How to develop the functions of the left hemisphere of the brain. Basic functions of the right hemisphere of the brain and exercises for its development

It is known that the left hemisphere is responsible for logical and step-by-step thinking, while the right hemisphere is responsible for abstractions and creative inclinations. Due to the modern way of society, the vast majority of people are dominated by left-hemisphere thinking, so the right hemisphere requires additional stimulation for the brain to function harmoniously.

One very strange and incomprehensible thing was discovered experimentally: if one of the hemispheres of the brain is completely damaged, a person does not die. This may indicate that a clear division of functions for the right and left hemispheres of the brain is not correct.

Features of the work of the centers of the right hemisphere

It has been proven that right hemisphere is responsible for the following areas of human life:

  • Intuitive behavior;
  • Processing information of a figurative nature;
  • Orientation in space, assessment of one’s location;
  • The ability to perceive a set of individual sounds as a single melody;
  • Perception of metaphors and figurative meaning words and sentences;
  • The ability to dream and fantasize about something;
  • Creativity in all its forms (especially drawing);
  • Emotional background (the left also takes part, but less actively);
  • Sexual desire and the entire intimate process in general;
  • Perception of any mystical manifestations (even far-fetched ones);
  • Processing information without observing stages (a picture or action is perceived as a whole, without highlighting individual components, without detail);
  • Control and coordination of movements of the left half of the body.

It is thanks to the work of the right hemisphere that we can recognize people by their faces, since we perceive the totality of individual appearance features as a single whole.

The right hemisphere of the brain predominates in people from birth, but with the learning process it begins to harmonize better with the left. The problem is that, as a result, excessive development of the left hemisphere leads to suppression of the right, which explains the need for additional exercises.

The exception to the rule is people who write with their left hand, in whom the right hemisphere predominates. Such individuals need to develop the left hemisphere of the brain. You can learn more about this on the Brainapps website, in one of the blog articles.

Exercises to develop the right hemisphere of the brain

A lot of research is currently underway in which scientists in neurology and psychology are trying to dispel the theory of brain asymmetry. However, since there is not enough data to refute it, it still remains the most optimal. However, there is also not enough data to confirm it.

Parents of a child who want to improve the activity of his right hemisphere, and adults who believe that they lack creativity, must understand that the task is to achieve harmonious functioning of both hemispheres of the brain. Exercises to improve the functioning of the right hemisphere of the brain help suppress the dominance of the left, but they should not inhibit logical and sequential thinking too much.

The most simple exercises for the development of the right hemisphere of the brain:

  • If there is insufficient imagination and creative thinking, visiting art galleries, museums and other creative events is recommended;
  • The development of the right hemisphere of the brain is stimulated by drawing (there is also a “mirror” image technique, when the drawing is reproduced simultaneously with both hands), writing various stories or poems;
  • To develop the right hemisphere, a right-handed person can perform everyday activities using mainly the left half of the body (this exercise is not suitable for a left-handed person).

A special exercise that stands out is visualization. The methodology for carrying it out is as follows:

  • A person must present a white sheet of paper with some inscription on it. With the help of your imagination, you can change the color of the letters, tone and color scheme the sheet itself. The brighter and clearer the picture appears, the better.
  • The next stage is the presentation of various sounds, starting with your favorite songs and ending with ordinary rain. What is important is not the sound that a person is trying to imagine, but how believably he can do it.
  • The last stage is touch. The most difficult thing to imagine is not the picture or the chirping of birds, but, for example, the softness of cat fur under your fingers or the roughness of gravel. How stronger than man If you manage to immerse yourself in your own imagination, the more effective the exercise is considered.

In addition to these three parameters, you can visualize smells and tastes.

In performing all of the listed exercises, two parameters are important: systematicity and increasing complexity. This will require stronger activation of parts of the brain in the right hemisphere, which will have a positive effect on its development. The main thing in the training process is not to go too far, but to achieve harmonious interaction between the right and left hemispheres of the human brain. The BrainApps team has prepared for you many games and exercises that will help develop your thinking. All tasks are adjusted in difficulty level to individual abilities and allow you to achieve harmonious development of intelligence.

As you know, our brain consists of two hemispheres: left and right.

In this case, the right hemisphere mainly “serves” the left side of the body: it receives most of the information from the left eye, ear, left arm, leg, etc. and transmits commands to the left arm and leg accordingly.

The left hemisphere serves the right side.

Usually one of the hemispheres in a person is dominant, which is reflected in the individual properties of the personality. For example, left-hemisphere people are more drawn to science. Right-hemisphere people are more eager to engage in art or areas of activity that require individual imaginative solutions. The vast majority of great creators - composers, writers, poets, musicians, artists, etc. - "right-brain" people.

Test 1

Name colors, not what is written. The right hemisphere of the brain recognizes colors, the left hemisphere reads. This exercise involves balancing the hemispheres and training their interaction. For safety (from user glitches), the test begins and ends with the “correct” word-color combinations.

Optical effects - chiaroscuro form a three-dimensional image. In a picture or photograph you can see a lunar crater, and turning it 180 degrees you can see a mountain, and this is not only an illusion, but a feature of vision, the visual habit of the eye to the fact that the daylight of the sun comes from top to bottom.

Lunar craters (in the photo on the left) When you rotate the photo 180 degrees (on the right), “mountains” appear in the picture

Optical illusions (optical illusions, glitches) - image rotation, flickering and other visual illusions. If you look too long, an aftereffect occurs (by looking to the side, white background, you can see the same picture). Meditation while looking at a candle has a similar effect - in the central field of vision, within a few minutes, an “imprint” will be visible left on the retina and in the visual cortex of the brain (at first, it resembles a yellow flame on a red and blue ellipse-background with a green halo etc.) B evening time and at night, when the pineal gland (epiphysis, “third eye”) is most active, meditative, including breathing practices of working with energy (yoga, qigong) are effective. In ancient times this system served as a kind of “night vision device” (“second sight”) and to increase sensitivity.

Ordinary but regular (morning and afternoon) training of the vestibular apparatus (turns, bends, rotations, stretching upwards, standing on your toes and looking up) - develops a sense of balance and coordination of movements, as well as strengthens the psyche and stabilizes certain human field structures (stability so-called astral body etc.)

In case of increase blood pressure, the appearance of headaches and dizziness during training - temporarily concentrate attention on both points E36 (zu-san-li), or perform a light acupressure, to align your energy along the meridians. Ground yourself in a timely manner - through everyday activities, household chores, physical education and sports, walks in nature.

Note: look at the “Optical Illusions” pictures for no longer than 15 minutes at a time, so as not to weaken your psyche.

Test 2

According to rzelulattam ilsseovadniy odongo anligysokgo unviertiset, not ieemt zanchneya, in kokam pryaokde rsapozholeny bkuvy v solva. Galvone, so that you pre-avya and psloendya bkvuy blyi on mseta. Osatlyne bkuvy mgout seldovt in a ploonm bsepordyak, everything is torn tkest chtaitsey without wandering. The main thing is that we do not read every book in isolation, but all together.

Test 3

What do you see? If you are a girl, your right hemisphere of the brain is developed. If the old woman left

Test 4

Find the man's head in this picture

If you have completed the task:

  • in less than 3 seconds, your right hemisphere of your brain is better developed than most people
  • within 1 minute - this is a normal result
  • if within 1-3 min. - your right hemisphere is poorly developed, you need to eat more meat protein.
  • if the search took you more than 3 minutes - not good...

Test 5

Below is a picture, when viewed, depending on which hemisphere of your brain is active, the object will move in a certain direction. In this case, rotate around its axis either clockwise or counterclockwise. So...

Clockwise or counterclockwise. If you see this girl moving clockwise, then your right hemisphere is active at the moment. If it moves counterclockwise, then you are using the left hemisphere. Some may see it moving in both directions.

Try to get it to move in the opposite direction using the other hemisphere. You can do it.

Experiments have shown that two different areas of the brain are responsible for different types mental activity. Below these activities are broken down by hemisphere.

Left hemisphere:
  • Logical processes
  • sequential or consequences
  • Rational
  • analytical
  • objective
  • when a person looks at individual parts rather than the whole
The right hemisphere is active when working with something:
  • chosen at random, random or disorderly
  • intuitive
  • holistic
  • synthesizing
  • subjective
  • looks at the whole rather than individual parts

Usually people use only one hemisphere, characteristic of their type of thinking. But there are individuals who work with both hemispheres.

There are schools that favor one hemisphere over the other. So schools that develop the left hemisphere focus their attention on logical thinking, analysis and accuracy. While the right-brain school focuses on aesthetics, feelings and creativity.

Look to the side and look at the girl again, after a while she will begin to move in the opposite direction. Also, some people discovered that you can look at her legs and she will again change the direction of movement.

If clockwise, then perception is more active in the left hemisphere of the brain; if it is counterclockwise, the right hemisphere is more active. With an effort of will, you can force the cat to move back and forth = balance of the hemispheres.

Synchronization of the brain hemispheres

The exercises listed below will be useful for people of all ages.

It would be good if adults who want to try these exercises involve children as the main participants and, while supposedly teaching children, can learn themselves. Different generations Let's communicate more actively!
Everyone is accustomed to the fact that they need to develop memory, attention, intelligence, and improve their body. But for some reason, few people pay attention to the brain itself, on which the development of all this in most cases depends. Even the body will not develop and improve unless the brain is properly tuned in and thinks about how to approach work on the body.
Everyone knows that the brain consists of two parts: left and right. They do different things. And at the same time, for some, the left side functions better, for others, the right, and for the happiest, both. Naturally, the winners are those who make the most of their wealth.

The left hemisphere thinks logically. The right helps to create new things, generate ideas, as it is now fashionable to say. However, you can be a mathematician with a well-developed left hemisphere and still not invent anything new. Or you can be a creator and throw out ideas left and right and not implement any of them due to the inconsistency and illogicality of your actions. Such people also exist. And they only lack one thing: working on improving their brain, bringing it into a harmonious state.
Meanwhile, psychophysiologists have long developed a system of exercises for this. It’s good in this regard for musicians, for example, pianists. They were already made harmonious from early childhood.

After all, the most important tool for brain development is your hands. Acting with two hands, a person develops both hemispheres.

So, let's move on to the exercises. Many of them are well known to us from childhood.

1. “Ear-nose”. With our left hand we take the tip of the nose, and with our right hand we take the opposite ear, i.e. left. At the same time, release your ear and nose, clap your hands, change the position of your hands “exactly the opposite.” I tried it, it worked better when I was a child.

2. “Mirror drawing.” Put it on the table blank slate paper, take a pencil. Draw mirror-symmetrical designs and letters with both hands at the same time. When doing this exercise, you should feel your eyes and hands relax, because by working both hemispheres at the same time, the efficiency of the entire brain improves.

3. “Ring”. We move our fingers one by one and very quickly, connecting the index, middle, ring, and little fingers into a ring with the thumb. First, you can do it with each hand separately, then with both hands simultaneously.
Now let's remember physical education lessons. No wonder we were forced to do exercises in which we had to reach our right leg with our left hand and vice versa. They also develop our hemispheres and help them work in harmony.

The following training helps relieve emotional stress, improves performance, develops attention, thinking and interhemispheric connections. The exercise is difficult and yet interesting.


I explain the procedure. In front of you lies a piece of paper with the letters of the alphabet, almost all of them. Under each letter the letters L, P or V are written. The upper letter is pronounced, and the lower letter indicates movement with the hands. L - the left hand rises to the left side, P - the right hand rises to the right side, V - both hands rise up. Everything is very simple, if only it weren’t so difficult to do it all at the same time. The exercise is performed in sequence from the first letter to the last, then from the last letter to the first. The following is written on the piece of paper.






This is how you can develop your precious brain for your benefit. Train for health and have fun! And most importantly, feel the difference between your old self and your trained self!

Coordinate your brain hemispheres

This simple practice can revive tired monotonous work one hemisphere and connect the non-working one to it. To do this, you will need A4 paper, on which you horizontally, along a ruler, with a marker, draw two lines crosswise, like the letter X laid on its side. Hang this piece of paper at eye level, so that it is convenient for you to look at it. Then you don’t have to take it off, let it hang and remind you of the need to take care of yourself.
Looking at this piece of paper, breathing calmly and deeply, you do only two simple exercises, known from physical education lessons:

– touch your right knee with your left elbow, then touch your left knee with your right elbow, preferably keeping your back straight. You need to make six such cross movements, for a total of 12. You can do it and count it.

– touch your left knee with your left elbow, then touch your right knee with your right elbow, preferably keeping your back straight. Six such parallel movements must also be made.

– Again 12 cross movements;

– 12 more parallel movements;

– And the last 12 cross movements.

All this will take you no more than 1.5 minutes, and you will immediately feel the effect in your noticeably refreshed head.
In fact, the exercise is used to correct left- and right-hemisphere children. It is taken from applied kinesiology - modern science about the body and is based on observation of infants. If a baby has not passed the crawling stage, he may have problems with his hemispheres working together, which means he will not use his full potential, using only half of his brain. We will apply this knowledge for preventive purposes to restore coordinated brain function.

Consciousness training.

Here is a special program that has been developed over many years in seminars. Both athletes and people who connected their lives with meditation took part in this.
The exercises were called

At first glance, they will not be pleasant. With their help, you will realize how easy it is to find yourself in difficult situations. life situation and how difficult it is to find a way out of this and be reborn again.

Consciousness training is, first of all, a complex physical exercise, as well as mobility in every sense.

American therapist Jean Houston found that during consciousness training, the IQ significantly increases. Obviously, exercise leads to the formation of new ones in the brain nerve cells. A large number of these cells leads to increased intelligence capabilities.

Such exercises are ideal for fulfilling the requirements of any complexity and coordinated work of both hemispheres of the brain. They also increase our concentration. The program promotes the development of coordination between the brain and body (coordinated work of the brain and body parts). Having engaged the left hemisphere, it does not occur to us to involve the right, which would be useful in many situations. Exercises help coordinate the work of body parts.

This type of gymnastics can be enjoyable in the future and is more effective than it seems at first glance. But first, start with simple exercises; heavy ones can cause pain.

Stroking the belly and tapping the top of the head

The first part of the exercises involves stroking the belly right hand clockwise. After this, tap the top of the head with your left palm, with the goal of lightly spanking to increase mental abilities. Make sure that the movements are straight from top to bottom and vice versa.
The third step will be decisive: a combination of both movements. At the same time, pay attention so as not to mistakenly confuse the movements: with your right hand, rotate along the stomach, and with your left, move from top to bottom.
Once you are accustomed to these movements, you can switch hands. Such exercises develop coordination well.

How to build an eco-house writes: FERMENTED TEA FROM LEAVES OF GARDEN AND WILD PLANTS (cherries, apple trees, pears, strawberries, chokeberry, maple, hazelnut), (MASTER CLASS) #NutritionZP Many If a people is compared to a body, then the state is a thin film around it, consisting of rulers, officials and others... Flag, coat of arms


Makato Shichida Method

Phenomenal memory, speed reading, absolute ear for music, instant decision the most complex tasks, easy learning - all this is accessible to any child. But for this it is very important to develop the right hemisphere of the brain, says Japanese professor Makato Shichida.

In his books, he writes that from birth to three years of age, a child quickly absorbs information and really wants to learn. Children grow and mature faster than parents think. The human brain begins to develop soon after birth, and by the age of ten, a child's brain is almost 90% developed. In the first three years of a person’s life, the right hemisphere of the brain operates predominantly. Therefore, during this period it is important to regularly stimulate the development of all five senses: vision, hearing, smell, touch and taste. Developing these feelings later will prove incredibly difficult.

It is important to develop the right hemisphere of the brain in the first years of a child’s life, because by the age of three the left hemisphere will become dominant. Shichida believed that this is how in the future it will be possible to achieve synchronous functioning of the brain hemispheres: this is when both the right and left hemispheres act simultaneously. It is believed that they have such a brain brilliant people. And, according to Shichida, every parent should believe in their child's potential. In Shichida educational institutions, children quickly and without cramming remember huge amounts of information, improve their sports and musical abilities and even predict future events. And all thanks to the development of the right hemisphere of the brain. The professor believed that the goal of education should not be knowledge that is “pushed” into the child. There is no need to force the development of the left hemisphere of the brain by giving logic problems and encyclopedic knowledge to children under 3 years old. The main thing is to create conditions under which the child’s brain can develop as much as possible, so that the hemispheres of the brain work synchronously. It is very easy for a person with such a brain to learn, so he never has to cram. But this can only be achieved through the initial intensive development of the right hemisphere of the brain.

A little about Makato Shichida Professor Makoto Shichida was born in 1929. He is a member of the International Academy of Education and a certification advisor to the Japanese Mathematical Association. Shichida received his doctorate in education. The professor is a well-known public figure in Japan and is highly respected for his many contributions to brain research. He has forty years of research and another twenty years of successful practice behind him. Shichida changed people's views on a child's capabilities: he proved that children from birth are endowed with unique abilities that can be developed. Today there are more than 450 Shichida institutions in Japan, as well as branches in Singapore and Malaysia.

What is the Shichida method? These are comprehensive classes aimed at developing the child’s right hemisphere of the brain. It is most effective to do this when this hemisphere is dominant - from birth to 3 years. But doing this is useful for teenagers and even adults. Children in Shichida schools first relax to music with alpha waves, do breathing exercises and exercises to develop imagination, which allows you to activate the right hemisphere of the brain. And immediately after this they begin games to develop extrasensory abilities (telepathy, clairvoyance, intuition), showing flash cards and exercises for photographic memory. Also in Shichida schools, children listen to fairy tales or stories that are heard at an accelerated pace (so fast that at first it is completely unclear what they are talking about): this also develops the right hemisphere of the brain. In addition, this lesson also trains speed reading, because a short story is first read at a normal pace, and then faster and faster. During such an activity, parents leaf through a special book with large print in front of the child. As a rule, a foreign language is taught as a mini-block - they read the book first in their native language, and then in English (or another) language. Further, depending on the school, there may be puzzles, tangrams and creative activities - drawing, modeling, appliqué.

How can you practice the Shichida method at home? First, decide when you will study with your baby. It's better to do it at the same time every day. It’s good if the lesson starts with your favorite song. You sing with your baby, and then you can tell what day of the week it is and what the weather is like.

Next, we carry out point by point: 1. Relaxation to music with “alpha” waves. We turn on the music (it plays throughout the entire lesson), sit down more comfortably, and put the baby on your lap facing you.

2. Breathing exercise: the child needs to blow on a paper bee or butterfly. It is better to update these toys periodically so that the baby does not lose interest. And over time, you can simply blow on imaginary things: let the child imagine a dandelion or snowflakes and blow on them.

3. Exercise “ball of energy”: take a ball of energy in your palm, roll it like a ball of snow and pour it onto the top of your head. Then we take the ball of energy again, roll it between our palms and drink this energy. It sounds very strange, but this is exactly what they do in Shichida schools. It’s better to watch how this is done in a video posted on YouTube.

4. “Suggestion”: smiling, we quietly say three phrases to the child: “You are special,” “You are loved,” “You can do anything,” or something similar. You don't have to say it exactly like that. The main thing is to convey to the child how much you love him

5.Image training. With the little ones you can simply play a role-playing mini-game: show how the gnome walks, how he eats, how he sleeps. With older children you can dream: imagine that we got on a train and went to grandma. What kind of pie did grandma bake? With carrots?.. Delicious, probably! And so on.

6. Extrasensory perception training (ExtraSensory Perception): Telepathy exercise - (by this time the child is still sitting on your lap or very close) - the mother needs to imagine a figure of any color and mentally send it to her child, and then ask the baby what he saw. For example: “I’m sending you a circle, what color is it?” Praise your child in any case. Over time, you can telepathize a variety of objects. Intuition exercise - we start with the simplest thing: we ask the child to guess in which hand the bunny is sitting? Under which leaf is the bug hiding? Then we complicate it: we offer three Kinder eggs and ask in which the bear sits and similar tasks. We increase the number of eggs or pictures over time. To begin with, the choice can be made by the parent. There can be as many of these exercises as the child wishes.

7. Gymnastics for the eyes - for the little ones, take a bell and move and ring it up and down, left and right. For older children, gymnastics can be downloaded on the Internet.

8.Flash cards are pictures of the most different topics(e.g. flowers, transport, wild animals). Shichida advises starting with 100 pieces. We show each card for no more than 1 second. The best option- 0.5 seconds, which, of course, is not easy, because you must have time to name the card. Fast display is important because it is at high speed that the right hemisphere of the brain is activated. And you need to name the card for the time-to-time connection of the left hemisphere - this is how the brain hemispheres are synchronized. It must be remembered that the purpose of flash cards is not encyclopedic knowledge. The same sets of cards can be shown no earlier than six months later and no more than three times. In Shichida schools, the cards are paper, but at home it would be difficult for one family to produce so many cards. Therefore, today many parents make flash cards in the form of computer presentations. It is worth mentioning mathematics according to Shichida. It is similar to Glenn Doman's manual, but there are some important differences. For example, Shichida advises showing the card for no more than 0.5 seconds, and in examples showing only the answer card. So, the teacher says: “two plus two equals (quickly shows a card with four dots) four.” Shichida also believes that you can show anything as dots - butterflies, elephants, etc. In general, do everything to maintain the child’s interest.

9.Games to develop photographic memory. Similar pictures (Photo memory). This game requires pictures that are slightly different from each other. For example, on one there is a drawing of a gnome in a blue cap, and on the other - in a red one. For a split second we show the child one of the pictures (preferably A4 format), and then show both and ask which one he has already seen. Place it correctly (Spacememory). You need to show any pictures ( small size), placed on a “grid”: for starters, these could be three pictures placed on a strip divided into three equal parts. We show it for no more than 1 second, and then ask the child to put those pictures in their places. For the little ones: show the bear his house, etc. Find a new picture (Flashmemory). We very quickly show and name several pictures (start with three). And then we lay out these pictures in front of the child + another one that the baby has not yet seen. The task is to point to this picture or name it. Who's hiding? We also show the pictures very quickly, then lay out all but one of them in front of the child, and he tries to remember which picture is missing. Mandala. This is a picture usually in the form of any geometric figure. A mandala can be simple - a blue triangle with a yellow circle inside, or it can be very complex - for example, a circle with different figures drawn inside. In this case, the child looks at the mandala for 1-5 seconds, and then on the same, but colorless mandala, notes with pencils how it was colored. Absurd history or memory “chain” (Linkingmemory). Needs to be recreated funny story in pictures. From a set of cards (3 pieces to begin with), mom makes up a story like: a crow jumped into a river that smelled like a rose. Accordingly, in front of the child there are pictures - a crow, a river and a rose. First, the mother tells the story 1-2 times, and then shuffles the cards, and the child tries to remember the plot. In Shichida schools, over time, children begin to remember the location of hundreds of pictures just by looking at them once. And they do this without any history.

10. Classes on color perception, ear for music, development of tactile sensations, games for smell recognition, poetry and creative activities. All this can be done immediately after the main block. On the Internet you can find a lot of examples of how you can develop hearing, smell, color perception and touch.

11. “Suggestion” described above completes the lesson. At the end, you can sing your favorite song together again. Shichida advises doing this for 30-40 minutes a day. And the rest of the time let the child play. Professor Shichida believed that the most important things in these lessons were the activities described in points 1 to 6 inclusive. And training the imagination is of particular importance for the development of the right hemisphere. And when the latter is developed, you can easily develop photographic memory, unique mathematical, and even extrasensory abilities. Also very an important condition Success lies in a trusting and close relationship between the baby and the parents, because it is very important to relax before the lesson.

The Shichida method is just beginning to gain popularity in Russia. It is still difficult to judge how suitable it is for children with our mentality. For example, not every parent will want to develop telepathy and clairvoyance in their child. But this is not a reason to completely abandon the method, because the right hemisphere can be developed without extrasensory perception.

Leave for a more mature age (3-4 years) the study of numbers and letters and other similar activities that stimulate the premature development of the left hemisphere of the brain. Teach your child to play role playing games with substitute toys (for example, a cube can temporarily become a train, and a pencil can become a spoon) - this develops imagination, which is very useful. Dream more often with your child, imagining how you will go to the sea or go to the zoo. Use simple sentences, describing what you will do and what you will see. The child will imagine, and this is nothing more than imagination training or image training. It is also very useful from birth to give the child objects, both to the right and to the left hand. Teach your baby to eat and draw with both his left and right hands. To synchronize the hemispheres of the brain, you can draw with both hands at once. For example, playing the piano is very useful in this regard. Listen to music, sing, dance, play with tactile bags, inhale different smells, try different tastes, study shades of colors, engage in creativity - this will allow you to develop the right hemisphere of your brain well.

And again the same thing only in different words)))

Makoto Shichida – Japanese professor, member International Academy education, who developed unique technique early development of children. In 1998, he was awarded the World Peace Prize for his contributions to brain research. His technique is in great demand abroad (more than 460 centers have been opened in Japan, Thailand, Singapore, and the USA), and on the contrary, it is not popularized at all in Russia.

On the Internet you will not find a single more or less complete article devoted to his methodology, or even a printed translation of the book. The only books available are in Japanese, English and Spanish. A group of active mothers translated one of the books literally in fragments, and this is all that a Russian parent can rely on.

Let's try to briefly talk about Professor Makoto Shichida and describe his methodology. Moreover, once you recognize it, you will either completely include it in preschool education your child, or borrow some exercises and activities from it - but it will not leave anyone indifferent, that’s for sure.

PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATION Basic principles of Makoto Shichida's methodology Current pre-school education has one significant drawback - it is based solely on the activation of the left hemisphere of the brain, responsible for logic and analysis. The right hemisphere, responsible for everything unconscious, intuitive, esoteric, does not receive due attention. There are a number of textbooks on right-hemisphere development, but you won’t find them in classical kindergartens or schools.

Contrary to generally accepted doctrine, Makoto Shichida argues that in children under 6 years of age, the right hemisphere is dominant. There are significant advantages to this. If the left hemisphere constantly gets rid of old information, to put it simply, deletes it, then in the right hemisphere nothing disappears without a trace. It is like an archive that you can always use. Moreover, borrowing terms from musicology, the tempo of the left hemisphere can be defined as adagio (slow), the tempo of the right hemisphere as prestissimo (very fast). Accordingly, the latter absorbs information much more effectively.

Makoto Shichida however says, “When the right and left hemispheres are well developed, the child will have high level potential, the child will be able to exceed all our expectations and show his best strengths. Such children quickly remember huge amounts of information and remember what they read or saw with accuracy, and all the information is understandable to them.” This is confirmed by research by scientists at Harvard University, who discovered that in outstanding figures both hemispheres are equally developed.

In addition, all children, according to Makado Shichida, are geniuses from birth and have deep potential hidden in them. By teaching children under six years of age and developing their right hemisphere of the brain, you can contribute to their development in a creative direction, develop intuition, fast reading, mathematical abilities, photographic memory, ability to learn multiple languages.

What is within the control of children is not within the control of adults. As you know, everything in the world has its own signals. Even things emit signals at a certain frequency. Children can pick up the “other” alpha signals on which telepathy, clairvoyance and other paranormal phenomena are based. Makoto Shichida gives a simple example.

After an illness, the girl is going to go to kindergarten. At the same time, she informs her parents that she best friend will not be in the kindergarten, but a new pupil will come. That's how it all turned out.

Relatively speaking, the event containing these actions has already taken shape in the world and sent a signal. The girl just caught the right signal.

In addition to the five senses of the left hemisphere known to us (vision, taste, hearing, smell, touch), there is also a sixth sense belonging to the right hemisphere. It includes:

telepathy (the ability to transmit thoughts or feelings at a distance to other beings, without the use of technical means); clairvoyance (obtaining information about an event or object without the participation of traditionally known sense organs); psychometry (the presumed ability to communicate information about an object or its owner through contact with it); foresight (the ability, the ability to foresee the future, to predict what is going to happen, to come); spiritual strength (energy). If a child’s right hemisphere is fully developed, then he is subject to:

remembering information through images, speed reading, unique computational abilities, ability precise definition pitches of sounds without correlating them with other sounds of known pitch (musical feature of the right hemisphere) ability to master language (linguistic ability of the right hemisphere) Play a piece of music from memory, having heard it only once! Read the volume of War and Peace in less than an hour! Master a couple of skills by age 6 foreign languages! This all becomes clear and easily explained with the help of Makoto Shichida’s technique.

The development of the right hemisphere is aimed not only at academic success. The main thing is that children develop a calm, receptive mind to everything new.

The task of parents, according to Shichida, is to activate the right hemisphere, with the help of which the child in later life will be able to learn anything quickly and easily, with practically no effort.

As Shichida writes,

A child under five can easily absorb a huge amount of information.

A child under four years old will do this easier and more efficiently.

A child under three years old will do this much easier and much more effectively.

A child under two years old will do this most in an efficient way and it will be easier for him.

PRESCHOOL EDUCATION: How a lesson is structured at school Makoto Shichida

A typical lesson at Makoto Shichida's school lasts about 50 minutes. The group consists of 4-6 children.

Each lesson includes preparatory stage, aimed at activating the right hemisphere. These techniques are well known to those who practice yoga. They help remove the dominance of the left hemisphere.

The preparatory stage consists of working with:

contemplation - children should relax, calm down, closing their eyes; breathing - children should adjust their breathing to deep and slow; suggestion and positive attitude. Activities replace each other quickly, in less than 5 minutes. One of the parents must be present at the classes.

Students take part in more than ten different games per lesson, namely, greetings, various games, singing and dancing, riddles, learning the alphabet and numbers, etc. Mothers help children.

PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATION: Exercises to establish a harmonious relationship with a child Absolutely everyone can introduce elements of Makoto Shichida’s methodology into pre-school education. But it is important to remember that without love nothing will work out. Shichida himself admits that “love is the most main element in the upbringing and development of children." We all know about this, but sometimes we forget.

Makoto Shichida offers simple exercises for parents and children that will help the former to correctly express their love, and the latter to feel it fully.

Tight 8 Second Hug

Ask your child to help you, for example, wash the dishes. After your child completes this task, hug him tightly and praise him: “Thank you for helping! You really helped me! I love you very much!” And hold in your arms for 8 seconds. Once you do this, your love will reach the child's heart. You will see that there will be no trace left of the former whims. True, the 8-second hug exercise is one of many for developing a harmonious relationship between you, the parent, and the child.

Listen carefully to what your child is telling you

Listen to your conversation with your child, who dominates it? Makoto Shichida emphasizes that the conversation should not be one-sided. Otherwise, the child may feel unwanted and become withdrawn. Know how to not only listen, but also hear. It is important for children to be understood. Apply the “echo method” tactic, based on the fact that the adult tries to put himself in the child’s place, tries to feel his experiences.

Let's take a simple conversation to illustrate:

Mom, Katya is bad. - Yes, Katya is bad. What did she do to you? - She hit me. - She hit you. Why did she hit you?

Thus, the parent repeats the words after the child as an echo. There should be no edifying words or moralizing in the conversation.

“5 Minutes” Tuning Method

The attunement method called “5 minutes” is truly a lifesaver for parents who want to correct their child’s behavior and get rid of some negative aspects: reluctance to go to kindergarten, thumb sucking, laziness, etc.

5 minutes is the time after the baby has fallen asleep and his conscious mind has fallen asleep. But the subconscious is awake and working. Therefore, it is very effective to take advantage of this time and work on a subconscious level.

For example, a child does not want to go to kindergarten. Then the mother begins to whisper the following words to the preschool child who has just fallen asleep: “... (child’s name), you are now a big girl, you are already 2 years old. You are 2 years old and therefore you will no longer cry when you go to kindergarten. You are obedient and cheerful, you listen to your mother and your mother loves you very much. Now sleep soundly. You feel great. Sleep healthy sleep until tomorrow morning, wake up in good mood, tomorrow will be a good day. You see, you can sleep soundly, you can sleep such a sweet dream.”

In his book, Makoto Shichida notes the success of this exercise. All mothers who turned to him with certain problems that worried them soon reported positive dynamics. One child stopped sucking his thumb within a week, another – three days later he happily went to kindergarten

PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATION: Practical classes using the Makoto Shichida method Showing pictures

Every day you show your child about 100-150 pictures/slides with different images. No more than half a second is allotted for one picture. Mom must voice what is shown in the picture. There are three types of images:

an image without a caption, an image with a caption, an image with only a word - they are allocated no more than 10% of the total presentation. It must be said that this exercise requires a lot of physical effort - cards should not be repeated day after day! The minimum time after which you can resume displaying already familiar cards is 4 months. Makoto Shichida discovered that quickly flashing cards/slides helps to disconnect from the usual perception of information and move to another level - intuitive. We hesitate a little, and the brain transfers information to the left hemisphere, which begins to analyze the received information.

Game of telepathy

Young children have telepathic abilities. Makoto Shichida offers a number of exercises to support these unique child abilities.

Hold your child tightly and say, “I love you. You and I are one.”

Then imagine a red square in your mind and mentally send it to your child, commenting: “Mom has imagined the color in her head and is sending it to you. You can see it. Now close your eyes, catch this color and name it to me.” The child can easily guess the intended color.

Next time, play telepathy without touching the child. The result will be the same.

Memory games

You will need cards with different pictures. You can use elements from lotto. Start with two cards - come up with some absurd story. For example, “the dog was riding a bicycle.” Then mix the cards and invite the child to reconstruct the chain of events. That is, you need to put a card with a picture of a dog first, and a card with a picture of a bicycle second. Gradually, you can increase the number of cards to 50. At this point, the child will be able to remember the sequence as a single image - at first sight, without words.

Another exercise is called mandara (instant memory). The child looks at the mandar card for about 5 seconds, closes his eyes for 5 seconds. He looks at the card again and closes his eyes again.

The child must schematically note which colors were present in the picture.

This method is based on the fact that the retina of the eye retains the image it sees for some time.

Exercises to see images

One of the methods that will help a child SEE images is called “tension - relaxation”. This method is widely used in theater studios. The child is asked to imagine himself as one or another object. For example, become as hard as a log. Then become soft as a feather.

As Makoto Shichida notes, after a while the child shows amazing results: he can visualize and hear various images, such as color, sound, etc.

You can also develop the ability to see images using orange cards. For this we need an orange sheet of paper. Glue a blue circle with a diameter of 2 centimeters in the center of the sheet. Let the child close his eyes and calm down. Let him breathe slowly and deeply at first. Then take a deep breath for eight seconds, hold your breath for eight seconds and exhale deeply for eight seconds. These breathing exercises should be repeated three times. After this, the child breathes calmly - he is relaxed.

Place the orange sheet at a distance of 30 centimeters from the child's eyes. Tell him to stare at the paper for 30 seconds.

After he closes his eyes, he will see the afterimage. 4 types of afterimages that he will see:

blue the center will look like orange; will see only blue color; will see instead of blue in the center another color, another shape (for example, a square); will see the blue color in the center and will be able to change it arbitrarily. The goal of learning is to see yourself in an image. The child will achieve this goal if he can imagine himself. Games for learning speed reading

A short story must be read several times within a minute. Aesop's fables are suitable for learning speed reading. Then ask the child to close the book and write from memory what he just read.

Example of a story. North wind and sun.

One day the north wind and the sun quarreled. And they agreed: whoever makes the traveler take off his clothes wins. The north wind blew, but in vain. The sun was shining with all its might. “It’s so hot, I can’t stand it,” said the traveler. He took off his clothes and jumped into the water.

When your child finishes writing, check to see if he or she wrote correctly by also checking the punctuation.

It is possible that he will not remember everything at once. Then have him read again for one minute and write down what he read.

In this part of the article we will look at how you can make your brain hemispheres work harmoniously, and thanks to this you can rise to a new level of development. If you have read, then you have probably checked using the tests given there to see how balanced the functioning of your brain hemispheres is.

So you no longer need to be agitated about how important it is to develop the right hemisphere (since our left hemisphere is developing a priori). However, I will still say a few more words, because I think this topic is very important.

What gives us
right hemisphere

There are two powerful benefits that the right hemisphere can give us: developing our creativity And intuition. Surely, there is not a single person who would not like to have these qualities.

Oddly enough, one of the most common myths of our time is that not every person is capable of creating. It is said that only a few people have talent. In fact, every person has some kind of hidden talent. Each of us is capable of creativity. But this quality must be developed, or rather, the corresponding hemisphere of the brain must be developed.

The next important gift of the right hemisphere is imagination . How many times have I been convinced that many modern people. It turns out that one can only feel sorry for such people. They really cannot dream, because this hemisphere is completely undeveloped for them. There is one sad statistics– in 95% of people, only one part of the brain is used, which is associated with the processing of verbal information.

The role of the right hemisphere is not limited to pure creativity. The development of this hemisphere is significant increases efficiency any business. A person has enormous opportunities to solve any problems.

The left hemisphere is able to analyze any problem and highlight it key points and components.

And the right hemisphere is able to embrace the entire problem, put forward options for its solution and very quickly analyze them. As a result, non-standard may appear, but...

Insight is always there
the result of creativity of the right hemisphere.

Your brain
needs to be developed

Famous psychoanalyst Marilee Zdenek for a long time is engaged in the development of creative abilities. But at the beginning she did not believe that with the help of simple and seemingly frivolous exercises a person could significantly increase the efficiency of his work.

She began her journey in this direction by simply out of curiosity deciding to check these rumors. When she was surprised to see the result, she already took up this topic in earnest. She is now the president of Right Brain Resources, which specializes in developing programs related to personal development. So, the effectiveness of these methods has been proven at the highest level.

However, in my studies don't overdo it stick. It is not worth developing the right hemisphere for the sake of the development process itself. Main goal must be so that both hemispheres of the brain can work harmoniously. It is balance that ensures the effectiveness of any activity.

There are a lot of special exercises with the help of which any person can develop his right hemisphere and open up new possibilities that are still hidden from him. Today we will get to know some of them.

Exercises for development
cerebral hemispheres

The total number of exercises that contribute to the development of our right hemisphere is difficult to calculate. There are a lot of them, just like there are a lot of different physical exercises. And although most sports exercises are somewhat similar to each other (since they are taken from a traditional yoga course), they can differ greatly in technique and tempo of execution. May be used additional accessories etc.

Each of these exercises is extremely effective. Simply choose those that you like best and that fit more harmoniously into your life. As always, I repeat that it is not so important what you choose. It's more important to do it regularly And systematically (as in strengthening your body). We all know that muscles without load quickly weaken and atrophy. Likewise, if you don't use them, your brain's abilities will weaken.

1. The simplest
way of development

The easiest way to develop some hemisphere of the brain is load it with work, i.e. It’s best to do what this particular hemisphere is focused on.

For example, if you want to develop your logic, solve more problems. To train your mind you need to solve crossword puzzles. If you want to develop your imagination, then you have a direct route to the museum (or take up drawing).

Next trouble-free way what develops the hemispheres of the brain is the body. Through the body you can influence the brain.

The point is simple. Organize your activities so as to maximize the use of one or another side of the body (depending on which hemisphere you want to develop). So, for the development of the right hemisphere, more attention must be paid to the left side of the body, for the development of the left hemisphere - to the right.

Therefore, to develop the right hemisphere, you can, for example, write or jump on your left leg. Those comrades who are too lazy to write can do it even simpler. Just start operating the computer mouse with your left hand. All these activities are great for training the brain.

2. Increase
awareness of actions

Best tool for brain development - hands. When a person consciously acts with both hands, he harmoniously develops both hemispheres. Therefore, a child who studies music will definitely develop other creative abilities at the same time. And he will be talented in different directions.

But you can do without a piano, and just come up with a lot of exercises in which you will both hands are used. As an example, I will give three fun exercises. They are very simple, but require precise execution. Clarity is very important here. So work it out slowly at first. And then try to speed up the rhythm of execution. Then you will immediately understand that even such a simple movement is not so easy to do.

  1. Ear-nose . At the same time, touch the tip of your nose with your left hand, and touch your left ear with your right hand. Also, simultaneously remove your hands and clap your hands. Quickly change the position of your hands.
  2. Mirror drawing . Take a pencil in each hand and at the same time begin to draw letters with both hands that have a mirror-symmetrical appearance. Special attention Please note that the images must be mirror images.
  3. Ring . Alternately with the thumb, we connect the other fingers of the hand into a ring. We do this very quickly and with both hands at the same time. You can start by practicing each hand separately. And then move on to working with both hands at the same time. At the very end, add a little tongue twister, saying one word as you change fingers.

3. We develop

Finally, I’ll give you a couple of more complex exercises. They require not only awareness, but also clearly directed attention. Try them and you will see that it is not so easy.

  1. Traffic light . To work with this exercise, download the image from this link. Your task is to say out loud as quickly as possible color name letters of the words that are written in this picture. Be very careful not to confuse words and the colors of their letters. In this case, both hemispheres work. The left hemisphere “reads,” and the right hemisphere tracks color.
  2. Ambulance . A wonderful NLP exercise that not only develops thinking and attention, but also relieves emotional stress and improves performance.
    We work with a picture where the letters of the alphabet are written. Under each letter there is one of three marks: L, P, V. The marks indicate hand movement

    Let me remind you that the direction of rotation indicates which hemisphere is more developed in a person. Rotating clockwise means your left hemisphere of the brain is working, counterclockwise means your right hemisphere is working.

    If a person’s cerebral hemispheres are developed harmoniously, he can easily change the direction of rotation. In this picture it looks like a real dance.

    So test yourself again and practice at least with the five exercises above. Believe me, the effect you will get from such activities is impressive.

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