Which country in Africa is the largest in area? in the world

Africa occupies 6% of the Earth's total area and 20% of the total land surface. The territory of the mainland is divided into 55 states, the population of which does not depend on the size of the area. It is difficult to unequivocally answer the question which country in Africa is the largest. Borders are constantly changing due to political, military, and ethnic strife.

Africa ranks 10th in the world ranking in terms of scale

Not so long ago square meters Sudan acted as a leader, but in the interests of a handful of African figures it was divided. A significant piece of land left it and South Sudan appeared. Currently, the Algerian People's Democratic Republic is the largest territory on the African continent.

The scale of Algeria is impressive - 2,381.7 thousand km². The capital bears the same name in Arabic “Al-Jazair”, which means “islands”. Once upon a time there were islands near the settlement, which eventually joined the mainland. The state is located in the northern lands of Africa, the borders are on:

  • the eastern side with Tunisia and Libya;
  • western from Morocco;
  • southern - Mauritania, Mali, Niger.

The northern borders approach the Mediterranean. The Atlas Mountains and the Algerian Sahara pass through the territory; it is also called the stone desert; tourists have something to admire here. The official language is Arabic, up to 40 million people live, a significant part of them adhere to the Muslim faith.

Algeria completes the list of the top ten largest countries in the world, which is headed by Russia.

7th largest population in the entire planet

Nigeria is the largest in Africa in terms of population and occupies an honorable 7th place in the world. With an occupied area of ​​923.7 thousand km², the number of inhabitants is 194 million people. According to the government system, it is a Federal Republic with the main city of Abuja. Located among western territories Africa, borders:

  • Benin (west);
  • Cameroon (east);
  • Niger (north);
  • Chadom (northeast).

The main waterways of the country, the Niger and Benue rivers, divide the territory into two regions:

The main language is English, but local residents speak 400 dialects, the main ones:

  • Igbo;
  • Yoruba;
  • Hausa.

Among the indigenous inhabitants of Nigeria there are many supporters of African religions; they worship the forces of nature, the cult of ancestors, totemism, and fetishism. According to traditional beliefs, the large population of this country is divided as follows:

  • 50% followers of Islam;
  • 40% Christians

Very uneven.

The most densely populated areas are the sea coasts, coastal islands, lower reaches, and mining areas of South Africa, Zambia, Zaire and Zimbabwe. In these areas, the population density ranges from 50 to 1000 people per 1 sq. km. Over the vast expanses of the Namib, the population density barely reaches 1 person per 1 sq. km.

Uneven settlement is manifested both at the level of the region as a whole and at the level of individual countries. For example, almost the entire population of Egypt lives in the Nile Delta and Valley (4% of the total area), where the density is 1,700 people per 1 km2.

Ethnic composition African population distinguished by great diversity. There are 300-500 ethnic groups living on the mainland. Some of them (especially in) have developed into large nations, but most are still at the level of nationalities and tribes. Many of the ethnic groups still retained vestiges of the tribal system and archaic forms of social relations.

Linguistically, half of the African population belongs to the Niger-Kordofanian family, and the third part belongs to the Afrosian family. Residents of European descent make up only 1%. But at the same time, the state (official) languages ​​of most African countries remain the languages ​​of the former metropolises: English (19 countries), French (21 countries), Portuguese (5 countries).

The “quality” of Africa's population remains very low. The proportion of illiterate people in most countries exceeds 50%, and in countries such as Mali, Somalia, and Burkina Faso it is 90%.

Religious composition of Africa also distinguished by great diversity. At the same time, Muslims predominate in its northern and eastern parts. This is due to the settlement of Arabs here. In central and southern Africa religious beliefs populations were subject to significant influence from metropolitan countries. Therefore, many types of Christianity are widespread here (Catholicism, Protestantism, Lutheranism, Calvinism, etc.). Many peoples of this region have retained local beliefs.

Due to its diverse ethnic and religious composition, socio-economic difficulties and colonial past (borders), Africa is a region of numerous ethno-political conflicts (Sudan, Kenya, Democratic Republic Congo, Nigeria, Chad, Angola, Rwanda, Liberia, etc.). In total, over 35 armed conflicts were recorded in Africa during the post-colonial period, in which more than 10 million people died. As a result, more than 70 coups d'etat 25 presidents were assassinated.

Africa characterized by very high rates (more than 3% per year). According to this indicator, Africa is ahead of all other regions of the world. This is primarily determined by the high birth rate. For example, the birth rate in Niger, Uganda, Somalia, and Mali exceeds 50 o/oo, i.e. 4-5 times higher than in Europe. At the same time, Africa is the region with the highest mortality and low average life expectancy (men - 64 years, women - 68 years). As a result, the age structure of the population is characterized by a high proportion (about 45%) of children and adolescents under 15 years of age.

Africa is characterized by the highest level, the overwhelming majority of which are forced in nature and associated with interethnic conflicts. Africa accounts for almost half of all refugees and displaced people in the world, the vast majority of whom are “ethnic refugees.” Such forced migrations always lead to outbreaks of hunger and disease, leading to increased mortality.
Africa is a region of high labor migration. The main centers of attraction for labor from the African continent are and (especially the Gulf countries). Within the continent, labor migration flows mainly go from the poorest countries to the richer ones (South Africa, Nigeria, Côte d’Ivoire, Libya, Morocco, Egypt, Tanzania, Kenya, Zaire, Zimbabwe).

Africa characterized by the lowest level and highest rates in the world. In terms of the share of urban population (about 30%), Africa is significantly inferior to other regions.

The pace of urbanization in Africa has become an urban explosion. The population of some cities doubles every 10 years. But urbanization here has a number of features:

  • Mainly capital cities and “economic capitals” are growing; the formation of urban agglomerations is just beginning (the number of millionaire cities is 24);
  • urbanization often has the character of “false urbanization,” which leads to negative socio-economic and environmental consequences.

A striking example of urbanization “African style” is the city of Lagos in Nigeria. This city for a long time was the capital of the state. In 1950, its population was 300 thousand people, and now it is 12.5 million. Living conditions in this overpopulated city are so unfavorable that in 1992 the capital was moved to Abuja.

The population in Africa is more than 1 billion people.
Africa is considered the ancestral home of humanity, because it was on the territory of this continent that the remains of the most ancient species of Homosapiens were discovered. In addition, Africa can be called the birthplace of religions, because in the regions of Africa you can find a huge variety of cultures and religions.
In Africa live:

  • Algerian, Moroccan, Sudanese, Egyptian Arabs;
  • Yoruba;
  • Hausa;
  • Amhara;
  • other nationalities.

On average, 22 people live per 1 km2, but the most densely populated place on the continent is the island of Mauritius (about 500 people live per 1 km2), and the least populated is Libya (1-2 people live per 1 km2).
The northern part of the African continent is inhabited by peoples of the Indo-Mediterranean race, peoples of the Negro-Australoid race live south of the Sahara (they are divided into 3 small races - Negro, Negrillian, Bushman), and northeast Africa is inhabited by peoples of the Ethiopian race.
Not in Africa state language: These are the languages ​​of groups that have lived in this territory for a long time. The main ones are Afrosian, Nilo-Saharan, Niger-Kordofanian, Khoisan, Indo-European language families. But the actual language is English.
Major cities Africa: Lagos (Nigeria), Cairo (Egypt), Alexandria (Egypt), Casablanca (Morocco), Kinshasa (Congo), Nairobi (Kenya).
The population of Africa professes Islam, Christianity, Protestantism, Catholicism, and Judaism.


Africans live on average 50 years.
The African continent is characterized by fairly low life expectancy rates (on average, people in the world live up to 65 years).
Tunisia and Libya are the leaders: here people live on average up to 73 years, residents of Central and East Africa - up to 43 years, and Zambia and Zimbabwe have the lowest rates - here people live only 32-33 years (this is due to the widespread prevalence of AIDS) .
Low life expectancy is due to outbreaks of epidemics: people die not only from HIV/AIDS, but also from tuberculosis. And children often die from measles, malaria and malnutrition.
Health problems largely depend on the lack of medical workers (doctors and nurses rush to developed countries).

Traditions and customs of the peoples of Africa

An integral part of the customs and traditions of the peoples of Africa are shamans who have supernatural abilities and unique knowledge. Shamans perform all rituals in special masks, which can be made in the form of the head of a non-existent animal or monster.
Africa has its own ideals female beauty: beautiful women here those who have long necks, so they hang rings on their necks and never take them off (otherwise the woman will die, because wearing hoops causes the neck to lose muscle).
Africa is a hot and wild continent: despite the fact that today airplanes fly to all its corners, it is still a mysterious land of alluring dreams for us.

The African continent is divided into a huge number of states where people of different nationalities and cultures live. The most big country in Africa the area can accommodate several small European states. And the largest African country could accommodate half of Russia’s population.

Largest area

  • Algeria. This state ranks first in area among the countries of the African continent. The capital bears the same name. Algeria is considered a rather poor country. However, the fundamentals of the economy are natural resources– oil and gas. In the country high level unemployment - more than 15%. The inability to have a livelihood forces Algerians to leave the country. France most often becomes the new homeland of emigrants.
  • Congo. In terms of area, the state ranks second on the mainland. The country is rich in mineral resources. Until 2002, Congo experienced economic decline due to civil war. After the end of hostilities, the country's situation improved significantly. Relations with international authorities were renewed.
  • Sudan. A temporary constitution, created in 2005, is in force on the territory of the republic. The country receives its main income from agriculture. In addition, Sudan sells oil, the production of which has increased from 2 to 49 thousand barrels per day over the past 25 years. Although the country has experienced significant economic growth since the late 2000s, 40% of the population lives below the poverty line. The unemployment rate exceeds 18%. In 2004, the authorities of the republic granted special administrative status to the Abyei region. Its territory is controlled by the northern government but disputed by the southern part of the state. The majority of the population is Arabs. The territory of the state is also inhabited by Cushites, Bejas and some other peoples. The literacy rate among Sudanese residents reaches 71% for men and 50% for women. This is a good indicator for the African continent.
  • Libya. During the reign of Muammar Gaddafi, Libya was considered one of the most prosperous countries on the continent. The attitude towards the leader was ambiguous. On the one hand, the country's population flourished. The state actively supported its citizens. In terms of living standards, Libya could compete with many European countries. Young families were provided with all kinds of benefits. On the other hand, Gaddafi was considered a tyrant who limited the civil liberties of Libyans. Foreigners coming to Libya to work were also limited in their rights.
  • Chad. In 2008, administrative changes took place in the country. The territory of Chad was divided into 18 prefectures. Previously, the state was divided into 22 regions. The country has not yet completely gotten rid of the remnants of its colonial past. The policy of the state government is gradually becoming unitary. In the second half of the twentieth century foreign policy The country was focused on resolving conflicts with neighboring states.

Makes up about 1.2 billion people. However, according to scientists, in less than 50 years this figure will double.

How many Africans will there be by 2050?

According to UNICEF, the number of children on the hottest continent will increase to 750 million in 2030. Rapid growth in the birth rate is predicted, due to which the population of Africa under the age of 18 will be more than a billion people by 2055. Today, the number of Africans reaches 1.2 billion. But in 30-35 years, according to scientists, this figure will increase to 2.5 billion.

Problems associated with the demographic leap

The increase in Africa's population will bring with it a number of problems in the areas of education and health. UNICEF staff are drawing international attention to these issues. They also recommend increasing attention to the topic of discrimination against women to strengthen the protection of their rights.

According to experts, within 10-15 years there will be a shortage of teachers and medical workers on the African continent. In addition, about 5.8 million teachers and 5.6 million doctors and other medical personnel will be needed.


The standards of beauty on this hot continent differ from the canons familiar to Europeans. For example, among some tribes a woman is considered ideally beautiful if she has long neck. From early childhood, girls hang special rings to stretch it out. These jewelry remain on the neck for life. They cannot be removed, since over many years of wearing the muscles weaken greatly and are unable to support the head. This can lead to the woman's death.

Africa is catching up with Asia

Today the picture of the population of our planet looks like this:

  • Asia is home to about 60% of the world's population;
  • Africa ranks second, with 17% of the population;
  • approximately 10% of all people are concentrated in European countries;
  • the remaining 13% are settled in Northern and South America, Oceania and the Caribbean Islands.

According to scientists, the demographic explosion will lead to the fact that by 2100 the population in African countries will almost double, while in Asia the birth rate will decline. IN percentage to end of XXI centuries, the population of our planet will be as follows:

  • 43% are residents of Asian countries;
  • 41% are African;
  • 16% - the rest.
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