I dreamed about my home. Dream Interpretation - The house where I lived before collapsed.... Why do you dream about your grandmother’s, mother’s, or your former home? Parental home - dream book

Dream interpretation parent's house

Quite often you can come across the phrase that the most best road leads to mother. It implies that any person is always happy to return to where his parents live, to the house in which he spent his childhood.

There is nothing strange that such a dwelling visits us in night visions, and then the dreamer takes up dream interpreters to find out why his father’s house is dreamed of.

Different opinions

Our parents' house is subconsciously perceived by us as a symbol of protection, peace, and tranquility. If before going to bed you were thinking about mom and dad, about your childhood, then you should not waste your time unraveling the symbols from the dream.

If something extraordinary happened in your night vision, then the dream should be examined carefully.

According to psychologists

I dreamed about the house where I spent my childhood

The most popular dream interpreters created by psychologists are rightfully considered the dream books of Miller and Sigmund Freud. They perceived the dream about their parents’ house differently.
Freud says that the parents' house in night vision means that at this stage the sleeping person has certain difficulties, and the dream suggests that he is trying to cope with them, to find a way out. The psychologist said that the solution is close, and if you calm down, you will be able to find it, and everything will be fine.

Miller viewed the night vision of his parents' house negatively. Even if the vision was pleasant, the dreamer should still be wary.

Trouble Coming

Have you ever wondered why you dream about your parents’ house? Miller connects this vision with not the most pleasant memories from your past. Some events weigh on you and prevent you from moving forward.

Seeing the home of the deceased in the reality of relatives

The house that belonged to your mom and dad may warn you of misfortune that will happen to you personally or affect your family members.

Take care of your health, listen to your intuition

The parental home of deceased parents, deceased grandparents, if you see these people in a dream, is a warning dream. Gustav Miller believed that if your connection with your forefathers was close, then you dream of them to warn you about something, to convey important information.

Try to listen to your intuition, and also take care of your health, it is clearly not fine.

Predictions of different peoples

Seeing a beautiful cottage in a dream

Of course, each culture will interpret the father's house in a dream differently. Thus, the Russian interpreter says that this symbol promises pleasant changes in life.

Soon you will begin to notice how all the troubles leave your life and joy appears in it.

The Muslim dream book views the parental home differently, everything will depend on appearance buildings:

  • beautiful, large, renovated - improving the financial situation of a sleeping person;
  • an old parental home that is literally falling apart before your eyes is a significant waste of money, troubles at work.

Prepare for difficulties

Esotericist Tsvetkov warned: if you dreamed of a vision about your parents’ home, it means that long-time friends were up to something bad. They want to treat you badly, deceive, betray, set you up.

It is also possible that they will offer you an adventurous business, participation in which will negatively affect your reputation.

Dreaming of a dilapidated building

The house of your parents, which you often see in a dream, means that soon the troubles that were hidden from your eyes and concerned your family will make themselves felt.

For people living in another city, this vision may signal that parents, if they are alive, are in trouble. You will have to take the situation into your own hands and come to their aid. It is possible that for a certain period of time the dreamer will be forced to live in the same living space with his relatives.

Empty home

Did you dream that your childhood home was bought and your relatives no longer live in it? Such a vision speaks of your desire to forget certain pictures from your past.

Seeing an empty abandoned home in a dream

To become independent, happy man, the dreamer simply needs to say goodbye to memories. Certain things, internal barriers prevent this. Some detail missed by the dreamer is deeply embedded in the memory and prevents us from moving on.

Some dream interpreters, if the sold parental home in a dream causes negative feelings, advise contacting a specialist. A qualified psychologist will help you plunge into the world of the subconscious and bring to the surface what is carefully hidden.

It is worth considering this vision in the following way. Your parents' house has been sold, and this is an irrevocable action. Higher powers thus give you a hint that it is worth going back to the past and completing your unfinished business, finally saying goodbye to it.

Did you dream of ruins, a neglected home? The dream book says that you are making an unforgivable mistake, going the wrong way. It’s time to stop and think about it further actions. It wouldn’t hurt to ask for advice from the older generation, who will be able to tell you what to do depending on the circumstances.

Seeing ruins in a dream

Good luck ahead

A vision of a parental home will not always have a negative interpretation or make the dreamer think about serious things. Many dream books believe that such a vision can only have a positive message.

Among the most common predictions are the following:

  • the dreamer himself or his closest relative will get married, give birth to a child, in any case, another person will appear in the family;
  • the dreamer or his brother, sister, child will radically change their field of activity, finally find an occupation that will bring not only material wealth, but also moral satisfaction;
  • soon you will receive interesting and pleasant news about your childhood friend or you will meet him himself.

Dream books indicate that often the parental home in night vision is a panacea for stress, negative situations, fear, and other destructive emotions in real life. So a person, at least in a dream, returns to the place in which he felt good, where he felt safe.

People often notice that after such a vision they find a way out of a difficult situation, they see that their health has improved significantly, and their mood is no longer as depressive as it was before.

Pay attention to all the details

Selling real estate in a dream

Often in a dream we are looking for a certain thing in our parents' house. It is worth remembering what things you dreamed about, what you were looking for, this will be the key to resolving all your troubles.

Forecasters also advise carefully examining night visions in which you noted that your parents’ house looks unusual. Perhaps there was a certain detail in the interior that does not exist in reality; it is this that is the main symbol from the dream.

Or, on the contrary, you can note that something is missing, the thing is lost, or moved to another place. Only you yourself can understand what your subconscious wanted to tell you; trust your intuition.

In your dream, were you hiding in your parents' house? Such a dream suggests that at the last moment you will be able to escape from trouble; it is possible that your loved ones will help you with this.

Selling, demolishing a building - the childhood of a sleeping person can hardly be called happy; he tries to erase from his memory what happened to him.

A night vision about the house where you spent your childhood, where the people closest to you live, may simply speak of nostalgia. Do you remember the last time you communicated with your mom and dad or visited them? Think about it, isn’t it time to visit them and just talk about nothing?

Dreams about houses often mean the structure of life, the course of affairs. What the future holds for you depends on the condition of your home. Sometimes these dreams repeat themselves.

Especially if you think about your life and expect changes for the bad or, conversely, for the good. Seeing a shiny or gold-covered house is a sign of misfortune or trouble.

Buy, inspect a house - make plans for the future. Such a dream also predicts changes in life and position.

Pay attention to the condition of the room, furniture, lighting and the feelings you experienced when examining the house in your dream.

Building a house in a dream means that you will have a hard time achieving a stable position in society and prosperity. Sometimes such a dream portends boredom, dissatisfaction with one’s situation, or illness.

For the patient such a dream predicts imminent death. Building a barn or shed in a dream means that you will soon have your own home and family.

See interpretation: barn, shed.

Having your own home in a dream, as it is, means that your worries are in vain and life in your home will improve.

If in a dream you are repairing or covering a house with a roof, then in reality you will experience disappointment and loss.

Finding yourself in a locked room is a dream warning that someone is plotting against you.

Seeing a devastated, looted house (your own) in a dream means profit and big good changes.

Destruction in the house means troubles that threaten your well-being. Sometimes such a dream can mean a long illness (depending on the degree of destruction), and the patient who sees such a dream can die.

To see renovations in your house in a dream means that you will soon have to work hard to correct the mistakes you have made or improve your situation.

Seeing a house destined for destruction in a dream is a warning that your rash actions will harm your well-being.

Changes and rearrangements in the house that you make in a dream mean changes or a visit important person.

A dream in which you see your house empty warns you of a possible separation from a loved one, of unfulfilled hopes and of material losses. Such a dream also suggests that you are dissatisfied with your current situation and are painfully looking for a way out of it.

A dream in which you see your house engulfed in fire is a sign of failure in business, troubles and grief. Such a dream often warns of danger to the lives of the inhabitants of this house.

A burning living room or dining room is a harbinger of unpleasant news about the illness of the owner of the house. The same is true if you see furniture or draperies in your home catch fire and burn.

The worst thing is if the situation in the house burns to the ground. In this case, expect great and lasting disasters.

To see in a dream how the top floor of a house is burning and collapsing is a warning to the one who saw such a dream that he may lose his fortune and be humiliated.

Unfaithful friends will leave him in difficult times. In addition, such a dream may threaten a large trial.

However, if in a dream a house burns with a clear flame, without destruction or smoke, then a poor man will become rich, and a rich man will become noble.

Trees burning in front of a house are a sign of loss for its owners.

Seeing the house of your parents (old people) in a dream means receiving bad news about misfortune in the family. See interpretation: tenant, fire.

Seeing a strange-looking home in a dream means that your real life is not organized and you are deeply worried about it.

If you see in a dream a transformation of housing from strange to normal, it is a sign that the same thing will happen to you in life. Entering such a home in a dream is a harbinger that you will soon get involved in an unusual business.

If you dream that you are looking for a way out of such a house and cannot find it, then the dream warns you that you should refrain from risky ventures. Seeing a beautiful house from afar in a dream means that a wonderful and happy future awaits you.

Walking into a beautiful and tall house in a dream means big changes for the better. After such a dream, you can count on a good and profitable place and making profitable deals. Such a dream often promises you a rich and powerful patron who will support you in all your endeavors.

Finding yourself in a huge room of a rich house alone or feeling like a stranger there means that soon your well-being will crumble like a house of cards, and then many of your friends, whom you helped a lot, will turn their backs on you.

Changing a house (apartment) in a dream means that unpleasant news awaits you about treason or betrayal of loved ones.

A dream in which you saw that you were sweeping the floors in the house means that you will soon receive a visit. See interpretation: revenge, wash, order.

Cleaning a house in a dream is a sign that you would like to correct the mistakes you have made and deal with your opponents.

Cleaning up the house, putting things in order is an omen that soon your affairs will return to normal, you will do a profitable business.

Washing the floors in the house means death loved one.

Holes in the floor or roof of a house indicate an imminent separation from a loved one or a move.

Seeing your house dilapidated in a dream is an omen of remorse, humiliation, and need.

A dream in which you saw your house cramped means losses and damages, about which you will be very worried. This dream speaks of how persistently you are looking for a way out of this situation.

Sprinkling a house with water means disappointment.

Watering your house with water in a dream means compassion for your neighbor and improvement of your affairs.

If you dream that you are wandering around and looking for the right house number, it means that you may take the wrong steps, which you will bitterly regret later.

Leaving your home in a dream means that you will make a mistake that you will later regret.

Greeting or kissing household members in a dream is a harbinger of receiving good news. Selling a house in a dream means ruin and hardships.

Looking for your home means great disappointment and a meager existence. Living in a dugout in a dream is a sign of humiliation and poverty.

Not having a home means failures and losses, due to which you will lose peace. See interpretation: building, premises, room, water, key.

Interpretation of dreams from

Why do you dream about your parents’ House in a dream according to the dream book?

Why do parents dream? Negative events from the past will remind you of themselves again. Perhaps you will become aware of tragic events that threaten one of your relatives.

The parental home of the deceased foreshadows the receipt, with relatives, of the beginning of important events for you.

How are other dream books interpreted?


Video: Why do you dream about your parents' house?


Did you dream about your parents’ House, but the necessary interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream about your parents’ house in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

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    I dreamed of the house of my dead parents, in which I saw them alive and I had to do a lot of cleaning of the house: making the bed, sweeping and washing the floors, laying carpets. And there was no end to the cleaning, although it seemed that it was not dirty.

    Good afternoon. I dreamed that I was walking in some narrow place, there was a fence in the middle, and at the end I saw something like a lynx, I got scared and started walking back. But on the way I see that ahead is either a lion or a tiger. I start to run away and find myself near the house, open it with the key and hide there. At the same time, I see opposite my little temporary home in my parents’ house, and there my dad is coming out of it. I woke up at night with a heavy heart...

    I come to my parents’ house, where I lived with them before I got married, the house is empty, but inside it looks bigger, more comfortable and there are changes in the yard, which I think, “well done dad, how great he redid everything,” I’m pleasantly surprised. And somehow I’m sure that the parent just went somewhere. In fact, they died a long time ago.

    I was sleeping on the sofa chair, got up from the chair and my mother came into the room. who has been dead for 4 years. and says: This is how you sleep, and this is not how I sleep on this chair. I didn’t understand her, and she said okay and went. And I began to pack the bed.

    I arrived at my parents’ house and was cleaning, washing the floors, and getting ready with my husband to go to a party in a cafe, my ex called, my husband got angry and we were going to our home, when we arrived we took a long time to get ready, but we never went to the party.

    Tanechka, Hello! Today I saw a strange dream. I usually have prophetic dreams, but I can’t understand this one... maybe I just forgot about today’s memorial Saturday. I went into my parents’ house, and it was strewn with ashes. I heard the voices of dad and son (no one is alive). The voices were joyful, as if they were doing repairs. I wanted to run towards them, but someone pulled me back strongly. I turned around - it was mom. She didn’t let me see my son and dad. I asked what was going on there? she answered briefly: “You will burn...” I woke up. There was no alarm...

    My parents’ house was very dirty, dirty rugs on the floor, garbage... I cleaned it up. I saw my dead parents as if they were alive... I saw my sister who lives in Germany and with whom we do not communicate. I was cleaning there, but I didn’t finish cleaning - I woke up.

    I dream that I came to my parents’ house (my parents are deceased), it was gloomy and gray, there was no furniture, except for old beds that were not made (my mother was very neat in life), I see another door to a room that does not exist, I go in , and there is a dressing table, my mother’s, and I’m very afraid to look into it, but I still look and see a reflection in it, at first it seemed like dad’s, and then seeing my mother sitting next to the dressing table, I understand that this is her reflection. She is upset and scared , I ask why it’s so dirty, and she shrugs. Then, hearing noise in the room from which I came, I go out and see my brother, he is 4 years younger with girls and friends, everyone is lying dressed on different beds, and then a leak starts from the ceiling water, very strong, I call my brother to give me something to put in the water, and he lies and laughs and I try to put the bottle cap on, but I understand that it’s pointless! And then I feel what’s in my mouth teeth crumble and fall out, but these are not my teeth, but dentures, they crumble into small pieces and I was thinking where to find a doctor, then I looked again at mom, in the eyes She saw anger and resentment and woke up.

    Hello! I currently live with my parents with my husband and 2 children. A couple of days ago I had a dream that my parents built a new 2-story house on the outskirts of other houses on the left side of the road, where There are small ravines nearby. I see: a bright sunny day, green grass, a quiet pleasant wind. Then I entered the house, I saw many large rooms, my mother and father, they offered me to choose one of the rooms to live in. I liked the room where there was a large window, almost to the floor. I looked out of this window for a long time and I felt very good and calm. In one room the floors were wooden and painted with oil paint. This surprised me: why paint the floors if you can lay linoleum. So the dream ended...

    8 years ago I lost my mother, and 2 years after my mother, my father... I was sent to live with my aunt, and now I’ve been living with my aunt for the ninth year, my sister is lost, no news... the house is empty and falling apart... And today I dreamed that I was with I live with this stepsister in our old house, there are a lot of things there, and what I remember well is my mother’s ID, it was not cozy in the house

    I haven’t lived with my parents for a long time, because of conflicts more on their part and envy of the children that we already have everything, so you can live wherever you want (this is the reality of the situation).
    Today's dream: I come to my parents' house, go in there and see a complete rearrangement, a new household appliances, in the common room (hall), judging by the furnishings and photographs, it’s as if some other person’s child lives there
    the refrigerator is full of baby food,
    There are pictures of this little girl everywhere
    and then I met my mother, she looked like she was frightened and poor, and from behind my back she began to kick this little girl and her mother out 9this girl’s mother appeared abruptly and out of nowhere), and that aunt started crying like they had nowhere to go….

    I dreamed that my friend and I were visiting our third friend in her parents’ house. The house is private' huge' big old furniture' it was spacious' everything was somehow huge' I felt like a dwarf' I was joking too' I didn't like the floors there' the boards were smoothly varnished' clean' but they stuck out unevenly everywhere' which could easily stumble. But in fact, this is another third who is now being treated for breast cancer.

    Hello! I dreamed about our parents’ large (we have a 2-story) house. But at the present time, only my father has been living in it for the 3rd year, and my parents are divorced. In the dream, my parents fought very much, were angry at each other, screamed, and in the end In the end we decided to sell it. This is where my dream ends.

    Hello! I dreamed that I had recently given birth, but I didn’t see a child in the dream, then I see myself pregnant with a belly and I feel this belly, but I don’t want to tell anyone about it, in the dream I was happy that I was pregnant... Then I dreamed about school, class and children in this class, and then I find myself in my parents’ house, nothing has changed there, I just feel emptiness and coldness, as it turned out only dad lives there, and mom is nowhere to be found... In my dream I didn’t have a husband and I didn’t see the children’s father either, I also dreamed of an employee who was also pregnant at about the same time as me.

    My sister and I were looking for money, my father’s pension in our parents’ house, there was some kind of pogrom everywhere, at the end I told my sister that where would my father live if we sold the house, and she said so what, I replied that this is impossible, God will punish us (our parents died a year later)

    I’m in the parental home, we’re sitting at the table on the table, there’s soup and something else, the little ones sat and then they took the glue off the table, they cleared the table and I see my little son sitting on the floor and taking off his panties and tights white

    I dreamed from Sunday to Monday. It was as if someone had kidnapped my son, I was very worried, but in the dream my son was not my son, but my late mother. And for some reason we were lying on the sofa in my parents’ house, the doorbell rang. I run and open it and see my son, I hug him, I cry, I ask where he has been, but he doesn’t say anything, he just looks at me and I see blood near his lips.

    Hello, Tatyana! Please explain why I dream about my parents’ house, my classmates in it, as if I woke up and they tell me that someone raped me, and I say: you mean I was sleeping at home, you’re lying. I’m going out to the gate and a white dog is petting me (Laika, she stayed with my ex-mother-in-law, loves me very much, I brought her to her as a puppy), and behind the gate there is a new beautiful house. I think wow such a nice house right in front of our yard is strange. and the tram rails follow it and cars drive along them.

    I saw my parents' house in a dream. Together with my brother-in-law, I decorated the room with balloons, garlands, tinsel and hung everything from the ceiling. The parents sat aside and watched, smiling. What would that mean?

    I often dream about my parents’ house, that I come to it, although I know that the house belongs to other people (I sold this house after the death of my parents) and there is no one in this house, I have been living there for some time, today I dreamed that I was washing in it floors.

    Good afternoon! Already long time I dream about my parents’ house, that I live there, that my dad (who has been gone for 8 years) and my mother live there, but for some reason she’s always missing... I’m waiting for her, I’m worried... and my dad seems to live there, but somehow he disappears...

    I dreamed about my parents' house. My mother is no longer alive. But the father is alive and in the dream he was in the house, or rather in the apartment. In the dream, I was in a hurry to pick up my sick kitten from home. Entering the house, I was outraged by the chaos. Now their two uncles and dad live there. In short, she sorted out the trash, cleaned up, grumbled, and was glad to see a kitten who was sick. But in life there is no kitten. Could this mean some changes in the parental home?

    I dreamed that together with my brother I was trying to escape from the house, which in my dream seemed to be my parents’ house, I was doing it through the window, climbing down a rope or something like that, running away from someone

    Hello Tatyana. I dreamed that my son and daughter-in-law came to visit, but the house was not ours, but my parents’ (who have been dead for a long time, and the house is no longer there either). We need to put them to bed, in the bedroom there are cobwebs on the walls on the wardrobe and there are flies everywhere, both living and dead, I’m collecting poutine, it sticks to my hands, and in addition, a wardrobe fell on me, and I woke up from unpleasant sensations.

    I arrived at my parents’ house, the door was broken into, there was no internal lock! I came in, the house was bright and the children were sleeping on the beds (3 beds) the neighbors (deceased) came in and told them there was nowhere to live! I quarrel with them but they leave the children...

    Good afternoon I dreamed that I was coming home to my parents with a friend, we just entered the yard, and my classmate Maxim told me that he had bought the entire house, and that he was now the owner of it! I was very upset by this news, but I went to pack my things. I start from the living room, but there are too many of my things, I ask my friend to help me, then I see a beautiful brick fireplace appears in the living room (it wasn’t there before), I got angry and for some reason kicked it, and I ran into the closet that leads to the attic. Then she called her mother and asked why she didn’t tell her earlier that she had sold the house, she replied that she herself found out about it at 16.00 and that the builders had somehow deceived her! I began to cry bitterly, childhood memories came flooding back, which made me wake up in tears.

    I'm dreaming (in lately very often) my parents’ house, my parents died a long time ago, I also spent my childhood in this house, at the age of 17 I left and was never there again, the house was sold. there have been new owners for a long time. I dream that I return there and start cleaning, and I miss this house

    For the second night in a row I see my parents’ house in gray and black tones. The first dream is disturbing, my daughter and I climb out through the window, and a stranger is chasing us, brandishing a knife, the second dream is that I see myself in bed with the admirer of my youth, surrounded by my dead parents and brother

    I came to my parents’ house that was burnt down. There were burnt walls from the inside. but the box of the house was intact, there were 2 men and 2 children there, I tried to kick them out. But they said that the former owners had allowed them, but they had already died and I had to leave.

    Hello. The dream was not mine, but my father’s. he dreamed of his parents' house. his parents, grandmother and brother were there. all dead. they invited him to visit this house more often. the father got scared because... has health problems.

    Mine started with this: I was on a bus in the village where I lived with my parents, the bus was flying at high speed, I was afraid we’d get killed, I got to the stop, got off and went home to what’s strange, but I didn’t come into the house and they stopped me, then a friend of hers got smeared in the puddle, then the neighbor’s daughter asked play with her, I woke up in a dream, stopped on the road above my house, I stood and looked out the windows

    I was walking along the road at first, then somehow I ended up near the place where my house stood, in fact in reality it stands, but in the dream it was not there and I began to cry for the house and for my birth (they died in reality) in the dream I am this I understood that I had already had this dream about a month ago...

    I often dream about my parents' apartment and my relatives. I also often dream about the trip to visit them and the last day of my stay at my parents’ house. I am very overcome by melancholy and sadness in my dreams because I have to leave my parents.

    Parents' house. We were in 1 room. Mom and other people said that one of their previous roommates ate their food at night. Mom was younger than now and much more smiling. The furnishings in the room were changed relative to what was in the house in reality.

    I came to see where my parents’ house stood. I knew that the owners had demolished it and built a new one. In a dream, I see that I am with these people with my husband and ask them to show where our house was. I see old wall, I felt very sorry that I could not appear in my childhood home. I'm very upset.

    my brother died on August 2, 2015. This morning, around 6-6.30, I dreamed of a revived brother in my parents’ house. he expressed dissatisfaction with the fact that my mother and I scolded him for bringing strangers into the house who were sleeping in the bedroom of our house. one of them gave his last name and said that it was already late and his bus had already left, and the next one would be in the morning. the second lay on its side and didn’t even move. I told him to go home in the morning, and for now to sleep. my brother also went to sleep in the next room on the bed where I was temporarily sleeping, and all three of them lay down with their heads to the west. Before that, I couldn’t open the house, there was something wrong with the key. but left the house unknown man who started pestering me, I fought him off. Mom said she knew him, but didn’t say who he was.

    Hello! I'm already married. there are two children. I had the same dream several times, I live at my parents’ house, with the children, but it’s as if my husband doesn’t exist at all. the house is clean, comfortable, parents are alive and well.

    I dreamed about the house of my grandmother, who died 5 years ago. Moreover, the house was sold a long time ago during her lifetime. And in a dream I clearly saw him as in childhood. Well-groomed, bright. But no one was home. She walked around the yard and went out the gate.

    My parents’ apartment, which has already been sold, I tell the guests where someone will sleep, I tell my ex-husband to lie down on the bed and we will lie down on the sofa for my other loved ones, a friend wanted to leave, they say there are no places because there are a lot of people (my friend and ex-husband don’t have them in this world) but she’s young My friend’s daughter-in-law said that they (her friend and her daughter) would lie on the sofa and we would lie on the bed. We sat down at the table and I slowly began to clear the table. What does this mean?

    I was in the courtyard of my parents’ house, with my parents nearby. I carried empty buckets, and my mother cut something into them. In reality, we sold this house and other people now live in it. I was also wearing old, not beautiful things.

    My mother has a dream after the death of her grandmother (her mother). I dream about my grandmother's house almost every day. my mother is protecting the house from some robbers, etc. My grandmother died six months ago, but my mother still cries.

    I dreamed about my parents' house.
    And everything would be fine, but I leave him in the care of my ex-husband. Like he bought a dead neighbor’s hut and hired me to look after my mother’s house. And the windows in the house are all cracked, and I’m very scared to leave it like that. Even under guard. So scared that I even woke up.

    I dreamed about my parents’ house but it was demolished and its place stands new home my brother lives there, but I dreamed about the old one where I grew up and it was as if the table was set, but I didn’t see him, and my mother (she is no longer alive) said, taking sweets and cookies in bags next to the table (as if guests had brought them) and said to take them to then we’ll drink tea and I say, let’s throw them out, they’re not fresh (like stale candies and cookies)

    On November 15, 2015, my mother died, on November 21 we had lunch at her house, yesterday I had a dream that I was washing the floors in the living room in my mother’s house, I only saw my mother’s feet and heard her voice, we were talking about how someone we knew had died and that's all

    I dreamed that I was at my parents’ house and my grandmother (who is no longer alive) was there, as well as my mother, I was putting things in order and changing bed sheets. My youngest daughter is spinning nearby, she runs out into the street, I catch up with her through several houses and we return to the house. Walking along the street, I saw that it had recently rained and I was walking in boots through puddles. in front of the houses, I closed the gate to the garden, went into the yard and began to walk along the house and noticed that over time the tow between the beams had disappeared somewhere and there were gaping holes through it. I went into the house and decided that I needed to close the voids with something. but at this time my attention was diverted by my mother and grandmother; for some reason they went to sleep in a place they didn’t usually sleep. ok mom, but grandma was generally acting strange, for some reason she kept changing her position all the time, then she muttered “here you won’t find a husband or a garden” something else, then my father entered the house (he’s also no longer alive) I told him I smiled, said hello and hugged him. I wanted to tell him that there were voids between the beams, but my grandmother started talking again and I woke up.

    As a child, for about two weeks, I saw the same dream, my parents were leaving, I closed the door with a hook, pulled the door towards me and could not close it because on the other side it was also pulled and a large, overweight old woman came into the house, she She smiled maliciously and called me with her, while she always had a bag in her hands, she opened it and I woke up. This went on for a very long time, I was very afraid to stay at home alone, the house was large, with a golbets (underground), the golbets were closed with a lid, there was a large tank of water nearby and I managed to move it from its place and put it on the lid. We had a big house with a huge Russian stove, one day I took a cast iron pot of water out of the stove and thought that if this old woman came out now, I would pour boiling water over her and that same night, in a dream, I did just that, more she didn't come to me. But the most interesting thing was later, when I told my friend about this old woman, she came to her too, when I described the old woman’s appearance, you had to see her friend’s face, and it turns out she got rid of her like this: she pushed her under the car and all that was left of the old woman was a big bone. It was so long ago, and strangers are already living in the house, and I dream about the house very often and just recently and the old woman came again, what does she want from me, I don’t understand

    Hello Tatyana. I had a dream from Tuesday to Wednesday. My parents' house. Outside there is heavy rain, wind, tree branches are hitting the window. I see how the ceiling begins to sag in one room, I ran to another and there too, I ran to the third and there it also sagged a lot ceiling. So in three rooms. But it didn’t fall through. It’s scary to go outside to see what’s wrong with the roof, because there’s heavy rain and wind. And I woke up. But sleep gives me no rest. Thank you.

    I often take pictures of relatives (not mine specifically, but from my husband’s side—his brother and his brother’s wife), and lately they’ve been my closest circle. I dream as if we are living with them in my parents’ house, which is large and roomy (two families can actually live there). Despite the fact that the house had already been sold before I met my husband, and, naturally, before I met his family. And despite the fact that I live with my husband (and his relatives too) in the wrong city where I was born.

    I dreamed about my parents’ house; this house had long been sold and my parents died. In the dream, dad and I were getting ready to fly to another country, I was in a hurry, and didn’t know what clothes to take, I didn’t have time in the dream, dad seemed to have disappeared and I was still going to be in a hurry, then in the dream, our director was also in the house and gave me disposable sachets a whole handful of sugar, I had a lot of sugar packets in my hand, then I tried on the sheepskin coat that she recommended to me, in general, I remember dad said we were going for 5-7 days. That's how I woke up. But the dream was as prophetic as alive. Please help me explain.

    I dreamed of my parents' house in which luxurious renovation and me with mine ex-husband I went to choose furniture. I also dreamed about my dad and mom, who are no longer alive. they were doing housework. I dreamed about them in good mood. Dad told me in a dream that turkeys peck geese. then I dreamed that my daughter-in-law asked me to replace her at work. she works as a nurse. I put on a white robe and cap and went to replace her.

    Hello, Tatyana! My name is Tatyana. I often dream about my parents' house. Parents are no longer alive. I see myself there: in the house, in the garden. I see the house from the outside. I see my mother in the yard. My son also dreams about the house. He dreams about it very often. Either he is in the yard, or he sleeps there. We want to sell the house. Could this be related?

    I saw myself in my parents’ house, my father died, my mother is alive, but we don’t communicate, I see through the window a woman and a man with a disabled child, and she throws a piece of lemon through the window, I pick it up, in a dream the fool, fool, fool screamed.

    Hello! my husband dreamed that he was returning to the house where he used to live (more precisely, an apartment) and other people (not relatives) lived there. He fills a gas cylinder, something goes wrong and gas and smoke come out of the cylinder... in general, this is where the dream ends!

    We have two houses on the property, one is my parents’ and the other is mine in the morning. I leave the house and see that my parents’ house has already burned down and they are sorting out the rubbish from the burner. I’m shocked and can’t understand what it is, why I haven’t heard anything, I’m crying and helping to sort out the rubbish. as if we are looking for something but I still don’t understand, please explain what this could mean

    Hello, Tatyana. I dreamed that I was in my parents’ apartment (5-story building, 3rd floor), standing at the bedroom window, looking at the horizon (behind it there are private sector houses), and suddenly the house begins to move towards the horizon, I I know that he will go underground. And now I’m already at the entrance (of a completely different house, not at my parents’), next to me is a dad and some child, it seems like a daughter (I have 2 children - a daughter is 23 years old, a son is 6 years old), and Mom is not around, I look for her in alarm (my parents are alive, but my dad is very sick), people are running around, trying to get out of the house, and they succeed, but we cannot leave the house without mom. The house stops “moving”, before for a split second it stops in front of the horizon, from the door from the entrance (for some reason on the 3rd floor) houses of the private sector are visible... and the house begins to go underground, some people manage to jump out of the door, and we are waiting for mom... The house stops half a door, at chest level, I clearly feel that there are still 2 floors of a large house above us, and half a door I see that at a distance of approximately 1.5 m a boy is walking along the path to a small house without noticing what is happening in dreams (as if he is from another time, a resonance is felt between the two houses). I turn around, worried that delays are costing us our lives, and I see my mother approaching us with some kind of string bag. It becomes calm... and I woke up. I would be very grateful for your explanation of the dream.

    I dreamed of my deceased parents in their house, part of the house was burning with a strong flame, my parents and I tried to call the fire department, then I went outside and started calling neighbors for help, when I left the house for help, my children and deceased parents remained in the house . I never went back

    Hello, I dreamed of my deceased father in our former apartment, where we lived with our parents, I came deceased mother, and I told her that my father died in the toilet, she pulled him out of there, he had small, fresh wounds on his head and face, she covered him, and then, when she opened it and showed it to me, he came to life...then I woke up ...

    I was driving a car with someone past the house where my grandmother, grandfather, father lived (no one is alive anymore) and I say, look, here is the house where my ancestors lived and drove past so slowly. Why is this?

    I dreamed that my brother and I were in our former house, but I didn’t see my parents. My parents died a long time ago. I was struck in the dream that we weren’t entering the house, we were standing in the yard and I squeezed out a small pimple on my brother’s neck and it came out abruptly there is a lot of pus, after which I wipe my hands, but the pus still comes out. After this we see a beautiful picture - magical snowflakes are flying beautifully, although it looks like autumn or early spring outside.

    I’ve been in the hospital for 4 days. I’m 15. Every time I dream about my native village, my house, my family, my friends. The first time I was in hospital I was standing on the street near the house arguing with my brother. This time I dreamed that I was walking with my friend center. And all my dreams take place in my village where I live. Why am I dreaming about this? And I myself am lying in a city far from home. And I dream of going home

    Hello. I had a dream that my father-in-law’s house was slowly going underground. Everyone came out of the house and watched this phenomenon, and for some reason children were scurrying around nearby, including my son at a younger age.

    I often dream that I live in my parents' apartment. I was walking some evening, and this time I was met at home not only by my parents, but also by my two sons preschool age. Although in real life I have one son, 17 years old.

    I’m returning to my parents’ house, but I can’t get through because on the street next to the house houses are burning, a white house is spreading, there are a lot of ruins of houses and ashes. I walk around the burning street and my long-dead neighbor shows me the way. I enter my parents’ house, it is almost empty. Only in the kitchen there is a table and a stove. I see my naked father (deceased) standing with his back to me. I offer him to get dressed, he turns around dressed and takes a large cup with some kind of food and eats it. I leave home, and there is green grass all around and a lot of apple slices on it. Someone treats me to a slice, I eat it, I feel how juicy and delicious apple and I wake up...

    I dreamed of my parents’ house and the expectation of approaching tanks. My father helped find means of defense. I sent my neighbors away and started looking for a grenade. I found it, but I don’t remember the explosion. I remember that I threw it towards the tank.

    I am currently in the process of partially renovating my apartment. I see a dream: while mixing a solution of something in a small bowl, I go into the kitchen. Water poured from the ceiling into my dishes. She looked up at the ceiling, at the seams ceiling tiles water is pouring. The thought ran through, they are pouring from above.
    She ran to report, not knowing who. A husband and his sister, who lives in another city, are coming to meet them. I tell him. And we drove up not to our apartment building, but to the house of my late mother, sold during her lifetime. But I don’t think about it in my dreams.
    Dirt from the porch, trampled dirty shoes, and the floors are wet inside.

    I dreamed about my late mother. She led me along an alley I knew in the place where I lived earlier. But the alley was built up. The imam led me through some gates. She said that everything was being built up. That everything was in order. Then we went out onto our street. It wasn’t along a dirt road, and it was all covered with old painted boards very tightly and neatly adjusted to each other. We came home and my late father was there. The house was almost destroyed and not ours. I told my father, we need to quickly support the ceiling, otherwise the second floor, where everything was clean and comfortable, will collapse. Mom went to the collapsed corner and stood in this corner. Her father was next to her, and my 33-year-old daughter came out of the other door and went to them. Yakrich, don’t go - the ceiling might collapse, but she went anyway. d-ar-studio2mail.ru

    My parents died, but I often dream of the house in which we lived as unkempt. The garden is not weeded, the farm is not inspected, in general, the dream occurs many times and all the time with approximately the same interpretation: unkemptness. Dad and mom might be in it too, but they just walk around, mind their own business, and don’t bother me.

    I flew on a plane and ended up in my parents' house with my mother and grandmother, my mother and grandmother are serious, silent, the house is dark, then I go with a guy I know in a car and arrive at the cemetery, there is another guy I know, he drives up to us on a tractor, he negative attitude, but I find it with him common language, and then I go to the cemetery, pass through the cemetery and go out into the forest, there a man I don’t know meets me, we are armed and he leads me somewhere.

    I dreamed that I and the customer came to my mother’s house, but this house is not ours; in fact, during Her life it was different, it is a 4-story brick house, going up to the top 2 floor with the customer there deceased grandmother I forgot to turn off the water and it was flowing, we went downstairs and there was peace there, I told her, look what she did, how much water, I said, we need to call a plumber, and we leave. Then I had the following dream, that my 3rd sister’s husband is dying (I don’t know which sister is which), I came to help with the organization, but my aunt tells me you brought me candy and cookies that I will distribute at the cemetery, then the dining room people cook, like there is not enough food, then there is a yard, there is no part of the fence white dog running around with a cat and someone else's big brown one, I kicked Her out, and yesterday I dreamed about the house of my late grandmother, I went there with friends to relax, but knowing that She was gone

    I have a dream that I live in my parents’ house, although I have been married for 20 years. I always dream differently. Then I see in a dream my late father lying on the sofa, or sitting on a bench near the house, today I saw that I was doing something on the computer, when my husband arrived, asked me something and got the impression that we live in my parents’ house .

    In the parents' courtyard, located in the clear sector, a photo shoot of a famous and popular personality is taking place. I am dressed up with a kitten in my hands, sitting on a horse and watching the process. Emotions of joy overwhelm me. From behind, mowing my shoulders and hair, there is a oh-so-huge bouquet of rare, unusual, beautiful, previously unknown to me flowers. A handsome stranger is sitting nearby on another horse, but then I find out that he is the director of this event. I ride out the gate on a horse; she is submissive and listens to me. I go downstairs and shake hands with about twenty people I don’t know. But among them are 2 of my cousins ​​and all these people are their friends. The subscribers were sad and clearly surprised by our meeting, although they themselves arrived at my parents’ house in several cars. Then they leave, and I, on horseback, wait for my turn for a photo shoot, making eyes at the same handsome director of the event. I'll tell you: I fell asleep.

    Then we are in the house as if my husband and my husband’s relative finds this guy’s jacket and scolds me. Then we find ourselves in the house of my deceased parents. It's very damp there, you can even say water in some places, some places on the walls are whitewashed, very white. Even when we were in my husband’s house (it was my husband who was not in this dream), I responded to the kiss, felt the masculine principle, but from the silent look it became clear that this would not happen before the wedding. All.

Multi-storey house (high-rise) according to Magini’s dream book - achieving certain heights. The higher you were, the greater the result you can count on. IN apartment building apartment– among many things, secrets, concerns, in the future you will have to worry about one especially. Rustic house (in the village) - a dream indicates health and vitality (depending on the condition of the hut).

Many rooms in the house - you are the owner of a rich inner world. House with windows– the ability to see deeper than what lies on the surface. A house without windows means leading a closed lifestyle, shielding yourself from the world. Doors– this is a relationship. A building without doors means that you are either not ready to enter into a close relationship, or are voluntarily giving up friendships. Threshold at home - an obstacle, a turning point, overcoming which will lead to change. Attic see - plans and ideas put off for later will remind you of themselves. Roof at home according to Magini’s dream book - protection, an opportunity to take a break from the hustle and bustle of life. Standing on the roof means finding yourself in a risky situation without an intercessor. Walls houses are dreamed of as a symbol of security and the presence of a protector. Entrance at home - searching for your own path, a transition period, the end of which will be marked by significant events. Basement– secret thoughts, subconscious, “skeletons in the closet.” Foundation dreams of a support, a reliable person (very often our parents are the “foundation” in our lives). Corner buildings are a “stumbling block”, a situation where there is no way out in sight.

Black a house (dark) dreams of sadness, mourning. White home - joyful events, changes in life. Green- pleasant expectations, hope for a favorable outcome.

Filthy house (clutter, mess, dirt) – dirty thoughts, complexes, poor health. Clean home (order) – bright thoughts, self-confidence, a comfortable existence with others.

The parental home is often a symbol of protection, stability and tranquility. Why is he dreaming? The dream book recommends interpreting an image if something extraordinary and unusual is associated with it in a dream.

Opinion of Vanga and Miller

If you happen to visit your old parental home, then Mr. Miller guarantees good news. Vanga's dream book believes that it is best to see a house as cozy, beautiful and warm. This is a sign of a successful life.

What have you done?

See your old house abandoned and empty in a dream - not good. This means that you have made unforgivable mistakes and will have to pay for them.

A well-maintained and renovated old house promises a decent life in the future. If you dreamed that you could not find the way to your father’s house, then the dream book prophesies a general deterioration in all matters.

General interpretation

An expanded interpretation of sleep involves deciphering any nuances in a dream. Pay attention to the general details first.

  • A strong and strong house is fortunate.
  • Falling apart - to illness.
  • Unresidential - to a scandal.
  • Sold – losses due to short-sightedness.
  • Empty - collapse of hopes.
  • To be demolished - unfortunately.
  • Hide in it - avoid danger.

Find a like-minded person!

If you dreamed that you inherited your parents’ house, then soon you will have a reliable assistant or companion with whom you will achieve unprecedented results.

Did you dream about a vegetable garden near a house? The dream book is sure that these are your affairs and plans. By the appearance and condition of the plantings, you can understand how they will move forward.

Take care of things!

Why do you dream that in a dream you managed to rebuild your parents’ house? This is a sign that some opaque incident will become absolutely clear.

Carrying out repairs yourself means you need to immediately sort out current affairs. Did you dream that others were doing this? The dream book believes that it is necessary to monitor the implementation of a certain order.

Expect changes...

Other actions performed in a dream also have meaning. Washing the floor this way means significant changes, both favorable and negative.

If you happened to wash the floor in your parents’ house, then a big family event with an abundance of guests is coming. Cleaning the apartment is a sign of a visit from a person who has arrived from afar.

But remember, cleaning in a dream literally means that one of the residents will leave the family home forever.

Interpretation according to mood

Why do you dream about your parents’ house and dead parents in it? The dream book believes that the deceased want to help or warn you.

If the deceased parents are calm and content, then everything goes well. If, on the contrary, they are sad, sick or angry, then you obviously messed up somewhere.

Everything will get better!

Did you dream that only your late dad came to your parents’ house? Soon you will be able to improve your financial situation and even get rich.

Seeing a lot of people in it is a sign of prosperity that has yet to be earned. Guests appear in your father's house in a dream as a sign that you have to work in a large, but not necessarily friendly, team.

Be careful!

Why do you dream that your parents’ house is on fire? The dream book believes that this is a sign of a serious illness.

A burning building can be a dream of poverty, a decline in business, or a break in relationships.

Seeing a building on fire that you yourself set on fire? The dream book is sure that one’s own careless actions will bring trouble.

Joy or scandal?

In general, the fire that engulfed the parental home is interpreted differently. It can symbolize both great joy or news, and theft, scandal and other negative events.

Did you happen to put out a fire in a dream? After a series of failures, great success will certainly await you.

Always come back!

Why do you dream that in a dream you happened to leave your father’s house? For a young woman, this is a sign that her name will be discredited by a dishonest man.

If a man had to leave, then the dream book believes that he will fail in business and lose heart.

Driving along the road from home to return again is good. This is an indication of active life position, enterprise, travel, good news.


  • I saw my parents’ house in a dream and I felt so good and calm in it (my parents were no longer there), but the house was not sold, and no one lives in it. And my brother offered to buy me a new house not far from my parents’ (I live very far away), but I never bought it, I woke up, what’s the point?

  • Valentina:

    I dreamed that I was leaving my parents’ house, my brother was coming towards me and asking for money, I didn’t give it, I went out into the street, and there was my deceased mother, I spoke to her, she said that I needed to help my brother, I was offended and left, I said that he he helped build, although he never helped in any way.

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