Neuromultivit 60 instructions for use. Neuromultivitis - B vitamins: instructions for use. Special instructions and precautions for use

Neuromultivit - the latest description of the drug, you can see contraindications, indications for use, dosage of the Neuromultivit medication. Useful reviews about Neuromultivit -

Vitamin B complex.
Active substance of the drug: cyanocobalamin, pyridoxine, thiamine
ATX encoding: A11DB
KFG: Vitamin B complex
Registration number: P No. 013734/01
Registration date: 12/29/06
Owner reg. cred.: LANNACHER HEILMITTEL Ges.m.b.H. (Austria)

Neuromultivit release form, drug packaging and composition.

White or almost white film-coated tablets white, round, biconvex.

1 tab.
thiamine hydrochloride (vit. B1)
100 mg
pyridoxine hydrochloride (vit. B6)
200 mg
cyanocobalamin (vit. B12)
200 mcg

Excipients: microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate, povidone, macrogol 6000, titanium dioxide, talc, hypromellose, Eudragit NE30D (methacrylic acid and ethacrylate copolymer).

20 pcs. — cellular contour packages (1) — cardboard packs.

The description of the drug is based on the officially approved instructions for use.

Pharmacological action Neuromultivit

Thiamine (vitamin B1) in the human body, as a result of phosphorylation processes, is converted into cocarboxylase, which is a coenzyme of many enzymatic reactions. Thiamine plays an important role in carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism. Actively participates in the processes of nerve excitation in synapses.

Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) is necessary for the normal functioning of the central and peripheral nervous system. In its phosphorylated form, it is a coenzyme in the metabolism of amino acids (including decarboxylation, transamination). Acts as a coenzyme for the most important enzymes operating in nerve tissues. Participates in the biosynthesis of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, norepinephrine, adrenaline, histamine and GABA.

Cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) is necessary for normal hematopoiesis and maturation of red blood cells, and is also involved in a number of biochemical reactions that ensure the vital functions of the body (in the transfer of methyl groups, in the synthesis of nucleic acids, proteins, in the metabolism of amino acids, carbohydrates, lipids). It affects processes in the nervous system (RNA, DNA synthesis) and the lipid composition of cerebrosides and phospholipids. The coenzyme forms of cyanocobalamin—methylcobalamin and adenosylcobalamin—are essential for cell replication and growth.

Pharmacokinetics of the drug.

The components of the drug are water-soluble vitamins, which eliminates the possibility of their accumulation in the body.

Suction and distribution

Thiamine and pyridoxine are absorbed in the upper intestine, the extent of absorption depends on the dose.

The absorption of cyanocobalamin is largely determined by the presence internal factor in the stomach and upper intestine, further delivery of cyanocobalamin to the tissue is carried out by the transport protein transcobalamin II.


Thiamine, pyridoxine and cyanocobalamin are metabolized in the liver.


Thiamine and pyridoxine are excreted by the kidneys (about 8-10% unchanged). In case of overdose, the excretion of thiamine and pyridoxine through the intestines significantly increases.

Cyanocobalamin is excreted mainly with bile, the degree of excretion by the kidneys is variable - from 6 to 30%.

Indications for use:

As part of complex therapy for the following neurological diseases:

Polyneuropathy of various etiologies (including diabetic, alcoholic);

Neuritis and neuralgia;

Radicular syndrome caused by degenerative changes in the spine;



Intercostal neuralgia;

Trigeminal neuralgia;

Facial nerve paresis.

Dosage and method of administration of the drug.

Prescribe 1 tablet orally. 1-3 times/day. The duration of the course is determined individually.

The tablets should be taken after meals, without chewing and with a small amount of liquid.

Side effects of Neuromultivitis:

In isolated cases: nausea, tachycardia, skin reactions in the form of itching and urticaria.

The drug is well tolerated.

Contraindications to the drug:

Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Use during pregnancy and lactation.

It is not recommended to use Neuromultivit during pregnancy and lactation ( breastfeeding) due to the lack of reliable clinical data confirming the safety of the drug during these periods.

Special instructions for use of Neuromultivit.

Drug overdose:

Currently, no cases of overdose of Neuromultivit have been reported.

Interaction of Neuromultivit with other drugs.

With the simultaneous use of Neuromultivit and levodopa, a decrease in the antiparkinsonian effectiveness of levodopa is observed.

With the combined use of Neuromultivit and ethanol, the absorption of thiamine, which is part of the drug, is sharply reduced (the level in the blood can decrease by 30%).

Terms of sale in pharmacies.

The drug is available with a prescription.

Terms of storage conditions for the drug Neuromultivit.

The drug should be stored in a dry place, protected from light, out of the reach of children, at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Shelf life: 3 years.

With complex treatment various diseases with damage to nerves and spinal roots, B vitamins are often prescribed. And although vitamins are not drugs, their use improves the functional state of the nervous system and affects the course of the underlying pathological process.

One of the frequently used drugs is Neuromultivit, an original tablet product produced by the Austrian pharmaceutical company Lannacher Heilmittel.

Composition of Neuromultivit

Neuromultivit is a combined patented multivitamin complex. Main components of the drug:

  • 100 mg thiamine or vitamin B1;

  • 200 mg pyridoxine or vitamin B6;

  • 200 mg cyanocobalamin;

  • excipients intended to stabilize the composition and give tablet required density (cellulose, povidone, magnesium stearate);

  • substances that form a protective film shell.

All vitamins in composition Neuromultivita are water-soluble, they do not compete with each other and do not accumulate in the tissues of the human body. In addition, these substances are not synthesized by the body itself and come mainly from food. True, small amounts of thiamine and pyridoxine can be produced by intestinal microflora. But this is not enough to ensure normal functioning of the nervous system even in the absence of any diseases. It also happens that it is the deficiency of certain vitamins that causes or supports the appearance of neurological symptoms.

Thiamine after absorption into upper sections intestines undergoes biotransformation and turns into cocarboxylase. This substance is an important coenzyme of many reactions and therefore participates in the regulation of the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. It is also necessary for the conduction of nerve impulses and synaptic transmission of excitation to muscle fibers.

Pyridoxine is also absorbed in the small intestine and is quickly included in various metabolic processes in the body. With its participation, the synthesis of many enzymes, hormones, biologically active substances and neurotransmitters (compounds necessary for the finest processes of impulse transmission in the brain) occurs. Thus, with the help of vitamin B6, histamine, adrenaline, norepinephrine, serotonin, GABA, and dopamine are produced. This substance also improves muscle contractility, prevents the degeneration of pyramidal nerve cells and liver cells, and affects the content of cholesterol and lipids of different densities in the blood. Pyridoxine also promotes the activation of molecules folic acid– another vitamin necessary for normal hematopoiesis and nervous system function.

Cyanocobalamin in the human body it is spent primarily on the process of formation of red blood cells, which provide oxygen to all tissues. In addition, its metabolites are involved in the processes of replication (reproduction) of nucleic acids, which affects cell reproduction and growth. In the nervous system, vitamin B12 is necessary for the regulation of lipid metabolism, the level of phospholipids and cerebrosides. Thanks to it, a normal myelin sheath is formed around the long processes of neurons, which ensures a high speed of nerve impulses.


Thanks to the vitamins B1, B6 and B12 included in the drug, Neuromultivit has neurotrophic and regenerative properties. It helps restore damaged and inflamed nerve fibers, improves metabolism in all tissues and especially in the central nervous system. The production of neurotransmitters is normalized, the work of nerve cells is harmonized. In addition, Neuromultivit can have a moderate analgesic effect in cases of damage to the peripheral nervous system.

For what diseases and what helps Neuromultivitis? Indications for its use are:

  • plexites of various origins;

  • obturator canal syndrome, in which the sciatic nerve is pinched by a spasmodic muscle at the level of the pelvic outlet;

  • polyneuritis (polyneuropathy) of diabetic, toxic, alcoholic and other etiology;

  • neuritis of peripheral nerves;

  • neuropathy of the facial nerve, which also includes Bell's palsy and prosoplegia;

  • trigeminal neuralgia (syndrome caused by pathology of the trigeminal nerve), also called Fothergill's disease;

  • intercostal neuralgia.

In addition, Neuromultivit is often used by neurologists in the complex treatment of various brain diseases. Although they are not direct indications for prescribing this drug, the use of this vitamin complex can have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the central nervous system. According to doctors, Neuromultivit can also be useful in the recovery period after injuries, operations, stress, and with a diagnosed deficiency of B vitamins.

Features of application

Neuromultivitis is usually prescribed in a daily dose of 1–3 tablets; recommendations depend on the clinical picture of the underlying disease. The duration of treatment and frequency of administration are determined by the doctor.

Since the tablets are coated with a protective film coating, Neuromultivit should be taken as a whole. Chewing or breaking may affect the pharmacokinetics of the drug. To reduce the irritant effect on the gastric mucosa, tablets are taken after meals.

Contraindications and side effects

Side effects when using Neuromultivit develop infrequently. This may include a rash and itching of an allergic nature, nausea, and tachycardia. If such reactions occur, you should inform your doctor about this; the drug will most likely be discontinued. In addition, the occurrence of such side effects may indicate an overdose of certain vitamins.

Contraindications for the use of Neuromultivit are intolerance to at least one component, childhood up to 12 years old. Research on the effectiveness and safety of the drug for children were not carried out. In addition, the presence of a film coating eliminates the possibility of dividing the tablet and selecting the dosage of Neuromultivit in accordance with the age of the child. During pregnancy and lactation, the drug is not prescribed due to the lack of proven safety of the drug for the body of a woman and child.


To avoid overdose, you should not take the drug for more than 4 weeks in a row, unless your doctor has recommended a different treatment regimen. It is also undesirable to use other vitamin complexes at the same time. While taking Neuromultivit, you should avoid drinking alcohol, which is associated with poor compatibility of ethanol with vitamins and a decrease in the absorption of thiamine. Strong black tea works in a similar way.

It is important to remember the mutual influence of drugs. For example, simultaneous use of Neuromultivit and levodopa drugs can lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of antiparkinsonian therapy. Loop diuretics increase the excretion of thiamine (vitamin B1) from the body, and antacids impair its absorption in the gastrointestinal tract. The cytostatic 5-fluorouracil competes with thiamine and suppresses its transformation into cocarboxylase. Isoniazid, Cycloserine, Penicillamine, Hydrolazine and oral contraceptives increase the body's need for pyridoxine (vitamin B6).

What can be replaced

  • Autolysate of purified brewer's yeast.

  • Milgamma is available in tablets and ampoules.

    In some cases the ability to choose a liquid form of release is an advantage of the drug over Neuromultivit.

    When deciding to replace the original Neuromultivit with another drug, differences in the composition of vitamin complexes should be taken into account. They may contain other vitamins (in addition to B1, B6 and B12), and the concentration of the main components may be different from Neuromultivit. Only generics are its structural analogues, but these drugs do not undergo clinical trials.

    It is impossible to answer unequivocally the question of what is better - Neuromultivit, Milgamma, Pentovit or other vitamin complexes of similar composition. A certain concentration of individual components, release form, and even the pharmaceutical company producing it - all this can serve as selection criteria. Therefore, you should listen to the recommendations of your doctor and consult him when replacing Neuromultivit with other drugs.

    A deficiency of B vitamins can cause many diseases. These are skin problems, disorders in the central nervous system, abnormalities in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. "Neuromultivit" is a modern multivitamin preparation. It is used primarily to treat the consequences of deficiency of B vitamins. From this article you will learn about reviews of Neuromultivitis and analogues. The instructions for use will inform you about possible contraindications, drug compatibility, composition and pharmacokinetics of each component.

    Composition and release form

    The drug is available only in tablet form.

    Each tablet contains three main representatives of B vitamins, without which normal human life is impossible. These are thiamine (B1), pyridoxine (B6) and cyanocobalamin (B12). Each component is presented in the form of hydrochloride.

    Why are these particular components included? There is no riboflavin, niacin, biotin and other B vitamins. The answer is simple: not all vitamins are normally absorbed in high concentrations. For example, riboflavin could interfere with the absorption of pyridoxine, etc. Some manufacturers solve this problem by dividing the daily dosage of vitamins into two or three tablets, which should be taken separately at different times.

    It is also due to the fact that the drug is positioned as a treatment for the nervous system. And thiamine, pyridoxine and cyanocobalamin are the components that are most needed by neurons ( nerve cells). With a deficiency of these elements, not only the nervous system suffers, but also the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, the endocrine system, and metabolism is disrupted.

    IN human body everything is interconnected, and the lack of one brick (any of the B vitamins) triggers, like a domino effect, a chain reaction, as a result of which the functioning of the entire system is disrupted. The composition of Neuromultivit is designed to eliminate such a process. Let's take a closer look at each component of the drug and the processes that occur when there is an excess or shortage of it.

    Signs of cyanocobalamin deficiency and overdose

    Cyanocobalamin plays an important role in the process of hematopoiesis; without it, healthy immunity and well-being are impossible.

    Signs of cyanocobalamin deficiency in the body:

    • frequent colds, weak immunity;
    • furunculosis, dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, acne;
    • constant lethargy, weakness, low vitality;
    • drowsiness and chronic fatigue;
    • characteristic changes in general analysis blood - low amount of red blood cells;
    • stuttering and impairment speech development;
    • bad smell from the patient's skin;
    • dizziness and headaches, memory problems, irritability;
    • sexual dysfunction in men.

    But an excess of cyanocobalamin does not bring anything good. The side effects of Neuromultivit are largely due to the fact that with regular use of the drug, hypervitaminosis of vitamin B12 occurs.

    Characteristic symptoms that a person has an excess of cyanocobalamin in the blood and internal organs:

    • thrombosis;
    • chills, tremors of extremities;
    • sleep problems;
    • nausea, hyperemia;
    • dermatitis, urticaria.

    The daily requirement for cyanocobalamin in an adult is about 2-3 mcg. In pregnant women, this figure doubles, since cyanocobalamin is required not only by the mother, but also by the fetus.

    With pyridoxine deficiency

    Pyridoxine hydrochloride is one third of the composition of Neuromultivit. This is vitamin B6, the main effect of which is on the nervous system. With pyridoxine deficiency, the following conditions develop:

    • anxiety, tearfulness;
    • hypochondria (especially common in older people);
    • memory impairment;
    • regression of cognitive abilities;
    • imbalance of sodium and potassium in the body;
    • chronic fatigue and constant feeling of overwork (even after eight hours of sleep).

    With pyridoxine deficiency, the patient is characterized by aggression and motor overexcitation. This process is caused by the fact that the adrenal glands begin to produce adrenaline more intensively. Glucose reserves in the body begin to rapidly decrease, and sugar reserves, on the contrary, increase. As a result of this condition, they may develop various types depression.

    An excess of pyridoxine also does not bring anything good. Side effects“Neuromultivita” is largely due to the fact that with regular use of the drug, hypervitaminosis of this substance occurs. Here are the symptoms of increased levels of pyridoxine in tissues:

    • numbness of the limbs;
    • nervous tics;
    • allergic rashes, dermatitis and urticaria;
    • skin itching;
    • indigestion - diarrhea.

    Signs of thiamine overdose and deficiency

    Medicine"Neuromultivit" consists of one third thiamine hydrochloride. What kind of substance is this and what is the risk of its deficiency for a person?

    Thiamine is synthesized in the intestines, provided that the microflora is not pathogenic. So in healthy body There should be no deficiency of vitamin B1. If a person is constantly stressed, irritated, overtired, or eats improperly, the microflora of the intestinal mucosa is disrupted, and along with it, the production of thiamine is suspended.

    Deficiency is accompanied by the following manifestations:

    • insomnia and sleep phase disturbances;
    • chronic fatigue and constant feeling of overwork;
    • progression of osteochondrosis (if present), which leads to circulatory disorders;
    • migraine, headaches due to cerebral circulatory disorders;
    • loss of appetite, weight loss;
    • low physical endurance.

    Thiamine is a water-soluble vitamin, which means that its metabolites are constantly excreted from the body. To achieve an overdose of this component in the tissues, you have to try. Side effects of Neuromultivit often develop with regular use of the drug, as hypervitaminosis of this substance occurs. Here are the manifestations of this condition:

    • feeling of heat, hot flashes;
    • sweating and hyperhidrosis;
    • weakness, nausea;
    • loss of consciousness.

    An overdose of thiamine is the least common. In stressful situations, when a person finds himself in unusual conditions, the need for vitamin B1 increases tenfold.

    Indications for use

    The indications can be summarized from the information given above. Deficiency of cyanocobalamin, pyridoxine, thiamine and the conditions provoked by it are the main target of the drug.

    Based on the indications, neurologists prescribe Neuromultivit to their patients as part of complex therapy or as an independent remedy in the following cases:

    • polyneuropathy;
    • encephalopathy;
    • period of withdrawal syndrome in patients with addiction;
    • any;
    • sciatica;
    • alopecia;
    • intercostal neuralgia;
    • a period of high physical and psychological stress in the patient’s life.

    While carrying a child in any trimester of pregnancy, taking the drug is not prohibited. However, before you start using it, you should definitely consult with your doctor and notify him of your intention to take it, since in some cases pregnant women may develop an allergic reaction to the components of the drug.

    Use of the drug for children and adolescents

    At what age is Neuromultivit approved for use? Neurologists often prescribe this drug to children over three years of age as part of complex therapy for delayed psycho-speech development, increased anxiety, phobias, and stuttering.

    In some cases, a complex course of nootropics, tranquilizers and Neuromultivit is prescribed. A prescription and dosage can only be prescribed to a child by an experienced neurologist or psychiatrist. It is strictly forbidden to “medicate” yourself and give your baby medications, since instead of the expected benefit, they can cause a worsening of the condition.

    Teenagers over twelve years old can take a course of Neuromultivit without prior consultation, as a preventive measure during periods of increased physical and mental stress. For example, at sports competitions or before exams.

    Contraindications for use

    There are a number of contraindications to taking the drug. "Neuromultivit" refers to those formulations that are usually well tolerated by the patient, but if you have at least one disease from the list below, starting use is strictly prohibited:

    • chronic renal failure;
    • acute ascites;
    • acute psychosis or delirium;
    • the presence of benign or malignant neoplasms;
    • cirrhosis.

    Pregnancy and lactation are not direct contraindications to taking Neuromultivit. Moreover, in the first trimesters, the need for thiamine and pyridoxine increases sharply. But a pre-pregnant woman must notify the supervising doctor of her intention to take a course of Neuromultivit.

    Side effects of Neuromultivit

    The drug is usually well tolerated. is extremely rare, since they are water-soluble and their metabolites are quickly eliminated from the body.

    List of possible side effects the drug in the first week of use, as well as in case of overdose:

    • thrombosis;
    • chills, tremors of extremities;
    • cramps of the ankles, calf muscles, feet;
    • sleep problems;
    • nausea, hyperemia;
    • dermatitis, urticaria.

    Side effects of Neuromultivit are rare in children. Most often they manifest themselves in indigestion (diarrhea) and skin rashes. In some cases, while taking the medication, it becomes difficult to fall asleep and motor restlessness appears. The dosage used should be reduced as it is most likely too high.

    Drug interactions and special instructions

    The total duration of the course of therapy with Neuromultivit should not exceed four to five weeks. If this period is exceeded, hypervitaminosis of B vitamins and negative neurological symptoms are likely to develop.

    When consuming the drug simultaneously with alcoholic beverages, coffee and black tea, the absorption of vitamins is reduced by at least half. Some wines contain sulfites, which accelerate the degradation of thiamine.

    Patients suffering from chronic diseases organs of the gastrointestinal tract (peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum), as well as those with impaired renal and liver function, you should start taking Neuromultivit with caution. Reviews from doctors about side effects on the digestive system indicate that the drug in rare cases can provoke an exacerbation of chronic diseases in remission.

    Patients suffering from funicular myelosis or pernicious anemia (cobalamin anemia) during treatment with Neuromultivit should take into account that blood tests may give distorted indicators. The number of red blood cells and white blood cells may erroneously increase or decrease, and cyanocobalamin levels may fluctuate.

    If the patient has recently been diagnosed or has a history of a neoplasm of a benign or malignant nature, you should not start therapy with Neuromultivit. It is permissible to take the drug only after consulting a doctor.

    "Neuromultivit" is used with caution in patients with angina pectoris and forms of decompensated heart failure.

    Substitutes and analogues

    How can I replace Neuromultivit? There are many forms and varieties of drugs that can restore reference values ​​of B vitamins in the patient's body.

    Both thiamine, cyanocobalamin, and pyridoxine (in the form of hydrochloride, as in Neuromultivit) are sold in liquid form, in ampoules for intramuscular injection. Neurologists often recommend using injection drugs, since it is in this form that 100% of the drug is absorbed. When the tablet passes through gastrointestinal tract components are often not fully absorbed.

    Taking vitamin-mineral complexes is not always able to overcome the deficiency of cyanocobalamin, pyridoxine and thiamine, since multivitamins contain too many components. They often antagonize each other, preventing the effective absorption of any of the substances. As a result, the benefits of taking multivitamins are reduced to zero.

    Analogues of "Neuromultivit" for children: "Nagipol", "Pentovit". This safe drugs, containing B vitamins, with a minimum of side effects.

    How to replace Neuromultivit for adults? List effective drugs:

    • "Milgamma";
    • "Pentovit" ( cheap analogue, produced by a domestic pharmaceutical company);
    • "Angiovit" (structural analogue of "Neuromultivit");
    • "Beviplex";
    • brewer's yeast "Nagipol".

    All these drugs have a similar effect on the body and have an almost completely similar composition to Neuromultivit.

    "Milgamma" or "Neuromultivit" - which is better?

    "Milgamma" is exactly the same preparation of B vitamins. It is produced in the form of ampoules with a solution for injection and in the form of tablets for oral use. The use of ampoules is more effective, since with the injection form of administration the components are absorbed almost one hundred percent. When taken orally, vitamins may not be fully absorbed.

    "Milgamma" or "Neuromultivit" - what should a patient choose who has not yet tried any of these medications? The composition of Neuromultivit is almost completely identical to the composition of Milgamma. They are also approximately the same in cost - a package of both tablets will cost about eight hundred rubles. All that remains is to rely on the prescription of the attending neurologist - the drug that was prescribed will be more effective in each individual case.

    Effective pharmacological agent based on a complex of vitamins from subgroup B - Neuromultivit tablets. What does the medicine help with? The drug has proven itself excellent in complex treatment tactics for many neurological pathologies. The instructions for use suggest taking the drug “Neuromultivit” for sciatica, neuralgia, and back pain.

    Release forms

    Manufacturer medicine“Neuromultivit”, the instructions for use inform about this, are produced as biconvex tablets in a special coating, packaged in cardboard packages.

    The instructions prescribe the following composition of the medication:

    • thiamine hydrochloride - in a volume of 0.1 g;
    • pyridoxine hydrochloride - in a volume of 0.2 g;
    • cyanocabalamin - in a volume of 0.2 g.

    The auxiliary components listed are microcrystalline cellulose and magnesium stearate, as well as povidone. It is this combination of active and auxiliary substances that has a pronounced therapeutic effect on the human body suffering from various neurological pathologies.

    Pharmacological actions provided

    The complex medicine “Neuromultivit”, which helps with neuritis, has many pharmacological effects - according to the vitamins it contains:

    • stimulation of the activity of nervous system structures;
    • improvement of regenerative and restoration processes;
    • minimal analgesic effect.

    Thiamine, after entering the human body after metabolism, passes into cocarboxylase, which takes active participation in various metabolic mechanisms - as an active coenzyme. Its major role is noted in carbohydrate, as well as fat and protein metabolism. When conducting a high-quality impulse along a nerve fiber, thymine is also necessary.

    Pyridoxine - in the role of an auxiliary coenzyme, takes part in various processes in the body. It is in demand for physiologically correct activity of all structures of the nervous system. Pyridoxine actively and effectively participates in the formation of various neurotransmitters, for example, norepinephrine, histamine, and dopamine.

    Cyanocobalamin plays an important role in the production of red blood cells and general hematopoiesis. Active participation in various metabolic processes is noted, especially the formation of nucleic acids, as well as cerebrosides and phospholipids. Cyanocobalamin, as an active coenzyme, is essential for the timely division and further growth of neurocells.

    Neuromultivit tablets: what the medicine helps with and when it is prescribed

    The multicomponent product “Neuromultivit” has found its niche in the practice of neurologists - as an effective component of complex therapy. The vitamin preparation is effective for negative conditions:

    • neuropathy of the facial nerve, and even prosoplenia, as well as Bell's palsy;
    • polyneuritis of various natures of formation, for example, diabetic or alcoholic polyneuropathy;
    • inflammatory lesions of the peripheral nerve fiber - neuritis;
    • course of intercostal neuralgia;
    • the formation of sciatica - damage to the fiber of the sciatic nerve after its inflammation or compression;
    • lumbago - a lumbar syndrome complex, the main manifestation of which is shooting pain in the sacral area;
    • plexitis - shoulder, lumbosacral or cervical variant;
    • radiculopathy of various nature - develops against the background of degenerative lesions of the elements and tissue of the spine;
    • trigeminal neuralgia.

    Side effects

    In most cases, the medication is well tolerated by patients. In rare cases, attacks of rapid heartbeat and dyspeptic symptoms have been reported while taking therapeutic doses of the drug Neuromultivit, for which it is necessary to consult a specialist.

    Sometimes patients complain of the development of allergic conditions - intense itching, various skin rashes. In such cases, it is recommended to seek the advice of a specialist and also stop taking the medication.

    In what cases is it contraindicated?

    Like any pharmacological agent, the complex medicine “Neuromultivit” has several contraindications:

    • intolerance to subgroup B vitamins;
    • individual hyperreaction to the components of the Neuromultivit medication, from which these tablets can cause allergies;
    • the period of bearing the baby and its subsequent lactation;
    • children's age of patients.

    If one or a set of contraindications is identified, the specialist will select another remedy with a similar mechanism of therapeutic effect.

    The drug "Neuromultivit": instructions for use

    In order to achieve the maximum possible therapeutic effect in a person, the drug must be taken immediately after meals. Accompany taking the tablet with a sufficient amount of water.

    The duration of the treatment course and the frequency of doses should only be taken by a specialist - in direct dependence on the pathology diagnosed in a person, the severity of negative symptoms and the initial state of health. Most often, the dosage regimen is as follows - 1 pc. three times a day. If necessary, the dose can be increased. However, this treatment should not be continued for more than 3.5-4 weeks. In pediatric practice, the medicine can be taken no earlier than the child reaches the age of 12-14 years.

    Analogs of the drug "Neuromultivit"

    Identical active substances contain analogues “Milgamma compositum”, “Kombilipen”. Analogues of multivitamin complexes include:

    1. "Revit".
    2. "Pikovit."
    3. "Makrovit".
    4. "Jungle".
    5. "Tetravit."
    6. "Revitalize-ADS".
    7. "Endur-B".
    8. "Neurotrat forte".
    9. "Vectrum Junior".
    10. "Multi-tabs HZ".
    11. "Water for children."
    12. "Angiovitis."
    13. "Heptavit."
    14. "Combilipen Tabs".
    15. "Vibovit Junior".
    16. "Vitamult".
    17. "Polybion N".
    18. "Polivit Baby."
    19. "Benfolipen."
    20. "Vetoron".
    21. "Alvitil".
    22. "Vitasharm".
    23. "Triovit Cardio".
    24. "Stressstabs 500".
    25. "Multi-tabs B-Complex".
    26. "Unigamma".
    27. "Multivita Plus"
    28. "Pikovit forte."
    29. "Foliber".
    30. "Dekamevit."
    31. "Rikavit."
    32. "Vibovit Baby."
    33. "Pregnavit F."
    34. "Vitabex".
    35. "Stress formula 600".
    36. "Vitacitrol."
    37. "Calcevita".
    38. "Neurogamma".
    39. "Antioxicaps with iodine."
    40. "Undevit."
    41. "Aerovit".
    42. "Gendevit."
    43. "Sana-Sol - Multivitamin complex."
    44. "Hexavit".
    45. "Multi-tabs Baby."
    46. "Pentovit."


    You can buy Neuromultivit tablets in Moscow and other regions of Russia for 275 rubles (20 pieces). The price of a vitamin complex in Kyiv reaches 146 hryvnia. In Minsk, the medicine costs 6.8-14 Belarusian rubles. In Kazakhstan, the product is sold for 1,680 tenge.

    Neuromultivit is a pharmacological agent containing B vitamins, indicated for use in pathologies of the nervous system.

    What are the composition and release form of Neuromultivit?

    The active ingredients of the pharmaceutical product Neuromultivit are represented by the following vitamins: cyanocobalamin - 200 micrograms, thiamine hydrochloride in an amount of 100 mg and pyridoxine hydrochloride, the content of which is 200 mg.

    Excipients of the drug: hypromellose, macrogol 6000, povidone, titanium dioxide, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate, talc.

    The medicine Neuromultivit is available in white tablets with darker inclusions. Sold in packs of 20 pieces. Dispensed by pharmacies upon presentation of a prescription.

    What are the effects of Neuromultivit?

    All active substances of the drug contribute to the normalization of the nervous system, both central and peripheral. The combined therapeutic effect of all three vitamins is more than three times greater than the effectiveness of each individual active substance.

    Thiamine is a stimulator of metabolic reactions occurring in the nervous system. Provides. It influences the processes of electrical impulse transmission, participating in the reactions of neurotransmitter biosynthesis.

    Cyanocobalamin is involved in the processes of synthesis of nucleic acids, stimulates the reactions of regeneration and renewal of biological tissues, normalizes the lipid composition of nervous tissue, and improves the patient’s mental abilities.

    Pyridoxine is required for the normal functioning of the nervous system, since it acts as a coenzyme in the formation of neurotransmitters (dopamine, norepinephrine, gamma-aminobutyric acid). In addition, vitamin B6 regulates metabolic processes occurring in most tissues and organs.

    All components of the Neuromultivit drug are water-soluble compounds and, as a result, they do not have the ability to cumulate. An overdose of the drug is unlikely. However, exceeding the recommended dosage will not affect the severity of the pharmacological action.

    The use of the drug helps improve functional function, eliminates pain, normalizes the patient’s mental abilities, improves sleep, and increases tolerance physical activity, prevents the development of serious complications of neurological pathology.

    When taken orally, the processes of absorption of active substances occur in the small intestine. The biological transformation of vitamins occurs in the liver. Excretion occurs in stool and urine. As the dosage increases, excess active ingredients are excreted in the bile.

    Indications for use

    Taking the vitamin preparation Neuromultivit is indicated in the following cases:

    Trigeminal neuralgia;
    Intercostal neuralgia;
    Shoulder pain syndrome;
    Radicular syndrome;
    Polyneuropathy of various etiologies and pathogenesis;
    Osteochondrosis with neurological symptoms.

    It is necessary to focus attention on an important circumstance. The drug is not a conventional multivitamin indicated for the treatment of hypovitaminosis. This is a medicine for the treatment of neurological pathologies.

    Contraindications for use

    The instructions for use prohibit taking Neuromultivit (tablets) in the following cases:

    The patient's age is 18 years or less;
    Hypersensitivity to the components of the pharmaceutical product.

    In addition, pregnancy and lactation.

    Application and dosage

    The dosage of the drug should be selected by the attending physician. The effective dose of the medicine is in the range from 1 to 3 tablets per day. To prevent irritation of the gastric mucosa, it is recommended to take the pharmaceutical product after meals.

    The duration of therapeutic measures depends on the opinion of the specialist, but in any case, treatment should not last more than 4 weeks, especially if patients take significant amounts of the drug.

    Side effects

    Taking Neuromultivit tablets can provoke the development of the following side effects: nausea, vomiting, heaviness and bloating, loose stool or constipation, headache, dizziness, allergic skin reactions.

    Special instructions

    Treatment of neurological patients with this drug is not recommended in combination with multivitamin pharmaceuticals. The combined use of pharmaceuticals by representatives of these groups creates the preconditions for the development of an overdose.

    The drug may reduce the antiparkinsonian activity of the pharmaceutical drug levodopa. To adjust the dosage, you need to consult your doctor.


    Neurorubin, Nerviplex, Neurotrat forte, Neurobex, Vitaxon, . Analogs can be used only after prior consultation with your doctor, since there may be a discrepancy between contraindications and dosages.


    Treatment of pathology of the nervous system should be carried out under the close supervision of an experienced specialist, with mandatory adherence to an integrated approach consisting of the following measures: taking pharmaceuticals recommended by the doctor, a balanced diet, complete exclusion of smoking and alcohol abuse, and a good night's rest.

    In addition, it is important to avoid working at night, and it is also necessary to periodically visit your doctor to adjust the dosages of medications taken.

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