Games for work colleagues. Let's play musical chair! What do you need to play?

And so, you thought and decided to organize a corporate party with your colleagues. You have already decided where you will celebrate and set a date for the holiday. Have you come up with funny competitions for corporate parties that you will play with your colleagues? If not yet, then we will help you. After all, we have for you not just funny competitions, but “explosive” games and competitions. You and your colleagues will be absolutely delighted with such a holiday.

Do you like fortune telling? How do your colleagues feel about fortune telling? See ours, who came to a corporate party to tell fortunes. It will be fun and you all will enjoy it.

And now you can move on to the competitions. And the first thing you need to do is cheer up and shake up your colleagues a little. And a little game will help us with this. For this game you need to make cards on which you write any wishes for your colleagues. Then you place all the cards on a tray with the lettering facing down. And each colleague chooses any card, turns it over and reads what is written there. And it might say the following:
- you have the right to be two hours late for work on Monday.
- you have the right to have breakfast once right at your workplace.
- you can leave work one hour early on Friday.
- every day during the week you can talk on your work phone for one hour about your business.
- within the next ten days you can take one day off.
- during the week you will notify all your colleagues with a loud shout about the onset of breaks and lunch.
- one day you can whistle after the girls leaving, and you won’t get anything for it.
- you have an honorable duty - you will change the water in the cooler for three days in a row.
And so on, you can come up with anything you want. The main thing is that your colleagues are not offended, and your bosses are not against it.

After such a game, be sure to tell your colleagues. Beautiful and funny poems will cheer up all colleagues.

Let's go further and check your employees for personal knowledge famous people. But not just famous people, but those who wore mustaches. You need to find photographs of such people. And also in Photoshop to make your colleagues the same beautiful mustaches. After this, load all the photos into a projector or TV and show your colleagues first only the part where the mustache is. And let your colleagues wonder who he is. When you showed them three famous mustaches, your colleagues realized that they need to remember exactly famous personalities with a mustache. And then you show off any colleague’s mustache that you made in Photoshop. Everyone is guessing, thinking, and when no one has guessed right, you show the photo in full, there will be laughter!

The following game will help bosses find out what their subordinates are doing in working hours. The essence of the game is very simple, the presenter calls a phrase, and the one to whom it is called must quickly finish it. Three seconds are given to think; if more, the player receives a penalty point. Examples of questions:
- at work I always... (then you need to continue the phrase, but you can’t repeat the phrases of others! Thus, it will be difficult for the latter to come up with something, and they will start saying things that the bosses won’t particularly like, but will amuse other colleagues) .
- I'm late for work because...
- when the boss comes into the office I...
- when someone needs to go to work on Sunday, I immediately...
And such questions. Remember, at first there will be normal answers, and since you cannot repeat yourself, truthful and funny answers will follow.
What about those who cannot answer and receive penalty points? You can force them to clean the office after a corporate event or let them seat everyone in a taxi.

All sorts of comic awards are also held at corporate events with a bang. See our section - and reward your colleagues according to their merits.

The next competition is for men. And for this competition you need balloons. But not ordinary ones, but long ones. Which are usually used to make sausages and animal figurines. And also you need columns that are not tall less than a meter. Place the posts one after another so that you can go around them with a snake. And the men insert inflated balloons between your legs. And they insert them like this. So that almost the entire ball is in front. At the command of the leader, the men must run around the posts like a snake, and at the same time not knock down the posts with their balls. This competition can be held in teams. And if you like it, then girls can also take part in it.

Now you need sheets, and on the sheets you need to draw letters to make the word: wood. That is, each letter is a separate sheet. Each team (of course, there are 9 people in a team) is lined up so that it turns out exactly this word. Then the presenter asks a riddle, and the teams must guess the word and assemble it from their letters. For example:
Nature is blooming
She's coming!
(Answer: spring)
This means that the teams must understand what they are talking about and rearrange themselves so that the word comes out - spring.
We lost
And this is our...
(The answer is guilt)
And so on, you can take absolutely any word as a basis, from which you can make many small words. It will be fun to watch your adult colleagues run around and try to collect the word.

And at the end of your corporate party, offer your colleagues this game.
You need to buy mustaches on a stick, funny masks, false eyebrows, wigs, and so on in advance. You put all this in a bag. Your colleagues form a circle, the music is turned on and the bag is passed from hand to hand. When the music stops, whoever has the bag in his hands chooses any item from it and tries it on for himself. And so on until all the items from the bag are worn by your colleagues. And when all your colleagues are dressed to the nines, you can start photographing them. Believe me, these will be the best pictures of their lives!

For a corporate party at the table, competitions are an integral part of the event. When the guests have eaten enough and danced, so that they don’t get bored sitting at the table, you can hold several fun competitions and games.

Competition “What to do?”

A fun competition for a corporate party will be testing employees with the questions “What to do?” The one who can come up with the wittiest answer wins.
Examples of tasks:

What to do if you suddenly find yourself locked in your office?
What to do if all your reports that are due in the morning are chewed by a dog?
What to do if all the money provided for employee payments was lost by you in a casino?

Competition "Fat-cheeked lip slap"

This game is for the two most daring sweet lovers, because the props here are “caramel” candies, or as they are popularly called – icicles. Two players must take turns putting candy in their mouths; swallowing it is prohibited. It turns out that the sweets gradually accumulate in the mouth, and after each new sweet the participant calls his competitor the phrase “fat-cheeked lip slap.” The one who can put it in his mouth wins maximum quantity sweets and at the same time utter the cherished phrase about the lip slap. The more candies in the mouth, the funnier the phrase sounds, the more ridiculous the player looks, the more whoops and laughter are heard from those watching.

Competition "Artists"

An excellent test of the sense of cohesion in a team - co-creation unusual design. How does this happen? Participants draw a head on a fairly large sheet of paper and turn it so that the next “artist” does not see it, but continues to draw, now the neck. The presenter controls the process, announcing what needs to be depicted as the next step. In the finale, he unfolds the resulting “masterpiece” and - voila! Guests attending the corporate event can see, compare and have a good laugh at the collective creations.

Game "Broken Phone"

The game “Broken Phone” has been known to everyone since childhood. The first participant quickly whispers the planned word into his neighbor’s ear, who then speaks to the next one, and so on down the chain until the last. As a result, the first and last players announce their words. Sometimes these words are so different that this difference in both meaning and sound simply causes an explosion of emotions.

Competition “Everything is serious!”

An excellent game option for a corporate event, which is held in a small room, or right in the office. Each participant must sit in such a way that they can see the others. When everyone is seated, you can begin the most serious competition in the world.

The first player with due pathos says one the only word: "Ha." The next one already says two words: “Ha-ha”, the third says the word three times, the fourth says the word four times, etc.

Gradually, the number of “Ha” reaches a large number, it becomes more and more difficult to pronounce it, and for some reason you want to laugh... But don’t forget that this is a serious competition, so you need to keep a calm face! A stern facial expression, an important tone of voice - pathos in everything! The game ends as soon as someone breaks down and starts laughing. And then you can start over again! Everyone who laughs is eliminated, and so on until one of the most serious players remains, whom not a single situation could make laugh.

Competition “What kind of tone, my dear?”

For the competition, you need to choose some simple phrase, for example, “The boss calls you on the carpet,” “Salaries were delayed again,” or “The quarterly report is on my desk.” Now all corporate party participants must pronounce it with some intonation - surprise, disappointment, anger, indifference and others. The main thing is not to repeat yourself! The one who cannot come up with a new coloring for the hidden phrase is eliminated, and the most persistent and quick-witted wins. But the rest will not be left without gifts - “laughter to tears” from what they hear, that’s what they will certainly receive!

A corporate party is not only a way to unite the team, but also a fun time. In order for it to be such, you need to try. Games at a corporate party will lift the spirits of everyone present and brighten up any evening. Which ones are the most popular? Cool games at corporate events they are usually organized in the form of competitions in which several team members, and sometimes entire teams, participate. This evening program is suitable for both already united workers and unfamiliar people. It is best to hold competitions after a couple of toasts, when the drinks taken will relax and enliven the guests.

Let's take a closer look at these games and competitions:

  • “Don’t take pictures all evening!”
  • "Remember everything."
  • "Accuracy".
  • "Deaf telephone" and others.

“Don’t take pictures all evening!”

Surely every man in the team will come to the corporate event in a formal suit, and women will wear dresses for the occasion. Such outfits seem too strict, they are not quite suitable for fun, but dark colors The costumes are not at all pleasing to the eye. This competition will help you add excitement to your business image. It is best suited for men. Women in this case will act as spectators.

Big cardboard box The most unusual and colorful wardrobe items are placed: hats, glasses, carnival masks, clown noses, skirts and much more. To the music, the competition participants will pass the box to each other, and as soon as its sound stops, without looking, they will choose one thing for themselves. It is the loser who puts it on himself. The game is played as a knockout game. Only one of the participants will be the winner and will be left without an addition to the costume.

Participants in the competition will have to wear all purchased items until the end of the evening. Surely it will be fun to see a security officer in a spectacular bra, and a plant director wearing a children's cap on his head.

"Total Recall"

On sheets of paper you need to write one word each and form two teams of players. Each team chooses a piece of paper with a task word. They need to remember and sing a song containing this word. The team that sings the most songs wins. Unity in this competition is not the least important.


Games at corporate parties, funny and cheerful, usually have ambiguous connotations. Participants are divided into pairs: a man and a woman. The woman’s task is to firmly hold an empty bottle without a cap between her legs. A nail is attached to the man's trousers, which must be used to get into the neck of the bottle. This will not be easy to do. Under the laughter of colleagues and cheerful music, someone will have to become a winner.

"Deaf Phone"

We all played “Deaf Telephone” as children. Do you remember how fun it was? Why not borrow corporate party games from your childhood? It is best to choose words for participants that are complex and close to the profession. Participants can be confused by words that sound like obscene expressions. The longer the “deaf phone” chain, the more unexpected the last player’s answer will be.

"Zodiac Sign"

Perhaps it is thanks to corporate party Colleagues will open their eyes to many qualities in each other that were hitherto unknown. Games at corporate parties, funny in nature, become even more fun if the participants have artistic talent. The essence of the game is that each person must depict his or her zodiac sign without words; you can only use gestures and facial expressions. The rest will have to guess. It is best to play the game in a cheerful group.

"Musical chairs"

Competitions and games for corporate parties do not have to be new; we should not forget about those that have become a tradition. No party is complete without musical chairs. The rules are simple and have long been known to everyone. The number of chairs is one less than the number of players. To the music, the participants move and dance around the chairs, and as soon as it turns off, everyone must take their place on one of them. The loser does not have enough chair, the game continues for elimination. The chairs are removed with each loser. There will be one winner.


Games at a corporate party in a team should lift your spirits and create special atmosphere. Any number of people willing are invited to participate in the competition. They are given the task: to write a certain word or number in the air with part of their body. You need to do this with the fifth point, carefully drawing the details of the sign in the air. While the participants are completing the task, it is best to turn on erotic music for striptease. Members of the team who remain as spectators will watch an extremely funny picture.

Table games

Table games for corporate parties can be not only intellectual, but also fun. Time will fly by unnoticed, and most importantly, with benefit and pleasure. Table games exclude observers. All team members will be able to be involved in the process. Table games for women at corporate events are also most often used.


The cult game "Mafia" has become extremely popular. Many positive points makes it not only interesting, but also useful. It unites the team, develops attentiveness and thinking, as well as acting skills and cunning, the ability to take risks and much more.

Any number of participants sits at a round table. Can be used playing cards and agree which one means what. The leader takes a number of cards equal to the number of participants. A small team may have one mafia, a large team may have two, etc. Red cards may represent the mafia, while black cards may represent civilians. The host deals the cards and the players get their role. The mafia's task is to deceive civilians, and they, in turn, must guess who the mafia is.

"What? Where? When?"

Another game familiar to everyone can become a “feature” of your corporate evening. Everyone knows the rules of the game. There must be two or more teams, but the tasks must be thought out in advance. It would be a good idea to link them to the theme of the evening or to the specialization of your company.


Team cohesion can become the object of careful testing with the help of games at a corporate party. Every day, spending everyday life with the same people, we remember them not only by their appearance, but also by their voice, and sometimes we recognize them by the sound of their steps. The “Voice” game involves testing your memory for the voices of your colleagues.

One participant is selected and turned with his back to the table. Each colleague speaks one phrase, changing his voice. The player, relying on memory and intuition, must determine who exactly the voice belongs to and voice the name of this person. This way you can not only have fun, but also test the degree of cohesion among employees.

"Without looking"

To play at a corporate party, a volunteer is selected and blindfolded. Without looking, by touch, he must recognize his colleagues and say their names. To confuse the participant, you can take off your tie, wear a push-up bra over your shirt, try on a wig, and so on. You may hear many unexpected answers to the question posed, which will undoubtedly be fun.


Pieces of paper are placed into the container, on which the names of the employees and their position are written. Any number of people can participate. Players take turns taking out a piece of paper. Each of them must show by gestures, habits and facial expressions whose name he got. The task of everyone else is to guess the position held and name their colleague.

"Let's shake hands"

Games at a corporate party for getting to know each other are usually held at the very beginning of the feast. Shaking each other's hands at the first meeting has been a tradition for a long time, and everyone knows about it. The entire team needs to be divided into two teams. A competitive spirit will help you make acquaintances quickly. To the music, people sitting at the table will have to shake hands in a chain. The team finishing first will be considered the winner.


Games at a corporate party in a team, held for getting to know each other, can also develop the memory of the participants. Employees sit in a large circle. One of them says his name. The next one is the name of the previous one and your own. So, from the starting player, everyone must say the names of all the previous people and then their own. The most difficult task, of course, will go to the person who will have to name all the names.

Mobile competitions for corporate events

Movement is life. Moving competitions will make you move a little. You can arrange a relay race among the participants. The tasks should not be too difficult. Teams of 5-6 people will have to strive not only to win and complete their tasks, but also to be a spectacle for observers.

"Director's name"

One letter is written on A4 sheets, and these sheets are compiled into a word. Or rather, in the name of the director of the enterprise. Teams must unravel the word scrambled on the sheets and quickly form the name in the correct order so that the name is readable.

"Important Paper"

Participants of two teams must form two circles. Their hands are located behind their backs, and in the mouth of one of their colleagues there is an “important” paper. You need to pass it only with your mouth, holding the edge of the sheet. The team that does this faster will be the winner. It is important that the paper goes around a full circle and does not fall.

Competitions and games for corporate parties are the basis of a successful evening. Determine your own goals for the event in order to choose the right program for your pastime. Remember that each goal is achieved in its own way, but the shortest is good mood and a positive approach. In any case, games and competitions are an important component of the so-called team building. They can be arranged not only at corporate events, but also during breaks in the work process.

New Year- that holiday, which, as they say among the people, is how you meet it, so you will spend it, and therefore it is best to celebrate it with laughter, fun, and joy. But how to do this, how to surprise friends, colleagues, acquaintances, how to make the festive light unforgettable and interesting? Everything is very simple - you just need to organize cool competitions for a New Year's corporate party and entice colleagues to participate in them.

I took care of your holiday. I bring to the attention of readers funny competitions for a New Year's corporate party for friendly fun company. Find the finished holiday script just below.

First of all, I would like to note that there are several types of competition games for holidays (corporate parties) and New Year's Eve celebrations:

  • Mobile (one or several people are involved who must perform certain sports and other moving tricks, exercises, commands).
  • Musical (accompanied by music).
  • Table parties (held right at the table among all or several people).
  • For women's teams (exclusively women participate).
  • For men's teams (only men participate).
  • Collective (conducted in teams consisting of several people. They can be mobile, logical, musical, without musical accompaniment, table, classical).

We've sorted out the views. Let's get back to the script itself. If you would like to organize cool holiday, right now a few examples funny games for New Year's corporate party 2019.

So, the scenario for a New Year’s corporate party with interesting competitions.

Gift from Santa Claus

You will need to prepare small pieces of paper for each participant, plus a pen/pencil (you can use one or two pens, you will have to pass them from one to another).

Principle of action: Before sitting down at the ceremonial table, all colleagues receive a piece of paper on which they write a letter to Santa Claus (indicate what they want to receive/achieve next year, for example, money, an apartment, a lover, etc.) . Next, the leaves are folded and then sent to a magic hat, where they are mixed. When leaving, guests are invited to each pull out one piece of paper and read out loud what the New Year has in store.

Prepare 20-30 question cards, plus the same number of answers.

Next, the questions/answers are rolled up into a tube, simply put away (folded) into separate boxes, and served one by one to the guests gathered at the table. First of all, the guest takes out a “question” card, reads the question, and then draws an “answer”, which he also reads out loud. There can be a huge number of examples of questions and answers, the main thing is to dream up a little.

Examples of questions:

  • Do you often have to drink at someone else's expense?
  • Do you like to get a little naughty?
  • Do you have erotic dreams?
  • Do you like to gossip?
  • Do you take bribes?
  • Do you often get drunk like a pig?
  • Are you lazy at work?
  • Do you like to poke your nose into things that aren't your own business?
  • Is it true that you regularly visit a nudist beach?

Example answers:

  • Yes, yes, of course!
  • Yes, I love it very much and constantly suffer because of it.
  • Aren't you ashamed to ask this?!
  • Yes, whenever possible.
  • No, I'm not into that kind of thing.
  • No, this nonsense is not for me!
  • Yes, when I'm bored.
  • Constantly and proud of it.
  • Unfortunately, my parents didn't teach me this.

Find the hole

Musical option. It is held among girls and men. An even number of representatives of the stronger half is selected, plus an odd number of girls. For example, 7 ladies, 8 guys. Next, the girls stand in a circle, facing inward, with their legs spread as wide as possible.

The guys are placed around the girls on the outside of the circle. The melody starts, the men begin to dance, moving around the girls, the melody stops, each wolf, tiger, boar, fox (you can give the most unusual, funny nicknames) must find a hole for himself, lowering his head between the legs of the representative of the weaker half.

For obvious reasons (there are more men), not everyone will have enough minks, and therefore one participant will have to leave the stage each time. The game continues until the winner.

If you are looking for competitions for a New Year’s corporate party with colleagues, then an excellent option would be the following scenario – “Who has the most balls”

Team competitions, a big company is needed here. The players must divide into 8 or more people, no less. One of the players is chosen as captain, placed 5-6 meters from the main players, dressed in wide pants.

A box is placed between the teams, there are inflated balloons inside, music starts, each participant in turn grabs the balloon, puts it between his legs, and jumps with it to the captain. When a player is near the leader, he puts his ball in his pants, runs back to the team, and the next one continues the game. The winner is the team where the captain has the most more balls. The show continues until the last ball.

Dancing on an ice floe

It is best to choose the most dancing men, women (taken in pairs), they are easy to identify by dance breaks, group disco. Next, a large sheet of newspaper is placed for each pair. Young people should dance on this newspaper to the start of melodies of different rhythms, without going beyond its boundaries.

Then the participants’ task becomes more complicated, the improvised ice floe begins to melt (a piece of newspaper comes off), and the dancing continues. Those comrades who can hold out (dance) on the smallest piece of paper win.

Team competition "Chain"

Everyone is invited to the game, then they are divided into teams. The music begins to sound, the task of the teams is to make a chain from the improvised parts present on the participants (jewelry, laces, clothes). Players can take off whatever they want, including underwear. Whose chain is longer, that team wins.

As you can see, competitions for New Year's holiday, corporate events for meetings in 2019 can be very diverse. Invent, fantasize, create and get creative, then the gathered guests will definitely not be bored.

You can apply the described “adult games” scenario not only when celebrating the New Year with colleagues, but also at any other events - birthday celebrations, March 8, February 23.

And finally, some funny competitions for New Year’s corporate parties in 2019, 20 and subsequent years.

“Advertising is the engine of trade”

The presenter selects one spectacular lady from the team, plus two or three young men. Each man must say which part of the body most attracts him in the presented woman, for example, eyes, hands, breasts, butt, etc. After this, the players must come up with an advertisement for this part of the body, and such that others will envy. The most creative participant receives a prize.

Two teams of 4-5 people are selected (more/less possible). In the hands of the presenter there are 5-7 envelopes, each of which contains a line from a popular song (all songs must be different). The participants’ task is to pull out the envelope, guess the song, sing or sing it collectively.

If a team does not guess the line, the turn goes to its opponents, and accordingly, having guessed correctly, they receive points. If none of the teams guesses the line, the guests at the table are invited to guess it, after which they can all perform it together to the music.

Examples of lines: “we would never have known these cheerful days,” “snow is spinning, flying...”, “sea-cities, everything seems to be made of ice.”

Competition "Scrambled Eggs".

Don't forget to celebrate the New Year with jokes, and to make fun of your colleagues, you can organize the next joke event. Select several participants (preferably strong/strong men), take the same number of hard-boiled eggs, invite the men to take turns choosing eggs from the basket and breaking them over their heads, warning that one egg will be raw.

It will be very interesting to watch how representatives of the stronger sex take a long time to choose, and then very carefully hit an egg on their heads, thinking that they might get a raw one, it’s not in the basket.

The presenter calls two or three couples onto the stage and suggests that in a certain time, for example 1-2 minutes, the woman can create her own Santa Claus, a simply handsome man, out of a man, decorating him with the means at hand. In this case, the following is placed in the jewelry box:

- garlands;

- Christmas tree toys;

- balls;

- clothespins;

- lipstick;

- tights, other New Year's holiday items.

Participants can choose jewelry at their own discretion. Each participant takes out of the box what she likes and creates her own male ideal.

As an option for the outcome of events, you can choose by voting (screams/clapping of colleagues, evaluating the result) the best Santa Claus (best outfit), or you can continue the game by inviting the girls to beautifully present their exhibit.

Newspaper competition

Several people are selected, several pairs are possible, each is given a glass or plastic bottle, plus a newspaper. The task of the participants, at the command of the presenter, is to push the newspaper into the bottle without tearing it into pieces. Whoever does it faster is the winner.

"Best rhymer"

The organizer invites everyone sitting at the table to take part in a fun competition. He names a line (several lines) from a well-known poem, preferably a winter (New Year's) theme, and then each guest in turn must continue it, building a rhyme. Players must rhyme the last lines accordingly.

It will turn out quite funny, and if you record a corporate poem on a disk or flash drive and listen to it in a month or two, you can laugh all year long.

A team game requiring 10-12 people.

Participants are selected (of both sexes, the more the better), plus one caretaker. Everyone except the caretaker becomes a tight circle or just tightly one after the other, it is best to alternate men and women, but for fun you can put one sex next to each other. The participants' hands are behind their backs.

The point of the competition is to bite off a piece of the vegetable without the caretaker noticing. One is given a cucumber in his mouth (can be replaced with a banana), to the music he begins to pass the vegetable from mouth to mouth, the caretaker watches this. You should quietly bite off a piece, continuing until the vegetable runs out. If a player is caught, he is out of the game. The most agile comrade receives a prize.

Fun dance competition at the New Year's corporate party (video)

What fun and celebration would there be without music and dancing? See how you can cheer up the crowd at a party.

Finally, some advice - competitions for a New Year's corporate party with colleagues can become even more interesting if:

      1. Use original attributes.
      2. Involve as many guests as possible.
      3. Be emotional about current events.
      4. Accompany games with music and fun.
      5. Give gifts to the winners.

Now you know how to organize an original New Year's corporate party - a bright, interesting, fun holiday for friends/colleagues.

Women and men, have a nice meeting in the Year of the Pig, interesting corporate events, be happy!


Tell VK

Any number of players can participate in the competition. You need to choose questions based on the average age of corporate party guests and their specific work characteristics. The point is that each participant is read a certain situation, and she, in turn, must come up with a course of action.

Example situations:

  • You came to work and then it turns out that your workplace busy, another person is using your computer and things.
  • Returning from work, you do not find the keys to your house. When you start ringing the doorbell, a completely stranger opens it.
  • After a tanning session in the solarium, you discover that you have gone too far and now look more like a boiled crayfish than a dark-skinned beauty. In an hour you will important presentation project.

What can you find in a women's cosmetic bag?

The props for the game are a large women's cosmetic bag containing all sorts of items related to beauty. It could be eye shadow lipstick, bracelet, mascara, nail polish, etc. Participants take turns approaching the cosmetic bag and, blindfolded, try to find the item that the presenter wishes for.

Taste test

You'll have to blindfold yourself again. Women must taste the composition of the dishes they are treated to and guess their name.


This competition gives women the opportunity to demonstrate their driving skills. To do this you will need toy cars with attached strings. Girls must cover a certain route as quickly as possible without breaking the rules. The fastest and most accurate car lady at the corporate event receives a prize.

Magic ball

Many women are fond of knitting. We suggest turning your hobby into entertainment for a while. Participants must be divided into two teams. The girls line up in lines, the first in the row is given an unraveled skein of thread. On command, the one who has the threads in her hands begins to wind them into a ball. After ten seconds, a signal sounds and the yarn passes to the next woman. And so on until the time allotted for the competition runs out. The team with the least unwound threads will win.

Iron female logic

Participants are given several items in turn, and they must quickly answer what is superfluous on this list and why. The correct answer is one point. The one with the most points will win.

Button Battle

To participate in the competition you will need two brave ladies. Each person is given Japanese chopsticks. In the center of the table there is a bowl with various buttons. The goal of the competition is to use chopsticks to move as many buttons as possible into your empty plate within a certain time. The girl whose bowl contains the most buttons wins.

Sweet tooth

Women love sweets, so everyone will enjoy the competition. To carry it out you will need a box of chocolates, but you can buy sweets individually, not in a set. The point is that the candy should be with with different fillings: nuts, nougat, marmalade, cream, caramel. Volunteers are called, in front of each woman there is a plate of candies (all participants should have the same set) and paper on which they will need to make notes. Names are written on this paper that can tell you what is included in the delicacy. For example, “Squirrel” means that it is a candy with nuts. While taking a bite and tasting the sweets, the girls should mark on a piece of paper what the filling of the offered sweets is. The honorary title of “Miss Sweet Tooth” is awarded to the participant who most accurately determines what is contained inside the chocolate sweets.

Also, the beautiful half of your team will probably enjoy participating in creative and culinary master classes, where they can show off their skills and learn something new.

Such different smiles

For the game, you need cards indicating how the participant should smile: “like a director to a secretary,” “like a secretary to a director,” “like a driver to a boss,” and so on. The girls take turns taking a card from the pile and imitating what is written.

Competitions for women and girls at corporate events are always a sea of ​​laughter, humor and kindness. By introducing them into the evening's scenario, you risk receiving a sea of ​​positive energy. Invent, fantasize, play - and the holiday will definitely be a success!

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