What is the difference between oge and exam. What is the OGE - rules for taking the exam and the scale for transferring points

Today it is difficult to find at least one student who would not be affected in one way or another by reforms in the educational sphere. Having gotten a little used to such terms as GIA and Unified State Examination, I very quickly had to get used to the new Unified State Examination and State Examination. However, changing the abbreviations did not add clarity to the essence of these concepts.

Exam in 9th grade - GIA, OGE or GVE, what is the difference?

What is OGE?

First of all, OGE and GVE are parts of an integral system (State final certification) in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 25, 2013 and are carried out in the 9th graduating class. That is, the State Examination, as defined by law, can take place in two forms − GVE And OGE:

1) The OGE is carried out using CMM (control measuring materials) for all students in secondary educational institutions of the country and persons with foreign citizenship, stateless people, refugees, migrants who have independently mastered the entire required volume educational program and having access to the State Inspectorate.

2) GVE is carried out through written and oral examinations - texts, topics, assignments, tickets, tests - for all students of special secondary educational institutions closed type, including those sentenced to imprisonment, and people with disabilities health.

As for the definitions themselves, the decoding of the OGE is as follows - “Main state exam”. Accordingly, the GVE is the “State Final Exam”. They are mandatory for all students completing 9th grade and consist of passing two compulsory subjects (mathematics and Russian language) and two elective disciplines.

What is GVE?

This format of the unified state exam is taken by all ninth and eleventh graders who have any limitations due to their health or are studying in specialized closed institutions. The rest, who do not have health problems, undergo GIA in the form of OGE according to standard tests (KIMam).

However, in the coming year, the education department has already envisaged some changes in the state examination system. For example, GIA (OGE) 2015 will begin no earlier than May 25 for all compulsory subjects and no earlier than April 20 for the rest. All information regarding the OGE will be published in the media and on the official websites of educational authorities until April 1.

Changes in State Examination 2015 (OGE)

In the OGE 2015, changes will also affect the issuance of a matriculation certificate. Now, to obtain it, you must pass at least four exams (two mandatory and two optional) with a grade of at least “satisfactory.” In addition, mathematics and Russian language, as before, remain unchanged for the test. The remaining academic subjects are individually selective for each student and make up a list of twelve disciplines, including the OGE in English language: physics, chemistry, computer science, geography, social studies, literature, history, biology, German, Spanish and French languages. As for the content and procedure for conducting the State Examination, the structure of the measuring materials and the duration of the exam itself remain unchanged.

Thus, OGE and GVE are, in essence, two names for one general process of passing final exams, the difference of which lies only in minor positions.

IN lately There are a lot of abbreviated words such as Unified State Examination, GIA, GVE, VPR used at school. We explain what numerous abbreviations mean regarding graduates of grades 9 and 11. We are sure that now there will be no confusion.

GIA is a state final certification. It is traditionally held in 9th and 11th grades. GIA has varieties. Let's talk about each of them in more detail.

OGE– main state exam in 9th grade.

This is a form of state final certification that tests the knowledge of 9th grade students. Exams are held at special points (SPE), and standardized tasks are used. test materials, which are called CMMs.

KIMs- These are specially designed standardized tests-tasks. Every year they are published on the website fipi.ru, and anyone can not only see what sample tasks await him in the exam, but also try his hand: answer all the questions, independently check the work (using special criteria) and calculate the number of points earned .

Unified State Exam– unified state exam in 11th grade.

This is a form of state final certification that tests knowledge for the entire 11-year course of study in secondary school. This exam is also standardized and is conducted according to KIMs. Simultaneously Unified State Examination points– this is the basis for becoming an applicant to a higher educational institution, since when recruiting for the 1st year of a bachelor’s or specialist’s degree, the main competitive admission is carried out precisely on the basis of Unified State Examination scores.

GVE-9 And GVE-11– state final exam in grades 9 and 11. This is another form of state exam for students who have certain health limitations. The GVE is also taken by pupils of closed educational institutions and students in prison. These graduates are given the opportunity to take the state exam in a slightly simplified form or in a more comfortable conditions(depending on the situation). The GVE is carried out at the same time as the OGE and the Unified State Exam. If you have any questions or doubts, feel free to contact the head teacher of the school, they will give you competent answers. They are required to be aware of all regulations, and are also interested in ensuring that you complete all documents on time and correctly.

Here, by the way, is the official GVE-2018 task bank for students with disabilities.

What are the main differences between OGE and GVE?

1. GVE is almost always a large test, and not a test on CMMs (although lighter testing options are also found).

There are several forms of exams. For example, in the Russian language, this can be a dictation, a presentation, or an essay. In mathematics, tests are provided both verbally and written forms. In what format a particular graduate with disabilities (disabilities) will take the exam is determined based on the conclusion medical commission. Sometimes the right to choose the form of the exam is given to the graduate himself directly during the exam itself. For example, at the GVE in the Russian language you can choose between writing a presentation or an essay. Typically, graduates choose the task that seemed simpler and clearer to them.

2. The exam time is always increased by 1.5 hours.

3. Participants in GVE-9 and GVE-11 can use the technical means they need (writing with a smartphone, however, still won’t work).

4. An assistant may be present in the exam room together with the GVE participants to provide assistance.

5. For GVE participants with disabilities, meals and breaks during the exam will be provided (and this time will not be counted as exam time).

6. Sometimes the number of graduates present in one room during the exam is limited; their number can be reduced, for example, from 15 to 5 people.

7. For those graduates with disabilities who cannot appear for the exam, the GVE examination is organized directly at home: 2 organizers come, and the apartment or house is equipped with an offline video surveillance system.

Is it possible to enter a university based on the results of GVE-11?

If you successfully passed the State Examination in 11th grade, this means that you have a school certificate in your hands. You have every right to submit documents to the university. However, according to the law, no university can count the results of the State Examination, unlike Unified State Examination scores.

But don’t despair, there is a way out: each university is obliged to conduct separate entrance tests for you in this case in order to give you a chance to become a student. Which exams and in what form (oral or written) you will take can only be found out at a specific university, since each higher educational institution has the right to determine the form and complexity of examination tests independently. To do this, we advise you to contact the admissions committee directly.

What is a medical certificate from the PMPC?

PMPK is a psychological, medical and pedagogical commission. If you want to take GVE in grades 9 or 11, then you cannot avoid this procedure. Only based on the results of the PMPC you will receive an official document giving you the right to take the GVE.

PMPC determines the presence or absence of disabilities in the graduate and issues a special conclusion. Having this document in hand, the graduate and his family can choose which form of final certification suits them best. Some schoolchildren with disabilities still choose the Unified State Exam in order not to take additional exams at the university.

We must remember that you can receive the PMPC conclusion no later than March 1. We advise you not to delay or postpone PMPC until March, since no later than March 1, you must officially notify the school (in a written statement) about which exams and in what form you intend to take.

We also remind you that PMPC conclusion cannot completely exempt a graduate from taking the GIA (state final certification). Also, this medical report does not provide any additional benefits when entering a university. Only disabled children, as well as disabled people of groups I and II, can enter a university without a competition.

They will help you prepare efficiently for both the Unified State Exam and the State Examination.

Parents of schoolchildren studying on site Russian Federation, they still have a rather vague understanding of the difference between the Unified State Exam and the Unified State Exam, which is why they may have misunderstandings with their children at home. Therefore, in this article we will try to explain to you the whole essence of the Unified State Exam and the Unified State Exam, as well as tell you how they differ from each other.

But first, I would like to note that on the Internet you can find another abbreviation - GIA, which, with its presence, can completely confuse parents who were trained under a completely different system. So let's begin:

  • the abbreviation Unified State Examination stands for Unified State Examination;
  • OGE – mandatory state exam;
  • GIA – state final certification.

And now I would like to talk in more detail about each of these abbreviations and understand how they differ from each other. But first, it should be noted that the OGE and the GIA are actually one and the same thing. It’s just that GIA is a more outdated concept that existed in Russia until 2014, which was replaced by OGE.

What do the OGE and the Unified State Exam have in common?

These are certain types of control, thanks to which you can determine the level of knowledge of secondary school students, as well as high school graduates general education. Based on the results of these tests, an annex to the certificate will be filled out, that is, state-issued documents, which will subsequently be issued to a graduate who has completed 9th or 11th grade.

Concepts of the Unified State Exam and OGE

The Unified State Exam is an exam that is conducted in lyceums, schools and gymnasiums operating in Russia. Its implementation is completely centralized. Hand over this type The exam falls exclusively on 11th grade graduates. Based on its results, they may or may not be accepted into higher education institutions based on the number of points they managed to score. The purpose of this exam is to establish the student’s level of knowledge in the compulsory programs of certain subjects. This can be done thanks to a unified assessment method, as well as the principle according to which, for each individual subject, similar tasks are selected, initially approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

The Unified State Exam is taken in the following subjects:

  • social science;
  • story;
  • Russian language;
  • geography;
  • literature;
  • biology;
  • mathematics;
  • chemistry;
  • foreign language;
  • physics.

The OGE is, just like the Unified State Exam, a uniform system for testing students for all schools providing secondary and incomplete secondary education. However, it applies only to those children who have completed 9 grades. In the same form, by the way, two more exams can be taken at once, one of which is at the choice of the student, and the other by decision of the regional education authorities. Thanks to this kind of testing, it is possible to determine the level of preparation of a student who has completed 9 grades and determine the direction of his further education. Simply put, after passing the OGE, it becomes clear whether the child will be able to go to college, a vocational school, or whether he should continue his studies in the 9th grade.

Comparison of the Unified State Exam and the Unified State Examination

The Unified State Examination is conducted for graduates of all 11 grades, at specially prepared points and with the mandatory participation of the state independent examination commission. By the way, the functions of this commission are necessarily regulated by Rosobrnadzor.

The OGE is held on the school grounds, and its conduct is closely monitored by a territorial commission, whose competence includes evaluating the results, as well as making a decision regarding the appeal.

To pass the EGE, you must create a special registration form, which will contain all the data about the person taking this exam. You cannot correct anything at all on the exam form itself. It is not even allowed to cross out answer options to the questions contained in it.

The main differences between the Unified State Exam and the Unified State Exam are:

  • The Unified State Exam is mandatory for all students who have completed 11 grades. The results of this examination determine the level at which the student has mastered the knowledge provided to him at school. And the OGE is carried out only for students who have completed 9 years of study in a comprehensive school;
  • The Unified State Examination can be carried out only at points that have been previously registered with Rosobrnadzor, while the Unified State Examination is conducted on the territory of the educational institution where the student completed his studies;
  • the degree of difficulty of tasks in the Unified State Examination is several times higher than in the Unified State Examination;
  • one hour more time is allocated for passing the Unified State Exam than for the Unified State Exam;
  • based on Unified State Exam results, an 11th grader can be admitted to a higher educational institution, while the results of the OGE are only taken into account when a 9th grade graduate enters a college, school, or when moving to the 10th grade of a school.

Until now, not all students are accustomed to the introduction of final certification at the turn of 9th and 11th grades. The information also looks vague for parents of schoolchildren, who continue to get confused and do not understand the features of these exams. So, GIA, Unified State Exam, OGE - what is the difference, who passes the listed exams and how.

GIA is an abbreviation that combines the concepts of Unified State Exam and OGE and stands for state final certification.

Since 2014, the final exam for ninth-graders is called the OGE (compulsory state exam). With the introduction of the OGE, the conditions for passing also changed: today, a 9th grade graduate must pass four subjects, two of which are compulsory (Russian language and mathematics) and two of the student’s choice. The student must pass all four declared exams with at least a “satisfactory” grade. If a graduate passes one or two exams with bad marks, then he is given the opportunity to retake the subjects at additional times. If the student does not pass the exam during this period, then instead of a certificate, a certificate of completion of training is issued. And the student makes a second attempt to pass the exams and receive a certificate a year later. The OGE, as it is popularly called, is the “Unified State Exam for 9th grade graduates.”

The difference between the OGE and the Unified State Exam is that these are exams intended for different school categories - in the first case, grade 9, in the second, grade 11. The results of the Unified State Exam may affect the grade on the certificate; the results of the Unified State Exam are required for admission to a university.

Graduates of 11th grade take 2 compulsory subjects(as in 9th grade) - Russian language and mathematics and those subjects that are required for admission to a university for the chosen specialty. Failure to pass Russian and mathematics in 11th grade “threatens” you will receive a certificate instead of a certificate.

The time for final exams has already begun. Every summer, after the bell rings last call and before graduation is celebrated, students in grades 9 and 11 take exams.

OGE - what it is, and how students prepare for such a responsible period of life - this is what our article is about.

What is OGE - transcript

What is OGE? This abbreviation stands for Main State Exam. Absolutely all ninth grade graduates are required to take it, regardless of whether the graduate will continue their studies or not.

How to pass the OGE

Graduates are required to take four subjects. Russian language and mathematics are compulsory, and the student chooses two more subjects himself.

March 1 is the deadline for selecting items to submit. Students with disabilities have the right not to take additional subjects.

To pass the OGE, the graduate is given the opportunity to choose an additional course. items. The school administration enters the student’s choice into the general register, in which the results are compiled. Based on them, a certain number of packages with tasks will be sent.

Schoolchildren write exams in their schools, with their teachers as examiners. Having written the exam, students can only wait for the results, which are announced within a week.

What do they take in 9th grade?

Required subjects for 9th grade are mathematics and Russian language. If a student does not plan to enter 10th grade, then these two subjects will be enough for him.

If, after all, a graduate wants to continue his studies in grades 10 and 11, he needs to pass not only mathematics and Russian, but also two additional subjects of his choice.

The easiest subjects to pass the OGE

The easiest subject to pass in the humanities is social studies. More than half of graduates take it.

This subject is the easiest to understand and remember. The science of social science is aimed at studying life, therefore the student can take part of the information from life experience.

IN technical direction The easiest, according to graduates, is computer science and ICT. This, like social studies, is passed by the majority of students.

Computer science is simple due to the monotony of its tasks. But no one cancels the fact that you need to know the school base. On the contrary, you need to understand and learn it, and together with it, be able to solve many options.

How many points do you need to score to pass the OGE?

Each subject has its own passing scores. In the Russian language, the passing minimum is 15 points, and for mathematics it is enough to score 8.

Is it difficult to get that amount? It’s better to ask the graduates themselves about this.

OGE grading system - scoring by subjects

For Russian language if you receive from 0 to 14 points, a score of “2” is given. From 15 to 24 – score “3”. From 25 to 33 – score “4”. From 34 to 39 the mark “5” is put.

For mathematics when receiving from 0 to 7 points, the mark “2” is given. From 8 to 14 points – score “3”. From 15 to 21 – mark “4”. From 22 to 32 - the graduate receives a grade of “5”.

By physics The following scale is adopted: if there are from 0 to 9 points, a score of “2” is given. From 10 to 19 points – score “3”. From 20 to 30 – score “4”. If there are more than 30 points, the graduate receives a “5” mark.

By typing biology less than 13 points, the graduate receives a “2”. From 13 to 25 - the score is “3”. If there are 26 – 36 points, the graduate will receive a “4” mark. If a graduate scores over 36, he will receive a “5”.

By geography To pass the threshold, you must score more than 11 points. To get a “4” you need to get from 20 to 26. To get the highest mark, you need to score more than 26 points.

Passing minimum computer science and ICT— 5 points. To get a “4” you need to score from 12 to 17. To get a “5” you need above 17 points.

To be enrolled in grade 10, you need to score 31 points in Russian, 19 in mathematics, 24 in geography, 15 points in computer science and ICT, 30 in physics, and 33 points in biology.

What is the difference between the OGE and the Unified State Exam?

These two methods of testing knowledge are very similar. The significant difference lies in two aspects:

  1. The first is how the knowledge test is administered. Students take the OGE at their schools. And the examination committee is the teachers of the given school. To write the Unified State Exam, students are invited to other schools in the city, where other teachers will be the supervisors. The work of graduates is checked by an independent commission, organized by the district education committee.
  2. The second difference is admission to the exam. In 9th grade, anyone who does not have a failure in the subjects taken is allowed to take the exam. In the 11th grade, admission to the exam is not only positive grades, but also, more recently, the final essay. His students write in early December. It is assessed according to five criteria, for each of which you can score a maximum of five points. The evaluation criterion is the correspondence of the written essay to the given topic. The criteria also include the presence of argumentation, and one of the arguments must be taken from literary sources.

The third evaluation criterion is the composition of the essay and the presence of logic in the text.

The fourth is the quality of writing. The student must clearly and clearly express his thoughts using different grammatical structures.

The fifth criterion is literacy. If five or more errors are made, 0 points are given for this item. If points 1 and 2 are given 0 points, then the essay is not checked further and the graduate receives a “failure”.

What happens if you don’t pass the OGE

If a student fails the exam and receives an unsatisfactory grade in the core subjects, he is given the opportunity to retake these exams on reserve days.

But if the graduate does not score the required points the second time, then instead of a certificate he will receive a certificate of completion of training. Retaking these subjects is possible only next year.

How to pass the OGE well in 9th grade

For successful preparation During the OGE exam, you can turn to tutors for help. For a very expensive fee, the student will be purposefully prepared to pass a certain subject.

If, after all, the student decides to prepare for the upcoming exams on his own, he should follow some tips:

  1. It is necessary to determine what form of memorization the graduate has. Perhaps visual, then you should take more notes on the material, highlight information with all kinds of markers, and divide it into blocks. If the student has a more developed auditory form of memorization, then he should read more and speak out loud the information he has read.
  2. It is better to spend one or two hours preparing every day than to spend the whole day studying textbooks.
  3. To prepare, you need to organize self-discipline. It is very important to start preparing at least six months in advance. If a student cannot independently organize his work, parents need to help and try to control the preparation.


Once again about what OGE is. This abbreviation is translated as the main state exam and means a form of testing the knowledge of 9th grade students.

In turn, the Unified State Exam, called the Unified State Exam. exam, tests the knowledge of 11th grade graduates and opens the way for them to obtain higher education.

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