Demonstration versions of the Unified State Exam in English (grade 11). Preparing to successfully pass the Unified State Exam in English

Are you ready for the Unified State Examination? English language? Test yourself!

1. Online test for the sections of the Unified State Examination in English “Reading” and “Grammar and Vocabulary”.

The test consists of two tasks: reading and two tasks for grammar and vocabulary. There are a total of 20 questions in the test with possible answers or with blanks in which you need to write a word. Some test questions are worth one point, and some are worth 2 points. Maximum quantity points - 30. At the end of the test you will be able to see the number of points scored. Start the test.

2. Online test for the Unified State Examination section in English “Listening” (with mp3 file)

To pass the test you will need to download an mp3 file (28.3 MB). To listen to the file, it is preferable to use speakers rather than headphones (so that everything is almost like in an exam). Do not listen to the file before testing, because... this may affect the final test result.

The format and complexity of this online test are as close as possible to the real exam task: the test lasts 30 minutes and consists of 3 types of listening tasks. There are a total of 20 questions in the test that need to be answered. Each question is worth one point. For correct completion of all tasks you can receive a maximum of 20 points. At the end of the test you will see the number of points you scored.

I managed to finish school even before the Unified State Exam was introduced. Of course, there are many more opponents of such an examination system than supporters, but this is our reality, which is much easier to put up with than to resist.

The Unified State Exam in English is a difficult exam. In 2017, it is unlikely that you will be able to enter a good university with a basic level of passing the English language exam. To get a high score, you need to start preparing for the exam as early as possible.

As we know, the written part consists of 40 tasks, for which students are allocated 3 hours, and includes:

  • listening test;
  • reading test;
  • lexical and grammatical tasks, also in the form of a test;
  • letter consisting of two stages.

It is worth saying that for the first part of the English language exam, a maximum of 80 points is given; if a student needs to increase his score, then he must come on the second day to pass the oral part.

If the written part can be trained by studying independently using all kinds of manuals, then for the oral part you need a teacher.

This post will be devoted to the most successful study guides for preparing for the Unified State Exam in English on your own.

1. Macmillan Exam Skills for Russia

This is the only book to date for preparing for the Unified State Exam, which consists of 15 full tests in the new format of the Unified State Exam, including the oral part. When working on the tests, all changes in the exam format were taken into account. The tests were created in collaboration with M.V. Verbitskaya, chairman of the subject commission on foreign languages ​​of the Unified State Examination. The website provides additional materials on the Unified State Exam for students and teachers: online tests, audio files, video tips, etc.

2. A.I. Nemykina, A.V. Pochepaeva - Unified State Exam. Oral part

The manual is a collection of tests for testing oral speech skills, as well as a simulator for practicing the skills of passing the oral part of the Unified State Exam in English on a computer. It is with this textbook that you should start preparing for the oral part if you study on your own. At the beginning it is given full analysis oral part tasks, and then 20 tests with explanatory materials.

3. Afanasyeva O., Evans V., Kopylova V. - Practice Exam Papers for the Russian National Exam

Given training manual with an audio application contains 20 versions of English language tests in the Unified State Exam format.
Distinctive features of the textbook are variable tasks corresponding to increased and high levels preparation for the Unified State Exam, as well as texts of various genres for listening and reading. It should be noted that there are excellent examples of completing tasks in all types of speech activity.

Download the 2010 manual from this link.

Textbooks from 2007 along with audio are available.

4. Muzlanova E.S. - English language. Unified State Exam textbook

The manual is compiled on a thematic basis and consists of 16 thematic blocks that cover the entire range of topics provided for by the Unified State Examination codifier in English. The blocks consist of 5 sections: reading, listening, speaking, grammar and vocabulary, writing. Each section includes exam-type tasks, as well as useful tips on their implementation, which will allow students to successfully prepare for the exam. After completing all tasks, students will be able to check the answers with the keys.

5. Verbitskaya M.V. - Unified State Exam. English language. Typical exam options. 10 (30) options

This textbook is part of the “Unified State Exam” series, known to all graduates. FIPI - school", which was prepared by the developers of control measurement materials for the unified state exam. Available in 2 types: 10 test options and 30 options. The difference, as you understand, is only in the number of tests. The collection of 30 tests contains 15 thematic options for all sections of the Unified State Examination, 15 standard exam options, oral part tasks, instructions for completion, answers to all tasks, etc.

You can download a textbook from 2015 with 30 options.

6. Yuneva S.A. — Opening up the world with English. 150 essays for the Unified State Exam. Getting ready for the Unified State Exam

The manual is addressed to students independently preparing for the Unified State Examination in English, as well as to teachers who can use it in class and when preparing students for tests, exams or Olympiads. It includes 150 essays compiled in accordance with all the requirements for a written statement with elements of reasoning. The main purpose of this guide is to help students excel in essay writing.

They are only threatening to make a foreign language compulsory subject for the Unified State Exam (8th graders, hang in there). But it’s better to prepare in advance. Start with the most popular “foreign” language - English. What does the Unified State Exam in English consist of, how well does it test knowledge and what mistakes should not be made - Mikhail Karavaev.

For those preparing for the main school exam

Knowledge of any language consists of four competencies:

  • speaking (Speaking) - answer the questions posed, give a reasoned answer;
  • listening (Listening) - understand English speech;
  • Reading - find important information and answer questions based on the meaning of what you read;
  • letter (Writing) - write business letters and reasoning texts, formulate your own thoughts, answer questions in writing and prove your point of view.

Any language exam, if it is to be objective, must test the level of each of these competencies. And the Unified State Exam is no exception.

How the Unified State Exam works in English

Once upon a time Speaking there was no exam in English at all. Now there is an oral task, and it is quite voluminous: you need to tell about yourself, make up questions based on the picture and give detailed answers. Usually “speaking” is taken on a separate day. IN Listening you need to establish a correspondence between statements and statements and choose correct option. In part Writing You need to write a letter and an argumentative text with a total volume of at least 300 words. Reading checks how you understand what you read: you have three texts, you need to answer questions on them and choose headings for the fragments. There is also a section “Grammar and Vocabulary”, which can be classified as Reading.

In general, the Unified State Exam in English almost corresponds (and for the Speaking and Writing tasks - without “almost”) to the level of the international TOEFL or FCE exams. Getting a high score on these exams is only possible if you have a really good command of all components of the language.

About the advice “surround yourself as much as possible” foreign language", sing songs and watch TV series (and also translate your phone and laptop into English) - we will hardly speak. You know it yourself. This also includes the advice “do as many tasks as possible.” But sometimes not knowing how to “don’t” can lead to what is called the survivor’s mistake, which occurs when knowing what leads to success is not enough to win. And in order not to lose, you need to learn from mistakes. And they make mistakes more often in Writing and Speaking.

How to prepare for the Writing part

Count the words

Pay attention to the word count: there is an upper and lower threshold. This is what is written in the assignment: “Texts of insufficient volume, as well as part of the text exceeding the required volume, are not assessed.”

Summary of the book :

Thematic test tasks in English are aimed at preparing students high school for successfully passing the Unified State Exam.

At the beginning of each section there are given step by step instructions on the effective implementation of this test Unified State Exam assignments. The instructions are accompanied by training tasks to practice the techniques necessary to successfully pass the Unified State Exam in the sections “Listening”, “Reading”, “Grammar and Vocabulary” and “Writing”. In the “Writing” section, teachers and students will also find parameters and assessment criteria for both parts written work, which will help them better understand what to pay attention to when preparing and writing personal letters and essays.

Besides training tasks The manual offers two complete versions of the trial exam and sample forms for entering answers, which allows you to simulate the situation of a real exam.

Audio files contain texts for listening tasks, reproduced by professional native speakers.

1. Download the book for free - a collection of tasks “Unified State Exam 2016. English language. Typical test tasks" in PDF format :

2. Download free audio files for the book - a collection of tasks “Unified State Exam 2016. English language. Typical test tasks" in MP3 format (RAR archive) :

You can find others in the section of our parents club of the same name.

All books are stored on our Yandex.Disk and there is no charge for downloading them, as well as viruses and other nasty things.

Unified State Exam 2016. English language. Typical test tasks (PDF+MP3) was last modified: March 9th, 2016 by Koskin

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From 2022 (2020 for some regions) Unified State Examination in English will be included in the number of mandatory exams along with exams in mathematics and the Russian language. But now the question is preparation for the Unified State Exam in English is relevant for many students. Good scores on it (not lower than a four, i.e. 59-83 points) are required for admission to many universities for philological faculties. It makes sense to take this exam for those who are not going to connect their lives with the language: firstly, the Unified State Examination in English has the highest pass rate (above 22 points), and secondly, English will certainly be useful to you throughout your life , and preparing for the Unified State Exam will provide you with the necessary knowledge.

From the article you will learn:

Unfortunately, preparing for the Unified State Exam in English is not so easy. Experts advise starting two years in advance, or one if at the moment Your level of language proficiency is at least Intermediate.

To confidently pass the exam, you need Upper-Intermediate level English, but it is not provided by the school curriculum. The conditions for completing tasks in the Unified State Examination have their own specifics, and if you do not practice on real tasks, which can be found on the website of the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements, for example, or in the Open Bank of Unified State Examination tasks, you may find that you are not able to fulfill all the requirements.

Below I will tell you How to pass the Unified State Exam in English, what parts and tasks it consists of, what can be expected in the exam. I will also give useful tips for completing English Unified State Exam assignments in each of its sections.

Conditions for passing the Unified State Exam in English

Passing the Unified State Exam in English with the minimum acceptable score is not so difficult: to do this you need to score only 22 points. For each part of the exam, if performed perfectly, 20 points are given. You will not pass the Unified State Exam in English very well: the answers to some of the tasks need to be chosen from a limited number of options, so according to the theory of probability, you will have some correct answers, even if you enter them at random.

It should be remembered that different tasks “cost” differently. So, for correctly reading a short text out loud you will receive only one point, but a well-written essay can earn you 14. Taking this into account, you can distribute your efforts when preparing; But we should not forget that many of the skills and abilities required in some parts of the exam will be useful in others. So, without knowledge and without an extensive vocabulary, you are unlikely to be able to understand what is being said in the dialogue that you are talking about.

The exam is taken in two stages, and only one of its parts, written, is mandatory. Unfortunately, it will only earn you 80 points, and you can get another 20 for the oral test, the main part of which takes only 15 minutes. By signing up for the oral part, you do not lose anything, but you get the opportunity to get the required score.

During the exam, you will definitely need an identification document (passport) and a black pen. It is advisable to use a brightly writing pen - capillary, gel or fountain pen. This is due to the fact that your answers will be scanned and sent for machine recognition. If you write them with a ballpoint pen or another color, the program may detect them incorrectly and you will lose precious points. In this case, only an appeal can help you - a request to recheck the exam results.

You may not bring anything other than the specified items into the classroom with you. Any electronic devices, notebooks, books, proofreaders are prohibited. If you need to leave, one of the examiners will follow you. Attempts at fraud will be severely punished: the process of taking the Unified State Exam will be interrupted, and a special commission will decide whether you will be allowed to retake it.

If for a good reason (you must have documentary evidence, for example, a certificate from a medical institution) you cannot take the Unified State Exam along with everyone else, you may be allowed to do this later, during the reserve period.

Structure of the Unified State Exam in English

As already said, Unified State Examination in English consists of mandatory (written) and optional (oral) parts, which are taken on different days. The written part is given in a general classroom and lasts 3 hours. To take the oral exam, you will be invited, in a randomly drawn queue, to an office where everything is available. necessary equipment. The duration of the exam itself is only 15 minutes.

Written part of the Unified State Exam is divided into four sections: listening, reading, grammar and vocabulary, writing. You are allocated a certain time for each section, during which time you are free to decide in what order you will complete the tasks. In part, this does not apply to listening, where completing a task is largely tied to listening to the text.

You can see the table, which briefly outlines how much time you will be allotted for each section Unified State Exam, what tasks you will have to complete in each of them, and how many points you can score for these tasks. You will find more detailed information in the relevant paragraphs of the article.

Title of the Unified State Examination section Time allotted per section (minutes) How many tasks does the section consist of? Numbers of tasks included in the section What are the tasks How many points can you earn in a section?
Listening 30 3 1-9 No. 1. Compare 6 statements with 7 statements (one extra).

No. 2. Determining whether statements (7 in total) on the topic of the listened text are false or true.

No. 3. Choosing the correct answer to a question based on the text you listened to (7 questions).

No. 1 – 6 points

No. 2 – 7 points

No. 3 – 7 points

Reading 30 3 10-18 No. 1. Comparison of 8 headings with 7 texts (one heading is extra).

No. 2. Filling in 6 gaps in the text (one of the proposed options is redundant).

No. 3. Selecting the correct answer to a question based on the text you read (7 questions).

№1 – 7 points №2 – 6 points

No. 3 – 7 points

Grammar and vocabulary 40 3 19-38 No. 1. Filling 7 gaps in the text grammatically correct forms the given words.

No. 2. Filling 6 gaps in the text with parts of speech formed from the given words.

No. 3. Filling in 7 gaps in the text with a word that is correctly selected according to its meaning (options are given that are usually synonymous).

No. 1 – 7 points

No. 2 – 6 points

No. 3 – 7 points

Letter 80 2 39, 40 No. 1. Reply to a friend’s letter, 100-140 words (personal correspondence style)

No. 2. Writing an essay on a controversial topic, 200-250 words (scientific and journalistic style, compliance with the rules of essay writing)

No. 1 – 6 points

2 per composition,

2 for grammar and word usage)

No. 2 – 14 points

3 per composition,

3 for grammar,

3 for word usage, 3 for spelling and punctuation)



15 4 1-4 No. 1. Reading the text aloud.

No. 2. Drawing up questions for an illustrated ad.

No. 3. Description of one of the three images to a friend.

No. 4. Answer the question by comparing two images.

No. 1 – 1 point

No. 2 – 5 points

No. 3 – 7 points

2 per composition,

2 for correct speech)

No. 4 – 7 points

2 per composition,

2 for correct speech)


During the listening test, you will be given three audio fragments to listen to, corresponding to the three tasks of this section. These can be both monologues and dialogues on a wide variety of topics (mainly everyday ones). During playback, the audio recording does not stop, but the texts for each task are played twice, and pauses are made between them, during which the test takers must read the written part of the task and write down their answers.

The pronunciation option you will hear during the listening test is British. This creates additional difficulties when completing already difficult tasks. IN school curriculum very little attention is paid to watching videos or listening to audio in English, and students themselves, if they engage with media content in the original, usually choose more American films and TV series, which does not sufficiently contribute to building up the bank of British voices.

Tasks included in the “Listening” section

Task No. 1. In the first task, you will be presented with 6 statements that will need to be correlated in meaning with 7 statements (one statement is extra). Speakers are indicated in English letters From A to F, statements are numbered. You will need to indicate the number of the corresponding statement in a special plate opposite each letter.

Task No. 2. In the second task, you will have to listen to a short text (most likely a dialogue) and familiarize yourself with seven statements, designated by letters from A to G. After this, you will put one of the following letters under each letter in the table. three digits, 1, 2 or 3, where one means that the statement is true (True), two means that it is false (False), and three means that there is not enough information in the text to determine the truth or falsity of the statement (Not Stated).

Task No. 3. They play an audio recording (for example, an interview), you listen to it carefully, read 7 unfinished statements and for each of these statements choose from three options a meaningful ending. You write the option number in the field provided.

  1. Listening texts and questions in assignments are designed in such a way that students rely on the meaning of what they heard, and not on words snatched from the flow of speech. Try to understand what idea the speaker is trying to convey. Please note that in the first task, the most important information for the correct answer is usually heard closer to the end of the statement.
  2. Look, preferably British. It helps to review the same scenes several times, and first without subtitles or translation, so that the brain does not get used to relying on printed text. When you learn to navigate the sound of foreign speech, you can move on to sources without a visual component: audiobooks, radio broadcasts, etc. There are a huge variety of the latter, ranging from fictional audio series, and among them it is not difficult to find ones that suit your level. Some of them also have official or unofficial transcripts (a recording of what was said in text form), which can make it easier to follow.


In this section of the Unified State Exam you will have to prove your ability to understand the meaning of an unfamiliar text. There are quite a lot of texts that you will have to deal with, and two of them are relatively long (about a page). You only have about 10 minutes for each task, so you wouldn't be able to rely on a dictionary even if it were allowed.

Tasks included in the “Reading” section

Task No. 1. You are asked to read 7 short, 5-7 sentence texts, usually related to one topic or representing paragraphs of one text. Your task is to select for each of the text fragments one of the 8 headings indicated above and reflecting their meaning. One of the headings is redundant.

Task No. 2. In the second task, you will find a text from which 6 fragments have been removed (usually completing the sentence started in the text). The deleted fragments, with one extra added to them, are listed below in random order, and you need to determine which one belongs where.

Task No. 3. In the third task you will have to read a fairly voluminous text. Below it are 7 questions and open-ended statements, each of which has four possible answers. You need to choose the appropriate one, based not only on the details of what you read, but also on the general understanding of the author’s thoughts and the message embedded in the text.

  1. As in the case of listening, you will not always be able to find words in the text that match the desired answer option, and sometimes such a strategy can even turn out to be harmful. Try to understand what thought the author put into each fragment of the text.
  2. When completing the third task, it is useful to take into account that the questions for it are given approximately in the order in which the answer to them can be found in the text.
  3. When you insert missing fragments into the text of the second task, it makes sense to rely not only on the essence of the sentence, but also on the grammatical compatibility of its various parts. Thus, a comma placed before the missing fragment will most likely mean that we are talking about complex sentence, the subordinate part of which is attached to the main one using a conjunctive word (“which”, if we are talking about something inanimate, “who”, if we are talking about a person, “where”, “how”), and a comma placed after the missing fragment, will clearly indicate that it cannot end with a preposition.
  4. To prepare for this section, it is useful to read, as well as popular science articles and news columns. Write down unfamiliar words from them; At the same time, try not to take up the dictionary right away, but first guess their meaning from the context and only then check your guess. If your level of English has reached Intermediate - Upper-Intermediate, it is better to find out the meaning of an unfamiliar word not from English-Russian, but from an English-English explanatory dictionary.
  5. Expand your vocabulary in any other ways convenient for you. Solver books for the Unified State Exam can come to the rescue with this, allowing you to memorize new words at the pace that is most natural for you and/or in a playful manner.

Grammar and vocabulary (Use of English)

The third section, Use of English, tests your knowledge of English grammar, semantic nuances and compatibility of words, and word-formation devices. This is at the same time the simplest section, since it requires minimal application of creative forces, and the most difficult, since accurate knowledge is required to perform it correctly.

Tasks included in the “Grammar and Vocabulary” section

Task No. 1. In the first task you are given a text (or two short ones), in 7 places of which words are missing. The words you need are shown to the right of the blank and you need to use them in the correct grammatical form. For verbs, this usually means the need to put them in the correct tense form, to form from them passive voice or participle, agree with the subject. Pronouns may need to be changed in number or made possessive. For adjectives, the change usually consists of the formation of the correct degrees of comparison, for nouns - the plural.

Task No. 2. The second task is also a text with gaps (6 in number), only this time you will have to form other parts of speech from the adjacent words using suffixes and prefixes. You will need to correctly determine which part of speech is required in the text and use word formation tools that are appropriate in meaning.

Task No. 3. This task is the only one in the section where you can choose from the proposed options (four), but this does not prevent it from being the most difficult. You are given a text with 7 missing words, and below you will see four words that can be used to fill in each of the gaps. These words are chosen to be either similar in meaning (of course, there are nuances in their use, which must be taken into account when deciding which one to use in a given case), or in spelling, or in the role that they usually play in the text. Also in the third task you may need to insert the required preposition or part of a phrasal verb.

  1. To successfully pass this section, you simply need to memorize a lot of things in any way convenient for you. Draw, study what suffixes are used to form each part of speech and what their meaning is. Read the text carefully to correctly determine what grammatical form you need to put the word in or what part of speech to form from it, then think about how exactly to do it.
  2. When learning verbs (for example, writing out unfamiliar ones from the text), always learn them together with the controls; remember whether they require a preposition after themselves, and if so, which one. Pay special attention to verbs that require a preposition that is difficult to deduce (such as “be angry with someone”).
  3. When writing words in the blanks, carefully follow the rules for filling out exam forms. Write letters at regular intervals; if the answer consists of several words (as, for example, in analytical (compound) forms of verbs) - do not leave spaces between words.

Letter (Writing)

The “Writing” section includes two lengthy tasks, for which 80 minutes are allotted. Both tasks require the examinee to write a text with a specific focus, which imposes a certain framework on both form and content. You are required not only to know English, but also to characteristic features texts of this type.

Tasks included in the “Writing” section

Task No. 1. You will be presented with a letter from a foreign friend or pen pal, where they will share information from their life with you and ask you a few questions. You are required to answer these questions in the form of a counter letter 100-140 words long and ask a certain number of your own on the topic specified in the assignment. It is extremely important to format the letter correctly. This is done according to the following scheme:

  1. In the upper right corner, indicate below each other the city, country and date of writing the letter (in the format day/month/year). There is no need to write the address in more detail! One line is missing between the country and the date.
  2. On the left side of the page we write the appeal “Dear ___”, where we insert the name of your recipient, after which we put a comma.
  3. Despite the fact that the previous line ends with a comma, we start writing with a red line and a capital letter. We thank the interlocutor for sending the letter; You can also apologize for not answering right away, or mention how the letter made you feel.
  4. We answer the interlocutor’s questions. In this case you can use conversational style and abbreviated grammatical forms words, exclamation marks and ellipses, but you should avoid slang and vulgarisms.
  5. We ask our own questions according to the terms of the assignment.
  6. We conclude the letter; You can report the reasons that prevent you from writing a longer letter, say that you will wait for an answer, or wish your interlocutor something.
  7. On the left under the letter we write one of the special final template phrases (“Best regards”, “Lots of love”, “Warm wishes”, etc.; it should be borne in mind that some of them are only suitable for business style and will seem too formal for friendly correspondence, while others, on the contrary, will be too intimate and therefore inappropriate). After it we put a comma.
  8. Under the template phrase we write our name without putting a period after it.

Task No. 2. The second task is to write an essay of 200-250 words on the specified topic. The essay must have a clear composition and include five paragraphs. The first and last paragraphs are the introduction and conclusion, in the second paragraph you indicate your opinion on the issue and give arguments in its favor, in the third paragraph you highlight the opposite point (or points) of view, in the fourth you explain why you settled on the point of view that protect.

Tips for preparing and passing the written part of the EGE in English

  1. Pay close attention to the word limit! For a letter, the limits of what is permitted are 90-154 words, for an essay – 180-275. If you write less, the assignment will not be checked at all and you will receive 0 points; if you write more, they will not check everything that is outside the limit. This way you will lose compositionally significant parts, and with them, points.
  2. Practice writing texts of a strictly specified length. Check the word count yourself; remember that in a letter the address and signature are also included in total number. To some extent, you can regulate the number of words, taking advantage of the fact that numerals are written in numbers (1990, 234) or how compound word with a hyphen (fifty-nine) are considered one word, and those written in several separate words are considered by their number (one thousand nine hundred twenty). Abbreviations and short grammatical forms (wouldn’t, I’d, it’s), as opposed to their full spelling, are also counted as one word.
  3. Learn how to write an essay correctly. I told and cited it on this site.
  4. Create your own toolkit of cliche phrases used in essays and texts of similar types to introduce an idea, to give an example, to contrast, to describe a cause-and-effect relationship, to move to the other side of the issue.
  5. Be careful about your writing style. In essays, avoid emotionally charged vocabulary and colloquial expressions; in letters, avoid clerical language.


The oral part of the Unified State Exam in English is voluntary and is taken separately from the written part - on a different day and usually in a different place. Unlike the written exam, you will take the speaking test one or several people at a time in a room specially equipped for this purpose. You will be given a headset (headphones + microphone) to record and listen to your answers, and under the supervision of an examiner, you will begin completing the tasks shown on the screen, based on the instructions of the program.

Unlike the written part of the exam, you do not have free reign over the time allotted for this section of the exam. You will complete the tasks in the order in which they appear on the screen, and the time frame in which you can record your answer is extremely strict. In total, the oral part of the exam lasts 15 minutes, and at the end you will have the opportunity to listen to how high-quality the audio recordings were. Unfortunately, you will not be able to deceive the system and correct a belatedly noticed error: re-recording is possible only after contacting an examiner, who must make sure that the problem is precisely in its quality.

Below you can watch a video explaining the exam in detail.

Tasks included in the “Speaking” section

Task No. 1. You are given only 3 minutes for this task. One and a half of them are allocated for you to familiarize yourself with a short (10-15 sentences) text, which you then have to read out loud. It is important not only to pronounce words correctly, but also to adhere to pauses specified by punctuation, and also to monitor intonation. For reading the text you will be given 1 point.

Task No. 2. In the second task, you will be shown an illustrated advertisement. According to the terms of the task, you are interested in the product and/or service discussed in the ad (this could be a membership to a pool or gym, an excursion, an overnight stay in a hotel, etc.), and you need to find out some details about it. The information you need to obtain is written down in five points below the ad. You are given one and a half minutes to get your bearings, and then you will have to ask a question for each of the points. You have exactly 20 seconds to write down one question.

Task No. 3. In the third task, you will be shown three photographs, from which you need to choose one and, after a minute and a half, briefly describe it. It is important to remember to follow the legend in the conditions of the task. It may vary from year to year; in the last Unified State Exam it was that all the photographs were taken from your personal photo album, and you need to describe one of them to a friend.

When describing, it is important to adhere to the form of the answer. Start with “I’ve chosen photo number...” to indicate which photo you are describing, and then tell about it, based on the plan provided to you in the assignment. It is important not to deviate from it and answer as concisely as possible, since you are given only two minutes to answer, and if all the information asked for is not given, it will cost you points. In total, you can get 7 points for this task.

Task No. 4. The fourth task of the oral part of the exam is similar to the previous one, only in it you will be shown two pictures, and you will have to talk about both of them. You will be given one and a half minutes to prepare, and then in 2 minutes you will need to compare them, adhering to the plan given in the task. It will not be enough to describe what happens at each of them; you should find their similarities and differences (or rather, the similarities or differences of what is depicted on them), and also talk about your attitude towards them. You can also get 7 points for this task.

Tips for preparing and passing the oral part of the EGE in English

  1. Due to the tight time frame of the oral part of the exam and the mental pressure it puts on you, you definitely need to practice dealing with these tasks and under these conditions. This can be done either on this website.
  2. Remember that passing in front of a computer is very different from passing in front of an examiner, since you will not be able to rely on the other person's reaction. You need to get used to this format.
  3. Record your speech on a voice recorder (you can use the built-in one in your smartphone) and listen to the result. If you have a headset for voice communication or a laptop with a built-in microphone, you can also turn to the online resource Vocaroo Voice Recorder, with which you can easily record and then download it for later use. This way you can get used to the sound of your voice, track obvious pronunciation errors, and practice staying within the allotted time.
  4. Learn stable speech structures that are used when comparing or contrasting. You can also learn , which do not add additional meaning to the text, but with which you can fill the pause while you are thinking about the next part of your answer (“actually”, “indeed”, “in fact”, “as far as I know/can judge”) .
  5. Try not to worry or get lost if you realize that you made a mistake. Grammatical errors and incorrect pronunciation of words are normal in speech, and if there are not too many of them, the score for them will not be reduced. The main thing that is being tested is your ability to express the desired thought in English. Focus on making sure that your speech conveys all the information that the task requires of you.
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