Is the Armenian Church Orthodox? What is the difference between Orthodoxy and the Armenian “church” and is there salvation in it?

Currently, according to the canonical structure of the united Armenian Apostolic Church, there are two Catholicosates - the Catholicosate of All Armenians, with its center in Etchmiadzin (Armenian. Մայր Աթոռ Սուրբ Էջմիածին / Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin) and Cilician (Armenian) Մեծի Տանն Կիլիկիոյ Կաթողիկոսություն / Catholicosate of the Great House of Cilicia), with its center (since 1930) in Antilias, Lebanon. With the administrative independence of the Cilician Catholicos, the primacy of honor belongs to the Catholicos of All Armenians, who has the title of Supreme Patriarch of the AAC.

The Catholicos of All Armenians is under the jurisdiction of all dioceses within Armenia, as well as most foreign dioceses around the world, in particular in Russia, Ukraine and other countries of the former USSR. Under the administration of the Cilician Catholicos are the dioceses of Lebanon, Syria and Cyprus.

There are also two autonomous patriarchates of the AAC - Constantinople and Jerusalem, canonically subordinate to the Catholicos of All Armenians. The Patriarchs of Jerusalem and Constantinople have the ecclesiastical degree of archbishop. The Jerusalem Patriarchate is in charge of the Armenian churches of Israel and Jordan, and the Patriarchate of Constantinople is in charge of the Armenian churches of Turkey and the island of Crete (Greece).

Church organization in Russia

  • New Nakhichevan and Russian Diocese Rostov Vicariate of the AAC Western Vicariate of the AAC
  • Diocese of the South of Russia AAC North Caucasus Vicariate of the AAC

Spiritual degrees in the AAC

Unlike the Greek tripartite (bishop, priest, deacon) system of spiritual degrees of hierarchy, there are five spiritual degrees in the Armenian Church.

  1. Catholicos/Head of the Bishop/ (has absolute authority to perform the Sacraments, including the Ordination of all spiritual levels of the hierarchy, including bishops and Catholicoses. The ordination and anointing of bishops is performed in the concelebration of two bishops. The anointing of a Catholicos is performed in the concelebration of twelve bishops).
  2. Bishop, Archbishop (differs from the Catholicos in some limited powers. The bishop can ordain and anoint priests, but usually cannot independently ordain bishops, but only concelebrate with the Catholicos in episcopal consecration. When a new Catholicos is elected, twelve bishops will anoint him, elevating him to a spiritual degree).
  3. Priest, Archimandrite(performs all the Sacraments except Ordination).
  4. Deacon(will serve in the Sacraments).
  5. Dpir(the lowest spiritual degree received at episcopal ordination. Unlike a deacon, he does not read the Gospel at the liturgy and does not offer the liturgical cup).



Armenian apostolic church belongs to the group of Ancient Eastern churches. She did not participate in the IV Ecumenical Council for objective reasons and, like all the Ancient Eastern churches, did not accept its resolutions. In its dogmatics, it is based on the decisions of the first three Ecumenical Councils and adheres to the pre-Chalcedonian Christology of St. Cyril of Alexandria, who professed the One of the two natures of God, the Word incarnate (miaphysitism). Theological critics of the AAC argue that its Christology should be interpreted as Monophysitism, which the Armenian Church rejects, anathematizing both Monophysitism and Dyophysitism.

Icon veneration

Among critics of the Armenian Church there is an opinion that in early period Iconoclasm was characteristic of her. This opinion could arise due to the fact that in general there are few icons and no iconostasis in Armenian churches, but this is only a consequence of the local ancient tradition, historical conditions and the general asceticism of the decoration (that is, from the point of view of the Byzantine tradition of icon veneration, when everything is covered with icons walls of the temple, this can be perceived as a “lack” of icons or even “iconoclasm”). On the other hand, such an opinion could have developed due to the fact that believing Armenians usually do not keep icons at home. The Cross was more often used in home prayer. This is due to the fact that the icon in the AAC must certainly be consecrated by the hand of the bishop with holy chrism, and therefore it is more of a temple shrine than an indispensable attribute of home prayer.

According to critics of “Armenian iconoclasm”, the main reasons that determined its appearance are considered to be the rule of Muslims in Armenia in the 8th-9th centuries, whose religion prohibits images of people, “monophysitism”, which does not presuppose in Christ a human essence, and therefore, the subject of the image, as well as the identification of icon veneration with the Byzantine Church, with which the Armenian Apostolic Church had significant disagreements since the Council of Chalcedon. Well, since the presence of icons in Armenian churches testifies against the assertion of iconoclasm in the AAC, the opinion began to be put forward that, starting from the 11th century, in matters of icon veneration, the Armenian Church converged with the Byzantine tradition (although Armenia in subsequent centuries was under the rule of Muslims, and many The dioceses of the AAC are still located in Muslim territories today, despite the fact that there have never been any changes in Christology and the attitude towards the Byzantine tradition is the same as in the first millennium).

The Armenian Apostolic Church itself declares its negative attitude towards iconoclasm and condemns it, since it has its own history of fighting this heresy. Even at the end of the 6th - beginning of the 7th centuries (that is, more than a century before the emergence of iconoclasm in Byzantium, 8th-9th centuries), preachers of iconoclasm appeared in Armenia. The Dvina priest Hesu and several other clergy proceeded to the Sodk and Gardmank regions, where they preached the rejection and destruction of icons. The Armenian Church, represented by Catholicos Movses, theologians Vrtanes Kertoh and Hovhan Mayragometsi, ideologically opposed them. But the fight against the iconoclasts was not limited only to theology. The iconoclasts were persecuted and, captured by the Gardman prince, went to the court of the Church in Dvin. Thus, intra-church iconoclasm was quickly suppressed, but found soil in the sectarian popular movements of the mid-7th century. and the beginning of the 8th century, with which the Armenian and Alvan churches fought.

Calendar and ritual features

Vardapet (archimandrite) staff, Armenia, 1st quarter of the 19th century


One of the ritual features of the Armenian Apostolic Church is the matah (literally “offering salt”) or charity meal, mistakenly perceived by some as an animal sacrifice. The main meaning of matah is not in sacrifice, but in bringing a gift to God in the form of showing mercy to the poor. That is, if this can be called a sacrifice, then only in the sense of donation. This is a sacrifice of mercy, and not a blood sacrifice like the Old Testament or pagan ones.

The mataha tradition traces back to the words of the Lord:

When you make lunch or dinner, do not invite your friends, nor your brothers, nor your relatives, nor rich neighbors, so that they do not invite you and you receive reward. But when you make a feast, call the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed that they cannot repay you, for you will be rewarded at the resurrection of the righteous.
Luke 14:12-14

Matah in the Armenian Apostolic Church is performed on various occasions, most often as gratitude to God for mercy or with a request for help. Most often, matah is performed as a vow for the successful outcome of something, for example, the return of a son from the army or recovery from a serious illness of a family member, and is also performed as a petition for the repose of the deceased. However, matah is also customary to serve as a public meal for parish members during major church holidays or in connection with the consecration of a church.

Participation in the rite of the clergyman is limited solely to the consecration of the salt with which the matah is prepared. It is forbidden to bring an animal to church, and therefore it is slaughtered by the donor at home. For matah, a bull, ram or poultry is slaughtered (which is perceived as a sacrifice). The meat is boiled in water with the addition of blessed salt. They distribute it to the poor or host a meal at home, and the meat should not be left for the next day. So the meat of a bull is distributed to 40 houses, a ram - to 7 houses, a rooster - to 3 houses. Traditional and symbolic mate, when a dove is used, it is released into the wild.

Forward post

The advanced fast, currently unique to the Armenian Church, occurs 3 weeks before Lent. The origin of fasting is associated with the fast of St. Gregory the Illuminator, after which he healed the sick king Trdat the Great.


In the Armenian Church, as in other Ancient Eastern Orthodox churches, unlike the Orthodox churches of the Greek tradition, the Trisagion hymn is sung not to the Divine Trinity, but to one of the Persons of the Triune God. More often this is perceived as a Christological formula. Therefore, after the words “Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal,” depending on the event celebrated at the Liturgy, an addition is made indicating one or another biblical event.

So in the Sunday Liturgy and on Easter it is added: “... who rose from the dead, have mercy on us.”

During the non-Sunday Liturgy and on the feasts of the Holy Cross: “... who was crucified for us, …”.

On the Annunciation or Epiphany (Christmas and Epiphany): “... who appeared for us, …”.

On the Ascension of Christ: “... that he ascended in glory to the Father, …”.

On Pentecost (Descent of the Holy Spirit): “... who came and rested on the apostles, …”.

And others...


Bread In the Armenian Apostolic Church, when celebrating the Eucharist, according to tradition, unleavened is used. The choice of Eucharistic bread (unleavened or leavened) is not given dogmatic significance.

Wine When celebrating the sacrament of the Eucharist, the whole thing is used, not diluted with water.

The consecrated Eucharistic bread (Body) is immersed by the priest into the Chalice with consecrated wine (Blood) and, broken into pieces with the fingers, is served to the communicant.

Sign of the Cross

In the Armenian Apostolic Church, the sign of the cross is three-fingered (similar to the Greek) and is performed from left to right (like the Latins). The AAC does not consider other versions of the Sign of the Cross, practiced in other churches, to be “wrong,” but perceives them as a natural local tradition.

Calendar features

The Armenian Apostolic Church as a whole lives according to the Gregorian calendar, but communities in the diaspora, on the territory of churches using the Julian calendar, with the blessing of the bishop can also live according to the Julian calendar. That is, the calendar is not given a “dogmatic” status. The Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem, according to the status quo accepted between the Christian churches that have rights to the Holy Sepulcher, lives according to the Julian calendar, like the Greek Patriarchate.

An important prerequisite for the spread of Christianity was the existence of Jewish colonies in Armenia. As is known, the first preachers of Christianity usually began their activities in those places where Jewish communities were located. Jewish communities existed in the main cities of Armenia: Tigranakert, Artashat, Vagharshapat, Zareavan, etc. Tertullian in the book “Against the Jews,” written in 197, telling about the peoples who adopted Christianity: Parthians, Lydians, Phrygians, Cappadocians, also mentions Armenians This evidence is confirmed by Blessed Augustine in his essay “Against the Manichaeans.”

At the end of the 2nd - beginning of the 3rd centuries, Christians in Armenia were persecuted by the kings Vagharsh II (186-196), Khosrow I (196-216) and their successors. These persecutions were described by the Bishop of Cappadocian Caesarea Firmilian (230-268) in his book “The History of the Persecution of the Church.” Eusebius of Caesarea mentions the letter of Dionysius, Bishop of Alexandria, “On repentance to the brothers in Armenia, where Meruzhan was the bishop” (VI, 46. 2). The letter dates from 251-255. It proves that in the middle of the 3rd century there was a Christian community organized and recognized by the Universal Church in Armenia.

Adoption of Christianity by Armenia

Traditional historical date The year 301 is considered to be the year of the proclamation of Christianity as “the state and only religion of Armenia”. According to S. Ter-Nersesyan, this happened no earlier than 314, between 314 and 325, but this does not negate the fact that Armenia was the first to adopt Christianity at the state level. Saint Gregory the Illuminator, who became the first first hierarch of the state Armenian Church (-), and the king of Great Armenia, Saint Trdat III the Great (-), who before his conversion was the most severe persecutor of Christianity.

According to the writings of Armenian historians of the 5th century, in 287 Trdat arrived in Armenia, accompanied by Roman legions, to regain his father's throne. In the estate of Eriza, Gavar Ekegeats, when the king was performing a ritual of sacrifice in the temple of the pagan goddess Anahit, Gregory, one of the king’s associates, as a Christian, refused to sacrifice to the idol. Then it is revealed that Gregory is the son of Anak, the murderer of Trdat’s father, King Khosrow II. For these “crimes” Gregory is imprisoned in the Artashat dungeon, intended for death row. In the same year, the king issued two decrees: the first of them ordered the arrest of all Christians within Armenia with the confiscation of their property, and the second ordered the death penalty for harboring Christians. These decrees show how dangerous Christianity was considered for the state.

Church of Saint Gayane. Vagharshapat

Church of St. Hripsime. Vagharshapat

The adoption of Christianity by Armenia is closely associated with the martyrdom of the holy virgins Hripsimeyanki. According to legend, a group of Christian girls originally from Rome, hiding from the persecution of Emperor Diocletian, fled to the East and found refuge near the capital of Armenia, Vagharshapat. King Trdat, enchanted by the beauty of the maiden Hripsime, wanted to take her as his wife, but met desperate resistance, for which he ordered all the girls to be martyred. Hripsime and 32 friends died in the north-eastern part of Vagharshapat, the teacher of the maidens Gayane, along with two maidens, died in the southern part of the city, and one sick maiden was tortured right in the winepress. Only one of the virgins - Nune - managed to escape to Georgia, where she continued to preach Christianity and was subsequently glorified under the name of Equal-to-the-Apostles Saint Nino.

The execution of the Hripsimeyan maidens caused the king a strong mental shock, which led to a serious nervous illness. In the 5th century, people called this disease “pig disease,” which is why sculptors depicted Trdat with a pig’s head. The king's sister Khosrovadukht repeatedly had a dream in which she was informed that Trdat could only be healed by Gregory, imprisoned. Gregory, who miraculously survived after spending 13 years in a stone pit in Khor Virap, was released from prison and solemnly received in Vagharshapat. After 66 days of prayer and preaching the teachings of Christ, Gregory healed the king, who, having thus come to faith, declared Christianity the religion of the state.

The previous persecutions of Trdat led to the virtual destruction of the sacred hierarchy in Armenia. To be ordained a bishop, Gregory the Illuminator solemnly went to Caesarea, where he was ordained by the Cappadocian bishops led by Leontius of Caesarea. Bishop Peter of Sebaste performed the ceremony of enthroning Gregory to the episcopal throne in Armenia. The ceremony took place not in the capital Vagharshapat, but in distant Ashtishat, where the main episcopal see of Armenia, founded by the apostles, had long been located.

King Trdat, together with the entire court and princes, was baptized by Gregory the Illuminator and made every effort to revive and spread Christianity in the country, and so that paganism could never return. Unlike Osroene, where King Abgar (who, according to Armenian legend, is considered an Armenian) was the first of the monarchs to adopt Christianity, making it only the sovereign’s religion, in Armenia Christianity became the state religion. And that is why Armenia is considered the first Christian state in the world.

To strengthen the position of Christianity in Armenia and the final departure from paganism, Gregory the Illuminator, together with the king, destroyed pagan sanctuaries and, in order to avoid their restoration, built Christian churches in their place. This began with the construction of the Etchmiadzin Cathedral. According to legend, Saint Gregory had a vision: the sky opened, a ray of light descended from it, preceded by a host of angels, and in a ray of light Christ descended from heaven and struck the Sandarametk underground temple with a hammer, indicating its destruction and the construction of a Christian church on this site. The temple was destroyed and filled up, and a temple dedicated to the Most Holy Theotokos was erected in its place. This is how it was founded spiritual center Armenian Apostolic Church - Holy Etchmiadzin, which translated from Armenian means “the Only Begotten descended.”

The newly converted Armenian state was forced to defend its religion from the Roman Empire. Eusebius of Caesarea testifies that Emperor Maximin II Daza (-) declared war on the Armenians, “from ancient times former friends and allies of Rome, moreover, this god-fighter tried to force zealous Christians to make sacrifices to idols and demons and thereby made them enemies instead of friends and enemies instead of allies... He himself, together with his troops, suffered failures in the war with the Armenians” (IX. 8,2,4 ). Maximin attacked Armenia in last days of his life, in 312/313. Within 10 years, Christianity in Armenia took such deep roots that the Armenians took up arms against the strong Roman Empire for their new faith.

During the time of St. Gregory, the Alvan and Georgian kings accepted the faith of Christ, respectively making Christianity the state religion in Georgia and Caucasian Albania. Local churches, whose hierarchy originates from the Armenian Church, maintaining doctrinal and ritual unity with it, had their own Catholicoses, who recognized the canonical authority of the Armenian First Hierarch. The mission of the Armenian Church was also directed to other regions of the Caucasus. So the eldest son of Catholicos Vrtanes Grigoris went to preach the Gospel to the country of the Mazkuts, where he later suffered martyrdom by order of King Sanesan Arshakuni in 337.

After much hard work (according to legend, by Divine revelation), Saint Mesrop created the Armenian alphabet in 405. The first sentence translated into Armenian was “To know wisdom and instruction, to understand the sayings of understanding” (Proverbs 1:1). With the assistance of the Catholicos and the Tsar, Mashtots opened schools in various places in Armenia. Translated and original literature originates and develops in Armenia. The translation work was led by Catholicos Sahak, who first of all translated the Bible from Syriac and Greek into Armenian. At the same time, he sent his best students to the famous cultural centers of that time: Edessa, Amid, Alexandria, Athens, Constantinople and other cities to improve their Syriac and Greek languages ​​and translate the works of the Church Fathers.

In parallel with translation activities, the creation of original literature of various genres took place: theological, moral, exegetical, apologetic, historical, etc. The contribution of the translators and creators of Armenian literature of the 5th century to the national culture is so great that the Armenian Church canonized them as saints every year solemnly celebrates the memory of the Council of Holy Translators.

Defense of Christianity from persecution of the Zoroastrian clergy of Iran

Since ancient times, Armenia was alternately under the political influence of either Byzantium or Persia. Starting from the 4th century, when Christianity became the state religion first of Armenia and then of Byzantium, the sympathies of the Armenians turned to the west, to their Christian neighbor. Well aware of this, the Persian kings from time to time made attempts to destroy Christianity in Armenia and forcibly impose Zoroastrianism. Some nakharars, especially the owners of the southern regions bordering Persia, shared the interests of the Persians. Two were formed in Armenia political trends: Byzantophile and Persophile.

After the Third Ecumenical Council, those persecuted in Byzantine Empire supporters of Nestorius found refuge in Persia and began to translate and disseminate the writings of Diodorus of Tarsus and Theodore of Mopsuestia, which were not condemned at the Council of Ephesus. Bishop Akakios of Melitina and Patriarch Proclus of Constantinople warned Catholicos Sahak about the spread of Nestorianism in letters.

In his response messages, the Catholicos wrote that preachers of this heresy had not yet appeared in Armenia. In this correspondence, the foundation of Armenian Christology was laid on the basis of the teachings of the Alexandrian school. The letter of Saint Sahak addressed to Patriarch Proclus, as an example of Orthodoxy, was read out in 553 at the Byzantine “Fifth Ecumenical” Council of Constantinople.

The author of the life of Mesrop Mashtots, Koryun, testifies that “false books brought to Armenia appeared, empty legends of a certain Roman named Theodoros.” Having learned about this, Saints Sahak and Mesrop immediately took measures to condemn the champions of this heretical teaching and destroy their writings. Of course, we were talking here about the writings of Theodore of Mopsuestia.

Armenian-Byzantine church relations in the second half of the 12th century

Over the course of many centuries, the Armenian and Byzantine churches made repeated attempts to reconcile. For the first time in 654 in Dvina under Catholicos Nerses III (641-661) and Emperor of Byzantium Konstas II (-), then in the 8th century under Patriarch Herman of Constantinople (-) and Catholicos of Armenia David I (-), in the 9th century under the Patriarch of Constantinople Photius (-, -) and Catholicos Zacharias I (-). But the most serious attempt to unite churches took place in the 12th century.

In the history of Armenia, the 11th century was marked by the migration of the Armenian people to the territory of the eastern provinces of Byzantium. In 1080, the ruler of Mountain Cilicia, Ruben, a relative of the last king of Armenia, Gagik II, annexed the plain part of Cilicia to his possessions and founded the Armenian Principality of Cilicia on the northeastern coast Mediterranean Sea. In 1198 this principality became a kingdom and existed until 1375. Together with the royal throne, the patriarchal throne of Armenia (-) also moved to Cilicia.

The Pope wrote a letter to the Armenian Catholicos, in which he recognized the Orthodoxy of the Armenian Church and, for the perfect unity of the two Churches, invited the Armenians to mix water into the Holy Chalice and celebrate the Nativity of Christ on December 25. Innocent II also sent a bishop's staff as a gift to the Armenian Catholicos. From that time on, the Latin staff appeared in use in the Armenian Church, which bishops began to use, and the Eastern Greco-Cappadocia staff became the property of the archimandrites. In 1145, Catholicos Gregory III turned to Pope Eugene III (-) for political assistance, and Gregory IV turned to Pope Lucius III (-). Instead of helping, however, the popes again suggested that the AAC mix water into the Holy Chalice, celebrate the Nativity of Christ on December 25, etc.

King Hethum sent the pope's message to Catholicos Constantine and asked for an answer. The Catholicos, although full of respect for the Roman throne, could not accept the conditions that the pope proposed. Therefore, he sent a 15-point message to King Hethum, in which he rejected the teachings of the Catholic Church and asked the king not to trust the West. The Roman throne, having received such a response, limited its proposals and, in a letter written in 1250, proposed to accept only the doctrine of the filioque. To respond to this proposal, Catholicos Constantine convened the Third Council of Sis in 1251. Without reaching a final decision, the council turned to the opinion of church leaders in Eastern Armenia. The problem was new for the Armenian Church, and it is natural that in the initial period there could be different opinions. However, no decision was ever made.

The 16th-17th centuries saw the period of the most active confrontation between these powers for a dominant position in the Middle East, including power over the territory of Armenia. Therefore, from that time on, the dioceses and communities of the AAC were divided on a territorial basis into Turkish and Persian for several centuries. Both of these parts of the single church developed in the 16th century different conditions, had different legal status, which affected the structure of the AAC hierarchy and the relationships of various communities within it.

After the fall of the Byzantine Empire in 1461, the Patriarchate of the Armenian Apostolic Church of Constantinople was formed. The first Armenian patriarch in Istanbul was the Archbishop of Bursa Hovagim, who headed the Armenian communities in Asia Minor. The patriarch was endowed with broad religious and administrative powers and was the head (bashi) of a special “Armenian” millet (ermeni milleti). In addition to the Armenians themselves, the Turks included in this millet all Christian communities that were not included in the uniting Greek Orthodox Christians in the territory Ottoman Empire"Byzantine" millet. In addition to believers of other non-Chalcedonian Ancient Eastern Orthodox churches, the Maronites, Bogomils and Catholics of the Balkan Peninsula were included in the Armenian millet. Their hierarchy was administratively subordinate to the Armenian Patriarch in Istanbul.

In the 16th century, other historical thrones of the AAC also found themselves on the territory of the Ottoman Empire - the Akhtamar and Cilician Catholicosates and the Patriarchate of Jerusalem. Despite the fact that the Catholicoses of Cilicia and Akhtamar were higher in spiritual rank than the Patriarch of Constantinople, who was only an archbishop, they were administratively subordinate to him as the Armenian ethnarch in Turkey.

The throne of the Catholicos of all Armenians in Echmiadzin ended up on the territory of Persia, and the throne of the Catholicos of Albania, subordinate to the AAC, was also located there. Armenians in the territories subordinate to Persia almost completely lost their rights to autonomy, and the AAC here remained the only public institution that could represent the nation and influence social life. Catholicos Movses III (-) managed to achieve a certain unity of governance in Etchmiadzin. He strengthened the position of the church in the Persian state, obtaining from the government an end to bureaucratic abuses and the abolition of taxes for the AAC. His successor, Pilipos I, sought to strengthen the ties of the church dioceses of Persia, subordinate to Etchmiadzin, with dioceses in the Ottoman Empire. In 1651, he convened a local council of the AAC in Jerusalem, at which all the contradictions between the autonomous thrones of the AAC caused by the political division were eliminated.

However, in the 2nd half of the 17th century, a confrontation arose between Etchmiadzin and the growing power of the Patriarchate of Constantinople. Patriarch Egiazar of Constantinople, with the support of the Sublime Porte, was proclaimed the Supreme Catholicos of the AAC, as opposed to the legitimate Catholicos of all Armenians with the throne in Etchmiadzin. In 1664 and 1679, Catholicos Hakob VI visited Istanbul and held negotiations with Yeghiazar on unity and division of powers. In order to eliminate the conflict and not destroy the unity of the church, according to their agreement, after the death of Hakob (1680), the Etchmiadzin throne was occupied by Yegiazar. Thus, a single hierarchy and a single supreme throne of the AAC were preserved.

The confrontation between the Turkic tribal unions Ak-Koyunlu and Kara-Koyunlu, which took place mainly on the territory of Armenia, and then the wars between the Ottoman Empire and Iran led to enormous destruction in the country. The Catholicosate in Etchmiadzin made efforts to preserve the idea of ​​national unity and national culture, improving the church-hierarchical system, but the difficult situation in the country forced many Armenians to seek salvation in a foreign land. By this time, Armenian colonies with the corresponding church structure already existed in Iran, Syria, Egypt, as well as in Crimea and Western Ukraine. In the 18th century, the positions of the AAC strengthened in Russia - Moscow, St. Petersburg, New Nakhichevan (Nakhichevan-on-Don), Armavir.

Catholic proselytism among Armenians

Simultaneously with the strengthening of economic ties of the Ottoman Empire with Europe in the 17th-18th centuries, there was an increase in the propaganda activity of the Roman Catholic Church. The AAC as a whole took a sharply negative position towards the missionary activities of Rome among the Armenians. Nevertheless, in the middle of the 17th century, the most significant Armenian colony in Europe (in Western Ukraine), under powerful political and ideological pressure, was forced to convert to Catholicism. At the beginning of the 18th century, the Armenian bishops of Aleppo and Mardin openly spoke out in favor of converting to Catholicism.

In Constantinople, where the political interests of East and West intersected, European embassies and Catholic missionaries from the Dominican, Franciscan and Jesuit orders launched active proselytizing activities among the Armenian community. As a result of the influence of Catholics, a split occurred among the Armenian clergy in the Ottoman Empire: several bishops converted to Catholicism and, through the mediation of the French government and the papacy, separated from the AAC. In 1740, with the support of Pope Benedict XIV, they formed the Armenian Catholic Church, which became subordinate to the Roman throne.

At the same time, the ties of the AAC with Catholics played a significant role in the revival of the national culture of the Armenians and the dissemination of European ideas of the Renaissance and Enlightenment. Since 1512, books in the Armenian language began to be printed in Amsterdam (the printing house of the monastery of Agop Megaparta), and then in Venice, Marseille and other cities of Western Europe. The first Armenian printed edition of the Holy Scriptures was carried out in 1666 in Amsterdam. In Armenia itself, cultural activity was greatly hampered (the first printing house opened here only in 1771), which forced many members of the clergy to leave the Middle East and create monastic, scientific and educational associations in Europe.

Mkhitar Sebastatsi, fascinated by the activities of Catholic missionaries in Constantinople, founded a monastery on the island of San Lazzaro in Venice in 1712. Having adapted to local political conditions, the brethren of the monastery (Mkhitarists) recognized the primacy of the Pope; nevertheless, this community and its branch that arose in Vienna tried to remain aloof from the propaganda activities of Catholics, engaging exclusively in scientific and educational work, the fruits of which earned national recognition.

In the 18th century, the Catholic monastic order of the Antonites acquired great influence among Armenians who collaborated with Catholics. Antonite communities in the Middle East were formed from representatives of the Ancient Eastern churches who converted to Catholicism, including from the AAC. The Order of Armenian Antonites was founded in 1715, and its status was approved by Pope Clement XIII. By the end of the 18th century, the majority of the episcopate of the Armenian Catholic Church belonged to this order.

Simultaneously with the development of the pro-Catholic movement on the territory of the Ottoman Empire, the AAC created Armenian cultural and educational centers of national orientation. The most famous of them was the school of the monastery of John the Baptist, founded by the clergyman and scientist Vardan Bagishetsi. The Armashi monastery became very famous in the Ottoman Empire. Graduates of this school enjoyed great authority in church circles. By the time of the patriarchate of Zakaria II in Constantinople at the end of the 18th century, the most important area of ​​activity of the Church was the training of the Armenian clergy and the preparation of the necessary personnel for the management of dioceses and monasteries.

AAC after the annexation of Eastern Armenia to Russia

Simeon I (1763-1780) was the first among the Armenian Catholicos to establish official ties with Russia. By the end of the 18th century, the Armenian communities of the Northern Black Sea region found themselves part of the Russian Empire as a result of the advance of its borders in the North Caucasus. The dioceses located on Persian territory, primarily the Albanian Catholicosate with its center in Gandzasar, launched active activities aimed at the annexation of Armenia to Russia. The Armenian clergy of the Erivan, Nakhichevan and Karabakh khanates sought to get rid of the power of Persia and linked the salvation of their people with the support of Christian Russia.

With the beginning of the Russian-Persian War, Tiflis Bishop Nerses Ashtaraketsi contributed to the creation of Armenian volunteer detachments, which made a significant contribution to the victories of Russian troops in Transcaucasia. In 1828, according to the Treaty of Turkmanchay, Eastern Armenia became part of Russian Empire.

The activities of the Armenian Church under the rule of the Russian Empire proceeded in accordance with the special “Regulations” (“Code of Laws of the Armenian Church”), approved by Emperor Nicholas I in 1836. According to this document, in particular, the Albanian Catholicosate was abolished, the dioceses of which became part of the AAC itself. Compared to other Christian communities in the Russian Empire, the Armenian Church, due to its confessional isolation, occupied a special position that could not be significantly affected by certain restrictions - in particular, the Armenian Catholicos had to be ordained only with the consent of the emperor.

The confessional differences of the AAC in the empire, where Orthodoxy of the Byzantine model dominated, were reflected in the name “Armenian-Gregorian Church”, invented by Russian church officials. This was done in order not to call the Armenian Church Orthodox. At the same time, the “non-Orthodoxy” of the AAC saved it from the fate that befell the Georgian Church, which, being of the same faith with the Russian Orthodox Church, was practically liquidated, becoming part of the Russian Church. Despite the stable position of the Armenian Church in Russia, there was serious oppression of the AAC by the authorities. In 1885-1886 Armenian parish schools were temporarily closed, and since 1897 they were transferred to the Ministry of Education. In 1903, a decree was issued on the nationalization of Armenian church properties, which was canceled in 1905 after mass outrage among the Armenian people.

In the Ottoman Empire, the Armenian church organization in the 19th century also gained new status. After Russian-Turkish war 1828-1829, thanks to the mediation of European powers, Catholic and Protestant communities were created in Constantinople, which included a significant number of Armenians. Nevertheless, the Armenian Patriarch of Constantinople continued to be considered by the Sublime Porte as the official representative of the entire Armenian population of the empire. The election of the patriarch was approved by the Sultan's charter, and the Turkish authorities tried in every possible way to bring him under their control, using political and social levers. The slightest violation of the limits of competence and disobedience could lead to deposition from the throne.

Increasingly wider layers of society were involved in the sphere of activity of the Patriarchate of Constantinople of the AAC, and the patriarch gradually acquired significant influence in the Armenian Church of the Ottoman Empire. Without his intervention, internal church, cultural or political issues of the Armenian community were not resolved. The Patriarch of Constantinople acted as a mediator during Turkey’s contacts with Etchmiadzin. According to the “National Constitution”, developed in 1860-1863 (in the 1880s, its operation was suspended by Sultan Abdul Hamid II), the spiritual and civil administration of the entire Armenian population of the Ottoman Empire was under the authority of two councils: the spiritual (of 14 bishops chaired by the patriarch) and secular (of 20 members elected by a meeting of 400 representatives of Armenian communities).

A year later, Armenian representatives did not take part in the IV Ecumenical Council, and the decisions of the Council were distorted by translation. The rejection of the conciliar decisions marked a gap between the Orthodox and anti-Chalcedonians among the Armenians, which shook the life of Christians in Armenia for more than two hundred years. The councils and Catholicoses of this period either reconciled or broke again with the Orthodox Church until the Council of Manazkert in the year, as a result of which the rejection of Orthodoxy prevailed among the Christians of Armenia for centuries. Since then, the Armenian Apostolic Church has existed as an anti-Chalcedonian community, in different times consisting of a number of administratively independent canonical fiefs recognizing the spiritual primacy of the Catholicos of “all Armenians” with a see in the Etchmiadzin Monastery. In its dogmatics, it adheres to the Christological terminology of St. Cyril of Alexandria (so-called miaphysitism); recognizes the seven sacraments; honors the Mother of God, icons. It is widespread in areas where Armenians live, being the largest religious community in Armenia and having a network of dioceses concentrated in the Middle East, the former USSR, Europe and America.

Historical sketch

Information relating to the most ancient period of the history of the Armenian Church is scarce. The main reason for this is that the Armenian alphabet was created only at the beginning of the century. The history of the first centuries of the existence of the Armenian Church was passed down orally from generation to generation and only in the 5th century was it recorded in writing in historiographical and hagiographical literature.

A number of historical evidence (in Armenian, Syriac, Greek and Latin) confirm the fact that Christianity in Armenia was preached by the holy apostles Thaddeus and Bartholomew, who were thus the founders of the Church in Armenia.

According to the Holy Tradition of the Armenian Church, after the Ascension of the Savior, one of His disciples, Thaddeus, arriving in Edessa, healed the king of Osroene Abgar from leprosy, ordained Addaeus as a bishop and went to Greater Armenia preaching the Word of God. Among the many converts to Christ by him was the daughter of the Armenian king Sanatruk Sandukht. For professing Christianity, the apostle, together with the princess and other converts, accepted martyrdom by order of the king in Shavarshan, in the Gavar Artaz.

A few years later, in the 29th year of the reign of Sanatruk, the Apostle Bartholomew, after preaching in Persia, arrived in Armenia. He converted the sister of King Vogui and many nobles to Christ, after which, by order of Sanatruk, he accepted martyrdom in the city of Arebanos, which is located between lakes Van and Urmia.

A fragment of a historical work has reached us, telling about the martyrdom of Sts. Voskeans and Sukiaseans in Armenia at the end - beginning of centuries. The author refers to the "Word" of Tatian (II century), who was well acquainted with the history of the apostles and the first Christian preachers. According to this scripture, the disciples of the Apostle Thaddeus, led by Hryusy (Greek “gold”, in Armenian “wax”), who were Roman ambassadors to the Armenian king, after the martyrdom of the apostle, settled at the sources of the Euphrates River, in the Tsaghkeats gorges. After the accession of Artashes, they came to the palace and began to preach the Gospel.

Being busy with the war in the east, Artashes asked the preachers to come to him again after his return and continue conversations about Christ. In the absence of the king, the Voskeans converted to Christianity some of the courtiers who had arrived from the country of the Alans to Queen Satenik, for which they were martyred by the king's sons. The Alan princes, converted to Christianity, left the palace and settled on the slopes of Mount Jrabashkh, where, after living for 44 years, they suffered martyrdom led by their leader Sukias on the orders of the Alan king.

Dogmatic features of the Armenian Church

The dogmatic theology of the Armenian Church is based on the terminology of the great Fathers of the Church - centuries: Saints Athanasius of Alexandria, Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, Gregory of Nyssa, Cyril of Alexandria and others, as well as on the dogmas adopted at first three Ecumenical Councils: Nicaea, Constantinople and Ephesus.

As a result, it was concluded that the Armenian Church did not accept the resolution of the Council of Chalcedon due to the fact that the Council accepted the confession of the Pope, St. Leo the Great. The following words cause rejection of the Armenian Church in this confession:

"For although in the Lord Jesus there is one person - God and man, yet there is another (human nature) from which comes the common humiliation of both, and another (Divine nature) from which comes their common glorification.".

The Armenian Church uses the formulation of St. Cyril, but not to count natures, but to indicate the ineffable and indivisible unity of natures in Christ. Also used is the saying of St. Gregory the Theologian about the “two natures” in Christ, due to the incorruptibility and immutability of the divine and human natures. According to the confession of Nerses Shnorali set out in " Conciliar Address St. Nerses Shnorali to the Armenian people and correspondence with Emperor Manuel Komnenos":

"Is one nature accepted for the sake of an indissoluble and inseparable union, and not for the sake of confusion - or are two natures posited only for the sake of showing an unmixed and unchangeable being, and not for separation; both expressions remain within Orthodoxy" .

Department in Vagharshapt

  • St. Gregory I the Illuminator (302 - 325)
  • Aristakes I Parthian (325 - 333)
  • Vrtanes the Parthian (333 - 341)
  • Hesychius (Iusik) Parthian (341 - 347)
    • Daniel (347) chorep. Taronsky, elected archbishop.
  • Paren (Parnerseh) Ashtishatsky (348 - 352)
  • Nerses I the Great (353 - July 25, 373)
  • Chunak(? - no later than 369) installed as Catholicos during the exile of Nerses the Great
  • Isaac-Hesychius (Shaak-Iusik) of Manazkert (373 - 377)
  • Zaven of Manazkert (377 - 381)
  • Aspurakes of Manazkert (381 - 386)
  • Isaac I the Great (387 - 425)
  • Surmak (425 - 426)
  • Barkisho Syrian (426 - 429)
  • Samuel (429 - 434)
    • 434 - 444 - widowhood of the throne

Are Armenians Catholics or Orthodox? or who?

  1. Heretics - because Monophysites. They did not accept the resolutions of the Holy Council of Chalcedon and went into schism. Raskolniki. But Christians, as well as Copts, are also Monophysites.
  2. We have our own faith.
    Armenian Apostolic Church. (In short, most are Gregorian, but with slightly different customs)
    ARMENIAN APOSTOLIC CHURCH, one of the oldest Christian churches, adheres to the Monophysite direction of Christianity (See Classification of religions).

    Members of this church are usually called Armenian Gregorians. The latter name is due to the fact that the founder of the Armenian Apostolic Church is considered to be Gregory the Illuminator (c. 240-332), who converted King Tiridates III of Armenia to Christianity in 301 (according to legend, the first Christians appeared in Armenia already in 34, after the Apostle Thaddeus visited this country , however, reliable information about Armenian Christians dates back to the 2nd century). A

    Armenia became the first country in the world where Christianity was declared the state religion. At the beginning of the 5th century. monk Mesrop Mashtots, together with Catholicos Sahak, translated the Bible into Armenian (apparently from Old Syriac). The independent Armenian Gregorian Church, which rejected the decisions of the Ecumenical Council of Chalcedon, has existed since 506.

    The doctrine of the Armenian Apostolic Church is similar to the doctrine of other Monophysite churches. Armenian Gregorians accept the decisions of the first three ecumenical councils, but do not recognize the decisions of the subsequent ones.

  3. I don’t know who all Armenians consider themselves to be? I consider myself Orthodox!
  4. The Orthodox and Catholic churches do not accept them as Christians.
    Gregorian faith is different from Christian faith
  5. The most correct answer was from the one who wrote about the fact that the majority of Armenians belong to the Armenian Apostolic Church, there are Armenians and Orthodox, there are also Catholics. I, myself, am an Armenian Catholic, baptized in the Catholic Church (and my parents and grandparents, and further up the tree, were all Catholics), as well as Orthodox Armenians, baptized in Orthodox churches. Both Catholics and Orthodox are CHRISTIANS!)
  6. Armenians have their own CATHOLICOS... So draw a conclusion WHO they are
  7. After the new invasion of their country by the Persians in 428 and the inclusion of Armenia into the Persian region, the Supreme Patriarch Isaac the Great (378-439) made efforts to create external resistance to the occupation of foreigners, strengthening the spirit and self-awareness of the Armenians through church reforms. Protection was especially shown through Mesrob Mashtots, who created the Armenian alphabet of 36 letters, and thus laid the foundation for the development of Armenian philology.
    Mesrob, the creator of the national language of the Armenians, later became the Catholicos (patriarch) of Armenia. They were transferred Scripture and the Fathers of the Church, mainly from the Greek and Syriac originals. Mesrob died in 440, 11 years before the IV Ecumenical Council in Chalcedon, which contains a definition of faith that places division in relations between Armenian Church and the Orthodox Church.
    Due to the enslavement of Armenia by the Persians 42, the isolation and influence of the Syrian bishops. For reasons beyond their control, they could not come to the IV Ecumenical Council and they were not even informed on time for the same reasons, and they either became stubborn or human frailty they were simply offended that they accepted the dogmas without their presence. Most likely, the politics behind the scenes is not God’s will, Satan restrained it.
    Syria and Palestine at that time were a hotbed of all sorts of heresies. Muhammad did not master the teachings, but picked up fragmentary knowledge from all the rumors of heresies and it turned out that he came out of the Old Testament with suggestions from the outside.
    Armenians are an ancient long-suffering people, but the mentality in last times was influenced by Islamo-Arab influences.
    It is quite possible that they will re-realize the fact of the dogma and the union with the Orthodox Church; the contradictions were papal, which was rejected by the Orthodox Church in the 12th century (including Rus', which was baptized much later than Armenia in 988). Katolox - in the meaning of primate.
  8. ...they are Orthodox of a special kind...they have their own rules in their faith....
  9. Armenians in their absolute majority profess monophysical Christianity and belong to the Armenian Apostolic Church (A.A.C.). There are Catholics among the Armenians. In Russia and Georgia there are Orthodox Christians, and evangelists have appeared in Armenia. More than 1 million hidden Armenians profess Islam live in Turkey, some of whom are recent years returns to Christianity. In the northeast of Turkey there lives a large group of Hemshil Armenians who converted to Islam in the 16th century, but they consider themselves Armenians. According to the census conducted by the Hemshil initiative group, more than 3 million Hemshil Armenians were counted in Turkey.
  10. we are Catholics
  11. Armenian Church - AAC (Armenian Apostolic Church) - Armenians Monophysites Apostles. but there are more than 1 million Catholic Armenians and more than 1.2 million Orthodox Christians. Data is inaccurate.

Most historians believe that the Armenians officially became Christians in 314, and this is the most late date of the supposed ones. Numerous followers new faith appeared here long before the proclamation of the Armenian Church as a state institution.

The faith of the Armenian people is considered chief apostolic, that is, received directly from the disciples of Christ. Despite their dogmatic differences, the Russian and Armenian churches maintain friendly relations, especially in matters of studying the history of Christianity.

Before the adoption of Christianity, paganism reigned in the ancient state on the banks of Sevan, leaving scant monuments in the form of stone sculptures and echoes in folk customs. According to legend, the apostles Thaddeus and Bartholomew laid the foundation for the destruction of pagan temples and the erection in their places Christian churches. In the history of the Armenian Church one can highlight the following milestones:

  • 1st century: the sermon of the apostles Thaddeus and Bartholomew, which determined the name of the future Church - Apostolic.
  • Mid-2nd century: Tertullian mentions “a large number of Christians” in Armenia.
  • 314 (according to some sources - 301) - martyrdom of the holy virgins Hripsime, Gaiania and others who suffered on Armenian soil. The adoption of Christianity by the King of Armenia Trdat III under the influence of his servant Gregory, the future holy Enlightener of Armenia. Construction of the first Etchmiadzin temple and establishment of the patriarchal throne in it.
  • 405: creation of the Armenian alphabet for the purpose of translating the Holy Scriptures and liturgical books.
  • 451: Battle of Avarayr (war with Persia against the introduction of Zoroastrianism); The Council of Chalcedon in Byzantium against the heresy of the Monophysites.
  • 484 - removal of the patriarchal throne from Etchmiadzin.
  • 518 - division with Byzantium in matters of religion.
  • XII century: attempts to reunite with Byzantine Orthodoxy.
  • XII - XIV centuries - attempts to accept a union - to unite with the Catholic Church.
  • 1361 - removal of all Latin innovations.
  • 1441 - return of the patriarchal throne to Etchmiadzin.
  • 1740 - separation of the Syrian community of Armenians, whose religion became Catholicism. The Armenian Catholic Church spread to Western Europe, there are parishes in Russia.
  • 1828 - entry of Eastern Armenia into the Russian Empire, new name “Armenian-Gregorian Church”, separation of the Patriarchate of Constantinople, which remained on the territory of the Ottoman Empire.
  • 1915 - extermination of Armenians in Turkey.
  • 1922 - the beginning of repression and the anti-religious movement in Soviet Armenia.
  • 1945 - election of a new Catholicos and gradual revival of church life.

At present, despite the friendly relations between the Orthodox and Armenian churches, there is no Eucharistic communion. This means that their priests and bishops cannot celebrate the liturgy together, and the laity cannot be baptized and receive communion. The reason for this is differences in creed or tenet.

Ordinary believers who do not study theology may not be aware of these obstacles or may not attach importance to them. For them, ritual differences, caused by history and national customs, are more important.

In the 3rd-4th centuries, debates about faith were as popular as political battles are now. To resolve dogmatic issues, Ecumenical Councils were convened, the provisions of which shaped the modern Orthodox doctrine.

One of the main topics of discussion was the nature of Jesus Christ, who He was, God or man? Why does the Bible describe His sufferings, which should not be characteristic of the divine nature? For Armenians and Byzantines, the authority of the Holy Fathers of the Church (Gregory the Theologian, Athanasius the Great, etc.) was indisputable, but the understanding of their teaching turned out to be different.

The Armenians, along with other Monophysites, believed that Christ was God, and the flesh in which He dwelt on earth was not human, but divine. Therefore, Christ could not experience human feelings and did not even feel pain. His suffering under torture and on the cross was symbolic, apparent.

The teaching of the Monophysites was dismantled and condemned at the First V. Ecumenical Council, where the doctrine of the two natures of Christ - divine and human - was adopted. This meant that Christ, while remaining God, took on a real human body at birth and experienced not only hunger, thirst, suffering, but also the mental anguish characteristic of man.

When the Ecumenical Council was held in Chalcedon (Byzantium), the Armenian bishops were unable to take part in the discussions. Armenia was in a bloody war with Persia and on the verge of destruction of its statehood. As a result, the decisions of the Chalcedon and all subsequent Councils were not accepted by the Armenians and their centuries-long separation from Orthodoxy began.

The dogma about the nature of Christ is the main difference between the Armenian Church and the Orthodox Church. Currently, theological dialogues are ongoing between the Russian Orthodox Church and the Armenian Apostolic Church (Armenian Apostolic Church). Representatives of the learned clergy and church historians discuss what contradictions arose due to a misunderstanding and can be overcome. Perhaps this will lead to the restoration of full communication between faiths.

Both Churches also differ in their external, ritual aspects, which is not a significant obstacle to the communication of believers. The most noticeable features are:

There are other features in worship, vestments of clergy and church life.

Armenian renegadeism

Armenians who wish to convert to Orthodoxy will not have to be baptized again. The rite of joining is performed over them, where a public renunciation of the teachings of the Monophysite heretics is expected. Only after this can a Christian from the AAC begin to receive the Orthodox Sacraments.

In the Armenian Church there are no strict regulations regarding the admission of Orthodox Christians to the Sacraments; Armenians are also allowed to receive communion in any of the Christian churches.

Hierarchical structure

The head of the Armenian Church is the Catholicos. The name of this title comes from the Greek word καθολικός - “universal”. The Catholicos heads all local churches, standing above their patriarchs. The main throne is located in Etchmiadzin (Armenia). The current Catholicos is Karekin II, the 132nd head of the church after St. Gregory the Illuminator. Below the Catholicos are the following sacred degrees:

The Armenian diaspora in the world numbers about 7 million people. All these people are held together folk traditions related to religion. In places permanent residence Armenians are trying to erect a temple or chapel where they gather for prayer and holidays. In Russia, churches with characteristic ancient architecture can be found on the Black Sea coast, in Krasnodar, Rostov-on-Don, Moscow and other large cities. Many of them are named after the Great Martyr George - the beloved saint of the entire Christian Caucasus.

The Armenian Church in Moscow is represented by two beautiful churches: the Resurrection and the Transfiguration. Transfiguration Cathedral- cathedral, i.e. a bishop constantly serves in it. His residence is located nearby. Here is the center of the New Nakhichevan diocese, which includes all the former republics of the USSR except the Caucasian ones. The Church of the Resurrection is located at the national cemetery.

In each of the temples you can see khachkars - stone arrows made of red tuff, decorated with fine carvings. This expensive work is performed by special craftsmen in memory of someone. The stone is delivered from Armenia as a symbol of the historical homeland, reminding every Armenian in the diaspora of his sacred roots.

The most ancient diocese of the AAC is located in Jerusalem. Here it is headed by the patriarch, who has his residence at the Church of St. James. According to legend, the temple was built on the site of the execution of the Apostle James; nearby was the house of the Jewish high priest Anna, before whom Christ was tortured.

In addition to these shrines, the Armenians also keep the main treasure - the third part of Golgotha ​​granted by Constantine the Great (in the Church of the Resurrection of Christ). This property gives the right to the Armenian representative, along with the Patriarch of Jerusalem, to participate in the ceremony of the Holy Light ( Holy Fire). In Jerusalem, a service over the Tomb is celebrated daily. Mother of God, owned in equal shares by Armenians and Greeks.

Events in church life are covered by the Shagakat television channel in Armenia, as well as by the English and Armenian-language Armenian Church channel on YouTube. Patriarch Kirill and the hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church regularly take part in the celebrations of the AAC associated with the centuries-old friendship of the Russian and Armenian peoples.

Armenian Gregorian "Apostolic Church" ( further AGAC) – one of the communities calling itself Christian, but whether it is such we will consider further. We often hear that the Armenians were the first to accept the faith at the state level, but let us ask from whom did they accept the faith? From the Jerusalem and Byzantine Churches and, however, they failed to preserve it intact! In addition, at the same time, edicts were issued in the Roman Empire that completely legalized Christianity, so there is no reason left for the AGAC to be proud. For many centuries there has been no church unity between us, this does not exclude good neighborly relations, however, the schism and heresies of the Agats go against the principle of preservation Unity of Faith transmitted to us by the apostles and indicated by the Word of God: « One God, united faith, united baptism"(Eph.4,5). Since the 4th century, the Agats separated from the entirety of the ancient Orthodox local Churches (Constantinople, Jerusalem, Antioch, Alexandria, etc.), accepting first by mistake, and then consciously, the Monophysite and Monothelite and Miaphysite heresies and went into schism from all the others. Until now we have this unhealed wound so that we cannot pray and receive communion together until the true teaching about God is restored in the Agats. Ordinary Armenians, unfortunately, often far from the subtleties of theology, become hostages of this misfortune of heresy and schism. You should know that it is impossible to be both Orthodox and included in the Armenian “church” at the same time, just as it is impossible to be simultaneously saved and lost, a truthful person and a liar. You have to make a choice between the truth and the lie. Before we talk about the Armenian direction of Monophysitism, let’s talk about what Monophysitism is and how it arose.

Monophysitism - this is an incorrect teaching about Christ, the essence of which is that in the Lord Jesus Christ only one nature, and not two (Divine and human), as the Word of God and the Orthodox Church teach.

Orthodox Church confesses in Christ one person(hypostasis) and two naturesdivine And human abiding unmergedly, inseparably, inseparably, unchangeably. Monophysites same (including AGAC) in Christ they recognize one person, one hypostasis and one nature. As a result, the Monophysites do not recognize the Ecumenical Councils starting from the 4th (and there are seven in total).

Therefore, they insult, condemn and do not accept most saints. Monophysitism is not only a complete denial of the real human flesh of Jesus Christ the Son of God, but any slightest transfer, shift or distortion from human nature Christ towards His Divinity. The AGAC, after many hesitations, remained a confessor of the heresy of Monophysitism, which for them consists not in denying the Incarnation of God, but in stubbornly insisting on the absorption by the deity of Christ of His human nature - which is a lie against Christ and a heretical teaching. It's all about this particular emphasis in the Christology of the God-man Jesus Christ. After this, neither the symbol of the Armenian faith, in which the Incarnation of Christ is orthodoxly confessed, nor the statements of individual fathers about the presence of the flesh of Christ have any significance. The Armenian Church is twice Monophysite: by its own confession of heresy and by communion with Monophysite churches (for according to the teaching of the Church, whoever communicates with a heretic is a heretic). There is no k.-l. in the AGAC. an officially approved condensed statement of the fundamentals of religious doctrine. The AGATs uses three Symbols of Faith: 1) a short Symbol used in the rite of announcement. 2) “middle” in the rite of the Divine Liturgy of the Agats, 3) a lengthy Symbol, read by the priest at the beginning of the morning service. Phrase from the third spatial symbol “one face, one appearance, and united in one nature” completely heretical, and all lies and heresies are from the devil, which is unacceptable especially when it comes to God. This heresy leads to lies about the God-man Christ, to the idea that it is impossible to imitate Christ “after all, He is more God, and humanity is swallowed up in Him.” That. humanity is humiliated in Christ and motivation for Christ-imitation is torn and grace is not given.

One misconception led to others. So only in the 12th century. Icon veneration is finally recognized; during sacred ceremonies, the Agats consumes unleavened bread according to Jewish custom and performs animal sacrifices (matah), and cheese and milk foods are allowed on Saturday and Sunday during Lent. And since 965, the Agats began to rebaptize Armenians converting to it from Orthodoxy.

Main disagreements with Orthodoxy:

- in the AGAC they recognize the body of Christ not as consubstantial with us, but “incorruptible and passionless, and ethereal, and n uncreated and heavenly ones, who did everything that is characteristic of the body, not in reality, but in imagination”;

— AGAC believes that in the act of the Incarnation the body of Christ “transformed into the Divinity and became consubstantial with it, disappearing in the Divinity like a drop of honey in the sea, so that after this two natures no longer remain in Christ, but one, wholly Divine,” they confess in Christ two natures before the union, and after the union, profess a single complex, merging both - Divine and human, and as a result of this they call it a single nature.

In addition, monophysitism is almost always accompanied by a monophilite and mono-energist position, i.e. the teaching that in Christ there is only one will and one action, one source of activity, which is the deity, and humanity turns out to be its passive instrument. This is also a terrible lie against the God-man Jesus Christ.

Is the Armenian direction of Monophysitism different from its other types?

- Yes, it’s different. Currently there are only three of them:

1) Siroyakovites, Copts and Malabarians of the Sevirian tradition. 2) Armenian Gregorian Agats (Etchmiadzin and Cilician Catholics). 3) Ethiopian (Ethiopian and Eritrean “churches”).

AGATs in the past differed from the rest of the non-Chalcedonian Monophysites; even Sevier of Antioch itself was anathematized by the Armenians in the 4th century. at one of the Dvina Councils as an insufficiently consistent Monophysite. The theology of the Agats was significantly influenced by aphthartodocetism (the heretical doctrine of the incorruptibility of the body of Jesus Christ from the moment of the Incarnation).

Currently, some Armenians are more likely to show interest in the history of Armenian Christological thought, those who deliberately transferred from the AGAC to Orthodoxy , moreover, both in Armenia itself and in Russia.

With the AGAC today, a dogmatic dialogue is hardly possible at all; they are ready to discuss issues of social service, pastoral practice, various problems of public and church life, but he shows no interest in discussing dogmatic issues. Unfortunately, representatives of the AGAC placed themselves outside the Church of Christ; as a result, it turned into a self-isolated and single-national church separated from the Universal Church, having communion in faith only with Monophysite heretical churches.

How are those baptized in the AGAC (and other Monophysites) accepted into the Orthodox Church today?

— Through repentance and a special rite. This is an ancient practice; this is how non-Chalcedonites were received in the era of the Ecumenical Councils.

In 354, the first Council of the Armenian Church took place, condemning Arianism and confirming its adherence to Orthodoxy. IN 366 year the Church of Armenia, which was before in canonical depending on Caesarea See Byzantium, received autocephaly (independence).

In 387, Greater Armenia found itself divided, and soon it eastern part in 428 it was annexed to Persia, and the western part became a province of Byzantium. In 406, Mesrop Mashtots created the Armenian alphabet, which made it possible to translate worship, the Holy Scriptures, and the works of the Church Fathers into the national language.

Representatives of the Armenian Church were present at the I and II Ecumenical Councils; decisions were also made III. But now the IV Ecumenical Council, held in 451 in the city of Chalcedon, took place without the participation of the Armenian bishops and for this reason they did not know the exact resolutions of this Council. Meanwhile, Monophysites arrived in Armenia and spread their delusions. True, the resolutions of the Council soon appeared in the Armenian Church, but, out of ignorance exact value Greek theological terms, the Armenian teachers first fell into error without intent. However, the Armenian Council in Dovin in 527 decided to recognize Christ one nature and, thereby, unambiguously placed the AGATS among the Monophysites. The Orthodox faith was officially rejected and condemned. So the Armenian Church fell away from Orthodoxy. However, a significant part of Armenians remained in communion with the Universal Church, coming under the subordination of the Patriarchate of Constantinople.

In 591, Armenia was divided as a result of the Persian attack. Most of the country became part of the Byzantine Empire, and in the city of Avan (located northeast of Yerevan, now part of the city) Orthodox Catholicosate. He was opposed Monophysite Catholicosate, located in the city of Dvin, on Persian territory, and the Persians artificially supported it so that there would be no unity with the Byzantine Orthodox Armenians, however, there were also many Orthodox Armenians on Persian territory. During the Byzantine-Persian war 602-609. The Orthodox Catholicate was abolished by the Persian invaders. The Monophysite Catholicos Abraham initiated the persecution of the Orthodox, forcing all clerics to either anathematize the Council of Chalcedon or leave the country.

Repression not eradicated Orthodox faith among Armenians. In 630, the Council of Karin took place, at which the Armenian Church officially returned to Orthodoxy. After the Arab conquests in 726, the Agats again fell away from the Universal Church into Monophysitism. Orthodox Armenians again began to move to the territory of Byzantium, under the omophorion of the Patriarch of Constantinople. Those who remained in the regions of Armenia bordering Georgia found themselves under the jurisdiction of the Georgian Church. In the 9th century. The population and princes of the Taron region and the majority of the population of the Tao and Klarjeti regions were Orthodox.

Through the efforts of Saint Photius of Constantinople, as well as the Bishop of Harran, Theodore Abu Kurra, under Prince Ashot I in 862 at the Shirakavan Council, the Church of Armenia returned to Orthodoxy again, however, thirty years later, by the decision of the new Catholicos Hovhannes V, deviated towards Monophysitism.

In the 11th century in Armenia the number of departments consisting of in communication with Constantinople, during this period Orthodoxy began to prevail among Armenians. After the invasion of the Seljuk Turks in the second half of the 11th century Orthodox Armenians found themselves in jurisdiction Georgian Patriarch, and after a century and a half their bishops are already called and perceived as “Georgian”.

The last attempt to return the Armenian Church to Orthodoxy was made in 1178. Its hierarchs at the Council convened by Emperor Manuel Komnenos recognize the Orthodox confession of faith. The death of Emperor Manuel prevented the reunification. In 1198, an alliance between the Crusaders and the Armenian king of Cilicia led to the conclusion of a union between the heretical Roman Catholic and Armenian churches. This union, which was not accepted by Armenians outside Cilicia, ended in a split in the Armenian Church, resulting in the emergence of the Armenian Catholic Church in 1198. Today, the majority of Armenians living in Armenia belong to the Agats.

Saint Ignatius Brianchaninov, who was at the Caucasian See, knew very well the state of affairs in the Armenian Church and the opinions of many Armenians, gravitated towards the Orthodox faith. He said with great regret and sorrow that the Agats Church is very close to the Orthodox faith in many ways, but does not want to abandon the heresy of Monophysitism that divides us. There is only one reason for this - pride, which from many centuries of wrong confession and from mononationality The Armenian Church (which brought a sense of national exclusivity and contradicts the Gospel) only strengthened, grew and increased pride Armenian religion. About falsity proud the path of national exclusivity, God says in Scripture: “There is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, barbarian, Scythian, slave, free, but Christ is all and in all."(Col. 3:11). As you know, God proud resists and does not give them His saving grace (1 Peter 5:5) That is why we do not see in the AGAC such saints as Seraphim of Sarov, Matrona of Moscow and many other great saints whom the Orthodox Church gives birth to.

St. John Chrysostom, a saint recognized by all, says: “to cause divisions in the Church is no less evil than to fall into heresiessin split Not washed away even by the blood of a martyr.” Therefore, with sorrow and pain we wait for our brothers Armenians from sin heresy and schism, fearing the eternal destruction of those souls who are not attentive to the personality and teaching of Christ's Unity of Faith (see Eph.4:5).

“I beseech you, brethren, beware of those who make divisions and temptations, contrary to the teachings which you have learned, and deviate from them; for such people serve not to our Lord Jesus Christ, but to my own belly, And flattery and eloquence deceive the hearts of the simple." (Rom. 16:17)

So, AGAC refers to communities that are not too far from us, but are not in complete unity. Due to certain historical circumstances, but, however, not without some human sin, after the IV Ecumenical Council of 451, it found itself among those communities that are called Monophysites, which did not accept the church truth that in a single hypostasis, in a single person incarnate The Son of God combines two natures: the Divine and the true human nature, unfused and inseparable. It so happened that the AGAC, which was once part of the united Ecumenical Church, did not accept this teaching, but shared the teaching of the Monophysites, who recognize only one nature of the incarnate God the Word - the Divine. And although we can say that now the severity of those disputes of the 5th-6th centuries has largely become a thing of the past and that the modern theology of the Agats is far from the extremes of Monophysitism, nevertheless, there is still no complete unity in faith between us.

For example, the holy fathers of the Fourth Ecumenical Council of Chalcedon, which condemned the heresy of Monophysitism, are for us the holy fathers and teachers of the Church, and for representatives of the AGAC and other “ancient Eastern churches” - persons either anathematized (most often), or at least not enjoying doctrinal authority . For us, Dioscorus is an anathematized heretic, and for them, “like the father of saints.” At least from this it is already clear which traditions are inherited by the family of local Orthodox churches, and which are those that are called ancient Eastern. There are quite noticeable differences between the ancient Eastern churches themselves, and the degree of Monophysite influence is very different: let’s say, it is noticeably stronger in the Coptic churches (with all due respect to Egyptian monasticism, one cannot help but see a completely clear Monophysite influence among the Copts, especially among modern Coptic theologians), and Its traces in the Agats are almost imperceptible. But the historical, canonical and doctrinal fact remains that for one and a half thousand years there has been no Eucharistic communion between us. And if we believe in the Church as the Pillar and affirmation of the truth, if we believe that the promise of Christ the Savior that the gates of hell will not prevail against Her has not a relative, but an absolute meaning, then we must conclude that either one Church is true, and the other is not completely, or vice versa - and think about the consequences of this conclusion. The only thing that cannot be done is to sit on two chairs and say that the teachings are not identical, but in fact coincide, and that the one and a half thousand year divisions stem solely from inertia, political ambitions and reluctance to unite.

From this it follows that one takes turns to receive communion first at the Agats Church, then at Orthodox Church nevertheless, it is impossible, and one must decide, and for this, study the doctrinal positions of the Agats and the Orthodox Church.

Of course, it is impossible to formulate the theological creed of the AGAC in a short answer, and you would hardly expect this.

(By motherprot. Oleg Davydenkov and Pravosl. Encycl.)

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