Exam biology training tasks. Preparing for the Unified State Exam in Biology online - Materials

The video course “Get an A” includes all the topics necessary for successful passing the Unified State Exam in mathematics for 60-65 points. Completely all tasks 1-13 of the Profile Unified State Exam in mathematics. Also suitable for passing the Basic Unified State Examination in mathematics. If you want to pass the Unified State Exam with 90-100 points, you need to solve part 1 in 30 minutes and without mistakes!

Preparation course for the Unified State Exam for grades 10-11, as well as for teachers. Everything you need to solve Part 1 of the Unified State Exam in mathematics (the first 12 problems) and Problem 13 (trigonometry). And this is more than 70 points on the Unified State Exam, and neither a 100-point student nor a humanities student can do without them.

All the necessary theory. Quick ways solutions, pitfalls and secrets of the Unified State Exam. All current tasks of part 1 from the FIPI Task Bank have been analyzed. The course fully complies with the requirements of the Unified State Exam 2018.

The course contains 5 large topics, 2.5 hours each. Each topic is given from scratch, simply and clearly.

Hundreds of Unified State Exam tasks. Word problems and probability theory. Simple and easy to remember algorithms for solving problems. Geometry. Theory, reference material, analysis of all types of Unified State Examination tasks. Stereometry. Tricky Tricks solutions, useful cheat sheets, development of spatial imagination. Trigonometry from scratch to problem 13. Understanding instead of cramming. Visual explanation complex concepts. Algebra. Roots, powers and logarithms, function and derivative. Basis for solution complex tasks 2 parts of the Unified State Exam.

Manual by Voronina G.A. “USE-2017. Biology. 50 practice versions of exam papers to prepare for the unified state exam” will provide great assistance to graduates and teachers. The book contains 50 various options, questions from them may appear on the exam, since these tasks meet all the necessary requirements that are taken into account when compiling exam papers. Each option has both easier tasks and more complex ones, one part of them involves choosing an option, the other requires giving a detailed answer. This will help develop the ability to express one’s thoughts, use terms, analyze and systematize information, derive patterns, solve problems and make predictions of biological processes. The manual also includes a final version for control. The book will help students assess the level of their knowledge in the discipline and their chances of passing the exam well; at the end of the book, answers to all questions are given. It is also necessary to pay attention to the time during which the work will be completed. The manual can be used by teachers and tutors for independent work and tests. Parents can also study with their child at home, since all the answers are already in the book.

The work belongs to the genre Educational literature. It was published in 2016 by AST Publishing House. The book is part of the series "Unified State Exam 2017. Large collection of training options." On our website you can download the book "Unified State Exam 2017. Biology. 50 training versions of exam papers to prepare for the Unified State Exam" in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format or read online. The book's rating is 4.4 out of 5. Here, before reading, you can also turn to reviews from readers who are already familiar with the book and find out their opinion. In our partner's online store you can buy and read the book in paper version.

Training options for the Unified State Exam in biology

After the thematic assignments in biology, start practicing. Since for demonstration high level knowledge, you need to confidently work with diagrams, tables and graphs. Explain biological processes using graphical information.

First of all, download FIPI, which is a sample and gives an idea of ​​the structure and form of complexity of future tasks on the Unified State Exam.

Based on a new demo version developed 10 training options, register and track your knowledge level in personal account.

Identify, analyze mistakes and practice again. Your success is constantly solving options during preparation!

The Unified State Exam test in biology 2019 includes 28 tasks.

  • Part 1 contains 21 tasks with a short answer (sequence of numbers, number, word or phrase)
  • Part 2 contains 7 tasks with a detailed answer (give a full answer: explanation, description or justification; express and argue your own opinion).

The option is grouped thematically.

  1. The first part contains 21 tasks, which are grouped into content blocks presented in:
    • Multiple choice;
    • To establish correspondences;
    • To establish the sequence of processes or phenomena;
    • Problems in cytology and genetics;
    • To complement the drawings;
    • Analysis of a diagram or table.
  2. The second part contains 7 tasks. To successfully solve them, the student is required to thoroughly master the conceptual apparatus and competently operate with biological terms.

A short analysis of the conditions of some tasks

Tasks from the block of the first ticket:

  • – a biological fragment is presented that requires establishing connections between concepts;
  • – count the number of chromosomes and determine the number of cells formed during various processes;
  • – find examples in the text that correspond to the concepts;
  • – to test knowledge of species properties – select criteria from the test that correspond to the species.

Evaluation of tests in biology of the Unified State Examination

For first part maximum ticket – 38 points.
For solving problems second part - 20 points.

The points received for correctly completed tasks are summed up.

Converting points to grades

  • 0-35 points - 2,
  • 36-54 points - 3,
  • 55-71 points - 4,
  • 72 and above points - 5;

To be admitted to a budget place at a prestigious university, you must score more than 84 points.

Decide! Go for it! Strive for the best!

Unified State Exam 2017. Biology. Typical test tasks. Kalinova G.S.

M.: 2017. - 112 p.

Typical test tasks in biology contain 10 variant sets of tasks, compiled taking into account all the features and requirements of the Unified State Exam in 2017. The purpose of the manual is to provide readers with information about the structure and content of the 2017 test measurement materials in biology, their differences from previous years, and the degree of difficulty of the tasks. The manual provides answers to all test options, and also provides samples of forms used in the Unified State Exam for recording answers and solutions. The manual is intended for teachers to prepare students for the biology exam, as well as for high school students - for self-preparation and self-control.

Format: pdf

Size: 3.2 MB

Watch, download:drive.google

Introduction 4
Instructions for performing work 9
Part 1 Yu
Part 2 15
Part 1 18
Part 2 24
Part 1 26
Part 2 31
Part 1 32
Part 2 38
Part 1 39
Part 2 45
Part 1 46
Part 2 52
Part 1 53
Part 2 58
Part 1 61
Part 2 67
Part 1 69
Part 2 74
OPTION 10 76
Part 1 76
Part 2 82
Option 1: 83
Option 2 86
Option 3 89
Option 4 92
Option 5 95
Option 6^98
Option 7 101
Option 8 104
Option 9 Yu7
Option 10 110

The proposed manual is addressed to high school students and graduates to prepare for the Unified State Exam in Biology. The biology exam is one of the exams that a secondary school graduate takes as an option. The Unified State Examination is carried out using tasks of a standardized form - control measuring materials (CMM), which test biological knowledge for the entire school course from grades 5 to 11. In 2017, special emphasis was placed on strengthening the activity basis and practice-oriented orientation of KIM. This required adjusting approaches to constructing a new examination paper and including tasks of a new format.
The basis for the development of the Unified State Exam KIM, as in previous years, is the invariant core of the content of biological education, which is reflected in the State educational standard of secondary (complete) general education, various sample programs and textbooks recommended by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science for use in the implementation of those with state accreditation educational programs secondary general education in biology.
The content of control measuring materials covers all sections of the biology course, basic and high school. The object of control is the knowledge and skills of schoolchildren, formed while studying all sections of the biology course: “Plants”, “Bacteria. Mushrooms. Lichens”, “Animals”, “Man and his health”, “General biology”. This allows the test to cover the main content of the course and ensure the validity of control measurement materials. The examination work is still dominated by tasks in the “General Biology” section, since it integrates and generalizes the factual knowledge acquired in basic school and secondary school, and examines general biological patterns that manifest themselves at different levels of the organization of living nature. The content of the KIM Unified State Exam does not go beyond the biology course of a specialized high school and does not depend on what program and what textbook is taught at school.

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