Download physical exercises in the office. Industrial gymnastics exercises for office workers

How many times have you read or heard about the dangers of a sedentary lifestyle led by office workers? But who said you can’t train at work?! We have selected for you several sets of exercises that can easily be performed anywhere, if you have a little space and the opportunity to be alone. Although the latter is not too important: connect your colleagues and train together!

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Complex for neck muscles

Do you remember how physical education lessons began at school? That's right, with a warm-up for the neck. It is this part of the body that suffers the most from office work. Constantly sitting in front of monitors causes stiffness, tension and pain in the neck. These exercises are ideal for warming up at the beginning of a workout and as a way to relieve stress at the end of the working day. The complex is performed in three approaches.

    Tilt the head forward and backward - 10 times

Goal: relieve muscle tension in the sternoclavicular, splenius, and subcutaneous muscles of the neck.

While standing, tilt your head forward and backward alternately. They should be as deep as possible. Between bends, stop in the starting position. Try not to make sudden movements, do not strain your muscles.

    Tilt the head to the sides - 10 times

Goal: relieve tension in the sternoclavicular, mastoid, anterior, middle and posterior scalene muscles of the neck.

In a standing position, first tilt your head to the right, trying to achieve maximum stretching. Without pausing, tilt your head to the left. Don't raise your shoulders.

  1. Neck rotations - 10 times

Goal: warm up the muscles and relieve their stiffness.

In a standing position, perform neck rotations, alternating clockwise and counterclockwise rotations. Exercises should be performed smoothly.

    Static back bends of the neck - counting up to 10

Goal: training the sternoclavicular and splenius muscles of the head.

Stretch your arms back, clasping your palms together and resting the back of your head against it. Straining only the muscles of the neck, press on the palms, counting to 10. Perform the exercise smoothly, trying not to involve other muscle groups.

    Static forward neck bends - counting up to 10

Goal: training the subcutaneous muscle of the neck.

Place your forehead on your palms, clasped together. Slowly tilt your head, trying to overcome the obstacle, tensing exclusively the muscles of your neck. Perform the exercise on a count of 10.

    Static neck bends to the sides - counting up to 10

Goal: training the sternoclavicular muscle.

Place your right hand on your right temple. Left - fixes the position of the right one. On the count of 10, press down on your palm using only your neck muscles. Repeat the same techniques with your left hand and temple.

    Static bending of the neck to the sides with emphasis on the chin - counting up to 10

Goal: improving the tone of the neck muscles.

Place your chin in the base of the palm of your right hand, press hard on your hand, tilting your head to the right, tensing only the muscles of the cervical spine. Perform the exercise on a count of 10, repeat with bends to the left.

3 minutes of yoga on an office chair

For this workout you will only need three minutes of free time and a chair. The power of yoga is often underestimated, but in an office setting it is ideal option. This complex activates the muscles of the whole body, helps improve blood circulation and breathing, and metabolic rate. Each exercise (asana) is performed for 30 seconds.

    Forward bends

Goal: relieve stress on the neck muscles.

Hands on knees, back straight. Gently tilt your head forward, trying to touch your chest with your chin. Perform the exercise smoothly.

    Arms Pose

Goal: relieve tension and stiffness in the muscles of the back and arms.

As you inhale, raise your arms up and back, placing your biceps as close to your ears as possible. Stretch well, trying not to lean back.

    Tilts to the side

Goal: eliminate stiffness of the thoracic and lumbar spine.

Lift up right hand up. Bend to the left, trying to stretch your side muscles as much as possible. Return to the starting position and change hands. Tilt to the right.

    Twisting Lotus Pose

Goal: relieve shoulder girdle stiffness.

The right arm is bent at the elbow, palm facing upward and located directly in front of the face. The left hand, which is in the same position, is placed behind the right hand, as if intertwined with it.

    Pose "Rise and Find"

Goal: relieve tension in the sacral and coccygeal spine.

The right arm is extended, the left leg is bent at the knee and raised. The thigh is parallel to the floor. after 30 seconds, change arms and legs.

    Half Lotus Pose

Goal: relieve stiffness and tension in the leg muscles.

Bend your right leg at the knee and, moving it as close as possible to the pelvis, place it on the left. After half a minute, change legs.

Pay attention to the yoga exercise in the morning -.

Workout with a cup of coffee

Often, dumbbells, jump ropes, and weights are used as equipment during exercises. But you won’t find all this in the office, but you can always take a coffee break and use the cup as sports equipment. The main thing is to drink the contents in advance and not get burned. The complex is performed in three approaches with two minutes of rest between each.

    Squats - 10 times

Goal: improving muscle tone of the arms and legs.

Grasp the handle of the cup with both hands, extending them in front of you parallel to the floor. Perform ten squats without bending your arms, with your back slightly tilted forward.

    Lunges - 10 times

Goal: improving the tone of the muscles of the legs, buttocks, forearm and hand.

The right hand is on the belt, the left half-bent holds the cup. Take a wide step forward with your left leg, keeping your torso straight, your knee bent, a right angle is formed between your thigh and shin, and the center of gravity is transferred to your forward leg. At the same time, the left arm fully straightens. After returning to the starting position, change legs and arms.

    Swinging the leg to the sides - 10 times

Goal: tone the inner surface of the leg.

The left hand is on the belt, the right hand is half-bent, holding the cup. Feet shoulder width apart. Swing your left leg, trying to achieve maximum muscle stretch. The center of gravity is transferred to left leg. After returning to the starting position, change arms and legs.

    Raising the cup - 20 times

Goal: improving arm muscle tone

The right arm is raised and bent at the elbow, holding the cup. From the starting position, raise your arm above your head, straightening it as much as possible. After this, change hands.

    Swing your arms to the sides - 20 times

Goal: relieve tension and stiffness in the shoulder girdle.

The left palm is located in the solar plexus area. The right hand with the cup is straight, extended forward. Without bending or tilting your arm, swing to the side. After returning to the starting position, change the position of your hands.

    Hold the leg bent at the knee for a count of 20

Goal: strengthen the muscles of the thighs and buttocks.

The left arm is bent at the elbow and holds the cup. The right leg is raised, bent at the knee, the thigh is parallel to the floor. Hold your leg in this position for a count of 20. After that, change your leg.

A set of strength exercises

This workout is suitable for both beginner athletes and real professionals. It has three levels of difficulty: the first provides three approaches, the second - five, the third - seven. The break between sets is two minutes. The exercises are aimed at strengthening muscle tone throughout the body.

    Squats over a chair - 20 times

Goal: strengthen the muscles of the arms and legs

Hands in front of you, palms clasped, do not bend at the elbow. Stand with your back to a chair, feet shoulder-width apart. Squat 20 times without touching the seat of the chair. At the same time, the muscles of the thigh, lower leg, and buttocks become tense.

    Breast strengthening - 20 times

Goal: strengthen chest muscles

Sit on a chair with your back straight. Palms connected at level chest fingers up, elbows parallel to the floor. Squeeze your palms forcefully for up to 10 seconds, while tensing not so much the muscles of your arms as your chest.

    “Scissors” - 40 times

Goal: strengthening the shoulder girdle, increasing the tone of the arm muscles.

Sit straight on a chair. Arms spread to the sides, elbows straight. With rhythmic swings, cross your arms in front of you 40 times, using the principle of scissors. In this case, only the arm muscles are tensed.

    Leg straightening - 40 times

Goal: improving the tone of the leg muscles, stretching them

Sit on the edge of a chair with your back straight. Raise your left leg, holding it parallel to the floor for about 10 seconds, while tightening your thigh muscles and without bending your knee. After returning to the starting position, change legs.

    Straightening the body over a chair - 10 times

Goal: improving muscle tone throughout the body.

Sit on the edge of a chair, placing your palms on the edges of the seat. Try to raise your body as much as possible ten times. This exercise involves the muscles of the legs, arms, abs, chest and even neck.

    Leg pull-ups - 10 times

Goal: improve the tone of the abdominal muscles, hips and buttocks.

Sit on a chair straight, back straight. Legs straight at the knees raised above the floor. Then bend your knees, pulling them as close to your body as possible. The effectiveness of the exercise is comparable to traditional abdominal pumping.

    Sitting bends - 20 times

Goal: increase the tone of the oblique muscles.

Sit on the edge of a chair, legs together, back straight. Hands are placed behind the head, palms clasped. Bend to the sides, trying to achieve maximum muscle tension, keep your back straight.

Choose any of these complexes, perform them all at once, or create your own training system. Work, play sports and fully enjoy life!

Exercise in the workplace was once commonplace. It was done regardless of whether it was an office or working at a machine in a workshop. But times are changing. And since we embarked on a new path economic development, they stopped doing industrial gymnastics at the enterprise. Apparently the leaders are now commercial structures, considered such short breaks for exercise at the workplace a waste of time.

Meanwhile, many countries that for a long time walked the way market economy, have adopted much from our Soviet past, including gymnastics in the workplace.

Indeed, if a manager cares not only about the profit of his enterprise, values ​​and respects the performance of his subordinates, wants to have a healthy mind, such small technological breaks to perform simple gymnastics complexes only unite and motivate the team. It is not necessary to contact specialists to develop a special set of exercises for the health of your employees. The most simple exercises will relieve fatigue and tension, give a charge of vigor for the remaining working time.

According to statistics, in the modern world, about 90 percent of all workers have a “sedentary job.” In addition, most people travel to and from work in a car and return home to sit in front of the TV. But our distant ancestors also said that movement is life. Therefore, charging at the workplace is very relevant today.

What are the benefits of exercising at work?

Exercise breaks in the workplace are an effective advocacy tool healthy image life. We must not forget that all joint events always united the team. How can such gymnastics be useful in the workplace and what are its advantages?

It doesn't take much time. You can perform individual exercises for just a few minutes and for a separate part of the body. Depending on the specifics of the work, you can choose only those parts of the body that receive the maximum load: neck, back, legs, eyes.

As a rule, such exercises are easy to perform and do not require special sports equipment.

Since the exercises are easy to perform, you don’t need to spend a lot of effort and energy on them, you don’t need to change into sportswear and go to the shower after exercising.

Joint exercise improves mood and promotes better communication and atmosphere between colleagues and in the team as a whole.

And most importantly, it reduces the risk of diseases, including occupational ones.

There are also benefits from a health perspective.

During charging, the position of the body and the part on which the load falls most during operation changes.

Blood circulation and joint mobility are restored.

The muscles are strengthened and tension in them is relieved.

Performing the same type of work gradually leads to the accumulation of stress, which is easily relieved by performing work gymnastics.

As you can see, there are enough advantages to think about it and start setting aside 15-20 minutes to perform a set of exercises without leaving your workplace.

Sets of exercises for working exercises

It is ideal to develop a special complex taking into account the specifics of your work. But even general exercises that are easy to find on the Internet will significantly improve the general condition of workers. Here are a few such complexes that can be done at the workplace.

Charging at the workplace while standing

Just a few exercises will relieve tension in your back, restore blood circulation in your legs, and relax your muscles.

Stand near a table or chair and lean on your hands. Feet shoulder width apart. Do a few squats with your hands resting on the back of a chair or desk.

Stand up straight with your hands clasped behind your back. Rise up onto your toes, unclasping your arms and stretching them up. When rising on your toes, you can raise your arms up and tilt them to the left and then to the right, while turning your head at the same time. This will relieve tension not only in the back and legs, but also in the neck muscles.

Stand up straight and relax. Take a deep breath and hold your breath for a few seconds. Then exhale. Repeat several times.

Exercise for the eyes at the workplace

Most workers now work at a computer. If we add to this artificial lighting and increased concentration of attention, then after a few hours attention decreases significantly and fatigue appears in the eyes. A set of eye exercises will help correct all these problems. It is recommended to do it every hour, spending just a few minutes.

While sitting upright, slowly lower your gaze to the floor and look up. At the same time, do not lower or raise your head. Repeat the exercise at least 8-10 times.

Make circular movements with your eyes. First one way, then the other. Perform 8-10 movements in each direction.

Blink your eyes rapidly for 20-23 seconds.

Select a distant object and look at it for a few minutes. You can go to the window or just look at a distant object in the workplace. The main thing is that this object is no closer than arm's length away.

Keeping your head straight, draw the number “8” with your eyes. Repeat the exercise 8-10 times.

Alternately close your eyes, squeezing your eyelids tightly, and open them. Hold in each position for 3-4 seconds.

Charging while sitting at the workplace

This complex is suitable for those who have to sit at work all day. It only takes a few minutes and can be done without leaving your office chair.

Sit on the edge of the chair. Raise your legs off the floor at a 30-degree angle and hold as long as you can. This exercise is useful for strengthening the hip and abdominal muscles.

Sit on the edge of a chair. Place your hands on the edge of the table. Using your hands on the table, lift your body as much as you can.

Grasp the armrests of the chair with your hands and pull your arms up, as if you would like to remove the armrests.

Place your hands behind the back of the chair. Cross your legs and lift them off the floor. First move to one side, then to the other, tensing your muscles as if you wanted to unclasp your legs. Switch legs and repeat.

Place your hands on your knees. Raising your legs up, press your hands on your knees, as if preventing your legs from lifting.

Take a piece of paper in your hands and raise your hands up. Hold the leaf suspended for a few seconds.

Sit on the edge of a chair and spread your knees to the side. Place your hands down with your palms facing each other. Squeeze your palms and relax. This exercise can also be performed at chest level.

Wrap your legs around the legs of the chair. Lower your arms freely downwards. Keeping your back straight, bend first to one side, then to the other.

Place your hands under the table top. Make a movement as if lifting the tabletop. Repeat several times.

This exercise can be done by placing your hands on a table and pressing down on the tabletop. This exercise strengthens the arm muscles well.

Sit on the edge of a chair and stretch your legs forward while raising your arms up.

Charging at the workplace with pictures

Charging at the workplace while sitting in pictures

Workplace exercises for the neck in pictures

Workplace gymnastics complex in pictures

As mentioned above, Western countries took a lot of useful things from us. Including gymnastics in the workplace. But that's not all. They did research to find out if it was really beneficial. And they summed up their research. It turned out that in the group where they did the exercises, the number of complaints about pain in the back and neck area decreased by almost 20 percent. And this is only in 4 weeks.

To summarize, we can say that exercise in the workplace is useful, it increases the competitive ability of the team, reduces the incidence of illness and increases efficiency. Make this kind of gymnastics the norm in your team.

Charging at the workplace video

Complex of industrial gymnastics at the enterprise and in the office

Workplace charging complex from Olga Lovtseva

Workplace gymnastics for weight loss

Hello everyone! Currently, due to general computerization and the development of Internet technologies, all more people lead a sedentary lifestyle. Sitting in one position throughout the working day has a detrimental effect on the health and normal functioning of the body. Thus, employees in to a greater extent susceptible various diseases and stress. Therefore, today I will talk about exercises for office workers, which will not only help maintain health, but also increase productivity.

The main types of disorders that this mode of operation causes include:

  • various pathologies of the musculoskeletal system

Here we can distinguish such disorders as arthrosis, radiculitis, osteochondrosis, tunnel syndrome and many others. Diseases of this kind arise due to the fact that the joints are fixed in one position throughout the entire working day. Blood flow to them decreases, pinching of nerve and muscle tissue and various pathologies occur. Many office workers complain of pain in the lower back, neck and knees.

The dress code of many companies requires women to wear shoes high heels all day. This is very tiring, causes pain, tension in the legs and the early appearance of varicose veins. Try taking your shoes off for a short time to give your feet a rest.

  • blurred vision

Keratitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes) can be called a disease of office workers. The computer screen constantly flickers, we don’t see it, but our eyes catch it, which creates additional stress on the visual muscles. Also, warm air constantly flows from the monitor, it dries the skin of the face and mucous membranes, causing unwanted inflammation, suppuration and premature wrinkles.

After some time of working at the computer, you may notice that everything is blurry before your eyes; this is caused by overstrain of the optic nerve. Most often, employees suffer from myopia, i.e. The further away the object, the more vague its outlines.

  • premature aging

This is caused by the dry warm air, which comes from the computer and office equipment in general. The skin dries out and loses its firmness and elasticity, dark circles appear under the eyes and a painful appearance. To reduce this negative effect, drink more clean water and lubricate your face and hands with moisturizing creams. Include more vegetables and fruits in your diet; in winter, you can take multivitamin complexes and ventilate the room more often. Constant air ventilation will refresh the atmosphere of the office and serve as a good preventive measure against colds.

  • digestive tract disorders

Due to the busy pace of life, we often forget to have lunch, and irregular eating causes disruptions in the functioning of the stomach and intestines. Constantly sitting in one place and in the same position contributes to the development of congestion in the pelvis and rectum, which contributes to the formation of hemorrhoidal cones.

  • irritability and depression

People who work in an office are in a state of increased irritability because they often have to multitask and meet tight deadlines. Stressful situations arise due to the fear of not doing something or making a mistake. Long-term work at such a rhythm is exhausting, a person feels emotional burnout and a desire to quit everything. “Manager syndrome” develops and...

  • overweight and obesity

This is the scourge of modern days. General physical inactivity and a sedentary lifestyle contribute to the accumulation of excess weight. According to standards, a person with mental work needs no more than 2500 kcal per day. If you exceed this threshold, then you need to spend the excess on motor activity, otherwise weight gain is possible. Obesity leads to disruptions in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, increasing the load on the joints of the legs.

In order to reduce the negative impact of these factors on the body. It is necessary to do exercises and warm-ups during work. Industrial gymnastics allows you to:

  • gain a boost of energy for the whole day;
  • increase joint mobility and brain activity;
  • improve .

By devoting at least a little time to your body during the working day, you will feel a significant improvement after a while general condition health.

A set of physical exercises for office workers

By duration physical activity highlight:

  1. mini-break (60-30 seconds);
  2. physical education break (2-3 minutes);
  3. industrial charging (5-10 minutes).

The main and most common exercises for office workers include the following...

Gymnastics for the eyes

By the end of the working day, most people who work continuously at a computer begin to feel pain and dryness in their eyes, and swelling of the eyelids appears. To avoid this, take breaks from work for 5-10 minutes. It is useful to do strengthening training for the eyes once a day. It consists of the following actions:

  1. make 10-15 movements to the right and left with the apples of your eyes;
  2. rotate first in one direction and then in the other 6-10 times;
  3. look a little into the distance, then at an object nearby for 8 times;
  4. close your eyes tightly and open your eyes sharply 5 times;
  5. look at index finger in front of the nose 12 times.

These simple exercises will reduce visual fatigue and you will feel better at the end of the day.

Gymnastics for arms

This part of the body is the main working organ of a person. It is through our hands that we receive most of the information from environment and contact her. While working in the office, due to constantly being in the same position, they can become stiff and painful. In order to prevent all this, you need to exercise:

  • take yourself for left wrist and twist your palm, first in one direction, then in the other;
  • quickly clench and unclench your fingers 10-15 times, then clench your hand tightly into a fist, hold for about 3-4 seconds and relax;
  • You can do a small massage of each finger with hand cream for 10 minutes.

Blood circulation in the limbs is activated and fatigue disappears. Gymnastics is a good prevention of the occurrence of carpal tunnel syndrome.

Warm-up for the spine

The main part of the load throughout the working day is borne by the spine. Incorrect body posture when sitting at a computer causes scoliosis, pain in the neck, back and legs. Most diseases in our body are associated with malfunctions of the vegetative system. nervous system, which cause pinched nerves, spinal disc herniation and many other serious diseases. They are most often triggered by stress and physical inactivity.

Excess weight also puts significant pressure on the spinal column. To remove excess tension in the body, joints and back, the following exercises are suitable:

  • "lock"

It should be done on a chair with a low back. Raise your limbs above your head, palms up, and clasp them together. Lean back and feel the back of the chair, then exhale and bend forward, repeat 6 times.

  • "stretch"

The upper limbs should be raised. Grasp your left wrist and pull as far as possible. You can feel the muscles on the left side of your body tense. Then do the same with the right side. The exercise should be repeated 5-6 times.

  • "scissors"

Move your arms in front of you intensively, alternating with rest breaks. Do it 10 times.

  • "rotation"

Rotate your hands first forward and then back, you need to do this 8-10 times.

Due to a sedentary lifestyle in the office, muscle tone on the sides of the body and hips decreases, and unpleasant fat folds gradually appear on them; this effect is called Venus syndrome. To prevent its occurrence, you need to perform the following simple exercises:

  • in a standing position, cross your legs and lean forward, it is advisable to stand in this position for 4-6 seconds;
  • Place your feet in a parallel position to each other, bend your knees and tilt your hips as horizontally as possible to the floor, stay in this position for 1 minute.

Leg warm-up

As a result of constantly being in a sitting position, blood circulation worsens, and early varicose veins appear on the legs. Cellulite and puffiness form on the lower limbs. There is a risk of arthrosis, various congestion and neuralgic pain. In order to prevent the occurrence of such ailments, do a little warm-up for your legs at work:

  • sitting still, lift your toes off the floor one by one, your heels should not move, do this for a minute;
  • the actions are similar to the first exercise, only you need to lift your heels, not your toes, off the floor;
  • Now you should work on your buttocks, alternating between squeezing and relaxing, you will tone them.

General strengthening exercises

In addition to individual parts, you need to learn how to relax the whole body. Office work is quite emotionally stressful, and there is always a risk of not being able to do something in time. It's exhausting, so you need to learn how to relieve stress quickly and easily. Alternating relaxation and tension will keep the body constantly in good shape, improve brain activity and blood circulation.

To perform it, sharply tense your muscles, and then sharply relax. Maintain this state for 15 seconds. To achieve optimal effect, you need to repeat the exercise 2-3 times.

While working at the computer, the head is tilted towards the monitor and contributes to a gradual increase in fatigue and pain in the cervical spine. If possible, try to massage it with your hands and lean back for a while. If the pain does not go away for a long time, then you need to consult a specialist. One of the most common office diseases is osteochondrosis and spinal curvature.

These are general recommended types of exercise. You can choose something individual for yourself. It should be remembered that during charging it is necessary to monitor the rhythm and correctness of breathing. This is necessary to improve metabolism and proper blood circulation.

Try not to sit in one position in the midst of a working day, even if there is a lot of work. Do a little exercise, go to the cafeteria, take papers to another department, take a walk during your lunch break. This is a good way to take your mind off work tasks and get some rest. Work will go much better and faster if you are sometimes distracted by a little rest. Only robots can work in the same monotonous mode all the time, and even those require repairs from time to time.

Health-improving exercise results

If you regularly spend time with yourself and your body while working, it will thank you for it. excellent health And great mood. According to statistics, more than 70% of people who do exercises in the office are much less likely to suffer from colds and depression. They manage to do the same amount of work as the “hard workers” who forget about themselves.

Alternating work and rest is the key to good and productive work. Constant voltage leads to stress, illness and nervous breakdowns, taking a person out of the workforce for a long time.

Implementing industrial training for the eyes can reduce the risk of vision diseases by 30%. Exercises for the legs and arms relieve early symptoms of arthrosis and congestive pain in the limbs.

Warming up the spine will increase the overall tone of the body and help strengthen vitality. Its constant implementation can improve the somatic condition of the body and relieve problems with the digestive tract and blood circulation.

Regular five-minute office exercises refresh, improve the atmosphere and mood in the team, and set you up for work. It is better to do gymnastics in a well-ventilated room in order to improve the supply of oxygen to all cells of the body.

Now you know what exercises you need to do for office workers. Don't neglect this and always stay healthy and energetic. See you again!

A modern person spends most of the day sitting: eating, traveling in public transport, working, relaxing in a cafe or at home in front of a computer/TV, waiting in line to see a hairdresser or doctor. This problem affects office workers more than other categories of the population - they can spend almost the entire working day in a sitting position. Of course, such a lifestyle will sooner or later result in very serious diseases.

IN Soviet years There was industrial gymnastics, mandatory for all categories of workers. At a certain time, all organizations turned on the radio and performed a set of physical exercises at the expense of the presenter. Today, employers who feel responsible for the health of their subordinates organize gyms for them, and if this is not possible, offer them group physical education classes. If you are not very lucky with your boss and he does not consider it necessary to worry about your health, take care of it yourself - perform a set of simple exercises 1-2 times during the working day. These are exactly what we will talk about in our article. But first, we want to tell you exactly what diseases a sedentary lifestyle can lead to.

What are the dangers of sitting?

Persons who have sedentary work suffer from osteochondrosis.

In parallel with the increase in the number of office workers, the number of people suffering from pathologies of the musculoskeletal system is also increasing. First of all, these are degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spine, the most famous of which is. In addition, this category of people is also characterized by other diseases, in particular:

  • low back pain syndrome;
  • tense neck syndrome;
  • syndrome;
  • Hoffa's disease of the knee;
  • gastritis;
  • inflammatory lung diseases;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • obesity and others.

To prevent or at least reduce the risk of developing these diseases, office employees need to maintain the correct posture during work and periodically take breaks from work, during which they ventilate the room and perform a set of simple physical exercises. This will help activate blood flow (as people say, disperse the blood), speed up metabolic processes, relax tense muscles, which will ultimately improve a person’s well-being and increase his ability to work.

Types of industrial gymnastics

There are several varieties of it, among which the most relevant and in demand are physical education breaks and physical education minutes.

Each employee conducts physical education independently every 60-90 minutes. If you do not change your body position for a longer period of time, the intervertebral discs begin to experience excessive load, which will undoubtedly lead to pathological changes in them. A physical training session takes only 2-3 minutes, during which the employee performs 2-4 physical exercises.

A physical education break is an organized activity. It is carried out 1-2 times during the working day: 2-3 hours after the start of work and the same amount of time before the end of it. The duration of such a pause is 5-10 minutes, during which employees do exercises with audio accompaniment or following the recommendations of a video trainer.

In addition, each person should begin his workday by monitoring his work posture: assessing and adjusting the height of the chair, the location of the monitor and keyboard.

What to pay attention to

Before starting the exercises, you should not miss the following points:

  • it is necessary to ventilate the room in which classes will take place well;
  • the temperature and humidity of the air in it should not be too high (no more than 25 ° C and 70%);
  • If possible, exercises should be performed near your workplace;
  • It’s ideal if you select music that suits the tempo for your classes;
  • Training should be carried out in comfortable, loose clothing and suitable shoes– with a heel counter that securely fixes the heel, a hard sole, a comfortable last and a low, stable heel;
  • it is necessary to avoid too intense exercises (they activate sweating, and you are unlikely to be able to take a shower after exercise), high-amplitude swings and generally sudden movements (doing such exercises in office clothes will not be very comfortable and is fraught with cracked seams);
  • You should practice regularly – several times every day.


The choice of exercises is huge. The program must be developed depending on the gender, age, health status, level of fatigue and general physical fitness of employees. If, while performing exercises, a person suddenly feels unwell (notes the appearance of weakness, shortness of breath, dizziness or headache), he should take a break to rest, reduce the number of repetitions, and also consult a doctor.

We present to your attention some exercise options industrial gymnastics:

  1. Starting position (hereinafter IP): sitting on a chair, holding a small ball between your knees. Squeeze it as much as possible and maintain this position for as long as your muscles allow. 1 repetition is enough.
  2. IP: standing straight, feet shoulder-width apart, muscles of the anterior abdominal wall tense. “One” - press the heel of your left foot into the floor, hold it in this position for 7-10 seconds. “Two” - IP. Change leg. Number of repetitions – 10.
  3. IP: sitting on the edge of a chair, leaning forward, hands on the table. “One” - raise your buttocks above the chair, hold for 2-4 seconds. “Two” - return to IP. The number of repetitions is 15-20 times.
  4. IP: sitting on the edge of a chair, back straight, clasp the armrests with your hands. Tightening the muscles of your arms and chest, squeezing your elbows, pull the armrests towards you. The number of repetitions is 20 times. If your armrests are fragile, do not perform the exercise.
  5. IP: sitting on a chair. On the count of “one” – straighten your legs, pull your toes forward; raise your hands and pull them up. On the count of “two” - return to IP. Number of repetitions – 3 times.
  6. IP: standing behind a chair, placing your hands on its back. On the count of “one”, take one leg back and spread your arms to the sides. On the count of “two” - return to IP. On the count of “three”, move the other leg and also spread your arms. “Four” is again an individual entrepreneur. Number of repetitions – 4 times.
  7. IP: the same as in exercise 6. “One” - move your left leg to the side, raise your right arm. “Two” - return to IP. “Three, four” - do the same with opposite limbs. Repeat a total of 12 times.
  8. IP: sitting on a chair, legs and arms extended parallel to the floor. Bend your torso to the left and right, while spreading your arms. Perform 10 times in each direction.
  9. IP: sitting on a chair, legs extended parallel to the floor, hands on the belt. Pull your socks towards you one by one. Number of repetitions – 12 times.
  10. IP: standing straight, arms extended forward. “One” - spread your arms out to the sides as far as possible. “Two” - return to IP. Number of repetitions – 10 times.
  11. IP: sitting on a chair, back straight, shoulders apart. As you inhale, tighten your buttocks as much as possible, and as you exhale, pull in your stomach as much as possible. Do 20-30 repetitions. Perform the exercise rhythmically, do not hold your breath.
  12. IP: sitting on a chair, knees together, bent at a right angle, palms resting on the chair behind your back. Keeping your back straight, on the count of “one”, raise your legs bent at the knees, on the count of “two” - return to the IP. The number of repetitions is 15-30 times.

Exercise for the eyes

If you spend most of your working day at the computer or reading/writing papers, this can lead to visual impairment. When the eyes become overtired, the letters on the monitor or paper begin to double, pain and burning occurs in the eyes, they water and turn red. Even if the monitor is positioned correctly relative to the eyes and there is good lighting, the eyes simply need to take breaks from working. Ideally, they should last 10-15 minutes per hour. Alas, in most cases this is impossible, but it is not difficult to allocate 3-5 minutes per hour for special eye exercises. They will help relax overstrained muscles and relieve tension. You can perform them right at your workplace.

So you should:

  • periodically (every 60-120 minutes) switch vision from close to far - just look into the distance for 5-7 minutes;
  • close your eyes as much as possible, then open your eyes wide; repeat 10 times;
  • move your eyes up/down, left/right, rotate them clockwise and counterclockwise; repeat each movement 10 times;
  • bring your eyes to your nose (try to look at your own nose bridge), relax your eyes; repeat 10 times.


In the modern world, when most people spend many hours in a row sitting, the incidence of osteochondrosis and some other pathologies is steadily increasing. This is not surprising, because physical inactivity and a sedentary lifestyle are not the least important risk factors for their development.

To reduce the likelihood of encountering such diseases face to face, a person who works in an office, spending the entire working day sitting at a computer, is simply obliged to periodically take breaks during which to perform simple physical exercise. You can choose a suitable complex yourself, based on your level of physical fitness, the presence/absence of somatic diseases and taking into account a number of other factors. By performing them regularly, at least 1-2 times during the working day, after just a few sessions you will notice how your well-being has improved, pain in the head, back and joints has decreased, your legs have become less swollen, and, on the contrary, your performance and mood have increased . It’s not for nothing that they say that movement is life!

TV channel “Moscow. Trust,” certified trainer A. Miroshnikov offers a gymnastics option for office workers:

Industrial gymnastics exercises for enterprises and offices, developed by specialists from Dnepropetrovsk:

If you are sitting at desk, then you can perform a set of so-called invisible exercises during the working day, completely unnoticeable to others. For example, you can rest against a wall and feel your muscles tense. Such exercises are isometric and develop muscles no worse than those we are used to. dynamic exercises or weight-bearing exercises.

You can perform isometric exercises by resting against any stationary object - a doorway, wall, chair or tabletop. Maximum voltage muscles should not last more than 6 seconds.

Each exercise should be repeated 4-6 times in a row, and the entire workout will take you about 5-10 minutes.

The complex below can be repeated every 1.5–2 hours.

1. Sitting straight in a chair, move your shoulders and squeeze your shoulder blades together, tensing your back muscles. Hold this position for 5 seconds, then relax completely. Number of repetitions – 3–5 times.

2. Sitting on a chair, straighten your back, exhale deeply and draw in your stomach. Hold this position for 2 seconds, then relax completely. Repeat the exercise 6–8 times.

3. Sitting on a chair, grasp the seat with both palms from below and try to lift yourself up. Hold the position for 3-4 seconds, then relax completely. Number of repetitions – 5–6 times.

4. While sitting in a chair, squeeze your gluteal muscles. Hold the position for 4-6 seconds, then relax completely. Repeat the exercise 6–8 times.

5. Place your hands on the table top and press firmly. Hold the position for 7-10 seconds, then relax completely. Repeat the exercise 3–5 times.

6. Sitting on a chair, completely relax and inhale through your nose 3-4 times, and then calmly exhale through your mouth. Repeat the exercise 5–7 times.

During the break, you can allow yourself to move more actively. For example, develop a variety of muscle groups without using either an expander or dumbbells: the role of these equipment will be performed by your own muscles.

7. Place your (right) elbow on your stomach. In this case, the palm should be open, and the forearm and shoulder should form a right angle. Left palm align with the right one. Bend your right arm and try to overcome the resistance of the opposite arm. Repeat the exercise 4–6 times for each hand.

8. Connect your palms in front of your chest and move them left and right, overcoming resistance.

9. Place your (right) palm on your chin. Trying to overcome the resistance, turn your head to the right. Do the same to the left side with the other hand.

10. Place your palm on your thigh and, overcoming resistance, lift your leg up to the side.

The following exercises develop greater pectoral muscle, which is especially important for a woman losing weight. After all, while “burning” extra pounds, we must not forget about the need to strengthen and train our body. In particular, the breasts should not lose their elasticity. The exercises below should be performed 25 times in 4 sets.

11. Cross your arms so that right palm rested on the left forearm, and the left on the right. Mentally concentrate and, tensing your muscles, push your forearms to the sides with your palms.

12. Extend your arms forward and stretch, looking at your fingertips. Imagine that you need to push away a large and heavy object, for which you put all your strength into the movement.

13. Place your hands behind your back, rest them on your buttocks and bend over, feeling how your whole body tenses.

14. Interlace your fingers, extend your arms, turning their backs to your chest, and stretch well.

15. Holding the support, slowly lean back, gradually straightening your arms. Then let go of the support for a second and grab it again to avoid falling. The moment you release the support, your abdominal muscles will contract. Take the starting position and repeat this exercise 3-5 times.

16. Move the stool towards the table so that your knees are under its cover. Counting to ten and resting your knees on the table top, slowly lean back until your body reaches a horizontal position. At the same time, try not to lean on the floor or hold on to the legs of the stool. Feel your abdominal muscles tense and return to the starting position. Repeat this exercise several times. This exercise can be performed without a table.

17. Sit on the edge of a chair, resting your hands on it. As you exhale, lift your body up, leaning on your hands and tensing your abdominal and buttock muscles. Hold in this position for 5 counts and return to the starting position. Do the exercise until you get tired. It helps improve the condition of the muscles of the arms, abdomen, buttocks, and thighs.

18. Take the starting position as in the previous exercise. As you exhale, tilt your back back. At the same time stretching your legs forward. In this position, hold for 5 counts and return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise until your abdominal muscles become tired.

19. Sit on a chair, resting your hands on it, straighten your legs and raise them low above the floor. Perform the scissor exercise by alternating your legs.

20. Sit on the edge of a chair so that your shoulder blades touch its back. Place your arms along your body, stretch your legs forward and squeeze your knees tightly. Slowly raise your legs to a height of 30 cm from the floor, being careful not to spread your knees. Inhale, rest your shoulders against the back of the chair, and count to ten as you exhale. Repeat the exercise 3-5 times.

21. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Raise your arms one at a time, trying to reach as high as possible. This exercise develops the side muscles. It should be done regularly and stretch each hand for at least 5 seconds.

22. Take a deep breath, raise your arms and lean to the left. Take your starting position and lean to the right. Your movements should be strong and energetic. As you bend, count to five. Repeat the exercise several times for each side.

23. Stand in doorway, leaning against the doorframe with his back, heels and head. Raise your leg and place it against the other doorframe so as to block the passage. Tighten your muscles as if you want to push a doorway open. At the same time, you should feel the lower abdominal muscles tense. Repeat the exercise.

24. Stand close to the wall, rise on tiptoes and stretch upward, counting to seven and at the same time resting your back against the wall. Repeat the exercise several times!

25. Do 13 squats while holding the back of a chair. Make sure your knees don't move apart. Bounce on your toes, exhaling on each squat. Try to complete the exercise without interruption.

26. Sitting on a chair, straighten your back, raise your arms, throw back your head and try to lean back as far as possible. This exercise must be repeated 10 times.

27. Stand up straight, spread your arms to the sides. Start walking in place, raising your legs as high as possible. Do this exercise for at least 3 minutes.

28. Starting position – standing, legs spread shoulder-width apart, arms raised up. Swing your arms straight down and cross them in front of your chest, then return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 30 times.

29. Stand straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart, spread your arms to the sides. Circular rotation of the body to the right and left. Number of repetitions – 30.

30. Stand straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart, lower your right arm along your body, and rest your left arm against the wall. Rotate your torso to the right side, pulling your shoulder back and down. Change hands and perform the exercise to the left side. Number of repetitions – 20.

31. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, place your right hand behind your back. Lift up left hand, put it behind your head and pull your right hand by the elbow. Perform the exercise for 10–20 seconds. Number of repetitions – 20.

Every woman would like to have smooth, round calves and slender hips. But, unfortunately, not all representatives of the fair sex have ideally shaped legs. For some they are too thin, for others, on the contrary, they are full. Women try to hide such shortcomings either with trousers or very long skirts. And you can only dream about miniskirts or shorts, because such clothes emphasize the flaws of the figure.

Currently, toning and shaping specialists have developed a lot of exercises with which you can correct most leg muscle deficiencies. However, these exercises must be performed regularly, otherwise the exercises will be of little use. The best exercises are those involving raising your toes. However, for these exercises to give the expected effect, they must be performed not on the floor, but standing on a steppe or, for example, on a thick book.

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