Autonomous fire detectors - now you can sleep peacefully! Choosing a good stand-alone fire detector

TO autonomous systems fire alarms include a set of equipment not connected to the central console. That is, when the detector is triggered, only the internal warning system (usually sound and light) is launched, and the persons at the facility independently call firefighters or eliminate the fire.

Such systems have become widespread in the private sector and are installed at facilities that are not subject to mandatory automatic fire alarm equipment (dachas, apartments, cottages, etc.).

Among autonomous fire alarms, equipment kits consisting of a control device, a combination of detectors and a sound annunciator are most widely used. When choosing such a system, special attention is paid to the organization of autonomous power supply.

Any fire fighting system must be equipped with a block uninterruptible power supply.

According to regulatory documents, an uninterruptible power supply must ensure the functioning of a fire alarm for a certain time:

  • standby mode - 24 hours;
  • fire mode - 3 hours;
  • work in alert mode - 1 hour.

Time UPS operation directly depends on the capacity of the installed battery and the current consumed by the equipment in various modes. It is recommended to choose a battery with a capacity margin of 10% of the required indicator.

IN household sphere stand-alone fire detectors are often used, which are a sensor, a sound annunciator and a power source combined in one compact housing. As the latter, 9 V batteries (“crown”) or non-replaceable lithium power supplies are usually used.

Autonomous fire alarm systems also include equipment with a GSM unit. In this case, when the detector is triggered control device sends a signal to mobile phone. This type of alarm is the best option for installation in a country house or garage.

When choosing equipment, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe object and, accordingly, the number of detectors are taken into account.

For a large house, the best option would be a kit with the required number of sensors various types. In an apartment, you can use a simple stand-alone detector with a built-in siren. To increase the level of fire safety, it is recommended to install systems with a GSM communication unit.


A self-contained fire detector is the simplest type of equipment to provide a minimum level of fire safety. Structurally, an autonomous fire detector is a classic smoke detector with a built-in power and warning system.

The most widely used stand-alone point-type smoke detectors. An optical smoke detector is installed inside the housing combined with the smoke chamber. When the optical density changes in the smoke chamber, the sensor is triggered and a signal is sent to the built-in sound annunciator.

As a sound emitter, as a rule, a piezoelectric element is used, which provides a fairly loud sound. According to European standards, the sound pressure generated by the emitter should be between 85 and 110 dB, with the minimum allowable power supply voltage.

Subjective assessment of the annunciator's effectiveness - the sound signal should wake up a sleeping person at a distance of up to 10 meters.

The main parameters of an autonomous fire alarm sensor:

  • detection zone;
  • warning zone;
  • autonomy - the actual time of operation from a power source.

The main disadvantage of autonomous fire alarm detectors is the significant difference between the detection and warning zones. That is, if a standard optical sensor has a detection zone that can reach 80 m², then the warning zone is much smaller - from 2 to 10 m².

Separate requirements have been developed for power sources of autonomous sensors.

2 types of batteries have become widespread - removable type "crown" and non-removable lithium. Sensors with removable batteries must be equipped with a charge control system. When the voltage level drops to the minimum allowable value, sound and light signal is given.

IN Lately autonomous sensors with a combined power supply system appeared on the market. Several sensors are combined into local network with one mains power supply. Each sensor is equipped with a built-in backup source nutrition.

The attitude of professionals to autonomous fire alarm sensors is ambiguous. With obvious shortcomings, including limited audibility and the inability to control other equipment, they still provide a minimum level of fire safety. In some foreign countries installation of this equipment is mandatory in multi-apartment residential buildings.


Autonomous fire alarm systems are usually installed in private houses and apartments. Given the scope of application, the installation process is not regulated, since all responsibility for the installation and performance of the system lies entirely with the owner of the home.

In this case, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the rules and regulations for installation for automatic systems. This will help to choose the optimal location of sensors of various types.

For full-fledged systems consisting of a set of sensors and a receiving unit, it is desirable to draw up an installation plan, indicating the location of the equipment. After that, communications are laid, and sensors are connected. The final stage is to set up the equipment and check the system performance.

If the house is large, the best option would be to turn to professional installers, this will help to avoid unforeseen problems during the operation of the alarm.

Autonomous fire alarm sensors are most often installed independently, adhering to the manufacturer's recommendations and the following rules:

  • the sensor is mounted on the ceiling; if installation on the ceiling is not possible, the detector is placed on the wall at its highest point;
  • the detector must be securely fixed, the equipment is attached only to the main surfaces with screws;
  • it cannot be installed in the corners of the room.

For rooms with a small area, it is enough to install one autonomous sensor. In any case, it is better to focus on the coverage area of ​​the sounder (it is much smaller than the detection area).

Stand-alone sensors require regular maintenance, including dust removal and timely replacement of the power source. Stand-alone options are characterized by low equipment cost, but it is not recommended to install them for reasons of economy alone.

This is primarily a minimum level of fire safety, therefore, when possible, more advanced systems are used. Good alternative- GSM fire alarm, as well as equipment integrated into the "Smart House" system. Last option, despite the high cost, is considered optimal for private houses and apartments.

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The basis of the fire alarm is a special sensor. It is this small device that can detect even slight temperature deviations, as well as the presence of fire and smoke. But due to the fact that it can only respond to one factor, it can not in every case fix a fire at its very initial stage. It is for this reason that an autonomous fire smoke detector is used in alarm complexes. Let's see what is the difference, compared with traditional devices, how to choose the right item.

What it is?

What design feature device data? Three elements are combined in one small mechanism. So, these are optical sound warning devices, as well as batteries. The latter provide autonomous operation of the device.

The sensor is a measuring optical chamber that excludes access to the light stream, but at the same time passes air well. It has a built-in emitter operating in the infrared range, as well as a receiver. The elements are arranged relative to each other so that the light hits the receiver when it is reflected from the particulate smoke. This causes a small drawback of an autonomous fire smoke detector - the element can be triggered if dust, insects or steam enter the chamber.

The sound detector is an integral part of the device. This is nothing more than an ordinary siren. It is usually triggered when a smoke detector is triggered. At the same time, she emits rather shrill beeps. The notification is made by means of a piezo emitter.

Since the detector is something for its functioning, it is necessary Electric Energy. A 9 volt battery is used here as an autonomous source of energy. It is enough for about a year of operation of the device.

Operating principle

What determines the work In the process of fire, small aerosol particles are released into the air, which can be recorded by an autonomous fire smoke detector. Various factors can affect the performance of the instrument. This is the size of the particles, their speed of movement, chemical composition and air structure, density, as well as air saturation with smoke.

The device is completely autonomous and independent. But there are models that can be combined into common network on-site alarms. The signal can be output to a separate sound or light annunciator. The power will be self-contained, since the device has a battery. The principle of operation lies in the fixation of solid particles that are in the smoke with an optical sensor, and the further supply of alarm signals.

Advantages and disadvantages

Autonomous fire smoke detectors of this type are characterized by frequent false alarms. Therefore, at such moments, the battery is removed from them. But they often forget to put it back in. This is a significant disadvantage. But there is an advantage - the sound signal that starts when the sensor is triggered can wake up even a soundly sleeping person.


Everyone who decides to install a fire optoelectronic autonomous smoke detector is faced with the problem of choice. Fire safety specialists have conducted research and tested devices from different companies and made certain conclusions - they are disappointing. Experts assure that most of the devices that are currently on the market do not meet not only the requirements of regulatory documents, but even the parameters that the manufacturer himself declares.

If we take into account the results of these checks and studies, then among the models produced by domestic manufacturers, the lag in terms of manufacturability from the goods of European brands that produce such products is clearly visible. Autonomous firefighter selection smoke detector It is worth entrusting a professional who has certain experience and has serious knowledge in this area.

Based on world experience, the most promising are devices with a non-replaceable energy source that have a service life of 10 years or more. These devices are manufactured by most European manufacturers. One can single out the HDV 3000 OSF model, but even now its cost is very high.

domestic producers

Among the Russian manufacturers that produce products that meet the requirements, we can single out the companies System Engineering, Magistral, Rubezh. These companies have been manufacturing these products for over twenty years. The fire and security alarm system is the main direction of work of these manufacturers.

Among the popular models, IP 212-52SI (autonomous smoke detector) can be distinguished. The reviews about this device indicate that the device has a high sensitivity, is able to work for 10 years. Users say that the device gives almost no false signals.

Basic parameters when choosing

Fire alarm systems are subject to stringent requirements. This equipment must provide high safety. But the list of these requirements depends not only on the detector itself and its model, but also on the company that manufactured it. As the reviews say, high quality the stand-alone fire smoke detector IP 212-50M2 differs from the Rubezh brand.

Among the main selection criteria, one can single out the operation of the device offline for a year or more. The device must have a light indicator that signals that the device is working properly. The siren must sound no earlier than 4 minutes after the fire is detected. The temperature range at which the device can function normally should be from -10 to +50 degrees. The device must have a special test button to check its reaction to smoke. There should also be a signal corresponding to a dead battery.

Model overview

Autonomous fire smoke detector IP-212 is one of the models manufactured by domestic manufacturers. As for the principle of operation, this is an optical-electronic device. This device does not have any special features. Reviews say that the sensor is able to respond to smoke that occurs even at low concentrations. It is used in various buildings and enclosed spaces. The element does not respond to changes in humidity levels, open flames, or temperature fluctuations. This must be taken into account when choosing.

The basis of the device is a microcontroller. It is he who processes data from the external environment. The device is quite accurate, despite the fact that it is budget. But this makes it accessible to many. You can also purchase a model of fire smoke autonomous detector IP 212-142. The device has similar characteristics. The difference is that the device has several modes of operation.


As you can see, there is a lot of such equipment, but not everyone can be trusted. Specifications many devices are similar. Owner reviews claim that there are practically no false positives. And the devices really serve the period declared by the manufacturer - 10 years or more. People's tests show that most of the models on the market react to smoke in time.


The use of devices included in the warning and signaling system has become a necessary element in enterprises and at home.

They help not only to detect the source of fire on the very initial stage, but eliminate it using the primary means of fire extinguishing.

One of the main devices of the alarm system is the sensor, it is he who captures the slightest temperature deviations, the appearance of fire and smoke. But since it reacts to only one of the factors, it is not always able to fix the fire at the initial stage.

Therefore, most often, an autonomous fire detector is used in systems. How is it different from traditional devices and where is it used?

API - what is it?

The design feature of the detector is the combination of three elements in one device.

So in the body of the device are enclosed:

  • Optical smoke detector
  • Sounder
  • Battery

The first element of the detector consists of a measuring optical chamber, which excludes the ingress of luminous flux, but at the same time freely passing air masses.

Inside the device there are an emitter and a receiver operating in the infrared range. At the same time, they are located in such a way that light hits the receiver only when it is reflected from a solid particle of smoke that has entered the controlled area.

But the autonomous smoke detector has a big drawback - it also works when dust, insects, and steam are in the chamber.

We watch the video, the device and the principle of operation:

An integral element of the API or siren. It works simultaneously with the smoke detector, while emitting a shrill beep. In it, the role of the emitter of sound vibrations is played by a piezoelectric element, as it has low power consumption.

Since the detector is an electronic device, energy is required for its operation. For this purpose, the API is equipped with a nine-volt battery, which lasts for a year of operation of the device.

The principle of operation of the device and its features

A stand-alone smoke detector is independent device, however, models are produced that, if necessary, can be combined into a common network with a signal output to a separate light and sound annunciator. Its power will also be autonomous, since each device has its own battery.

The principle of operation of an autonomous detector is to detect particulate smoke with a sensor and give an alarm to people.

Like any device included in the fire alarm system, the API is necessary to control the situation in residential and industrial premises. But unlike the sensors united in one network, it is powered by a battery, which is very often simply removed in case of a false alarm, forgetting to put it back in place later. Such negligence can lead to the loss of not only property, but also lives.

Watch the video, operation and principle of operation:

But at the same time, autonomous smoke detectors also have advantages - the ability to turn on a loud sound signal when a fire occurs that can wake up even a sleeping person.

API manufacturers

Whose products to choose? This question worries everyone who decides to install an autonomous fire alarm. The conclusions drawn by experts do not look comforting. They argue that many stand-alone fire smoke detectors do not meet the requirements of regulatory documents, and sometimes even the parameters declared by the manufacturer.

If we are guided by the results of research, then among the products of domestic companies there is a serious lag behind European counterparts.

Therefore, choosing a stand-alone detector should be a professional who has certain knowledge in this industry.

Based on world experience, autonomous fire detectors with a non-replaceable power source with a service life of more than 10 years are considered the most promising. Such devices are produced by many European companies. One of the devices is the HDv 3000 OSF autonomous fire detector, which is still very expensive, manufactured by detectomatGmbH.

Among domestic enterprises whose products are in demand in the domestic market, it is worth noting the following companies:

  • OOO System Engineering
  • Highway.

They specialize in hardware fire alarm including API.

What parameters should be considered when choosing?

The most stringent requirements are imposed on fire equipment, as it must ensure the reliable operation of the alarm system as a whole. But their list depends not only on the type and model of the detector, but also on the manufacturer.

Therefore, we list only the main ones for most devices:

  • When working offline, one battery should last at least 1 year
  • The device must be equipped with a light indicator, signaling the serviceability and operation in normal mode(usually the flashing frequency is 1 per minute)
  • When a fire is detected, the siren will sound for at least 4 minutes, with a signal level of 85 dB
  • The working temperature range for API is from -10 to + 50 ° С
  • The serviceability of the device and the correctness of its reaction to smoke is determined by the test button
  • The need to replace the battery is determined by a rhythmic beep

When buying an autonomous fire detector, consider its compliance with all of the above requirements - this will help to make right choice and will be a guarantee of warning about the appearance of a fire at the initial stage.

Based on the foregoing, we conclude

So, the main purpose of API is signaling and attracting the attention of others to the source of ignition. But be aware that interior partitions and doors severely limit the audibility zone, so it is recommended to install a separate device for each room. If possible, they should be combined into a single system with a signal output to one sensor.

Experts consider the most effective application API in residential premises equipped with sleeping places or at a short distance from them.

And the most important thing. The user of this detector must first study the operating instructions for the device, as well as familiarize himself with the operating conditions recommended by the manufacturer. With absence necessary materials, the occurrence of nuances in the work, the appearance of questions about the operation of the device, you must seek the advice of specialists.

API maintenance is performed once every 6 months and consists in cleaning the optical chamber. After it is carried out, it is necessary to check the operability of the device by pressing the test button, replace the power source if necessary and install the device in a permanent location.

As you can see, the API operation rules are quite simple and accessible to every user. The main thing is to comply with them and then your house will be under reliable protection.

Autonomous fire detectors are devices that combine all the functions of a fire alarm system. These are optoelectronic smoke detectors. Some models have terminals that allow you to combine them into an autonomous network or connect light and sound annunciators, which significantly increases the operation efficiency and fire safety of the entire structure.

The principle of operation of an autonomous smoke detector is based on the detection by a light-sensitive sensor of a change in the intensity of radiation that is reflected from solid particles present in the smoke.

Design features

The design feature of an autonomous smoke detector is the combination of 3 functional elements in one housing:

  • Optoelectronic smoke detector;
  • Light and sound / sound alarm;
  • Power supply with battery.

The optical-electronic smoke sensor consists of a measuring chamber of a complex shape with partitions inside, which exclude the possibility of direct light radiation hitting the photosensitive photocell, but freely passing the air flow. An IR study source and a photocell are installed inside the optical chamber. The devices are located out of line of sight relative to each other. The operation will occur if the photocell begins to capture the radiation reflected from the smoke particles.

The main disadvantage of this design is the possibility of false triggering when dust, steam or insects enter the optical chamber.

The siren is an audible fire annunciator, which is an integral part of an autonomous fire detector. It emits a beep of medium volume. A piezoelectric element acts as a generator of sound vibrations. The advantage of such a device is its low power consumption.

As a rule, the API is equipped with a 9 volt electric battery. The charge of such a battery should be enough for a year of continuous operation. If the charge drops below a critical level, the device starts signaling with an LED indicator or short beeps.

Autonomous smoke detectors are usually used in residential premises, cottages, apartments, offices, where the installation of a full-fledged fire alarm is not economically feasible. The location of fire alarm detectors must be chosen at the design stage of the dwelling. According to the regulations, the detector must be installed in rooms with an increased risk of fire: kitchen, rooms equipped with fireplaces, boiler rooms. As additional protection, it is recommended to install smoke detectors in corridors and bedrooms. Particular attention should be paid to the location of the detector in the kitchen, where humidity and temperature are constantly elevated. To prevent false alarms, the detector must be installed at some distance from convection heaters.

Main technical and operational characteristics

When choosing a stand-alone detector Special attention should be given to the following parameters:

  • Continuous operation of the device must be carried out for at least a year on one battery;
  • The device must have a light indicator to determine the operability of the device. In the active security mode, flashing is usually carried out with a frequency of one minute;
  • When the alarm is activated, the volume of the fire alarm siren must be at least 85 dB, and the duration of the sound effect must be at least 4 minutes;
  • The device is designed for indoor use only, so there are no strict requirements for the operating temperature range. Most models successfully operate at temperatures of -10C ... + 50C;
  • Devices must have a tact button to determine the rate of reaction to smoke;
  • The need to replace the battery is determined by a short rhythmic short beep.


Even meeting all of the above criteria, the device may be of poor quality and efficiency. Preference should be given to a device that produces well-known manufacturers equipment for stationary and autonomous fire alarms. The device is considered to be of acceptable quality if its service life is determined by the manufacturer at 10 years. The most popular manufacturers:

  • Siberian Arsenal;
  • Frontier;
  • Highway;
  • System Engineering.

In this case, domestic products have an advantage as they are more suitable for operation in harsh local conditions.

A brief overview of the most popular models

- the device can work autonomously or as part of a group. Reacts even to a slight concentration of smoke in the room. Resistant to changes in temperature, humidity, intense natural or artificial lighting. The strength of the sound signal in alarm mode is 85 dB. The average service life is at least 10 years. The operating time in standby mode on a charge of one 9V battery is at least a year.

– used to detect smoke in extremely low concentrations in rooms for various purposes. As a battery, a 9V Krona type battery is used. The operating time on one battery in standby mode is one year. Permissible period of operation is 10 years. After detecting a source of fire, the device gives an alarm sound signal with a volume of 85 dB, lasting 60 seconds. If the fact of ignition is not confirmed, the device is put into standby mode by pressing the button or automatically after 20 seconds.

— Photoelectric smoke detector. Features of the device is its original external form. The entire body works as a single function button to turn off the audible signal in case of a false alarm. The sound intensity of the alarm signal is 85 dB. The device operates on lithium batteries type СР2450 for at least 5 years.


LLC "Architectural construction company KUB" on behalf of Director General Rukavishnikova S. L. thanks the company "Alliance Fire Safety».

The necessary work on the installation of automatic fire alarms, warning systems and evacuation management, the development of as-built documentation were completed with high quality and on time.

The installed system was the optimal solution in terms of technical and price characteristics and ensured the safe operation of our center. We look forward to fruitful cooperation in the future!

In March 2015, our company Interdesign LLC asked for services for the design, installation of automatic fire alarms (APS), warning systems and management of people evacuation in case of fire (SOUE) to Alliance Fire Safety.

For all the time of joint work, the Alliance of Fire Safety has established itself as a reliable partner, professionally and efficiently performing its work.

I would like to note that in addition to the obvious things - quality, deadlines, discipline - in the work of the company there is such a factor as understanding the importance of constant communication with the customer and well-functioning work of all links from the engineering service to top management.

The company's specialists always promptly arrive on call in case of problems, find and fix faults on the spot, or replace failed equipment.

It was also important for us that the Fire Safety Alliance has all the permits for the services provided and is able to assist in resolving issues and problems with the supervisory authorities of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation. Thanks to the daily work of the Alliance Fire Safety Company, we are calm about the fire safety of our facilities.

The management of Stroitelnye investitsy LLC, represented by the General Director Sedov O.A., expresses gratitude to the employees of the Fire Safety Alliance company for the successfully done work on performing the functions of a general contractor in the development and implementation of the following works:

  • Development of special specifications reflecting the specifics of the fire protection of the facility;
  • Works on the design of an automatic fire extinguishing installation and a pumping station;
  • Installation and commissioning of automatic fire extinguishing installation and pumping station;
  • Thermal cable laying, integration into common system APS;
  • Approvals in the supervisory authorities of Moscow.

I would especially like to note the responsibility shown by the company's employees in the course of solving the tasks set, the correct understanding and prompt implementation of the requirements, high level quality control of work performed, professionalism and experience of the company's specialists.

At the same time, more than 20 specialists worked at the facility. All issues that arose during the work were solved by the quality control department of the company. In the course of joint work, the Fire Safety Alliance has established itself as a promising company and a reliable partner capable of competently and responsibly conducting business relations.

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