Graduation in primary school. Congratulations on graduating from primary school

Graduates primary school,
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,
And we guys wish you,
Good luck along the way.

May everything succeed in your studies,
You are never sad.
After all, there are guys waiting ahead of you,
Such glorious years.

Graduated from junior school
We're going to high school
And here is our cheerful graduation,
We just sing out of happiness!

So joyful, so unusual,
We'll be adults now
And school is easy and familiar
It will open the door to knowledge for us!

Congratulations, children, on your graduation. Elementary school is behind you and now you have to walk along a more difficult road. But you will definitely cope, because you are great fellows, you are a friendly and cheerful class, you are purposeful and brave children. We wish you guys to live an interesting and healthy life, fulfilling your dreams, supporting your comrades, loving your loved ones and achieving great victories along the way. High marks to you and easy studying in the future.

Happy graduation 4th grade
I want to congratulate
We are elementary school
We won with you.

5th grade awaits ahead,
New items,
New teachers
They will welcome you in the fall.

I wish that at school
You best class steel
And to the first teacher
They came to visit.

4 years at school were not in vain.
On graduation day I wish you from the bottom of my heart -
And you continue to study and try,
And in the future, never be upset.

Love the school, everyone is strong friends,
Be sure to hurry to help.
Good luck and an easy road ahead,
So as not to be sad and not to get sick at all.

You have passed the first stage of knowledge,
Today is the first school graduation
Grades on the report card are a reward for your efforts,
So may great success await you in life!

We wish you a good summer rest,
To step towards knowledge again later,
May your lucky star guide you
And you always remember your first teacher!

Fourth grade behind
The holidays are ahead.
Congratulations on your graduation!
So that problems do not arise,

Let's have a rest,
You will definitely gain strength.
To join more successfully
In a school year, not the first.

To have fun learning
And they behaved decently.
To dream and create -
Everything will turn out great!

Happy graduation, our boys!
Summer is ahead of you.
Eat more porridge
So that later, during the school year,

Having gained strength, do not be lazy,
Go to fifth grade
Great to learn
Just make us all happy!

Four years have passed, flown by,
You have passed this milestone with honor.
You have grown up, become stronger, become bolder,
And neither the suffix nor the case scares you.

We wish you success and health,
And a strong tooth to gnaw on the granite of science.
May your homes surround you with love,
And in class you boldly raise your hand.

Elementary school is already behind us
You are all adults, very smart children!
I wish you all success ahead,
Let a ray of luck shine brightly for you!

I want you to study only with “five” marks,
We were always happy and healthy!
I wish you to achieve all your goals,
Be ready for bright discoveries!

You have already completed fourth grade,
I want to congratulate everyone now!
They taught you a lot,
Your class knows so many important things!

May success in your studies await you,
Fifth grade will give you a lot of knowledge!
There will be a sea of ​​joyful minutes,
And sorrow and sadness will leave everyone!

Dear guys, I have been with you since the first days of school, I remember your sweet smiles and first victories in your studies. Today you are completely grown up and are already saying goodbye to school. I congratulate you with all my heart and want to wish you, despite all the storms of emotions and difficulties of life, to remain kind, open, cheerful, interesting people. Listen to your heart, trust your inner call, do not be afraid of change and boldly conquer your intended peaks. Good luck to you, children, love from loved ones and true happiness.

I remember you as children
Such kind, wonderful kids,
We learned letters with you,
We often shared our dreams.

Now you have grown up so much,
They quickly became graduates
I wish you happiness, goodness,
And so that they don’t forget me!

I wish you to study well,
Achieve everything you wanted
So that everything comes easy,
May your dreams come true!

My dear and beloved children, I remember you as very small, and today you stand as adults and brave on the path of new discoveries in life. I want to wish you health and love. May each of you find your happiness on Earth and fulfill your most cherished dream. I wish you success, children, in your further studies and work, prosperity and optimism. Good luck!

I remember the bows of cute little girls
And the briefcases of cheerful boys.
And now from simple laughter
And such funny naughty girls

Interesting ladies have grown up
And very respectable guys,
For me, you are still children,
What did the smart books read here?

As your first teacher, I wish
Lots of happiness, fun, good luck.
Congratulations on your graduation from the bottom of my heart,
Be the first, and not otherwise!

I remember you as unintelligent kids,
When they came with surprised eyes.
Today everyone is beautiful, big,
And you have become family to the school.

I wish you to move forward cheerfully,
May you certainly be lucky in life,
Fate will turn out great
I wish you success and goodness.

My dear children, when I first saw you, when you entered my class and sat down at your desks, I realized that these students must certainly achieve their goal, conquer more than one peak of success and glory. I congratulate you on your graduation and sincerely wish you to fly with a confident arrow towards your dreams, soar around the world as free birds and always remain good people.

My first-graders have grown up,
Now I can’t take my eyes off you.
The school years did not go by, but flashed by,
First-graders became graduates.

I wish you a happy journey,
May fate not be too harsh on you,
May good luck be with you in life,
I wish everyone to be happy.

Dear graduates! It seems like just yesterday that our hospitable school welcomed you into its friendly family. Having crossed the school threshold for the first time, you were full of timid hopes and unclear expectations. Now you are leaving with slight sadness these walls that have become forever dear. Let your innermost plans be realized one hundred percent. Boldly to victory!

No longer first graders -
Certificate received.
May life be kind to you,
And let your eyes sparkle.

Now in difficult ways
You have to go:
Look for wise solutions,
Make your hopes come true!

Ten years have flown by
Like one moment,
You are now graduates
There's no doubt about it
I remember how they came to me
We entered the class timidly,
I taught you everything
And I cared for everyone,
I want you at graduation
Wish you good luck,
Try to resolve
There are all the tasks in life!

You're going to fifth grade - you're big,
Beautiful, tall, cool,
And wise and literate too.
And there is no one more valuable in the world!

May your studies be easy for you,
And the big world will open with a smile,
And the sun from heaven smiles at you,
And there will be many amazing miracles!

And we thank all the teachers -
We thank them for everything,
We wish you earthly prosperity,
Great daily success!

The school year has ended
That's it, goodbye, fourth grade.
Are you graduates today?
Congratulations on this!

No more elementary school
Middle management is waiting for you.
We wish you success
And “fives” at the same time!

Dear children, you have passed the initial stage of school life and have successfully overcome your first obstacles, made your first discoveries, and achieved your first victories. Today is your little graduation. You have completed fourth grade, now your adult life begins and you have more serious goals ahead of you. May your future path be cheerful and brave, prosperous and uncomplicated. I wish you true knowledge, strong friendship, diverse interests and excellent studies.

Happy graduation 4th grade!
We are glad to congratulate you.
A new path in life awaits you,
It leads to the pinnacle of knowledge.

We wish you aspirations,
New glorious adventures,
Only positive ratings
And have fun changes.

Develop yourself, don't be lazy,
Learn everything important.
Good luck, bright days,
And cool and loyal friends.

4 school years have passed.
Guys, you have grown up.
A wonderful road awaits you,
Everything is just ahead of you.

Four years unnoticed
Already gone, they cannot be returned,
But there is still time to come
It's a long, important journey to go through.

Your teacher free of charge
Taught the basics of science.
Don't forget these years.
A new stage has arrived for you!

Fourth grade is already over,
Your graduation is today, kids.
We wish you great success,
Let childhood beckon with bright light.

Let everything in your studies succeed,
Let success be your reward,
May there be cheerful laughter and smiles
They will destroy obstacles on the way.

Health to you, new aspirations,
Big and small victories,
We wish you very beautiful,
Such fun school years.

You have completed fourth grade,
We sincerely congratulate you on this!
You have gained so much knowledge
We wish you new success,
And also great happiness to everyone!
May knowledge bring light to you!
May the fifth grade give a lot
Various discoveries and victories!

You are already quite big,
Fourth grade is behind us.
You are so beautiful
It's not your graduation!

You will gain strength over the summer,
Grow up even more
Have fun and laugh
Come again in September!

Four years have flown by
And now your graduation has come,
Say goodbye to elementary school
This spring you need
Graduates, we wish you
Continue to study only for “five”,
Listen to all your teachers,
Grow up, grow, don’t lose heart!

In primary classes
Today is graduation.
4 years have passed
At a desk alone.

You will replenish in the fall
A team of high school students.
New items are waiting for you,
And weekdays await, and holidays.

With the teacher first
It's time to say goodbye.
And more kids
You don't need to be named.

I wish in high school
May you achieve success
To make it interesting
And just for you to learn.

This was only the first stage,
And behind him there is a second one,
Only joy will not disappear
This is the first graduation.

This is a holiday, this is an occasion
Please note -
Everything now with the initial let,
But with education!

Dear children, you have passed the initial stage of school life and have successfully overcome your first obstacles, made your first discoveries, and achieved your first victories. Today is your little graduation. You have completed fourth grade, now your adult life begins and you have more serious goals ahead of you. May your future path be cheerful and brave, prosperous and uncomplicated. I wish you true knowledge, strong friendship, diverse interests and excellent studies.

Dear children, today you are graduates. And even though 11th grade is still a long way off, you have already successfully completed the first important stage study. Fifth grade is ahead, which means many new subjects, interesting lessons, exciting activities and fun, exciting changes await you. I wish you to remain a friendly class, help each other overcome any problems and certainly achieve great success in your studies.

Congratulations, children, on your graduation. Elementary school is behind you and now you have to walk along a more difficult road. But you will definitely cope, because you are great fellows, you are a friendly and cheerful class, you are purposeful and brave children. We wish you guys to live an interesting and healthy life, fulfilling your dreams, supporting your comrades, loving your loved ones and achieving great victories along the way. High marks to you and easy studying in the future.

Primary school is left behind and the second, no less important stage of school life awaits you - 5th grade! Four years have flown by in an instant, but everything interesting is just knocking on your door! Today, on your first serious graduation, I would like to wish you more diligence, perseverance, excellent grades and loyal school friends!

Dear children, I congratulate you on your first significant achievement in your school life, on completing four grades. Now you are moving on to the next stage, now the doors to new subjects and knowledge will open for you. I wish you not to lose confidence and interest in studying, to brighten your days with bright colors and emotions of happiness.

Dear children, dear 4th grade graduates, you are great! You have managed to overcome the first significant barrier on the path to education. I would like to wish you all to come to the 5th grade confident and ready for new big discoveries. Let loving parents and understanding teachers help you cope with any obstacles that arise on the road of school life.

Dear children, the first stage of secondary education is behind you, you are already graduates of primary school! With which we sincerely congratulate you! Now new subjects and teachers await you, you will have to work harder and try harder. We wish you to gather your strength, relax, and then go ahead - “gnaw the granite of science”! We believe in each of you, you will definitely succeed!

Dear graduates, today you are leaving the elementary school classroom. Now new adventures await you in the land of real science, now you will make serious discoveries and often take independent decisions. Don’t forget your first teacher, don’t be afraid to open the door to new knowledge, always remain a friendly class and certainly achieve great success.

Dear children, now it’s time to congratulate you on your first school graduation. And even if this is just a small victory, and not the end of the battle, I wish you strength and optimism in your further journey of knowledge. I wish you health, perseverance, striving for light and many joyful moments. I wish you to accumulate a stock of strong and necessary knowledge that will help you fulfill all your desires.

Our dear graduates! Now you can read, write and count. This is the first stage of knowledge that you have successfully completed. Rise higher and higher, grab new skills like air! The higher you manage to climb, the easier it will be to adult life. Remember, we love you and look forward to your new successes.

2013-06-18 12:31:20 - Tatyana Dmitrievna Loseva
Marina Leonidovna! Maybe it will be useful?

Sad moments of parting,
But we won't cry now.
Everything is behind: excitement, anticipation,
And I would like to say in memory:
The whole path that we went through together,
Walking up the steep steps,
I will remember it for a long time, honestly!
You have become my family forever.
I've enjoyed you all these years,
I gave my whole soul to you,
Like a mother, I admired my children,
I had tender feelings for you.
Thank you for your honesty,
For your sincerity. Patience.
For those eyes that looked at me,
Understanding everything, without a doubt.
Each of you has your own path,
Whatever path you choose.
I'm waiting for you all at the school door
With an open, pure soul!

I had an amazing class!
You, children of a subtle soul, rich responsiveness, openness to everything good and beautiful.
My dear children!
I say thank you from the bottom of my heart
It was easy for me to work with you.
And today I see you off,
I wish you good luck and health.
And I hasten to tell you,
That I want to hug you all,
Protect from potholes in the road,
So that you do not know anxiety in life.
The main thing is never to be discouraged...

I wish you, dear children,
Never lose heart!
Even though the roads ahead of YOU are difficult -
Never lose faith!
And let him be nearby, no matter what happens,
Only luck and success come!
What was planned happened right away!
Let adversity and worries go away!

I wish your eyes to warm,
Burn with love, tenderness and passion!
I wish my soul to sing songs,
Words to which happiness dictates.
I wish you to live in harmony with yourself,
Illuminate friends and loved ones with a smile,
Know how to give and receive love,
And light up at the slightest spark.
With the fire of hopes and wildest dreams,
I wish that fate protects you all,
And all desires are like many bright candles,
She did it only for you
I wish you a strong shoulder next to you,
So that you won’t be afraid to lean on him,
Love so hot
Be happy! Loved and desired!

Dear guys!
So they flashed by school years, ahead of YOU long life, and there are many roads in life. There is only one compass - a dream and a goal. I really want YOU to successfully achieve your goal and all YOUR dreams come true.
YOU will succeed, everything will be fine!

Remember! My dears, what is it by you that our people are judged? Be simple, friendly, but not flattering. Maintain your dignity, but don't be proud. We must also remember: will is not self-will, daring is not robbery, valor is not cruelty. The brave are always kind because they are strong! Any service is YOURS, let it be a service to the people! When you don’t lecture anyone down, but explain and advise, and only when YOU are asked for advice. Goodness and happiness on YOUR path!

The years flew by unnoticed
Goodbye, school forever!!
Know this minute of parting
You will never be able to forget!
Try to make your dream come true
And in great life go boldly!
Believe in friendship, don’t doubt yourself
Success and happiness lie ahead!
And that's the end! And maybe even strange
You will be without teachers, guys
Don’t leave right away, I’ll tell YOU,
What they say to loved ones when they say goodbye:
I wish YOU to walk through life boldly,
I wish everyone to find happiness,
Let everyone's wish come true.
On the road, friends! Have a nice trip

You grew up in front of us
And before everyone’s eyes they became wiser!
Suddenly they suddenly blossomed
And they grew up imperceptibly!
Just yesterday, students
That we became best friends!
And now the graduates
We admire, we are proud of YOU!

I am glad that you have matured so much,
That instead of foolish children,
which once surrounded me,
You have grown into worthy people.
I'm glad that you are all so beautiful,
That you are in the prime of life's spring!
That there are no soulless and arrogant among you
And your dreams are directed into the distance.
I rejoice at your dreams and plans
And I believe you will go far!
But there is sadness in the soul that came to the wounds
Parting, oh, how difficult it is

My children! Darlings! Dear ones! How glad I am to see you now, Grown up, beautiful, big, Not my first, but my favorite class. How can I live without you now, Will I be able to fill the void? I will get over the separation from you, I just don’t know what I will find in return. Let the years fly by I will remember All your radiant eyes, kind light And no matter how much time passes, I will hear And your voices and ringing laughter. And after many years you will be loved, Believe me, so Etc. He tells you guys, dear, you are unique, and in this life you are my bright moment.

I look at you and remember the days when you came to first grade. How we were left alone for the first time. And I, worried, studied you. There was interest in me in your glances:
What is she like? And what are they? I was burning over a low fire, You were blazing like field poppies. The days flew by, and the months, and the years flew by. And again we are almost alone now. Well, what did you want to remember today? How did you make noise in class? Didn’t you go to physical education? Didn’t you teach literature? How did you cover for each other, And give nicknames to teachers? Yes, that was all once, And you also had nicknames. But I will remember you guys, As the coolest class in the world.

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