Sexual intercourse interpretation of the dream book. Dream interpretation of a woman's intimate place

A person’s genitals in a dream can be quite interesting symbols that tell about the dreamer’s subconscious desires, aspirations and plans. In order to accurately interpret the meaning of a dream and find out why the penis is dreamed of, one should take into account many details seen in the dream. It is necessary to take into account who had the dream, what size the penis was, whether it was erect, whether it was covered with hair, and whether there were any diseases.

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    Quite often, both men and women see dreams related to a person’s intimate life, among which are dreams about the male reproductive organ.

    Such night visions are directly related to how satisfied the dreamer is with the sexual activity of his partner and the existing relationship.

    Such dreams can warn the dreamer about the possibility of developing a particular illness, about the betrayal of loved ones, about the dreamer’s hidden inner potential.

    For correct interpretation dreams great importance has someone who had a dream. If a guy happened to see a male organ in a dream, then this indicates his complete dissatisfaction with his personal life. Such a vision warns that a person’s reputation may soon suffer due to the machinations of ill-wishers and enemies. You should carefully monitor your words and actions. If a man dreamed of his penis being erect, then this symbolizes coldness in his relationship with his partner. We need to spend more time together. This will help prevent possible separation and breakdown of relationships.

    If an unmarried girl saw a penis in a dream, then this indicates problems in relationships with the opposite sex. For a married lady, such a night vision promises a break in the relationship due to sexual incompatibility.

    For a married couple, the presence of an unusual phallus in a dream is a warning that soon one of the lovers may have an affair on the side. If you dreamed of several reproductive organs, then this foreshadows major troubles, the solution of which will require a lot of effort and time.

    Naked man with an erect penis - to a new romantic acquaintance. Another meaning of the dream is household chores associated with the arrival of distant relatives.

    If female genital organs are also present in the dream, then in the near future the dreamer will receive a lucrative business offer.

    Why do you dream about big manhood?

    A large penis is the object of desire of many women and the dream of almost all representatives of the male population, however, in order to understand the meaning of what was seen in a dream, it is necessary to remember the dream in all its details and look into dream interpreters:

    1. 1. According to Gustav Miller's book of dream interpretation, a huge penis symbolizes the dreamer's secret dreams of making his intimate life more varied.
    2. 2. According to the Chinese dream interpreter, a huge penis is a symbol of high social status dreamer
    3. 3. If a girl dreamed of a male penis in a state of erection, then this indicates that the dreamer is a purposeful and strong-willed person.
    4. 4.According to erotic dream book, if a woman saw a very large manhood in her night dreams, then this indicates a lack of care and attention on the part of her loved one. If the penis was erect, then the dream foreshadows a long period of sexual pleasures with different partners.
    5. 5. By Ukrainian dream book If a lady saw a naked boy whose penis was disproportionately large, it promises a lot of minor troubles.

    Why does a girl dream - interpretations of dream books

    What does a dream about a small penis portend?

    Dream interpreter Tsvetkova says that erection problems can symbolize the dreamer's fear of failure. This may be related to a man's intimate life or financial issues. According to Aesop's book of dream interpretation, if a lady had such a dream, it means disappointment and unfulfilled hopes.

    Seeing how the manhood has sharply decreased in size symbolizes that the dreamer is not entirely confident in his sexual strength, although in fact there is no reason for doubt.

    If you dreamed about a thin penis, then this is a warning sign that soon one of the dreamer’s best friends may get sick. The dream interpreter of French residents interprets the dream more positively: he says that a thin manhood foreshadows a quick trip that will be fun and carefree.

    The psychoanalytic dream book says that a small manhood is a sign of increased anxiety in the dreamer. He lost faith in himself and his capabilities. Such a moral attitude really has a detrimental effect on a man’s sexual sphere.

    Problems with manhood in sleep

    Blood on the male penis means news from distant relatives. Another interpretation of sleep is health problems, the onset of a chronic illness. For women, such a dream indicates that the dreamer is experiencing a strong psychological trauma.

    According to the Muslim dream book, if a man dreamed that his genital organ was cut off, then real life this promises demotion or dismissal. If you happen to do this with my own hands, then this promises humiliation and insult to the dreamer.

    If you dream that your penis suddenly falls off, then this may be a warning symbol about problems with the human reproductive system.

    Seeing a penis covered with an allergic rash in a dream means serious problems with health. The dreamer should conduct a comprehensive diagnosis of the entire body.

    If you dreamed that your penis was frozen, then this symbolizes the dreamer’s severe physical and moral fatigue. You need to take a vacation and rest from everything. Otherwise, the possibility of developing a psychosomatic illness cannot be ruled out. Deep wounds on the penis promise problems with immune system. There is a possibility of contracting a sexually transmitted disease.

    Feeling a strong blow to the intimate area is a sign of betrayal by the other half. If a woman dreams that she hits a man in the groin area, then this promises a big family scandal.

    Actions with the genitals

    In order for the interpretation of a dream to be correct, one should analyze the actions that the dreamer performs.

    If a person dreams that he is touching the penis, then this foreshadows an intimate relationship that will only bring disappointment. Looking at a man’s genitals but not touching them is a sign of disappointed hopes.

    Wash the genitals - to get rid of old problem, which has long bothered the dreamer, kissing means danger and an extreme situation.

    A snake bite in a man's reproductive organ is an unfavorable sign. It foreshadows the betrayal of a friend or the betrayal of the other half.

    If the dreamer dreamed that he was putting a condom on his genitals, this indicates his self-confidence and high self-esteem. Ejaculation foreshadows the fulfillment of a cherished desire.

    Putting penis attachments on during sexual intercourse means a situation will arise among one of the dreamer’s friends in which his help will be needed.

    Other interpretations

    A dream in which a girl dreamed that her manhood had grown portends an imminent pregnancy. If a girl in reality is already preparing to become a mother, then the birth of a child will be easy.

    If a man saw his genitals in a dream, this indicates that he is too worried about his reputation. Seeing another's reproductive organ in a dream young man- to large financial losses. You should not enter into contracts or sign deals with unreliable partners.

    A dream in which a person ejaculates foreshadows the end of some important matter.

    A man's testicles are a symbol of sexual activity. If a man dreams of their absence, then this is a sign that the dreamer is not satisfied with his sex life with his partner. In addition, testicles can represent material well-being and prosperity. How larger sizes this organ, the larger the profit the dreamer should expect in the near future.

    Dr. Freud's dream book states that the presence of hair in a man's intimate area indicates the dreamer's hot temperament and increased sensitivity. If you happen to shave them off, this promises an acquaintance with a new sexual partner. However, the dream interpreter warns: before you begin new novel, it is necessary to end the previous relationship. Another meaning of the dream says that a person should think about getting rid of bad habits.

    Seeing a man’s genitals stained with dirt is a sign of gossip and intrigues of ill-wishers.

    A penis made of wood promises a meeting with a man who will become good friend. If you dreamed of a penis made of straw, you should be more economical and spend money only on the essentials.

As a rule, sexual intercourse in a dream symbolizes the sleeping person’s complete dissatisfaction with intimacy in life or the lack of it as such. However, there are other versions of interpretation. Why else do you dream about sexual intercourse? Let's turn to dream books for help.

Night dreams

According to Freud, sexual intercourse in a dream does not have any specific symbolism. Often such a dream occurs in cases of prolonged abstinence or when the dreamer is going through puberty.

Also, sexual contact in a dream may indicate some missed opportunities. If the vision is foggy and blurry, then it should be taken only as a reflection of your sexual fantasies.

Features of the act

Do you want to get the most accurate and detailed interpretation the plot you saw and understand why you dreamed about it? Pay attention to some of the nuances.

  • heterosexual, then this dream only indicates your desire to possess;
  • homosexual - you crave power or, on the contrary, submission;
  • with oral sex - in reality you will find yourself in an extraordinary situation;
  • anal, which means you should be wary of intrigue in reality;
  • group - someone needs your care;
  • with perversions, it means that a new acquaintance awaits you soon;
  • with manifestations of bisexuality, which means that in reality one should see the current situation from two sides.


Did you see a plot from pornography in a dream? The dream book explains that in reality you are overcome by the desire to discover new horizons, learn new things, and diversify your life.

If in a dream you dreamed of group sexual intercourse, it means that pleasant news or an unexpected surprise awaits you in reality.

For a girl in a position to watch sexual intercourse in a dream, it is likely that labor will begin earlier.

In harmony with your partner

Are you wondering why you dream of an intimate kiss in a dream? This plot confirms the harmony and trusting relationship between partners.

However, the dream book claims that if one of the lovers dreamed of this episode, then in reality they will experience a breakup.

Did you see a stranger kissing you? In reality, you spend a lot of time on unrealistic dreams.

Internal protest

Did you see interrupted coitus in a dream, and you want to know why you dreamed about it? Most likely, in reality you are trying to avoid some obligations imposed on you, or you are fully aware of your inferiority in some specific issue. One way or another, you internally protest against the framework and restrictions that have been imposed on you by society.

For a man, interrupted sexual intercourse is most often identified with his reluctance to get married or the search for a non-standard solution.

For a woman, such a story confirms her reluctance to give birth to a child. Or she is fully aware of the futility of the current relationship and the inevitability of a break with her partner.

Calculation only

The dream book believes that if you happen to see blood during sexual intercourse, then in reality your relatives and friends will face some kind of trouble.

According to another version of the interpretation, blood confirms that the connection between partners is growing stronger every day.

If there was violence during sexual intercourse, it means that in reality you have to do something against your will.

If you were raped in a dream, then in everyday life you do not want to play the role of a victim. For a woman, such a dream may foreshadow an arranged marriage. The dream book is absolutely sure of this.

Miller's opinion

Miller believes that if a girl dreamed of violence and sexual intercourse, it means that in reality she should be wary of some kind of adventure with unfavorable consequences, or she will soon face a break in her relationship with her lover.


The dream book explains that if in a dream you dreamed of sexual intercourse with a man, it means that in reality you have lost peace of mind.

If you received satisfaction in the process, then in reality many pleasant moments await you.

But according to the dream book, awkwardness and disappointment foreshadow an imminent break in the relationship.

Only good things

According to the dream book, satisfaction during sexual intercourse indicates mutual trust and harmony in relationships. If the process does not bring joy in a dream, then in reality you definitely need changes.

Dreams from Sunday to Monday 02/25/2019

Dreams from Sunday to Monday carry the psychological and emotional characteristics of the sleeper. Through the pictures that appeared during sleep, you can analyze the degree of workload, ...

Means the following:
- if seen completely in all real details (bodies are naked, there is genital intercourse and orgasm), then it symbolizes positivity;
- if you dream of scenes of expected, supposed sexual intercourse - which happens most often - this speaks of uncertainty, indecision, unfulfillment or impotence of a person;
- in other cases it may mean a strong desire to seduce with the aim of vampiric capture, psychic plagiarism with a destructive ending;
- in general, a mature person never sees sexual intercourse in a dream as it happens in reality, since he has the opportunity to experience it in real life. If this happens, then most likely it indicates the presence in the subject’s environment of someone who, under the guise of friendliness, is making plans for his vampiric capture;
- sexual intercourse with the father - an ambivalent image; sexual intercourse with the mother is always negative; erotic relationships with animals always symbolize mental regression, black vaginismus or the “worm position”;

Interpretation of dreams from the Free Dream Book

Seeing sexual intercourse in a dream

Seeing from the outside - soon someone will involve you in an unusual enterprise, which will turn into endless troubles for you and will bring nothing but irritation.

Participating means illness or trouble at work.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

What does the dream mean? Sexual intercourse

Dissatisfaction with intimate life.

Sexual perversion - meeting a person of the opposite sex, who, as it turns out, turns out to be a person of your sex; sexual attraction to people of the same sex.

Interpretation of dreams from the Newest Dream Book

Seeing sexual intercourse in a dream

Positive sexual experiences.

The desire to take over, to put down.

To be dependent on the object of desire.

Symbol of the unification of anima and animus.

Much depends on the position of sexual intercourse.

The specifically human face-to-face pose allows us to speak specifically about the symbolism of the unification of masculine and feminine without the expressed subordination of one to the other.

The position of a man from behind implies the subordination of a woman, the position of a woman from above implies the submission of a woman to a man, but if in such a position the woman’s face is not visible, this means that the true sexual partner is hidden or anonymous.

Group sexual intercourse refers to the period of adolescent initiation or ritual sexual intercourse, characteristic of a number of archaic and modern societies.

Sexual intercourse can be seen as a means of proving power, pacification or relieving anxiety, it is also a symbolic unification of the own tendencies of male and female consciousness.

Eroticized transference.

Someone who engages in heterosexual sexual intercourse.


Projection own desires to possession.

Someone who engages in homosexual sexual intercourse.

Projection of the desire for power.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychoanalytic Dream Book

What do dreams mean: Sexual intercourse

Having sexual intercourse with a man portends a loss of well-being.

If you enter into a relationship with a nun, it foreshadows the loss of wealth.

Interpretation of dreams from

In an article on the topic: "dream book intimate place women" - current information on this issue for 2018 is presented.

The genitals in a dream represent the sleeping person’s attitude towards the intimate side of his own life. Dream books associate why genitals are dreamed of with the nuances of perception of one’s own essence, the search for the “I” and attempts to realize it.

According to Miller's dream book, genitals promise a chance to express oneself

Dreaming about your genital organ, according to Gustavus Hindman Miller, prophesies about the opportunity in real life to demonstrate some abilities that will surprise others.

Female genitals in a dream are a symbol of fertility

Danilova’s erotic dream book suggests considering what women’s intimate “charms” mean in dreams as a natural creative force. In addition, the dream plot, depending on the gender of the sleeping person, speaks of an unconscious search for something new, since the current circumstances and social circle do not bring you the desired development and mental satisfaction.

For a man to see female intimate parts of the body in a dream, according to Morozova’s dream book, predicts the prospect of receiving the support of an influential person or an interesting business proposal. For women, having a similar dream promises new sexual relationships.

Seeing a vagina covered with hair in a dream, according to the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima, portends insults and humiliation to the dreamer.

Male genitalia - watch your reputation

If a woman dreamed that she had grown a male “tool,” it means that the dreamer will soon be able to get pregnant. For girls who are in an interesting situation in reality, such a vision portends an easy release from the burden.

For a young man, seeing his genitals in a dream suggests concern for his own reputation. What does another man’s “household” mean in a dream, according to Modern universal dream book, suggests loss or open confrontation with someone.

Seeing enlarged genitals suggests gaining success and dignity. A long and thin penis promises illness. Seeing ejaculation signals the end of important matters.

Taking care of your genitals - to communication

The interpreter of Dr. Freud associates genital hair with increased sensuality and sexuality. Shaving them means the opportunity to meet a person who will become a new sexual partner.

For a man to shave his hair in delicate places, it speaks of the need to put an end to relationships that have ceased to please the dreamer. Perhaps in order to create something beautiful and useful, you need to get rid of old habits or acquaintances.

Problems with your genitals - be vigilant in reality

For government officials, seeing a cut off male dignity in a dream predicts the loss of their position; for people working in law enforcement agencies, such a picture predicts defeat in an important matter.

The Islamic interpreter explains why one dreams of feeling that a delicate part of the body is exhausted or temporarily unable to perform its functions, with the likely appearance of gossip and gossip about the dreamer from people whom the dreamer inadvertently caused harm.

  • Aries 21.03 – 20.04
  • Taurus 21.04 – 21.05
  • Gemini 22.05 – 21.06
  • Cancer 22.06 – 22.07
  • Leo 23.07 – 23.08
  • Virgo 24.08 – 22.09
  • Libra 23.09 – 22.10
  • Scorpio 23.10 – 22.11
  • Sagittarius 23.11 – 21.12
  • Capricorn 22.12 – 20.01
  • Aquarius 21.01 – 20.02
  • Pisces 21.02 – 20.03

Interpretation of the dream vagina, genitals, genitals, penis in Miller’s dream book

If a man sees female genitals in a dream or, conversely, a woman dreams of male genitals, there will be certain difficulties associated with intimate life. Perhaps this will leave its mark on the sleeper’s other daily activities and his mental health in general.

If a woman sees female genitalia in a dream, and a man dreams of the male penis, the sleeper will experience acute dissatisfaction with his sex life.

If you had to touch the penis with your hands in a dream - there will be an intimate relationship that is undesirable for a sleeping woman.

The dream in which a man happened to kiss a woman’s genitals has the same meaning.

If in your dream the female labia or male genital organ had an unusual, bizarre shape, you will soon have a new one sexual partner, even if you are already married.

A girl dreams that she has a penis - she will develop bisexual tendencies due to dissatisfaction in intimate life with your current partner.

A dream in which it occurred to you to show your genitals to other people with whom you did not and could not have any relationship in real life intimate relationships, suggests that you can be very disgraced and make a fool of yourself in public.

A man’s small genitals or a woman’s very narrow vagina in a dream represent the shyness and stiffness of the sleeping person, which greatly complicates his personal relationships.

Why do you dream about genitals, Freud's dream book

If a man dreams that he was measuring his genitals with another person, a very tough rivalry in love awaits him. At the same time, he believes that a large penis is of decisive importance when a woman chooses an intimate partner, and this is his mistake. A healthy penis and great manhood are far from the main factor not only for choosing a partner, but also for getting pleasure in bed. The ability to fantasize, knowledge of the erogenous zones of his partner, novelty - all this can bring unearthly pleasure to a woman, and even a man who has small penis from nature.

A dream in which the dreamer sees a man’s penis enlarged before his eyes can have the same meaning.

If you are a girl and you have a penis in a dream, such a dream indicates that the sleeping woman is not satisfied with the behavior of her partner in bed. She knows exactly what she wants from him, but is embarrassed to voice it. And completely in vain, since their sex life could only benefit from this.

Vagina, why you dream about a penis, Loff’s dream book

The genitals seen in a dream can be interpreted as an object of sexual desire or, outside of this interpretation, as a symbol of the reproductive function of the human body, natural creative force, the emergence of something new.

If you dreamed about a vagina, a penis according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

If married woman sees her husband's genital organ in a dream, in the very near future she will decide to give birth to a child.

Shaving hair on the genitals means an unsuccessful sexual experience; a man may get a “puncture”.

If you dream of your genitals being excessively hairy, then frantic, stormy sex will happen, which will be remembered and will raise the relationship to a new level.

A pregnant woman dreams of her genitals foreshadowing an easy, timely birth. If she sees her husband’s penis in a dream, the birth will be premature.

Why do you dream about a penis - esoteric dream book

For a girl to see a penis on herself is a sign that she will get a very weak-willed, driven man as her husband.

If a single man dreams of a girl or woman with a penis, his future wife will have an authoritarian character, he will become henpecked.

Washing a man’s genitals in a dream means a sexually transmitted disease.

Wash the female genital organ, labia - the dream indicates the possible infertility of this woman.

If at the same time the sleeping person sees blood from the vagina, infertility will be the result of an abortion. Having seen such a dream, one should by any means prevent an artificial termination of pregnancy, and if it has not yet occurred, take precautionary measures if the birth of a child is undesirable.

Seeing a severed penis in a dream means the sudden failure of some important undertaking for the sleeping person.

Vagina, penis, Meneghetti's dream book

The image of the human genital organs, genitals, should be interpreted with all possible positivity, for it is a symbol of pleasure, sensuality, reproduction and pleasure.

Why do you dream about a penis or a vagina, Longo’s dream book

The male genital organ, an erect penis, is in a dream both a symbol of eroticism and a harbinger of a certain undertaking, the birth of something new, readiness for it.

If a man dreams that his penis was cut off, he will either have trouble in bed, or he will encounter an obstacle in business that will turn out to be insurmountable, and all his previous works will go down the drain.

In the case when a man cut off his own penis in a dream, the same thing will happen through his fault.

For a woman to see in a dream how her husband’s penis was cut off - to possible infection venereal disease.

For a representative of the stronger sex, a dream in which he simply sees a cut off male genital organ has the same meaning.

If unmarried girl sees in a dream that the guy does not have a penis - her lover will make a choice not in her favor, they will break up.

Dream Interpretation: Female genital organs, why do you dream about seeing female genital organs in a dream?

From this article you can find out why you dream about female genital organs from dream books of different authors. An analysis of the dream on the Lenormand cards will tell you what what you see means. And the lunar calendar will help you understand your dream even more accurately.

Why do you dream about female genital organs: interpretation of sleep

Why do you dream about female genital organs in a dream?

Female Genital Organs – Apart from explicit sexual content, the female genital organs can be seen as a symbol of a woman’s reproductive function, and also, if used in an even broader sense, as a natural creative force.

female genital organs - In any meaning, this symbol will have such an interpretation that the organs act as producing something new. But this interpretation can hardly satisfy our needs in studying the essence of the unconscious. Regardless of the gender of the person who sees this dream, its meaning is that the unconscious requires the introduction of new elements into life. The circle of things and people in which you exist no longer satisfies you; you are simply bored with it.

female genital organs - You are striving for something that can give you something new, which will give meaning to your entire existence, give you a full sense of the world and a feeling of joy and well-being. The old age and decrepitude of your mental state is compensated by the unconscious in a dream, but you need to understand that this is not enough.

female genital organs - After all, the instinctive sphere cannot fully function if consciousness turns away from it: a conflict arises in the psyche, which is easier to prevent than to overcome later, wasting precious energy and time. Thus, your search actually becomes a search for yourself in another, which is exactly what the unconscious requires of you. According to the theory of the famous psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, hollow and round objects seen in a dream symbolize the female genital organs, and all elongated and sharp objects symbolize the male genital organs.

Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

Why do you dream about female genital organs in a dream?

Female genitals (but made, as it were, of pure gold as jewelry) – Special favor spiritual path(pure higher egregor) - for a spiritual seeker-neophyte (for a man).

Why do women dream about female genital organs according to the New Testament:

Female genital organs in a dream - They are represented in dreams as containers capable of holding something: bottles, vases, boxes, suitcases, jars. Some symbols are more closely associated with the reproductive organs: a cave, an oven. Actions that are substitutes for sexual intercourse: dancing, horse riding, endless climbing of stairs. When interpreting a dream, one should take into account the personality of the dreamer, his age, and life realities. Accepting a sexual interpretation for things from the above list is possible only if there are clear details hinting at sex. Similar to the dream given at the beginning of the section..

What do you dream about and how to understand Female genital organs in a dream?

Organs in a dream - If in a dream you saw internal organs person, then in reality be prepared for an unpleasant conversation. Female genital organs in a dream - calm and tranquility in real life, the appearance of a child in the family, the presence of a rival or sexual dissatisfaction. Someone will expose your guilt in indecent behavior, you will have to resolve someone else's dispute. After this dream, various disagreements and clarification of relationships with loved ones are likely. Also see female genital organs in a dream. For a man - good, protection, implementation of plans. For a woman - a love affair.

Meaning of sleep by day of the week:

Whether a night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and at what time of day the dream occurred.

  • If you dream about female genital organs in a dream from Sunday to Monday
  • Why do you dream about female genital organs according to the dream book from Monday to Tuesday?
  • If you dream about female genital organs from Tuesday to Wednesday
  • If you dream about the female genital organs according to the dream book from Wednesday to Thursday
  • Why do you dream about female genital organs from Thursday to Friday?
  • If you dream about female genital organs in a dream from Friday to Saturday
  • Why do you dream about female genital organs in a dream from Saturday to Sunday?

Mon September 11, 2017, 01:05:48

Sun January 29, 2017, 20:18:27

Fri October 16, 2015, 17:04:17

Female genital organs in the dream book. Tell me your dream:

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Dream interpretation of a woman's intimate place

Dream Interpretation genitals

Why do you dream about the genital organ? The dream book suggests that the image seen does not always have similarities with reality, and therefore it will have to be interpreted correctly.

You should start by dividing your plot into small parts, and only then begin deciphering from the dream book. If you did this correctly, then receiving an accurate forecast will not take long.

The main thing is not to distort the events that are taking place, but to try to answer the questions that arise as sincerely as possible, no matter how unpleasant they may be.

Distinctive Features

The dream promises conflicts and humiliation

As the dream book describes, the genitals are a symbol not only of sexual dissatisfaction, but also of the dreamer’s unrealized potential. His spiritual aspirations do not lead to any positive effect, and therefore the problem only gets worse.

What is Miller saying?

It is important to differentiate the plot you see so that unnecessary questions do not arise later. Miller's dream interpreter focuses on whose genitals the sleeping person could see:

  • men – to long-term conflicts and confrontations;
  • women - you can be offended or humiliated.

What did you do?

Correct interpretation is impossible without a detailed description of your plot. Many dream interpreters pay attention to the key action of sleep.

Warning that the new connection will be unsuccessful

If you dreamed about touching your genitals, it means that in real life there will be an unwanted connection, leading to disappointment. Your task is to think several times before you start making any promises to another person.

Washing an intimate organ, according to a popular dream interpreter, is a sign of getting rid of an imposed point of view. You need to learn to critically perceive incoming information so that problems do not arise in the future.

Kissing or sucking a genital organ means getting into extreme situation. The dream interpreter advises you to think through the plan of your trip in advance, so that later it does not bring you unpleasant surprises.

Seeing someone cut off their manhood means unjustified humiliation. The dreamer should try to minimize contact with suspicious individuals, as they may spread rumors behind their backs.

The prospect of new horizons and opportunities

Does size matter?

For every man, the size of his dignity has great value, and therefore it is so important to remember it.

If you dreamed of a long phallus, you have long wanted to get a significant thing that will take your life to a new level. Despite the fact that your life is comfortable, you should always set yourself new horizons, no matter how frightening they may be.

As the dream book writes, a small penis reflects satisfaction with one’s own life. The dreamer does not need public approval, and he is not afraid of any conflicts.


Seeing genitals in a dream means it’s high time for you to make some adjustments to your life. To obtain a competent interpretation, you will have to remember some features of the storyline.

Under what circumstances did you see the genitals? The dream interpreter identifies several options:

  • when defecating - you need to get rid of emotional overstimulation;

Possible reputation problems

If you dream of a male phallus, then it must be interpreted correctly. Some dream books write that this symbol is a reflection of creative potential and business reputation. Whose organ did you see?

The sight of your reproductive organ should alert you, as it portends possible problems with its own reputation. You should not allow suspicious people into your environment.

Why do you dream about someone else's genital organ? For representatives of the fair sex, such a dream can be interpreted in different ways. If she sees atypical genitals, she will soon become a mother. If you did not plan to have a child, then it makes sense to worry and use the appropriate means of protection.

The dream book promises tough competition

I dreamed of someone else's phallus - the beginning of open rivalry. Most likely in family life Another woman will appear, and the further outcome of the relationship will depend on you. By showing initiative, you can not only maintain, but also strengthen current relationships. The husband's penis reflects an excess or lack of protection. If the problem cannot be solved, then it makes sense to start a heart-to-heart conversation and talk about your problems.

Female genital organs

The plot of some dreams is not always easy to interpret, which is why it is so important to pay attention to female genitalia. Who saw them?

Stronger sex

If a representative of the stronger half of humanity dreams of female genitalia, it means that in reality someone needs protection. You need to assess the current situation and determine who really needs help.

However, you will have to choose the right tactics of behavior without excessive invasion of personal space.

Female gender

Whose organs were you able to see? The Dream Interpretation highlighted several typical options:

Vision prediction of a possible intimate relationship

  • yours - to an intimate relationship;
  • strangers - to the emergence of a rival in a relationship.

If a young girl felt pleasant sensations in a dream, then, according to the dream interpreter, she will be able to realize interesting idea. A person who is on the path of spiritual development must understand the dreamed image as a sacred sign reflecting the original source of existence.

Scary interpretations

The erotic dreams that some dreamers dream about may not always bring pleasure. In some dreams, the images seen are repulsive and lead to bad thoughts. If you see stitched labia, it is a sign that you are not yet ready for the serious business that you have been planning for so long.

Vision means serious profit

Why do you dream about a big penis? Such a dream is not just a dream, but is a reflection of internal experiences that are deeply rooted in the soul. Your task is to try to relive such emotions and only then will you be able to get rid of this oppression.

Seeing bleeding genitals is a sign of events concerning close people and relatives. According to another interpretation, a dreamed image is a harbinger of serious illnesses. If you have such a dream at night, then after waking up you should definitely visit a doctor.

Long hair in the crotch area is the first sign of incredible profits. If you have never seen so much money, you will have to learn how to manage it correctly. Otherwise, you are in danger of poverty.

Despite the above interpretation, the presence of hair in these places is a reflection of practicality and down-to-earthness, which manifests itself even in outlook on life. Why are genitals removed in a dream? According to version Muslim dream book, an image that comes in a dream predicts the loss of your current position or position in society. You will have to put in a lot of effort to maintain your place in the sun.

If your penis falls off in a dream, then in reality the dreamer is threatened not just with financial ruin, but also with the possible death of close relatives. Feeling a snake bite in an intimate place is a symbol foreshadowing betrayal or sudden love.

Seeing sexual intercourse with a friend in a dream means that you suspect him of something. This plot speaks of hidden mistrust, and mutual one. Your friend, in turn, also has some claims against you, but has not yet made them. You feel that the relationship between you is no longer the same as before, and the friendship is about to end.

Take courage and decide to have a frank conversation. Perhaps all your suspicions will be in vain, and the friendly relationship will be saved.

Why do animals dream about sexual intercourse?

If you dreamed of sexual intercourse among animals, it means that you are completely satisfied with the current state of affairs. You are not trying to get involved in a competitive race and are content with the positions you occupy while watching others try to make their way. This doesn't mean you are vulnerable. On the contrary, it is this behavior that demonstrates self-confidence.

The ability to stop in time is highly commendable. In pursuit of material benefits, do not forget about spiritual values.

Why dream about sexual intercourse with a man?

According to the dream book, sexual intercourse with a man marks the predominance of emotions over reason. Due to your ardor and lack of restraint, you will find yourself in unpleasant situation, which threatens the loss of reputation and trust. Such a vision warns of various kinds of troubles that will haunt you in the near future.

Try to avoid ambiguous situations in every possible way. Be more restrained and control your emotions.

The meaning of a dream in which sexual intercourse was observed

The plot of a dream in which you happened to observe sexual intercourse testifies to your modesty, which prevents you from realizing your desires in the intimate sphere. You feel dissatisfied when being intimate with your partner, but you don’t dare tell him about it. Therefore, the subconscious compensates for dissatisfaction by creating such images.

Fight your complexes, they prevent you from living a full life. Decide to have a frank conversation with your spouse or lover.

What does oral intercourse mean according to the dream book?

Seeing oral sexual intercourse in a dream means that as a result of careless statements addressed to management or colleagues, trouble will arise at work. You will have to ask for forgiveness from the person you offended in order to resolve the brewing conflict.

If you yourself have engaged in this type of intimacy, it means that you will have to face a disrespectful attitude towards yourself from the people with whom you have to work. This may cause a breakup business relations with partners or serve as an impetus to start looking for a new job.

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