Ideas for activities in the children's garden. Methodological guide observation diary kindergarten There will be onions for children -



Mini project

"Garden on the window»

Done: educator

middle group№2

Andronova N.A.

Project relevance


Can plants really grow in room conditions in winter

Objective of the project

To form in children an interest in experimental and research activities

cultivation cultivated plants in room conditions, as well as generalize and

expand the knowledge of preschoolers on how to care for them

Project type

medium term.

Project type

cognitive - research, creative.


Project participants:

children of the middle group, educator.

Project objectives

Project tasks:

To form an idea about seeds and fruits, about their diversity and purpose; learn

classify vegetables according to different characteristics, find common and distinctive features in them.

To form an idea of ​​the stages of development of a plant from a seed; consolidate received

knowledge about the conditions of plant development. Develop the ability to recognize and name parts of a plant.

To form a sense of responsibility when caring for plants: water in time, loosen

soil. Learn to observe the seedlings of plants.

To form in children the basics of the safety of their own life in the process

labor activity.

Promote the development of cognitive activity in children, curiosity, desire for

independent knowledge and reflection, the development of mental abilities and speech.

Cultivate respect for work, respect for its results.

Expected Results

Versatile knowledge about plants will be formed: flowers, vegetables.

Children will be interested in plants.

Children will be able to distinguish between some types of plants, learn a lot

interesting from the life of plants, explore empirically the conditions,

necessary for their growth.

Gain knowledge on caring for cultivated garden plants,

ideas about the structure of the labor process will be formed.

Learn to make observations and draw the first conclusions.

Children develop respect for flora.

Develop a positive attitude towards work

attitude towards the work of other people, a desire to achieve

results of their work, rejoice at the results obtained,

there will be a desire to participate in the common cause.

Project stages


: goal setting and task setting in accordance with

the age of the children and their interests; acquisition necessary equipment And

inventory: containers for seedlings, seeds, watering cans, sprayers, earth for

seedlings; selection of literature on the topic.


: reading poetry, proverbs and sayings of fiction about

vegetables; viewing illustrations, sets of pictures; conversations; sowing seeds,

experiences, experiments; care and observation of plants with a sketch

changes in their growth; keeping a diary of observations of plants;

conducting didactic games; garden design in the plot "Fazenda

Hellenes"; different kinds visual activity on the topic.


final conversation with children (analysis of the work done);

project presentation.

Choosing seeds for planting a vegetable garden on the window

Today there is a lot of work - We plant


People are surprised:

What is a miracle garden? There are radishes here

lettuce, onion, parsley and spinach.

Tomatoes, cucumbers, ripen together -

well done! Both potatoes and cabbage

grow densely in the beds.

And everyone says in unison: "We are growing

here for the guys. For diligence and hard work

the harvest will be gathered.”

Introduction to seeds

This is with a fluffy nose, This is -

handful of grain. Here - peas, there

- grains. What is this? - Seeds.

The seeds fall into the ground. Take root

and - forward. Sprouts will sprout

Harvest ahead!

Planting a vegetable garden

We planted

onion ... grow up,

beam, hurry up!

There will be onions for children -

bow Yes from one hundred and seven


Observation of the first shoots

The first little sprout appeared

It seems to be not a bush, it seems - not a flower

Plant Growth Observation

Planted a vegetable garden, look what

is growing! We will take care

We will water, we will

sprouts Watch together!

Window garden design

Our pond is unusual.

Dozing at sunset


Circles float on the water

- These are small


played there and

Sprigs of poplar and lilac

Pouted off

the importance of the kidney

our lilac

in the morning, and in the evening

green leaves

I saw suddenly


And the sticky ones burst

kidney houses,

Pushes them strong

stubborn leaf,

Warmed by the rays

spring day:

- Let go

let me go

Let me go!!!

Watching a branch of poplar

Results of the project "Garden on the window"

The group created a "Garden on the window"

Diversified knowledge about

plants, vegetables and flowers.

The children learned how to take care of

cultivated garden plants

The children learned to observe and

draw the first conclusions.

Children have an interest in plants.

Developed respect for

plant world.

A positive

respectful attitude towards work

attitude towards the work of others

Learned to work in a team

Do you keep a diary of site observations?

From year to year we watching the garden and ask ourselves questions. Was there more apples last year than this year? Why did strawberries bloom so late this year? Why did the leaves turn yellow ahead of time? How was it in previous years?

To make it easier for you to take care of yours and save your invaluable experience, which you can then even share with neighbors and friends, it is very useful to start your own observation diary. Do you already have your own “Grower Magazine” or “Grower Magazine”?

It seems to me that such a journal - or diary - is necessary for every person who is fond of gardening. Start it today, no matter how many years you have been gardening and how much experience you have accumulated. With the help of such a magazine, in a few years, in terms of experience and knowledge, you will reach the level of a professional, and with love for your work and diligence, you will even step over this level. And about those who have just purchased - and there is no need to talk!

We will tell. Here we give examples of a diary for flowering plants, but it could just as well be adapted for vegetable crops!

1) Buy a large, thick, squared or lined notebook. It is even better to buy a notebook with special dividers inside, by sections. And even better - buy a pack of sheets with holes already made, and to him - a beautiful folder on the rings, then you can swap any pages and add them, which is important when such a diary grows and new sections appear in it.

Of course, such a magazine can also be made on a computer, but you can’t take it with you to the garden .... For example, I really like to sit in a chair in the garden, filling out my journal, look at my plantings, and then think and immediately write down different ideas the ones that come to mind...

2) Set aside a few pages at the beginning of the magazine for a table of contents, and then gradually number all the pages - within each section. If you need entries only for flowers, then divide your notebook into three approximately equal parts - perennials and bulbs.

Give each flower or vegetable culture a whole sheet, and those that you are especially fond of - several sheets (or even a separate notebook?). If you sow a lot of seeds, then you can start a separate journal for observing seedlings.
More on this topic:

3) Try to regularly fill in each section with entries about the relevant plants.

4) Carefully study table number 1, dedicated to annual plants. This is the basis of any section.

5) Fill out the magazine as you acquire new plants, number the pages. Any plant can be found by the table of contents.

6) Complete the journal regularly. If you notice something important, write it down in a journal on the same day, because everything is quickly forgotten. back side The page is left as a reserve for continued writing.

7) It is better to keep records compactly, without repeating what is in your own books. You can supplement them with sheets with tips from magazines. Another idea is to collect information from books and magazines in advance in winter, briefly write them down in one column of the table, and in the summer in another column, on the contrary, record your own actions.

8) Working with a magazine requires patience and accuracy, it is no less time consuming than. Your reward will be easy work and excellent result! This magazine you will use all the time!

9) You can also take photos and place them next to the text.

If you want to do everything as expected, then we recommend that you immediately create different folders for groups of plants - for example,

Kindergarten is the first link in the system of continuous environmental education, therefore, it is no coincidence that teachers face the task of forming the foundations of culture among preschoolers environmental management. The garden and flower garden are used to develop children's skills in caring for plants, getting to know the basic vegetable crops, their importance in our diet.

Purpose: To interest children in observing the life of plants; learn to keep a diary of observation of the development of plants.

  • To give an idea about growing plants from seeds, about the dependence of their growth and the availability of moisture, light and heat.
  • Learn to observe changes plant development, analyze, draw conclusions about some patterns and relationships.
  • Develop cognitive interest; the ability to analyze and synthesize, to self-control.
  • Continue to improve the labor skills and abilities of children; develop industriousness.
  • To consolidate knowledge about the structure of plants.
  • To cultivate interest in plants, to accumulate experience in an attentive and caring attitude towards growing plants.

Description of the manual

  • Made from fabric, paper
  • Complies with methodological, sanitary and hygienic requirements
  • Used with children of all ages
  • Designed for observations of plants (growth, development, care)
  • Used for work assignments and independent activities
  • Content: plant shape, cards (plant development, care methods).

Picture 1

Figure 2

Lesson progress


As vegetables will not be born without our help.
As soon as spring comes, we plant seeds.
What a garden! The people are surprised
The sun warmed the earth, the grain sprouted
Cucumbers, carrots and onions suddenly climbed out of the ground.

Exactly three peas were thrown into the ground,
And they collected five bags of wonderful pods.
What a garden! The people are surprised.

Observation - purposeful, systematic perception of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world.

To accumulate knowledge about the growth and development of plants, I use long-term observation. At the same time, children compare the observed state of the object with what it was before. The observation calendar helps with this.

The grant makes it possible

  • by individual signs, determine the state of the plant (the need for watering), or restore the picture of the whole (whether the tomatoes are ripe by color)
  • develop ingenuity, observation
  • improve the processes of analysis, comparison, conclusion
  • conduct observations at high mental activity of children, makes them think, look for answers to the questions posed, develops curiosity

The allowance helps

  • when getting acquainted with the object (size, shape, color)
  • establish a connection between the present observation and the previous one, take into account subsequent work
  • restore the whole picture of development observed by children.

Figure 3

Work. Work in nature is of particular importance for the comprehensive development of children.

Preschoolers learn skills along the way for plants, learn what conditions are necessary for growth and development. With pleasure, children learn to loosen and weed the garden, water vegetables, follow the growth and development of plants with great interest, marking their observations in the observation calendar.

The allowance attracts children to participate in all types of work on caring for plants, growing, educates independence.

It is important that children are not just captivated by the prospect of growing delicious vegetables. The manual helps to realize the need for systematic plant care. At the same time, the guys should be guided by the structural features of plants, the period of growth and development and their needs.

Children receive tasks that require careful observation of the state of the plant.

Figure 4

Use of age allowance

Junior groups

  • surprise moment when getting acquainted with plants
  • developing the ability to distinguish appearance some vegetables

middle groups

  • organization with children of observations of the growth and development of plants
  • highlight characteristic features (size, color, shape, parts)
  • playing tricks
  • labor assignments
  • comparison of objects

senior groups

  • conducting long-term observations of the growth and development of plants
  • independent conclusions and conclusions
  • visual aid (regularity and sequence of phases, stages of development) when using comparison techniques, during observations
  • verbal reports of children on the results of observation

Preparatory groups

  • for children to show greater independence
  • establishing a variety of relationships
  • identify similar features common to a whole group of objects
  • to compare views
  • independent production nature calendar

Figure 5

A consciously correct attitude to nature is based on the sensory perception of nature, emotional attitude towards it and knowledge about the features of life, growth and development of individual living beings. The visual-effective and visual-figurative forms of thinking that prevail in preschool childhood ensure the assimilation of only specially selected and age-adapted information about nature. Selection criteria natural material are their visual representation and the possibility of inclusion in practical activities. Master class "Methodological techniques for teaching preschoolers the technique of origami"
Work plan of the circle "Skillful hands"
Development of relationships between children and parents through inclusion in joint activities
| methodical | guidelines | allowance | tutorial | diary | The Vampire Diaries | observations | surveillance cameras | children's | kindergarten | Methodist page | Toolkit Observation diary Kindergarten




Carried out by educators: Shchepetkina M.N.

Ivanova O. F.

MBDOU d / s N 27

Kstovo, 2013

Project: short term.

Project type: knowledgevivacious, creative.

Duration: 1 month.

Project participants: children senior group, parents, educators.

Age of children: 5 - 6 years.

Purpose: pho fostering children's interest in experimental and research activities for growing cultivated plants in indoor conditions, instilling in children a love of nature, creating a garden on the windowsill in the group.


  1. To expand the knowledge of children about cultivated and wild plants.
  2. Continue to acquaint children with the peculiarities of growing cultivated plants (peppers, onions, flowers, oats);
  3. Summarize children's ideas about the need for light, heat, soil moisture for plant growth.
  4. To continue to form the ability of children to care for plants in indoor conditions.
  5. To promote the development of creative abilities in children; encourage a variety of children's work, variability.
  6. Develop a sense of responsibility for the well-being of plants (watering, loosening, weeding)
  7. Continue to develop observational skills - the ability to notice changes in plant growth, associate them with the conditions in which they are located, and correctly reflect observations in the drawing.
  8. Develop cognitive and creative abilities.
  9. Cultivate respect for work, respect for its results.

Expected result:

  1. Children will get acquainted with the cultural.
  2. Through experiential work, children will the necessary conditions for plant growth.
  3. By using research work children will have to identify the variety and variety of seed.
  4. Children will develop a caring attitude towards the plant world.
  5. Formation of a respectful attitude to work in children.
  6. Creation of a garden on the windowsill in the group.
  7. Creating an observation diary to record observations of plants in the garden on the windowsill.
  8. Active participation of parents in the implementation of the project.

Stages of work on the project:

  1. Preparatory:
  • definition of the goal and objectives of the project
  • collection of information material
  • creation of conditions for the organization of work in the "garden on the window"
  • drawing up an action plan for the organization of children's activities - 1st week.

  1. Main (or stage of project implementation):

· the planned activities are carried out for the implementation of the project (conversations, planting, experiments, experiments, creative activities, looking at illustrations, reading) - 2nd, 3rd week.

  1. Final:

· summing up,

· presentation is being prepared

· final conversation - 4th week.

Stages of project implementation.







Stage 1 - preparatory.

Discuss the goals and objectives of the project. To generate interest among parents in creating conditions for the implementation of the project.



1st week

Consultation for parents "Garden on the windowsill"

Educate parents on this topic.


1st week

Selection of visual - didactic aids, demo material, natural material, fiction and scientific literature, the purchase of the necessary equipment.

Create conditions for the implementation of the project "Garden on the window".



1st week

Stage 2 is the main one.

Examination of books, illustrations about plants.

Arouse interest in plants, desire to take care of them, deepen and expand knowledge of plant species.


2nd week

Lesson "Wild and cultivated plants"

Introduce and justify the classification of plants as wild and cultivated (according to relationships with humans), introduce interesting representatives of the plant world.


2nd week

Practical activities: planting onions, oats.

Generate interest in gardening.


2nd week

Experience - observation of the growth of onions, oats.

To teach children to notice the changes that occur in germinating bulbs, grains.


3 - week

Labor in the corner of nature.

Continue to teach children to make correct judgments and draw conclusions about creating favorable conditions (water, light, heat)


3 - week

Experience - observing the growth of onions in favorable and not favorable conditions.

Get the necessary conditions for the growth of onions (light, water, heat).


3rd week

Examining flower seeds through a magnifying glass.

Give the concept that the shape and number of seeds in different plants miscellaneous. Using a magnifying glass, determine what helps the seeds to overwinter


2nd week

Practical activities: growing seedlings (marigolds, peppers).

Continue to develop skills in planting and caring for plants.


3rd week

Didactic game "Cultural and wild".

To consolidate the classification of plants according to their value to people.


3rd week

Didactic game "Flower shop".

To consolidate the ability to distinguish colors, name them quickly, find the desired flower among others, name it; teach children to group plants by color, make beautiful bouquets.


3rd week

Observations: "Are our plants growing?"

Continue to teach children to notice changes in the growth and development of plants.


3rd week

Making a diary of observations.

Record observations of plants.


3rd week

labor in nature.

Prepare flower beds for planting seedlings of flowers, form interest in the result of their work.


3rd week

Final conversation "The garden on the window is transferred to the kindergarten site."

Set up the children for further activities of transplanting a vegetable garden on the window into a vegetable garden on the garden plot.


3rd week

Stage 3 is the final one.

Processing and design of project materials in the form of a presentation.


4th week

Performance analysis


4th week

The following results were obtained from the implementation of the project "Garden on the Window":

  1. Children got acquainted with cultivated plants.
  2. Children develop an interest in experimental and research activities for growing cultivated plants in indoor conditions.
  3. As a result of practical and experimental activities, children received the necessary conditions for plant growth.
  4. The children saw a variety of seeds.
  5. Children have become more careful about the plant world.
  6. The group created a vegetable garden on the window.
  7. Children have become more respectful of work.
  8. Plant observations were recorded in an observation diary.
  9. Parents accepted Active participation in the project "Garden on the window".

Working with parents:

  1. Conversation with parents "Garden on the window."
  2. Consultation for parents "Garden on the windowsill."
  3. Help parents in the acquisition of equipment, seed for the garden on the window.

The story of Lisa Abramova.

Garden in our group.

The children and teachers and I planted a vegetable garden on the windowsill. Onions, oats, peppers and flowers grow there. We pour water on it. The oats grew quickly, then the onions. We go to the garden, watch the plants grow.

The story of Masha Sennova.

"Grandma's Garden"

My grandmother has a garden. They grow there: potatoes, cabbage, carrots and zucchini. Mom and I help grandma. We dug the ground, planted seedlings, watered. In the autumn they harvested and cooked a delicious soup.

Fairy tale "Turnip" in a new way.

This is a miracle garden, it grows on the window. It is decorated in the shape of a turnip. There are a lot of things to do in the garden, a lot of things to do in the garden. Grandfather no longer sows turnips, but plants onions, oats, and peppers. Onions are good for health, there is a lot of vitamin in pepper. Grandfather is busy watering onions, grandmother was carried away by flowers, marigolds have already risen. But the granddaughter is not lazy either - either the oats will fly quickly, or together with the Beetle, with the cat, she collects hay in a stack. The mouse vigilantly looks where, who needs it, it will quickly help everyone. That's how things are here.

PROJECT /short-term/

in the senior group "Garden on the window"Project type: cognitive, research.

Duration: 1 month.

Project participants: children of the senior group, parents, educators.

Children's age: 5-6 years

Relevance. preschool age It's time to become a pioneer and explorer of the vast world of nature. Adults at this stage are the main helpers. One of the forms of knowledge of the surrounding world is observation. This is a complex cognitive activity, as it requires sustained attention and includes perception, thinking and speech at the same time.

Preschooler participation in project activities contributes to the systematic assimilation by the child of knowledge gained as a result of practical activities and participant observation. The activity of caring for the "garden" allows you to lay the foundations for planning, the ability to set a goal and achieve results.

Creating a "garden on the window" contributes to the development of curiosity and observation in children, helps to better understand plant life. He is able to expand children's ideas about plants as living organisms, talk about the conditions necessary for growth and development, develop aesthetic feelings, instill a desire to work and the ability to see the result of their work.

Target: the formation of children's interest in research activities for growing cultivated plants in room conditions, educating children in love for nature, creating a garden on the windowsill in the group.


To expand the knowledge of children about cultivated plants.

Continue to acquaint children with the peculiarities of growing cultivated plants (onions, parsley, cucumbers, tomatoes, flowers).

Summarize children's ideas about the need for light, heat, soil moisture for plant growth.

To continue to form the ability of children to care for plants in indoor conditions.

To promote the development of creative abilities in children; encourage a variety of children's work.

Develop a sense of responsibility for the well-being of plants.

Continue to develop observation.

Cultivate respect for work, respect for its results.

Develop children's cognitive ability.

Expected result:

1. Children will get acquainted with cultivated plants.

2. With the help of experimental work, children will receive the necessary conditions for the growth of plants.

3. Children will learn how to properly care for plants.

4. Children will continue to develop a caring attitude towards the plant world, a respectful attitude towards work.

5. A "Garden on the windowsill" will be created in the group.

6. Children will record their observations of the growth and development of plants in observation diaries. 7. Parents will take an active part in the implementation of the project.

Stages of work on the project

Preparatory: 1 week: - definition of the goal and objectives of the project, collection of information material, planting material, creating conditions for organizing work in the "garden on the windowsill".

Drawing up an action plan for the organization of children's activities.

Main (or stage of project implementation):

2, 3 weeks:

Planned activities are carried out (conversations, experiments, experiments, creative activities, viewing illustrations, reading).

Plant care.

Monitoring the growth and development of plants.



Drawing up a photo report on the implementation of the project.

Exhibitions of creative works of children.

Final conversation.

Stages of project implementation.



Stage 1. Preparatory.

Conversation with parents on the organization of the "garden on the window."

Discuss the goals and objectives of the project.

To generate interest among parents in creating conditions for the implementation of the project.

Educators, parents.

1st week

Selection of visual and didactic aids, demonstration material, fiction and scientific literature, purchase of the necessary equipment.

Create conditions for the implementation of the project "Garden on the window"

Educators, parents.

1st week

Stage 2. Basic.

Reading fiction. Examining illustrations about plants.

Arouse interest in plants, the desire to take care of them, deepen and expand ideas about different types plants.


2nd week

Educational activities"What grows in the garden."

Consolidate children's knowledge about vegetables and flower plants which grow in gardens.


2nd week

Practical activities: planting onions, garlic, beet roots, potatoes, carrots.

Generate interest in growing garden crops.


2nd week

Observation of the growth of onions, the development of root crops.

Teach children to notice the changes that occur in the growth of plants.


3rd week

Work in the "garden on the window"

Continue to teach children how to properly care for plants.


3rd week

Experimental and experimental activities of children

Experiment with plants. Make independent conclusions about the conditions necessary for the favorable growth of plants.


3rd week

Observation "How plants develop"

Reflection of observations on the development of plants in the "Diaries of observations"


3rd week

C / r game "Gardeners"

Continue to acquaint children with the work of "gardeners", to form the ability to care for plants.


3-4 weeks

Stage 3. Final.

Conversation with children "Vitamins from the garden." Cutting "green" onions, eating it during lunch with the main course.

To consolidate the knowledge of children that vegetables contain a large amount of vitamins and they are very useful for people.


4th week

creative works children "Our garden"

Organize a thematic exhibition of children's works and works made jointly with parents.

Educators, parents.

4th week

Drawing up a photo report on the project. Organization of a photo exhibition

Summing up the work on the project

Educators, parents.

4th week

During the implementation of the project "Garden on the window" the following results were obtained:

1. Children got acquainted with a variety of vegetable crops.

2. The group organized a "Garden on the window."

3. Children develop an interest in research activities.

4. As a result of practical and experimental activities, children received necessary knowledge about favorable conditions for the growth and development of plants.

5. Children have become more attentive and more careful about plants.

6. Children have become more respectful of the work of adults.

7. Observations of plants were recorded in the "Diaries of observations"

8. Parents took an active part in the "Window Garden" project.

Forms of interaction with the family:

Garden design (purchase of land, purchase of necessary equipment, planting material).

participation in observations.

Organization in the exhibition of creative works.

Photo report

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