Perennial asters are the best varieties of charming flowers. Description of varieties and varieties of shrub asters, cultivation and care of Shrub aster - description

Bush aster is an ornamental herbaceous perennial of the genus Symphyotrichum. This plant is native to North America. Shrub aster is traditionally used to decorate personal plots, where it is an integral element of decor.

Long-lasting flowering and a riot of colors allow these plants to support your mood even in bad autumn weather, when you really lack sunlight.


This plant has a powerful, well-developed root system, from which numerous branching, straight shoots extend, about 0.5 m high. As a result, the bush looks lush, like a cushion-shaped curtain.

The leaves are numerous, entire, lanceolate, dark green in color. The flowers, collected in corymbose inflorescences, have a diameter of 3–4 cm, their the color is quite varied, all shades of red and blue colors, there are also pure white ones.

Asters of this species are different high frost resistance and low drought resistance. Unlike the usual one, the bush one can bloom in spring or autumn, depending on the species.

Main varieties. Cultivated in Russia various varieties and species of bush aster, but it became most widespread in middle lane. Many varieties are used as ornamental plants, because they do not have time to bloom before the onset of cold weather.

Among the huge variety, the following varieties can be distinguished, characterized by the earliest flowering:

  • Alice Haslam (Alice Haslam). This is a miniature bush, the height of which does not exceed 30 cm. It blooms from the beginning of September to the end of October. lilac flowers small size.
  • Blau Lagoon. Compact bush growing up to 50 cm in height. It has the shape of a ball with inflorescences of a blue-violet hue, up to 3 cm in size. It blooms from late August to late autumn.
  • Lady in blue. Bush no more than 40 cm high with small flowers blue color. It is a hybrid variety with high disease resistance.
  • Jenny. Low growing shrub with a large number raspberry-pink flowers with a yellow center. Most often used for planting on rocky areas, hills and lawns, it is well preserved when cut.
  • Schneekissen. A low spherical bush, growing up to 25 cm, highly branched. Its diameter is about 0.6 m. In terms of flowering time, this species is classified as medium-late. During flowering, the bush is covered with small white inflorescences with a yellow center.

Agricultural technology

The shrubby perennial prefers warm and bright areas with light, loose, well-drained soil. When favorable conditions are created, you can get a magnificent lush and beautifully flowering bush.

If you plant the plant in partial shade or shade, as well as in a constantly flooded area, flowering will be rather sparse, the roots will begin to rot, which will inevitably lead to the death of the bush.

To maintain the splendor and shape of the hemisphere, including in windy weather, the aster should be placed in a place protected from drafts and wind. In the absence of such a possibility experienced gardeners It is advised to arrange a small fence for the bushes.

You can tie it in another way: pull the rope between two pegs driven next to the plant. Stems that reach a height of 80 cm or more also need a garter.

Although she loves moisture, especially in the dry and hot summer, you still need to try when caring for the plant prevent water from overflowing. After watering, be sure to remove weeds and loosen the soil around the bush.

First feeding carried out before landing Fertilizers are applied to the soil prepared for planting. The next time the aster is fed only a year later, using complex mineral fertilizers intended for flowering crops.

During the period of budding and intensive flowering, use phosphate fertilizers. In order to maintain the health of the bush aster and prepare the plant for long flowering, in spring and autumn the soil should be limed, which helps reduce its acidity, which quite often causes weakening of the bush.

Primary liming is carried out before planting the aster in the ground, subsequent liming is carried out before the start of the flowering period and after it ends. To carry out the procedure, a mixture is prepared at the rate of 100 g. Powder / 3–4 buckets of water. The resulting solution is applied to the soil to the planting depth. In addition, the colors are shown three-stage feeding system:

  • in the first weeks after planting;
  • during the budding period;
  • before the buds open.

In the future fertilizing is carried out in the spring. To prepare the make-up, you need to mix superphosphate, ammonium nitrate and potassium sulfate in a ratio of 3:2:1. For maximum efficiency, it is recommended to apply this complex of fertilizers in the form of a dry mixture, and then water the soil. During dry periods, only liquid replenishment is provided.


To grow this plant, you must choose well-lit, but at the same time protected from direct sun rays, plots.

The shrub propagates in the following ways: by seeds; cuttings; dividing the bush; vertical layers. If you want to achieve the earliest flowering, you can use seedling growing method.

You can also try to grow a bush from seeds, however, you should keep in mind that this method is quite labor-intensive and time-consuming, but in the end you will get a healthy plant that can soon please you with a beautiful spherical appearance and bright rosettes.

Propagation by seeds

When planting an aster using this method, the following steps are performed:

The first shoots will appear on the 5th–6th day, after which watering should be reduced. After two true leaves have formed, seedlings are planted in separate plastic cups. This contributes to the formation of a stronger and more powerful root system.

The cups must be filled with substrate, watered, and after the soil has settled, the borings must be replanted to a depth to the level of the cotyledon leaves. Now water the seedlings again and place the containers on a bright windowsill. When determining the place of cultivation, one should take into account the fact that aster seedlings afraid of direct sunlight.

During the growth of seedlings, it is necessary periodically apply complex fertilizers. As soon as the plants take root and are well strengthened, they can be taken out to the balcony or veranda to adapt to new conditions and harden.

Reproduction by division

This method involves the use of mature plants, which must be at least 4 years old. It is advisable to divide the root system before the buds swell, that is, in early spring.

To do this, the excavated root system is carefully cleaned of the soil and the old roots are separated.

The division is carried out in such a way that the new bush contains at least three healthy stems and a well-developed root. An aster can grow in one place for up to 5–6 years, so after division, both plants are transplanted to other areas.

Shrub aster: propagation by layering

This method of propagating aster involves the use of adult and necessarily healthy plants that were grown on fertilized, well-groomed soil under appropriate conditions.

At the end of the growing season, all shoots are removed from the aster, leaving a bush about 10 cm high. In the spring it is hilled up so that the plant is completely covered with soil. The procedure is carried out before the bush reaches a height of 25 cm, after which standard plant care methods are used.

Before the onset of cold weather (late autumn), the plant dig up and separate from it formed layerings with a root, which are then planted on permanent place. With the onset of spring, the manipulations of hilling and further care are repeated. Asters grown in this way begin flowering no earlier than two years after transplantation.

Propagation by cuttings

This method of growing bush aster is the most common and popular among gardeners. It consists of separating the upper shoots and then planting them in the ground.

To do this, the cuttings are carefully cut at a slight angle and the upper part, which is located above the first bud, is separated. Then escape for 15 hours placed in a special solution for better adaptation and growth stimulation. After this, the cuttings are kept in water until planted in the ground.

For cuttings of asters they use greenhouses or greenhouses. For planting, prepare a soil mixture consisting of peat, sand and turf land in a ratio of 2:2:1, which is covered with perlite or a mixture of vermiculite and sand.

The cuttings are placed in the ground at an angle to a depth of about 10 cm, the distance between plants should be 5 cm. Within a month after planting, a strong root system is formed in the cuttings.

Landing in the ground

The flower prefers to grow in fertile soils with good lighting. The area for planting has been prepared since the fall. To do this, you need to carefully dig up the ground, add compost or humus at the rate of 2–3 kg/1 m2.

With the onset of spring, the prepared area is cleaned, leveled with a rake and watered. Seedlings are planted in bushes at a distance of 35–40 cm from each other. It is recommended to plant in the evening, which will allow the plants to adapt and rise by the morning.

Shrub aster: care

Despite the fact that the bush aster is considered an unpretentious plant, there are still certain rules which must be followed when caring for the plant.

Bush aster ideal for decoration any garden plots. Late flowering allows the aster to be used for creating landscape compositions. The flower is characterized by brightness, beautiful appearance, unpretentiousness, unique aroma and can be grown in almost any climatic conditions.

Perennial shrub asters: common types, planting, proper care, reproduction

Shrub aster (Asteraceae, Symphyotrichum dumosum) is a cold-resistant crop. It blooms profusely from July until frost, until the temperature drops below -3 °C. Grown in borders, isolated or in groups. Unpretentious. Gets along well with other types of flowers.

Description of shrub aster, choice of variety

The first thing you pay attention to when choosing a plant is the decorativeness of the bush. But Aster is an autumn plant, blooming with the arrival of cool weather. In order for the aster to bloom longer and the seeds to ripen, you need to choose the right varieties suitable for the region in which you live.

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The bush aster goes under the snow, blooming profusely

Symphyotrichum dumosum is a group of perennial rhizomatous herbs. Height is from 15 cm to 2 m. The stems are branching, so the bush has a spherical shape. The leaves are oval, toothed, dark green. The buds form at the tops of the branches. The diameter of a blooming flower, depending on the variety, varies from 2 to 10 cm. The variety of colors is very large.

In the North-West region, the following varieties are recommended for landscaping:

  • deep pink Alise Haslam;
  • blue Blue Bouquet;
  • blue or bright blue Lady in Blue;
  • floral pink Rosa Sieger;
  • violet Herbstschnee;
  • pink-purple Andenken;
  • purple Aster tataricus.

In the Central region, in addition to those listed, they bloom for a long time:

  • heather pink Lovely;
  • highly decorative small-colored Purple Star;
  • New England dark purple Barrs Blue and pink Barrs Pink;
  • New Belgian Rosa Perle;
  • terry light lilac Patricia Ballard;
  • Lavender blue Fricata.

In mid-latitudes, miniature early Helen Beauty, Rosea and Goliath grow well. Of the giants, Andenken an Alma Poetschke and Purple Dome are more suitable.

Planting and caring for shrub asters

Open, illuminated areas are optimal for plants. The soil should be nutritious, not heavy, close in structure to sandy loam. The minimum depth of the fertile layer is 35 cm. Wet soils are excluded. Acidic ones must be limed, sprinkled with dolomite flour at the time of planting flower beds. Additionally, ash is added 2-3 times a season.

Sowing seeds in the fall, before the onset of frost, but it is advisable to divide the bushes in the spring so that young plants have enough time to take root.

Shrub aster requires regular rejuvenation by cuttings or division. Plant old bushes in the 4th year. Choose a new place each time.

Abundant flowering is possible only with regular watering and mulching. Fertilize the soil for the first time immediately before planting the sprouts. For this purpose, choose complex fertilizers. When setting aster buds, feed with phosphorus-containing preparations. Apply the next fertilizer application in the spring.

To give the bush a more rounded shape, periodically trim the branches.

Perennial asters suitable everywhere. They can be used in rose gardens, alpine roller coaster, in gravel gardens. These flowers are combined with violets, geraniums, spike grasses, sedum and other crops.

Shrub aster is the decoration of any garden and the pride of the owner. This is a branched bush, the height of which reaches up to 90 cm, with dark green branched stems and large oval serrated leaves. The upper part of the leaf is rough, the lower part is glossy.

Most popular varieties, both for beginners and experienced gardeners, are:

  1. Wood'spurple bush aster is perennial. A bush up to 50 cm high with abundant inflorescences, which consist of a large number of small yellow flowers with a pinkish-purple border. Flowering begins in mid-spring; by the end of summer the flowers change color. For normal development and abundant flowering, the plant needs a well-lit place, sheltered from drafts, fertile soil, regular watering and fertilizing. It is distinguished by good frost resistance and high immunity to pests (spider mites, cutworms, meadow bugs, slugs and snails) and diseases (blackleg fungus, fusarium).
  2. Kristina is a low-growing shrub with a late flowering period (early October - until the first frost). The flowers are small pink-white with double tongues. The variety is resistant to pests (cutworm, spider mite, meadow bugs, slugs) and frost. With a lack of soil fertility, organic and mineral fertilizers, the flowers become smaller, the leaves turn pale and fall off.
  3. Schneekissen is a low spherical bush up to 25 cm high and up to 60 cm in diameter. It blooms in late September - early October with delicate white flowers with a yellow core. The variety has weak immunity to diseases and average frost resistance. In case of severe frosts, it requires shelter. It is recommended to grow in the southern and middle regions of Russia. For abundant flowering, fertile, loose soil and a well-lit area are required.
  4. Aster Blue Bird (“Blue Bird”) is a low bush with a large number of inflorescences consisting of small flowers. The semi-double blue flower gradually acquires a lilac color. Proper care and regular watering contribute to long and abundant flowering.
  5. Bush aster Venus dwarf is a low plant (up to 20 cm). Ideal for growing both in open ground (as a border plant), and on balconies and in hanging pots. The lilac-pink flowers bloom in September and bloom throughout the month. The variety is characterized by average resistance to frost and diseases.
  1. Royal Nubi is a medium-sized shrub with a height of 50-150 cm. The leaves are linear-lacental in shape with a blunt base. The inflorescences are large, paniculate, and consist of small purple flowers with purple splashes. Abundant flowering is observed when grown in warm, well-lit areas with fertile soil. Flowering begins in September and continues for 4-8 weeks. Looks impressive on alpine slides and in flower arrangements.
  1. Niobea (Niobea) is a low-growing perennial aster. The flowers are reed-shaped, white in color with a yellow core, small in diameter, collected in inflorescences. The variety is demanding on soil, fertilizing and watering. The variety is slightly susceptible to diseases and pests. Due to the strong growth of roots, it requires periodic replanting and cuttings.
  1. Heinz Richard is a bush with a dense spherical shape. Variety with early flowering (late August), lasting for 4-6 weeks. The variety is not resistant to severe frosts, so it requires shelter for the winter. It has stable immunity to such flower diseases as: fusarium, brown spot, fungal infection.
  1. Diana is a low-growing bush-like aster. Medium-sized flowers with different colors: white, crimson, light purple, pink. Flowering is abundant from September to November. The variety is frost-resistant, not picky about the soil. Grows and blooms well on dry and sandy loose soils.
  1. Dvarf Nensi (Dwarf Nensi) is a low shrub with large soft lilac flowers and reed-shaped petals. The variety is resistant to short-term drought and frost, but requires care. If transplantation (cuttings) is not timely, the flowers become very small and change color.

Bush aster Wood'spurple perennial

In addition to the main varieties listed above, the following varieties of shrub asters are also grown:

  • ¾ Bush aster Alice Haslam Alice Haslam is a low plant 30-40 cm with an early flowering period (early September), lasting until the end of October. The flowers are medium-sized and pale lilac in color.
  • ¾ Blue Lagune (Blue Lagoon) - frost-resistant low-growing variety. The flowers are large, ranging in color from soft blue to deep blue-violet. Flowering lasts from August to October. It grows well and blooms profusely in sunny, fertile areas with sufficient moisture.
  • ¾ Astra Jenny is a low bush with branched stems of bright green color. The flowers have a rich red (crimson) color. Flowering begins in June and continues for 4-8 weeks. The low-growing shrub aster Jenny prefers fertile, loose soils with sufficient moisture.
  • ¾ Lady in blue (Woman in blue). Winter-hardy low-growing hybrid variety with delicate bright blue flowers. The buds bloom at the end of September and delight with their lush flowering until the first frost. Aster variety Lady in Blue is resistant to diseases and pests.
  • ¾ Anneke is an absolutely unpretentious plant. Large flowers rich, bright pink hue, they delight with their flowering from the end of August until the first soil frosts. During the flowering period, the Anneke aster requires fertilization and frequent watering.
  • ¾ Peter Pan Pink – tall plant. It blooms in late August - early September with pink buds with a bright yellow core for 4-6 weeks. The variety is demanding on soil composition (does not tolerate heavy loamy soils, drafts), and has average frost resistance.
  • ¾ Bush aster Snowsprite is a tall plant with large white flowers. Flowering is abundant, begins at the end of August and continues until the end of October. The variety is resistant to diseases and pests, but is demanding on the soil. It grows poorly and stops flowering on dry loamy soils with insufficient water supply.
  • ¾ Medium-sized aster Apollo is a frost-resistant spherical bush with white buds that bloom in September. Every 3-4 years, replanting and cuttings are required to prevent the buds from being crushed. When exposed to frost, a red coating forms on the flowers, as if enveloping top layer flower.
  • ¾ Starlight is a frost-resistant tall shrub on which purple-pink buds bloom at the end of August. The description of the variety states that it has good resistance to short-term drought and heavy rains. The Starlight variety is resistant to pests and diseases.

Features of agricultural technology

A large assortment of shrub aster varieties allows you to choose a variety of any color and shape. When choosing a variety, it is important to carefully familiarize yourself with the agrotechnological requirements of the variety for care, watering, and fertilizing.

Important! To give the bush a more even spherical shape, the plant must be pruned, dried leaves and branches, and faded buds removed.

To combat diseases, asters are sprayed on the bush with a fungicidal solution (Fundazol, Metaldehyde, Karbofos, Phosfamin). Regular spraying with insecticidal solutions intended for flower crops (Aktellik, Akarin, Inta-Vir, Bi-58, Krnfidor) will help prevent damage to bush asters by pests.

When preparing working solutions, you must strictly adhere to the recommended dosages and spraying rules, and observe safety precautions.

The bush aster is an excellent find for decorating a garden, which with its bright buds will cheer you up on cloudy autumn days. A perennial flower garden allows you to plant flowers every 3-4 years, which makes caring for it much easier. Growing rapidly, the bushes cover even the most inconspicuous bald spots in the garden. One of the most favorite varieties is the low-growing aster Jenny, which gardeners are happy to grow in their garden plots.

Popular varieties of bush aster

Despite the variety of varieties and subspecies of asters, the most popular are the shrub varieties. They have stable immunity to such common diseases of asters as fusarium, blackleg fungus, brown spot, and pests such as cutworms, spider mites, arable slugs, snails, caterpillars, meadow bugs. If disease or pests do appear, it is necessary to urgently take all measures to combat them.

Experienced gardeners recommend digging up the soil after flowering, removing and burning fallen flowers and foliage affected by plant disease. This will prevent fungal infections from entering the soil and spreading further.

For successful and long flowering you need: correct landing on fertile soil, regular fertilization, regular watering, which must be increased during the bud opening period. The annual variety is significantly inferior in popularity to perennial varieties.

The bush aster is a traditional decorative element personal plot. The riot of colors and long flowering of these plants allows you to maintain good mood even on the cloudiest autumn days, when nature begins to prepare for bed.

Varieties of perennial asters, in addition to beauty, are valued for their unpretentiousness, which allows them to withstand the most unfavorable conditions. climatic conditions. Drought, low temperatures, poor soil - none of this is an obstacle to the growth of asters. But their unpretentiousness does not mean the possibility of a complete refusal of proper care. It is necessary to organize proper watering and fertilizing.

This species of the Asteraceae family is lush bush medium-sized, up to 90 cm high. Aster has a branched root system with thin roots. This crop is characterized by the presence of a voluminous branched structure, giving it a spherical shape, as well as oblong, toothed, dense leaves along the edges, densely covering numerous branches. Their distinctive feature is rich green tint, roughness on the outside and smoothness on the outside inside. From the buds of this culture, star-shaped inflorescences up to 5-7 cm in size develop various colors: From traditional white to deep purple shade.

Shrub asters are perennial plants, characterized by a long flowering period. They are characterized by the appearance of the first inflorescences at the end of spring, which persist until the onset of frost.

Main varieties of flowers

Bush aster is represented by many varieties. A popular type of this crop, actively used by gardeners for landscaping, is the Jenny variety. It is a bush reaching a height of up to 50 cm and consisting of many erect branched stems. Thanks to this, during the flowering period, Jenny resembles a hemisphere of dark green leaves and rich crimson inflorescences with a medium-sized yellow core. Despite the heat-loving nature, the variety does not tolerate drought and elevated temperature. It is required to plant it in well-lit and drained areas. Proper maintenance conditions allow it to actively bloom during August-September.

The Apollo aster variety is characterized by the development of bushes from 20 to 50 cm, which is why they are divided into low- and tall-growing species. The former are used to create compositions along paths, the latter - as natural hedges in the garden. Appolos are voluminous hemispherical bushes with dark green sessile leaves and white inflorescences with yellow cores. This variety is highly frost-resistant and can easily tolerate the first morning frosts.

To decorate a personal plot in soft lilac tones, use the Starlight variety. During the flowering period, it is a bush up to 50 cm high with a branched branched structure, abundantly covered with many lanceolate leaves, not noticeable behind the huge number of inflorescences. Thanks to this, the Starlight aster bush resembles a terry ball or oval. They are characterized by the beginning of flowering in early autumn and its end during the first frost.

In decoration garden plot The Christina variety is often used. It combines the main qualities of aster crops: unpretentiousness, frost resistance, long flowering. But the difference between Christina and other varieties is the onset of peak blooming of inflorescences in October. It is in this month that low bushes (up to 30 cm) of a round shape are abundantly covered with a scattering of small flowers of white or pale pink.

Another variety of asters is the Kassel variety, which is a bush up to 50 cm high with a developed branched structure. Thanks to the abundance of lanceolate leaves of an emerald hue and a scattering of numerous flowers, it resembles a terry semicircle. The Kassel variety is characterized by a wide variety of inflorescence tones, making them an ideal decoration for autumn garden. This variety of asters comes in a variety of colors: from pink to dark blue or a combination of two tones.

Growing bush aster

To grow this crop, it is necessary to choose areas where there is enough sunlight, and at the same time there is shade from trees. It is unacceptable to grow asters in swampy soil. Stagnation of moisture causes premature death of the bush. Before planting the plant itself, it is necessary to prepare the soil for its adaptation and further growth. Light, breathable soil is optimal for growing asters. It is necessary to first dig up and fertilize the soil with organic and mineral fertilizers. To eliminate high acidity, liming is necessary. To reduce excessive soil moisture, additional sand is added to it.

Perennial aster reproduces in the following ways:

  • seeds;
  • dividing the root system of the bush;
  • reproduction by vertical layering;
  • cuttings.

The first method of growing a flower is rarely used due to the poor development of the bushes and incomplete inheritance of maternal characteristics. Autumn is the best time to plant seeds in the soil. With the onset of the warm period of the year, seedlings appear, which need to be watered and fed throughout the season, and then transplanted to a permanent place in the fall.

To propagate flowers by dividing the root system, adult plants at least 4 years old are used. It is recommended to carry out this procedure in the spring before the kidneys swell. Transplantation is carried out by digging and dividing the root system of the bush. It is necessary to carefully clean it from the soil, and then separate the old roots from it. The plant is separated so that the new bush contains a developed root system and at least 3 healthy stems. Optimal time An aster's stay in one place is 5-6 years, and therefore, after separation, both flowers need to be transplanted to new areas.

For propagation of asters by vertical layering, adult healthy plants are used. The use of this method is permissible for bushes growing on properly maintained and fertilized soil. At the end of the aster's growing season, it is necessary to remove all the shoots, leaving a bush up to 10 cm high. With the onset of spring, you need to hill it up so that it is completely under the soil layer. The manipulation is carried out until the flower reaches a height of 25 cm, after which it is cared for in the standard way until the end of the warm period of the year. In late autumn, before the onset of cold weather, you should dig up the plant and separate the resulting cuttings and roots from it. After this, they are transplanted to a permanent place, and in the next spring-summer period, the procedure of hilling and care is repeated. Flowering of asters grown in this way should be expected no earlier than 2 years after transplantation.

The most used method of propagating shrub asters is cuttings. This method involves separating the upper shoots of the plant and planting them in the ground. It is necessary to carefully cut the cutting from the bush at an angle, and then separate the upper part from it, which is higher than the first bud. The resulting shoot is placed in a solution to stimulate growth and better adaptation for 15 hours. After this, it is kept in a container with water until it is added to the soil. Cuttings of asters are carried out in greenhouses or under a film stretched over a frame. The place for planting the plant should be a layer of soil and drainage. To do this, it is necessary to prepare a composition of turf soil, sand and peat in a ratio of 1:2:2, which is covered with perlite or a mixture of sand and vermiculite. The cuttings are introduced into the soil at an angle up to 10 cm deep at a distance of at least 5 cm from each other. The formation of a strong root system with this method of breeding asters occurs within a month.

Rules of care

Planting and caring for this representative of the flora must combine a balance of living conditions. For the harmonious development of this plant, it is necessary to avoid excess moisture and excessive enrichment of the soil with acids or alkalis. The main need of flowers is an abundance of sunlight, under the influence of which they acquire a branched branched structure and many buds. Its deficiency leads to the withering of the aster, weakening of the stems, which is why support may be required to support the bush. Proper care for asters is accompanied by regular watering and fertilization.

It is necessary to monitor the condition of the bush, periodically inspect it for thinning stems and changes in leaf color. These violations indicate the development of diseases or damage to the flower by a pest. Thus, a characteristic sign of its infection with the Fusarium fungus is yellowing and drying of the leaves, wilting of the buds and stems. To combat this disease, it is recommended to treat the bush with a solution of Fundazol.

Another cause of yellowing leaves is aster jaundice. In this case, the main symptom is complemented by chlorosis, a halt in the development of buds and the entire plant. This disease is caused by cicadas and aphids. The use of chemicals is useless to control pests. The main condition for reliable protection of asters from jaundice is its prevention. At the first appearance of these symptoms, it is necessary to immediately remove the diseased plant so as not to infect other bushes.

The appearance of white-gray spots on aster leaves indicates damage powdery mildew. To treat a plant, it is necessary to treat it with mullein infusion. It is necessary to dilute the drug with water in a ratio of 1:3, then spray the bush with it until the characteristic signs disappear.

In caring for the bush aster, a special issue is the advisability of pruning the bush before the onset of cold weather. This flower is resistant to low temperatures crops and does not require special preparation for frost. To protect the plant during this period, it is enough to mulch the soil.

Proper feeding

To maintain shrub asters in healthy condition it is necessary to periodically feed them. Can be used to feed flowers organic fertilizers, and phosphates. To support the plant and prepare it for long flowering, the soil should be limed in the spring and autumn.

The action of this procedure is aimed at reducing the acidity of the soil, which is a common cause of weakening of the plant. Primary liming is carried out before planting asters, secondary - before and after the end of the flowering period. It is necessary to prepare a solution in the ratio of 100 g of powder to 3-4 buckets of water. The resulting mixture is introduced into the soil to the depth of the treated formation.

To maintain the health of asters, a 3-stage feeding system is recommended: in the first weeks after planting the flower in the soil, after the buds appear and before they open. In subsequent periods, replenishment should be carried out in the spring. To feed asters, use a standard recipe, according to which it is necessary to mix potassium sulfate, ammonium nitrate and superphosphate in a ratio of 1: 2: 3. For greater efficiency, it is recommended to apply the additive in dry form and then water the soil. In case of drought, only liquid fertilizing is carried out.

Shrub asters are ideal garden decorations. Due to their late flowering, they are often used to create landscape compositions. They are distinguished by their beauty, brightness, aroma, and unpretentiousness, which allows them to be grown in any climatic conditions.

Shrub aster - perennial ornamental herbaceous plant genus Symphyotrichum, native to North America. Currently, shrub aster is used everywhere, for growing in gardens and parks.

General information

The bush aster has a powerful, well-developed rhizome, from which grow numerous straight, branching stems about 50 cm high. As a result, the bush looks lush, in the form of a cushion-shaped clump.

The leaves on the stems are numerous, dark green, lanceolate, entire. The flowers are 3-4 cm in diameter, collected in corymbose inflorescences, the color of the flowers is all shades of blue and red, sometimes white. The plant is characterized by low drought resistance and high frost resistance.

The bush aster, unlike the common aster, blooms in spring or autumn, depending on the species.

Agricultural technology

The perennial shrub aster loves bright and warm places and grows well in loose, light, well-drained soil. IN favorable conditions develops into a lush, beautifully flowering bush.

In shade and partial shade, it will be impossible to achieve such flowering; in a constantly flooded place, flowering will become scarce, the roots will begin to rot, and as a result the plant will die. In order for the lush bush to retain its hemispherical shape even in the wind, it must be planted in a place protected from drafts and prevailing winds. If this is not possible, you can arrange a small decorative fence around the bush, in which the stems with flowers will stand as if in a vase. Gartering a bush can be done even simpler - drive two pegs next to the bush and stretch a rope between them. Branches that have grown to 80 centimeters or more also need a garter.

The aster loves watering, especially in hot and dry summers, but you should try to avoid overwatering. After watering, the soil is loosened and weeds are removed.

The first time the bush is fed before planting - fertilizers are applied to the soil prepared for planting the aster. The next time it can be fed only a year after planting with complex fertilizers for flowering plants. During budding and active flowering, phosphorus fertilizers will be needed.

The branches are pruned in order to give the bush an even shape; pruning will stimulate the growth of additional shoots, which will make the bush lush and dense, and the number of flowers will increase. Dried flowers are removed so that they do not spoil general view bush.

It is not necessary to insulate the bush for the winter; the plant is highly frost-resistant. In autumn, at the end of flowering, all shoots are cut off at the root and covered with dry leaves, compost or sawdust. Such care is especially necessary for young bushes; it will help them to survive the winter safely and, with the onset of spring, to grow branches and flower stalks again.


Bush aster propagates by seeds, dividing the bush, cuttings and layering. But at home, only alpine aster is propagated by seeds; seeds of other varieties produce weak seedlings and plants that do not have parental characteristics.

Seeds are sown under film in spring, or in open ground, weather permitting. When real warmth comes and the night temperature does not drop below 10-15 degrees, the film can be removed and seedlings can be grown in the open air.

In the fall, they will need to be transplanted to a permanent place, planting them at a distance of 45-50 centimeters from each other.

Propagation by dividing the bush can be carried out with a plant aged 4-5 years, in the spring for late-flowering species, and in the fall for species blooming in spring. The bush is dug up, a small part with roots, shoots and buds is separated and planted separately.

Reproduction by layering is also carried out on adult bushes over 4 years old.

For propagation by cuttings, they must be 10-15 cm long, cuts are made at an angle of 45 degrees. They are planted in the ground by removing the lower leaves, and the top is cut off above the bud. The cuttings take root within a month, after which they are planted in place.

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