How to plant roses correctly, tips, recommendations. Planting roses with a closed root system in spring, autumn Rose planting with a closed root system

Good afternoon, dear readers!

Spring is planting time. We plant and replant, trying to make the flower garden even more beautiful. And not a single gardener will ignore a rose, even just one or two bushes, but will certainly plant it in his flower garden. The best time for planting roses in open ground- April - early May.

But what to do if planting roses in the spring is a little late, and the seedlings have already sprouted, or you bought them with large sprouts? Let's figure out how to plant a rose bought in a store in open ground in the spring and do it correctly so that it takes root well.

Planting roses in spring in open ground

If these are roses with a closed root system, that is, you bought them planted in pots, then simply carefully remove the rose from the pot and plant it in right place. The roots of such roses are not damaged during transplantation, and they easily take root in a new place.

But I’ll tell you how to plant a rose with an open root system in the spring.

We will try to do everything right or almost right.

I bought roses from online store, and by the time they got to me, they turned out to have quite large sprouts. But it’s not scary, the main thing is that they are alive. Now I will show you step by step what to do when planting roses.

As a rule, the root system of such roses is packed in a dark film with a small amount of transport soil.

  • The first step is to remove the film from the roots. And although the roots of roses are wrapped in film, these are seedlings with an open root system. Because they grew somewhere in a greenhouse, and before selling they were dug up and packaged for sale. This is what roses look like without film.

Before taking pictures, I put the seedlings in water. On medium rose you can see how the soil has dried out. As you can see, the roots are almost invisible, just a lump. First, inspect the bush.

Sometimes it happens that there may be shoots or buds below the grafting site. As a rule, roses are sold on rosehip rootstock. Therefore, such buds or shoots should be removed immediately, even if you are in doubt.

Wild growth must be removed before planting roses in the ground.

Here in the photo you can see the lower long shoots, it seemed to me that these were wild shoots, I will remove them. Even if she is cultured, such an elongated one will clearly be superfluous. And since many of the rose shoots turned out to be too overgrown and elongated, I pinched some of them.

  • The second step is to soak our roses in water for several hours, even if it seems that the soil is wet. Firstly, the roses will drink water, and secondly, the transport soil will get wet and we will be able to clean it and see the roots.

Let it sit in a bucket of water for 2-4 hours. You can add a growth stimulator or root former to the water according to the instructions for the drug. But I limited myself to plain water, the roots were alive, this was visible from the new white roots.

  • Third step. While the roses are soaking, we will select and prepare a place for planting.

Roses love a place protected from northern and eastern winds. If at midday a light shadow from the trees falls on them, that will also be good. The place should provide good water drainage so that your beauties do not get wet in the spring.

Usually it is recommended to prepare a large hole and fill it with fertile soil. Manure in landing hole you can't put it down. Add rotted compost and some mineral fertilizers. But not under the roots, but mix everything in the hole so that there is a fertile cushion. The horses will have to rest freely in the pit.

  • The fourth step is to remove the roses from the water. Here they are. The photo shows that the roots were folded in half and covered with soil.

Carefully, trying not to damage the young roots, remove the soil and straighten the roots. They are slightly bent because they have been in a crooked position for a long time.

  • Fifth step. We take our rose to the prepared place. It is ideal to make a small mound in the hole, place the rose on it and distribute the roots around. But my planting space was limited, because I planted a rose to replace the one that was lost in winter, and the hole was not very large.

Carefully place the bush in the hole, straighten the roots as much as possible and carefully sprinkle with earth, slightly tugging the rose so that the earth better fills the space between the roots.

The grafting site should be at soil level. And now you can remove the thin elastic band that was used to twist the rose branches. Usually the branches are additionally dipped in paraffin. You can leave it. It protects the branches from drying out and will eventually fall off on its own.

  • The seventh step is to water well. Water will fill all the voids between the roots.

After the water is absorbed, add more soil. The grafting site should be at ground level or slightly lower, 3-5 cm. We leave a small depression around the bush to make it convenient to water. After some time, it will be possible to slightly hill up the bush.

  • The eighth and final step that many people don’t take. Spring is shining bright sun, and if you planted a rose with elongated sprouts, they may simply burn in the sun. Therefore, we cover our planted bush with spunbond or some light-colored rag.

Under shelter, the microclimate will be softer, warmer at night, and the sun will not burn during the day. The shelter can be left for a week, just in time for your next visit to the dacha.

That's it. Planting roses in open ground in spring is completed. All that remains is to regularly water and care for our beauty and wait for flowering. It will certainly come and will delight you with beautiful appearance and aroma. After all, rose oil is a strong antidepressant, and blooming rose especially! And rose petals can be used before cooking

Rose seedlings with a closed root system (ZKS) are now popular. These are roses that are sold already planted in containers. Such seedlings have their advantages: they take root quickly and easily if planted in open ground correctly. How should they be planted?

How to care for rose seedlings before planting

Roses with a closed root system do not require immediate planting; good conditions they can be stored for a long time, even until next year. It is best to place pots of roses in a shady, windless place in the garden. To prevent the roots from overheating and drying out, it is advisable to dig the pots into the soil or sawdust.

Water rose seedlings regularly before planting. Spraying the leaves with plain water is also helpful. If planting is delayed for more than 2-3 weeks, start feeding the seedlings weekly with liquid or soluble fertilizer for flower seedlings. What is needed is seedling fertilizers used for plants in pots. Specialized fertilizers for roses are not suitable for caring for seedlings. They are ideal for roses that are already planted in the ground, and if you pour such fertilizers into a container, you can accidentally burn the roots.

If you bought rose seedlings at the end of winter or early spring, when the temperature outside is still below freezing, you will have to store and care for them indoors. How to do this, read the article: Preserving roses before planting.

Preparing a rose seedling for planting in the ground

Before disembarking, to make sure good quality roses, carefully remove the seedling from the pot. Some companies, to simplify this task, use an insert in the form metal mesh. This best option, because the mesh allows you to see the condition of the roots without destroying the earthen coma.

The roots should penetrate the entire earthen ball and have fresh white roots. Such good seedlings do not require additional processing, they are only soaked in water for 1-2 hours before planting.

The metal mesh of rose seedlings does not need to be removed when planting in the ground. It decomposes itself in the soil in 1-2 years and does not interfere with the development of roots.

There are other packaging options, such as a cardboard insert. It also retains a lump, but determining the state of the roots in it is very problematic, especially if the roots have not yet grown through the walls. If you can't consider root system or if you doubt its quality, soak the seedling for several hours in a solution of a root formation stimulator. To obtain a solution, pour a bag (10 g) of the stimulant into 7-8 liters of water and stir.

Immerse the rose roots in the solution directly in the container. If the container has a cardboard liner, you can remove plastic pot and soak the rose seedling in cardboard. Processing time is 2-3 hours.

The “Kornevin” solution for planting roses can be replaced with the “Epin” solution. Dilute 40 drops in 2 liters of water and pour the container well, placing it in a bucket. Leave in the solution for 2-3 hours.

Place to plant roses

A rose can grow in one place for decades, so the planting site requires careful preparation.

Prepare the planting hole. Rose planting hole size 60x60, depth 50 cm. Leave the top fertile layer of soil next to the hole, remove the lower layers of soil. Soil for planting roses should be loose and fertile, so add humus or well-rotted compost, peat, sand, as well as 0.5 cups to the soil from the top layer double superphosphate. Roses prefer neutral soil, so add additional additives to reduce the acidity of the soil: 1-2 cups of wood ash or 1 cup of dolomite flour. Mix all components thoroughly and fill the planting hole with the mixture.

If you dug a planting hole immediately before planting the rose, then fill the mixture in layers, compacting each layer so that after watering the soil does not settle too much.

At what depth should I plant a container rose?

After filling the hole, make a depression in the soil so that the upper part of the lump, when planting, is 5-7 cm below the edge of the hole. It is better to plant roses with a slight depth.

How to plant roses

Plant roses directly in a net or cardboard liner, but those parts of the liner where the roots have not yet sprouted can be carefully removed.

This will ensure air access to the root system, and the rose will take root better after planting.

Place the seedling in the prepared hole. Check again the depth level of the top of the earthen ball (5-7 cm) and pour the solution remaining after soaking into the hole.

Fill the hole with the remaining fertile mixture flush with the edge of the hole so that during rains excess rainwater does not fall into it and stagnate.

Water it. To water one rose seedling after planting, you need at least 8-10 liters of water to thoroughly wet all the soil in the planting hole.

After watering, check the planting level of the rose again. If necessary, adjust: either add soil, or, conversely, carefully pull the base of the bush so that root collar was closer to the soil surface.

After watering, mulch the surface with peat to avoid the formation of a soil crust.

If the weather is hot, then for the first time after planting the roses should be shaded. The easiest way is to install small arcs and stretch any covering material over them.

There is none personal plot, wherever the owners grow such popular flowers as roses. A fragrant rose garden is the pride of any summer resident. In this material we will look at how and when roses are planted in open ground.

When to plant roses is a question that causes controversy even among experienced gardeners. Some say this should be done in the fall, while others say only in the summer.

Autumn work on planting this crop is used in the southern territories of the country, where winters are mild and short and you don’t have to worry that the roots of the plant will freeze. However, if the winter is very warm, the planted bush will not survive the winter.

Planting roses in open ground

Without a period of winter dormancy, it will be difficult for the plant to enter the active growth stage in the spring. At the same time, it is in the fall, when it rains, that the crop will not need to be watered, and it will not need to be protected from too active sun.

In general, rose bushes grown in closed pots can be planted at any time during the warm season of the year. It is only bare-rooted seedlings that should be cultivated in the fall or spring. Each period has its advantages, and we will talk about how to plant this crop in open ground in the spring, so that you can admire its colorful buds in the summer and until late autumn.

It is in the spring that you don’t have to worry that the flowers will freeze due to unexpectedly severe frosts. There is one drawback to spring planting - this is the fact that as the temperature rises environment the crop will require additional watering and sun protection.

Preparing the soil for planting roses in spring

The first important step is choosing the location of the rose garden on the territory of the garden plot. The most best place, which is suitable for favorable rooting of roses in open ground - this is a flat area, hidden from the wind. As for the type of soil, we must pay tribute to the unpretentiousness of this miracle, however, loamy soil with the addition of peat, compost, humus is best suited.

It is recommended to add sand to loamy soils. It is better to add other mineral compounds only if there is a lack of them in the soil prepared for setting up a rose garden. To do this you need to do a soil analysis. How do you know for yourself that the soils are too acidic and need to be limed? It is necessary to mix the soil from the area where you plan to plant bushes with ordinary water and place litmus paper in the mixture.

If the soil is excessively acidic, the piece of paper will turn red. If the soil is alkaline, the litmus paper will turn blue. Alkaline soil also does not always have a good effect on the development of roses, since they develop a disease such as leaf chlorosis (lack of iron leading to yellowing).

But organic matter can be added as fortification right before planting when digging a flower bed, to a depth of 0.5–0.7 m. There is no need to be afraid of excess organic fertilizers. Moreover, with abundant watering, they quickly go deep into the soil, and the roots of young seedlings also rush there.

Requirements for seedlings for spring planting

Before purchasing seedlings in a store, you need to carefully examine them. A high-quality bush has living roots up to 20 cm long and several green branches up to 30 cm high. The branches should have a green and smooth trunk. If there is visible corrugated (compressed) bark on the branches, you must keep in mind that the seedling is dry and will not grow. The roots from conscientious suppliers are wrapped in a damp bag made of cotton fabric (burlap). If the seedlings are ready for planting, then no questions arise. You can start working.

But, if some additional period is needed to store the plants, then you need to take into account that the roots must also wait under certain conditions to be planted in open ground. It is best to wrap each seedling in newspaper sprinkled with a solution of potassium permanganate. They should be stored in this form in a cold room at a temperature from 0 to +5 degrees. There is one more nuance: during storage, each seedling should be in an upright position. It is necessary to periodically check the wrapper for rot and fungal bacteria. Detected damaged branches must be removed from other healthy plants.

Another way to preserve purchased bushes is to plant seedlings in tall containers. But it’s better not to use it for this plastic bottles such forms from which it will be difficult to remove the seedling without losing it near the root soil. If such a lump falls apart when transplanted from a bottle into open ground, it means that the rose will have a harder time surviving engraftment. Seedlings purchased in greenhouses are already sold in the correct tall and rectangular containers; all you have to do is carefully replant and protect the planted bush from unexpected frosts or sunburn.

In the spring, starting from April, seedlings with an open root system take root better. If flowers grown or purchased in pots (with a root system formed in the soil) are to be replanted in the spring, then before planting them in open ground, it is first recommended to take them out to the ground. open air and let them stand at outside temperature for a week (harden). This way the plant will better survive subsequent planting in free soil.

Planting roses in open ground in spring

Planting roses in the ground too early in the spring (March - early April) is not recommended. During this period, the ground is still frozen. Roses should only be planted in completely thawed soil; their roots do not tolerate cold well. The best spring period Planting of seedlings is April from about the 5th to the 20th, as the soil thaws after winter, when it warms up to about +10 degrees. In general, the exact date will depend on the climate in which the flowers are grown. In some cases, spring planting is carried out in May.

The selected area for the rose garden should be well lit and heated, protected from the wind and equipped with drainage. If there is groundwater nearby or moisture stagnation may occur due to abundant watering, then such a place is unsuitable for growing roses. Roses need a lot of air and sun to develop and bloom. Therefore, plant bushes in unshaded, spacious areas of the garden, without tall bushes and trees nearby, so that the shadow from the crown does not fall on them.

First, dig a separate hole for each planting branch. Its size should be approximately 40 cm in diameter. We must not forget, immediately before grounding the seedling, to trim its roots to 20 cm. This is done because uncut roots will quickly penetrate deep into the soil, through the fertile layer, and the flower will try to look for feeding for growth in the lower depleted karst, where there is no pre-planted soil. depth up to 0.5 m of fortified composition. And be sure to dip the cut roots into the clay mixture (mash).

The chatterbox is prepared like this:

  • Mix 1 volume of clay and the same volume of mullein ( organic fertilizer– cow dung).
  • Add water to form a liquid consistency that does not drain from the roots, in the form of a protective and nourishing layer.

On the selected branch of the rose seedling, we cut off all the shoots, leaving only 3-4 of the strongest ones. Carefully place the seedling with the cut roots and treated shoots into the prepared hole for planting. The roots must be straightened and sprinkled with soil, gradually compacting each layer. We provide the bush with good artificial watering. This is all. The rose is ready for active vegetative growth and the production of new young shoots. The crop should be watered no more than 3 times a week, but generously. In warm and sunny weather, the seedling will take root and will continue to please the owners. At cold air temperatures, you can cover the rhizomes with straw or pine branches (mulch).

Sequence of work for planting roses

Let's remember point by point how to plant a rose correctly:

Some landing features different varieties roses

Rose bushes are planted in the garden. Their fate now depends on your further attention and care. In addition to working on planting in the ground, you also need to take into account information about proper care behind the garden rose garden, about possible pests and unwanted diseases.

Planting roses in the spring is not a difficult job, but it still requires some nuances. In order for the beauty to take root in your garden, you have to choose the right seedlings, plant them correctly and care for them.

How to choose the right rose for planting

In order for your business to grow rose bushes to be successful, you need to know how to buy correctly planting material. Choose only plants with a closed root system and keep the soil near the root when planting.

Sometimes in supermarkets you can find imported plants with an open root system. They are usually sold in advance. You can purchase such seedlings and put some of them in the refrigerator for safekeeping. In this case, they must be placed on the lower shelf; if you put them on shelves located higher, they will simply freeze. Storage temperature should be from 0 to +5 C. During storage, be sure to monitor the condition of the substrate near the roots.

How to plant a garden rose correctly

Many people think that growing a rose in the garden is a very difficult task. But this is not so, the main thing is to observe the specifics of planting. In spring, you can plant both seedlings with open and closed root systems. In the process of planting both options, it is necessary to observe some nuances.

How to Plant Bare Root Roses

Before planting a bush, you should soak it in a clay solution for a period of 6 hours. The clay will attach to the roots and protect them until they grow. Soak the seedlings completely. You can add root to the solution.

On the day of planting, you will have to process the purchased roses. To do this, remove damaged shoots and trim deformed roots. If the root system is too long, it is necessary to deepen the hole or shorten the roots.

How to plant roses in spring (video)

If black roses or other types of varieties have too long shoots, they should be cut back to 25 cm. Shoots white they just break it out. The specific features of the landing are as follows:

  • Spring planting of seedlings should be carried out so that the grafting site is above the ground. If the climate is cold, the grafting site should be below ground level, but not by much - about 3 cm.
  • Planting of seedlings is carried out obliquely.
  • In areas where winter temperatures drop below -25 degrees, it is better not to grow roses.
  • Processing the soil near roses with open grafts should be as careful as possible.
  • After planting, 20 liters of water must be poured under each seedling. Watering should be done as slowly as possible.
  • After watering, the soil is compacted by hand and mulched.
  • At the end of the work, the seedling is covered with a beige bag. This will protect it from the sun and it will settle in better.

Planting seedlings with a closed root system

The rules for planting seedlings with a closed root system are somewhat different. It is better to purchase a rose pot that has a mesh. In this case, it will be easier to get a seedling. The roots of the plant should be white; before carrying out work, they are soaked in water for 1 hour. The metal mesh should not be removed; it will decompose on its own.

So, how to plant roses with a closed root system?

  1. First, prepare a landing hole. Its size should reach 60x60 cm, and its depth should be 50 cm.
  2. The soil for the rose should be nutritious and loose, so it is worth adding peat, compost, sand and 0.5 tbsp. double superphosphate.
  3. After the hole is filled, plant the seedling so that the top of its earthen ball is 5 cm lower than the edge of the hole.
  4. Fill the hole with soil and water - 10 liters per plant.
  5. Add more soil and mulch.

At high temperature air in the first days after planting, roses should be shaded. To do this, install arcs and put any covering material on them.

How to trim roses (video)

At what temperature are roses planted?

If roses are planted in middle lane, then in the spring it is necessary to place them in the ground only when the soil has warmed up to +10 C. This period is observed from mid-April to early May. In spring, standard roses are actively planted.

In what areas should plants be planted?

Roses love the sun very much. Therefore, choose a well-lit place. They should not be grown in the shade. Plants do not bloom in such conditions. In addition, they will begin to produce blind shoots. The planting area should be well ventilated and bright, but protected from strong winds.

In order for a plant to delight you with its beautiful flowering, you need to take care of it and look after it well. Roses require fertilizing and protection from diseases and pests. Let's look at how to implement them further.

Preventive spraying of roses in spring

Roses are often affected by pests and diseases. To protect it, it is recommended to use a 1% solution Bordeaux mixture, or iron sulfate, also 1%

One more thing good remedy– Rose Clear drug. Its use will get rid of black spots, powdery mildew, aphids and rust. Spray the plants in the evening. In this case, the evening should be warm and dry. The second spraying is carried out in the summer, when the roses have finished blooming. For preventive purposes, it is recommended to perform treatment every 2 weeks. If the pests have already settled on the roses, you will have to use fungicides.

Rules for feeding bushes in spring

Feeding roses in spring is carried out in several stages.

  1. The first is done immediately after pruning the bush. In this case, nitrogen fertilizers are used - Aquarin, Aquamix. Experienced gardeners It is recommended to use solutions, as they penetrate the soil better. For each bush you need to add 3.5 liters of product. Dry substances are more difficult to add. To prevent them from weathering, it will be necessary to mulch. 40 g of dry matter is added to each bush. First they contribute mineral fertilizers, then it’s time to add organic matter; as a rule, they wait a day between feedings. The amount of substances added depends on the type of rose.
  2. The second feeding is done after the young shoots have formed. As a rule, this happens 14 days after applying the first fertilizing. Used as fertilizer organic matter– manure, herbal infusions. Minerals can also be used for feeding. In this case, take 1 spoon of urea and other fertilizers in the bucket in the amount written on the package. First, the soil is well shed, then fertilizing is applied. This is the only way the roots of the plant will not be burned.
  3. The third feeding is carried out before the buds appear. A solution is applied under the bush potassium nitrate. It is diluted as follows: 1 tbsp is dissolved in a bucket of water. l. potassium nitrate. After making minerals add organic matter - prepare it in the same proportions, but using potassium magnesium.

Caring for roses: feeding (video)

To grow roses, you need to choose them correctly, when purchasing, paying attention, first of all, to the root system. After this, you should plant the plants correctly, and also provide them with high-quality care - timely watering and fertilizing. Planting roses in the spring, no matter whether it is obtained using the “propagation by layering” method or another, is qualitatively different from planting them in the fall; close attention should also be paid to this so that the seedlings take root.

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Rose seedlings with a closed root system (ZKS) are now popular. These are roses that are sold already planted in containers. Such seedlings have their advantages: they take root quickly and easily if done correctly in open ground. How should they be planted?

Roses with a closed root system do not require immediate planting; in good conditions they can be stored for a long time, even until next year. It is best to place pots of roses in a shady, windless place in the garden. To prevent the roots from overheating and drying out, it is advisable to dig the pots into the soil or sawdust.

Water rose seedlings regularly before planting. Spraying the leaves with plain water is also helpful. If planting is delayed for more than 2-3 weeks, start feeding the seedlings weekly with liquid or soluble fertilizer for flower seedlings. What is needed is seedling fertilizers used for plants in pots. Not suitable for roses when caring for seedlings. They are ideal for roses that are already planted in the ground, and if you pour such fertilizers into a container, you can accidentally burn the roots. If you bought rose seedlings at the end of winter or early spring, when the temperature outside is still below freezing, you will have to store and care for them indoors.

Preparing rose seedlings for planting in the ground

Before planting, to ensure the good quality of the rose, carefully remove the seedling from the pot. To simplify this task, some companies use a metal mesh liner. This is the best option, because the mesh allows you to see the condition of the roots without destroying the earthen coma.

The roots should penetrate the entire earthen ball and have fresh white roots. Such good seedlings do not require additional processing; they are only soaked in water for 1-2 hours before planting.

The metal mesh of rose seedlings does not need to be removed when planting in the ground. It decomposes itself in the soil in 1-2 years and does not interfere with the development of roots.

There are other packaging options, such as a cardboard insert. It also retains a lump, but determining the state of the roots in it is very problematic, especially if the roots have not yet grown through the walls. If you cannot examine the root system or doubt its quality, soak the seedling for several hours in a solution of a root formation stimulator. To obtain a solution, pour a sachet (10 g) of the stimulant into 7-8 liters of water and stir.

Immerse the rose roots in the solution directly in the container. If the container has a cardboard liner, you can remove the plastic pot and soak the rose seedling in the cardboard. Processing time is 2-3 hours.

The "Kornevin" solution for planting roses can be replaced with the "Epin" solution. Dilute 40 drops in 2 liters of water and pour the container well, placing it in a bucket. Leave in the solution for 2-3 hours.

A rose can grow in one place for decades, so the planting site requires careful preparation.

Prepare the planting hole. The size of the planting pit for roses is 60x60, depth 50 cm. Leave the top fertile layer of soil next to the pit, remove the lower layers of soil. The soil for planting roses must be loose and fertile, so add humus or well, peat, sand, as well as 0.5 cups of double superphosphate to the soil from the top layer. Roses prefer neutral soil, so add additional additives to reduce the acidity of the soil: 1-2 cups of wood ash or 1 cup of dolomite flour. Mix all components thoroughly and fill the planting hole with the mixture.

If you dug a planting hole immediately before planting the rose, then fill the mixture in layers, compacting each layer so that after watering the soil does not settle too much.

At what depth should I plant a rose?

After filling the hole, make a depression in the soil so that the upper part of the lump when planting is 5-7 cm below the edge of the hole.

Attention!. It is better to plant roses with a slight depth.

How to plant roses

Plant roses directly in a net or cardboard liner, but those parts of the liner where the roots have not yet sprouted can be carefully removed.

This will ensure air access to the root system, and the rose will take root better after planting.

Place the seedling in the prepared hole. Check again the depth level of the top of the earthen ball (5-7 cm) and pour the solution remaining after soaking into the hole.

Fill the hole with the remaining fertile mixture flush with the edge of the hole so that during rains excess rainwater does not fall into it and stagnate.

Water it. To water one rose seedling after planting, you need at least 8-10 liters of water to thoroughly wet all the soil in the planting hole.

After watering, check the planting level of the rose again. If necessary, adjust: either add soil, or, conversely, carefully pull the base of the bush so that the root collar is closer to the soil surface.

After watering, mulch the surface with peat to avoid the formation of a soil crust.

If the weather is hot, then for the first time after planting the roses should be shaded. The easiest way is to install small arcs and stretch any covering material over them.

Useful tips, educational articles for summer residents and gardeners. Planting, care, harvesting. Of course, there is a lot of information about flowers, berries, and mushrooms. On the site pages

Planting roses in the spring is not a difficult job, but it still requires some nuances. In order for the beauty to take root in your garden, you have to choose the right seedlings, plant them correctly and care for them.

How to choose the right rose for planting

In order for your business to be relatively successful, you need to be able to buy planting material correctly.

Sometimes in supermarkets you can find imported plants with an open root system. They are usually sold in advance. You can purchase such seedlings and put some of them in the refrigerator for safekeeping. In this case, they must be placed on the lower shelf; if you put them on shelves located higher, they will simply freeze. Storage temperature should be from 0 to +5 C. During storage, be sure to monitor the condition of the substrate near the roots.

How to plant a garden rose correctly

Many people think that gardening is a very difficult task. But this is not so, the main thing is to observe the specifics of planting. In spring, you can plant both seedlings with open and closed root systems. In the process of planting both options, it is necessary to observe some nuances.

How to Plant Bare Root Roses

Before planting a bush, you should soak it in a clay solution for a period of 6 hours. The clay will attach to the roots and protect them until they grow. Soak the seedlings completely. You can add root to the solution.

On the day of planting, you will have to process the purchased roses. To do this, remove damaged shoots and trim deformed roots. If the root system is too long, it is necessary to deepen the hole or shorten the roots.

How to plant roses in spring (video)

If black roses or other types of varieties have too long shoots, they should be cut to 25 cm. White shoots are simply broken out. The specific features of the landing are as follows:

  • Spring planting of seedlings should be carried out so that the grafting site is above the ground. If the climate is cold, the grafting site should be below ground level, but not by much - about 3 cm.
  • Planting of seedlings is carried out obliquely.
  • In areas where winter temperatures drop below -25 degrees, it is better not to grow roses.
  • Processing the soil near roses with open grafts should be as careful as possible.
  • After planting, 20 liters of water must be poured under each seedling. Watering should be done as slowly as possible.
  • After watering, the soil is compacted by hand and mulched.
  • At the end of the work, the seedling is covered with a beige bag. This will protect it from the sun and it will settle in better.

Planting seedlings with a closed root system

The rules for planting seedlings with a closed root system are somewhat different. It is better to purchase a rose pot that has a mesh. In this case, it will be easier to get a seedling. The roots of the plant should be white; before carrying out work, they are soaked in water for 1 hour. The metal mesh should not be removed; it will decompose on its own.

So, how to plant roses with a closed root system?

  1. First, prepare a landing hole. Its size should reach 60x60 cm, and its depth should be 50 cm.
  2. The soil for the rose should be nutritious and loose, so it is worth adding peat, compost, sand and 0.5 tbsp. double superphosphate.
  3. After the hole is filled, plant the seedling so that the top of its earthen ball is 5 cm lower than the edge of the hole.
  4. Fill the hole with soil, water it - 10 liters per plant.
  5. Add more soil and mulch.

If the air temperature is high in the first days after planting, roses should be shaded. To do this, install arcs and put any covering material on them.

How to trim roses (video)

At what temperature are roses planted?

If roses are planted in the middle zone, then in the spring it is necessary to place them in the ground only when the soil has warmed up to +10 C. This period is observed from mid-April to early May. In spring, standard roses are actively planted.

In what areas should plants be planted?

Roses love the sun very much. Therefore, choose a well-lit place. They should not be grown in the shade. Plants do not bloom in such conditions. In addition, they will begin to produce blind shoots. The planting area should be well ventilated and bright, but protected from strong winds.

In order for a plant to delight you with its beautiful flowering, you need to take care of it and look after it well. Roses require fertilizing and protection from diseases and pests. Let's look at how to implement them further.

Preventive spraying of roses in spring

Roses are often affected by pests and diseases. To protect it, it is recommended to use a solution of 1% Bordeaux mixture or ferrous sulfate, also 1%.

Another good remedy is Rose Clear. Its use will relieve you of black spots, powdery mildew, aphids and rust. Spray the plants in the evening. In this case, the evening should be warm and dry. The second spraying is carried out in the summer, when the roses have finished blooming. For preventive purposes, it is recommended to perform treatment every 2 weeks. If the pests have already settled on the roses, you will have to use fungicides.

Rules for feeding bushes in spring

Feeding roses in spring is carried out in several stages.

  1. The first is done immediately after pruning the bush. In this case, nitrogen fertilizers are used - Aquarin, Aquamix. Experienced gardeners recommend using solutions, as they penetrate the soil better. For each bush you need to add 3.5 liters of product. Dry substances are more difficult to add. To prevent them from weathering, it will be necessary to mulch. 40 g of dry matter is added to each bush. First, mineral fertilizers are applied, then it’s time to apply organic substances; as a rule, they wait a day between fertilizing. The amount of substances added depends on the type of rose.
  2. The second feeding is done after the young shoots have formed. As a rule, this happens 14 days after applying the first fertilizing. Organic substances are used as fertilizer - manure, herbal infusions. Minerals can also be used for feeding. In this case, take 1 spoon of urea and other fertilizers in the bucket in the amount written on the package. First, the soil is well shed, then fertilizing is applied. This is the only way the roots of the plant will not be burned.
  3. The third feeding is carried out before the buds appear. A solution of potassium nitrate is applied under the bush. It is diluted as follows - 1 tbsp is dissolved in a bucket of water. l. potassium nitrate. After adding minerals, organic matter is added - it is prepared in the same proportions, but using potassium magnesium.

Caring for roses: feeding (video)

To grow roses, you need to choose them correctly, when purchasing, paying attention, first of all, to the root system. After this, you should plant the plants correctly, and also provide them with high-quality care - timely watering and fertilizing. Planting roses in the spring, no matter whether it is obtained using the “propagation by layering” method or another, is qualitatively different from planting them in the fall; close attention should also be paid to this so that the seedlings take root.

Rose seedlings with a closed root system (ZKS) are now popular. These are roses that are sold already planted in containers. Such seedlings have their advantages: they take root quickly and easily if planted in open ground correctly. How to plant them

How to care for rose seedlings before planting

Roses with a closed root system do not require immediate planting; in good conditions they can be stored for a long time, even until next year. It is best to place pots of roses in a shady, windless place in the garden. To prevent the roots from overheating and drying out, it is advisable to dig the pots into the soil or sawdust.

Water rose seedlings regularly before planting. Spraying the leaves with plain water is also helpful. If planting is delayed for more than 2-3 weeks, start feeding the seedlings weekly with liquid or soluble fertilizer for flower seedlings. What is needed is seedling fertilizers used for plants in pots. Specialized fertilizers for roses are not suitable for caring for seedlings. They are ideal for roses that are already planted in the ground, and if you pour such fertilizers into a container, you can accidentally burn the roots.

If you bought rose seedlings at the end of winter or early spring, when the temperature outside is still below freezing, you will have to store and care for them indoors. How to do this, read the article:

We save roses until planting.

Before planting, to ensure the good quality of the rose, carefully remove the seedling from the pot. To simplify this task, some companies use a metal mesh liner. This is the best option, because the mesh allows you to see the condition of the roots without destroying the earthen coma.

The roots should penetrate the entire earthen ball and have fresh white roots. Such good seedlings do not require additional processing; they are only soaked in water for 1-2 hours before planting.

The metal mesh of rose seedlings does not need to be removed when planting in the ground. It decomposes itself in the soil in 1-2 years and does not interfere with the development of roots.

There are other packaging options, such as a cardboard insert. It also retains a lump, but determining the state of the roots in it is very problematic, especially if the roots have not yet grown through the walls. If you cannot examine the root system or doubt its quality, soak the seedling for several hours in a solution of a root formation stimulator. To obtain a solution, pour a bag (10 g) of the stimulant into 7-8 liters of water and stir. Immerse the rose roots in the solution directly in the container . If the container has a cardboard liner, you can remove the plastic pot and soak the rose seedling in the cardboard. Processing time is 2-3 hours. The “Kornevin” solution for planting roses can be replaced with the “Epin” solution. Dilute 40 drops in 2 liters of water and pour the container well, placing it in a bucket. Leave in the solution for 2-3 hours

A rose can grow in one place for decades, so the planting site requires careful preparation.

Prepare the planting hole. Rose planting hole size 60x60, depth 50 cm. Leave the top fertile layer of soil next to the hole, remove the lower layers of soil. Soil for planting roses should be loose and fertile, so add humus or well-rotted compost, peat, sand, as well as 0.5 cups of double superphosphate to the soil from the top layer. Roses prefer neutral soil, so add additional additives to reduce the acidity of the soil: 1-2 cups of wood ash or 1 cup of dolomite flour. Mix all components thoroughly and fill the planting hole with the mixture.

If you dug a planting hole immediately before planting the rose, then fill the mixture in layers, compacting each layer so that after watering the soil does not settle too much.

Plant roses directly in a net or cardboard liner, but those parts of the liner where the roots have not yet sprouted can be carefully removed. This will ensure air access to the root system, and the rose will take root better after planting.

Place the seedling in the prepared hole. Check again the depth level of the top of the earthen ball (5-7 cm) and pour the solution remaining after soaking into the hole. Fill the hole with the remaining fertile mixture flush with the edge of the hole so that during rains excess rainwater does not fall into it and does not stagnate. Water it. To water one rose seedling after planting, you need at least 8-10 liters of water to thoroughly wet all the soil in the planting hole. After watering, check the planting level of the rose again. If necessary, adjust: either add soil, or, conversely, carefully pull the base of the bush so that the root collar is closer to the soil surface.

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