What are subjects and predicates? What characteristics are included in the grammatical meaning of a sentence? Simple and compound predicate

The concepts of subject and predicate are among the most basic in the Russian language. It is with them that children begin to become acquainted with syntax. It is very important that the student understands this section and consolidates it in memory, since all subsequent rules of punctuation, complex sentences and many other sections will be inextricably linked with the subject and predicate. These two concepts form the grammatical basis, so it will also be discussed in this article. Refresh your memory and help your child learn new knowledge.

What is the subject

First, let's look at the rule of the Russian language:

  • The subject is one of the main parts of the sentence. It can denote both an object and an action or a sign of a predicate. Answers the question “Who?” as well as “What?”.

As a rule, this member of the sentence is expressed by a noun or pronoun. It is emphasized by one feature.

  • For example, in the sentence “Grandma went to the market,” the subject will be the noun “Grandmother,” since in this sentence the grandmother is the main character.
  • If we take the sentence “He likes ice cream,” then the subject pronoun will be “He.”

However, there are other interesting cases in which absolutely any part of speech acts as the subject, if it can be defined as a noun. For example:

  • Five go to the right. In this sentence, the subject will be the word “Five,” although in its usual form it is a numeral. Here it replaces the noun, acting as the main member of the sentence.
  • The miser pays twice. In this case, the subject will also be the word “Stingy,” which is a noun, and outside the sentence it is an adjective.

The verb also often acts as the subject if it is in the indefinite form:

  • Going to the store is his main goal. This is a complex sentence, in one part of which the subject is an infinitive.

And finally, even a whole phrase can become the subject. These can be indivisible names, full name of the person.

  • Anna Sergeevna was in a hurry to go home. In this sentence the subject is Anna Sergeevna.

After some time, the child will be able to determine the subject intuitively, without reading the rules by heart.

What is a predicate

The predicate must be emphasized with two parallel horizontal lines; it answers the question “What is this?” and “What does this do?”, and also denotes an action or some attribute of the subject.

The predicate has several types:

  • Verbal.
  • Compound nominal.
  • Compound verb.

It is better to analyze each type of predicate separately. The simplest of them is verb.

  • The verbal predicate is usually expressed by a verb in certain moods: indicative, imperative, and also conditional. To determine the predicate correctly, you need to refresh your memory and remember what moods are.
  • Perhaps the predicate in the form of a set phrase.
  • Phraseologisms also belong to the verbal predicate.

The compound verb predicate is easy to notice:

  • In this case, two verbs answer the main question of the predicate. For example: “He still continued to eat.” The predicate would be “continued to eat.”
  • Or “The cat needs a lot of sleep.” Now the predicate is “you need to sleep.”

A compound nominal predicate is so called because it contains a linking verb and a nominal part: a noun or pronoun, adverbs, participles.

  • She was a beauty. In this sentence, the predicate is “was a beauty,” since the word “was” often acts as a linking verb, and “beauty” is a nominal part.

You may not be able to remember everything the first time, but after solving the tasks you will succeed.

What is a grammatical basis

The grammatical core is the main members of the sentence, namely the subject and the predicate. They are connected in meaning and are distinguished by horizontal features.

The base itself is usually highlighted in square brackets in the sentence.

There is a set of rules for constructing phrases in oral and written speech. This section of linguistics is called syntax, which translated from Greek means “composition.” The main members of a sentence with a consistent connection and functional semantic load are not subordinate to secondary units, have a dominant position and “dictate” the main meaning of the expression.

Semantic core of expression

The subject and predicate in sentences serve as the grammatical basis. What is the subject - this is the first of the main members in, answering questions by Him. : Who? or what? It means either an object or an action denoted by a predicate. What is a predicate - this is the second main member, which answers the questions: “what to do or do?”, “what is it?”. Carries a functional load, complements the meaning of the subject.

In the structure of speech, the subject is expressed by a noun or and implies active value. To illustrate, you can cite simple, complete in meaning, phrases “Irina put the book down.” “She put the book down.” In both complete phrases, a dash is not placed between the subject and the predicate, since the subjects “Irina” in the first case and “she” in the second are units that perform an action, and the predicate is expressed in the past tense, denoting this action.

In Russian speech, the subject can be expressed both by a noun and by an adjective used in sentences.

There are uncommon speech patterns in which the connection between the main members that make up the grammatical core is omitted. Both the subject and the predicate in these cases “stand” in nominative case and are expressed by a noun or numeral. For example: “Start location – fire tower”; “The show starts at twelve.” In writing, these phrases are formatted with a dash between the subject and predicate, since the nominative case is used twice for the declension of both units of the main unit.

In addition, if both main members of a phrase are indicated by indefinite verbs, then according to linguistic norms a dash is placed between the subject and the predicate. A creative option is a humorous aphorism: “An active person is the architect of his own happiness.”

Important! If the particle “not” comes before the verb (in the infinitive), a dash sign is placed: “Living life is not a field to cross.” Such punctuation will be correct both grammatically and stylistically.

In what expressions is it used?

The spelling rule with a connecting dash sign depends on the competent selection of the basis - the main members, which do not depend on the minor ones. A dash can be used to connect parts of a sentence into different styles speech.

Mathematical and identity concepts

In a laconic figure of speech, which describes a mathematical operation using numerals, the subject and predicate are separated by a dash. For example: “Twice two is four”;

In simple and precise phrases containing identical concepts and definitions. Can be (geographical): “London is the capital of Great Britain”; “The Sava is a tributary of the Danube” are examples of sentences of classical identical combinations.


The dash punctuation mark is often used in short speech patterns. folk art, which are instructive in nature. These are laconic folk expressions - sayings and proverbs with dashes, the spelling of which is subject to the rules of Russian grammar. The predicate is usually expressed as a whole phrase, which contains the logical meaning of the sentence.

Examples of wise folklore creativity:

  • if you want to test a friend, look at him in anger;
  • the cat is out of the house - the mice dance;
  • out of sight, out of mind;
  • no news – good news;
  • what the eye does not see, the heart does not regret;
  • found a friend - found a treasure.

In all of these cases, the rule is used when a dash is placed between both parts of the turn.

Imaginative commercials

If you come across a sentence where the predicate is expressed by a noun, you can use standard rule, using a graphic dash sign to indicate the final meaning. For example: “Almagel – balm for the stomach”, “ Toothpaste Pearls are for the whole family.” After the dash sign there is a combination in which the predicate is expressed by a noun that explains general meaningcatchphrase”, convincing and motivating to buy.

The technique of using short, apt and figurative phrases is very often used in popular aphorisms and “catchy” advertising texts.

Use in writing

In Russian grammar, a dash sign is placed between the subject and the predicate in four cases:

  1. Between two nouns, when the predicate is expressed by a noun (Happiness is the reward for courage).
  2. Between a pair of numerals (Fifteen fifteen – two hundred twenty five).
  3. Between verbs in the indefinite form - the infinitive (Guide - sensitively anticipate).
  4. Before the words: this, this, this means, this means, connecting the grammatical basis of the sentence (A grimy child is a happy child).

Punctuation mark in Russian and foreign fiction

In Russian writing, both modern and classical, punctuation using dashes is quite common. Expressions with a dash do not provide additional expressiveness and enhance the significance of what is being said.

A few examples from fiction:

  • “Genius and villainy are two incompatible things.” (A.S. Pushkin);
  • "The highest and most characteristic feature of our people is a sense of justice and a thirst for it.” (F.M. Dostoevsky);
  • “Don’t spare anything for your friend, think a little about others too - that’s my simple magic.” (L.I. Oshanin);
  • “Excessive pride is a sign of an insignificant soul” (I.A. Turgenev);
  • “The madness of the brave is the wisdom of life” (M. Gorky).

In the works of foreign authors, the logical connective - a dash between the subject and the predicate - is also often used appropriately. An example would be
serve as a phrase from “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” by the American classic Mark Twain: “But now Tom was a free bird - that was also worth something!” Thanks to the use of punctuation, the phrase sounds short and very emotional.

Subject- this is the main member of the sentence, which denotes the subject of speech and answers the question of the nominative case (who? what?).

Pay attention to the meaning (a) and the form of the expression (b) of the subject:

a) the subject is what is being said in a sentence (subject of speech);

b) the main form of expression of the subject - nominative(question who? what?).

Pay attention!

To the question what? not only the nominative, but also the accusative case of the noun answers; The forms of the nominative and accusative cases can also coincide. To distinguish between these cases, you can substitute a noun of the 1st declension (for example - book): nominative case - book; accusative case - book.

Wed: Lies on the table pencil (book) - nominative case; I see a pencil(book) - accusative case.

Let's compare two sentences:

1. I didn't sleep; 2. I couldn't sleep.

In meaning they express approximately the same thing. However, in the first sentence ( I didn't sleep) is a subject because there is a pronoun in the nominative case ( I), in the second sentence ( I couldn't sleep) there is no subject because there is no pronoun in the nominative case ( to me- dative case).

Ways to Express Subject

A) Subject - one word:

Form Examples
1. Name
1.1. Noun Eldest son(Who?) left for the capital.
1.2. Pronoun He(Who?) left for the capital.
1.3. Adjective Senior(Who?) left for the capital.
1.4. Communion Raised(Who?) sword by sword will perish.
1.5. Numeral Two(Who?) went to the capital.
2. Infinitive (infinitive form of the verb) Love(What?) - This is wonderful.
Live(What?) - serve the homeland.
3. Unchangeable (notional or auxiliary) part of speech in the meaning of a noun
3.1. Adverb The fateful day after tomorrow has arrived(What?).
3.2. Pretext "IN"(What?) is a pretext.
3.3. Union "A"(What?) - adversarial union.
3.4. Particle "Not"(What?) with verbs is written separately.
3.5. Interjection “Aw” came from all sides(What?).
4. Indirect form of a name, conjugated form of a verb, sentence in the meaning of a noun "Brother"(What?) - dative form of a noun.
"Reading"(What?) - 1st person form of present tense verb.
“Don’t forget yourself, don’t worry, work moderately” (What?) - was his motto.

B) The subject is a whole, that is, a syntactically indivisible phrase (main + dependent word):

Form Meaning Examples
1. Name in the nominative case (adverb) + name in the genitive case Quantitative value Five chairs stood against the wall.
Several chairs stood against the wall.
Some of the chairs stood against the wall.
Many chairs stood against the wall.
2. Name in the nominative case + name in the genitive case with the preposition from Selective meaning Two of us will go to the capital.
Each of us will go to the capital.
Many of us will go to the capital.
3. Name in the nominative case + name in instrumental case with the preposition s (only with the predicate - in the plural!) The meaning of togetherness Wed: Mother and son will go(plural) rest.
Mother and son will go(units) rest.
4. Nouns beginning, middle, end+ noun in genitive case Phase value It was the end of September.
5. Noun + agreed name (phraseologism, terminological combination and phrase with metaphorical meaning) The members of a phrase only collectively express a single or indivisible concept in a given context The Milky Way spread across the sky.
White flies
(snowflakes) circled in the sky.
A cap of light brown curls swayed on his head.
6. Indefinite pronoun (from the basics who, what) + agreeable name Undefined value Something unpleasant was in his entire appearance.

Pay attention!

1) You can always ask questions to the subject: who? What? , even if it does not change by case.

2) Nominative case - singular case, with the help of which the subject can be expressed.

Note. The subject can be expressed in the indirect case if it indicates the approximate amount of someone or something. Wed: Thirty ships went out to sea. About thirty ships went out to sea. Over thirty ships went out to sea.

Subject analysis plan

Indicate the way to express the subject:

  1. Single word: noun, adjective, pronoun, numeral, participle in the nominative case; an adverb or other unchangeable form in the meaning of a noun; infinitive.
  2. Syntactically indivisible phrase (indicate the meaning and form of the main word).

Sample parsing

The lake seemed to be covered with ice(Prishvin).

Subject lake expressed by a noun in the nominative case.

Around noon there are usually a lot of round high clouds(Turgenev).

Subject many clouds expressed as a syntactically indivisible (whole) phrase with a quantitative meaning; main word (noun) many) is in the nominative case.

In the dark, the bearded man stumbled over something(Sholokhov).

Subject bearded expressed by an adjective in the meaning of a noun in the nominative case.

But suddenly paying two hundred, three hundred, five hundred rubles for something, even the most necessary, seemed almost suicide to them(Goncharov).

Subject pay expressed by the infinitive.

About an hour has passed(Paustovsky).

Subject about an hour expressed by the indirect case of the noun hour with the preposition near and indicates the approximate amount of time.

Grammar basis sentences form the main members of the sentence ( subject and predicate). That is, the grammatical basis of a sentence (predicative basis, core) is the main part of the sentence, which consists of its main members: subject and predicate. See also introductory words..



Subject can be expressed not only by a noun or pronoun in nominative case, but also:

1) numeral, adjective and participle in I.P. as a noun;

Seven (num.)one is not expected. All the past (adj. as a noun)I was just dreaming.

2) designs:

Numeral / several, many, part, majority, minority + noun in R.P.;

The prince had gathered in the hut a lot of people. Several ladies walked quickly up and down the platform.

Some, every, much / adjective + of + noun in R.P.;

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Someone, something + adjective, participle as a noun;

Something so insignificant tied in a scarf.

Noun / pronoun + s + noun / pronoun in Tv.P. ( but only if the predicate is expressed by a plural verb!).

Vanya and Iwent along the forest road ( plural predicate.).

Annashe entered the room with her daughter in her arms (predicate in singular).

3) an infinitive, which names an action that does not occur in time.

Livein a lordly way - this is a noble affair


In the Russian language there are three types of predicates. The following algorithm of actions will help you determine which type is represented in your proposal.


If a sentence contains homogeneous predicates, then each of them should be considered separately.

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1) Most often, the definition of a simple verbal predicate, expressed in more than one word, raises doubts:

I I will take part in the exhibition.

In this example I will take part– a complex form of the future tense, which is defined in syntax as a simple predicate. And the combination take part is a phraseological unit that can be replaced by the word I'm participating. Therefore, we have a simple verbal predicate.


People often make the mistake of calling the following construction simple verbal predicates:

Everything in Moscow is imbued with poetry, punctuated with rhymes.

This error is due to two factors.

First, we must distinguish the short passive participle from the past tense verb form.


Short participles have suffixes -T-, -N-, and the verb -L-. Means, soakedBut, puncturedTo- These are short passive participles.

Secondly, we have before us a predicate that is expressed in just one word, but what is it - simple or compound (see Morphological analysis of a word with examples)? Try adding some time adverb to the sentence, for example, at the beginning of the twentieth century, and see how these forms behave.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, everything in Moscow was imbued with poetry and punctuated with rhymes.

A bunch appears was and the predicate clearly becomes compound. The Russian language is not characterized by constructions in the present tense with a copula be. Agree, it sounds clearly foreign if we say: All in Moscow There is imbued with poetry, rhymes There is pierced.

Thus, if in a sentence you come across predicates, expressed short passive participles then you are dealing with compound nominal predicate.


Words it is impossible, it is possible, it is necessary, it is necessary included in composite predicates.

To me need to get off at this stop.


Be careful with your words to be, to appear, to appear, since by highlighting only them, you may miss another component of the predicate.

She seemed funny to me.Wrong!

If you only highlight words appeared, then the meaning of the sentence changes completely ( seemed = dreamed, dreamed, imagined).

Right: She seemed funny to me

Wrong: The teacher was strict (was = existed, lived).

Right: The teacher was strict.


This task offers quite complex sentences for analysis and the answer options are very often similar to each other. What “traps” can you expect here?

1) Proposals can be compiled according to different models:

  • subject + predicate;
  • only predicate or subject (one-part sentences);
  • subject + homogeneous predicates;
  • homogeneous subjects + predicate.

The answer option may omit a subject, predicate, or one of the homogeneous subjects or predicates.


The grammatical basis includes ALL the main parts of the sentence; omitting one of them is a clear mistake.

2) The answer option can combine the subject and predicate of different grammatical bases.

3) The subject can only be in I.P.! Answer options with nouns, pronouns not in I.P. obviously incorrect (except for those cases when they are part of the predicate and without them the whole meaning of the sentence changes).

4) The answer option may contain a participial or participial phrase, which are never included in the grammatical basis.


Designs should be distinguished verb + noun in V.P. And noun + passive participle.

The coordinates were calculated. ? The coordinates have been calculated.

IN first case coordinates is a noun in the form accusative case, which depends on the verb (that is addition), and in second is a nominative case form that agrees with the past participle (i.e. subject). If you change each of the designs, the differences will be visible. Let's put the predicates in each of the sentences in the singular form:

Calculated the coordinates. The coordinate has been calculated.

The subject and predicate always agree with each other, but the object remains unchanged.

5) Sometimes words which, which V complex sentences are subject.

[And shiny droplets crawled down his cheeks], (the kind that happen on windows when it rains). (what = droplets).

Analysis of the task.

1. Which combination of words is the grammatical basis in one of the sentences or in one of the parts of a complex sentence?

(1) So what is the difference between human and animal perception? (2) For an animal, only concrete things exist; its perception is inseparable from the real environment in which it lives and acts. (3) So, for example, the “TV version” of a dog means nothing to a cat. (4) Man, in the process of evolution, acquired the unique ability to create in his imagination ideal images of reality, but they no longer seem to be a direct copy of a specific thing. (5) Thanks to the development of cognitive activity, in particular, the processes of abstraction and generalization, a person can isolate any individual features of the object being studied, abstracting from all other, unimportant details. (6) Thus, a person has the ability to form a generalized image of a real thing, which allows him to see and recognize the common signs and qualities of various phenomena of reality.

1) perception is (sentence 2)

2) acquired the ability (sentence 4)

3) they do not appear to be a cast (sentence 4)

4) which allows you to see (sentence 6)

Option #1 is not a grammatical basis, since here the predicate is not fully represented, which distorts the meaning of the entire sentence (perception is = in the meaning “comes, arrives somewhere for some reason”). See point 3 in the “Predicate” section.

Option No. 2 is also incorrect because it lacks a subject. Who acquired the ability? In sentence 4 the subject is the word Human.

Option #3 true, although at first glance it seems wrong. The authors of the task are deliberately trying to confuse us. Although the word cast is not in the I.P. form, but it is part of the predicate, since without it the logic of the story is lost. They don’t introduce themselves = The images don’t give their names?!

Option No. 4 incorrect . The subject is highlighted correctly. Word which, as we have already said, can be subject. In the subordinate clause it is replaced by the word image and performs the same functions, that is, it is the subject. But the predicate is not fully represented. In the sentence it is - allows you to see and recognize.

So way, the student who chooses option 3 will be right.

2. What words are the grammatical basis in the sixth (6) sentence of the text?

(1)… (2) They are united by one desire - to know. (3) And their ages are different, and their professions are very different, and their level of knowledge is completely different, but everyone tried to know more than they already know. (4) This expressed the need of millions and millions of people who greedily absorbed all the secrets of the world, all the knowledge and skills accumulated by mankind. (5) Library visitors either studied somewhere or dreamed of studying. (6) They all needed books, but when they came to the library, they got lost in the ocean of books. (7) ... (According to K. Chukovsky).

1) books were needed, they were lost

2) they needed it, they were lost

3) books were needed, when they came here they got lost

4) books were needed, they were lost in the ocean

The correct one is Option 1, since in other options the second ones were included in the basis minor members sentences: in the second the word is superfluous them (addition, stands in D.P.), in the third there is an adverbial phrase that is not part of the basis of the sentence, and in the fourth there is a circumstance in the ocean.

3. What combination of words is the grammatical basis in one of the sentences (or part of it)?

(1)... (2) She will die of hunger if the gates are strong and no one opens them, but does not think of moving away from the gates and pulling them towards themselves. (3) Only a person understands that you have to be patient, work hard and do something you don’t want in order for what you want to happen. (4) A person can restrain himself, not eat, not drink, not sleep only because he knows what is good and should be done and what is bad and should not be done, and this is taught to a person by his ability to think. (5) Some people increase it in themselves, others do not. (6)…

1) she will die (sentence 2)

2) what you want (sentence 3)

3) what is good and should be done (sentence 4)

4) teaches ability (sentence 4)

This is a task of increased difficulty.

Option #1 incorrect, since not all predicates are indicated by the authors. The sentence has a rather difficult structure to analyze. It is complex with a subordinate clause that is wedged between two homogeneous predicates. Therefore, you may not notice that the basis she will die must also include a predicate won’t think to step back and pull.

Option No. 2 is also excluded. Verb I want is impersonal and there cannot be a subject with it.

Option #3 similar to the previous one. This sentence is also impersonal. Word should in dictionaries it is defined as a category of state that is used in sentences without a subject.

True is Option 4.

What questions does the subject answer? You will receive the answer to this question in the presented article. In addition, we will tell you about what parts of speech this part of the sentence can be expressed.

General information

Before you talk about what questions the subject answers, you should understand what it is. The subject (in syntax) is the main member of a sentence. Such a word is grammatically independent. It denotes an object whose action is reflected in the predicate. As a rule, the subject names what or who the sentence is about.

What questions does the subject answer?

Sometimes, for the correct and competent writing of a text, it is very important to determine. In order to do this, you should know several rules of the Russian language.

So, the subject answers the questions “Who?” or “What?” It should also be noted that when this member is emphasized by only one feature. The subject, as well as all the minor members of the sentence that relate to it, form the composition of the subject.

Expression with different parts of speech

As we found out, the subject answers the questions “Who?” or “What?” However, this does not mean that the presented member of the sentence can only appear in the form of a noun in the nominative case.

The subject is often expressed by other parts of speech that have various shapes and ranks.


The subject of a sentence can be:

  • Personal pronoun: She looked right and then left.
  • Indefinite pronoun: There lived someone lonely and rootless.
  • Interrogative pronoun: Those who didn't have time are late.
  • Relative pronoun: He does not take his eyes off the path that goes through the forest.
  • Negative pronoun: Nobody needs to know this.

Other parts of speech

Once you determine what questions the subject answers, you can find it in the sentence quite easily. But for this you should know that such a term is often expressed as follows:

As you can see, it is not enough to know that the subject answers the questions “What?” or “Who?” Indeed, in order to correctly determine a given member of a sentence, it is necessary to know the features of all parts of speech.

Subject as a phrase

In some sentences, the subject can be expressed syntactically or lexically using indecomposable phrases. Such members usually belong to various parts speech. Let's look at the cases in which these phrases occur most often:

Other forms

To determine the main member of a sentence, ask questions to the subject. After all, only in this case will you be able to determine it.

So what other possible combinations of parts of speech that appear in a sentence as the subject? Below are some examples:

Plan for parsing the main member of the sentence (subject)

To determine the subject of a sentence, you must first indicate its mode of expression. As we found out above, this could be:

  • Any single word that belongs to one of the following parts of speech: an adjective, an indefinite form of a verb, a numeral, a pronoun, a participle, a noun in the nominative case, an adverb or another unchangeable form used in the text as a noun.
  • Syntactically indivisible phrase. In this case, you should indicate the form and meaning of the main word.

Example of parsing sentences

To determine the main member of a sentence, you should ask a question to the subject. Here are some examples:

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