How to be beautiful in a photograph. How to look good in photographs: tips and secrets

About how to look beautiful in a photo, each of us thought. Summer is a time for vacations, travel and relaxation. It is in the summer that I take most of my photographs. In this article you will learn some of what you need to do in order to looks good in photos.

Learn to look beautiful in photos

  1. Choose a color of clothing that suits you. Some colors can highlight the beautiful tone of your skin, the color of your eyes or hair. Others can make your appearance gray and faceless. Try, experiment, make mistakes. This is the only way you can find your color.
  2. Choose the right clothes. The main thing is not to overdo it. If you wear a blue shirt and blue jeans, you will blend into a monochromatic blur. Also try not to dress too pretentiously; wearing too bright clothes will distract attention from your face.
  3. Hide your flaws. The disadvantage of photography is that it is a frozen image of your perspective at a certain moment, and it is not at all necessary that this moment will capture only your advantages. But if you have flaws that you know about in advance, you can hide them. For example, if you are aware of a flaw on the left side of your face, simply turn around so that you are filmed on the right.
  4. Determine your best angle. In addition to getting rid of obvious flaws, find your best angle. Experiment with your digital camera. It will help you instantly see the results and determine from them which angles are most beneficial for you and which ones should not be used in the future.
  5. Get rid of your double chin. Tilt your head slightly and imagine that the camera is slightly above your eye level. This will help you hide your double chin and look good in photos. You can also place one hand under your chin as if your head is resting on it. At the same time, you should not press your chin onto your hand, otherwise unevenness may appear on the skin. You can also press your tongue against the roof of your mouth. Be careful - sometimes tilting your head slightly forward can create the effect of a double chin instead of hiding it.
  6. Use a trick that models often resort to. Turn your head so that 3/4 of your face is facing the camera (not frontal). Stretch your neck slightly and tilt your head down slightly (as they do budgies). This trick will help you hide wrinkles and uneven skin.

  1. Relax. Some people don't look good in photographs because they act unnaturally in front of the camera. They are tense and instead of smiling sincerely, they shout: “Cheese!” If you have a lot of experience with bad photos, you're probably starting to get nervous in front of the lens. Take a deep breath, relax your shoulders, smile. If you notice too late that you are being filmed, do not panic while trying to strike a beautiful pose. Try to remain calm and ignore the camera. Your photo may not turn out perfect, but it's still better than trying to quickly change the facial expression caught on camera. The calmer and more confident you are in the photo, the better.
  2. Think about something good. An unnatural and insincere face looks, to put it mildly, strange. If you are in the photo with an unnatural and insincere smile on your face, you will look strange, to put it mildly. When people smile for a long time, waiting for the camera to click, they can turn from joyful to tense, so it is better to smile directly during the photo. You may also remember something funny or think about someone you love. By doing this, you will smile sincerely. If you don't like your teeth or teeth, try to smile more closed.
  3. Smile with your eyes. There is nothing more beautiful than a happy, slightly mischievous expression in the eyes in a photograph. To achieve this expression, imagine that the camera is a person you really like has just walked into the room. This will create the effect of more open wide eyes and a sincere smile. Most likely, you subconsciously do this and you just need to learn how to do it on purpose. Practice in front of a mirror.
  4. Keep your posture. Good posture can greatly improve your appearance. Besides correct posture has a positive effect on your health and distinguishes you from stooped people. Just remember to breathe properly and keep your shoulders relaxed. Constantly monitor your posture, and over time you will learn to maintain it correctly without thinking about it. Practice in front of a mirror.
  5. Find good photo graph. Professional photographers usually know how to highlight human beauty. Of course, you can't always choose, but sometimes you can. When choosing a photographer, be guided not only by how well you look in his photo, but also by how similar you are to yourself there. Is there any point in taking photos that do not express your essence, even if you are divinely beautiful in them.
  6. Edit photos. If you've tried everything but still can't get the desired result, try altering your digital photos a little using special programs. Some effects can greatly improve your photos.
  7. Use your imagination. Many people do well in photographs because they can relax in front of the camera lens. Imagine that behind the camera is someone you love very much: your old friend, your loved one or your child. Look into the camera with love. Try it, it really works.
  8. Adjust the lighting so that it falls from above and slightly to the left. It is very important to keep the T-zone (top of the nose and forehead) lit. Especially on hot days when it may become a little damp from sweat.
  9. Relax, smile and don't worry about anything. Then you will appear natural, fresh and attractive in the photo.
  10. Keep your face balanced. Look at yourself in the mirror. In reality, this is not the face that the camera will capture. After some time your face will come into normal condition. This state is “facial balance”. Now relax the eye area and activate the lip area. Don't clench your teeth, just make sure your upper and lower jaws are closed. Smile, your face should not be gloomy and sad. Don't forget that the key to a good photograph is your confidence and good mood.

Other photogenic secrets:

Use Photoshop or other editors. But don't overdo it, or you might make things worse. Study photographs of famous fashion models and simply photogenic people. You can try to copy their facial expressions and poses. But remember that your friends, relatives and loved ones want to see you in the photo, and not a parody of a person they don’t know - don’t overdo it. Find the angle that will be most beneficial for you.

When taking a group photo, make sure that the chairs on which the participants are sitting are as close to each other as possible. You should not lean on a chair, but sit down and try to completely relax. You can find out about this by looking at the portfolio of professionals.

Ask your close friends to comment on your photos. Sometimes, in order to determine what looks beautiful in a photo, you need an outside perspective.

People with active facial expressions are more often the owners of ridiculous expressions captured in photographs. Time-lapse photography is a great way to see how photogenic someone really is.

Smile in front of the mirror more often. You can't know which smile looks fake and which one looks genuine. Training will help you remember the smile that will be most successful for a photo. If you are embarrassed by the natural curvature of your teeth, you can correct it with invisible braces. Keep your mouth shut.

Wear makeup. Celebrities walking the red carpet aren't always flawless, but makeup allows them to appear that way in photos. If you have oily skin, spots on the face, many wrinkles, etc. experiment with different cosmetics. They will help you hide your flaws and focus on your strengths.

When taking a photo, look just above the lens. Jacqueline Kennedy always used this method. It helps reduce red eye.

If you are photographed in full height, turn 45% towards the camera and turn your head towards the lens. Place one leg slightly forward, and transfer all the weight to the leg behind you. This pose will help achieve the effect of thinness.

Three seconds before the lens clicks, lower your head down and then gradually raise it. Don't make sudden movements. Raise your head and smile. This way you will completely relax your face.

No matter how much you rehearse your poses, gaze, smile and head turn in front of the mirror, everything will look different in the photographs. Therefore, it is better to take more photographs, and then analyze the result and draw conclusions. Pay attention to stars and models: they only have two or three successful angles in their arsenal, in which they appear on the pages of glossy publications.

2. Relieve tension

There is no need to strain yourself, trying to make your eyes as large and expressive as possible - this will make them look like saucers, and your face will look petrified. Try to relax. Smile not at the camera lens, but at the person behind it. And there is another trick: turn away, create the mood and turn sharply to the photographer.

3. Comfort comes first

Headache, hunger, disappointment because of a hole in a sock - all these emotions will appear in the photo. Therefore, if you have an official photo shoot planned, then it is better to carefully prepare for it, and if the photo is spontaneous, try to throw all worries out of your head at least for a minute.

4. You need to blink at the right time

Closed, “half-drunk” eyes are a common occurrence. To avoid this, try blinking just before the shutter clicks - your eyes will shine in all their glory in the photo.

5. Drawing the face correctly

Almost every girl eventually chooses for herself ideal option makeup. For a good photo, it should be brighter than normal daylight, but not too provocative. And be careful with mother-of-pearl - in amateur photos it can look like greasy shine, bruises and other imperfections.

6. Break up without regret!

Immediately send any pictures you don't like to the trash! Why keep something that will never make you happy? Although it is possible that in five years you will be less critical of your image.

7. Pleasant thoughts

As they say, if you look like the photo in your passport, then it’s time for you to go on vacation. Usually in official photos we look the most ridiculous. You can’t change the lighting, you can’t turn in profile and you can’t stand half a turn. But there is a trick here: try to remember something good - then your eyes will sparkle and a slight smile will appear. The main thing is to come up with something to remember in advance, otherwise instead of a smile you will end up with wild panic.

Happy photography!

No matter how much you rehearse your poses, gaze, smile and head turn in front of the mirror, everything will look different in the photographs. Therefore, it is better to take more photographs, and then analyze the result and draw conclusions. Pay attention to stars and models: they only have two or three successful angles in their arsenal, in which they appear on the pages of glossy publications.

2. Relieve tension

There is no need to strain yourself, trying to make your eyes as large and expressive as possible - this will make them look like saucers, and your face will look petrified. Try to relax. Smile not at the camera lens, but at the person behind it. And there is another trick: turn away, create the mood and turn sharply to the photographer.

3. Comfort comes first

Headache, hunger, disappointment because of a hole in a sock - all these emotions will appear in the photo. Therefore, if you have an official photo shoot planned, then it is better to carefully prepare for it, and if the photo is spontaneous, try to throw all worries out of your head at least for a minute.

4. You need to blink at the right time

Closed, “half-drunk” eyes are a common occurrence. To avoid this, try blinking just before the shutter clicks - your eyes will shine in all their glory in the photo.

5. Drawing the face correctly

Almost every girl eventually chooses the ideal makeup option for herself. For a good photo, it should be brighter than normal daylight, but not too provocative. And be careful with mother-of-pearl - in amateur photos it can look like greasy shine, bruises and other imperfections.

6. Break up without regret!

Immediately send any pictures you don't like to the trash! Why keep something that will never make you happy? Although it is possible that in five years you will be less critical of your image.

7. Pleasant thoughts

As they say, if you look like the photo in your passport, then it’s time for you to go on vacation. Usually in official photos we look the most ridiculous. You can’t change the lighting, you can’t turn in profile and you can’t stand half a turn. But there is a trick here: try to remember something good - then your eyes will sparkle and a slight smile will appear. The main thing is to come up with something to remember in advance, otherwise instead of a smile you will end up with wild panic.

Happy photography!

Here are some basic posing poses and common mistakes most of us make.

“Hands on hips” is an aggressive pose. In addition, you are hiding your hands. Show your nails and point your elbows back. Turn your head a little and you have an intriguing pose, rather than an aggressive one.

Don't squeeze your waist, as this will create wrinkles in your clothing that will spoil your appearance.

Watch the position of your hands - avoid tense or unnaturally straight arms, as well as elbows pointed towards the photographer. Remember to keep your wrists free and flexible.

Lightly touching your face with your fingertips and keeping your mouth slightly open can make you more attractive if you don't get carried away. Do not put pressure on your face to avoid the “toothache effect”

Yes, your hands should be free, but they should not hang with whips, you are not a partisan being shot. Place one hand on your waist and slightly (slightly!) turn or tilt your head to enhance the beauty of your face.

Don't bulge your eyes, it looks too deliberate and unnatural. Turn your head slightly, open your lips slightly, and you can touch your face - it will be feminine.

Don't squint your eyes, you're not a mole. Your natural eye shape is the most beautiful.

Don't hide your face behind your hands. See what the difference is.

Beautiful poses for a photo shoot

Use hand accents correctly. Where your hands are, there is the viewer's attention. Instead of placing your hands on your stomach, it is better to emphasize the beauty of your waist. And it’s good to show your shoulders and chest with a more open gesture.

A sideways glance makes your lips look too big. It's better to try different angles of turning your head. And don't forget to look at the camera.

Unless you are the wife of an African tribal chief and have rings on your neck, don't lift your chin.

Your hands should always be relaxed. Just compare these two photos and you'll see why.

When shooting full-length, there is no point in artificially breaking the natural vertical line. Any pose in which you have to strain to maintain your balance, be it a squat or a slight bend to the side, will make you look like a broken doll in the photo.

How to take photos correctly? Here little secret poses for successful full-length photographs: the curve of your body should resemble the letter “S”: stand facing the photographer and shift your body weight to one leg and put the other forward. Remember to keep your arms relaxed, your posture comfortable, and your chin slightly raised.

Have a nice photo!

As a rule, in order for a person to appear beautifully in a photo, the lens must be above eye level. Here's a clear example:

Hold the camera a little higher (if it's a selfie), ask the photographer to raise it, find a taller friend to take your photo, or bend your knees slightly. Also, tilt your chin down slightly (but not too much) - no one wants to see what's in your nose.

2. Inappropriate focal length

Faces look different depending on focal length lens (18 mm, 35 mm, 200 mm, etc.).

A good range for natural looking photography is somewhere between 35mm and 85mm. But everyone's faces are different. That's why sometimes people think they look great in the mirror, but they look scary in photographs.

To find the best focal length for you, ask a friend to take a camera with a zoom and take several photos with you, filling the frame with their face each time. Then you look through them and choose what you like best.

Try medium to longest focal length. To get your ideal range, ask the photographer to either move back and zoom out, or move in and zoom out.

3. Eyes don't smile

When you want to smile in a photograph, note that the eyes are just as important as the mouth. To “smile with your eyes,” try squinting your lower eyelid and lowering your upper eyelid a little.

Practice in front of a mirror. See how much more attractive you look.

4. Incorrect body position

Photographing your head and shoulders at 90 degrees to the camera can make you look a little angular. Turn one shoulder slightly toward the lens. Your shoulders should be at an angle of approximately 30 degrees to the camera. Here, for example, is a portrait from a professional photo shoot by Dr. Anthony Romeo:

This pose will help you look slimmer. Also, raise your shoulders, throw them back and lower them. This will lengthen your neck a little and improve the appearance of your upper torso. We don't need slouched shoulders, right?

5. You smiled for too long, so you looked weird.

Surely you know that it is difficult to force yourself to smile on command long time. The longer you stretch your smile, usually the more artificial it looks. This happens especially often when shooting group portraits. Ask the photographer to do a “3, 2, 1” countdown before taking the photo. Then you will force yourself to smile and pose in just one or two seconds.

6. You didn’t notice that you were being photographed or weren’t prepared for it.

When you're being photographed, give your full attention to the process of taking the photo to avoid awkward open mouth or crazy eyes in the frame. Don't take your eyes off the camera. Do not answer if you are approached at this moment. Try not to blink. It's only a few seconds, so focus.

7. You made a face

Photographer Adam Edmond.

If you stick out your tongue, stretch out your face, puff out your cheeks and the like, you look stupid. Resist the urge to grimace at the camera unless you want to take a portrait that will make you laugh and want to hide it away. Ask the photographer to take a couple of shots where you are serious in one and not so serious in the other. Compare which one you like best.

8. You only took one shot and you didn’t check it.

Don’t hesitate to ask for another shot if you feel like you ruined the previous one: you blinked, yawned, etc. Ask them to show you how you turned out in the photo, and let them take another shot if you don’t like this one. Show interest in creating a beautiful image.

9. You just “don’t like it”

Some people don't like to be photographed. But if you can't avoid it, it's worth trying to look your best. Many people hate photography because they think they always look terrible or because they have low self-esteem. If you put in zero effort, you will probably be unimpressed with the results, just like with other areas of life. By applying these tips, you can improve your photography.

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