63 chest = 50 diamonds (50%)

    5. Diamonds are possible collect from special buildings, which can be obtained during various events. On at the moment There are three buildings in the game that have a 1% chance of giving out 50 diamonds: the well, the fountain of youth, and the hedge maze.

    Usually, it is from such buildings that the so-called Brulefarms are created - a kind of cheat for diamonds in Forge of Empires. If you've ever walked into a player's city where there's practically nothing but a bunch of wishing wells, you know what a diamond farming farm looks like. We will look at its creation in more detail below.

    6. Interesting way getting diamonds is inviting friends using a referral link. The more high level they are achieved, the greater the reward you will receive. However, this method is available mainly to the owners of their websites or forum moderators, since it is quite difficult to attract a large number of people.

    Some players “invite” themselves via the link and develop their own cartoons. However, unlike some browser games, the developers of Forge of Empires have an extremely negative attitude towards cartooning, and at some point you will be banned.

    7. A very unique way - simulation of loss of interest in the game. Of course, very little is known about it, and the developers will never reveal the secret of exactly how the mechanics of this simulation consist.

    However, many players notice that if you start logging into the game less often, or even abandon it completely for a while (for example, during a vacation), a special algorithm will add you to the list of people who need to be stimulated, and at some point you will the invoice will receive a certain number of rubles

    8. Diamonds are often are given as rewards in various events. However, it is only possible to predict exactly when the gaming event will take place and how many rubles will be distributed, based on past events.

    Not a cheat for diamonds, but creating a brule farm in FoE!

    Brulefarming is the main way to farm diamonds in Forge of Empires, and it is absolutely legal and approved by developers who do not mind players developing in different worlds, but spent the premium resource only mostly.

    Bruleferma is a city created in addition to the main one and designed for diamond mining using one of the methods mentioned above.

    Most convenient way mining diamonds is a constant collection from the above-mentioned buildings (well, fountain of youth and hedge maze). Although the probability of “knocking out” diamonds from them is only 1%, if you install several dozen such buildings in the city, the chance of getting them will increase significantly. Therefore, the main task when creating a brülefarm is to install many wells and fountains of youth in it.

    Buildings from which you can get diamonds are given out by the game during various events. However, it is necessary to create a new world in time (at least a month) before the start of the event, otherwise you simply will not be able to complete many quests: for example, you will not have enough coins to buy, there will be no silver in the tavern to activate the gain, and the army will be too weak to pass the points on the expedition.

    Your goal when completing the event should only be to get wells, you should not be distracted by any other prizes. And, of course, you don’t need to spend diamonds on completing quests (for example, speeding up production or exploring provinces), otherwise you’ll get a paradox: they created a city to earn diamonds and spent them there.

    After you get the first 2-3 wells, you can say that your brülefarm has begun its work. You can now enter your additional city once a day and collect what the wells produce.

    However, it is better not to limit yourself to wells, but to develop your farm further in order to improve it further. Firstly, you can sharpen it for completing circular (repeated, non-main) quests, where diamonds may be among the random rewards. Typically, such tasks include completing daily productions, collecting a certain number of coins or hammers, and spending them instantly. Those quests that are difficult for you to complete for some reason can be skipped by clicking the “Refuse” button.

    To increase the rewards for quests, you should place a Great Building like Chateau Frontenac, it has already been mentioned above. This aircraft belongs to the Progressive era, so goods for its construction will need to be purchased from one of the top players. You can search for a seller in the global chat. It is advisable to find someone who will offer goods in exchange for CO for a contribution to the Chateau, in order to receive both the goods and the aircraft drawings at the same time.

    Whether or not to build other Great Structures depends on the circumstances - the availability of drawings, location in the city. If you plan to earn diamonds not only from quests, but also from completing expeditions, place aircraft with an attack bonus - Zeus, Aachen Cathedral and Castel. Special attention should be turned to Zeus, since collecting drawings for him is quite simple. Castel, in addition to an increase in attack, gives a certain amount of CO per day, but it is somewhat more difficult to collect drawings for it.

    For a product that may be needed to unlock some technologies or quests in the event, place the Tower of Babel (Bronze Age, very easy to collect blueprints) or St. Mark's Cathedral. This is much more convenient than many industrial buildings, which, moreover, can be robbed.

    Decide for yourself how often you will upgrade the era. The higher the era, the more dangerous (more experienced and active) the neighbors there are and the more often they will rob you, noticing that your world is not the main one. The circular quests that need to be completed also become more difficult.

    Here is an example of a Bruleferm from the Iron Age:

    Currently, events allow you to replace the quest with the discovery of new technologies, and therefore the transition to new century, if all sciences are already open to you, by investing large quantities goods to the guild treasury. Therefore, be sure to save up goods - you can put them on daily production to make the building more difficult to rob. Or upgrade Babylonka and Mark, which were mentioned above.

    You can upgrade your brulefarm alone, but it’s better to join a guild. This will give you access to the Expedition, and will also allow you to exchange goods without spending strategic points. It is very important to choose a guild where there are no special requirements for participants - a tax on goods or mandatory completion of all levels of experience. There are many such guilds; they are most often at the very bottom of the ranking and allow you to join them through auto-joining.

    Of course, this method of farming is not a full-fledged cheat for diamonds in Forge of Empires, but it does allow you to farm a certain amount of this premium resource. And how many diamonds you can earn this way depends only on you.

    There are different shapes plant labyrinths. A labyrinth of hedges is not just a garden decoration or a way to plant shrubs, not just tangled paths, winding passages and dead ends. This is the personification of refined aristocracy and dreaminess. You can find puzzles made of sunflowers, trees, low bushes, stones, or lawns with intertwining paths.

    For example, in 1840, on the farm of Robert Richardson, paths were laid in a corn field in the form of a labyrinth, from above, depicting a Disney castle. Today, the labyrinths at Richardson Farm change annually, with a new pattern created each time.

    The largest labyrinth in the world according to the Guinness Book of Records 2015 is the Pineapple Garden Maze in Hawaii with an area of ​​more than 2 hectares. It is located on a pineapple plantation of a world fruit supplier. The labyrinth is planted with pineapples!

    The labyrinth of the Longleat estate in Great Britain appeared in the 18th century and is still considered the longest, with a passage length of 2.7 km.

    The labyrinth of Villa Pisani (Il Labirinto) in Venice is considered the most complex in existence; Napoleon himself once got lost in it.

    Not an ordinary labyrinth Samsø, in Denmark is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. And its peculiarity is that instead of standard walls made of bushes, it is planted with real trees. Therefore, everyone visiting this labyrinth is left with the feeling that they are in a forest where there is only one correct path. There are about 50 thousand trees and 5.5 kilometers of paths that intersect with each other.

    The largest, ever-changing labyrinth in Reignac-sur-Indre, in France, turns into a vibrant field of sunflowers in the summer, and disappears in the winter, when the harvest is harvested, only to be resurrected in a new form in the spring. In 1996, the debut year for the labyrinth, more than 85 thousand visitors attempted to pass through the 40 thousand square meter puzzle.

    The largest Butterfly Labyrinth which has a total area of ​​33,564.67 m² (8,244 acres) and total length 8.38 km (5.4 mi) path created by Ningbo Maze Tourism Development Co., Ltd. (China) in Ningbo, Zhejiang, China and opened on April 22, 2017.

    A new world record for the size of a plant labyrinth was set in 2017 in Ningbo, Zhejiang, (China). The largest plant butterfly labyrinth according to the official representative of the Dafeng City Tourism Bureau, this one popularizes the culture of creating garden labyrinths, adds an element of humanistic care, recreation, entertainment and a little childish sense of magic, turning the garden into a real “ fairyland" The creators of the project took into account the advantages of all plant labyrinths in the world and collected over 600 trees, shrubs and flowers. The total area is 33,564.67 m² (8,244 acres) and the track length is 8.38 km (5.4 miles).

    And in 2018, a plant labyrinth also appeared in Russia, which today has status of the largest labyrinth in the WORLD! On May 27, the labyrinth was registered with the INTERNATIONAL RECORDS REGISTRATION AGENCY as the largest plant labyrinth - a forest with an area of ​​41,526.5 square meters. meters, which is 7961.83 sq. meters more than the Chinese record holder.

    A landscape structure, which is already visible to satellites from space, recently appeared on Tula land - in the Turgenev places in the Bezhin Meadow 21st century park. Calculations and global preparations for its construction took more three years. Last year, the “Labyrinth of Interethnic Unity” project received a presidential grant, which made it possible to purchase green filling for the labyrinth. They were planted, as usual, by the whole world.

    There are already about 20 thousand plants here, and to get to the center of the labyrinth you need to cover about 16 kilometers. The Russian labyrinth is divided into the elements fire, water, earth and wind, and every visitor can feel like the fifth element. Unlike foreign labyrinths, in the Russian version, with the breadth of the Russian soul, all kinds of trees, shrubs, flowers and even berries are planted. Visitors will be able to sit by the fire, take a break and drink tea with herbs growing right there.

    Probably everyone remembers from childhood how the heroes of Jerome Klapka Jerome wandered through the green labyrinth of Hampton Court. Everyone also remembers the wonderful myth about the frightening Cretan labyrinth of the Minotaur and the saving thread of the lover Ariadne. For many centuries, people have built various labyrinths - first for sacred and then for artistic purposes.

    Labyrinth - an area with specially intricate passages between cropped dense greenery (for example,%20 hornbeam, linden) inside the park. That's what the encyclopedia says. The Dictionary of Symbols states that the labyrinth is a metaphor for a person's journey from birth to death. From a technical point of view, a labyrinth is a complex system of paths and passages leading to a certain goal - the center of the labyrinth.

    The earliest depictions of labyrinths have been discovered in rock art around the world. Our ancestors believed that in this way they could “confuse” evil spirits and protect their home. However, even today Feng Shui experts assure that a properly made labyrinth is capable of directing energy flows and performing the function of a kind of amulet. Moreover, it does not matter at all how large and intricate the labyrinth is and what materials it is made of - the only important thing is the correctly chosen pattern.

    In European landscape art of the late Middle Ages, labyrinths made of hedges became a traditional element of palace gardens and park complexes; walks through such labyrinths were a favorite pastime of the aristocracy.

    Today, labyrinths are still a widely used element landscape design. At the same time, labyrinths can be large and small, simple and complex, made from the most various materials- flowers, stone, paths, etc. The labyrinth is a real “magnet” for children - it’s so fun to play tag and hide in it! And adults like to leisurely stroll through the labyrinths, immersed in their thoughts.

    As a simple temporary option, you can form a sheared labyrinth from annual plants - for example, Kochia broom (height up to 1 meter), which creates a thick green mass and lends itself perfectly to shaping and cutting.

    A much simpler option that requires less space is a labyrinth of flowers. Flowers for a labyrinth-bed should be selected that are not spreading, compact, of a leveled shape - with erect stems or spherical bushes, not prone to self-seeding, so that the outlines of the labyrinth are not blurred and it does not turn into a simple blurry spot. For example, actively reseeding poppy and eschscholzia are absolutely not suitable for these purposes. But any annual or perennial border flowers are perfect - for example, dwarf snapdragon, sparkling salvia, coleus, border rose, etc.

    The color scheme should be fairly uniform - otherwise the outlines will also be visually blurred. If your labyrinth consists, for example, of two interlocking spirals or several lines, you can make them contrast with each other.

    A flower labyrinth can be a flowerbed (a compact version intended only for viewing) or a place for walking, where there are lines between the flower ribbons. garden paths- in this case, the winding paths will also follow all the shapes of the labyrinth.

    An interesting option is a “disappearing” labyrinth on the lawn, which appears only in the spring and is renewed annually. Such a labyrinth is made from bulbous flowers that do not require annual digging - daffodils, botanical tulips, hazel grouse.

    In order to make such a labyrinth, we need sufficient quantity flower bulbs, a long rope and, of course, several meters of lawn. The planting of a flower bed is carried out in early autumn. Using a rope, we lay out a pattern of the future labyrinth on the lawn. Along the contour, we cut and remove rectangular pieces of lawn turf so that a landing area approximately two bulbs deep is formed. The width of the flower ribbon is about half a meter (maybe less depending on the total area of ​​the labyrinth). Then we plant the bulbs (preferably quite tightly) and cover them again with the removed turf. Ready! You will see the outlines of the labyrinth in the spring, when the bulbous shoots appear. In the summer, the labyrinth will disappear from the lawn, but will remind itself again next spring.

    Stone labyrinth

    An interesting option for a landscape composition is a labyrinth made of stone. Like a flower labyrinth, it can be a small (for viewing) or large-scale (“walking”) composition.

    It is advisable to select stones large enough, if possible more or less the same size, shape and color. You can simply lay the stones in a chain along the contour in one row or form a low masonry side. This composition, by the way, will serve as a decoration for the garden not only in spring and summer, but also in winter: the outlines of the labyrinth under the snow look extremely impressive.

    And, of course, a huge advantage of a stone labyrinth over most other types is that after construction it will not require virtually any further maintenance from you.

    You can enliven a stone labyrinth with the help of vegetation: place small ones here and there. alpine plants, looked younger, etc. Stonework can even be turned into a “flowering wall” by planting plants with hanging stems between the stones.

    Fantasy labyrinth

    The most unpredictable of labyrinths is the fantasy labyrinth: there are no laws here, and the only limitation is the limits of your imagination! Unlike traditional labyrinths-amulets and labyrinths-symbols, such a labyrinth may not have any pre-planned pattern, clear outlines and a single goal - the center. The main thing here is the intricacy of the paths, unexpected turns and intersections, where you never know what awaits you around the corner. You can turn the entire garden into such a labyrinth, along with a playground, a recreation area and approaches to the house. The idea is that the transition paths should be small, with frequent turns and even “loops” - so that in each individual section you cannot see what is hidden a few meters away. This can be achieved through arches, pergolas, tall plants along the paths. The hedges are not trimmed here, they are allowed to grow freely and hide everything that is further than a few steps away. Around every turn you can expect a small surprise: a bench for rest, a gazebo, an elegant sculpture, an original flowerbed, a new landscape composition.

    A continuation of such a labyrinth can even become... a vegetable garden. Here along the paths there can be pergolas with climbing beans and decorative pumpkin and cabbage borders. And vegetable beds can be made in the form of twisted spirals to emphasize that they belong to the labyrinth and this part of your domain.

    Whichever labyrinth you choose, you are unlikely to ever regret your decision. A labyrinth is an element of landscape design that always attracts attention, looks impressive and can become a real pride of the owner of the site. And don’t let the complexity of the path to your dream scare you! There is always a way out of any labyrinth...

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