A story about yourself in English. English topic "about yourself"

Tell us about yourself in English is always one of our first experiences in mastering a foreign language.

Anyone who has ever started speaking English is familiar with these cliché phrases - very simple, uncomplicated and... rather boring. But a story about yourself can be much more interesting, juicy and vibrant - this is exactly what English phraseological units and idioms, authentic syntactic constructions make it - that is, what brings “zest” to speech.

The “topic” is something that is usually told, so it is important that it be actually learned. Most of the detailed topics posted on the Internet are huge, and the sentences in them are cumbersome, difficult to retain in memory without getting confused.

We will go the other way - we will try to squeeze as much information as possible into not too long phrases, making them both easy to learn and interesting for the listener - your examiner or interviewer.

Let's see how the same unassuming topic about myself can “play” if it is “seasoned” with original phrases, purely English constructions.

So, before us is the story of a beginner who has recently taken up learning English.

About Myself (for beginners)

My name is Alex. I am 18. I am a student. I study at a University in Moscow. I was born in Voronezh and lived there with my family – father and mother. My family is small. I don't have any brothers or sisters.

I am quiet and easy-going by nature, friendly and tolerant, but stubborn at times.

A year ago I entered the University. I want to be a programmer. I live in a student hostel. I have two neighbors – guys from Tula and Rostov. We are true friends.

I am a good student. I like many subjects: Mathematics, Programming, Calculus, Data Processing, and, of course, English.
At school I learned German, but this year I have started to learn the English language because it is necessary for me. I think, I make progress in studies. I already know about five hundred words and try to learn more to improve my English.

I have three or four classes every day. Saturday and Sunday are my days off.

On my weekend I like to play tennis at the University court or to watch good movies on TV or on the Internet.
Internet is another great hobby of mine. I have accounts in a few social networks and spend time there with my friends. I miss my parents, classmates and friends from Voronezh. Internet helps us to be together.

A year has passed - and student Alex has not wasted his time: his story about himself has become more colorful and complex. Freshish previous topic looks different now:

A year later… (English level increases)

This is me, a guy of 19, Alex by name, - a second-year student at the University in Moscow. I was born and used to live in Voronezh with my parents. Our family is tiny – there are only three of us. I don't have any siblings.

My friends say that I am quiet and easy-going by nature, friendly and tolerant, but stubborn at times.

I live in the dorm. My roommates are from Tula and Rostov. They are great guys and I hit it off with them.

I go on studying programming – I guess, it’s an up-to-date career that can help me to become a prosperous person.

Now I am a sophomore and an Intermediate student at English classes: I regularly take them twice a week – on Tuesdays and Fridays. Now I am a year older and my English is better as I work hard to improve it.

My classmates speak in game I am an eager beaver – I have been gaining ground very quickly. My vocabulary numbers more than two thousand words and word combinations. I especially love English idioms – they make my speaking skills brighter.

My days are usually busy with studies and I am often pressed for time, but I always find a few hours for my hobbies – tennis and Internet. I love sports a lot – it makes me energetic and active.

As for the Internet, it’s hard for me to imagine my life without communicating, studying and entertaining in the network resources. Every evening I log in my accounts and talk to my bosom friends who are far from me. We keep in touch due to modern data systems and information technologies that became lifework for me.


used to live- once lived

a sibling- brother (sister)

a dorm- dormitory

to speak in game- speak jokingly

to hit off with smb.- get along with someone

an eager beaver- "nerd"

to gain ground- make progress

skills- skills

to be pressed for smth. - something is missing

a bosom friend- bosom friend

to keep in touch- maintain relationships

lifework- life's work

You're looking for a job, you've sent out your resume, and you've finally been invited for an interview. You'll likely feel nervous, which could hurt you in the conversation. If you are too uptight, the recruiter may not have a favorable impression of you. In order to effectively present yourself and correctly prepare a story about yourself at an interview, an example of which is given below, the rules of conduct will tell you.

There are rules based on which you need to behave during an interview and tell the manager about yourself. Take some tips into account:

  • sit so that you are comfortable, but not lounging in your chair;
  • try to tell about yourself briefly and clearly;
  • avoid using multiple participles and participial phrases, which make the spoken phrase heavier;
  • Do not use words such as “great”, “cool”, “gorgeous” when talking about yourself at an interview;
  • voice only information that presents you in the most favorable light;
  • do not lie and do not attribute non-existent merits to yourself.

Try not to paraphrase your own resume and find some phrases that will characterize you positively. The recruiter has already looked at your resume. Now he is interested in your personality, your mindset - and all this can only be demonstrated in personal communication.

An example of a story about yourself at an interview

“My name is (so-and-so), I’m... years old. I am married (check your marital status). Graduated from college (name your university). At one time I chose this particular specialty (name it in accordance with the requirements of the vacancy), because it gave me the opportunity for professional development. Your vacancy interested me very much, because working for you will allow me to continue to improve. It seems to me that my knowledge of your company will be useful. The point is that I am good at (list your skills). In addition, I like to work in a team, I am a sociable and goal-oriented person. I learn quickly, I love learning something new. My hobbies include sports, reading, and traveling. By the way, my love of travel is often combined with work: I never refuse business trips. This is probably enough for the story. If you have questions, I am ready to answer each of them.”

An example of a short story about yourself at an interview

"Hello. You already know basic information about me from my resume. I can tell you a little about myself. I am ... years old, I have been working in my specialty for ... years. I consciously decided to get a higher education in this specialty, because I like the profession and what it can give. I try to develop comprehensively, I like to gain new knowledge. Therefore, working in your company will be very useful for me. And I, in turn, will apply all my existing knowledge to ensure that the company becomes even more promising and its income grows. Where I worked before, I was able to achieve significant results (list them). I really liked my previous job, but I want to move forward. I think it is your company that will give me such an opportunity.”

Under no circumstances should you use phrases such as:

  • “I like to change places of work”;
  • “I was paid little at my previous job”;
  • “I consider it impossible to stay late at work after the end of the working day”;
  • “I have health problems, sometimes I go on sick leave”;
  • “I was not happy with the manager at my previous company.”

Plan your presentation in advance. This will help you prepare for the interview and avoid anxiety.

A detailed story about yourself in English is most often required in a lesson or exam (conversation or presentation on the topic “About Myself”) or at a job interview. In each case the story will be different. We will look at situations with possible questions and answers, examples of the story.

1. Educational task “About Myself” in conversation format

You may be asked to talk about yourself in English lessons or in exams to assess your knowledge and speaking skills. This could be your monologue-presentation or an interview with a teacher. That is, either you talk yourself all the time, or answer questions.

Let's start with more simple option with questions. Everything is simple here, try not to answer in monosyllables (yes \ no), but you shouldn’t go into a detailed biography.

Here are a few questions that come up most often and possible answers:

  • What is your name?- What is your name?
  1. My name is Alexey. - My name is Alexey.
  2. I'm Victor. – I’m Victor (My name is Victor).
  • Where are you from?-Where are you from?
  1. I'm from Russia. - I'm from Russia.
  • How old are you?- How old are you?
  1. I'm twenty years old. - I am twenty years old.
  2. I'm twenty four. - I am twenty four years old).
  • Are you married? \What is your marital status?– Are you married? \What is your marital status?
  1. I’m married and have two children. – I am married and I have two children.
  2. I’m not married \ I’m single. – I am not married (not married).
  3. I'm divorced. - I'm divorced.
  4. Well, I have a girlfriend\boyfriend. - Well, I have a girlfriend/boyfriend.
  • What do you do?– What do you do?

This means type of activity.

  1. I’m a student of the Moscow State University, and majoring in economics. – I am a student at Moscow State University, majoring in economics.
  2. I study economics at the Moscow State University. – I study economics at Moscow State University.
  3. I work as an accountant for a local construction company. – I work as an accountant in a local construction company.
  4. I am a sales assistant in a mall. - I'm a salesman in a shopping center.
  5. I fix bikes, buy and sell spare parts. – I repair bicycles, buy and sell spare parts.
  • How do you spend your free time?– How do you spend your free time?
  1. I like watching TV shows and playing online games. – I like to watch TV series and play online games.
  2. I go out with my friends. – I go somewhere with friends.
  3. I don’t have much free time and prefer to spend it with my family. – I have little free time, and I prefer to spend it with my family.
  • What are your hobbies?– What are your hobbies?
  1. I like reading and drawing. – I love to read and draw.
  2. My hobbies are reading and drawing. – My hobbies are reading and drawing.
  3. I collect postal cards. – I collect postcards.
  • What is your favorite subject in school?– What is your favorite subject at school (educational institution)?
  1. Math is my favorite subject, because I’m good at numbers. – Mathematics is my favorite subject because I am good with numbers.
  2. My favorite subject is literature, because I read a lot. – My favorite subject is literature, because I read a lot.
  • Tell me about your family.– Tell me about your family.
  1. I have a big family with two brothers and two sisters. – I have a big family, two brothers and two sisters.
  2. I have a small family. My brother and I live with my parents. – I have a small family. My brother and I live with our parents.
  3. I have a wife and a daughter. – I have a wife and daughter.
  4. We've been married for five years. – We have been married for five years.

You can find out what family members do: what they do and what their hobbies are. For example:

  1. My sister studies history in a college, she is a total bookworm and always busy with her researches. My sister is studying history at college. She is a real bookworm and is constantly busy with her research.
  2. My brother is a software developer. He works on some kind of videogame and on his own project. – My brother is a software developer. He's working on some kind of video game and his own project.
  • What are your favorite books, movies?– What are your favorite books and films?

It’s better not just to name the movie or book, but also to mention what it’s about.

  1. I like detective stories. My favorite one in ‘If Tomorrow Comes’ by Sidney Sheldon. That novel is about a young woman from a good family who was betrayed by the man she loved. - I like detective stories. My favorite detective story is “If Tomorrow Comes” by Sidney Sheldon. This is a novel about a young woman from a good family who is betrayed by her lover.
  2. My favorite book is ‘Flowers for Algernon’ by Daniel Keyes. It’s a science fiction short story about a retarded man who participated in an experiment. He underwent surgery which was supposed to increase his intelligence. – My favorite book is “Flowers for Algernon” by Daniel Keyes. This is a science fiction story about a mentally retarded man who participated in an experiment. He underwent surgery that was supposed to improve his intelligence.

You may also be asked some questions not from this list, but within reason - not about the engine design internal combustion. You will also be asked a couple of questions to clarify your answers. For example, you said that you are interested in drawing, you will be asked if you paint portraits, landscapes or still lifes. If drawing is truly your hobby, then telling us more about it will not be difficult.

Some tips:

  • Do not express yourself too sophisticatedly where you can get by with simple words and constructions.
  • Don't go too far off topic. The more difficult you answer, the more sophisticated clarifying questions will follow.
  • If it turns out that a word is not familiar, you can always choose a simple synonym or convey it descriptively.

Video: examples of talking about yourself in English during the exam

This video from the British Council gives two good examples of talking about yourself in English in an exam conversation format.

2. Presentation story “Let me introduce myself”

It’s a little more difficult to talk about yourself when they simply tell you “Tell me something about yourself” and expect a detailed answer. In fact, such a presentation is the same dialogue that we discussed above, but without the interlocutor’s remarks. That is, you take turns answering questions like what is your name, where are you from, and so on. You can start your story about yourself with a short introduction, for example:

  • Let me introduce myself.
  • Let me tell you about myself.

Or you can do without an introduction.

You can tell us more about your studies or work, as if you were asked a clarifying question about it.

If appropriate, you can talk about your family.

Some tips:

  • When preparing for a presentation about yourself, simply answer the questions from the list in step 1. This is better than memorizing a ready-made text from a collection of topics, especially if it consists of complex, cumbersome sentences.
  • Before any oral presentation, rehearsing on camera helps. Record yourself on a webcam or phone and watch from the outside. Horrified, try again. And so several times until a satisfactory result.
  • Don't try to speak perfectly correctly and insert sophisticated ones like Future Perfect Continuous. The simpler you speak, the less confused you are.

3: Talking about yourself during an interview

During interviews for positions where language skills are required, general questions like “Tell me something about yourself”, “Please describe yourself”, etc. are asked to see how you speak English and to give you the opportunity to tell the most important things about yourself. Don't miss this chance to present yourself in the best light.

What you don't need to talk about

The employer does not need information that is not related to the position and your professional qualities.

There is no point in talking about how many brothers and sisters you have and how you like to play beach volleyball, if this information is in no way related to the position. There is no need to tell stories about how you worked at McDonald's in your first year if you get a job as an electrician. The truth of life is that during an interview you are first and foremost a potential employee, good or bad, and then a person, great or not.

Also, do not retell your resume in detail - tell the most important things.

What needs to be said

The most important thing for an employer is to know what your current job is (your last job), what work experience and education you have. There may be others important points, but this depends on the specific position.

As in the case of a “school” presentation, you can simply imagine that you are answering questions, thus building your story.

  • Who are you? What do you do?– What is your profession?
  1. I'm a driver. - I'm the driver.
  2. At the present time I work as a foreman. – Currently I work as a foreman.
  3. I’m an administrative assistant in Big Chances. – I work as an administrative assistant at the Big Chances company.
  • What's your work experience?– What work experience do you have? (related to this post)
  1. I’m a personal fitness trainer with 3 years work experience in Silver Gym. – I am a personal fitness trainer with three years of experience at Silver Gym.
  2. I have 10 ten years driving experience. – I have 10 years of driving experience.
  3. I have worked the last 3 years as a reporter in The Times-Picayune, New Orleans. “For the past three years I have worked as a reporter for The Times-Picayune newspaper in New Orleans.
  4. I have spent the last five years developing my skills as a sales manager in Evil Corp. – For the last five years I have been improving my skills as a sales manager at Evil Corp.
  1. I’m a university graduate with a master degree in law. – I am a university graduate with a master's degree in law.
  2. I have a degree in economics. – I have a degree in economics \ I have an economic education.
  3. I was majoring in graphic designs in college and practiced a lot working part-time for New Logo. – I studied graphic design in college and practiced a lot while working part-time at New Logo.

Here is an example of a short presentation:

What to do if you need to prepare an oral story about yourself, and you are terribly worried?

Some people don't like preparing a speech; they prefer to improvise. But if you want to thoroughly prepare for a responsible presentation, here are some tips:

  1. Make a list of questions that the interlocutor would like answers to. If this is an exam, then the questions are general or related to study: about family, about favorite books, about work. If the interview is for a job, then you need to talk about your profession, experience, and education.
  2. Answer each question orally. Answer not too abstrusely, without difficult turns, but rather completely. For example, if you say that physics is your favorite subject, explain why. At this stage, it turns out that you do not know some words, for example, how to say “niece” in English. It's time to look into and write down the necessary words.
  3. Using the list of questions as a cheat sheet, record your speech on a camera (webcam, phone, camera).
  4. Review the recording and note any mistakes you made. Errors are always more noticeable from the outside. Don't worry if the performance is bad. Practice works wonders.
  5. Repeat the speech to the camera several times, each time trying to make it faster. For example, the first time you recorded a speech in 5 minutes. In the second, write down in 3 minutes, and in the third in 2 minutes. Let the content and meaning of the speech remain approximately the same, but the text itself becomes denser. The result will be a concise, competent and confident speech without water.
  6. Try answering the questions a little differently. For example, if the first time you talked in detail about why you love physics, then the second time tell us why you hate biology.
  7. If the conversation is going to be important, you can prepare with the help of a friend who will ask questions.
  8. If the conversation is VERY important, you can hire a tutor who, in one or two lessons, will work through your speech inside and out, significantly giving you confidence.
  9. If you need a written presentation (for example, the “About Myself” essay) rather than an oral one, you can have it checked out on the writing practice site (it's free).

As a result, you will not memorize a set of answers to questions, but rather you will train yourself to confidently answer questions from a list. In my opinion, this is better than writing the text of a speech and memorizing it and then reciting it from memory. When a person recites a memorized text, his monotonous intonation and thoughtful facial expression give him away. If you are distracted, you can get lost and forget what comes next.

A friend told me this incident from her studies. She memorized the topic “About Myself” from the book, putting in her name and age, and recited it in class by heart. Having reached the phrase “Actually, I am crazy about football,” she began the phrase and forgot what preposition comes after “crazy.” It turned out that she was talking about herself, and then blurted out: “Actually, I am crazy” (actually, I’m crazy) and fell silent abruptly. Prepare your speech according to the scheme above, and you won’t have such problems!

It’s not so difficult to tell about yourself in English if you follow plan and have everything you need before your eyes vocabulary The outline of the story depends on the purpose. Why is such a story needed? There are several situations in which we need to talk about ourselves in English. This article provides an outline of the story, words to describe appearance, personal characteristics, things that people love to do, watch and listen to, and there are also examples of small ones.
We wrote about general important points about how to write any essays or compositions in English in the article. And now specifically on the topic: “About yourself in English.”

Here are some ideas that can serve as a blueprint for writing a story about yourself in English

You don’t have to talk about everything; choose what you like and what you want to talk about.
1. What is your name, what name do your relatives call you:

My name is Monica. My nickname is Mo.

2. How old are you or date of birth:

I'm 13 years old. My birthday is on the 5th of February 2004.

3. You can describe your appearance, if appropriate:

I'm tall and slim. I have short fair hair and brown eyes.

4. Where do you live: city or village, small apartment or big house:

I'm from Russia. I live in Novgorod.

5. Your room:

I have my own room in our flat.
It is not very big but I love it very much because I can relax there.

6. Your family: parents, brothers or sisters, maybe you live with grandparents:

There are four people in my family. They are my mom, dad, I and my younger sister. My father is a driver and my mother is an accountant.

7. Pets:

I have a nice pet. It is a cat which is very funny.

8. Your personal qualities:

I am a very honest, friendly, and sincere person. I am very hard working and easy going person.

9. What do you like: what kind of movies, what kind of music, what games do you play:

I like to play different games. I also love to listen to music, and my favorite music is rock. As for movies, I prefer action movies and science fiction. They are very interesting.

10. What food and drinks do you prefer:

My favorite food is pizza and sandwiches. My favorite drink is tea.

11. Your hobbies, what you like to do in your free time:

My hobby is playing the guitar. In my free time, I also like reading, painting and playing football.

12. What you don't like to do:

I don’t like cleaning my house, washing dishes, and taking out the trash.

13. Your friends:

I have my best friend. Her name is Anna. We often go hiking to different places where we can see interesting animals, birds, flowers, and rivers.

14. A little about the university:

I am a student of Aerospace University.

15. Which subjects are you interested in, and which are the opposite:

My favorite subject is Math because I think it’s important for my future profession.

16. Something interesting about yourself that you can tell others:

The most important thing/person to me is…..
You might not know this about me, but I like dancing. However I don’t go to any dance schools, because I have not enough time.

17. What would you like to become:

I would like to be a computer programmer because I think it’s a very interesting and high-paying job.

Vocabulary you need to talk about yourself in English

Appearance Personality qualitiesHobbies, movies, music


oval - oval
round - round
perfect skin - flawless skin
smooth skin
clean shaven
birthmark - mole

Complexion - complexion

light - fair
dark - dark


fluffy - bushy
wide - thick


round - round
amber - amber
blue - blue
light brown – hazel

Nose - nose

wide - wide
flat - flat
pointed - pointy


high cheekbones
ruddy - rosy
full cheeks - chubby cheek


full - full


wide - broad


healthy - healthy
stained teeth

Hair color

red head
sandy blonde
light brown - light
dark brown
chestnut - auburn


short - shortish
medium height
short - short
tiny - tiny

Hair Style - hairstyle

spiky hair
wavy - wavy
thick - thick
thin - thin hair
healthy - healthy
shiny - shiny
damaged hair
split ends
receding hairline
dyed hair– colored/dyed hair
highlighted – highlights
crew cut
pulled back - pull your hair back
raised up (with a clip or an elastic band) - put your hair up (with a clip or an elastic band)
long - long
to the shoulders - shoulder-length


fat - fat
overweight - overweight
chubby - chubby
average build - average build
slender - well-built
athletic - athletic
in good shape - fit
heavy - heavy set
thin, slender - slim/slender
thin, thin - thin
bony - bony
lush - zaftig


shabby - shabby
casual - casual
elegant – smart
uniform - uniform / formal
dear - expensive
sports - sporty look / sporting gear


well polished
leather - leather


contact lenses
wedding ring
chain and pendant
bow tie
mobile phone

thoughtful - thoughtful
polite - polite
magnificent - magnificent / splendid
cheerful - cheerful / jolly

worried - worried
angry - angry
alive - vivacious
tempting - alluring
wonderful - wonderful
amazed - bewildered

beautiful - beautiful / good looking / handsome

reliable - reliable
ill-mannered - ill-mannered
gentle - gentle
ugly (about a person) - homely
clumsy - clumsy
charming - charming / glamorous
adored - adorable
sociable - sociable

monotonous - drab
brave - plucky
disgusting - disgusting / filthy
excellent - perfect
useful - helpful
lovely - lovely

pleasant - pleasant
disappointed - disappointed
upset - upset
self-confident - self-assured
sexy - sexy
boring - dull
calm - calm
strict - tough
patient - patient
smiling - smiling
smart - intelligent / smart / clever
good - nice
generous - generous
elegant - elegant


action movie - adventure films
comedy - comedy
romantic comedy - romantic comedy
horror movie
sci-fi movie - science fiction movie
war movie - film about war
thriller - thriller
animated cartoons - cartoons

Music - music genres

pop - pop
rock - rock
folk – folk music
country music
classic – classical music
heavy metal - heavy metal


collecting stamps/coins - collecting stamps/coins
dancing - dance
ride on the carousel - playing on the roundabouts
ride on a swing - swinging on the swings
slide down the slide
jump rope
children's playground
climbing frames
pirate ship—pirate ship
walk - going for a walk
going to the cinema - going to the cinema
walk in the park - going to the park
listen to music - listening to music
art - painting
computer games— playing computer games
play the guitar - playing the guitar
play with friends - playing with friends
play with the dog - playing with the dog
surf the Internet
go shopping
sing - singing
to travel

Examples of essays about yourself in English

Short children's stories about yourself

Hi! My name is Lisa.

I'm short. I have large blue eyes and very curly hair. I like to wear dresses and ribbons in my curly hair. I like to play different games. I also like to listen to my granny’s tales. They are very interesting.

Hi! I'm Martha.

I’m fifteen and I live in Barcelona. I’m rather tall with long blonde hair and brown eyes. I like to wear blouses and skirts. It is raining today and I have wellington boots on. I have a nice pet. It is a cat which is very funny.

Hi! My name is Igor.

I'm tall and slim. I have blue eyes and short fair hair. I like to wear sweaters, trousers and boots in winter because it is very cold. I have a dog. It is very clever. I often play with him.

Hi! My name is Tom.

I'm tall and slim. I have short fair hair and brown eyes. I wear tracksuit, mittens, boots, anorak and glasses when I go in for sports. I like skateboarding and snowboarding.

Hi! My name is Jessica.

I’m only five and I like to play with my toys. I'm short and slim. I have blond hair with a green ribbon and brown eyes. I like to wear skirts, pullovers, socks and shoes.

Hi! My name is Alex.

I’m of medium-height and slim. I have large brown eyes and short brown hair. I like to wear T-shirts, jeans and trainers. I'm a good sportsman. I go in for football and rollerblading. They are my favorite sports. I have a very nice pet. It is a parrot, Sweaty by name. I feed it every day.

Hi! I'm Pamela.

I’m seven years old and I’m a student. I'm not tall, but I'm slim. I have short red hair and large brown eyes. I like to wear T-shirts, jeans and trainers. I like hiking. My friends and I often go hiking to different places where we can see interesting animals, birds, trees, flowers, lakes and rivers.

My name is Nina.

I am nine years old and I attend the 3d grade. I live with my parents and my little brother Kim in Pskov, Russia. I have got long red hair and gray eyes. I am tall and thin. I like to play outside in our playground with other kids. There are roundabouts, swings, slides, climbing frames, and a pirate ship. I also like reading interesting stories about children and to watch cartoons. I don’t like going shopping and cleaning my room. My favorite animal is my dog ​​Rex. It is very cute and funny. I am a friendly person, but sometimes I want to stay alone, because I like reading stories. When I grow older, I want to be a doctor, just like my mother.

Paola's story about herself in English

My name is Paola.

I'm from Russia. I'm fourteen years old. My father is a teacher and my mother is a lawyer. I’ve got a sister called Veronica and I’ve got a cat called Musia. I love shopping. My favorite model is Naomi Campbell from the USA. I also like dancing. At the weekend I go to a disco class to learn dancing. I like salsa music. My favorite singer is Ricky Martin. I hate heavy metal music. I am a very happy girl. I like spending my time listening to music, doing sports, reading good books, walking around the town, and going to the cinema with friends.
When I grew up I want to be a professional dancer, because I love it so much.

Sergei's story about himself in English

My name is Sergei.

I am from Samara, Russia. I was born on 19th July 1999, so I’ll be 18 this year. I am tall and well-built. I have got short brown hair and brown eyes.
I am a student at a technical Lyceum in Samara. I am quite an ambitious person, I would like to go to university and become an engineer. I am a friendly and sociable, and very loyal to my friends.
I have got a lot of hobbies and interests. I love playing chess with my father, and playing computer games with my friends. I like designing things, making models of cars and airplanes and creating machines from Lego. When I was younger, I did karate, but then I gave it up. As for sport, I like riding a bike. I like traveling. My family and I have visited a lot of places in Russia. I have also been abroad, to the United Kingdom, Sweden and Turkey.

My name is the most common among the Russian people and is very often found in fairy tales. I am Ivan. Mom affectionately calls him Vanyusha, and his classmates call him Vanya. Just recently I turned 12 years old. As adults say, adolescence has arrived. However, I don't notice much change in my behavior at all.

I really like studying at school. The most favorite and interesting subject is Russian language and literature. My passion for books began from early childhood. At first, my mother often read me bedtime stories before bed, then my grandfather told me interesting moments from the works and slowly taught me to read. In 1st grade, much to the surprise of my teacher, I knew almost all the fairy tales and could retell any of them. I take great pleasure in visiting our library, where I always choose books to my liking. I have a close friend Peter who is also interested in literature. We often discuss the work we read with him.

In addition to my passion for books, I really love helping my family, especially my sister Masha, with her homework. After school I try to relax and at the same time clean up the house. And I always try to maintain order, especially in my room. Everyone in our family loves animals, and that’s why we have a little parrot, Kitty, and a cat, Tyson, who has been living with us for 7 years. Our pets are friends with each other, and we all try to look after and care for them. Every morning I sprinkle grain and pour fresh water into the parrot’s cage, and Masha took care of Tyson. In addition to these classes, I attend an information technology club, where I learn how to write various computer programs.

In order to improve my health, on weekends I go to the pool with my parents and gym. This helps me get less sick and be more resilient when doing physical exercises in physical education class. I don't have many friends, but the guys I'm friends with are very loyal and reliable. You can rely on them in any situation, and this is very important in our lives. Among my classmates, I try not to stand out too much or be arrogant, I try to resolve all disputes peacefully. I hope that my decency and modesty will help me in my future life.

Essay A story about yourself on behalf of a girl

When I am asked to tell about myself, I always start small: My name is Alisa Tsareva. But everyone just calls me Fox. It was the first time my mother called me that. She didn’t know how to shorten my name, and there was a program about foxes on TV. Over time, this nickname stuck, but I did not change it. I really like it when people compare me to a fox.

Plus, I really look like her. Medium length fiery red hair that cascades down to her shoulders. Usually they curl in small curls, only occasionally I straighten them with an iron. Slanting green eyes framed by short eyelashes always sparkle with some funny sparkle. Pointed facial features with a small forehead and nose. It's a pity, but I don't have freckles. Then I could easily resemble a fox.

However, my character has not gone far either. Everyone around him calls him “explosive”, but I modestly say “charming”. Yes, maybe sometimes I go too far. I get angry easily and often get angry. But at the same time, I quickly calm down and don’t hold a grudge against the offenders. Usually I have a whole ocean of optimism, funny jokes and playing with eyebrows. I quickly settle into a new place, not being afraid of change. And in general I’m not afraid of anything. Even as a child, I clearly understood that fear is bad. It's better to smile and joke. Neither darkness, nor blood, nor heights make me dizzy or scream. I'm only afraid of snakes. And that’s not because I’m afraid of them, but because every time I imagine how slippery and disgusting they are.

I'm cunning and good at lying. But I try to do this. And not because I'm afraid of getting caught. I just don't see the point in lying.

I always say what I think. It's rare to catch me being hypocritical and cynical. I don’t like these qualities in other people and eradicate them in myself.

There is a certain toughness in me, despite my appearance. I don't like self-centered and boring people, the former make me irritated, and the latter make me yawn. I usually choose bright and creative people as friends with whom I can have a lot of fun and argue. And I love to argue. Not just swear, but play a trick on a person’s desire. It just so happens that in most cases I win. And I really like it.

But despite all this tinsel with which I shroud my image, I rarely let people get close to me. Because whatever one may say, the main quality in a person after a sense of humor is loyalty. But in our world, you won’t be able to meet such people on the road.

5th grade. 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 grade

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