In a dream, the dead dad returned. Erotic dream book Why do you dream about Father in a dream? Dream Interpretation - My late father

The father is considered the support of the family, therefore dreams with the deceased father indicate some changes in the family. Depending on how he appeared in the dream, you should expect a new addition to the family or problems at work. Also, such dreams may indicate financial problems or frauds being planned behind your back by loved ones. Accurate interpretation will depend on the details and the day of the week on which the dream occurred.

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    Father's appearance

    The interpretation from the dream book depends on what this guest looked like in your dream. If you were talking to him, it is important to remember whether he was angry, arguing with you, or simply listening to you.

    As a rule, seeing a dad in a dream who is no longer alive is his attempt to warn you about a difficult period of life or certain situations.

    Handsome, young, healthy

    If you dreamed of your long-deceased father being healthy and handsome, the dream foreshadows imminent changes in your usual way of life. Lying in a coffin, dead and younger than he was at death, dad promises changes in life according to the scenario you have planned. There is no need to be afraid of such changes; they will be for the good.

    If he, coming to life, gets up from the coffin joyful and cheerful, this is an attempt to convey to you important information about upcoming changes. His face is serene and calm - it is worth visiting the grave and honoring his memory. A kind smile on his face portends good changes for you and the beginning of a new stage in life, in which everything will be the way you wanted.

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    Sick, thin and upset

    Seeing your deceased father crying in a dream is not good sign. He promises events that will unsettle you. For a girl, this can promise betrayal of a loved one, for a young man - a major financial loss.

    If the father died very recently and dreamed of being thinner and sicker than he was in lately, the dream should not be interpreted. This is just the work of the subconscious, which is trying to accept what happened.

    You can interpret a dream if there was a funeral more than a year back. The worse your father’s appearance, the more serious trials await you. If he appears in disheveled, tattered clothes, expect financial problems. If you entered the house angry or sad, your conscience is unclean and you need to apologize to the person you offended.

    A thin and naked dad in a dream means problems with money, debts. Sometimes such a dream warns of problems at the grave of the deceased - you need to go to the cemetery and check if everything is in order.

    The deceased father is in the blood - your relatives are in danger. You can help them if you take the initiative sincerely. Perhaps they are hiding some family secret from you, the knowledge of which can change your life.

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    If in life your father did not abuse alcohol, but in a dream he appeared very drunk, this is a sign that you are losing your moral character. Your actions and thoughts are far from the ideals that he taught you during his lifetime.

    A drunk dad entering the house warns that you have been deceived. Do not let anyone except your loved ones into the house for the next few days. The deception will be revealed soon, before it can harm you.

    A daughter's slap from a drunken father is a sign that you are leading a double life. What you consider secret has already become known. If a girl’s mother has such a dream, she needs to have a heart-to-heart talk with her daughter, otherwise she will end up in extreme dangerous situation.

    If your dad constantly dreams of being drunk and quarreling with you, this is a warning about scammers in your environment. Your kindness will not be reciprocated.

    Actions of the night guest

    The interpretation of the night vision depends on what the deceased relative does in a dream:

    • If dad returned to his house in a dream, big troubles are possible. This is a symbol that he wants to provide support in the difficulties ahead.
    • Entering the house, you see your father in his favorite place - it’s time to make a fateful decision, even if it is difficult.
    • Dad tells you something, lying with his eyes closed in the coffin - he is trying to convey important information to you. It is advisable to remember everything he says exactly and associate it with current affairs.
    • Gives you gifts, clothes - bad sign, disease. If you refuse a gift, it means illness, but a quick recovery. If the gift was accepted, there is a chance that you accepted the ransom.
    • Invites you to go for a walk, to come visit - a warning that there is a threat hanging over you mortal danger.
    • The deceased is brought into your house in a coffin - expect news concerning your family.

    Dreams about how dad gives a loan, as well as hugs and certain states of him in a dream are interpreted especially.

    Gives money

    If your late dad dreamed of being handsome and healthy, handing you large denomination money, this is auspicious sign. You can achieve your dreams if you act according to your conscience and do not harm anyone while realizing them.

    If a relative looked thin, angry, sick - bad dream. With your help, Dad is trying to repay his earthly debts, including moral ones.

    The ringing change that he asks to take is also interpreted according to appearance. A joyful and healthy father in a dream, handing over a small change, promises you a cure for a chronic illness and family happiness. Especially if he gives money from gold. A sad and silent father gives you a small change - a sign that you may become seriously ill, and if you do not take care of your health, the disease can be fatal.

    Communication with dad

    During a dialogue with a deceased relative in a dream, you should remember as much as possible everything that he said. These words can be prophetic only if they do not duplicate everything that he often repeated during his lifetime. Actions during communication are also important:

    • Holds your hand during a conversation - mutual and long-term love awaits you, do not doubt your chosen partner. It is with this person that you will build a family.
    • Tells life situations- the issue that worries you will soon be resolved the way you wanted. If you tell him stories from your life, solving your problems may require outside help.
    • Strokes your head during a dialogue - an influential patron will appear in your life. With its help, you can solve many issues related to your family.
    • Sits at the same table with you - it’s good if there is a lot of food on the table, but you don’t eat it. Such a dream promises a pleasant surprise from loved ones. If you eat together from the same table, this is a bad sign, foreshadowing illness.
    • Calls you names during a conversation - promotion. You will receive a new one social status and improve your financial situation.
    • Hugging your deceased father means you may become lonely in your judgment. It is possible to restore a long-gone friendship.

    Dream setting

    If your late father dreamed of letting you stay in a luxurious and rich house, this is a favorable sign, especially if you are planning any actions with real estate. It is important that in a dream he still escorts you out of his apartment.

    Walking with him in the park or along the sea - your life lacks regularity, the pace of life is too high. The esoteric dream book interprets such a dream as the deceased’s boredom for loved ones.

    Seeing a night guest in your own home in a dream means changes and problems. If he is packing things, is nervous, is in a hurry to get somewhere, there is a possibility of a fire or other natural disaster.

    My daughter has a dream

    When an unmarried girl sees her late dad in a dream, she should pay attention to her chosen one. A daughter dreams of a joyful and calm father if her chosen one is trustworthy. Such a dream portends marriage and a happy family life.

    If the father was dissatisfied and gloomy in the dream, you should prepare for the fact that the young man will soon disappoint you and not live up to your hopes.

    For married woman seeing a deceased relative in a dream is a sign that the spouse has problems that he is hiding. You can help him solve them only if you provoke a frank conversation.

    My son has a dream

    For a son, a deceased relative in a dream is always a warning about financial matters. If you are planning a serious step related to money, real estate or work, think about your decision more carefully and do not act hastily.

    A father swearing or fighting in a son’s dream warns that his planned enterprises are doomed to failure. As a result, you can lose absolutely everything. If the dream is calm and even pleasant, act boldly and do not be afraid of anything.

    Interpretation according to famous dream books

    Each dream book gives different interpretations such a night vision. All interpreters agree on one thing - if the dream repeats, you should remember your father in church and visit the grave.

    • Dream book of Astromeridian. A deceased dad is a symbol of the remorse that tormented you, as well as a warning about more restrained behavior in the future. A living dad dreams of the successful completion of any business.
    • Small Velesov dream book. This night vision is for happiness, profit and joy. An argument with a deceased father means a loss of strength, and seeing him dead means discord in the family.
    • Family dream book. Communication with the deceased dad in a dream promises a difficult situation at work, the likelihood of dismissal and deterioration financial condition.
    • Miller's Dream Book. Seeing dad means solving problems, but you will have to turn to someone for advice. If you dream of the death or funeral of a deceased father, things will go badly, be careful.
    • Vanga's dream book. A deceased dad warns in a dream about difficulties or danger; you should be wary.

    No matter how you dream about your deceased father, you should honor his memory and analyze your behavior and environment - dreams with deceased relatives are always the key to solving many problems.

According to popular beliefs, a person who often dreams of his late father needs to go to church and light a candle for the repose of his parent. You need to buy his favorite candies, sweets and distribute them to friends, colleagues, neighbors. If in a dream dad asks for something or you see this item in his hands, this item is worth finding or buying and taking it to the grave.

Also, a constant dream about a dead person means that in real life a person is tormented by a feeling of guilt, which will go away only after complete repentance. You can go to church and confess, this will help you get rid of the negativity accumulated in connection with the emotions you have experienced and which has a reflection on your life on the events around you and on the people.

Such a dream may mean your craving for the past, a desire to return and change the situation. This dream also speaks of the approach of the most appropriate time for action and application of accumulated knowledge and experience; now, thanks to this, you will achieve maximum results and all goals and efforts aimed at them will be justified.

If your father died recently and you dreamed about it, this means that you have not yet fully come to terms with the loss. Perhaps you are tormented by remorse over the fact that you did not look after, did not pay due attention to your relative.

In general, such a dream is considered favorable, it promises good changes, you just need to solve it correctly.

Gustav Miller believed that a dream in which you saw your deceased father alive means long-awaited changes in the dreamer’s life. This is an opportunity that you should immediately take advantage of and not miss. If you hugged your parent in a dream, this is a sign of quick profit and success in your business. You should also not be afraid of long trips and boldly hit the road.

If a girl had a dream, then Vanga interprets such a dream as a warning that her loved one will soon deceive her; he is looking for benefits from communicating with you. If a man sees a dream, it means joy and good luck in business, a warning about envious people who are closely watching the dreamer.

Whose father dreamed

If a daughter dreams of her dead father, then this is a warning of danger. A woman should think about her actions, be attentive and careful. A young woman had a dream - bad gossip is circulating around you, which can lead to discord in your relationship with your loved one or cause indignation among your superiors. This dream could also mean a lie from your life partner.

If you dreamed of a friend's deceased father, this means that your friend will soon get into possible trouble. You must support this person, help him with the problems that arise.

If you dreamed about your wife’s father, this means a kind of request from a parent to take care of his daughter, to lend a strong man’s shoulder. Perhaps a dispute with your wife will soon arise, which you should resolve peacefully, not conflict, but try to accept her position.

A dream about the deceased father of one of the relatives symbolizes the family’s desire for unity, this good dream suggests that in reality relatives should support each other in everything.

Father's actions

A very positive interpretation of the dream, with a smile on the father’s face. This dream indicates future happiness; the late father is happy for the success of his child.

If a father scolds his daughter or even hits her in the face in a dream, it means that he is not happy with his daughter’s behavior. A woman should think about it, since imprudence in behavior can attract many problems.

If in a dream you see crying father, in real life you should be careful, because the cause of a parent’s upset may be quarrels in the family, as well as a bad atmosphere among work colleagues. If you are engaged in entrepreneurship, then you should postpone all decisive actions for better times, and now deal with current affairs.

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The most important, brave and strong man- this is the father. He will always be an example and a subject of imitation for everyone. But unfortunately, living organisms cannot exist forever and sooner or later they all die. After this unfortunate event, you can only see your beloved relative in photographs and in dreams. Has anyone ever wondered why a father who died not so long ago might dream about? Is such a dream a harbinger of any events? You can find out the answer to this question only by delving into the reading of dream books.

Why do you dream about your late father?

First of all, when meeting a dead person in a dream, you should remember the popular belief. If a deceased person begins to disturb his relative, then he needs to be remembered or lit a candle in the temple closest to home for his repose.

You also need to visit his grave and bring your favorite sweets to it. The deceased father himself in a dream can point out the thing that needs to be brought to him. This needs to be done Necessarily, otherwise dreams will not stop appearing.

Another ancient sign says that the deceased appears in a dream to the person who remembers him most, as if calming him down. It can also appear in the subconscious of someone who is tormented by conscience because he did not have time to say goodbye, caused pain, or betrayed hope. In that case, need to repent.

In dream books, a portrait of a father symbolizes experience and sound mind. If you dreamed about an older family member, then in the near future it is necessary to show these very qualities when performing actions.

  • Miller in his dream book he indicated that the late father dreams of profit and prosperity.
  • Vanga She believed that his arrival was connected with the deception of a loved one.
  • IN family dream book and it is even said that the deceased father appears in a dream before moving, traveling and long journeys.

Who to believe in such a situation? To receive detailed description sleep, it is necessary to completely restore the picture that took place in the dream and decipher the father’s behavior, his actions and the objects that were around him.

Why does the deceased father dream about his living daughter?

It is the young beauties who are most attached to their father. For them, he will always be an ideal, to which they will subsequently equate their spouse.

If the deceased father appears alive in her dreams, then most likely he is trying to protect her from wrong actions or warn her of danger. A girl who recently met a young man must certainly make sure of the sincerity of his feelings.

Please note for every event, what is happening in life and try to independently verify its authenticity. If in a dream he strives to hug his daughter or shake her hand, then on the contrary, he approves of her choice.

Why do you dream about your father’s funeral?

Few people will like it funeral seen in a dream. But despite this hostility, this is a very kind and good sign.

  • If in a dream the father was buried modestly, without unnecessary posh and in a meager company of guests, then in reality his family will become noticeably richer and gain success. On the contrary, a luxurious funeral will be a harbinger that they may lose everything they have acquired in an instant;
  • The picture clearly stands before your eyes of a relative lying in a coffin - good luck awaits you in business, but in order not to frighten it away, you need to give up some bad habits;
  • Which weather Did you bury your father? If the day was clear and the sun was shining brightly, then the person will be able to overcome the disease. If there was cloudy weather, then his strength would noticeably weaken;
  • For unmarried girl such a dream promises a meeting of your soulmate and fast wedding. For married- new victories over oneself;
  • If a few days before this dream there was a quarrel with a loved one, then reconciliation with him will soon occur.

The only unpleasant side of such a vision may be a picture in which a person independently tries to hammer nails into a coffin. This suggests that in reality he will have to face enemies.

What did the father do in the dream?

As already stated, important have actions which the father did in his sleep:



I was fishing.

A father standing near a pond with a fishing rod in his hands becomes a harbinger of receiving good news. If the idea of ​​fishing was not to his liking and he seemed forced to be there, then on the contrary, this leads to unpleasant news.

He was in a respectable place and was dressed in an expensive suit.

Your significant other doubts your fidelity. It is urgent to take action to restore her trust in herself.

He was angry and was in a prolonged state of aggression.

You are about to face an unexpected, exciting adventure. This action also symbolizes betrayal towards your regular partner.

Sleeping or resting.

There is no need to change anything in your life, you are doing everything right. Your father approves of every action you take.

He is in the company of his best friends.

Soon you will have your own, fruitful business. Most likely, it requires a creative approach.

Smokes or drinks alcohol.

He doesn't like your actions; they won't lead you to success.


For an imminent wedding or pregnancy.

You need to pay close attention to those dreams in which close relatives are present. According to popular belief, they never come just like that, they always have something to say to their charges.

Why do you dream about a drunk father?

In night vision, it may appear drunk father, even if in reality he was never a supporter of such a bad habit.

  • If he behaves aggressively, as if attacking everyone around is a good sign, it promises a quick achievement of the goal.
  • Singing songs the father foreshadows a new acquaintance.
  • If you take him home, then you will face family conflicts.

Often girls are worried about the question of why their father, who has already died, could dream of him in an unusual image, that is, he looks like he never looked during his lifetime.

Video about dreams about a dead father

In this video, Father Michael will talk about the meaning of dreams about a deceased father and close relatives, which such dreams may portend:

A dream about a deceased parent symbolizes global changes in life; he comes to warn about any unpleasant situations, report any negativity entering the life of the sleeper: deteriorating health, the upcoming failure of a major event, a car accident.

What if a son dreams of a dead father?

A son may dream of a deceased father on the eve of marriage, hiring, or signing a deal; if at the same time the father said something, one must remember everything that was said, since dream books consider the words of the deceased to be true. When answering the question about why a dead father dreams about his son, dream books recommend remembering all the actions of the parent and son-dreamer, this will help give a detailed interpretation.

If the dead appear in a dream, it means that they are sending a request for prayer through a dream; the dreamer needs to go to church, light a candle for the repose of a parent, pray fervently, order a memorial service; the prayers of loved ones always help deceased parents in the next world. The deceased parent could have dreamed about his son because in reality close person he is very concerned about the death of his father, he thinks about it all the time, remembers his dad, carries the image of a loved one in his soul.

If in a dream the late father was having fun in the company of friends, this means that the dreamer has a fruitful collaboration with a respectable company ahead; seeing his father shaving means sudden changes.

The appearance of a deceased father in a dream is a warning to the son that the girl he is dating is not suitable for him; perhaps she is maintaining a relationship with the dreamer for profit. Seeing a funeral and a dead father lying in a coffin in a dream means fear, melancholy; if the dream caused regret and pain in the sleeper, it means that in reality you need to be on guard.

To see a deceased parent splashing in the sea in a dream is a sign that the son needs to confidently go towards the goal, not give up the business he has started even if it seems unprofitable and unpromising; the time will come when all the efforts put by the sleeping person into this project will bring high incomes. Seeing a dead dad washing himself in the bath is a sign of success in matters of the heart, if the son who had the dream has at the moment there is no bride, which means that he will soon find her, she will become a worthy wife, the dream books are convinced.

If the dreamer is married in reality, such a plot can mean strengthening family ties, the birth of a baby, successful housekeeping, and good income.

When in a dream a deceased parent appears to his son as sick, angry, dirty, this means that the dreamer’s conscience is unclean, he needs to remember whether he has offended anyone. If he has a fight with someone, he needs to go up to this person and ask for forgiveness, to reconcile, because quarrels do not bring anything positive, when deceased parents see their children quarreling on earth, they also feel bad and ashamed for their children.

What does it portend?

If in a dream a son saw his deceased father fishing, this means that the dreamer will soon receive good news; in a dream, dad washes dishes - a sign of the future important event if he cooked delicious dish, this means that the son needs to prepare for pleasant troubles; a night revelation also promises major success.

When a son has a conversation with his deceased parent and tells him about his affairs, this means that the dreamer is a romantic person; if the dreamer shares his secrets with his dad, it means that the dreamer has a great responsibility in the family and at work.

A plot in which a deceased parent hugs his son predicts good news and surprises from friends; kissing a father means fateful meeting, taking gifts from him means brilliant prospects and opportunities to unleash your full creative potential. When the late father stroked the dreamer on the head, it means that soon an influential person will appear in the dreamer’s life, he will subsequently become a patron, will help the dreamer in every possible way, and will bring him into the public eye.

When a son dreams of a deceased father being alive - a good symbol meaning rebirth, getting rid of debts, black stripe in life, improved health. Dreams about a deceased father, in which he appears dead to a relative, mean that a difficult period is ahead, losses, material problems, and conflict situations are coming in the future.

Dreams can be both favorable, promising a lot of new and positive things in life, and those that lead to upset feelings and experiences. Why do you dream about a dead father? Is this a good dream?

Why do you dream about a dead father - basic interpretations

Our ancestors also believed that deceased relatives should not disturb the living. They should rest in peace and not interfere in the course of events in the lives of the living. But how to interpret a dream in which a dead father appears as if alive? It is worth paying attention to the details of such a dream:

· Where exactly do you meet your father;

· Is this your father?

· Do you communicate with him in a dream;

· What does it look like;

· What exactly does he want from you?

It is important to take into account all these details because such dreams sometimes give absolutely accurate predictions future and this could be very important. If in a dream you see a father who came to your house, something good will happen in your family soon, they are waiting for you nice chores and pleasant meetings.

If your father comes to your house and at the same time does not find a place for himself in it, does not understand where he is and who he is. Such a dream means that you yourself could get confused in your life and lose your bearings. Perhaps you yourself, without knowing it, have become much more suspicious and fearful. You don’t trust others and don’t let them into your life.

Are you, just like your father in the dream, looking for yourself? Then such a dream gives you a hint - to look for your true essence in your roots. Your family will tell you a lot about your childhood, what you really love and what you strive for. Try to remember if you talked to your father in a dream. If they talked, then about what and how?

If you had a heart-to-heart talk, then in reality you will have the opportunity to discuss all the details of the matter with a loved one. You will be able to discuss all possible moments in life and what has been worrying you for so long. If you dream that you are talking not with an adult father, but with his childhood image, such a dream means that you will soon have to fight your own fears and phobias. You may have previously denied them altogether, but now life will force you to face them.

If you already understand what we’re talking about, it’s time to take measures to neutralize your own fears and cultivate faith in yourself. If you dream that someone outsider turns into your deceased father and starts a conversation with you, remember everything that he tells you.

Perhaps it is in this dialogue that you will find answers to questions that have been bothering you for a long time. If the conversation seems empty and uninteresting to you, then, most likely, an empty and fruitless meeting awaits you in reality. You will be full of hope for a favorable outcome, but it will not come.

A dream in which you see yourself as a small child in the arms of your late father suggests that you need protection and understanding. You want to go back to your childhood and live it differently. Allow yourself now. Allow yourself to live a few days carefree, without worrying about the consequences of everything that you do.

If you dream that your father is singing a lullaby to you, it’s time to think about whether you are living your life, or whether you want to live completely differently. Perhaps, when you delve into the essence of the problems, into the essence of the matter that has been preventing you from moving forward for a long time, all your questions will be resolved by themselves. But this is only theoretically, but practically, it’s time for you to think about radically changing your life. Drastically change everything around you.

A dream in which you see how little boy plays hide and seek with your father, but they don’t notice you - it means that you also don’t notice the people around you and your loved ones. You are not paying attention to their needs and their problems. You pay attention only to your needs, you focus a lot of attention on your own desires, which are often untrue and mercantile.

It's time to turn your attention to others, to those people who at one time did a lot of useful things for you, who were kind and supportive to you. If in a dream your deceased father gives you something, try to understand what it is. Accept this gift with gratitude.

If this is some kind of toy of yours, something from your childhood, such a dream says that it is time to let go of the past and not return to it again. It should not create your future and should not influence reality. Forgive and let go. By doing so, you will make life easier for both yourself and the people around you.

If you dream that your deceased father is giving you money, this dream is not entirely favorable; most likely, you will soon experience financial difficulties that will negatively affect your life in general. You may not understand this right away and end up in a financial gamble. Such a dream encourages you to be responsible for all your expenses and all your needs. Don’t allow yourself too much now, don’t throw money away.

If your dead father asks you for something in a dream, take a closer look at what exactly it is. If the father asks for food or drink, you should not be greedy and mercantile. You could have offended or deprived someone. Remember if you have done such an act. If you did, it’s time to apologize and atone for your guilt.

If your father asks for money, it’s time for you to financially support your loved ones, try to be honest and open with them. Don’t be rude or rude to them, put yourself in their position and help them correct it. If you dream that your father is asking for some of his things, such a dream means that it is time to visit his grave.

Why do you dream of a dead father according to Freud’s dream book?

Freud's dream book says that one dreams of a deceased father as a symbol of impending positive changes in one's personal life. Wait pleasant moments and pleasant changes. Strive to diversify your sexual and personal life, now you will have everything you need for this.

A dream in which a lonely girl sees her deceased father speaks of an imminent meeting with a worthy man. If a father gives instructions to his daughter in a dream, it’s time for her to listen to them. If a father tells his daughter in a dream about the need to do something, she should listen to this too.

If a young girl sees a funeral procession in a dream, it is time for her to take care of her health. Such a dream may indicate gynecological problems. Try to put aside all fears and take care of yourself.

If in a dream a man sees his deceased father as if he were alive, he will soon meet a worthy woman to create a strong family. If a man already has a relationship, he will strengthen his union. If a pregnant woman dreams of her deceased father, she can count on well-being in health and during childbirth.

Why do you dream of a dead father according to the Esoteric Dream Book?

IN Esoteric dream book it is said that a deceased father can be dreamed of due to the fact that relatives have not honored his memory for a long time, have not given him his due. After such a dream, it’s worth thinking about it and visiting his grave.

Why do you dream of a dead father as if he were alive? Such a dream can also speak of the protection of ancestors if this is not a very easy time for the family. Perhaps now the family is experiencing some difficulties and is worried about something. The appearance of a deceased head of a family in a dream may indicate that he supports loved ones in making an important decision.

It is important to remember all the words that the deceased father says. What is he referring to? special attention, perhaps he gives some parting words, or advises family members to behave in some special way. In any case, you should pay special attention to such a dream.

Why do you dream of a dead father according to other dream books?

Grishina’s dream book says that if you have been sick for a long time and do not see any way to help yourself, such a dream may mean support for you from above by your relatives. Try to find time to take care of your health again, now this attempt will become successful.

Aesop's dream book says that if a deceased father often appears in your dream, you have not let go of his image from yourself and are torturing yourself. It's time to let it go and keep it in your thoughts more constantly, otherwise you will face difficulties in making decisions. A dream in which you quarrel with your deceased father does not bode well for you. You will be filled with fear and anger towards other people.

This situation will not allow you to make informed decisions. You will constantly depend on other people's opinions and on other people's views on life. After such a dream, try to determine for yourself what really matters, what is truly important and significant for you.

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